Monthly Archives: November 2023

2023-11-30: News Headlines

Scott Ritter, Consortium News. (2023-11-30). The End Of US Nuclear Superiority. On November 1, the U.S. Air Force was forced to explosively "terminate" the flight test of a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). This meant blowing it up in the air after it exhibited unspecified in-flight anomalies to engineers monitoring its progress. | The test launch, carried out by the U.S. Air Force's Global Strike Command, is, according to the Air Force, "part of routine and periodic activities intended to demonstrate that the United States' nuclear deterrent is safe, secure, reliable, and effective to deter 21st century threats and reassure our allies." | The U.S. Air Force maintains…

Scott Ritter (2023-11-30). The End of US Nuclear Superiority. Scott Ritter.

Pressenza New York (2023-11-30). Groups Call on the U.S. Sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. At a vigil on Thursday, November 30, outside the U.S. Mission to the U.N., the Atlantic Life Community, Nukewatch, NYC War Resisters League, and others will call on the U.S. to be the first nuclear armed state to respond to the global demand for nuclear disarmament and sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. This would push the other 8 nuclear powers to do the same, then all could ratify the Treaty together and implement a warhead disarmament regimen, backing humankind away from 78 years teetering at the edge of the nuclear abyss. | U.S. Sign the Treat Vigil | 12: 30 pm, Thursday, November 30 | The United States Miss…

Editor (2023-11-30). The Eyes on the Board Act Is Yet Another Misguided Attempt to Limit Social Media for Teens. By Jason Kelley / Electronic Frontier Foundation Young people's access to social media continues to be under attack by overreaching politicians. The latest effort, Senator Ted Cruz's blunt "Eyes on the Board" Act, aims to end social media's use entirely in schools. This heavy-handed plan to cut federal funding to any school that doesn't block …

infobrics (2023-11-30). How F-16s for Kiev regime could spark wider NATO-Russia war. How would NATO deliver F-16s and where exactly would they be based? Neighboring Poland and Romania both operate these jets and already have the necessary infrastructure, making them the likeliest candidates for stopgap basing. In addition, Slovakia and Bulgaria are in the process of acquiring F-16s and are rapidly building similar infrastructure, meaning they too are able to do the same or at least they will be soon. However, will Russia really tolerate this, considering that F-16s using NATO airbases would make them a party to the conflict?>

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-11-30). NATO Further Postpones Ukraine's Membership.

Codepink (2023-11-30). Kurt Campbell: A China Warmonger in Diplomat Clothes. President Joe Biden has tapped Kurt Campbell, his administration's National Security Council Asia coordinator, for Deputy Secretary of State. If the Senate confirms Campbell, he'll be the latest in a line of American officials who are supposed to serve as diplomats, but instead wage war backed by arms dealers and fossil fuel companies. | By Cale Holmes and Melissa Garriga | The concerns about President Biden's cabinet being filled with individuals with ties to the military-industrial complex, such as Lloyd Austin and Antony Blinken, are further emphasized by the inclusion of Kurt Campbell. Campbell's background r…

Drago Bosnic (2023-11-30). How F-16s for Kiev Regime Could Spark Wider NATO-Russia War.

WSWS (2023-11-30). Bernie Sanders: The left face of genocide. With the death toll in Gaza exceeding 15,000 and the horror of Israel's war of annihilation made even more clear by on-the-spot reports during the bombing lull, and worldwide protests against the genocide continuing unabated, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is seeking to present himself as an evenhanded advocate for both the Israeli state and the Palestinians.

EcoWaste Coalition (2023-11-30). Baguio City, Philippines Ramps Up Advocacy for Safe E-Waste Management. 30 November 2023, Quezon City. The Baguio City Government is dead serious in promoting the safe management of electronic waste, or e-waste, to prevent toxic pollution and to protect the health of citizens and the ecosystems. | At a lively forum held last Tuesday (November 28, 2023) at Bakakeng Central, Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong exhorted the people, especially the youth, to take steps to prevent and reduce e-waste, which includes a wide range of discarded electrical and electronic products and their parts that often contain hazardous materials. Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong pushes for proper manag…

mforinoco (2023-11-30). West Admits Ukraine is Losing Proxy War. By Brian Berletic — Nov 27, 2023 | After nearly 2 years of portraying the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as unfolding in Kiev and the collective West's favor, a sudden deluge of admissions have begun saturating Western headlines noting that Ukraine is not only losing, but that there is little or nothing its Western backers can do to change this fact. | What had been a narrative of Ukraine's steady gains and indomitable fighting spirit has now been replaced by the reality of Ukraine's catastrophic losses (as well as net territorial losses) and a steady collapse of morale among troops. What had been narratives of…

infobrics (2023-11-30). Serbian President's wife and associates support Ukraine, sparking controversy in Serbia. Although the Serbian media generally underreport Tamara's activities, all in order to hide her unpopular behavior, the news travels through the grapevine, prompting protests and angry rebukes from patriotic organizations and political parties.

Ahmed Adel (2023-11-30). US Military Aid to Ukraine May be Postponed Until After 2024 Elections.

Desanka Handson (2023-11-30). Serbian President's Wife and Associates Support Ukraine, Sparking Controversy in Serbia.

infobrics (2023-11-30). Czech Republic received little support in its latest anti-Russia actions. Russian energy still keeps the Czech Republic warm during winter.

infobrics (2023-11-30). Baltic states ignore basic principles of European security. Baltic states criticize Russian Federation's participation in a European security conference and irresponsibly try to boycott the OSCE.

Pressenza India (2023-11-30). The Dalits and the history of their unbridled suffering. It is difficult to discern the history of the genesis of the Dalits, as their history is intermingled with the Indian religious and mythical substances. The historians are not in unison in this case; rather in some issues related to it, they have created more complicated ambiguities. But it is more or less acknowledged now that some targeted groups have been marginalized systematically. Then what was the story? | By Muhammad Tanim Nowshad | The most common story once prevailed in the history books narrated the Aryan invasion theory. The foreign marauders of central Asia, Russia, and Iran attacked the local native…

Tamara Nassar (2023-11-30). Israel executes 8-year-old in broad daylight. Israel invades Jenin, destroys infrastructure.

Leila Warah, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-30). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 54: Two Children Killed By Israeli Forces. While many of the people in Gaza are spending Wednesday, the last day of the temporary truce, trying to collect basic necessities like food and cooking oil in preparation for the Israeli bombardment to resume, political leaders are discussing yet another extension. | Under the four-day truce deal, which began on Friday and has already been extended by two more days, Hamas has released 60 of about 240 captives from the Gaza Strip, and Israel has released 180 Palestinian political prisoners, all women and children. | Another round of hostage exchanges is expected to take place on Wednesday evening. | Ghazi Hamad, a…

WSWS (2023-11-30). Green Party conference in Karlsruhe: Militarism and dictatorship, agitation against refugees. In foreign policy, Germany's Greens have long positioned themselves as the most aggressive imperialist party. The former pacifists now play the same reactionary role in domestic politics.

A Guest Author (2023-11-30). Hamas's message to world movement:'Increase interaction, solidarity, by all possible means'. The following remarks were made by Hamas — Islamic Resistance Forces — at a press conference on Nov. 28, 2023. Mercy for the convoys of our righteous martyrs in the Gaza Strip, the occupied West Bank, the city of Al-Quds, and in the refugee and diaspora camps in Lebanon, whose . . . |

Angela (2023-11-30). Tuesday 11/28: Urgent Action: Immigrant Youth for Palestine Power Hour! Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2023-11-30). Winter 2023 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! Breaking his campaign promise — amid a migrant crisis, Biden to build new section of racist border wall! (2023-11-30). North Korea beefs up weapons, troops on border after military pact suspended. North Korea has deployed soldiers and heavy weapons at guard posts near the border with South Korea. (2023-11-30). Russia: US played 'destructive role' in Gaza war. Russia says the United States has escalated the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas by playing a "destructive role" there. (2023-11-30). Henry Kissinger dead at 100: The warmonger's legacy. Henry Kissinger, one of the most influential and controversial diplomats of the twentieth century, is dead at 100. (2023-11-30). Israeli forces kill two Palestinian children in extensive raid on Jenin. Two Palestinian children have been shot dead by Israeli troops in their attack on Jenin city in the occupied West Bank. (2023-11-30). Israeli forces kill Palestinian youth during clashes near Ramallah. Israeli military forces have killed a Palestinian youth and injured four others during clashes near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah. (2023-11-30). Humans of Gaza: 3-year-old Reem, grandfather's 'essence of soul'. Reem and her 5-year-old brother Tareq were both killed when an Israeli airstrike brought down their home after hitting the Al Nuseirat refugee camp in southern Gaza.

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-11-30). The Dublin Riots: The Aftermath. The recent horrific events in Dublin left many in shock as a stabbing incident developed into an anti-immigration rally, which in turn developed into a riot as a tram, busses and Garda cars were set on fire. In the early afternoon a man stabbed three children and a care assistant (who were taken to hospital). …

WSWS (2023-11-30). Sri Lanka Telecom workers strike against privatisation and social cuts. The one-day national strike by Telecom workers powerfully demonstrated their determination to fight the Wickremesinghe government's austerity measures.

WSWS (2023-11-30). Australian pseudo-left seeking to divert anger over Gaza genocide behind Labor, unions. The pseudo-left is seeking to bolster illusions in Labor and the union bureaucracy, the very forces in Australia that are supporting and facilitating Israel's genocide of the Palestinians. (2023-11-30). Comicomment: Actions and collaborations needed for a healthy planet. The 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP28, will be held in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, from Nov. 30 to Dec. 12. COP28 will mark a significant milestone as it responds to the first-ever Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-30). Uruguayan experts research alleged cases of equine encephalomyelitis. The General Directorate of Livestock Services at the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) is waiting for the results of samples sent to the laboratory. | Technicians from the MAGP Animal Health Directorate are attending to notifications of suspicions through epidemiological research and the extraction of blood samples from the sick equines with nervous and respiratory symptoms. | Livestock Services Deputy Director Jorge Viera told Subrayado, a local media outlet, that the technicians visited 13 farms where animals were suspected of having contracted the disease. | Viera added that morbidity an…

Jeff Schuhrke, In These Times. (2023-11-30). The Labor Movement's History Of Backing Israel. As the Israeli government carries out what experts describe as a potential genocide in Gaza‚Äâ—‚Äâwith full political, financial, and military backing from the United States‚Äâ—‚Äâmillions of people around the world are mobilizing to demand an immediate cease-fire and a free Palestine. Workers in the United States, including numerous rank-and-file unionists and local union representatives, are similarly speaking out against the ongoing siege and bombardment of Gaza and pledging their solidarity with Palestinian trade unions, which hav…

Tenant, Neighborhood Councils (2023-11-30). Tenants Fighting Eviction Picket KP Market, Threatening Boycott.

Danny O'Brien (2023-11-30). Open Rafah border for aid to Gaza. Delegation and Egyptian friends in front of bus and shipment going to Rafah Crossing. In the first weeks of November 2023, an international delegation of activists, lawyers, and journalists traveled to Cairo. They were joined by this writer and Sara Flounders of Workers World Party. This delegation was initiated by . . . |

Robert Fantina (2023-11-30). Israel's Foreign Labourers: Exploitation is the Norm. A recent (November 26) report by CNN discusses a problem apartheid Israel is facing because of the Hamas uprising of October 7. The 'journalists' who wrote the article bemoan the fact that, due to that action, at least 10,000 farmworkers, and possibly as many as 40,000, have departed Israel since that day, and more are

Alex Majumdar (2023-11-30). PDF of November 30 issue. Download the PDF. 54th National Day of Mourning demands: 'Land Back, from Turtle Island to Palestine!' Beyond 'Cease-fire now' Palestinian struggle reflects strength and solidarity of women Download the PDF. More PDF back-issues here. |

WSWS (2023-11-30). Indiana government slaps pathetic $7,000 fine on Amazon for death of 20-year-old worker. The wrist-slap punishment for the death of Caes Gruesbeck shows the government is an enabler for the trillion-dollar company, which views workers as replaceable machines.

WSWS (2023-11-30). The plight of Thai workers in Israel. Tens of thousands of highly exploited Thai agricultural workers remain in Israel as the Netanyahu government has intensified its genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza.

WSWS (2023-11-30). UAW officials move to shut down BCBS strike with sellout "verbal agreement" The UAW and Blue Cross Blue Shield announced a "verbal agreement" to end the 11-week strike without meeting workers' demands…

A Guest Author (2023-11-30). The ongoing Nakba: Towards a legal framework for Palestine. Harvard Graduate Students for Palestine rally, November 2023. A week after Oct. 7, after Israel's all-out assault on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip had already killed thousands of civilians, the editors of the Harvard Law Review reached out to solicit an essay from Palestinian scholar Rabea Eghbariah, who was a . . . | (2023-11-30). Actress Cynthia Nixon launches hunger strike calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Cynthia Nixon, joined by state legislators and activists, launches a hunger strike calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-30). CEO calls for closer Sino-U.S. ties in medical devices. Increased cooperation between Chinese and U.S. companies in the medical device sector can drive technological advancements in both countries and contribute to the betterment of global healthcare, said a senior executive with MitrAssist Lifesciences.

Abayomi Azikiwe, Black Agenda Report. (2023-11-30). Resistance Regionalizes As Yemeni Navy Seizes Israeli-Linked Vessel. United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken among other high level White House officials have repeatedly stated since October 7 that one of their major objectives is to prevent the regionalization of the upsurge of resistance to the State of Israel in Gaza. | However, it is Washington which has laid the groundwork for an already broad area of conflict throughout West Asia from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf. | In the specific case of Yemen, the Pentagon, under successive administrations, has engaged in occupations, bombing operations and proxy wars. Between 2015 and 2022, the U.S., backing Saud…

Black Alliance for Peace (2023-11-30). Genocide in Occupied Palestine and Collective Punishment for the People of Afghanistan.

Editor (2023-11-30). Nov 30, 2023. The Dead South — In Hell I'll Be In Good Company Gaza Conflict: End Game Not in Sight, by Yves Smith Israel's Savagery Is So Shocking It's Sometimes Hard To Take In, by Caitlin Johnstone 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 54, by Leila Warah — Mondoweiss MoA: On Gaza Biden Has To Climb Down More Than He Already Has A Blunt Message for Israel, by Venezuela's ambassador to the UN Crooke on Context; Zakharova on Biden, by Karl Sanchez (Videos) What lies behind Benjamin Netanyahu's lies and Hamas's evasions, by Thierry Meyssan Does "Jewish money" Influence American Politics? — NOI Resea…

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-30). Israeli Minister in Charge of West Bank Says Territory Is Home to '2 Million Nazis'. Bezalel Smotrich, the extremist Israeli finance minister who's been given sweeping powers over the West Bank, has said the occupied territory is home to "2 million Nazis," referring to part of the Palestinian population. It's estimated that around 3 million Palestinians live in the West Bank. The Times of Israel reported that Smotrich made the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-30). Israeli Minister in Charge of West Bank Says Territory Is Home to '2 Million Nazis'. Bezalel Smotrich, the extremist Israeli minister in charge of the West Bank, has said the occupied territory is home to "2 million Nazis," referring to part of the Palestinian population. It's estimated that around 3 million Palestinians live in the West Bank. The Times of Israel reported that Smotrich made the comments in an apparent …

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-11-30). Gaza truce extended for another day amid intense pressure. Netanyahu vows to "fight until the end" as more prisoners are exchanged.

Eva Bartlett (2023-11-30). Interviewed by Fiorella Isabel: "Israel-Palestine, 4 Day Ceasefire Begins, with Eva Bartlett"

Janine Jackson (2023-11-30). Milei is 'really as extreme as you get in Right-Wing Libertarian ideas'. CounterSpin interview with Mark Weisbrot on Javier Milei.

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies (2023-11-30). Can US Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East? Protesters wave Palestinian, Lebanese, and Hezbollah flags and hold a picture of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah during a Palestine solidarity rally in Lebanon. (Credit: GETTY IMAGES) While Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has been frantically shuttling around the Middle East trying to stop the Israeli conflict in Gaza from exploding into a regional war, the …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-30). International Day in Solidarity with the Palestinian People: the call heard around the world. On the International Day in Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the people of the world are demanding a fully liberated Palestine. November 29 was also the last day of the temporary pause in the Israeli war on Gaza, negotiated between Israel and Hamas. However, a day long extension was achieved through Mass movements around the world are standing unequivocally with the people of Palestine, facing a genocidal war in Gaza with at least 15,000 Pale…

Ralph Nader (2023-11-30). An Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress on Hamas-Israel-Gaza Genocide. Ralph Nader.

Vijay Prashad (2023-11-30). The Dangerously Appealing Style of the Far Right. Emilio Pettoruti (Argentina), ArlequiÃÅn ('Harlequin'), 1928. Before he won Argentina's presidential election on 19 November, Javier Milei circulated a video of himself in front of a series of white boards. Pasted on one board were the names of various state institutions, such as the ministries of health, education, women and gender diversities, public works, and culture, all recognised …

Cesar Chelala (2023-11-30). Thinking about Post-War Gaza. One day hostilities between Israelis and Palestinians will end, and hope will be reborn. One day reason (or plain exhaustion) will prevail. But the remnants of the war —tens of thousands of dead and injured, hundreds of thousands of terrified people—, will be a constant reminder of the futility and cruelty of war. And those

Daniel Jaffee (2023-11-30). The Real Cost of Bottled Water. Demand for bottled water is actually higher among those who are on the losing end of the deterioration of U.S. public water infrastructure, and whose tap water is perceived and/or documented to be unsafe to drink: low-income, Black, and Latino/a households. This indicates that the market for bottled water is now a dual one, in which, Rosinger and coauthors write, "higher income adults drink bottled water for convenience, whereas lower-income adults may drink bottled water because of tap water access issues."

Larry Johnson (2023-11-30). From Israeli Defense Force to Israeli Occupation force — Conduct Unbecoming. The two boys pictured above were murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces. I will no longer refer to the Israeli troops as IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). Israeli troops are not behaving like a disciplined army when they systematically are mistreating and shooting unarmed civilians. I recognize there are times in war when a soldier can make a mistake and, in the heat of battle, inadvertently kill a civilian. That is not what is going on here. I am posting this video evidence as circumstantial proof that these are not isolated incidents. It is a reprehensible policy and presents visual evidence of criminal beh…

Norman Solomon (2023-11-30). For Media Elites, War Criminal Henry Kissinger Was a Great Man. For U.S. mass media, Henry Kissinger's quip that "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac" rang true. Influential reporters and pundits often expressed their love for him. The media establishment kept swooning over one of the worst war criminals in modern history. After news of his death broke on Wednesday night, prominent coverage echoed the kind that had followed him ever since his years with President Richard Nixon, while they teamed up to oversee vast carnage in Southeast Asia.

Omar Ramahi (2023-11-30). Calling for Genocide. While anti-Islam manifestations have exponentially increased after the Israeli onslaught on the Palestinians in Gaza, the case of Stuart Seldowtiz is different for many reasons. Seldowitz had a high-ranking position in the State Department at a time when the US was outsourcing torture to countries like Egypt and Syria. According to, "At least 136 individuals were reportedly extraordinarily rendered or secretly detained by the CIA and at least 54 governments reportedly participated in the CIA's secret detention and extraordinary rendition program; classified government documents may reveal ma…

Editor (2023-11-30). The Pentagon Just Can't Pass an Audit. (2023-11-30). UK witnesses coldest November since 2010. People in various parts of the UK face the coldest nights in over a decade, with snow and ice warnings looming for the next three days… (2023-11-30). Henry Kissinger, American diplomat and Nobel winner, dead at 100. Henry Kissinger died at his home in Connecticut no mention was made of the circumstances of his death…

The Independent (2023-11-30). Engineer, two others found dead in Kawempe septic tank. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Residents of Komamboga Central Zone in Kawempe,Division, a Kampala city suburb are in shock after a yet to be explained death of three people in a new septic tank. The dead include the site engineer. According to eyewitnesses, the trio seem to have died in the process of fixing …

The Independent (2023-11-30). Minister Magyezi attends stormy session that throws out Masaka City Speaker. Masaka, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Masaka City Councilors have passed a vote of no confidence against Tony Ssempijja as the Speaker, accusing him of abuse of office and social misconduct. Ssempijja who is the councilor representing Kimanya-Kabonera division, was impeached on Wednesday in a majority vote, during an extraordinary council session presided over by the …

Allen Forrest (2023-11-30). A Government Killing Its Own Citizens?

Dan Lieberman (2023-11-30). Battle for the Minds. During the first decade of the 21st century, a battle between the Religious Right and the New Atheists emerged. Both were gaining strength from charismatic leaders, able to articulate their beliefs and accumulate followers. Energized by George W. Bush's faith-based presidency, the Religious Right, the most politically active of organized religions, attempted to direct local …

Editor (2023-11-30). Padua burns for Giulia. Fifteen thousand people marched through the streets after a young woman's murder. 'Femicide is not a crime of passion, it is a crime of power. It is a state murder, because the state does not defend us and does not protect us.'

Frank Cappello (2023-11-30). LEVER TIME: Artificial Intelligence Is Denying Americans Health Care.

Gavin OReilly (2023-11-30). The Dublin Riots and BLM — A Comparison of Reactions.

mforinoco (2023-11-30). 'From Danielle and Emilia' — Freed Israeli Woman Thanks Qassam Brigades. The letter was first communicated by the military media of Al-Qassam, and has widely circulated in Arab and Middle Eastern media. | A freed Israeli captive thanked Al-Qassam fighters in Gaza 'from the bottom of her heart', for their humanity and kind treatment of her and her daughter Emilia while held in Gaza since October 7. | The now-freed Israeli woman, Danielle, was freed along with her daughter Emilia Aloni, 6, as part of the first prisoner swap between the Resistance and Israel on Friday, November 24. | ISRAELI CHANNEL 12: The head of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, met wit…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-30). The Islamic State (ISIS), the Pentagon's "Caliphate Project" and the "Global War on Terrorism" The Al Qaeda legend and the threat of the "Outside Enemy" is sustained through extensive media propaganda. In…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-30). MEPs notify WHO that IHR amendments "adopted" in 2022 are null and void in the absence of evidence of a vote having taken place. 12 Members of the European Parliament ("MEPs") wrote to the World Health Organisation demanding "conclusive and unambiguous evidence" that International Health Regulations ("IHR") amendments "adopted" by the World Health Assembly in May …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-30). WHO notified that the Netherlands can only be bound by IHR amendments after approval by Parliament, and that hasn't happened. On Tuesday, Member of the Netherlands Parliament Wybren van Haga wrote to the World Health Organisation's ("WHO's") Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to inform him that the 2022 amendments to the International …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-30). Philippines notifies WHO it rejects the amendments to International Health Regulations "in toto" On Tuesday, the House of Representatives ("HOR") of the Republic of the Philippines passed a resolution to reject the World Health Organisation's ("WHO's") amendments to the International Health Regulations ("IHR") adopted by …

Three Way Fight (2023-11-30). Contending with the Present and Building a Future for Antifascism in the Pacific Northwest. Antifascist researcher and author Shane Burley addresses the changing terrain of antifascism in the Pacific Northwest region. Originally posted to Three Way Fight. This essay is adapted from a talk delivered at the Territories of White Supremacy: Opposing the Far Right in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond conference in Eugene, Oregon on October 13th, 2023. By…

Pressenza New York (2023-11-30). A Unified Call for Justice and Freedom in Palestine. We, the undersigned Palestinian higher education institutions from occupied Palestine unite in a call for justice, humanity, and an end to 75 years of Israel's regime of Israel's indiscriminate bombardment of our 2.3 million Palestinian civilians i…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-11-30). Pentagon Blames Somalian Pirates for Attempted Vessel Seizure.

WSWS (2023-11-30). The Stones and Brian Jones: A talented rock musician who shone brightly but briefly. A new documentary draws a detailed portrait of the founder of the Rolling Stones without offering much insight into his life and times.

WSWS (2023-11-30). Israeli military kills two children in West Bank raid on last day of Gaza truce. The continuation of daily raids on the West Bank during the six-day truce in the bombardment of Gaza underscores the commitment of the Israeli regime to a policy of genocide against the Palestinian people, for which it enjoys the support of the imperialist powers in North America and Europe.

WSWS (2023-11-30). Democratic Majority Leader Schumer libels anti-genocide student protesters as "aiders and abettors" of antisemitism. Schumer's speech, which was warmly received by Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the mainstream press, is an incitement to more intense repression of pro-Palestinian student groups and anti-genocide protesters. (2023-11-30). Protests in Lebanon demand permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Protesters gathered in central Beirut on Wednesday (November 29) in support of Palestinians. (2023-11-30). Hamas says temporary Gaza truce extended for 7th day. Hamas says a six-day truce with Israel in the Gaza Strip has been extended for one more day. (2023-11-30). Iran says Israeli regime must be brought to justice for war on Gaza. Iran's FM urges more effective measures to stop Israel's attacks on Gaza and bring the regime to justice. (2023-11-30). Pro-Palestine protest in London targets subsidiary of Israeli weapons company Elbit. Pro-Palestinian protesters have gathered outside the office of the real estate consulting company "Fisher German" in London, demanding the closure of this company due to its ties with the Israeli weapons company "Elbit Systems." (2023-11-30). Iran ready to boost military cooperation with Saudi Arabia: Top general. Iran's top general says the Armed Forces are fully prepared to promote military ties with Saudi Arabia. (2023-11-30). US claims it foiled Indian plot to kill Sikh separatist leader. The United States has said it foiled an alleged Indian plot to assassinate an American-Canadian citizen in New York. (2023-11-30). Snow tourism set for robust growth. This winter, or the first skiing season after China optimized its COVID-19 response measures, the ice and snow-related tourism sector in China is poised for strong growth. (2023-11-30). Asia 'set to continue fueling growth'. Asia is expected to continue to account for the majority of global growth in 2024 and 2025, as it has in 2023, while global growth overall will remain moderate. (2023-11-30). COP28 can't ignore Gaza impact: Experts. The United Nations' COP28 climate conference in Dubai from Nov 30 to Dec 12 should not ignore the environmental disaster unfolding in the current Palestine-Israel conflict, experts say, while environmental action and compensation should be incorporated into any rebuilding process in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-30). Thawing U.S.-China ties lead way in climate steps. A cooling of tensions in U.S.-China relations could advance the global fight against climate change and bolster the COP28 summit, experts say. (2023-11-30). Undersea data center proves its worth. The core equipment of the commercial underwater data center, with a design life of 25 years, was successfully installed on Friday. (2023-11-30). Archaeological findings decode islanders' home. Austronesian peoples' millennia-long odyssey over high waves is probably one of the earliest and largest maritime migrations in human history. Chinese archaeologists' research in recent years now offers crucial clues to trace how this saga started. (2023-11-30). Wang Yi urges full cease-fire as truce between Israel-Hamas set to expire. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday emphasized the need for a comprehensive cease-fire in Palestine, called for renewed commitment to the two-state solution and urged the United Nations Security Council to take responsible and meaningful actions. (2023-11-30). China to review anti-dumping measure on wine from Australia. China will conduct a review on the anti-dumping and countervailing measures applicable to imported wine originating from Australia, said the Ministry of Commerce in an online notice on Thursday.

John W. Whitehead, Nisha Whitehead (2023-11-30). The White House Goes Rogue: Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws. The government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from its mass spying programs as long as we've done nothing wrong. Don't believe it. It doesn't matter whether you obey every law. The government's definition of a "bad" guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding …

Pressenza IPA (2023-11-30). New Report Highlights Severe Spikes in Arrests and Prosecutions of LGBT and Gender-diverse People in 2023. Geneva, 30 November 2023 — Arrests and prosecutions for consensual same-sex sexual acts, and on the grounds of diverse gender expressions, continued to take place across the world in 2023 and in previous years, a report by ILGA World revealed today. | Despite limited official data available, ILGA World has documented evidence of enforcement in at least 32 United Nations Member States in the first six months of 2023 alone. For the second edition of its

Manlio Dinucci (2023-11-30). September 11 in the Middle East: Israel's Intelligence and Military "Caught by Surprise" by Hamas Attack? Was It a "False Flag"? Manlio Dinucci.

Dr. Ahmad Alderzi (2023-11-30). Netanyahu's Insistence on the Continuation of the War. "Will the War Get Out of Control": Interview with Dr. Ahmad Alderzi.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-30). Unemployment rate continues upward trend in Chile. The institution pointed out in a press release that in the Metropolitan Region, where the capital is, the unemployment rate is even higher and reached 9.8 percent. | As usual, women are the most affected by the lack of jobs, with a nationwide indicator of 9.1 percent compared to men (8.7 percent). | According to INE, the growth of Chile's working age population remains above the capacity to create new jobs. | The economic sectors with the highest employment during the analyzed quarter were health care, public administration and commerce. | Informal employment fell slightly to 27.0 percent, with a 0.2-percent dro…

noreply (2023-11-30). You May Say He's A Dreamer…

The Exposé (2023-11-30). COVID Vaccines linked to Explosive Rates of Cancer Deaths in Young People with 4x Vaccinated Teens, Young Adults & Middle-Aged up to SHOCKING 318% more likely to Die of any cause than the Unvaccinated. (2023-11-30). Sri Lankans rally outside US embassy, denounce its support for Israel. Hundreds of Sri Lankan protesters gather in front of the US embassy in Colombo to denounce Washington's support for Tel Aviv.

Angela (2023-11-30). Tuesday 11/28: Berkeley City Council Meeting for Ceasefire Resolution. 1231 Addison St. | Berkeley, CA…

Angela (2023-11-30). Wednesday 11/29: Marin Vigil for Palestine. Outside of Representative Huffman's office | 1002 4th Street and City Plaza | San Rafael, CA…

Brenda Norrell (2023-11-30). U.S. War Crimes Result in Hate Crimes. While the United States continues to provide weapons for war crimes and genocide in Palestine, hate crimes toward Palestinians increased in the United States. Three Palestinians were shot last night in Vermont. This comes after a former US State Department was arrested for a racist rant and charged with a hate crime, after verbally assaulting a food vendor in New York City. (2023-11-30). Thousands protest in Lyon in solidarity with Palestinian. Thousands of demonstrators joined a pro-Palestine rally in Lyon to demand ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-30). New York City protesters disrupt Black Friday shopping to support Palestinians in Gaza. Dozens of protesters gather near Macy's megastore in Manhattan, disrupting Black Friday shopping to show support for Palestinians.

Angela (2023-11-30). Wednesday 11/29: Free screening of "People of the Land" The New Parkway Theater | 474 24th St, Oakland, CA 94612 | Oakland, CA…

Angela (2023-11-30). Wednesday 11/29: Understanding Christian Zionism Teach-In. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-30). Thursday 11/30: November Codepink Community Call. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Hosted by pslbayarea, bayareapym (2023-11-30). Wednesday 11/29: SF: Shut it down! For Palestine. Blackrock, 400 Howard st, SF… (2023-11-30). Crowds pack China's Beijing hospital after respiratory illness surge. Eyewitness footage showed an overcrowded waiting area at the Beijing Children's Hospital. (2023-11-30). Thousands rally in Nuremberg, demanding permanent Gaza ceasefire. Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators marched in Nuremberg to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-30). Pakistan's Lahore, Karachi blanketed rank as two most polluted cities in world. Toxic smog engulfed Pakistan's Lahore on Tuesday (November 28). (2023-11-30). Iran urges UN to revive resolution equating Zionism with racism, racial discrimination. Iran calls on the UN to revive its 1975 resolution that described Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination. (2023-11-30). US, Israel 'main losers' of Gaza war, 'incapable' of eliminating Hamas: Iran. Iran's foreign minister says the US and Israel have failed to eradicate the Palestinian Hamas resistance group and lost their war on the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-30). Iran: Afghanistan-like escape awaits US troops in Syria, Iraq. Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi says "escape" is the ultimate fate of US occupation forces in Syria and Iraq, as it was the case in Afghanistan. (2023-11-30). Palestinian flag raised above Oslo City Hall in solidarity with people in Gaza. The Palestinian flag has been raised at the Oslo City Hall in solidarity with the people in Gaza. (2023-11-30). Palestinian FM pleads for international help for his nation against 'existential threat'. The Palestinian foreign minister has pleaded with the world to provide international protection to the Palestinian people, whom he said "are faced with an existential threat". (2023-11-30). Resistance operation exposed Israeli spy network inside Iran: Islamic Jihad. The Islamic Jihad says the al-Aqsa Storm Operation led to the exposure of the Israeli regime's espionage network inside Iran. (2023-11-30). Hamas releases 14 more captives in sixth phase of swap deal with Israel. Hamas releases 14 more captives it had been holding since an operation staged against the occupied territories. (2023-11-30). 'Gaza health situation catastrophic despite truce; hospitals buckle under shortage'. Gaza Health Ministry spokesman warns about the "catastrophic" situation of hospitals in Gaza despite a truce. (2023-11-30). Pentagon says has no money for Middle East buildup, forced to reassess US operations. Pentagon reveals that the US military is short of funding for its involvement in the Israeli war on Gaza. (2023-11-30). NAM voices concern over Israel's use of prohibited weapons in Gaza. The Non-Aligned Movement expresses deep concern over the use of internationally-banned munitions by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon. (2023-11-30). Israeli firm changes shipping route for fear of Yemeni attacks. An Israeli shipping firm decides to change the route used by its vessels to avoid possible attacks from Yemen amid the Gaza war. (2023-11-30). Father of British student killed by Israel slams its 'inhuman' military tactics. Father of a British student killed by Israeli soldiers has urged Israel to change its 'unethical and inhuman' military tactics.

David Starr (2023-11-30). The Political Inquisition of Rashida Tlaib. Another example of the United States, as an empire, fully supporting Israel in its attempted genocide against Palestinians was decided with the vote to censure Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on November 7, 2023. Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, had the courage to call out Israel for its militaristic debacle in Gaza, as well as the West Bank, …

Dean Baker (2023-11-30). Prescription Drugs, Free Trade and the Washington Post. Like many self-imagined "free-traders," the Washington Post editorial board cannot even conceive of free trade when it comes to prescription drugs. They demonstrated this fact yet again in discussing ways to deal with the high price of effective weight-loss drugs like Wegovy. These drugs carry price tags of more than $1,000 a month, making them

James C. Nelson (2023-11-30). The Wake Up Call. Have you ever thanked God that you never lived Nazi Germany? Well don't get off your knees just yet; you might still find out what that was like. Donald J. Trump is straight out of fascism's, central casting: think Hitler (who Trump seeks to emulate and whose speeches he quotes[i]), Bolsonaro (whose legacy and tactics

Puget Sound Anarchists (2023-11-30). Reportback From an Autonomous Demo to Disrupt Black Friday in Solidarity with Palestine. Report back on recent demonstration in so-called Seattle, Washington in solidarity with occupied Palestine. Originally posted to Puget Sound Anarchists. In the afternoon of Black Friday, roughly 100 people gathered in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood to disrupt capitalist tradition and call for an end to the ongoing genocide in Palestine. An autonomous call to mobilize to…

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-11-30). Denuncian asesinato de líder social en Huila, Colombia. La Defensoría del Pueblo ha emitido la alerta en la cual señala el riesgo al que se enfrentan los defensores de DD.HH. en el Huila.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-30). Al menos 10 muertos en accidente de tránsito en República Dominicana. Las autoridades confirmaron que las labores de rescate se están llevando a cabo y de momento hay una cifra preliminar de 18 heridos.

Staff (2023-11-30). Dina Boluarte pidió la renuncia de la fiscal Patricia Benavides. La presidenta de Perú asegura que la Fiscal de la Nación "perdió objetividad" para liderar el Ministerio Público.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-30). Justicia de Pakistán revoca condena contra exprimer ministro. El jurista indicó que la anulación deriva de la falta de pruebas por parte de los fiscales.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-30). Prolongan estado de emergencia en 18 provincias de Perú. El ministerio de Educación autorizó el adelanto de la culminación del año escolar previsto nueve días antes del 31 de diciembre por los daños que podrían ocasionarse debido a las lluvias…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-11-30). Siria exige cese inmediato de la agresión contra Gaza. Ante la Liga Árabe el funcionario rechazó la agresión, que estuvo acompañada con atroces crímenes de guerra, de lesa humanidad y genocidio.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-30). Hamás informa de la muerte de rehenes debido a bombardeos israelíes. La resistencia palestina alertó reiteradamente que los bombardeos del ente sionista ponían en peligro a los civiles gazatíes y a los rehenes israelíes.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-30). OMS señala que solo funcionan tres hospitales en el norte de Gaza. La OMS también advirtió sobre el hacinamiento y la falta de alimentos, agua, saneamiento e higiene básica, gestión de residuos y acceso a medicamentos.

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-30). Presidente Maduro denuncia intentos de sabotear el referéndum sobre el Esequibo. El presidente venezolano, advirtió al Gobierno de Guyana y a la Exxon Mobil que no podrán impedir la consulta y que defenderán el derecho a votar de los venezolanos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-30). OMS establecería hospitales de campaña en zonas estratégicas de Gaza. La OMS anunció que un gran número de residentes de Gaza están en riesgo de morir por brotes de enfermedades, a menos que el sistema de salud se restablezca rápidamente.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-11-30). Conmemoran Día Internacional de Solidaridad con Palestina en el mundo. Mandatarios de distintas naciones también expresaron su solidaridad con el pueblo palestino.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-30). Venezuela y Belarús profundizan lazos económicos y comerciales. Ambas naciones firman 13 convenios para diversificar su cooperación. Prevén diseñar esquemas de intercambio comercial más ventajosos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-30). Brasil acogerá foro global contra el racismo y la discriminación. Durante el encuentro se tratará el valor de poner la lucha contra el racismo en el centro de la realización y puesta en práctica de estrategias para el crecimiento socioeconómico.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-30). Capturan a capo del Cártel del Noreste en Tamaulipas, México. Al hombre se le conoce entre los cárteles de droga y la delincuencia organizada como "El Tartas".

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-30). Israel y Hamás acuerdan extender la tregua en la Franja de Gaza. Israel liberó a 30 palestinos secuestrados en cárceles israelíes, entre los liberados se encontraba la activista palestina Ahed Tamimi.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-30). Palestina pide protección internacional ante la ONU. "Necesitamos protección y acción internacional para poner fin a la impunidad", afirmó el canciller palestino.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-30). Operativo policial en Brasil deja siete fallecidos. Intentan desarticular red criminal acusada de homicidios, tráfico de drogas y robos, cuyos integrantes "estaban armados y eran violentos". El operativo empleó casi un centenar de agentes.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-30). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-30). Realizan foro Desde el Río hasta el Mar Palestina Vencerá en Venezuela. El foro se enmarca en el Día Internacional de la Solidaridad con Palestina.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-30). Chile: tasa de desempleo eleva a 8,9% en trimestre agosto-septiembre. En las mujeres, la tasa de desocupación se situó en 9,1 por ciento.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-30). Condenan a prisión a asesinos de joven mapuche en Argentina. Seis años más tarde, la entidad emitió la condena al prefecto Sergio Cavia, autor del disparo, a cinco años de prisión.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-30). Presidente de Brasil celebra adhesión de Bolivia al Mercosur. El Senado brasileño aprobó el ingreso de Bolivia al Mercosur mediante el proyecto de decreto legislativo número 380.

Elliott Wallace (2023-11-29). COP28: How far off is the world from reaching its climate goals? Delegates from nearly 200 countries are gathering in Dubai this week for the United Nations climate summit, COP28, which begins on November 30. At this year's meeting, countries are faced with a contentious set of issues amid record heat, droughts and flooding. | U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will be attending this year's event, along with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. | Chinese State Council Ding Xuexiang will represent China. | Against the backdrop of another hot record-setting year, a struggle remains to phase out fossil fuels and help developing countries finance their energy transition. The UN…

The Independent (2023-11-29). Prioritizing Agroecology: A vital step for Africa's climate resilience and food security at COP28. COMMENT | POLYCAP KALOKWERA | The global battle against climate change has made remarkable strides over the last three decades, marked by an enhanced understanding of climate science and the development of effective tools to address its causes and consequences. As the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) convenes in Expo City, Dubai, from November 30th …

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-28). Russia's Lavrov to Attend OSCE Meeting in NATO Member North Macedonia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov plans to attend a meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) from November 30 to December 1. To facilitate Lavrov's trip, Bulgaria and North Macedonia have agreed to temporarily suspend a ban on Russian planes flying in their airspace. The invitation has prompted Ukraine and the …

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2023-11-29: News Headlines

Editor (2023-11-29). Scott Ritter: The End of US Nuclear Superiority.

Gerard Boyce (2023-11-29). A Nuclear Assault on South Africa's Freedoms. Attempts are underway to suppress and even demonize anti-nuclear protesters in South Africa. (Photo of 2016 Johannesburg protest by Linda Pentz Gunter) A considerable number of pro-nuclear articles penned by supposedly impartial nuclear experts or professed nuclear industry lobbyists have appeared in the South African media of late. The flurry of pro-nuclear activity has been

infobrics (2023-11-29). NATO further postpones Ukraine's membership. The Western military bloc clearly does not want to allow Kiev access, but it does not admit this publicly.

Editor (2023-11-29). Nov 29, 2023. Guantanamera | Playing For Change | Song Around The World 'The Horror! The Horror!', Revisited in Palestine, by Pepe Escobar War Is Not Abstracted Anymore, by Caitlin Johnstone Understanding the U.S. War Industry w/Christian Sorensen (Video) Operation Ongoing Bullshit, by Bill Astore JFK's Fight to Stop WW3 and America's Tragic Slide into Empire — Cynthia Chung Video The Magician's Hat, and the Great Simulacrum of Palliative Balm, by Alastair Crooke Banned Books, by Craig Murray Step Closer to Victory in Gaza: Burns' 'Expansive Deal' Could Only Mean One Thing, by Baroud, Rubeo…

Larry Johnson (2023-11-29). Ukraine Retreats From Key Areas in Donetsk While Kiev is Wracked with Growing Turmoil. The map above shows two key areas — Avdiivka (which is about the red dot titled "winter storm) and Kleshcheyevka (which is on the western outskirts of Bakhmut that sits just below the tag "Museum") — that Ukraine has been clinging to tenaciously for more than 9 years. The news is not good for Ukraine. Its troops retreated from these areas today under heavy pressure from Russian forces. This should dispel the nonsense that there is some sort of stalemate. Nope. Russia is moving forward and Ukraine is falling back. | The following video provides dramatic footage of Russian soldiers attacking entre…

infobrics (2023-11-29). US military aid to Ukraine may be postponed until after 2024 elections. Biden's popularity continues to decline as Trump rises.

infobrics (2023-11-29). Russian aircraft for Iran and multipolarity. Attacking Iran seems to be a very tempting prospect for Washington DC, as it would effectively "kill two birds with one stone" by making both SCO and BRICS+ look "weak" and unable (or even unwilling) to defend their new members. The US very likely believes this could be a deadly blow to the rapidly emerging multipolar world that will inevitably dismantle the existing "rules-based world order". (2023-11-29). Russia approves hike in military spending. Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a significant increase in military spending that will see around 30 percent of fiscal expenditure directed toward the armed forces in 2024, as he signed draft plans into law on Monday.

Leila Warah (2023-11-29). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 54: Two children killed by Israeli forces in Jenin amid discussions of truce extension. As leaders discuss extending the temporary truce, Israeli forces kill two children, including an 8-year-old boy, in the occupied West Bank. Meanwhile, Gaza is still facing a grave humanitarian crisis, with children on the front line.

WSWS (2023-11-29). MGM Grand Detroit casino workers continue strike, as unions prepare new sellout. Workers at the highly profitable Detroit casino earn as low as $11-$12 an hour and are still laboring under terms of a contract negotiated in 2015. (2023-11-29). Expo shines spotlight on supply chains. China's active support for global supply chain cooperation will help both domestic and foreign businesses accelerate digital and green transformation, effectively spurring innovation and fostering collaborations among a wide range of stakeholders.

Aimee Rickman (2023-11-29). Gender, labor, democracy, and Americanism: U.S. history in the (un)making. In the early hours of Monday, May 15, 2023, the historical highway marker recognizing the birthplace of a renown feminist, anti-racist labor organizer and defender of reproductive rights was taken down. The marker was formally approved and erected by the State, following years of community effort on behalf of this locally-born female hero. It stood …

WSWS (2023-11-29). Why have right-wing forces attacked Adania Shibli's novel Minor Detail? After the outbreak of the new Israeli war against Palestinians a number of critics discovered antisemitism in the book and denounced Shibli as a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions activist.

WSWS (2023-11-29). Allison Transmission workers erupt in anger over details of UAW sellout contract: "The whole thing is loophole after loophole" The contract brought back by the UAW bureaucracy is a brazen attack on workers' living standards, with sub-inflation raises which will leave workers poorer by the end of the four-year agreement.

WSWS (2023-11-29). "Society has plenty of resources, but the question is where are they going?"—Quebec teachers speak out as they launch indefinite strike. The strike by 66,500 teachers has shut down approximately 40 percent of Quebec's public schools and set a militant example for the more than a half-million other provincial public sector workers across the province without contracts since March.

WSWS (2023-11-29). Australia: Western Sydney health workers protest Israel's genocide in Gaza. For the second time in a week, workers demonstrated at Westmead Hospital in opposition to the assault on Palestine and Israel's targeting of health workers.

WSWS (2023-11-29). Many actors, stunt workers, and now production assistants oppose tentative SAG-AFTRA agreement. Opposition continues to mount among rank and file actors and entertainment workers after details of the tentative agreement between SAG-AFTRA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) were released last Friday.

WSWS (2023-11-29). Government and unions seek to contain and suppress swelling Quebec public sector strike wave. A class confrontation is rapidly coming to a head in Canada's second-most-populous province, with major implications for workers across North America and around the globe.

WSWS (2023-11-29). Many actors, stunt workers, and now production assistants, oppose tentative SAG-AFTRA agreement. Opposition continues to mount among rank and file actors and entertainment workers after details of the tentative agreement between SAG-AFTRA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) were released last Friday.

Kellie Tranter, Consortium News. (2023-11-29). Australia Too Is Aiding Gaza Massacre. Australian-equipped Israeli Air Force F-35 Joint Strike Fighters are being used to commit what amounts to war crimes in Gaza by bombing civilians and providing aerial support for a murderous ground invasion. | The Lockheed-Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter global supply program is a co-operative partnership, with Australia an enthusiastic member and part of the global supply chain. The Australian government cannot escape the uses to which these aircraft are being put. | A week ago came news that Israel is stockpiling spare parts from the global supply chain, that Australia contributes to, for its F-35 'Adir' fight…

WSWS (2023-11-29). Graduate student union announces sellout deal before strike deadline at University of Southern California. The TA is a sellout that would increase pay from only $35,700 a year to $40,000 a year, still below a living wage in the city of Los Angeles.

Ben Becker, PSL Central Committee (2023-11-29). State repression won't succeed at intimidating the Palestine solidarity movement. The PSL condemns the heavy-handed wave of repression that U.S. authorities are using to try and intimidate and silence activists nationwide.

Ben Norton (2023-11-29). West Votes Against Democracy, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity at UN; Promotes Mercenaries, Sanctions. By Ben Norton — Nov 26, 2023 | The West voted against the rest of the world on United Nations General Assembly resolutions, opposing democracy, human rights, and cultural diversity, while supporting mercenaries and unilateral coercive measures (sanctions). | Western governments frequently claim that their foreign and domestic policies are motivated by "human rights" and "democracy". They often even lecture their adversaries for purportedly failing to respect these concerns. | But on the international stage, Western capitals have shown their commitments to be merely rhetorical, as they have consistently voted…

Editor (2023-11-29). John Kiriakou: Reflections on the Deep State's Media Watchdog Tool. By John Kiriakou / Original to ScheerPost In early November, the leadership and board of Consortium News, the independent news site, filed a major lawsuit against the federal government and NewsGuard Technologies, Inc. NewsGuard at first glance looks like a media watchdog organization, a group that seeks to keep misinformation and disinformation out of the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-29). Looking for Likud Support, Netanyahu Says He's the Only One Who Can Prevent a Palestinian State. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political career is in peril due to his failure to prevent the October 7 Hamas attack on southern Israel, the Israeli leader has been meeting with members of his Likud party to ensure continued support. According to Israeli media, in these meetings, Netanyahu has sold himself as the only …

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-29). Rep. Massie Casts Lone No Vote Against Bill Equating Anti-Zionism With Antisemitism. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was the lone member of the House to vote against a resolution equating criticism of the modern state of Israel with antisemitism. The resolution passed in a vote of 412-1-1, as Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) voted "present." The bill states that the House "reaffirms the State of Israel has the right …

Wyatt Reed, Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone. (2023-11-29). Israeli Tank Gunner Reveals Orders To Fire Indiscriminately Into Kibbutz. Firsthand testimony by admittedly inexperienced Israeli tank operators reveals orders to open fire upon Israeli communities when Palestinian militants breached the fences encircling Gaza on October 7. | A glowing profile of an all-female tank company by Israel's N12 News network contains admissions by the 20-year-old captain — identified only as 'Karni' — that she was ordered by a "panicked" soldier to open fire on homes in the Holit kibbutz whether they contained civilians or not. | Ten Israelis were killed in Holit on October 7; no children were among the dead. | "The soldier points and tells me, "s…

Maureen Clare Murphy, The Electronic Intifada. (2023-11-29). Gaza Truce Extended As Israel Threatens Even Bigger Attack. Israel and Hamas agreed to extend a pause in hostilities in Gaza for two more days, Qatar's foreign ministry announced on Monday. The initial four-day pause was set to end on Monday night. | Hamas politburo member Khalil al-Hayya said that the group hoped the truce could be extended for a longer period and that Israelis held in Gaza would continue to be exchanged for Palestinians held by Israel. | Al-Hayya added that Hamas wanted more aid to reach northern Gaza after "negligence and delay" over the past few days. | Since the pause began, Hamas has released 69 people captured during its surprise 7 October attack,…

Natalia Marques (2023-11-29). Across the globe, mobilizations called for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. With over 15,000 dead and 6,500 missing from Israeli attacks on Gaza, the world is mobilizing on the day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian People…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-29). Community organizations in the UK step up solidarity with Palestine by blockading arms supply companies. Activists from the British tenants' union and housing rights platform ACORN organized blockades in front of the offices of three arms companies that are involved in supplying arms to Israel…

Nashwa Bawab, In These Times. (2023-11-29). The Right's Persecution Of Palestine Supporters Looks Like A New Red Scare. I attended the Janazah and burial of Wadea Al-Fayoume on October 16. In the first weeks of Israel's assault on Gaza, the six-year old Palestinian American boy, from a suburb of Chicago, was stabbed 26 times by his family's landlord in a hate crime. | The United States is currently awash in rhetoric justifying Muslim and Arab deaths. Joseph Czuba, 71, the landlord charged with killing Wadea and gravely injuring his mother, was on the receiving end of that rhetoric. | Czuba was reportedly an avid listener of conservative talk radio. According to Czuba's wife, he'd grown irate over supposed plans for a ‚Ä…

People's Dispatch. (2023-11-29). Anti-Arab And Islamophobic Hate Crimes On The Rise In The US. This Saturday, three young Palestinian men, Hisham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid were shot in Vermont. The three men, all college students, were shot at four times by 48-year-old Jason J. Eaton. They were speaking Arabic and two of them were wearing Palestinian keffiyehs. All three of the shooting victims are 20 years old. | This comes shortly after three separate videos went viral of former State Department official Stuart Seldowitz harassing an Egyptian halal cart worker with vile Islamophobic and racist remarks. "Did you rape your daughter like Mohammed d…

Ramzy Baroud, Romana Rubeo, LA Progressive. (2023-11-29). How Gaza War Galvanizes Global Indigenous Solidarity Movement. For decades, the struggle for national liberation in Palestine was rightly understood to be part and parcel of a global struggle for liberation, mainly in the Global South. | And since national liberation movements were, per definition, the struggle for Indigenous people to assert their collective rights for freedom, equality, and justice, the Palestinian struggle was positioned as part of this global Indigenous movement. | Alas, the collapse of the Soviet Union; the growing dominance of the United States and its allies; and the return of Western colonialism in the form of neocolonialism to Africa, the Middle Eas…

Steve Topple, The Canary. (2023-11-29). 'We Will Not Leave': The Canary Talks To The Gaza Sunbirds Paracycling Team. As Israel pauses its bombing of Gaza during a temporary cessation of violence, both it and Hamas have been releasing hostages. However, it is likely that Israel's attempted genocide in Gaza and the Occupied Territories will continue after the so-called temporary ceasefire ends. | Israel has already killed nearly 15,000 people in Gaza, including over 6,100 children — and injured more than 36,000 more. Moreover, it has obliterated much of the territory, destroying vital infrastructure and homes. It is unlikely that Israel will end there — hence people's objections to a ceasefire in the first place. More…

Editor (2023-11-29). Ralph Nader: An Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress. By Ralph Nader / RE: Hamas-Israel-Gaza-Genocide We are writing to exercise our First Amendment to petition Congress for redress of grievances. We are urging Congress to end the United States' unconditional, close, and continual military and intelligence support of Israel in its ongoing physical destruction of 2.3 million Palestinians residing in Gaza. The United …

Ramzy Baroud (2023-11-29). One Small, Red Triangle: Palestine, We Are Finally Looking. Did you know that there was an international conference held in France on November 9 under the title 'International Humanitarian Conference for Gaza's Civilian Population'? According to the French foreign ministry website, the conference "involved states, main donors, international organizations and NGOs active in Gaza" with the declared objective of promoting "compliance with international humanitarian

Vijay Prashad (2023-11-29). A New Mood in the World Will Put an End to the Global Monroe Doctrine. Tagreed Darghouth (Lebanon), from the series The Tree Within, a Palestinian Olive Tree, 2018. Every day since 7 October has felt like an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, with hundreds of thousands gathering in Istanbul, a million in Jakarta, and then yet another million across Africa and Latin America to demand an end to the brutal attack being carried out by …

Vijay Prashad (2023-11-29). Are There Any Paranoids in the Stadium Tonight? Two Nights in Santiago With Roger Waters.

Ariadna Eljuri (2023-11-29). Panama Court Declares Mining Contract Illegal. Tuesday, the Supreme Court of Panama declared the mining contract which renewed the exploitation concession of the largest open pit copper mine in Central America to be unconstitutional. | The renewal of this contract triggered a protest movement that has spread for more than a month throughout the country. | The president of the Supreme Court of Panama, María Eugenia López, indicated that the ruling was approved unanimously. The case was opened in response to two appeals presented against Law 406, approved on October 20 by the unicameral Parliament and President Laurentino Cortizo and that contains the contract.

Editor (2023-11-29). Historic march demands an end to Canada's complicity in Israel's crimes in Palestine. 100,000 people marched in the Canadian capital on November 25 to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the complicity of the Canadian government in Israel's ongoing violence and colonization of Palestine.

Editor (2023-11-29). West Votes Against Democracy, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity at UN; Promotes Mercenaries, Sanctions.

Judy Albert, MD, Claire Cohen, MD, Ed Grystar, Ana Malinow, MD. Martha Schmidt, Kay Tillow (2023-11-29). National Single Payer, a Health Care Justice Organization in the U.S., Denounces Targeting of Hospitals in the Gaza Strip and U.S. Complicity in Genocide. As a national, grassroots, social justice organization that organizes locally in the struggle for national single payer health care in the U.S., united by the common principles that health care is a human right, must be free from corporate profit, and must be achieved through national legislation, the Steering Committee of National Single Payerfeels it is

Media Lens (2023-11-29). "Is That Orwellian Or Kafkaesque Enough For You?" The Guardian has long promoted itself as a valiant publisher of news and analysis that holds the powerful to account. It is a thing of wonder that the Guardian appends the following comment beneath news pieces: Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away …

Mike Bader (2023-11-29). Without Predators Ecosystems Become Zoos. The omnivorous grizzly bear is the quintessential indicator of ecosystem health. It is known as an "umbrella" species due to its wide range and specific habitat requirements including security. Scientists have found that as many as 300 other species are protected under the grizzly umbrella. Grizzly bears are an indicator in landscape changes brought about by climate change that may affect food sources and numerous other species.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-29). Israeli Occupation Forces Violated Terms of the Gaza Truce Again. Al Mayadeen correspondent in Gaza confirmed that Israeli occupation forces violated the ceasefire by firing bullets in northern Gaza, after a series of breaches. | The Al Mayadeen correspondent in Gaza confirmed that Israeli occupation forces violated the ceasefire by firing gunshots in northern Gaza, particularly in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood. | He revealed that the occupation forces fired artillery and smoke shells west of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood during their withdrawal, aiming to cover their retreat from the central part of the neighborhood towards Rashid Street. | Al Mayadeen's correspondent in the…

Paul Street (2023-11-29). We Can Do This But Not Under Capitalism. Liberals want us to believe something that is simply false: that there are meaningful solutions to the leading existential problem of our time under the reigning capitalist-imperialist order. Recall how they responded to Joe Biden's 2022 corporate climate bill — the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. The legislation was hailed by Democrats and the establishment "green"

Paul Tritschler (2023-11-29). Food politics and Veganism: a Menu for Social Change. "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are" — Brillat-Savarin, 1825 Getting back into fasting after a break is difficult. In the past, I would fast for two days in every week, but occasionally challenged myself to extend that by a day or two, maybe three, until one day —

W. T. Whitney (2023-11-29). How Skewed Access to Land Has Fostered War in Gaza. In 1945, 84.7% of cultivatable land in Palestine was "Arab-owned." The "newly established Israeli [military] forces in 1948 launched a major offensive" after Israel declared its independent statehood and after the surrounding Arab nations attacked. This was the setting for the "Nakba" (catastrophe); hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forcibly displaced from homes and land.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-29). Israeli Occupation Forces Violated Terms of the Gaza Truce Again. Al Mayadeen correspondent in Gaza confirmed that Israeli occupation forces violated the ceasefire by firing bullets in northern Gaza, after a series of breaches. | The Al Mayadeen correspondent in Gaza confirmed that Israeli occupation forces violated the ceasefire by firing gunshots in northern Gaza, particularly in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood. | He revealed that the occupation forces fired artillery and smoke shells west of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood during their withdrawal, aiming to cover their retreat from the central part of the neighborhood towards Rashid Street. | Al Mayadeen's correspondent in the…

The Independent (2023-11-29). Border confrontations with Israel catastrophic for Lebanon's tourism sector. Beirut, Lebanon | Xinhua | Confrontations between Israel and Hezbollah, a Shiite military group in Lebanon, on Lebanon's southern border have had a disastrous effect on the country's tourism sector, said industry experts. Due to the ongoing border tension that has lasted for more than seven weeks, many hotels outside of Beirut, the capital …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-11-29). The Rise of the Desk Clerk Academic. It is a particularly quotidian breed in the modern, management-driven university. The desk clerk who pretends to be an academic and researcher but is neither. The desk clerk who admires rosters, work plans and "key performance indicators", thinking that the process of knowledge is quantifiable by productivity targets and financial returns. The desk clerk who …

Josh Frank (2023-11-29). Which Side Are You On? The False Binary of the Israel-Hamas War. As a child of two Holocaust survivors and a product of Jewish day schools and Zionist summer camps, I was brought up to love Israel unconditionally. My great-grandmother moved to Palestine from Poland in the 1930s because she recognized the dangerous drumbeat of the approaching Third Reich. Most of her children chose not to follow

kwjorinoco (2023-11-29). Israel and Hamas Extend Ceasefire for 2 More Days. The Palestinian resistance movement in the Gaza Strip announced Monday that the four-day truce and hostage-for-prisoner exchange agreement with Israel, which began on Friday, will be extended by two more days. | "The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas announces that it has been agreed with the brothers in Qatar and Egypt to extend the temporary humanitarian truce for two more days under the same conditions as the previous truce," the group reported in a statement released through Telegram. | At the same time, Qatar, a country that acts as a mediator, indicated that Israel and Hamas will extend the humanitarian tru…

WSWS (2023-11-29). A Tribute to Helen Halyard (November 24, 1950-November 28, 2023). The unexpected and sudden death of Helen Halyard at the age of 73 deprives the working class in the United States and throughout the world of a courageous and selfless fighter for socialism.

Peter Bach (2023-11-29). Letter from London: Democratic Resilience in the Age of AI. American-British novelist Raymond Chandler would probably have liked the rainy night, though I was actually thinking about his line about a coffee shop having a strong enough smell to build a garage on. I was on Tottenham Court Road. I was even wearing a raincoat (no trilby). But, I was now thinking, was the (2023-11-29). World's first supply chain expo opens in Beijing, injects stability in global trade. CISCEkicked off in Beijing on Tuesday, bringing together hundreds of political and business leaders from around the world to strengthen cooperation and safeguard the stability of global industrial and supply chains amid mounting risks and challenges for global trade. (2023-11-29). Xi'an city counts 20,897 China-Europe freight train runs since 2013. The China-European freight train (Xi'an) has experienced a consistent uptick in volume each year since its maiden run in 2013. (2023-11-29). Rows of Chinese-built solar panels become 'energy oasis' in desert of Abu Dhabi: FM. The Al Dhafra Solar Project in United Arab Emirates (UAE), constructed by Chinese enterprises, has been fully completed recently, which will elevate the proportion of clean energy in the overall energy structure in UAE to over 13 percent. (2023-11-29). Sizzling growth in catering segment powers recovery of consumption. With the January-September sales revenue of China's catering segment growing by nearly 19 percent year-on-year to 3.7 trillion yuan ($517.2 billion). (2023-11-29). Strategy fuels brand rejuvenation among consumers. The fundamental reasons why time-honored brands launch crossover products include rejuvenating brand recognition, expanding the range of target consumers and enhancing influence. (2023-11-29). Reports: Fast-fashion retailer Shein has filed for IPO in U.S. Shein, the trendy, fast-fashion online retailer, has confidentially filed for an initial public offering in the United States, according to news reports. (2023-11-29). Scientist hails accuracy of satellite data. The Macao Science Satellite 1 network, China's leading space-based geomagnetic monitoring system, has achieved remarkable feats and attracted scientists from around the world, according to a top member of the program. (2023-11-29). Purr-fect solution: Rice company enlists cats to combat rats. A rice company in Liaoning province has found a unique and eco-friendly solution to protect its grain stocks from rats: cats.

Larry Johnson (2023-11-29). Israel's PR Problem Is Summed Up in One Man — Itamar Ben-Gvir. This madman is a real sweetheart. Say hello to Itamar Ben Gvir. To call him an extremist is an insult to extremists. His latest antics pose a threat to Bibi Netanyahu's ability to retain a governing coalition. The National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Tuesday threatened to break apart the government if Israel does not restart its war with Hamas, currently on a negotiated pause. | "Stopping the war = breaking apart the government," he said in a statement.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-29). Performance of Cuba's National Hotel-Capri Hotel Praised. Havana, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) On the 66th anniversary of the inauguration of the NH-Capri Hotel in Havana, tourism authorities have praised the performance of this establishment, which has a long history and great attractions for guests from all over the world.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-29). Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan to explore oil fields in the Caspian Sea. Ashgabat, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are ready to sign an agreement on the joint exploitation of the Dostluk hydrocarbon field in the Caspian Sea, according to Turkmen Deputy Prime Minister Batir Atdayev.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-29). Brazil hosts Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination. Brasilia, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) The third edition of the Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination will take place in the state of Sao Paulo from November 29th to December 1st, under the motto "A race to the top: placing equity and racial justice at the forefront of development agendas."

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-29). Jamaica again is a member of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. Kingston, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) Jamaica was elected a member of the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), as reported by the local media outlet The Gleaner.

The Independent (2023-11-29). Huawei hosts 2023 Africa 5G Summit. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Africa 5G Summit, a prominent event within the sixth Southern Africa Mobile Broadband (MBB) VIP Salon, underscored the pivotal role of 5G in shaping Africa's business landscape. Hosted by Huawei and held during AfricaCom, the continent's largest technology conference, the summit convened industry leaders, government regulators, and representatives from various …

The Independent (2023-11-29). Nawangwe pardons students suspended for protesting eviction of businesses. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Makerere University Vice Chancellor Barnabas Nawangwe has pardoned three students who were suspended for protesting the eviction of small businesses at the university. In 2022, Makerere University Council ordered all businesses to vacate campus premises, a decision that was recently implemented. The businesses included photocopy and stationery shops, food …

Unicorn Riot (2023-11-29). White Vigilante Appeals Murder Conviction, Seeks Release From Jail.

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-11-29). Why Vaccine-Pushing Cardiologists Never See Myocarditis.

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-29). Covid Mindwars: Was it Really Smarter People Who Accepted the COVID-19 "Vaccines"? By Simon Lee, Science Officer, Anew UK "Mindwar is about gaming and sculpting perception of reality. Another way of saying it is that Mindwar is about building the Matrix, or perhaps directing …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-29). If there had been no unusual covid measures taken, no unusual illness would have been noticed; was the "pandemic" needed to roll out "vaccines"? In October 2022 Pandemics Analytics & Data ("PANDA") published a document summarising the group of professionals' thoughts on the products called "covid vaccines." Their comprehensive multidisciplinary review found that mass covid vaccination …

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-29). Presidente de Panamá garantiza cierre ordenado y seguro de mina. Tan pronto se reciba la comunicación del fallo que declara inconstitucional la Ley 406 por parte de la CSJ, se procederá a su publicación en Gaceta Oficial, dijo Cortizo.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-11-29). Senado brasileño aprueba adhesión de Bolivia a Mercosur. El senador Chico Rodrigues manifestó que la aprobación de la propuesta es importante para la expansión del comercio en América del Sur.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-29). Israel añade a 50 palestinas secuestradas en lista de excarcelaciones. Gobierno israelí confirmó recibir la lista con los nombres de los rehenes que serán devueltos este martes por la resistencia palestina en el marco del acuerdo para prorrogar la tregua.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-29). CIA y Mossad deciden sobre utilidad de ampliar tregua en Gaza. El acuerdo de intercambio fue negociado por Qatar, que sirvió como intermediario entre Hamás e Israel en negociaciones con la estrecha participación de Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-29). Venezuela afirma que defensa del Esequibo es asunto de unidad nacional. La vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, afimó que Guyana debe regresar a la mesa de negociación, está contemplada en la carta de Ginebra.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-29). Irán adquiere aeronaves militares modernas de Rusia. El acuerdo para la venta de aeronaves fue firmado en marzo de este año luego de que la ONU levantara el embargo sobre la compra de armas convencionales en octubre de 2020.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-29). Continúa cierre de campaña Venezuela Toda. Es una batalla por la vida lo que tenemos en frente, es una batalla para que nuestros hijos se sientan orgullosos de lo que estamos haciendo en estos días.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-29). Gobierno de Nicaragua muestra condiciones de Rolando àÅlvarez. Mediante un comunicado, el Gobierno dio a conocer que garantiza las condiciones en el Sistema Penitenciario Nacional donde cumple la sanción de Traición a la Patria.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-29). Más de 100 damnificados tras lluvias en Huancayo, Perú. Varias viviendas se quedaron sin energía eléctrica por varias horas debido a que las lluvias afectaron también las líneas de transmisión.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2023-11-29). Rusia critica decisión de Finlandia de cerrar frontera. La víspera el país euroasiático advirtió que esto supondría nuevas "líneas divisorias en Europa" y un coste de 3.000 millones de euros para los finlandeses.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-29). Presidente de Brasil arriba a Arabia Saudita. Lula da Silva había informado que se encontraba "de camino a Riad, capital de Arabia Saudita, para una serie de agendas de interés nacional".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-29). Celebran inconstitucionalidad de contrato minero en Panamá. Se prevé que las celebraciones se prolonguen a lo largo de esta jornada y se han replicado en diferentes localidades del país.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-29). Venezuela registra incremento económico durante los últimos nueve trimestres. El mandatario destacó que los índices productivos se han evidenciado en los distintos rubros del país, y aseguró que el crecimiento es una tendencia que se mantiene.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-29). Hamas acusa a Israel de violar tregua temporal en Gaza. El vocero del brazo armado de Hamás, Abu Obeida, afirmó que Israel cometió "una clara violación" del acuerdo de tregua.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-29). Rescatan exitosamente a 41 obreros atrapados en túnel de India. El ministro de Transporte por Carretera y Autopistas afirmó que es "una de las operaciones de rescate más importantes"

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-29). Gobierno filipino y rebeldes acuerdan reanudar diálogos de paz. La lucha armada en curso, iniciada en 1969 y en su apogeo en la década de 1980, cuando el grupo rebelde contaba con unos 26.000 combatientes.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-29). Venezuela y Belarús instalan Comisión Conjunta de Alto Nivel. La comisión basada en una hoja de ruta de 10 años fue instalada durante el encuentro "Geopolítica de Paz e Integración".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-29). Siria denuncia agresiones de Israel ante la ONU. Siria lamentó la demora de 50 días para llegar a un cese temporal y parcial de la agresión de las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel contra la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-29). Rusia insiste en la solución de dos Estados en Palestina. Estas declaraciones se dieron en el contexto de otra reunión de Bogdanov, con los vicecancilleres de Siria, Bassam Sabbagh y Ayman Susan.

teleSUR, lfb, YSM (2023-11-29). Al menos 120 muertos por fenómeno de El Niño en Kenia. Las inundaciones han provocado muertes, desplazamientos, brotes de enfermedades y destrucción de infraestructuras y propiedades.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-11-29). Gobierno boliviano inaugura tercer Centro de Medicina Nuclear. Según detalló el presidente Arce, la inversión fue de 52 millones de dólares.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-29). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-29). Revocan sobreseimiento a Cristina Fernández en Argentina. El sobreseimiento dictaminado por el juez federal Sebastián Casanello fue apelado por la asociación civil, "Bases Republicanas", la cual fue aceptada como como querellante por la Cámara.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-11-29). Presidente cubano arriba a Emiratos àÅrabes en visita oficial. Según el jefe de Estado cubano, el encuentro con funcionarios emiratíes tiene como propósito continuar fortaleciendo los lazos entre ambas naciones.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-29). "Wiping Gaza Off the Map": Implementing Israel's "Secret Intelligence Memorandum". More than 20,000 Civilians Killed.

Angela (2023-11-29). Thursday 11/30: Community Forum for Oakland Families. La Escuelita (the Great Room) | 1050 2nd Ave | Oakland, CA…

Angela (2023-11-29). Tuesday 11/28: Berkeley City Council Meeting for Ceasefire Resolution. 1231 Addison St. | Berkeley, CA…

Angela (2023-11-29). Wednesday 11/29: Marin Vigil for Palestine. Outside of Representative Huffman's office | 1002 4th Street and City Plaza | San Rafael, CA… (2023-11-29). Iran holds IAEA accountable for Israel's atomic threats: Nuclear chief. Iran's nuclear chief says the International Atomic Energy Agency bears responsibility for any nuclear accident caused by Israel amid the regime's repeated threats to use atomic bombs. (2023-11-29). North Korea beefs up weapons, troops on border after military pact suspended. North Korea has deployed soldiers and heavy weapons at guard posts near the border with South Korea. (2023-11-29). Iran finalizes deal to receive Russian military aircraft: Report. Iran's Armed Forces have finalized arrangements for delivery of a number of advanced Russian-made aircraft. (2023-11-29). Israeli forces conduct extensive raid against Jenin: Reports. The Israeli regime's forces reportedly embark on an extensive raid against the city of Jenin and its refugee camp in the north of the occupied West Bank. (2023-11-29). Actress Cynthia Nixon launches hunger strike calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Cynthia Nixon, joined by state legislators and activists, launches a hunger strike calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-29). Activists begin hunger strike outside White House demanding Gaza truce. Activists begin a hunger strike outside the White House calling for a permanent truce in Gaza. (2023-11-29). 'Gaza health situation catastrophic despite truce; hospitals buckle under shortage'. Gaza Health Ministry spokesman warns about the "catastrophic" situation of hospitals in Gaza despite a truce. (2023-11-29). Iran urges UN to revive resolution equating Zionism with racism, racial discrimination. Iran calls on the UN to revive its 1975 resolution that described Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination. (2023-11-29). US, Israel 'main losers' of Gaza war, 'incapable' of eliminating Hamas: Iran. Iran's foreign minister says the US and Israel have failed to eradicate the Palestinian Hamas resistance group and lost their war on the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-29). Pentagon says has no money for Middle East buildup, forced to reassess US operations. Pentagon reveals that the US military is short of funding for its involvement in the Israeli war on Gaza. (2023-11-29). 'Stop slaughtering children in Gaza'. Thousands of makeshift tombstones were displayed in the center of Rome to commemorate the children of Gaza who were slaughtered by Israel in recent weeks. (2023-11-29). Iran: Afghanistan-like escape awaits US troops in Syria, Iraq. Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi says "escape" is the ultimate fate of US occupation forces in Syria and Iraq, as it was the case in Afghanistan. (2023-11-29). People march in pro-Palestinian demonstration in London. People take to the streets of London to march in support of Palestinians. (2023-11-29). Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate in Frankfurt. Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters hold a demonstration in Frankfurt, calling for an end to Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-29). Sri Lankans rally outside US embassy, denounce its support for Israel. Hundreds of Sri Lankan protesters gather in front of the US embassy in Colombo to denounce Washington's support for Tel Aviv. (2023-11-29). Thousands protest in Lyon in solidarity with Palestinian. Thousands of demonstrators joined a pro-Palestine rally in Lyon to demand ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-29). New York City protesters disrupt Black Friday shopping to support Palestinians in Gaza. Dozens of protesters gather near Macy's megastore in Manhattan, disrupting Black Friday shopping to show support for Palestinians. (2023-11-29). Crowds pack China's Beijing hospital after respiratory illness surge. Eyewitness footage showed an overcrowded waiting area at the Beijing Children's Hospital. (2023-11-29). Thousands rally in Nuremberg, demanding permanent Gaza ceasefire. Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators marched in Nuremberg to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-29). UN envoy: Iran's missile, space programs fully in compliance with international law. Iran's UN envoy says the country's missile and space programs are fully in compliance with its legitimate rights under international law. (2023-11-29). British politician tells Press TV: Israeli crimes in Gaza part of 'ethnic cleansing policy'. Ranjeet Brar, a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, who was arrested for an anti-Israel stance, says the regime's actions in the besieged enclave are a part of its 'ethnic cleansing policy' (2023-11-29). Iran calls on ICC to prosecute Israeli officials for war crimes in Gaza. Iran's FM has called on the ICC to establish a court to prosecute Israeli authorities for war crimes in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-29). Pakistan's Lahore, Karachi blanketed rank as two most polluted cities in world. Toxic smog engulfed Pakistan's Lahore on Tuesday (November 28). (2023-11-29). Israel extends detention of Gaza's Shifa hospital chief for 45 days. Mohammad Abu Salmiya had been arrested last week along with five other medical staff by Israeli forces in Gaza… (2023-11-29). Hamas frees 12 captives, Israel releases 30 Palestinians in 5th phase of swap deal. Hamas frees 12 captives in exchange for 30 Palestinians released by the Israeli regime, as part of the fifth phase of a swap deal between the two sides. (2023-11-29). Iran warns US, Israel of 'harsh consequences' if war crimes continue in Gaza. The Iranian foreign minister warns the US and Israel that they will face 'harsh consequences' if they keep committing crimes in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-29). Hamas once again scores major victory in cognitive war against Tel Aviv: Israeli think tank. An Israeli independent think-tank has confirmed that the Palestinians resistance movement Hamas has scored more victories against Israel. (2023-11-29). Canadians demonstrate for Palestine. The temporary pause in the bombardment of Gaza did not stop Canadians from holding a historic national march in the capital city in solidarity with Palestinians. (2023-11-29). Hamas says it confronted Israeli forces violating truce after brief extension. Hamas' military wing says it confronted Israeli forces after they violated the ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-29). Palestinians going through 'one of the darkest chapters' of their history. Guterres also says Palestinians were going through "one of the darkest chapters" of their history. (2023-11-29). US, Israeli spy chiefs discussing 'next phase' of Gaza truce: Report. Spy chiefs of the US and Israel are discussing the 'next phase' of the current ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Qatar, a source says.

The Independent (2023-11-28). Stress Clinic entertainment show set for Nov 29 at UMA showground. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Stress Clinic, an entertainment project will officially kick off on November 29 at the Uganda Manufacturers Association base in Lugogo, some 4km from Kampala City Centre, the organisers said on Monday. Winnie Nwagi and Maddox Sematimba are some of the big artists that will entertain the audience. …

The Independent (2023-11-28). James Kamwesiga, educationist and church laity leader, has died. TODAY — Tuesday, November 28 ‚û°Ô∏è12.00 — Mass St Angela Bugema WEDNESDAY November 29 ‚û°Ô∏è 6.00pm —Mass at Home. Official vigil. THURSDAY November 30 ‚û°Ô∏è9.00am — Requiem Mass at Christ the King FRIDAY December 1 ‚û°10.00am — Official burial at home Nyamiyaga 01, Nyarurambi Parish, Nyamirama Sub County West Kinkizi West County Kanungu district. Kampala, …

Staff (2023-11-28). Justice collapsed and United Nations died on 29 November 1947 when Israel was created in Palestine. By Latheef Farook November 29 marks the day when the United Nations, under pressure from US, Britain and Europe, divided Palestine and created an artificial state for imported Jews in violation of all accepted norms , laws and moral principles. The main purpose of planting this alien entity in Palestine was to ensure Middle East …

2023-11-29 12:34:17 | 12:34 EST | rz | 138 | 0 | 3 | 143 | 0 

2023-11-28: News Headlines

Tom Engelhardt (2023-11-28). How to Carbonize Planet Earth. Imagine this: humanity in its time on Earth has already come up with two distinct ways of destroying this planet and everything on it. The first is, of course, nuclear weapons, which once again surfaced in the ongoing nightmare in the Middle East. (An Israeli minister recently threatened to nuke Gaza.) The second, you won't

Drago Bosnic (2023-11-28). Germany's 'Military Schengen' Proposal: To Ease the Movement of NATO Troops across the European Union"

Shane Quinn (2023-11-28). The History of US-NATO Led Wars: "Exporting Democracy" through Acts of Subversion and Infiltration.

infobrics (2023-11-28). German military "would only last two days in a battle" due to weapons deliveries to Kiev. Germany will face deindustrialisation if sanctions on Russian energy continue, warns CEO.

Ahmed Adel (2023-11-28). Shortage of Weapons: Germany's Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr: "Would Only Last Two Days in a Battle" Due to Excessive Weapons Deliveries to Kiev.

John J. Mearsheimer, Scheer Post. (2023-11-28). The Myth That Putin Was Bent On Conquering Ukraine. There is a growing body of compelling evidence showing that Russia and Ukraine were involved in serious negotiations to end the war in Ukraine right after it started on 24 February 2022 (see below). These talks were facilitated by Turkish President Recep Erdogan and former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and featured detailed and candid discussions on the terms of a possible settlement. | By all accounts, these negotiations, which took place in March-April 2022, were making real progress when Britain and the US told Ukrainian President Zelensky to abandon them, which he did.

John J. Mearsheimer (2023-11-28). The Myth that Putin Was Bent on Conquering Ukraine and Creating a Greater Russia.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-11-28). Russia: The rise of the Global South at the Primakov Readings. Moscow, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) On the second and closing day of the International Forum Primakov Readings in the Russian capital, a panel on the rise of the Global South was held, with the participation of experts from several nations, Prensa Latina reported on Tuesday.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-28). Finland's policy on common border is irrational, says Grushko. Moscow, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) The Finnish Government's decision to shut the checkpoints on the border with Russia is irrational, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said after addressing reporters during the International Forum Primakov Readings on Tuesday.

WSWS (2023-11-28). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Teachers in Uruguay conducted a 24-hour protest strike against cuts while 1,000 Winnipeg, Manitoba transit workers again voted down a sellout deal pushed by their union.

WSWS (2023-11-28). NSW police arrest more than 100 Australian climate change protesters. The mass arrests in Newcastle, presided over by the state Labor government, were part of a broader assault on protests, including actions opposing the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Phil Wilson (2023-11-28). Poverty and Climate Overheating: Flip Sides of One Coin. I retired in 2020 after decades as a mental health outreach worker. My job involved going out to my clients' apartments — usually in sprawling housing projects or in "section 8" apartments in run down neighborhoods. Some of my clients slept in backyard sheds or abandoned factories and I met with them on playgrounds, parking

WSWS (2023-11-28). Rail workers in Germany can place no trust in the union leadership! Join the Rail Action Committee! The GDL rail union is looking for a deal it can sell as a success and that does not jeopardise the "profitability of the railways."

A Guest Author (2023-11-28). Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Calls for 'unified Palestinian stance' against Zionist aggression. The Central Media Department of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a call to action on the Resistance News Network on Nov. 25, 2023. The resistance is ready for all possibilities, including the renewal of aggression, and it has many strong cards. The Zionist enemy succumbed to . . . |

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-28). DPRK military satellite works according to planned parameters. Pyongyang, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) The military reconnaissance satellite launched a week ago by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is working as planned, as stated by a report presented to the general secretary of the Workers' Party, Kim Jong-Un.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-28). South Africa calls for investigation into mine accident. Pretoria, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) The National Union of Mineworkers of South Africa (NUM) called on the Ministry of Mineral Resources to investigate the cause of the accident that killed 11 miners at the Impala Platinum mine.

People's Dispatch. (2023-11-28). Media Outlets Call For An End To Israel's Massacre Of Journalists. The world is waiting in cautious anticipation amid the four-day pause in hostilities in Gaza, giving Palestinians a brief respite from the incessant Israeli airstrikes. Israel did not cease its bombing of the enclave from October 7, when it declared war on Hamas following the surprise Al-Aqsa Flood Operation launched by Palestinian resistance groups, to the start of the pause on November 24. In these nearly seven weeks, over 15,000 Palestinians were killed and 33,000 have been injured. The number of missing is around 6,800, many of whom are presumed dead or still trapped under the rubble.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-28). Australia's Role in the Bombing of Gaza. Kellie Tranter Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stands in front of an Israeli Air Force F-35 fighter jet at the Air Force's Nevatim base in southern Israel, undated (Photo: Amos Ben Gershom/Office of the President of Israel) Australian-equipped Israeli Air Force F-35 Joint Strike Fighters are being used to commit what amounts to war crimes in Gaza…

Editor (2023-11-28). Ben Norton and Kevin Gosztola on Javier Milei's Election in Argentina. By Kevin Gosztola / The Dissenter On this week's episode, Ben Norton, the editor of Geopolitical Economy Report, returns to the show to discuss the election result in Argentina. 'Libertarian' fascist Javier Milei beat center-right candidate Sergio Massa, who is Argentina's economic minister. Ben outlines who Milei is, how he became a popular figure, and the …

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-11-28). The Dirty Tactics Of Zionist Censorship Against Pro-Palestine Voices. Joining me to discuss this censorship is Dylan Saba, a staff attorney with Palestine Legal. He was commissioned by an editor at The Guardian newspaper to write about the campaign to silence voices critical of Israel's assault but was then informed shortly before the piece was to be published that the newspaper would not run it. So let's begin with this level of censorship which is probably unprecedented since maybe immediately after the events of 9/11. I was one of them attempting to denounce the calls to invade Iraq. But let's lay out its intensity, its reach, and then let's go into perhaps the causes of it.

Editor (2023-11-28). Nov 28, 2023. Lou Rawls — You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine Gaza and the Anti-Semitism Hoax, by Ron Unz The Greatest Evil is War, by Chris Hedges (Video) The Unspoken Elephant in the Room of Netanyahu's Intent in Gaza, by Alastair Crooke Inside AIPAC's Strategy to Back Israel's Cheerleaders and Punish the Squad, by Naomi LaChance Hamas Before and After Oct. 7, by As'ad AbuKhalil Genocidal Zionists Reveal Their True, Hideous Faces, by Kevin Barrett More lies, unprecedented destruction… by Mazin Qumsiyeh The masterful propaganda of 'deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust,' by Tom Suarez Wh…

Craig Murray, Consortium News. (2023-11-28). United Kingdom's Rwanda Deportation Ruling Offers Assange Hope. The judgment of the Supreme Court on the illegality of deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda was given massive publicity in connection with the sacking of Home Secretary Suella Braverman, but in fact it is a decision of much wider significance. | It also has great relevance to the coming High Court hearing on Julian Assange, both in terms of the arguments, some of which are common to both cases, and the stance of the judges, some of whom are also common to both cases. | Let me start with the point on which the Supreme Court decision turned — whether or not the court should independently determine whether…

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-28). Gaza Truce Brings Lull in Attacks on US Troops in Iraq and Syria. Since October 17, US troops based in Iraq and Syria have come under steady rocket and drone fire. At least 73 attacks have been carried out on US bases in the two countries, but they have stopped since the truce between Israel and Hamas to facilitate the hostage deal came into effect on Friday. According …

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-11-28). Gaza truce extended as Israel threatens even bigger attack. Hamas and Israel to exchange prisoners for an additional two days.

Michael F. Brown (2023-11-28). Biden punts on settler abuses. US State Department official has nothing new to say on lawbreaking Israelis in the occupied West Bank.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-11-28). Day 52 roundtable: Joy and tears in Palestine. "Life was beautiful," photojournalist Mahmoud Nasser says about living in Gaza.

Tasneem Elholy (2023-11-28). War has left me without a future. Before the war, I had plans to be a dentist. That future is gone.

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-11-28). "Lucifer's Banker: The Untold Story of How I Destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy"

Jeremy Scahill (2023-11-28). Israel's Insidious Narrative About Palestinian Prisoners.

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-11-28). International Delegation Pushes For Opening The Rafah Border To Gaza. Recently, an international delegation traveled to Cairo, Egypt to visit the Rafah border crossing and pressure the United States to allow aid to be brought in to Gaza. Hundreds of trucks carrying aid are lined up at the border waiting for permission to enter. Clearing the FOG spoke with Sara Flounders, one of the members of the delegation, about the current situation in Gaza, the role of the United States in the genocide of Palestinians, how the current conflict is impacting the United States' drive to protect its hegemony and the blow back in Western Asia. Flounders also discusses the incredible solidarity acros…

Ramzy Baroud, MintPress News. (2023-11-28). Gaza's Call To The World: Unveiling The Silent Message Of The Red Triangle. Did you know an international conference was held in France on November 9 under the title 'International Humanitarian Conference for Gaza's Civilian Population'? | According to the French foreign ministry website, the conference "involved states, main donors, international organizations and NGOs active in Gaza" to promote "compliance with international humanitarian law, the protection of civilians and humanitarian staff, and the strengthening of humanitarian access." | If you did not know, we do not blame you. The conference, after all, was meant to distract from the Israeli genocide in Gaza by giving the impress…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-11-28). Historic march demands an end to Canada's complicity in Israel's crimes in Palestine. 100,000 people marched in the Canadian capital on November 25 to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the complicity of the Canadian government in Israel's ongoing violence and colonization of Palestine.

Peter Koenig (2023-11-28). Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHO's Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way!

María Páez Victor, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-28). ExxonMobil's Land Grab. Attacks on Venezuela by the USA and its allies include 930 illegal sanctions that shut the country out from international finance blocking it from buying medicines, food or producing or selling its oil. Also there have been direct and indirect support for coup d'etat attempts, street violence leading to murders and injuries, cyberattacks on its electricity grid, sabotage of oil and infrastructure, financing criminal bands, corruption of officials, assassination attempt against the President and his cabinet, setting up a false presidency, appropriating CITGO oil company and billions of Venezuelan assets in banks,…

Mustafa Abu Sneineh, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-28). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 52: Palestinians Brace For Israeli Attacks. International leaders call for extending the truce as the fourth and final round of captive exchanges is set to take place. Palestinians in Gaza are still not able to count their dead as the majority of hospitals remain out of service.

Samuel Karlin, Left Voice. (2023-11-28). Jewish Voice For Peace Shuts Down The Manhattan Bridge. Israel's offensive on Gaza is on hold, but displays of solidarity with the Palestinian people continue. If this was not clear from the recent protests at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, it should be following the latest display of civil disobedience organized by Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). | On Sunday afternoon, November 26, more than 1,000 Jews and allies blocked the Manhattan Bridge from the Manhattan side, with many prepared to be arrested. The demonstration shut down traffic for more than three hours on one of the busiest travel days of the year. NYPD was seen recording the images of protesters, but did…

Sarah Lazare, Maya Schenwar, Truthout. (2023-11-28). Israel's Violence Will Never Bring 'Safety' To Anyone, Including Jews. The horror and heartbreak in Gaza reaches new proportions each minute: Israel's siege has killed at least 3,400 people and injured more than 12,000 in the past week and a half, and a possible ground invasion threatens unspeakable levels of new violence. The Israeli forces and settlers have also killed 61 and injured 1,250 in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The death tolls climb even as Palestinians and those in solidarity with them are marching and rallying worldwide in powerful and urgent protests. | For us, as anti-Zionist Jewish journalists, the past week and a half has been a flood of many griefs.

Adam M. Lowenstein (2023-11-28). The King Of Wall Street B.S.

Bassam Haddad, Sinan Antoon (2023-11-28). This open license must be revoked. The open license to weaponize antisemitism against any and all critics of Israel must be revoked.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-11-28). Rot in the Civil Service. There was no better example of Australia's politicised public service than its Home Affairs Secretary, Mike Pezzullo. In most other countries, he would have been the ideal conspirator in a coup, a tittletattler in the ranks and bound to brief against those he did not like. Give him a dagger, and he was bound to use it.

Editor (2023-11-28). Israeli Tank Gunner Reveals Orders to Fire Indiscriminately Into Kibbutz — Report.

Editor (2023-11-28). Patrick Lawrence: Media's Fatal Compromises.

George Ochenski (2023-11-28). Montana's Visionary Conservationists. It's that time of year to be grateful for the good things, people and places in our lives. And given how quickly our state is changing in these days of endless promotion and development, Montanans might want to give thanks for those visionary conservationists who saw what was coming, broke with those who claimed the

George Wuerthner (2023-11-28). The Feds Finally Banned the Use of Cyanide Bombs on BLM Lands. The Biden Administration's Department of Interior has formally banned M-44 or what are known as cyanide bombs, from 245 million acres of Bureau of Land Management federal lands. M-44 are spring-loaded ejectors that contain cyanide poison that has been used for decades to kill predators. The M-44 is indiscriminate killing or poisoning any animals or,

Jeff Cohen, Norman Solomon (2023-11-28). Conformist Democrats Have Been in Denial. Now They're in a Panic.

Jeff Cohen, Norman Solomon (2023-11-28). Conformist Democrats Have Been in Denial. Now They're in a Panic. Over the weekend, Politico published the latest in a tidal wave of stories about President Biden's dwindling prospects for re-election. Under the headline "The Polls Keep Getting Worse for Biden," the article pointed out that Biden is trailing the presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump in a large majority of the latest polling. The trend is

Joe Tache (2023-11-28). From South Africa to Palestine, apartheid will fall. It may be tempting to feel hopeless in the face of Israel's seemingly omnipotent power over Palestinians, but in reality, Israel cannot win. We can look to the example of South Africa, where a colonial apartheid system was toppled in 1994, to understand some of the key factors that will ultimately lead to the end of apartheid in historic Palestine.

Larry Johnson (2023-11-28). Politics and Arrogance — Understanding Israel's October 7 Intelligence Failure.

Philip Weiss (2023-11-28). The Israeli perspective—on genocide—dominates our airwaves. The Israeli ambassador to the United States was on CNN this morning assuring us that when the truce is over, "the operation will resume"—i.e., the vengeful destruction of life and property in Gaza will continue.

BIODB (2023-11-28). Amazon's Mightiest Apex Predator, The Jaguar. by: Assaf Levy, In the past, jaguars were revered as deities, but currently, their population is being drastically reduced throughout their habitat. | Explore the deep, dense jungles where a stunning and mighty creature resides—the incredible jaguar. This majestic big cat grabs your attention and sparks your imagination with its captivating patterns and intense gaze. Join me on an exciting journey through the lush trees as we uncover the mysteries of this fascinating animal. | Learn about its special traits, find out how many are left in the wild, and understand why it's… (2023-11-28). Released Israeli hostage thanks Hamas for making daughter feel 'like a queen'. Israeli mother wrote letter to Hamas thanking them for their "kindness and compassion" during 49-day captivity…

The Independent (2023-11-28). Africa Cup of Nations: 1xBet tells about continent's main football tournament intrigue. The bookmaker company 1xBet is a reliable partner of the Africa Cup of Nations and, together with you, is counting the days until the start of the football festival! Place The 2023 Africa Cup of Nations will take place from January 13 to February 11 in Cote d'Ivoire, with Abidjan, Bouaké, Corhogo, San Pedro …

The Independent (2023-11-28). 'Africa running out of time to sort looming pensions crisis'. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | An expert at the ongoing 4th Annual Conference of the African Pension Supervisors Association (APSA) in Kampala has said urgent steps need to be taken to reverse a trend in which the continent has only 10% pension coverage of its population. Sundeep Raichura, Group Chief Executive Officer Zamara says that …

The Independent (2023-11-28). Coca-Cola cement partnership to fuel plastic waste solution. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Plastic waste will be put to good use as an alternative fuel in cement production thanks to a new three-year partnership between Coca-Cola Beverages Uganda (CCBU) and Hima Cement Limited announced on Nov.17 in Kampala. CCBU will provide Hima Cement access to plastic waste from its operations for handling and …

The Independent (2023-11-28). Former Uganda railways boss granted bail. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Buganda Road Magistrates Court has granted a sh1 million cash bail to Stanley Ssendegeya, the former managing director of Uganda Railways Corporation (URC) who is facing forgery charges. Court presided over by Sienna Owomugisha granted him bail Monday after finding that his sureties including his wife, son, and …

The Independent (2023-11-28). James Kamwesiga, educationist and church laity leader, has died. TODAY — Tuesday, November 28 ‚û°Ô∏è12.00 — Mass St Angela Bugema WEDNESDAY November 29 ‚û°Ô∏è 6.00pm —Mass at Home. Official vigil. THURSDAY November 30 ‚û°Ô∏è9.00am — Requiem Mass at Christ the King FRIDAY December 1 ‚û°10.00am — Official burial at home Nyamiyaga 01, Nyarurambi Parish, Nyamirama Sub County West Kinkizi West County Kanungu district. Kampala, …

The Independent (2023-11-28). Kampala-Namanve railway works finally near completion. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The rehabilitation of the Kampala-Namanve railway is finally entering the last phase. This stretch, which is part of the Kampala-Mukono line was scheduled for completion in September, but "unforeseen circumstances" delayed it, according to John Linonn Sengendo, the Uganda Railways Corporation (URC) spokesman. He said, the works initially encountered resistance …

The Independent (2023-11-28). NCDC special needs tutor training flops over poor accommodation. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) training session came to an unexpected halt on Monday after a group of Center Coordinating Tutors (CCT) raised concern about inadequate accommodation and unclear communication from the organizers. The CCTs all returned home. The Center Coordinating Tutors had been selected to undergo specialized …

The Independent (2023-11-28). Stress Clinic entertainment show set for Nov 29 at UMA showground. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Stress Clinic, an entertainment project will officially kick off on November 29 at the Uganda Manufacturers Association base in Lugogo, some 4km from Kampala City Centre, the organisers said on Monday. Winnie Nwagi and Maddox Sematimba are some of the big artists that will entertain the audience. …

Ahmed Adel (2023-11-28). Zelensky Paranoid About the Military and Warns Commanders to Stay Out of Politics.

Alex Newman (2023-11-28). UNESCO's Insidious Plan to "Regulate Social Media" and "Control Speech Online"

Andy Kroll (2023-11-28). Is It Time (Once Again) for Nonviolent Rebellion? When I was in my early twenties, I seriously considered murdering someone. He had given my best friend genital herpes, which many health practitioners then believed was the agent responsible for causing cervical cancer in women. (It wasn't.) Back in the 1970s, though, I believed that, by infecting my friend, he might have set in motion a process that would someday kill her. That he was an arrogant jerk made it that much easier for me to contemplate murdering him. But there was a larger context to my private dream of revenge. My anger was also fed by a growing awareness that so many of us were just then acquiring…

Danyal, Emilia (2023-11-28). From a Released Hamas Captive: "I will forever be a prisoner of gratitude because she did not leave here with a lifelong psychological trauma."

Dr. Gary G. Kohls (2023-11-28). Why First Nations People Regard America's Thanksgiving Day as a National Day of Mourning.

Editor (2023-11-28). A look at Assange from inside the CIA, State Department & U.S. Military. You may have heard of Julian Assange, but chances are that you haven't heard about him from inside the CIA, State Department and U.S. military.

Editor (2023-11-28). Cuba's economists committed to Che's example. On the eve of Economist's Day, it is important to review some aspects of Che's core ideas on the Political Economy of Socialism and especially when for some the solution to current problems is to completely free the market and reduce the role of the State in the economy.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-28). Banned Books, Arrests and Police Supression in the UK. Craig Murray At Saturday's great march in support of Palestine in London, police arrested members of the Communist Party of Great Britain Marxist-Leninist (CPGBML) for having a pamphlet on sale on their stall. Harpal-Brar-Zionism: A Racist, Anti-Semitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism The "illegal" pamphlet is entitled Zionism: A Racist, Anti-Semitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-28). Historic March Demands an End to Canada's Complicity in Israel's Crimes in Palestine. Tanupriya Singh Ottawa on November 25. 100,000 people marched in the Canadian capital on November 25 to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the complicity of the Canadian government in Israel's ongoing violence and colonization of Palestine 100,000 people took to the streets in Canada's capital of Ottawa on November 25…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-28). Palestinian Resistance and the Crisis of Liberal Humanism. Yanis Iqbal Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, launched by Hamas on October 7, 2023, was a huge blow to the settler-colonial state of Israel: Al-Qassam Brigades captured 20 settlements and 11 military sites in merely a few hours. The attacks on Israeli civilian and military outposts destroyed the narcissistic sense of security associated with the carefully orchestrated narratives of…

Jason Hickel (2023-11-28). How popular are post-growth and post-capitalist ideas? Some recent data. Here is a list of studies, surveys and polling results that shed some light on popular perceptions of post-growth and post-capitalist ideas.

Laurie Gagne (2023-11-28). Reflections on a Prayer Service for Gaza. Washington DC is a city designed to evoke emotions. Coming up from the Metro into the Main Hall of Union Station, on my way to a prayer service for the people of Gaza, I paused to look at the Roman legionnaire statues standing guard over the crowds who entered and exited the great neo-Classical building.

Mohammed al-Hajjar (2023-11-28). In Photos: Israel Leaves Trail of Destruction in Gaza After 48 Days of Bombing.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-28). 'We Will Not Raise the White Flag:' Gaza Resistance. Palestinian factions in Gaza say that the battle against Israel will continue until 'all goals are achieved' | The spokesmen of the Palestinian resistance factions have given statements calling the Israeli agreement to a On 24 November, Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Resistance Movement Ziad Nakhala said, "the truce is a clear admission of the enemy's setback, forced due to its losses in the [battle] field and the stalling of its ground forces despite gro…

Pelham (2023-11-28). Gaza: More than 20,000 Civilians Killed, Drone Footage of Destruction.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-28). New Zealand Government will inform WHO it does not agree to International Health Regulations amendments. The newly sworn-in New Zealand government intends not to be pushed around by UN resolutions or by the World Health Organisation anymore. According to a coalition agreement with New Zealand First, the …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-28). WHO's close links to Gates and Big Pharma make the Pandemic Treaty a fundamental threat to our national sovereignty and personal liberty. Intended to form part of international law, preparations for the creation of a World Health Organisation ("WHO") Pandemic Treaty or Pandemic Accord began in 2001. Far from strengthening the prevention of, preparedness …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-28). Unlawful DEI discrimination policies lose momentum in the USA. Diversity, equity and inclusion ("DEI") is losing momentum in the United States as a result of pushback in the courts, according to a new report from DEI consulting firm Paradigm. Its related …

Winslow Myers (2023-11-28). Old and New Thinking. "These machines will eventually need to have the power to take lethal action on their own, while remaining under human oversight in how they are deployed. Individual decisions versus not doing individual decisions is the difference between winning and losing — and you're not going to lose. I don't think people we would be up against

Democracy Now! (2023-11-28). Genocide in Gaza, Activists Shut Down Manhattan Bridge. Demonstrators Disrupt Macy's Parade Over Protest-Filled Weekend. In New York, over 1,000 peaceful protesters held a sit-in protest Sunday at the entrance to the Manhattan Bridge, halting traffic to downtown Brooklyn. Protesters, led by Jewish Voice for Peace, unfurled banners reading "Let Gaza Live" and "The Whole World Is Watching" as they sat in the roadway chanting, "Up with liberation! Down with occupation!" Their protest came three days after protesters disrupted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to demand an end to U.S. support for Israel's occupation and bombardment of Gaza. Protesters wore jumpsuits covered in fake blood and glued themselves to the street, briefly dis…

Frank Cappello (2023-11-28). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Ask MVC Anything.

Staff (2023-11-28). ASI seeks 3 weeks' more to submit Gyanvapi mosque survey report. Varanasi : The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has sought three more weeks to submit the scientific survey report of the Gyanvapi mosque in Varanasi. The survey had concluded almost a month ago and the ASI had sought extra time to file its report. The last extension was on November 18, when the ASI asked …

Staff (2023-11-28). UN experts call for independent investigations into crimes committed in Israel, Palestine. ATHENS : A group of UN experts called for full and independent investigations into crimes committed in Israel and Palestine in a joint statement on Monday. Urging Israel, the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and authorities in Gaza to cooperate fully with the investigations, they said "independent investigators must be given the necessary resources, …

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-28). European Union Eases Some Illegal Sanctions Against Venezuela. The European Union (EU) agreed to relax some of the sanctions imposed on Venezuela, with the objective of " facilitating organizations to deliver humanitarian aid," in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations. | The group currently consisting of 27 countries agreed to introduce exceptions to the asset freeze that the EU maintains against Venezuela, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Guinea, Lebanon, Burma, Nicaragua, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. | Referring to United Nations (UN) resolution 2664, passed in 2022, the EU can carry out financial transactions if the objective is to ensure humanitarian assist…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-28). Listen to Caracas (Arguments on Essequibo). By Wayne Kublalsingh — Nov 25, 2023 | At a news conference on November 21, Dr Keith Rowley was asked by a journalist why Venezuela was at this time ramping up its claim to Essequibo. He replied that this journalist should know the answer to the question. And he looked forward to reading the journalist's answer to his own question. Yet, the answer is complex and far from obvious. Any presumption of obviousness is not good. Unwise. | On October 25, Caricom issued a statement on the "border dispute". It was "deeply disappointed and concerned at the decree and subsequent statements by Venezuela with respect to t…

WSWS (2023-11-28). Suspected shooter arrested on attempted murder charges in shooting of three Palestinian college students in Vermont. The Burlington Police Department announced that Jason J. Eaton, 48, was arrested Sunday afternoon near the scene of the shooting.

WSWS (2023-11-28). UN warns "humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is getting worse" as Israel plans to resume onslaught after "pause" Israel is using a four-day "pause" in its onslaught—which will reportedly be extended for another two days—to make preparations for an even more ruthless onslaught on southern Gaza.

WSWS (2023-11-28). Tens of thousands protest in Ottawa against Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza. The protest was a repudiation of the political and media establishment's campaign to smear, intimidate and witch-hunt those opposing the genocide in Gaza.

WSWS (2023-11-28). Surge of respiratory illness in northern China part of global outbreak of pneumonia among children. Cases of influenza-like illnesses have seen thousands of children hospitalized recently. China's health authorities have told the World Health Organization that these illnesses are being caused by the continuing rise in mycoplasma pneumonias combined with other known seasonal viral pathogens.

WSWS (2023-11-28). US invests in Colombo Port, deepening tensions with China. US involvement in the project is in line with its geo-strategic moves to undermine Beijing's growing influence in the Indian Ocean region and its preparations for war against China.

WSWS (2023-11-28). Home ownership the "preserve of the rich" in Australia. In Sydney, Australia's most populous city, households need to earn a staggering $261,733 annually for a mortgage on an average-priced home.

WSWS (2023-11-28). Censorship campaign against Roger Waters intensifies on his Latin American tour. After the censorship campaign against Roger Waters in the US and Europe, the acclaimed singer has been targeted on the Latin American leg of his "This is Not a Drill" tour amid Israel's genocide in Gaza. (2023-11-28). Nefecon approved for use in China. Everest Medicines announced to media on Monday that China's National Medical Products Administration has approved its innovative medicine Nefecon for the treatment of primary immunoglobulin A nephropathy in adults at risk of disease progression. (2023-11-28). China Eastern launches first flight between Jinan and Oceania. China Eastern Airlines launched the first flight between Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong province, and Sydney, Australia on Monday. (2023-11-28). Chinese chip company unveils new self-developed CPU. Chinese chip company Loongson Technology unveiled its latest self-developed central processing unit, or CPU, in Beijing on Tuesday, which can be used in multiple applications across different platforms. (2023-11-28). Elderly taking advantage of off-peak tours. In the year to mid-October, the number of travelers aged over 55 making bookings on its platform was double that in the same period last year, when strict COVID-19 pandemic precautions were in place. (2023-11-28). China to chair UN meeting on Palestinian-Israeli issue. China, the rotating president of the United Nations Security Council for November, will hold a high-level meeting of the council on the Palestinian-Israeli issue on Wednesday, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin announced. (2023-11-28). Committee calls for action on adolescents' mental health. New techniques and multidisciplinary measures should be applied to intervention in adolescents' mental health, an expert said in response to the grim psychological issues affecting students in China. (2023-11-28). 4 Chinese teens among 5 people killed in Canada crash. Five people — four teenagers and a 42-year-old woman — were killed in a two-vehicle crash in Huntsville, Canada, on Saturday, according to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). (2023-11-28). Private sector sees more benefits from tax relief measures. China has appointed Hu Jinglin as Party secretary of the State Taxation Administration, the tax authority said on its website on Tuesday. (2023-11-28). PBOC vows to maintain the stability of renminbi. The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, has reinforced its commitment to guarding the stability of the renminbi exchange rate after taking effective measures to cope with a transitory weakening of the Chinese currency in the past months. (2023-11-28). Biden to skip UN's COP28, a major climate meeting. U.S. President Joe Biden, who has called climate change "the ultimate threat to humanity", won't attend the United Nations' major climate change summit that begins Thursday in Dubai.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-28). What Would a Just Peace in Palestine Look Like? The Eclectic Radical A meme on Twitter has been asking "Where do the Israeli Jews go?" as if this is the supreme gotcha and this question completely invalidates all discussion of Palestinian liberation, as if Palestinian self-determination automatically means rendering the entire population of Israel homeless and stateless. This ignores the fact that the mere…

Aboulfotouh Kandil (2023-11-28). American Muslims for Palestine inadvertently give Netanyahu a Thanksgiving gift. TINLEY PARK, Il. — Women who don't adhere to strict standards of clothing are to blame if they are assaulted by men. That was the view expressed by a speaker at last weekend's convention of the American Muslims for Palestine. AMP is a prominent pro-Palestine organization in the U.S. that has the ability to mobilize …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-28). FDA approves Pfizer's maternal RSV vaccine despite trial safety signals of increased premature birth.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-28). 10 drugs to fight HIV, TB, malaria to be vulnerable to climate change. United Nations, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) UNITAD, an international financing mechanism for treating several diseases, warned on Tuesday that 10 products to combat HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria would be vulnerable to climate change.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-28). French warship to assist wounded people in Gaza. Paris, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) The French helicopter carrier Dixmude has docked in Egypt and could start treating wounded children from Gaza later this week, Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu said on Tuesday, as Western powers look to ramp up efforts to aid the enclave.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-28). Koch-tied group backs Haley to beat Donald Trump. Washington, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) The political network financed largely by billionaire Charles Koch is endorsing former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in the Republican primary, affording her new support against her Republican rivals in the fight to be the alternative to Donald Trump.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-28). BINUH condemns surge of gang violence in Haiti ¥s Bas Artibonite. Port-au-Prince, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) Over 1,690 people were killed, wounded or kidnapped in Bas Artibonite, some 100 km off north of Haiti ¥s capital, the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) condemned on Tuesday.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-28). El Salvador has largest army in Central America. When President Nayib Bukele took office in 2019, he promised to increase the number of military personnel to 40,000 troops. Today, it has reached 24,500, the highest compared with Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, where there are 27,460 police officers. | La Prensa Gráfica newspaper indicated that in the last five years, the defense budget has increased from 141 to 250.6 million dollars in 2023. The military forces currently participate in missions in the war declared against gangs along with the police. | The data published in the digital magazine states that El Salvador is the second Central American country…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-28). Al Mayadeen stresses commitment to martyrs and Palestine. Beirut, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) Al Mayadeen does not abandon its martyrs and the people of Palestine, the president of the Board of Directors of the pan-Arab network, Ghassan Ben Jeddou, stressed.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-28). Cuban Parliament calls for second ordinary session. The sessions will begin on December 20 of this year, starting at 9: 00 a.m. (local time), at the Convention Palace in the capital. | According to previous information, the provincial governments of Cienfuegos and Las Tunas, as well as the Ministry of Industry, in its capacity as an Agency of the Central State Administration, will render an account at the meeting of the Legislative Body. | In both territories, compliance with the objectives and goals of the Economy Plan and the State Budget Law will be evaluated, with emphasis on the performance of basic services to the population, such as health, education, trans…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-28). Justice and rule-of-law strengthen world peace — Pope Francis. Vatican City, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) In a message to the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), celebrating its 40th anniversary, Pope Francis recalls the importance of laws that protect the human person and authorities that enforce them.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-28). Forty-one percent of imported firearms are in Paraguay's black market. Asunción, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) Forty-one percent of the firearms imported by Paraguay in the last four years are in the hands of criminal gangs, according to a specialized official institution quoted by àöltima Hora on Monday.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-28). Chinese hospitals take new measures to fight respiratory outbreak. Beijing, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) Chinese hospitals are taking new measures on Tuesday to provide timely and effective treatment due to the recent outbreak of respiratory diseases, particularly those affecting children.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-28). Ecuadorian President Noboa submits economic draft bill to Parliament. Quito, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa on Tuesday sent the Urgent Economic Draft Bill, his first action to counter the crisis that the country is going through, to the National Assembly.

noreply (2023-11-28). Europe Is Written Off.

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-28). Electricity Sabotage Alert in Venezuela Amid Essequibo Referendum. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez stated that state security agencies remain active to address any sabotage to the electrical system or the consultative referendum on Essequibo, to be held this Sunday, December 3. | This Monday, November 27, Rodríguez held a press conference after a meeting of the Council of Vice Presidents, where they reviewed all the aspects to be considered for the electoral event that will be held this weekend. | In her speech, Delcy Rodríguez sent a message to those who "are planning" to sabotage the National Electric Service (SEN) after reporting that national authorities are monito…

Tom Engelhardt (2023-11-28). How to Carbonize Planet Earth.

Editor (2023-11-28). ExxonMobil's land grab. In 2014/15, the most sinister and predatory oil corporation in the world, ExxonMobil-an avowed enemy of Venezuela-discovered oil in land and sea of the disputed territory.

Leila Warah (2023-11-28). Dancing with broken hearts for the Palestinian children being freed. On Sunday, hundreds gathered in Ramallah to welcome Palestinian children set free from Israeli jails for the third consecutive day. It was a bittersweet victory however, with thousands still in jail and Israel's genocide continuing in Gaza.

Dr. Pascal Sacré (2023-11-28). The Lord of "Vaccines" and the "Health Terrorist Ideology". Where Do You Think this Is Going? Get Off that Crazy Train. "A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse"

Mustafa Abu Sneineh (2023-11-28). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 53: Hostage exchange continues, Israel, Hamas agree to extend truce. Sorrow has taken root in Gaza as Palestinians queue to fill up fuel for cooking. Israel arrested more Palestinians than it released in the past four days of the truce.

Cesar Chelala (2023-11-28). The Social Shame of Violence Against Women. Women and men are now organizing across cultures and socioeconomic classes to challenge and change gender-based abuse and injustice. In Argentina, for example, there were 22 femicides in 2019, a number higher than the year before. Worldwide, the most common kind of gender violence is domestic violence, which occurs in the home or within the

Lawrence Davidson (2023-11-28). How We Got to an Era of De-Civilization. Human Beings are not showing off their best abilities of late. They appear to have mostly failed when it comes to climate change. For instance, "By 2100, average temperatures in the U.S. are expected to increase by approximately 8 ∞F or more (4.4 ∞C)" if the current high rate of greenhouse gas emissions is maintained. If "immediate

Stewart Lawrence (2023-11-28). Democrats Debate Their Options: Should Biden Ignore Pressure to Step Aside? In the wake of a series of devastating polls showing Donald Trump defeating Joe Biden in the battle for the White House in 2024, Democrats have taken to consoling themselves that past party incumbents, including both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, also faced stiff challenges three years into their first term in office but still

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-11-28). O acordo com o Hamas revela as dificuldades de Israel. Depois de insistir que nà£o negociaria com o Hamas, Israel finalmente anunciou que concordou em participar numa troca de prisioneiros e na interrupàßà£o temporária dos combates. Os termos do acordo foram publicados por representantes do Qatar, sendo Doha o local …

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-28). Luis Arce posesiona a nueva canciller de Bolivia, Celinda Sosa. Sosa nació en una comunidad de la provincia Cercado de Tarija y durante el acto de su posesión remarcó que siempre estuvo vinculada al trabajo con "el pueblo y las organizaciones sociales".

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-28). Detectan en Reino Unido el primer caso humano de gripe A(H1N2)v. La directora de Incidentes del UKHSA, Meera Chand, ha declarado que "gracias a la vigilancia rutinaria de la gripe y a la secuenciación del genoma hemos podido detectar este virus".

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-28). Mueren 11 trabajadores en una mina carbón en China. La mina ubicada a 130 km de la frontera con Rusia forma parte de la gran industria regional, una que ha sufrido varios accidentes fatales en los últimos tiempos.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-28). Comienzan cierres de campaña de cara a referéndum por Esequibo. La diputada de la Asamblea Nacional, Iris Varela, recordó que la consulta del próximo 3 de diciembre es un hecho histórico donde los venezolanos podrán defender a su país en un ejercicio soberano.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-28). Siria condena ataques de Israel contra sus aeropuertos civiles. La cartera diplomática Siria destacó que los continuos ataques contra aeropuertos civiles de la nación atentan contra la seguridad regional y mundial.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-28). Israel añade a 50 palestinas secuestradas en lista de excarcelaciones. Gobierno israelí confirmó recibir la lista con los nombres de los rehenes que serán devueltos este martes por la resistencia palestina en el marco del acuerdo para prorrogar la tregua.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-28). CIA y Mossad deciden sobre utilidad de ampliar tregua en Gaza. El acuerdo de intercambio fue negociado por Qatar, que sirvió como intermediario entre Hamás e Israel en negociaciones con la estrecha participación de Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-28). Venezuela afirma que defensa del Esequibo es asunto de unidad nacional. La vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, afimó que Guyana debe regresar a la mesa de negociación, está contemplada en la carta de Ginebra.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-28). Irán adquiere aeronaves militares modernas de Rusia. El acuerdo para la venta de aeronaves fue firmado en marzo de este año luego de que la ONU levantara el embargo sobre la compra de armas convencionales en octubre de 2020.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-28). Al menos seis fallecidos y siete heridos en accidente vial en Bolivia. Según reportan testigos, en la carretera había neblina que dificultaba la visión.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-28). Presidente de Cuba confirma su asistencia a la COP28. Díaz-Canel asistirá a la COP28, que se desarrollará del 30 de noviembre al 12 de diciembre en Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-28). Presidente venezolano reitera llamado a votar en referéndum consultivo en defensa del Esequibo. El jefe de Estado indicó que Venezuela tiene un compromiso con la historia.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-28). Presidente venezolano reitera llamado a votar en referéndum en defensa del Esequibo. El jefe de Estado indicó que Venezuela tiene un compromiso con la historia.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). 40 países favorecen solución de dos Estados para conflicto palestino. El canciller de España apuntó que la Autoridad Nacional Palestina constituye "nuestro único socio posible para la paz".

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-28). Más de 100 damnificados tras lluvias en Huancayo, Perú. Varias viviendas se quedaron sin energía eléctrica por varias horas debido a que las lluvias afectaron también las líneas de transmisión.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-28). Liberan a 33 palestinos secuestrados en cárceles israelíes. Los jóvenes liberados señalaron a los medios que fueron sometidos a diversas torturas y vejaciones por parte de las autoridades carcelarias del ente sionista.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-11-28). Venezuela condena ataque de Israel a aeropuerto de Damasco, Siria. Mediante un comunicado, el gobierno bolivariano denunció las acciones bélicas del domingo pasado, que inhabilitaron al Aeropuerto Internacional de Damasco.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-28). Aumentan a 15.000 los muertos por ataques de Israel en Gaza. La Oficina de Prensa en Gaza señaló que entre las víctimas, se reportan al menos 6.150 niños y 4.000 mujeres.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Hamas acusa a Israel de violar tregua temporal en Gaza. El vocero del brazo armado de Hamás, Abu Obeida, afirmó que Israel cometió "una clara violación" del acuerdo de tregua.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Rescatan exitosamente a 41 obreros atrapados en túnel de India. El ministro de Transporte por Carretera y Autopistas afirmó que es "una de las operaciones de rescate más importantes"

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-28). Gobierno filipino y rebeldes acuerdan reanudar diálogos de paz. La lucha armada en curso, iniciada en 1969 y en su apogeo en la década de 1980, cuando el grupo rebelde contaba con unos 26.000 combatientes.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Tropas israelíes asesinan a tres jóvenes palestinos en Cisjordania. Amr Ahmed Jamil Wahdan, de 14 años, fue asesinado durante una incursión sionista en la aldea de Tayasir, en Tubas.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-28). Corte Suprema panameña declara inconstitucional contrato minero. La decisión, reclamada por las protestas de gremios de varias ramas podría ser una inflexión a una crisis nacional.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Prosiguen esfuerzos para rescatar a obreros atrapados en India. El nuevo plan se basa en cavar a mano nueve metros con una técnica denominada "minería de agujeros de rata".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Venezuela y Belarús instalan Comisión Conjunta de Alto Nivel. La comisión basada en una hoja de ruta de 10 años fue instalada durante el encuentro "Geopolítica de Paz e Integración".

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-28). Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU abordará conflicto en Gaza. China pretende aprovechar esta reunión como escenario para fomentar un diálogo profundo y eficaz entre todas las partes implicadas.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-28). Policía Nacional allana la sede la Fiscalía de Perú. La presunta red "instrumentalizó la persecución penal" y tenía el objetivo de manipular las decisiones de algunos congresistas en la remoción de los titulares de la Junta Nacional de Justicia.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-28). Delegación venezolana llega a Belarús para reunión de Comisión Mixta. En los días 28 y 29 de noviembre, los participantes de la reunión llegarán a nuevos acuerdos de cooperación.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-28). Israel y Hamas acuerdan extender la tregua humanitaria dos días más. El acuerdo incluiría la liberación diaria de diez rehenes en Gaza, mujeres y niños, a cambio de 30 prisioneros palestinos en cárceles israelíes.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-28). Rusia insiste en la solución de dos Estados en Palestina. Estas declaraciones se dieron en el contexto de otra reunión de Bogdanov, con los vicecancilleres de Siria, Bassam Sabbagh y Ayman Susan.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-28). Fiscal presenta denuncia contra presidenta de Perú. Peruanas y peruanos se movilizaron contra la corrupción del Ministerio Público.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2023-11-28). Colombia llevará a COP28 propuesta de canje de deuda. La COP28 tendrá lugar del 30 de noviembre al 12 de diciembre en la Expo City Dubái, donde se darán cita jefes de Estado y de Gobierno…

teleSUR, dcdc (2023-11-28). Alrededor de 570 migrantes arriban a Lampedusa, Italia. El Ministerio del Interior italiano indica más de 150.000 migrantes han llegado a ese país desde principios de año.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-28). Médicos peruanos exigen oficializar anuncio de aumento salarial. Los cirujanos, obstetras, tecnólogos médicos, dentistas, químicos farmacéuticos, entre otros profesionales de la salud, paralizaron sus actividades desde el jueves pasado.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-28). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Realizan paro contra privatizaciones en Sao Paulo, Brasil. La protesta se produce contra el gobierno estatal, en específico la política de privatización de empresas públicas.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-28). Revocan sobreseimiento a Cristina Fernández en Argentina. El sobreseimiento dictaminado por el juez federal Sebastián Casanello fue apelado por la asociación civil, "Bases Republicanas", la cual fue aceptada como como querellante por la Cámara.

teleSUR, lfb, YSM (2023-11-28). Presidente de Brasil propone a nuevo juez para el Tribunal Supremo. Las propuestas deben ser validadas por la Cámara Alta del Senado.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-28). Exigen cese al fuego permanente contra Gaza en Nueva York, EEUU. La guerra en Gaza, Palestina, por la invasión israelí ha dejado ya más de 15.000 muertos.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Más de 356.000 efectivos vigilarán referendo sobre el Esequibo. Delcy Rodríguez realizó las declaraciones tras la reunión del Consejo de vicepresidentes junto con el Gabinete de Seguridad.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-28). Registran sismo de magnitud 6,6 en Wewak, Papúa Nueva Guinea. De acuerdo con el ente, el seísmo se localizó a 49 kilómetros al noroeste Wewak, Papúa Nueva Guinea.

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2023-11-28). Winter 2023 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! Breaking his campaign promise — amid a migrant crisis, Biden to build new section of racist border wall!

Angela (2023-11-28). Tuesday 11/28: Urgent Action: Immigrant Youth for Palestine Power Hour! Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Tenant, Neighborhood Councils (2023-11-28). Sunday 11/26: Tenants Fighting Eviction to Picket KP Market, Threatening Boycott. KP Market (2370 Telegraph Avenue)…

Tenant, Neighborhood Councils (2023-11-28). Tenants Fighting Eviction Picket KP Market, Threatening Boycott.

Angela (2023-11-28). Thursday 11/30: No Money for Massacres Solidarity Phone Bank. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-28). Friday 12/1: Action Hour — Ceasefire Now. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-28). Wednesday 11/29: Bayanihan Youth Group: Let's Talk About Palestine Workshop. 310 8th St. | Oakland, CA…

Angela (2023-11-28). Thursday 11/30: Community Forum for Oakland Families. La Escuelita (the Great Room) | 1050 2nd Ave | Oakland, CA…

Angela (2023-11-28). Monday 11/27: #NoTechFor Apartheid. YouTube (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-28). Tuesday 11/28: Rising in Solidarity: Palestine and the Arab Revolution. YouTube (Registration link is below)… (2023-11-28). White House funding massive phone surveillance program. The DAS (Data Analytical Services) program has been collecting information from countless phone calls nationwide. (2023-11-28). North Korea beefs up weapons, troops on border after military pact suspended. North Korea has deployed soldiers and heavy weapons at guard posts near the border with South Korea. (2023-11-28). Actress Cynthia Nixon launches hunger strike calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Cynthia Nixon, joined by state legislators and activists, launches a hunger strike calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-28). Israel releases 33 Palestinian prisoners after Hamas frees 11 captives in 4th phase of swap deal. Israel releases another group of Palestinian prisoners after the Hamas resistance movement frees 11 captives. (2023-11-28). Iran warns US, Israel of 'harsh consequences' if war crimes continue in Gaza. The Iranian foreign minister warns the US and Israel that they will face 'harsh consequences' if they keep committing crimes in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-28). Hamas once again scores major victory in cognitive war against Tel Aviv: Israeli think tank. An Israeli independent think-tank has confirmed that the Palestinians resistance movement Hamas has scored more victories against Israel. (2023-11-28). Turks in Istanbul protest death of civilians in Gaza. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Istanbul on Friday to protest civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip and express support for the Palestinians. (2023-11-28). Pro-Palestine rallies continue as truce takes hold in Gaza. Pro-Palestine protesters hold more rallies in Sydney and New York in solidarity with people in the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-28). People march in pro-Palestinian demonstration in London. People take to the streets of London to march in support of Palestinians. (2023-11-28). Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate in Frankfurt. Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters hold a demonstration in Frankfurt, calling for an end to Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-28). Sri Lankans rally outside US embassy, denounce its support for Israel. Hundreds of Sri Lankan protesters gather in front of the US embassy in Colombo to denounce Washington's support for Tel Aviv. (2023-11-28). Thousands protest in Lyon in solidarity with Palestinian. Thousands of demonstrators joined a pro-Palestine rally in Lyon to demand ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-28). New York City protesters disrupt Black Friday shopping to support Palestinians in Gaza. Dozens of protesters gather near Macy's megastore in Manhattan, disrupting Black Friday shopping to show support for Palestinians. (2023-11-28). Iran stresses sustainable security as new destroyer joins naval fleet. Iran's highest-ranking military commander stresses sustainable security as a new destroyer joins naval fleet. (2023-11-28). Israel massacred own people under 'Hannibal Directive': Reports. Israel massacred its own people by enacting its controversial 'Hannibal Directive' during the Palestinians' Oct. 7 operation, according to reports. (2023-11-28). Crowds pack China's Beijing hospital after respiratory illness surge. Eyewitness footage showed an overcrowded waiting area at the Beijing Children's Hospital. (2023-11-28). Iran naval forces 'frustrated' self-proclaimed maritime superpowers: IRGC cmdr. The IRGC Navy commander says his force along with the Iranian Army's naval division have "frustrated" those claiming to be maritime superpowers. (2023-11-28). Thousands rally in Nuremberg, demanding permanent Gaza ceasefire. Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators marched in Nuremberg to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-28). Iran warns of Israel's plot to stoke tension in West Asia. Iran says Israel is responsible for the consequences of any increased tension in the West Asia region. (2023-11-28). Jordan says Israeli crimes in Gaza qualify as genocide. Jordan's FM says events in Gaza qualify as genocide as MPs seek a review of accords with Israel. (2023-11-28). Iran calls for Israel to be brought to justice for '4 core international crimes' in Gaza. An Iranian diplomat says Israel should be brought to justice for all four core international crimes it committed in Gaza. (2023-11-28). Iranian academics: Israel seeks genocide, extinction of Palestinians in Gaza. A group of Iranian academic figures and distinguished luminaries have officially condemned the Israeli regime's brutal aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-28). Israeli captive held in Gaza thanks Hamas for kind, humane treatment. An Israeli woman held by Hamas during the regime's war on Gaza thanks the movement's fighters for their humane behavior. (2023-11-28). Senior Hamas official: We hope truce would be extended for longer period. A senior official of Hamas resistance movement hopes the truce in Gaza would be extended for a longer period of time. (2023-11-28). UN envoy: Iran's missile, space programs fully in compliance with international law. Iran's UN envoy says the country's missile and space programs are fully in compliance with its legitimate rights under international law. (2023-11-28). Iran: International consensus exists on necessity of lasting ceasefire in Gaza. Iran's foreign minister says there exists an international consensus on the need for a lasting ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-28). Region 'let down' by West's reaction to Israeli crimes in Gaza: Qatar. Qatar's Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani has slammed the West's support for Israel's war on the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-28). Biden ditched staff advice to dismiss fake news on 'Hamas beheading babies'. The US president dismissed the recommendation that he cut a line about Hamas beheading babies "because those reports were unverified."

2023-11-28 16:26:56 | 16:26 EST | rz | 207 | 0 | 3 | 216 | 0 

2023-11-26: News Headlines

Andrew Korybko (2023-11-26). NATO's Proposed "Military Schengen" Is a Thinly Disguised German Power Play Over Poland.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-26). French political leader calls attacks over Gaza as atrocity. Paris, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) The La France Insoumise (LFI) Coordinator Manuel Bompard on Sunday termed Israel ¥s indiscriminate attacks over Gaza as unacceptable atrocity, where nearly 15,000 civilians (6,000 children included) were assassinated. In statements to the Europe1 channel, Bompard said that what is really happening in Gaza is a massacre.

F. William Engdahl (2023-11-26). How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis. The energy crisis is a long-planned strategy of western corporate capital to dismantle industrial economies in the name of a dystopian Green Agenda. That has its roots well before February 2022, when Russia launched its military action in Ukraine.

Editor (2023-11-26). Ukrainian Official Confirms Russia Was Ready to End War in March 2022 If Kyiv Agreed to Neutrality.

infobrics (2023-11-26). A World of Blocs: Where Pakistan Stands. BRICS and SCO play a vital role in challenging the western-based international order and its established hegemony. They were established to replace the developed West and serve as the foundation for joint Chinese and Russian efforts to reshape the international system…

Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-26). Hamas Praises Contributions Of China, Russia, And Arab Countries In Truce. The political leader of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, highlighted the efforts of several Arab countries, as well as Russia and China, behind the truce in Gaza Strip. | "We reaffirm the importance of the efforts of Arab and Islamic countries, as well as friendly states like Russia and China, to help our people fulfill their aspirations for freedom, return, and independence," Haniyeh said on Friday, November 24, in a short video posted on social media. | The Hamas leader also thanked Egypt and Qatar for their mediation efforts in the truce agreement, underlining the Palestinian movement…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-26). Russia launches Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying military satellite. "Combat teams of the Aerospace Forces' Space Troops launched a Soyuz-2.1b medium-class carrier rocket with the Defense Ministry's space vehicle from the Defense Ministry's State Testing Cosmodrome (the Plesetsk spaceport) in the Arkhangelsk Region at 11: 58 p.m. (8: 58 p.m. GMT) on Saturday, November 25," the statement reads. | A Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket was last launched from the Plesetsk space center on October 27, 2023. A total of 67 launches took place as of November 26, 2023, including two failed ones. As many as 41 launches were carried out from the Plesetsk spaceport, 15 from Baikonur and another 11 from Vo…

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). The Eviction Notice Is Being Written, and Will Come in Four Languages. By: Pepe Escobar. ​The Eviction Notice is being written. And it will come in four languages. Russian. Farsi. Mandarin. And last but not least, English.​A much-cherished pleasure of professional writing is to always be enriched by informed readers. This "eviction" insight — worth a thousand geopolitical treatises — was offered by one of my sharpest readers commenting on a column.Concisely, what we have here expresses a deeply felt consensus across the spectrum n … (2023-11-26). Life-long passion: Chinese and Russian couple promotes cultural communication through photo-shooting tour.

Mustafa Abu Sneineh (2023-11-26). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 51: Israel fires at Palestinians attempting to return to northern Gaza amid shaky truce. Israeli forces killed a Palestinian in Al-Maghazi refugee camp and shot at people attempting to inspect their homes amid the shaky temporary truce. Israel also killed five Palestinians during a 14-hour raid in the West Bank city of Jenin.

infobrics (2023-11-26). New Development Era Ahead for Belt and Road, BRICS. The launch of the Belt and Road Initiative a decade ago marked another milestone in China's development journey. The question is: What is the Belt and Road Initiative's role in international relations, particularly China's relations with other countries and organizations now and in the future?>

infobrics (2023-11-26). China's Relationship with South Africa and the Continent Will Grow. Chairperson of the National Assembly's portfolio committee on international relations, Supra Mahumapelo, believes China's relationship with South Africa and the continent will grow over the next few years, given the level of investment…

WSWS (2023-11-26). Dublin riots highlight far-right threat in Europe amid deep social crisis. Groups of extreme nationalists, white supremacists, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccine campaigners and COVID denialists come together around opposition to immigration and to a "weak" and "woke" establishment—in fact only magnifying the anti-migrant rhetoric of that same establishment.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-26). Chicago scrambles to house migrants as winter draws near. Washington, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) As Chicago's brutal winter looms, city and state officials are scrambling to find shelter for more than 2,000 migrants now living at airports, police stations and on the city's streets, plus long-term housing for thousands more already crammed into overcrowded shelters.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-26). The German state's crackdown on solidarity with Palestine. Zaid Abdulnasser is a Palestinian refugee living in Berlin, Germany and a former member of "Samidoun — Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network". Samidoun is an international organization, working for the cause of Palestinian prisoners. On the 2nd of November, Samidoun was banned by the Ministry of Interior in Germany. On November 23rd, German security authorities also conducted raids at properties connected to suspected Samidoun members. Previously, Zaid Abdulnasser had already been threatened with deportation, due to his political work. | In this interview, Zaid gives a comprehensive overview on the positi…

The Independent (2023-11-26). Excitement builds as Ker Alur football finale nears. Pakwach, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | As the 6th edition of the Ker Alur football competition hurtles towards its grand finale on Nov. 30, the counties of Jonam, Padyere, and Okoro find themselves in a heated battle for the coveted prize of Shs 4 million. Ker Alur, in collaboration with its leading partner for 2023, MTN-Uganda, … (2023-11-26). Foreign scholars hail BRI as crucial platform for collaboration. The Belt and Road Initiative has demonstrated China's determination to collaborate with other countries and create a world order defined by fairness, cooperation and positivity, said foreign scholars attending the Shanghai Forum of World Conference on China Studies on Friday.

John Perry (2023-11-26). US Sanctions Hit Nicaragua's Social Investment Programs. By John Perry — Nov 7, 2023 | John Perry is based in Masaya, Nicaragua, and writes for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, London Review of Books, FAIR and other outlets. | Which country spends nearly two-thirds of its budget on tackling poverty? When I met Nicaragua's finance minister, Ivan Acosta, he had just presented his 2024 budget to its National Assembly, and he made clear that a large part of it is aimed at doing just that. | In cash terms, Nicaragua's government will spend about 24% more in 2024 than in the current year, which includes a huge increase (43%) in public sector investment. Acosta explai…

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy. (2023-11-26). Argentina is Not For Sale: Unions Respond to Privatization. Argentines weary of annual inflation soaring above 140% and a poverty rate that reached 40% have elected right-wing libertarian economist Javier Milei. On Sunday, November 19, 2023, Milei defeated Economy Minister Sergio Massa by a wide margin, 55.7% to 44.3%, winning all but three of the nation's 24 provinces. He had campaigned on the promise to privatise state-owned enterprises, slash government spending, dollarise the economy, eliminate the Central Bank, and close key ministries, among them health and education. | Milei is making the privatisation of the Argentine state-run oil company, YPF, a top priority. "T…

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Israel Is Assassinating Journalists in Gaza. By: Amanda Yee. As part of its genocidal onslaught on Gaza, Israel is killing media workers at an unprecedented rate, seemingly to prevent the world from seeing the unspeakable atrocities it carries out. Israel is intentionally assassinating journalists in Gaza. As it wages its genocidal onslaught on the enclave, having murdered at least 13,000 Palestinians so far, Israel is simultaneously killing media workers in order to prevent the world from seeing the unspeakable atrocities it carries out.&#82 …

News Desk, The Cradle. (2023-11-26). Palestinians Celebrate As Israel Releases Captive Women And Children. Crowds across the occupied West Bank cheered and waved Palestinian and Hamas flags, along with kaffiyeh scarves, as 39 Palestinian women and children held captive by Israel were released. | The Palestinian captives were transported home in white buses — escorted by armored vehicles — from the Ofer military camp. | Israel released the Palestinians under a truce agreement to pause the fighting in besieged Gaza after Hamas released 13 Israeli women and children and 10 Thai workers the resistance movement captured during its 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood raid on Israel.

WSWS (2023-11-26). Video report: Workers and youth speak to WSWS at rallies in London and Leeds, UK against genocide in Gaza. WSWS reporters spoke to some of those attending the rallies in London and Leeds on Saturday November 25 against Israel's genocidal onslaught on Gaza. The video interviews are below.

The Independent (2023-11-26). Uganda, ILO to implement the second phase of project to end child labour. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), Mr. Aggrey David Kibenge has met with a delegation from the International Labour Organization's ACCEL project, during which they discussed the upcoming second phase of the initiative aimed at eradicating child labour in supply chains across Africa. … (2023-11-26). 51 Days of Aggression: Destruction Unveiled as Gaza Sees Third Day of Calm. In the midst of the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, the aggression has now entered its 51st consecutive day. However, there is a glimmer of hope as the third day of a temporary humanitarian truce brings a brief respite from air strikes. Despite this, the occupation forces continue to violate the ceasefire by … (2023-11-26). Hezbollah Executive Council chief Sayyed Hashem Safieddine: So long as the Resistance's weapons are able to strike the Israelis with precision, that means these weapons are protecting Lebanon.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-26). The latest trends in healthcare and other observations. Dr. Vernon Coleman gives us his latest passing observations including the new medical trend of "long" diseases and another medical craze to come out of covid is multiple annual "vaccines," all at …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-26). The latest trends in healthcare and other observations. Dr. Vernon Coleman gives us his latest passing observations including the new medical trend of "long" illnesses. Another medical craze to come out of covid is multiple annual "vaccines," all at the … (2023-11-26). Over 100 mln people sign up for China's medical insurance digital code. More than 100 million people in China have registered to use a digital code for the country's basic medical insurance plan, the National Healthcare Security Administration said on Friday.

Ben Norton (2023-11-26). West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural diversity at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions. The West voted against the rest of the world on United Nations General Assembly resolutions, opposing democracy, human rights, and cultural diversity, while supporting mercenaries and unilateral coercive measures (sanctions).

Ben Norton (2023-11-26). West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural diversity at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions. The West consistently voted against the rest of the world on United Nations General Assembly resolutions, opposing democracy, human rights, and cultural diversity, while supporting mercenaries and unilateral coercive measures (sanctions).

Editor (2023-11-26). Nov 26, 2023. Bob Marley — redemption song The Thanksgiving Truce, by Joe Lauria Israel Has Damaged Israel's Reputation Far Worse Than Its Enemies Ever Have, by Caitlin Johnstone Hamas has won the war! by Gilbert Doctorow Experts Agree: Hamas Is Winning, by Kevin Barrett Gaza: a pause before the storm, by Pepe Escobar Day 49 — War and Pause | Last Minute Massacres | Prisoners Released | Intl. Solidarity Grows Day 50: First Israeli and Palestinian hostages released as Gaza takes stock of devastation — Mondoweiss Israel Already Violated "Ceasefire", Gareth Porter Exposes Al-Shi…

Dima Ashour (2023-11-26). Living through hell in Gaza's largest hospital. "There is no place for life here, there is a place only for death."

Sewar Elejla (2023-11-26). Rescued from beneath Gaza's rubble. Israa Ahmed survived an Israeli attack that killed her mother, brother and nephew.

Sewar Elejla (2023-11-26). Rescued from beneath Gaza's rubble. Israa Ahmed survived an Israeli attack that killer her mother, brother and nephew.

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-11-26). Contrary to Dominant Folklore, Evidence Indicates that, Like Oswald, John Wilkes Booth Was Part of Wider Conspiracy. In popular lore, John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, was the first lone deranged gunman—preceding Lee Harvey Oswald. A stage actor from a famous theatrical family from Maryland and Confederate sympathizer who was as "handsome as a Greek God,"[1] Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head while Lincoln and his wife, …

Editor (2023-11-26). Team B and the Jerusalem Conference: How Israel Helped Craft Modern-Day "Terrorism" By Kit Klarenberg / MintPress News Since Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza began, Zionist officials, pundits, journalists, and their Western opposite numbers have endlessly invoked the sinister specter of "terrorism" to justify the industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians. It is because of "terrorism," twice-failed U.S. Presidential candidate and unconvicted war criminal Hillary Clinton representatively wrote for The Atlantic on November …

Iván Orosa Paleo (2023-11-26). The Netherlands' turn to the radical right. The Freedom Party (PVV) of xenophobic leader Geert Wilders has won a resounding victory in the November 22 parliamentary elections in the Netherlands. With 37 seats out of a total of 150 in the lower house (Tweede Kamer) of the country's bicameral parliament, Geert Wilders has made his party the leading political force and the favorite to attempt the formation of the next government. | In second place, the coalition of social democrats and left-wing environmentalists, GroenLinks/PvdA, led by former European Commission vice-president and Green Deal responsible Frans Timmermans, won 25 seats. The right-wing liberal…

Pepe Escobar (2023-11-26). Gaza: A Pause Before the Storm. By Pepe Escobar — Nov 23, 2023 | The US and its allies will continue backing Israel's war on Gaza after a brief truce. But as the case for 'genocide' grows stronger, the new multipolar powers will have to confront the old hegemons and their Rules-Based Chaos. | While the world cries "Israeli genocide," the Biden White House is gushing over the Behind the self-congratulatory narratives, th…

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Gaza: a pause before the storm. By: Pepe Escobar. The US and its allies will continue backing Israel's war on Gaza after a brief truce. But as the case for 'genocide' grows stronger, the new multipolar powers will have to confront the old hegemons and their Rules-Based Chaos. ​While the world cries "Israeli genocide," the Biden White House is gushing over the upcoming Gaza truce it helped broker, as though it's actually "on the verge" of its "biggest diplomatic victory." ​Be …

Peter Koenig (2023-11-26). The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF's Stated Objective is "Altering the Human Being" We are all vulnerable — vaxxed or unvaxxed — to mind interference through the worldwide coverage of 5G shortwaves. And the worst is, we may not even notice when it "hits" us.

Philip Giraldi (2023-11-26). Marching for Israel? American and Israeli War Criminals Celebrate Together.

Philip Giraldi (2023-11-26). Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A False Flag"? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is "to Wipe Gaza Off the Map"? "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy". Benjamin Netanyahu…

Adam Mahoney, In These Times. (2023-11-26). Pollution Displaces Black Residents; White Homeowners Profit. Englewood Chicago — Deborah Payne's neighborhood of 35 years on Chicago's South Side no longer exists. | Dirt piles tower where families once gathered for Sunday dinners in single- and multifamily homes. Concrete lots cover backyards where children watched fireworks and caught lightning bugs. Streets that maintained generations of Black Chicago razed and left empty for railway cars. | Today, less than 10 blocks from Payne's old neighborhood, sits the repercussions of diesel pollution caused by the expansion of a railyard. Over a decade ago, the city, along with railroad giant Norfolk Southern, announced a p…

Erica Caines, Hood Communist. (2023-11-26). Community Control For A Zone Of Peace. Earlier this year, in January, I had the privilege of spending ten days on the Women In Nicaragua: Power and Protagonism delegation which was organized by the Jubilee House Community — Casa Benjamin Linder and Alliance for Global Justice. This was nothing short of a life changing trip. This opportunity came by way of a sponsorship so I want to encourage you all in donating to allow another person this same opportunity. Because I promise you, I have not been the same since I've returned. | I've often described my trip in January as nothing short of life changing. So when given the chance to return in July le…

John Tarleton, The Indypendent. (2023-11-26). After Wave Of Protest, Hunter College Reverses Israel Movie Cancellation. On Tuesday, Hunter College Interim President Ann Kirschner reversed her decision to ban a movie about young Jewish-Americans exploring their disenchantment with Israel one week after she set off a firestorm of criticism at the CUNY campus. It will now be shown at Hunter by Dec. 5, Kirschner promised. | "This represents the power of what the faculty, students and our union did when the president unilaterally canceled our event," said Tami Gold, a professor of film and media studies at Hunter. | The movie, Israelism, is co-directed by Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen. It was inspired by their experiences of traveling…

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-11-26). Profit-Making Holiday 'Black Friday' Interrupted By Mass Mobilizations. Thousands took to the streets across multiple US cities to disrupt Black Friday, the most profitable retail shopping day of the year, to demand a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. | November 24, marked the first day of the four-day humanitarian pause in the enclave. Displaced families have begun to travel back to their homes in the north of Gaza, even as Israeli forces opened fire on them, killing at least two Palestinians who were traveling back north. Videos have been circulating on social media of Palestinian political prisoners being released by Israeli forces, including many children and women. Freed ch…

St. Louis Organizers for Palestine, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-26). Block The Bombs: Palestine Activists Protest Boeing Facility In Missouri. Hidden in plain sight along a particularly drab stretch of Route 94, just west of the Missouri River in St. Charles, MO, lies a large, plain white building. Almost completely nondescript apart from its size, it is distinguishable from the road only by a pair of small signs identifying it as Boeing Building 598. It is, at present, perhaps the deadliest building in the state. | Amidst an ever-growing civilian death toll exacted by Israel's relentless bombing campaign against Gaza, the displacement of the vast majority of the city's 2 million residents, and numerous other human rights atrocities of various descripti…

The Canary. (2023-11-26). Palestine Solidarity Campaign Took Protests To The Heart Of 'Democracy'. Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has been behind multiple marches in support of the people of the Occupied Territories and Gaza. However, the group has taken its activism one step further — because it occupied the centre of so-called democracy in the UK right in the middle of the biggest parliamentary event of the week. Wearing "Ceasefire" t-shirts and shouting "Ceasefire now!" and "Free Palestine!", the activists sought to draw attention to the need for a permanent ceasefire to bring an end to Israel's indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Gaza and to create the conditions to begin to address the root…

NDN Collective. (2023-11-26). Dozens Hold Sit-In To Demand Resignation Of SD State's Attorney. Rapid City, SD — Yesterday, the families of Nevaeh Brave Heart, Aiko Storm White Eagle, Kasey Arehart, and Kyle Whiting held a sit-in at state's attorney Lara Roetzel's office for five hours, calling for her resignation and for an independent investigation into the practices of the State's Attorney office. | The families and local community members mobilized this peaceful action to call attention to the state's attorney's track record of over prosecuting Native people while also failing to serve justice for Native people who have been murdered. | To draw just one sharp comparison: the white man who killed N…

Michael Arria (2023-11-26). Three Palestinian students shot in Vermont in apparent hate crime. Three Palestinian students were shot and injured in Burlington, Vermont in an apparent hate crime. The suspect remains at large.

Zahra Bhaiwala, Leen Farrah Ezzeddine, Eli Schwamm (2023-11-26). Harvard is on the wrong side of history, again. Harvard's current suppression of Palestinian rights advocacy is a decades-long tradition. Instead of learning from past mistakes, Harvard is once again punishing students advocating for human rights.

Editor (2023-11-26). College Administrations Are Failing Their Palestinian and Jewish Students. By Hadas Thier / "I lost 14 family members in the church bombing in Gaza," Layla told me. | Layla requested that only her first name be used, due to safety concerns. She is a Palestinian American student at Columbia University. Grieving with dignity there, she said, has felt impossible. She has been repeatedly called a terrorist while walking on campus wearing a keffiyeh—…

Editor (2023-11-26). Delayed But Not Denied: Second Hamas-Israeli Prisoner Swap Goes Through.

Editor (2023-11-26). Israeli October 7 Posterchild Was Killed by Israeli Tank, Eyewitnesses Reveal.

mforinoco (2023-11-26). Invoking The Genocide Convention Against Israel.

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Cuba's economists committed to Che's example. By: Pedro Ríoseco López-Trigo. On the eve of Economist's Day, it is important to review some aspects of Che's core ideas on the Political Economy of Socialism and especially when for some the solution to current problems is to completely free the market and reduce the role of the State in the economy. ​In the Constituent Congress of the National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba (ANEC), in 1979, November 26 was established as Economist's Day, in tribute to the appointment of Ernesto Che Guevara o …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Forward Ever: 40 Years on from the End of the Revolution and the U.S. Invasion of Grenada. By: Amy Li Baksh. In the throes of the Cold War, a tiny Caribbean island dared to wage a revolutionary experiment. As the Revo imploded, the United States invaded. Dear Comradesif it must beyou speak no more with menor smile no more with menor march no more with methen let me takea patience and a calmfor even now the greener leaf explodessun brightens stoneand all the river burns.Now from the mourning vanguard moving ondear Comrades I salute you and I sayDeath will not find us thinking that we die.— …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Hamas: From Al-Aqsa Intifada to Al-Aqsa Flood. By: Sammy Ismail. Any sympathizer with the Palestinian cause must recognize the aptness of the Palestinian people's decision to resist and achieve liberation. Solidarity is not about pitying the Palestinians for their grave suffering but rather honoring their will to resist their oppressors. ​I won't rest until I plant my heaven in this world. Or I'll uproot the world's heavens from it -Ghassan Kanafani ​Hamas: rising as the military vanguard in Palestine Hamas, which l …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). The immensity of a man. By: Mailenys Oliva Ferrales. Inexhaustible presence, image of the dream fulfilled and truth of a country, Fidel continues to inhabit us from the survival, and emerging undefeated in the endearing memory of those who lived his time ​Seven Novembers have passed since his physical departure and, however, Fidel continues to inhabit us since his survival, with that inexhaustible presence that emanates from his eternal and inescapable legacy, and from the endearing memory of those who lived his time.And it could not …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). US & Israel Dead-Last in Following UN Charter. By: Jeffrey D. Sachs and Guillaume Lafortune. As part of our academic research on how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are examining the extent to which U.N. member states adhere to the U.N. Charter and U.N.-backed goals such as the SDGs.Towards this end, we have created a preliminary "Multilateralism Index" and welcome feedback and suggestions. The ranking of 74 countries according to the Multilateralism Index is shown below. Barbados ranks highest, the U.N. member most aligned with the U.N. Charter. Thou …

BAN Toxics (2023-11-26). CHRISTMAS ALERT: Kiddie Bouncy and Squeaky Plastic Toys Sold in Local Markets Contain Toxic Chemicals. With Christmas fast approaching and shoppers gearing up for their gift-giving, safe toy advocate BAN Toxics issued a warning to the public concerning the sale of bouncy (also known as inflatable hoppers) and squeaky plastic toys that might contain toxic chemicals. Chlorinated paraffins are widely used in various plastics, especially in children's toys, and pose severe health risks. They have been linked to liver and kidney damage, disruptions in the endocrine system, potential cancer risks, developmental brain impairments, and threats to reproductive health. | Recent market surveillance conducted by BT Patrollers…

The Independent (2023-11-26). China backs Uganda on UN Security Council reforms. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The People's Republic of China pledged unconditional support to Uganda's push for sweeping reforms at the United Nations Security Council, commended Uganda's government for safeguarding African solidarity, and castigated external interference and politics of bullying. The Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, H.E. …

The Independent (2023-11-26). Court throws out Mabirizi application in Kenya-Uganda maize, poultry ban. Arusha, Tanzania | THE INDEPENDENT | The East African Court of Justice has validated the defence by the government of Kenya in a case in which lawyer Male Mabirizi is challenging a ban on maize and poultry products from Uganda. Mabirizi sued the Kenyan government on March 11, 2021, challenging directives issued on January 14, 2021, …

The Independent (2023-11-26). Hamas says 2nd group of Israeli, foreign hostages handed over to Red Cross. Jerusalem, Israel | Xinhua | The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said in a statement late Saturday that it had handed over the second group of Israeli and foreign hostages to the Red Cross. A total of 17 hostages, including 13 Israelis and four Thais, have crossed into Egypt and are on their way to …

The Independent (2023-11-26). Justice leaders gather to enhance service delivery. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | On Tuesday, the Principal Judge, Dr Flavian Zeija, chaired the Criminal Justice Stakeholder meeting at the Judiciary Headquarters, Kampala. Principal Judge Dr. Flavian Zeija chaired the meeting at Judiciary Headquarters. The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress of the Daily Hearings initiative and how it is taking …

The Independent (2023-11-26). KCCA officials grilled over Lugogo Forest Mall. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | In a contentious session before the Parliamentary Physical Infrastructure Committee, KCCA officials, led by Kampala minister Kabuye Kyofatogabye and Deputy Executive Director David Luyimbazi, found themselves under intense scrutiny for the unauthorized extension of Lugogo Forest Mall. Legislators pointed to alleged double standards in dealing with illegal structures and raised …

The Independent (2023-11-26). King Oyo Praised for boosting Uganda's Tourism Sector. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Key players in the Tourism sector appreciated Tooro King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru for his visionary leadership which has led to several developmental reforms. Among these is the documentary "Rwenzori Source of Life" scheduled to be launched this Friday at the International University of East Africa (IUEA) in Kampala In …

The Independent (2023-11-26). MPs probe disappearance of Uganda's properties in South Africa. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee launched an investigation into the alleged disappearance of land titles for Uganda's Mission in Pretoria and the Ambassador's official residency. Both current and former ambassadors have denied knowledge of having seen these crucial documents during their respective tenures. The probe was initiated after Andrew Nyumba, acting …

The Independent (2023-11-26). Museveni meets with delegates from Italy. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni met and held discussions with a delegation from Italy at State House Entebbe on Thursday. Mario Savona, the Deputy Head of Mission and chargè d'affaires ad interim of Italy in Uganda led the delegation. During the meeting, Mr. Savona informed the President that the new Italian …

The Independent (2023-11-26). UWA plan will see rhinos return to Ajai wildlife reserve in 2025. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) is planning to reintroduce the Northern White Rhino back to Ajai Wildlife Reserve in 2025. The reintroduction of the white rhinos to Ajai Wildlife Reserve in the Madi Okollo district has been a long-standing demand for the people of West Nile due to its …

The Lever (2023-11-26). LEVER WEEKLY: "It Could Cost The United States The Battle For Global AI Dominance." (2023-11-26). Palestinian Resistance Frees 6 Oldest Female Prisoners and 33 Children in Historic Prisoner Exchange. In a remarkable display of resistance, the Palestinian people welcomed the second group of liberated prisoners as part of a historic exchange deal between Hamas and the Israeli occupation. This batch included six of the oldest female prisoners and 33 children, symbolizing a significant step towards justice and freedom. Defiance and Joy Amidst Oppression Amidst … (2023-11-26). Sheikh Naim Qassem: Abbas Raad's Testimony Embodies Leadership in the Resistance. Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, praised the testimony of Abbas Muhammad Raad, son of the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, as a shining example of leadership in the resistance movement. Sheikh Qassem emphasized that Raad's testimony represents not only Lebanon's resistance but also that of Palestine and Iran, highlighting the … (2023-11-26). 'Israel' Gains No Military Achievement in Gaza: Mousavi. The weeks-long Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip has been described as a "humiliating defeat" for Tel Aviv by Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi, the chief commander of the Iranian Army. Speaking at a ceremony in Tehran, Mousavi highlighted how the conflict has exposed the true nature of the US and other supporters of the … (2023-11-26). Associated Press: The "Central Park" oil tanker, owned by Israeli businessman Eyal Ofer, was seized near the coast of Aden. (2023-11-26). Nikki Haley's home state cheers Donald Trump at college football game. Trump was invited to attend football game between Clemson-South Carolina by Governor Henry McMaster… (2023-11-26). Kochi university concert: Four dead, dozens injured in south India stampede. Mishap occurred when a sudden downpour prompted the crowd outside the auditorium to seek cover…

Ryan Cristián (2023-11-26). IDF Confirm Tanks Fired On Israeli Civilians & The Insidious Narrative About Palestinian Prisoners. Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/26/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Dean Henderson (2023-11-26). The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families. The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco)…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-26). South Africa Calls on ICJ to Declare Israel as 'Apartheid State'. South Africa says it is in the process of submitting a petition to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to demand that Israel be declared an "apartheid state." Speaking to a parliamentary session on Saturday, Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said that South Africa and Palestine were currently working on formulating practical strategies towards taking up…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-26). The International Commission of Jurists Appeals to the International Community: Invoke the Genocide Convention. The ICJ urges other States to immediately act under article VIII of the Genocide Convention, by calling on the competent organs of the United Nations, including the UN Security Council, and particularly the UN General Assembly, to take urgent action under the UN Charter appropriate for the prevention and suppression of any acts of genocide…

Kite Line (2023-11-26). Kite Line: Block Cop City. Long running abolitionist radio show and podcast Kite Line speaks on the recent mobilizations against Cop City in so-called Atlanta, GA. Listen and Download HERE Since 2021, a diverse movement in has challenged the construction of Cop City, which is slated to destroy Atlanta's South River Forest. The forest is also known by its Muscogee name,…

mforinoco (2023-11-26). Statement by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network on the 23 November 2023 Raids in Germany. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces in the strongest terms the raids carried out by German police in four federal states, with a particular focus in Berlin, targeting Palestinians labeled by the German state as members or supporters of Samidoun or of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas. We express our deepest solidarity with all of those subjected to these raids today, and we view these raids as a clear attempt by the German state to terrorize the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities in Germany and, more broadly, the popular sentiment in support of Palestinian liberation.

Nicky Otis Smith (2023-11-26). High Budget Sleaze. Now I see in Blonde the seed of the next six or seven years in American pop culture. The austere, bland, and politically correct atmosphere that ruled the 2010s was fading, its reign was extended a bit by the coronavirus pandemic. Blonde is not an objectionable film because its director doesn't like, or possibly even understand Marilyn Monroe movies. It may be a bad film, but it becomes more and more interesting with time. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can…

Staff (2023-11-26). Palestinian Resistance Releases 13 Israelis and 7 Foreigners in Exchange for 42 Palestinian Prisoners on Second Day of Ceasefire. The Palestinian Resistance reported that it released 13 Israelis and seven foreigner hostages and handed them over to the Red Cross, as part of the temporary ceasefire agreement signed with the Israeli occupation. This is the second prisoners swap that has taken place as part of the truce signed on November 22. | The announcement was made by the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas that administrates the Gaza Strip, late at night on Saturday, November 25. The delay in the prisoner exchange had raised uncertainty about the humanitarian pause that started on November 24…

The Exposé (2023-11-26). DEADLY SECRETS: Unvaccinated account for just 5% of COVID-19 Deaths since beginning of 2023 but 3 & 4x Vaccinated account for Shocking 95%.

Staff (2023-11-26). CAA final draft likely to be ready by Mar 30, 2024: Union min. Kolkata : Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra on Sunday said that the final draft of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act or CAA is expected to be ready by March 30 next year. The BJP MP from Uttar Pradesh, while addressing a gathering of the Matua community at Thakurnagar in North 24 Parganas district, …

Staff (2023-11-26). NC sacrificed for tricolour when others were selling 'Azadi' dreams: Omar. Srinagar : National Conference leader Omar Abdullah on Sunday asserted that his party has always held the national flag high and rendered sacrifices to safeguard it when others were "selling dreams of Azadi" to the people of J-K and pushing arms into the hands of the youths. "No one has any objection to someone hoisting …

Staff (2023-11-26). BJP denying contribution of Muslims in freedom struggle: Tejashwi Yadav. Patna: Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav on Sunday launched a blistering attack on the BJP government at the Centre, accusing it of denying contribution of Muslims in the freedom struggle in a bid to communally polarise the society. The RJD leader was addressing a symposium organised by his party here in the memory of …

Staff (2023-11-26). Gaza- A graveyard of more than 5,500 children. By Asad Mirza The World Children's Day, on 20th November this year, was observed during the Israel's war on Gaza, in which an estimated 5,500 children have been killed. International humanitarian agencies are concerned about the unfolding tragedy but it looks as if the international community is sleeping and not bothered about taking any concrete action …

Staff (2023-11-26). Israeli army says it will resume attacks on Gaza right after pause ends. JERUSALEM, Palestine : Israel's military chief said on Saturday that Israeli forces will resume attacks on the Gaza Strip immediately after the temporary humanitarian pause with Hamas ends. "We will immediately return to maneuver in Gaza, eradicate Hamas and exert significant pressure to release most of the hostages held in Gaza," the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation …

Robert Hunziker (2023-11-26). High-ranking Climate Scientists Rebel against the IPPC. It's 35 years since the formation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) "to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities." Subsequently, COP21 at Paris '15 warned the world not to exceed 1.5 ∞C, and worst case, not to exceed 2.0 ∞C above pre-industrial or risk lasting damage to crucial life-supporting ecosystems, ultimately leading to some level of an extinction event. | Following three decades of IPCC failures to convince nations/states to make a dent in greenhouse gas emissions, which increase more and more each year, a high-ranking group of rebellio…

Armed Forces Press (2023-11-26). Killer Robots: The Pentagon Is Moving Toward Letting AI Weapons Autonomously Decide to Kill Humans.

Ben Samuels (2023-11-26). Unspoken Objective: Israel Wants to Confiscate Gaza's Offshore Gas Reserves Which Belong to Palestine.

Brendan O'Neill (2023-11-26). Ireland and the Fury of the Cancelled.

David Andersson (2023-11-26). Deal with Hamas reveals Israel's difficulties. After insisting that it would not negotiate with Hamas, Israel finally announced that it agreed to participate in a prisoner swap and temporary interruption of fighting. The terms of the agreement were published by By Lucas Leiroz, colum…

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-11-26). Are COVID Jab Deaths Being Covered Up?

Ellen Brown (2023-11-26). Three Presidents Who Made Thanksgiving a National Holiday — And What They Were Thankful For.

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-11-26). How to Take Down the Billionaires. Form Independent Communities.

Karsten Riise (2023-11-26). OpenAI Is Falling Apart: The Dilemma of Ilya Sutskever.

Palestinian Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2023-11-26). Israel Bombed Civilians on October 7, Deliberately Created Destruction in Order to Justify Its Aggression Against Gaza.

Paul Anthony Taylor (2023-11-26). The WHO Pandemic Treaty and Amendments to the International Health Regulations: Enabling a Global Health Dictatorship.

Pressenza New York (2023-11-26). Nov 29: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The

Pressenza New York (2023-11-26). Unite now to stop #GazaGenocide and start dismantling Israeli apartheid!

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-26). US, China, Israel and others are developing AI killer drones; this poses significant risks. The Pentagon's recent developments in AI technology have drawn concern and criticism as they approach the deployment of autonomous AI weapons systems capable of making lethal decisions independently. The New York Times …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-26). James Rickards: When the next financial crisis hits the elites are planning to freeze the financial system, worldwide. During an interview in 2017, James Rickards revealed that there is a network of 189 people who are positioned in the world's financial systems that hold the fate of the global financial …

Rima Najjar (2023-11-26). In this Truce, the Star of David Is Akin to a Swastika.

Scott Ritter (2023-11-26). Hamas Winning Battle for Gaza. Scott Ritter.

scorinoco (2023-11-26). Diamonds Drenched in Blood: Unmasking Israel's Role in the Congo Crisis. By Khafre Jay — Nov 22, 2023 | In the heart of Africa, where the earth is rich with diamonds, lies the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a land steeped in beauty and turmoil. This nation, endowed with vast natural resources, has become a tragic illustration of how global greed and geopolitical agendas can ravage a country. The DRC's story is not just about its diamonds; it's a saga of exploitation and lost promises. The allure of these precious stones has attracted various international players, casting long shadows over the nation's sovereignty and the well-being of its people. | The year 1997 marked a pi…

WSWS (2023-11-26). London demonstration demands immediate Gaza ceasefire, not "operational pause" Many protesters brought homemade placards condemning the war crimes carried out by the Netanyahu government, with the full backing of the United States, Britain and other imperialist powers. (2023-11-26). Beijing proposes initiative of setting up Olympic Culture Day. An activity commemorating the 160th anniversary of Pierre de Coubertin's birth, the father of the modern Olympic Games, was held at the Peking Academy High School in Beijing on Saturday. (2023-11-26). Museums in bay area form alliance. Museums from Guangdong province and the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions announced the establishment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Alliance of Museums at the Chinese Museum Studies Conference on Friday in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. (2023-11-26). Kashgar to facilitate trade with key areas. Kashgar prefecture, in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, expects to facilitate China's further opening-up to Asia and Europe through a newly established free trade zone. (2023-11-26). PLA warns off US warship near Xisha Islands. The Chinese military warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea on Saturday, a spokesman for the People's Liberation Army said. (2023-11-26). Xi: Mutual learning key for progress. President Xi Jinping has underlined the importance of exchanges and mutual learning among various civilizations in the world, and said that only through mutual learning can different civilizations achieve common progress. (2023-11-26). Bridge offers trial run of group tour next month. Tourists from the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions will be able to enjoy a front seat view of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge as the world's longest seacrossing will offer a trial run of tour groups in mid-December, the Zhuhai authority announced on Friday. (2023-11-26). (W. E. Talk) Western Individualism and Eastern Collectivism from a Transcultural Perspective.

Tom Suarez (2023-11-26). The masterful propaganda of 'deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust'. Israel and its supporters are engaging in Holocaust revisionism to justify its genocidal attack on Gaza.

Manlio Dinucci (2023-11-26). Israeli Ministry of Intelligence: Let's Deport Palestinians to the Sinai Desert. "Erase the Palestinian Territories"

Larry Johnson (2023-11-26). Hostage Release Creating More PR Problems For Israel. Israeli and Palestinian civilians are celebrating the exchange of hostages. Wait, some might say. Israel was not holding "hostages", they were prisoners. That is not how the Palestinians view the matter. The vast majority of people scarfed up by Israel and jailed were not afforded due process. This type of abuse is one grievance that is fueling support for Hamas and Hezbollah. | Netanyahu and his government are not happy about this deal. They were forced to accept it by a combination of domestic political pressure from the Israeli families who wanted their loved ones back and the international pressure gene…

Felicity Arbuthnot (2023-11-26). Video: "Wiping Gaza Off The Map": Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine's Maritime Natural Gas Reserves. There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-26). Egypt continues diplomatic offensive to end Israeli aggression. Cairo, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Sunday began an international tour to put an end to Israel ¥s aggressions over the Gaza Strip and also the Israel-Palestine peace processresumption.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-26). Nearly 2 million foreigners visited Syria, says Minister Rami Martini. Damascus, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Syrian Tourism Minister Muhammad Rami Martini revealed on Sunday that as many as 1,900,000 foreigners from various countries have arrived in Syria this year, including 600,000 for tourism purposes.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-26). Czech unions set to protest against government measures. Prague, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Several Czech trade union centers prepare conditions for demonstrating and taking to the streets in order to call for the repeal of a package of measures for public budgets.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-26). Pope Francis praises truce in Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Vatican City, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Pope Francis on Sunday laid stress on the significance of the truce in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and insisted on the pressing need for a dialogue to put an end to clashes.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-26). Venezuela and Cuba to strengthen cooperation in tourism sector. Caracas, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Cuba on Sunday inked two cooperation agreements to continue strengthening tourism operations in domestic and international markets.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-26). Bolivian movement in solidarity with Cuba pays honor to Fidel Castro. Cochabamba, Bolivia, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) The Bolivian Movement of Solidarity with Cuba on Sunday reaffirms its strength after an extensive day in which it paid tribute in Cochabamba to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-26). Cuban farmers focus on more production, less imports. Havana, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's cooperatives and peasants will sow as many as 470,000 hectares of various crops planned for the cold season, which contributes to reducing food imports, as stated by the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP).

noreply (2023-11-26). I Don't Think It Was A Mistake.

International Solidarity Movement (2023-11-26). Israel deports human rights defender documenting Palestinian home demolitions. Alison Russell was detained by Israeli forces while documenting home demolitions in Masafer Yatta in the occupied West Bank. She was deported following a perfunctory hearing where Israeli police accused her of "supporting terrorism."

Anonymous Contributor (2023-11-26). Statement on the Recent Arrests in Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón. Statement from the support group in solidarity with Miguel Peralta following the recent arrests of three more community members from Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. The Indigenous Mazatec community of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón is a factory where they manufacture crimes through a combination of political party-caciquismo, state corruption, impunity, and indolence. Since 2010, Indigenous…

The Independent (2023-11-26). Soroti Fruit Factory starts buying oranges to boost output. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | In a strategic move to support local farmers and ensure the continuous operation of the Soroti Fruit Factory, management announced an emergency purchase of oranges. The factory is set to buy up to 1 million kilograms of oranges from local farmers as they navigate challenges related to inadequate funding and …

Jennifer Block (2023-11-26). Is the US's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Broken?

Will Solomon (2023-11-26). The Politics of the Occult: A Conversation with Historian Mitch Horowitz. The relationship between politics and occultism is often misunderstood. Despite popular conceptions of Nazi esotericism, or depictions in folk horror films like The Wicker Man, throughout modern history occult spirituality has regularly interwoven with progressive social movements. |

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Gaza war shatters west's Global South clout. By: Mohamad Hasan Sweidan. ​On 15 November, The Guardian caused a social media stir by removing a letter from its website written by the late Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, titled "A Letter to America." The missive, which had remained on the media outlet's site for over two decades, delved into the reasons behind the fateful 9/11 attacks on the US, which it said was a response to US injustices in Afghanistan, Palestine, and other parts of the Islamic world. ​Bin Laden's letter …

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-11-26). O regime de Kiev tenta impedir fugas na fronteira da Transcarpátia. A Ucrânia está a ter dificuldade em convencer os seus cidadà£os a permanecer no país. De acordo com um relatório recente, os soldados do regime està£o a concentrar os seus esforàßos em impedir que os cidadà£os deixem o território ucraniano …

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Más de 4.050 mujeres fueron víctimas de feminicidio en Latinoamérica en 2022. El Observatorio, una iniciativa de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), especificó que esos crímenes ocurrieron en 26 países y territorios de la región que reportaron información.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Reeligen al presidente Andry Rajoelina en Madagascar. El presidente saliente de Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, gana por mayoría absoluta las elecciones del pasado día 16 que boicoteó gran parte de la oposición.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-11-26). Apuñalan en prisión a expolicía condenado por muerte de George Floyd. Según versiones de algunos testigos, los empleados de la cárcel intervinieron en el incidente y aplicaron medidas de salvamento antes de que el recluso agredido fuera llevado al hospital.

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-26). CSJ de Panamá aplaza nuevamente sesión sobre contrato minero. Los manifestantes ratificaron que solo reconocerán el fallo de la Corte Suprema que ponga fin al acuerdo entre el Gobierno y la minera canadiense.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Sierra Leona declara toque de queda tras ataque a cuarteles. En un comunicado del Gobierno afirmó este domingo que las fuerzas de seguridad tenían el control de la situación.

teleSUR, rzr (2023-11-26). Choques armados provocan más de 1.400 desplazados en Colombia. El Defensor del Pueblo de Colombia señaló que más de 550 familias han sido desplazadas a causa del aumento de la violencia en zonar rurales del departamento de Bolívar.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Colombia anuncia diálogo con el ELN para el 30 de noviembre. La Delegación de Paz del Gobierno explicó que dedicarán su esfuerzo para "superar la crisis por la que atraviesa el proceso de diálogos generada por el secuestro del señor Luis Manuel Díaz".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Hamas retrasa entrega de rehenes hasta que Israel cumpla los acuerdos. Hamas añadió que la liberación de rehenes se retrasaría si Israel no cumple los términos acordados para la liberación de palestinos secuestrados.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Al menos 11 muertos deja incendio en centro comercial de Pakistán. La agencia de noticias paquistaní Geo News dijo que el incendio comenzó temprano en la mañana en el centro comercial de varios pisos RJ en la ciudad más poblada de Pakistán.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-26). Liberan a dos periodistas que estaban secuestrados en México. Se supo que la esposa de un tercer comunicador secuestrado fue liberada, sin embargo, el periodista Marco Antonio Toledo, y su hijo Alberto Toledo siguen privados de libertad.

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-26). Presidente Daniel Ortega recuerda al comandante Fidel Castro. El presidente y vicepresidenta de Nicaragua, dijeron que la vida de Fidel Castro habla del deber de seguir en las batallas para custodiar la Vida, la Justicia y la Paz.

teleSUR, rzr (2023-11-26). Contraloría guatemalteca denuncia a miembros de TSE por fraude. La Contraloría señaló que la denuncia se deriva de un proceso de auditoría que arrojó la necesidad de investigar a fondo el proceso de compra de los equipos informáticos del TSE.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Qatar confirma intercambio de rehenes entre Israel y Gaza. Hamas aseguró que liberará a 13 israelíes y siete extranjeros a cambio de 39 palestinos secuestrados en el segundo día de una tregua de cuatro días.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-26). Al menos 57 periodistas han muerto en Gaza. EL CPJ dijo que producto de dicho conflicto hay un saldo oficial de 57 periodistas muertos, entre los que hay 50 palestinos, cuatro israelíes y tres libaneses…

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-26). Misión de ONU denuncia ataque israelí a su patrulla en Líbano. La Unifil explicó que el ataque ocurrió alrededor de las 12H00 (hora local) del sábado.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Niña irlandesa liberada por Hamas había sido dada por muerta por Israel. Israel inicialmente afirmó que encontraron el cadáver de Emily Hand, pero 30 días después dijeron que estaba viva. Hoy regresó con su familia.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Muere una persona tras naufragio de carguero en costas griegas. El Raptor, que se dirigía de Alejandría a Estambul y transportaba 6.000 toneladas de sal, informó de un problema mecánico antes de desaparecer frente a Lesbos.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-26). Eliminan varios drones ucranianos en territorio ruso. Rusia interceptó el domingo 11 drones que sobrevolaban en Moscú, Tula, Kaula y Briansk.

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-26). Asesinan a firmante del Acuerdo de Paz en Bolívar, Colombia. Indepaz señaló que en el ataque también falleció un familiar del excombatiente de las FARC identificado como Luis Navarro.

Chris Hedges (2023-11-26). Israel clausura su laboratorio humano en Gaza.

teleSUR, rzr (2023-11-26). Huracán Otis establece varios récords en su paso por México. Otis se convirtió en el cuarto ciclón tropical en exhibir los vientos más rápidos de la historia a nivel mundial y el segundo con los vientos de mayor velocidad en todo el continente americano.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). China, Japón y Corea del Sur buscan reanudar su cooperación. China instó a los tres países a hacer más para desempeñar un papel activo en la promoción del desarrollo regional y global, dados los cambios acelerados no vistos en un siglo y la lenta recuperación económica.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-26). Jóvenes cubanos rinden homenaje a Fidel Castro. Realizan gala político-cultural en homenaje al líder revolucionario, a siete años de su desaparición física.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-26). Mexicana Osiris Machado impone récord mundial en Parapanamericanos. La lanzadora de disco intervino en la categoría F64. Envió el implemento a una distancia de 41.16 metros, nuevo récord global.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-26). Ecuatorianas rechazan violencia basada en género. Entre enero y la primera quincena de noviembre, Ecuador registró 277 femicidios.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Agresión israelí deja inoperativo el Aeropuerto Internacional de Damasco. Las defensas antiaéreas sirias respondieron de inmediato al ataque y lograron derribar la mayoría de los misiles israelíes.

teleSUR, lvm, JCM (2023-11-26). Asciende a 3.200 cifra de detenidos en Gaza y Cisjordania. El ejército israelí ha arrojado 40.000 toneladas de explosivos en la Franja de Gaza desde el 7 de octubre.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-11-26). Panamá supera los 12.000 casos confirmados de dengue. Las regiones panameñas con más casos de dengue confirmados son Bocas del Toro, Colón, la región metropolitana de Panamá y Chiriquí.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-26). 42 reos palestinos y 14 rehenes israelíes serán liberados el sábado. El intercambio se realizará en el marco del alto al fuego pactado entre Israel y Hamás.

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-26). Emboscada deja nueve muertos en el estado mexicano de Oaxaca. La Fiscalía de Oaxaca desplegó un equipo para recabar datos y realizar el procesamiento del lugar del ataque armado.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-26). Aumenta a 24 cifra de drones ucranianos derribados por Rusia. Los sistemas de defensa aérea destruyeron drones sobre las regiones de Moscú, Tula, Kaluga, Briansk y Smolensk, informa el Ministerio de Defensa…

Staff (2023-11-26). Fuerzas de ocupación israelíes asesinan a un agricultor en Gaza. En las últimas horas también se reportaron varios asesinatos en la ocupada Cisjordania a manos del ejército de Israel.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-26). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR- lvm, JCM (2023-11-26). Resistencia palestina libera a 13 rehenes según lo acordado con Israel. En el tercer día de cuatro, de la tregua pactada entre las parte enfrentadas, Israel entregó a 39 palestinos secuestrados.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-26). Ocupantes israelíes asesinan a cinco jóvenes palestinos en Cisjordania. Se reportan numerosas detenciones. Se eleva a 3.160 el total de palestinos detenidos desde el 7 de octubre pasado a la fecha.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-26). Se registra sismo de 4,9 en la región amazónica de Ecuador. El movimiento telúrico no provocó daños ni dejó víctimas fatales informaron las autoridades ecuatorianas.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-26). Envían 61 camiones con ayuda humanitaria a norte de Gaza. Hasta el momento, sólo han cruzado la frontera con Egipto 196 camiones con ayuda humanitaria.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-11-26). Naciones Unidas alerta sobre intensificación de conflicto en Myanmar. Existen más de dos millones de desplazados en todo el país a consecuencia de los enfrentamientos armados.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-26). Unspoken Objective: Israel Wants to Confiscate Gaza's Offshore Gas Reserves Which Belong to Palestine.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-11-26). 2023 National Native American Heritage Day – Polo Oo Boat Launch. California Pioneers of Pan African Ancestry have a long and cherished relationship with our extended family, A'ho all my relations and embrace Polo Oo as Shingle Springs Miwok Elders partner with the managed lands of California State Parks along today's Lake Natoma.

Labor Video Project (2023-11-26). Osaka Minato Godo Shoichi Metals Branch Strike For Wages & Palestinians & Rally In Tokyo. Osaka Minato Godo Shoichi Metals Branch workers went on a one day strike on Monday November 20. 2023 for a wage increase and to defend the Palestinian workers and people from US supported genocide by Israel in Gaza…

Tenant, Neighborhood Councils (2023-11-26). Sunday 11/26: Tenants Fighting Eviction to Picket KP Market, Threatening Boycott. KP Market (2370 Telegraph Avenue)…

Santa Cruz News (2023-11-26). Perinatal Healthcare Workers in Santa Cruz County Call for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza. Campesina Womb Justice, a mutual aid project for womb justice and healing for indigenous campesinas in Santa Cruz County, has released a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Jeremy Scahill (2023-11-26). Al-Shifa Hosptial, Hamas's Tunnels, And Israeli Propaganda. Al-Shifa's Tunnels Were Built by Israel…

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-11-26). ALF Liberates 30 Foxes at Ohio Fur Farm. In an anonymous communique received on November 21 by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) has taken credit for liberating 30 captive foxes from the Grand River Fur Exchange, located in Rome, Ohio.

Say No to Military Alliance in Asia (2023-11-26). Stanford Students Rise Up as Japan's Kishida, S Korea's Yoon Speak on Campus Pt II. Loud drumming, shaman-inspired dancing, chanting, and student speeches arose on the Stanford University campus on November 17th when a coalition gathered to protest outside the Hoover Institution. President Yoon of the Republic of Korea (ROK/South Korea) and Prime Minister Kishida of Japan were speaking there at a joint event celebrating increasing military and economic alliances amongst the US, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. | photos via @saaacofficial and @raging_grannies (instagram)…

Angela (2023-11-26). Sunday 11/26: Vigil: Alameda Families and Friends for Ceasefire. Alameda City Hall | 2263 Santa Clara Ave | Alameda, CA…

Angela (2023-11-26). Wednesday 11/29: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-26). Friday 12/1: Power Half Hour for Gaza. Zoom (Registration link is below)… (2023-11-26). Israeli forces gun down 4 Palestinian youths during violent raid in Jenin. Israeli forces kill four Palestinian youths during a violent raid against the city of Jenin in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. (2023-11-26). UK PM vows crackdown on migrants amid Tory anger over record-high immigration. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak vows to "clamp down" on immigration as he faces a backlash from senior members of his own party over his weak past performance. (2023-11-26). Demonstrators clash with riot police after Dublin knife attack. Anti-immigrant protesters clash with riot police in Dublin following a knife attack that injured five people.. (2023-11-26). Palestinian killed in Israeli attack in Gaza despite truce deal. Israel is said to have violated the truce deal with Hamas by attacking a refugee camp in central Gaza. (2023-11-26). Aftermath of Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia refugee camp, wounded in hospital. Scenes of devastation could be seen in Jabalia refugee camp following Israeli airstrikes. (2023-11-26). Thousands of Canadian civil servants go on strike in Quebec. Thousands of school, hospital and social services workers in Canada's Quebec province walk off their jobs. (2023-11-26). Iran: US will pay heavy price for Israeli crimes; foreign forces must leave region. The Iranian defense minister warns that the US and Israel will pay the price for all the crimes that they are committing in the region. (2023-11-26). Tens of thousands march in Tel Aviv to voice anger against Netanyahu. Tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv to express their anger at prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (2023-11-26). Biden moves to lift all restrictions on Israel's access to US weapons stockpile: US media. US President Joe Biden requests the removal of nearly every restriction on Israel's use of the stockpiles of weapons and ammunition stored by the United States in Israel, according to a report. (2023-11-26). Hezbollah: Hamas' Al-Aqsa Storm 'marvelous'; Israel forced to accept ceasefire. A high-ranking official with the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement calls the Hamas' Al-Aqsa Storm a 'marvelous operation", saying its effects will be known soon. (2023-11-26). Britons march for permanent ceasefire n Gaza. Britons took to the streets of London calling for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and an end to the Israeli regime's blockade of the territory. (2023-11-26). Gaza war inflicts 'humiliating defeat' on Israel, reveals 'true nature' of US: Iran Army chief. The chief commander of the Iranian Army says the onslaught on Gaza has inflicted a "humiliating defeat" on Israel and exposed the true face of the regime's supporters. (2023-11-26). Tens of thousands protest in Italy to condemn violence against women. Tens of thousands of people hold protests across Italy, calling for an end to violence against women after the violent murder of a young student earlier this month. (2023-11-26). Protesters worldwide call for permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Thousands of protesters across various parts of the world have called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-26). Israeli soldier dedicates bombing of Gaza home as 'birthday gift' to daughter. In a shocking video that has surfaced online, an Israeli regime soldier is seen detonating a residential house in the besieged Gaza Strip as a "birthday gift" to his two-year-old daughter. (2023-11-26). Health situation in Gaza 'extremely catastrophic': Palestinian official. A senior Palestinian official has described as "extremely catastrophic" the health situation in the Gaza Strip in general, stressing the need for providing the necessary health components. (2023-11-26). Iran: Resistance battle against Israel will alter 'balance of power in region'. "Al-Aqsa Storm showed Palestine is still the top issue in the world," the spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry said. (2023-11-26). Gaza ceasefire: Iraq's Kata'ib Hezbollah scales down attacks on US bases. Iraqi resistance forces say attacks on US bases will decline until the end of the ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-26). Israeli oil tanker seized off Yemen, third in a week. An Israeli tanker has been seized off the coast of the Yemeni port city of Aden. (2023-11-26). Thousands protest in Lyon in solidarity with Palestinian. Thousands of demonstrators joined a pro-Palestine rally in Lyon to demand ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-26). 'U.S. accomplice in Israel's crimes, cannot make decisions for people of Gaza'. Iran says as an accomplice in Israel's crimes against Gaza, the US has no right to make decisions for Palestinians in the besieged territory. (2023-11-26). Mexican army deployed after capture of Sinaloa Cartel's alleged security boss. The Mexican Army was deployed on Wednesday (November 22) in the streets of Culiacan after the National Guard captured Nestor Isidro Perez Salas, or "El Nini." (2023-11-26). Hundreds of Australian students in Sydney protest for Palestinians. Hundreds of Australian students skipped class in Sydney to protest for the freedom of Palestinians. (2023-11-26). Without US support, Israel couldn't have continued Gaza war: Iran. Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian made the remark in an interview with Qatar-based Al Jazeera television network. (2023-11-26). Turks in Istanbul protest death of civilians in Gaza. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Istanbul on Friday to protest civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip and express support for the Palestinians. (2023-11-26). Israeli troops fire at Gazans returning home, kill two after ceasefire. There are reports of "intense shooting" by Israeli forces east of Khan Younis and Rafah after a four-day ceasefire went into effect on Friday morning. (2023-11-26). Pro-Palestine rallies continue as truce takes hold in Gaza. Pro-Palestine protesters hold more rallies in Sydney and New York in solidarity with people in the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-26). IRGC Navy develops new homegrown air-launched cruise missiles. The two indigenous standoff weapons have a range of virtually four and 17 kilometers. (2023-11-26). People march in pro-Palestinian demonstration in London. People take to the streets of London to march in support of Palestinians. (2023-11-26). Israel failed to achieve goals in Gaza war: Hamas official. Khaled Meshaal, head of Hamas' office in the diaspora, says the Israeli regime was unable to reach its goals after 48 days of its onslaught against the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-26). Erdogan blasts Israeli war crimes as Turkish lawyers refer evidence to ICC. Turkish legal experts sent a file of Israel war crimes evident to the International Criminal Court (ICC). (2023-11-26). Iran says 'mediated' release of Thai captives held in Gaza. Iran says it mediated Friday's release of 10 Thai captives held by the Palestinian resistance movements in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-26). Hamas hails Iran's 'great diplomatic efforts' for Gaza ceasefire. A senior Hamas leader says Iran played a major role in efforts that led to the ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-26). South Africa calls on ICJ to declare Israel as 'apartheid state'. South Africa demand Israel to be declared an apartheid state at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). (2023-11-26). Israeli vessel struck in Indian Ocean before Gaza truce took effect. It all happened hours before a four-day truce between the Israeli army and Hamas took effect. (2023-11-26). WHO voices concern about al-Shifa chief arrested by Israel. The WHO has voiced concern about the fate of the director of al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip who was detained by Israeli military along with several other senior doctors this week. (2023-11-26). Hamas delays release of captives over Israel's violation of ceasefire. A senior political official of Hamas has said Israel started violating the terms of the agreement on Friday. (2023-11-26). Humans of Gaza: 9-year-old Mayar and 6-year-old Bilal, inseparable siblings. For journalists reporting from Gaza, the tragedy extends to their entire families, including children. (2023-11-26). Iran calls for stronger measures by Muslim countries to support Palestinians. Iran calls for stronger measures by Muslim countries to support the Palestinian people. (2023-11-26). Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate in Frankfurt. Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters hold a demonstration in Frankfurt, calling for an end to Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-26). Sri Lankans rally outside US embassy, denounce its support for Israel. Hundreds of Sri Lankan protesters gather in front of the US embassy in Colombo to denounce Washington's support for Tel Aviv. (2023-11-26). 39 more Palestinian prisoners released in return for 17 captives held in Gaza. The Israeli regime releases a second batch of 39 Palestinian prisoners under a swap deal with Hamas. (2023-11-26). Iran's top rights official: Criminal Israeli leaders must stand trial. Iran's top human rights official says criminal Israeli authorities must be brought to trial for their atrocities against Palestinians. (2023-11-26). Hundreds of Sri Lankans rally outside US embassy, denounce its support for Israel. Hundreds of Sri Lankan protesters gather in front of the US embassy in Colombo to denounce Washington's support for Tel Aviv.

2023-11-26 20:39:06 | 20:39 EST | rz | 231 | 1 | 5 | 240 | 0 

2023-11-25: News Headlines (2023-11-25). 4 fuel tankers, 4 cooking gas tankers entered Gaza Strip from Egypt: Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).

Larry Johnson (2023-11-25). Explaining the Failure to Properly assess Russia. Kudos to

Staff (2023-11-25). Hamas Praises Contributions of China, Russia, and Arab Countries in Gaza Truce (+Prisoner Exchange). The political leader of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, highlighted the efforts of several Arab countries, as well as Russia and China, behind the truce in Gaza Strip. | "We reaffirm the importance of the efforts of Arab and Islamic countries, as well as friendly states like Russia and China, to help our people fulfill their aspirations for freedom, return and independence," Haniyeh said on Friday, November 24, in a short video posted on social media. | The Hamas leader also thanked Egypt and Qatar for their mediation efforts in the truce agreement, underlining the Palestinian movement'

Amit X Garg, Jessica M Sontrop (2023-11-25). Correspondence] Can haemodynamic effects be resumed to systolic arterial pressure? — Authors' reply. We thank Yannis Ait-Ali and colleagues for their Correspondence. We agree that in previous trials a major reported benefit of a cooler dialysate temperature was a 50—70% lower rate of intradialytic hypotension than with standard dialysate temperature.1,2 In many previous trials, intradialytic hypotension was defined on the basis of the drop in intradialytic systolic blood pressure. However, conclusions about treatment effects on this outcome remained uncertain because the quality of evidence from previous trials was rated as very low.

Yannis Ait-Ali, Mathilde Bergonzi, Léo Bourlon, Imelda Coffi, Frédéric M Jacobs (2023-11-25). Correspondence] Can haemodynamic effects be resumed to systolic arterial pressure? We read with interest the work by The MyTEMP writing committee.1 Considering the key secondary outcome of the study, the authors found that the implementation of an individualised approach to reducing dialysate temperature failed to prevent intradialytic hypotension, defined by a drop of systolic blood pressure.

The Independent (2023-11-25). Northern region leaders face challenge of over 80,000 head of cattle not in fenced land. Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Nearly 80,000 head of cattle in northern Uganda belong to non-compliant migrant cattle keepers. These include cattle keepers who failed to fence off their land and provide water sources and those without adequate land for their animals. This category of people was given three weeks effective November 3, 2023, …

WSWS (2023-11-25). Neo-fascist Wilders wins Dutch general elections. Protests against Wilders broke out in Utrecht and Amsterdam after an election campaign dominated by vicious appeals to anti-immigrant hatred by all of the major parties.

Editor (2023-11-25). The Old and New Nakba: Forced Expulsion of Palestinians Must Be Rejected. By Ramzy Baroud / It is simply inaccurate to claim that the ongoing Israeli attempt to displace all, or many Palestinian refugees from Gaza to Sinai is a new idea, compelled by recent circumstances. Displacing Palestinians, or as it is known in Israeli political lexicon, the "transfer", is an old idea — as old …

WSWS (2023-11-25). Legal challenge to Australian government's new laws to impose inhuman conditions on released refugees. The court challenge underscores the readiness of the ruling political establishment to override even the extremely limited protections of legal and democratic rights in the 1901 Constitution.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-25). "The British policy on immigration is the most harsh of our lifetimes" In this interview with Peoples Dispatch, Edward Anderson of Northumbria University, UK, delves into the recent ousting of former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman.

WSWS (2023-11-25). Hundreds of Sydney school students strike against the genocide in Gaza. "Clearly there is a war occurring, people are dying, and we have to do something. We can't just stand back."

Unicorn Riot (2023-11-25). Calls for Israel Boycotts, Ceasefire Disrupt Black Friday Shoppers.

WSWS (2023-11-25). Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia. Minibus drivers stop work across the Philippines; Pakistani nurses strike over four months of unpaid wages; Sri Lankan workers oppose privatisation; Australian paramedics demand 20 percent pay rise.

WSWS (2023-11-25). Victimized Stellantis temp worker speaks on lessons of 2023 contract struggle. A young temp worker at Mack Assembly in Detroit speaks about the 2023 contract and the continuing attack on temp workers.

WSWS (2023-11-25). Victimized Stellantis temp worker speaks on lessons of 2023 contract struggle. A young temp worker at Mack Assembly in Detroit speaks about the 2023 contract struggle and the continuing attack on temp workers.

A Guest Author (2023-11-25). Protest at U.N. demands restoration of historic Palestine. By Bronx Antiwar Coalition The Bronx Antiwar Coalition called for and held a demonstration at the United Nations in New York City on Nov. 20 aimed at reviving and centering once again the fundamental position of anti-Zionism. The demonstration's core demands included the total dismantlement of the Zionist state and . . . |

James Clifford Kent (2023-11-25). Perspectives] Documenting compassion and teamwork in maternity care. In this series of photographs, I document experiences of some expectant parents cared for by a multidisciplinary team at the Queen Mary Maternity Unit at West Middlesex University Hospital, part of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, in London, UK. For this project, I spent a week capturing aspects of the work of consultant obstetrician and Labour Ward Lead Osaeloke Osakwe, who cared for my wife and newborn daughter in 2020.

WSWS (2023-11-25). SAG-AFTRA releases full tentative agreement, amidst growing distrust, criticism. Voting on the contract began prior to the union's membership having a chance to examine its contents. SAG-AFTRA declared the strike "over" before the ratification process began. The agreement betrays actors' interests all along the line and should be rejected.

WSWS (2023-11-25). Health crisis in Gaza intensifies as Israel deepens its genocidal attack. The healthcare system in northern Gaza is near complete collapse as the humanitarian crisis continues to escalate. (2023-11-25). Over 100 mln people sign up for China's medical insurance digital code. More than 100 million people in China have registered to use a digital code for the country's basic medical insurance plan, the National Healthcare Security Administration said on Friday.

Ali Abunimah (2023-11-25). Israeli child "burned completely" by Israeli tank fire at kibbutz. Survivor Yasmin Porat provides new details of 7 October bloodbath.

Mark P. Fancher, Black Agenda Report. (2023-11-25). Global Condemnation Of Their Crimes Spells Doom For Zionist Criminals. In the gray, smoldering rubble of Gaza, hope is elusive. The wails of babies clutched in the arms of staggering, broken, bloody Palestinian civilians are surpassed in volume only by Zionist bombs that shake the earth, level multilevel structures and create scenes so hellish that even vultures probably pass on the chance to feast on a massive banquet of carnage. | The world strains to find even the slightest reason for encouragement, and perhaps the only positive that flows dialectically from a profound negative is that the truth rises from Gaza's ruins more brightly than a thousand suns.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-11-25). White House Fears Pause in Fighting Will Let Journalists See What's Been Happening in Gaza. By Caitlin Johnstone — Nov 22, 2023 | Israel and Hamas have reportedly agreed to a In an article titled "

Editor (2023-11-25). Nov 25, 2023. Down By the Riverside feat. Grandpa Elliott | Playing For Change The Eviction Notice Is Being Written, and Will Come in Four Languages, by Pepe Escobar Scott Ritter: Hamas Winning Battle for Gaza Marching for Israel? American and Israeli war criminals celebrate together, by Philip Giraldi How Gaza United the World, by Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo Palestine Speaks! (Comment on Moon of Alabama post) Why Does the West Support the Genocide of Gaza? by Kevin Barrett Putin Was Declared A War Criminal For *Relocating* The Same Number Of Children Israel Just *Killed*, by Caitlin Johnstone Day…

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-11-25). Joy and pain at outset of four-day pause and prisoner exchange. West Bank crowds thank the resistance as Palestinians in Gaza find their communities in ruins.

Tamara Nassar (2023-11-25). Can Jordan's treaty with Israel survive the Gaza genocide? Amman says treaty with Israel will become "a document collecting dust" if Palestinians are forcibly displaced.

Jeffrey St. Clair (2023-11-25). Complete and Utter Carnage.

Kathy Kelly, Progressive. (2023-11-25). Tunnels For Safety And Tunnels For Death. It's one thing to burrow beneath the ground, digging to construct a tunnel for refuge, a passage of goods, or to store weapons during a time of war. It's quite another for a small child to use one hand to dig their way out of the rubble that has collapsed on them. | Professor Mustafa Abu Sway, a professor based in Jerusalem, spoke sadly of the reality in Gaza where, he told Vatican News, "one child dies every ten minutes." | "It was not the death of a child," he said, "but the survival of one, that made me really very, very sad." He was speaking of a video that had emerged showing a child buried alive under rubbl…

Natalia Marques (2023-11-25). Profit-making holiday "Black Friday", interrupted by mass mobilizations calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Thousands took to the streets across multiple US cities to disrupt Black Friday, the most profitable retail shopping day of the year, to demand a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. | November 24, marked the first day of the four-day humanitarian pause in the enclave. Displaced families have begun to travel back to their homes in the north of Gaza, even as Israeli forces

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-25). Gaza truce takes effect after 48 days of Israel's genocidal assault. On the first day of the truce, 39 Palestinian prisoners, mainly women and children, were freed by Israel in return for 24 captives held by the Palestinian resistance groups. Around 200 trucks entered Gaza with humanitarian aid, fuel, and gas…

Alberto Toscano, In These Times. (2023-11-25). The Rise Of The Far Right Is A Global Phenomenon. Across the globe, the far Right appears to be on the ascent. It has seized commanding heights in Giorgia Meloni's Italy and Viktor Orbán's Hungary, while formerly ostracized ethno-nationalist parties like the Sweden Democrats and the True Finns are now in governing coalitions. Shortly after this issue went to press, Argentina elected as president the voluble anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei, whose promise to commodify all facets of social life is accompanied by rabid anti-feminism and culture war invectives‚Äâ—‚Äâ"In my government there will be no cultur…

Arturo Dominguez, Unicorn Riot. (2023-11-25). FBI Labels Anti-Fascists And Anti-Racists As Violent Extremists. A recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) document titled "Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide" links common protest symbols to "terrorism" — another marker in a common theme of conflating militant protest for social justice with deadly terrorist violence within the United States. Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Brennan Center have raised warnings about such documents, citing inadequate protections for people's constitutional rights. | In a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on July 27 (PDF), the ACLU voiced deep concern ab…

Dana Drugmand, DeSmog. (2023-11-25). Oil And Gas Production Set To Escalate Under Landmark US Climate Law. A new report warns that oil and gas production in the United States is expected to rise under Biden's signature climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), even as the legislation helps to moderately lower fossil fuel demand through billions of dollars in clean energy investments. | The report, "Biden's Fossil Fuel Fail: How U.S. Oil and Gas Supply Rises under the Inflation Reduction Act, Exacerbating Environmental Injustice," details how, despite the IRA's significant spending on renewable energy, electric vehicles, and batteries, the policy will not be enough for the U.S. to meet its 2030 climate target of…

Emma Lee, Kyle Thibodeau, Left Voice. (2023-11-25). Activists Disrupt Thanksgiving Parade: End Genocide, Don't Celebrate It. Today, pro-Palestine protestors disrupted Thanksgiving Day Parades in New York City and Detroit, all sending the same message: end genocide, don't celebrate it. | In Detroit, protestors marched in front of the Thanksgiving Day parade route carrying banners reading: "From Turtle Island to Palestine, genocide is a crime" and "Detroit stands with Gaza," giving a spotlight to Palestine during Israel's ongoing atrocities. | In Manhattan, protestors disrupted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, an annual corporate parade watched nationwide, with signs and banners reading "Genocide then, genocide now."

Palestine Bureau, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-25). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 49: Four-Day Truce Begins In Gaza. A planned four-day temporary ceasefire mediated by Qatar began at 7 a.m. on Friday in the Gaza Strip after 48 days of relentless bombardment and fighting. | A first batch of hostages is expected to be released by Hamas and Israel on Friday afternoon, as part of a prisoner exchange deal that is set to see the exchange of 50 Israelis held by Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza since October 7 with 150 Palestinian women and children detained in Israeli prisons. | At 4 p.m. local time, 13 Israeli women and children are scheduled to be taken to the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, then flown back to Israel via heli…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-11-25). New Mood In The World Will Put An End To The Global Monroe Doctrine. Every day since 7 October has felt like an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, with hundreds of thousands gathering in Istanbul, a million in Jakarta, and then yet another million across Africa and Latin America to demand an end to the brutal attack being carried out by Israel (with the collusion of the United States). It is impossible to keep up with the scale and frequency of the protests, which are in turn pushing political parties and governments to clarify their stances on Israel's attack on Palestine. These mass demonstrations have generated three kinds of outcomes.

Staff (2023-11-25). Free the Holy Land Five: 15 years of imprisonment — freedom cannot wait! On 24 November 2023, we mourn the martyrs of Gaza as we honour and welcome 39 freed Palestinian prisoners, the first prisoners liberated through a prisoner exchange with the Palestinian resistance since the Wafaa al-Ahrar exchange in 2011. On this date, we also mark the 15th year of imprisonment for Shukri Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi …

Editor (2023-11-25). Complicit in Genocide: Activists Blockade Danish Arms Manufacturer Terma.

Editor (2023-11-25). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 49: Four-Day Truce Begins in Gaza After a Night of Heavy Bombardment. A rally in Los Angeles California. Photo by ScheerPost Staff Editor on November 17, 2023. | By Mondoweiss Palestine Bureau / Casualties: | 14,854 killed*, including 6,150 children, and more than 36,000 wounded in the Gaza Strip | 226 Palestinians* killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusale… (2023-11-25). Ex-Minneapolis cop convicted in George Floyd's killing stabbed in prison. Derek Chauvin is in stable condition after stabbing as employees promptly "initiated life-saving measures"

The Independent (2023-11-25). Israel receives 1st group of hostages released from Gaza. Jerusalem, Israel | Xinhua | Israel's Shin Bet internal security agency has received the first group of 13 hostages released from the Gaza Strip on Friday, local media reported. After the initial medical assessment, the hostages were returning to Israel, escorted by security forces, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Spokesperson Daniel Hagari said in a statement. …

The Independent (2023-11-25). Minister Otafiire orders police to resume construction of housing units. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Internal Affairs Minister Maj Gen Otafiire Kahinda has given the Uganda Police Force a three-month ultimatum to start constructing housing units for junior officers. The Housing Project was initially launched in 2016 by then Inspector General of Police Gen Edward Kale Kayihura with the construction of 10,000 housing units. The project started with the construction …

The Independent (2023-11-25). No new cars for G77, Non-Aligned Movement summits. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The government has resolved not to purchase new vehicles for the Non-Aligned Movement — NAM Summit slated for 15 — 20 January 2024 at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Speke Resort due to a lack of funds. However, they will mobilize fleets from across Ministries, Departments, and Agencies — MDAs. …

The Independent (2023-11-25). The myth of land grabbing. Why the president and chief justice are making a mistake of trying to resolve commercial disputes using ethnic lenses THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda | The Chief Justice, Owiny Dollo, was quoted in Daily Monitor raising alarm bells on the problem of "land grabbing" in Acholi region. "I told him," Dollo is quoted to have said … (2023-11-25). Gaza Truce Appears to Hold on Second Day, More Captives to Be Released. Gazans have been on Saturday experiencing a second day of relative calm absent of Israeli attacks as a temporary pause in fighting holds. After almost 50 days of constant Israeli bombardment that has killed nearly 15,000 Palestinians in the besieged enclave, a four-day truce came into effect from early Friday and appeared to be proceeding … (2023-11-25). Israeli occupation army says defenses intercepted 'suspicious aerial target' that entered airspace from Lebanon. (2023-11-25). Displaced Lebanese Return to Southern Border Towns as Cautious Calm Prevails. Cautious calm prevailed for the second day across the southern border between Lebanon and occupied Palestine, with citizens who were displaced in the last weeks returned to their towns. Al-Manar correspondent in south Lebanon Ali Shoeib reported that Lebanese farmers were spotted on Saturday harvesting olives after returning to their hometowns at the southern border … (2023-11-25). COGAT: 200 trucks of humanitarian aid enter Gaza, over 50 of them for the northern Strip. (2023-11-25). How US, UK Media Outlets Dehumanize Palestinian People: Study. The Western hostility against the Palestinians has been never restricted to the political, economic and military domains. Media has always been a key field resorted to in order to reinforce this hostility. Thus, the UK and US media outlets have always engaged in the scheme of dehumanizing the Palestinians. Declassified Website published a study that … (2023-11-25). Gaza health ministry: Hospitals in the South are unable to provide medical services to all the injured and locals displaced from the North. (2023-11-25). Al-Manar reporter: 14 Israeli captives have been handed to Red Cross in Khan Younis. (2023-11-25). Al-Qassam Brigades decides to delay release of second batch of captives until occupation adheres to agreement terms related to entry of relief trucks to the northern Gaza Strip and complies with agreed-upon standards for the release of captives: statement. (2023-11-25). Israeli media reports several explosions in Eilat. (2023-11-25). UK court declares activist bankrupt after losing case against Geo/Jang. Shah Muhammad told court he owed over £20,000, but could pay only £10 a month… (2023-11-25). Wife punches husband to death for denying birthday trip to Dubai. Nikhil Khanna suffered heavy bleeding from impact of his wife's punch and was left unconscious… (2023-11-25). WATCH: Indians wish IAF best as 'panauti' Modi flies Tejas aircraft. "Indian Air Force should organise a Hawan and Pooja, the biggest Panauti has arrived," says an X user… (2023-11-25). Jeremy Clarkson opens up on Top Gear's return as show axed. Hammond was always keen on getting back to work after accident, whereas Freddie isn't, says former host…

Ellen Brown (2023-11-25). Three Presidents Who Made Thanksgiving a National Holiday And What They Were Thankful For. Three U.S. presidents were instrumental in establishing Thanksgiving as a regular national event. On October 3, 1789, George Washington declared the first federal Thanksgiving holiday. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln made it an annual federal holiday. And in 1941, Franklin Roosevelt signed a bill setting the date at the fourth Thursday of every November. All three presidents …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-25). Estonia notifies WHO that it rejects the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to International Health Regulations. On 22 November, 11 Members of the Estonian Parliament wrote a letter to the World Health Organisation ("WHO") to reject the proposed international agreement on pandemic prevention preparedness and response — also …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-25). Slovakia will not be entering into any international pandemic agreements with WHO, Prime Minister says. During a SMER party conference, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico declared that his government will not sign the World Health Organisation's Pandemic Treaty and SMER Members of Parliament will not ratify in …

WSWS (2023-11-25). Defend Berlin's Oyoun cultural centre! No to censorship of war opponents! The Berlin Senate (State Executive) wants to illegally shut down the Oyoun cultural centre by the end of the year because it has provided meeting space for Jewish Voices for Peace and socialists opposing war.

WSWS (2023-11-25). Far-right government formed in New Zealand. After more than five weeks of talks, the National Party has formed an unstable coalition with far-right parties, which will intensify the assault on the working class and ramp up war preparations. (2023-11-25). Comicomment: South China Sea should not be wrestling ground for int'l politics. The South China Sea is the shared home for the countries in the region and should not be a wrestling ground for international politics. (2023-11-25). Insights | Former French Prime Minister: world's peaceful development cannot be achieved without China. Former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin recently said in an exclusive interview with ECNS that the world's peaceful development cannot be achieved without China, and world civilization would be incomplete without Chinese culture. (2023-11-25). In Numbers: China's 5G construction sees steady growth. (2023-11-25). What to expect from first China International Supply Chain Expo. (2023-11-25). Cradle of Civilization: Panlongcheng Site.

Christopher Finn McQuaid, Madhavi Bhargava, Pranay Sinha, Anurag Bhargava, Rein M G J Houben (2023-11-25). Correspondence] Malnutrition in older adults: a wider view. As Elsa Dent and colleagues1 note, malnutrition is an important and widely prevalent determinant of health in older adults. They also highlight the importance of malnutrition management in older adults affected by COVID-19. However, we find that the link between malnutrition and tuberculosis, as well as other infectious diseases that are more prevalent in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), is missing. Tuberculosis is a known driver of wasting and continues to kill more than 1 ∑5 million people each year.

Domenico Azzolino, Tiziano Lucchi (2023-11-25). Correspondence] Malnutrition in older adults: a wider view. We read with interest the Review by Elsa Dent and colleagues1 raising awareness on a too-often neglected condition. The authors proposed the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition criteria2 as a gold standard solution for the diagnosis of malnutrition. However, we noted that the definition of a low BMI as less than 18 ∑5 kg/m2 for those younger than 70 years is not in line with the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition criteria, which define a low BMI as less than 20 kg/m2 for people younger than 70 years.

Elsa Dent, Emiel O Hoogendijk (2023-11-25). Correspondence] Malnutrition in older adults: a wider view — Authors' reply. We thank Domenico Azzolino and Tiziano Lucchi for their Correspondence regarding our Review of malnutrition in older adults.1 Azzolino and Lucchi raise a concern about the low BMI cutoff point we reported for the diagnosis of malnutrition by the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria1 for adults aged younger than 70 years. We briefly touched upon the GLIM criteria in our Review, without going into much detail. One of the phenotypic GLIM criteria is a low BMI, for which we have mentioned the upper and lower boundary cutoff points by age group.

Ferry Biedermann (2023-11-25). World Report] France cools on assisted dying and euthanasia. A draft bill was due to come before the Cabinet in December, but Emmanuel Macron has thrown the plans into doubt. Ferry Biedermann reports.

Mengke Yu, Zhicheng Wang (2023-11-25). Correspondence] Malnutrition in older adults: a wider view. The Review published by Elsa Dent and colleagues1 highlighted malnutrition in older adults and proposed a set of evidence-based interventions for identifying and treating malnutrition. Although mainly from a clinical care perspective, we also appreciate their recommendations on community-level supportive interventions to address this issue. Because a large proportion of older individuals residing in the community are at high risk of malnutrition, community-level supportive interventions need to extend beyond those who receive home-care services or reside in nursing homes.

Nayanah Siva (2023-11-25). World Report] Maternity care crisis worsening across the USA. Three maternity units have closed in Alabama, contributing to a long-standing trend leaving the USA with the highest maternal mortality among high-income countries. Nayanah Siva reports.

Talha Burki (2023-11-25). World Report] Health at COP28: three things to watch for. The 28th UN climate change conference will see declarations related to health and humanitarian crises, as well as an assessment of progress on the Paris Agreement. Talha Burki reports.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-25). Cuba is ready to host Afide 2023. Havana, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) Cuba is ready to host the 10th International Convention on Physical Activity and Sports (Afide 2023), Dr. C. Mélix Ilisástigui told a press conference on Friday.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-25). ECLAC reports more than 4,000 feminicides in Latin America in 2022. Santiago, Chile, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) At least 4,500 women were murdered due to gender-related reasons in 2022 in the region, according to statistics published here by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-25). Milei insists on closing Argentina's Central Bank. It was communicated in a document published in the profile of his office on the social network X. | The text specified that economist Osvaldo Giordano will be the head of the National Social Security Administration, and Engineer Horacio Marin will be at the head of Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF) as of December 10, when his presidential inauguration will take place. | Since 2015, Giordano has been the Minister of Finance in the Province of Córdoba, where he was previously Secretary of Social Welfare. He is one of the main allies of Governor and former presidential candidate Juan Schiaretti. | Meanwhile,…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-25). Cuban business group promotes light industry. Havana, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) The Light Industry Business Group, GEMPIL, is betting on a substantial boost to this sector in Cuba as authorities are looking for solutions to the country's economic problems.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-25). UN Security Council failed in Gaza crisis, Türkiye says. Ankara, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) The UN Security Council was unable to do its job in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the spokesman of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Fahrettin Altun, considered in a conference in this capital.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-25). Attempt to stabilize electricity service in South Africa. Pretoria, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) After a sudden return to the most severe stages of blackouts in South Africa this week, the national electricity company, Eskom, is struggling to replenish generating capacity and reduce the daily power cuts.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-25). Cuba pays tribute to Fidel Castro, the eternal leader. Havana, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) Cuba pays tribute to the historic leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro (1926-2016), with multiple tributes throughout the country dedicated to evoke his legacy, on the seventh anniversary of his physical disappearance.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-25). Cuban folklore delights audiences in the Indian state of Meghalaya. New Delhi, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) A representation of the Cuban National Folkloric Ensemble (CFNC) delighted the audience at the inauguration of the "Tril Hills Ensemble" Festival in the Indian state of Meghalaya, it was reportedly stated.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-25). Cuban leader Fidel Castro remembered in Honduras. Tegucigalpa, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) The house where the hero Francisco Morazán was born in Honduras was the scene of a tribute to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of his physical disappearance which is commemorated today.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-25). Palestine condemns comments by far-right Dutch politician. Ramallah, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned statements made by far-right legislator Geert Wilders, whose party was the most voted in the recent elections in the Netherlands.

The Independent (2023-11-25). Report on African roads. Why Uganda was not on the list for worst roads COVER STORY | THE INDEPENDENT | A new report on the state of roads attributed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently left Ugandans agitated for a surprising reason; that their country was not named among the top 10 with the worst roads. Part of …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-11-25). Indigenous Activists Detained in Oaxaca Following Gathering on Political Prisoners. Report on repression of indigenous activists in Oaxaca, Mexico following a conference on political prisoners. On Tuesday, November 21st 2023 three Indigenous land defenders were kidnapped by the State in their hometown of Eloxochitlán (Nguixo), a Mazatec community in Northern Oaxaca. For nine years, Jaime Vidauria Romero, Artemio Vidauria Romero and Ranulfo Vidauria Estrada have…

Staff (2023-11-25). 39 Palestinian prisoners in first day of exchange achieved by Palestinian Resistance. On Friday, 24 November, with the start of the four-day "humanitarian pause" in the ongoing Zionist genocide on Gaza, the Palestinian Resistance extracted the liberation of women and children prisoners jailed by the Israeli occupation. Today, 39 prisoners were released in exchange for a group of Israelis detained by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza; each …

Editor (2023-11-25). When the First Casualty of War Is Truth, Journalists Are the Second. Photographer Hosny Salah shows children in Gaza the photos he has taken. Photo from Pixabay on May 17, 2022 from Hosny Salah. | By Denis Moynihan and Amy Goodman / Truth — and journalists — are the first casualties of the war on Gaza. As Israel's 7-week bombardment of the Gaza Strip has killed over 14,000 Palestinians, 5,000 of whom were children, courageous Palestinian journalists, working in Gaza under unbelievabl… (2023-11-25). Tesla Full Self-Driving in process of entering Chinese market: reports. U.S. electric car maker Tesla said its Full Self-Driving (FSD) function is now in progress to deploy in the Chinese market, as reported by the Chinese media outlet CHINAFUND on Thursday, citing sources from Tesla China. (2023-11-25). China's economy very resilient: South African scholar. I think China's economy remains very resilient despite global economic slowdown, said Farhana Paruk, head of Client Engagement at Gordan Institute of Business Science (GIBS) at the University of Pretoria and a former fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, in a recent interview with China News Service. (2023-11-25). Chinese court upholds pop star Kris Wu's 13-year sentence for sex offenses. Chinese-Canadian pop star Kris Wu's 13-year prison sentence for rape and assembling a crowd to engage in promiscuous activities was upheld by the Beijing No 3 Intermediate People's Court on Friday. (2023-11-25). China enters top 10 in innovation. A recently released report indicated that China's comprehensive innovation capability has risen to the 10th position globally, further cementing the nation's status as a rising leading innovative nation.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-25). Honduras rechaza ley antinmigrante aprobada por Texas, EE.UU. Según Tegucigalpa, la ley que impulsa la deportación de migrantes "pondría en entredicho las normas internacionales".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-25). Más de 2.000 migrantes murieron en el Mediterráneo en lo que va de año. Según la OIM, la cifra es mayor que la registrada en 2022, donde se contabilizaron 2.411 muertos, siendo el 2023 el año más mortífero desde el 2018.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-25). Milei incluye ministros macristas en futuro Gabinete argentino. Patricia Bullrich, la otrora adversaria del presidente electo (a la que acusó de poner bombas en jardines de infantes), se hará cargo el Ministerio de Seguridad.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-25). CNE está preparado para el referéndum sobre el Esequibo. El Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela aseguró que tiene el 75% de cronograma para la consulta popular listo.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2023-11-25). Perú logra mejor actuación histórica en Juegos Parapanamericanos. A pesar de haber superado su récord histórico en cuanto a cantidad de medallas, todavía la anterior cita parapanamericana arrojó más títulos dorados que la actual actuación.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-25). Chile envía ayuda a Bolivia para contrarrestar incendios. Esta donación se suma al apoyo internacional que han brindado Venezuela y Francia para ayudar a extinguir las llamas que continúan azotando zonas del país.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-25). Paraguay superó los diez mil casos confirmados de dengue. Las autoridades sanitarias confirmaron más de 20 muertes en lo que va de 2023.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-25). Rusia envía ayuda humanitaria a Gaza. La ayuda humanitaria consiste en 15 toneladas de suministros que incluyen alimentos para bebés, artículos de higiene, sábanas, cobijas y sacos de dormir.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-25). Suspenden al fiscal anticorrupción de Perú. Autoridad Nacional de Control del Ministerio Público que el fiscal Rafael Vela cometió una presunta infracción administrativa grave.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-25). Gobierno de Colombia destina presupuesto a sector educativo. El presupuesto supera los 70 billones de pesos para garantizar que todas las necesidades del sector se puedan cumplir.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-25). Francia envía bomberos a enfrentar incendios forestales en Bolivia. El Ministerio de Exteriores francés expresó su plena solidaridad con el pueblo y las autoridades bolivianas ante los incendios forestales.

Chris Hedges (2023-11-25). Israel clausura su laboratorio humano en Gaza. Israel es el 10 ∫ mayor traficante de armas del planeta y vende su tecnología y armamento a unas 130 naciones, incluidas dictaduras militares de Asia y América Latina. | Las ventas de armas israelíes ascendieron a 12.500 millones de dólares el…

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-25). España evalúa posible reconocimiento a Palestina como Estado. Pedro Sánchez afirmó que, si la Unión Europea no reconoce a Palestina como Estado, España "adoptará su propia decisión".

teleSUR- lvm, MS (2023-11-25). Asesinan a un líder social en Puerto Asís, Putumayo, Colombia. Luego de salir de su trabajo Elkin Jesús Díaz fue abordado por sujetos desconocidos, "quienes le propiciaron varios impactos con armas de fuego".

teleSUR, sar, JCM (2023-11-25). Fidel Castro visto a través de quienes lo conocieron. El Comandante en Jefe se convirtió en una de las figuras políticas más importantes de la región de todos los tiempos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-25). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,4 en Baja California Sur, México. El seísmo se produjo a las 13H26 (hora local), a una profundidad de diez kilómetros.

teleSUR, MER (2023-11-25). teleSUR rinde homenaje a periodistas asesinados en Palestina. Desde el pasado 7 de octubre hasta el momento, se han reportado unos 60 periodistas asesinados, en algunos casos junto con sus familias.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-11-25). Presidentes de Colombia y Ecuador se reúnen en Quito. Durante el encuentro en el palacio presidencial de Carondelet se abordó como punto cardinal el tema de la sequía.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2023-11-25). Presidente cubano se reúne con representante de Derechos Humanos. El encuentro coincidió con la celebración en La Habana, en la misma jornada, del IV Diálogo de Derechos Humanos entre Cuba y la Unión Europea.

Eduardo Gudynas (2023-11-25). Milei y la nueva derecha en Argentina mirada de otros modos. Se han sucedido múltiples reacciones frente al triunfo de Javier Milei en las elecciones en Argentina. | En varias predominan abordajes enfocados en el individuo, en el personaje político, como si actuara en solitario, o se lo compara con Jair Bolsonaro…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-25). Frustran plan sionista de impedir cantar a Roger Waters en Chile. La maniobra legal sionista fue denunciada por artistas chilenos, pues el recurso "retrotraía a los tiempos oscuros de la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet".

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-25). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-25). Eterno Diego: A tres años de la partida de Maradona. El eterno "pelusa" siempre estará presente en cada corazón de los amantes del deporte rey.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2023-11-25). México suspende cuarentena por casos de gripe aviar en Sonora. Tras finalizar la cuarentena, la Sader emprendió un proceso de vacunación de emergencia en zonas estratégicas.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-25). Fiscalía formula cargos por presunta corrupción organizada en Ecuador. La Fiscalía formuló cargos por presunta delincuencia organizada en contra del cuñado del expresidente ecuatoriano Guillermo Lasso, Danilo Carrera.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-11-25). 2023 National Native American Heritage Day – Polo Oo Boat Launch. California Pioneers of Pan African Ancestry have a long and cherished relationship with our extended family, A'ho all my relations and embrace Polo Oo as Shingle Springs Miwok Elders partner with the managed lands of California State Parks along today's Lake Natoma.

Santa Cruz News (2023-11-25). Perinatal Healthcare Workers in Santa Cruz County Call for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza. Campesina Womb Justice, a mutual aid project for womb justice and healing for indigenous campesinas in Santa Cruz County, has released a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Jeremy Scahill (2023-11-25). Al-Shifa Hosptial, Hamas's Tunnels, And Israeli Propaganda. Al-Shifa's Tunnels Were Built by Israel…

Angela (2023-11-25). Friday 11/24: Eureka: Shut it Down for Palestine! Eureka Bayshore Mall | 3300 Broadway St. | Eureka, CA…

Angela (2023-11-25). Friday 11/24: San Diego: Shut It Down For Palestine! San Diego County Administration building | 1600 Pacific Hwy | San Diego, CA…

Angela (2023-11-25). Monday 11/27: Tell Oakland City Council: Ceasefire Resolution Now! Oakland City Hall | 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza | Oakland, CA…

No Automatic License Plate Readers! (2023-11-25). Tuesday 11/28: Stop the City of Santa Cruz from Buying Automatic License Plate Readers. Council Chambers, Santa Cruz City Hall, 809 Center St, Santa Cruz | The proposal to purchase Automatic License Plate Readers is #15 on the city council consent agenda, and will be heard shortly after 12: 30 PM.

some reposter (2023-11-25). Stop Cop City: Nationwide Subsidiary Attacked in Walnut Creek. This bit of news comes to us courtesy of Scenes from the Atlanta Forest, a website covering the movement to Stop Cop City.

Angela (2023-11-25). Friday 11/24: San Diego: Shut it Down! Fashion Valley Mall | Meet at Fashion Valley Transit Center | San Diego, CA…

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-11-25). ALF Liberates 30 Foxes at Ohio Fur Farm. In an anonymous communique received on November 21 by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) has taken credit for liberating 30 captive foxes from the Grand River Fur Exchange, located in Rome, Ohio. (2023-11-25). Demonstrators clash with riot police after Dublin knife attack. Anti-immigrant protesters clash with riot police in Dublin following a knife attack that injured five people.. (2023-11-25). Aftermath of Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia refugee camp, wounded in hospital. Scenes of devastation could be seen in Jabalia refugee camp following Israeli airstrikes. (2023-11-25). Thousands of Canadian civil servants go on strike in Quebec. Thousands of school, hospital and social services workers in Canada's Quebec province walk off their jobs. (2023-11-25). Gazans hold mass funeral for family members killed in Israeli airstrike. Palestinians bid farewell to 45 members of a family killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-25). Pro-Palestine rallies continue as truce takes hold in Gaza. Pro-Palestine protesters hold more rallies in Sydney and New York in solidarity with people in the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-25). US ex-cop convicted in George Floyd's death stabbed in prison. Former US police officer Derek Chauvin who was convicted of killing George Floyd has been stabbed by another inmate in prison and seriously injured… (2023-11-25). Iran's top rights official: Criminal Israeli leaders must stand trial. Iran's top human rights official says criminal Israeli authorities must be brought to trial for their atrocities against Palestinians. (2023-11-25). Italy: Journalists demand freedom of information on Gaza. Italian journalists are calling for freedom of information in the Gaza Strip contending that it has become impossible to cover the ongoing situation. (2023-11-25). Resistance leader: US not seeking to leave Iraq, threatening government. The leader of an Iraqi resistance group says the American occupation forces have no intention of leaving the Arab country and justify their illegal presence under the pretext of fighting the now-defunct Takfiri Daesh terrorist group. (2023-11-25). Spain blasts Israeli accusations after criticizing Gaza genocide. Spain has slammed Israel for "terror" accusations against Madrid, calling them false and out of place. (2023-11-25). People march in pro-Palestinian demonstration in London. People take to the streets of London to march in support of Palestinians. (2023-11-25). Israel failed to achieve goals in Gaza war: Hamas official. Khaled Meshaal, head of Hamas' office in the diaspora, says the Israeli regime was unable to reach its goals after 48 days of its onslaught against the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-25). Tens of thousands rally in Lahore in support of Palestine. Tens of thousands gather in Lahore in support of Gaza amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. (2023-11-25). Group of 28 babies evacuated from war-torn Gaza arrive in Egypt. A group of 28 premature infants evacuated from the besieged Gaza City arrived in Egypt. (2023-11-25). London demo calls for lifting of Israeli blockade of Gaza. Demonstrators gathered on World Children's Day in London to demand an end to the Gaza blockade. (2023-11-25). Mexican army deployed after capture of Sinaloa Cartel's alleged security boss. The Mexican Army was deployed on Wednesday (November 22) in the streets of Culiacan after the National Guard captured Nestor Isidro Perez Salas, or "El Nini." (2023-11-25). Hundreds of Australian students in Sydney protest for Palestinians. Hundreds of Australian students skipped class in Sydney to protest for the freedom of Palestinians. (2023-11-25). Hamas chief hails 'political and military victory', thanks Iran. Hamas says the truce agreement was a political victory that was based on the victory of the resistance in the field. (2023-11-25). Israel Hamas ceasefire agreement. The Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, says it has agreed to a four day humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-25). Israeli troops fire at Gazans returning home, kill two after ceasefire. There are reports of "intense shooting" by Israeli forces east of Khan Younis and Rafah after a four-day ceasefire went into effect on Friday morning. (2023-11-25). Without US support, Israel couldn't have continued Gaza war: Iran. Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian made the remark in an interview with Qatar-based Al Jazeera television network. (2023-11-25). Turks in Istanbul protest death of civilians in Gaza. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Istanbul on Friday to protest civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip and express support for the Palestinians. (2023-11-25). Islamic Jihad warns of 'response' in case of Israel's truce violation. A spokesman for the military wing of the Islamic Jihad has underscored the Palestinian resistance movement's commitment to a fresh truce deal in Gaza. (2023-11-25). Hamas chief: Palestinians forced Israel for ceasefire. Haniyeh said the resistance managed to thwart Israel's plan to get back its captives through genocide. (2023-11-25). Pro-Palestine rallies held across world as truce takes hold in Gaza. Thousands of people rallied across the world on Friday to voice their unfaltering support for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, on the first day of a truce after some 50 days of brutal Israeli war on the besieged territory. (2023-11-25). Barcelona city suspends relations with Israel over Gaza war. Barcelona City Council has suspended the city's relations with the Israel regime as long as the latter sustains its ongoing hugely deadly war against Gaza. (2023-11-25). Facebook greenlit ads calling for 'holocaust' against Palestinians in Gaza. Facebook approves advertisements sent experimentally to the social network, including some containing demands for "holocaust for the Palestinians." (2023-11-25). Cuban president leads anti-Israel demo in front of US embassy. Tens of thousands of Cubans have staged a demonstration in front of the US embassy in Havana condemning Israel for committing "genocide" against Palestinians in Gaza. (2023-11-25). Nakhala says Israel failed to achieve goals as Gaza truce takes effect. Islamic Jihad Secretary General Ziyad Nakhalah has said that Israel failed to achieve its stated goals in the Gaza war as a four-day truce took effect in the besieged territory after seven weeks of massacres. (2023-11-25). 'Terrorist, apartheid regime': How Israeli general's son describes Israel. American-Israeli activist Miko Peled bitterly criticizes the Tel Aviv regime's policies against Palestinians, describing Israel as a 'terrorist entity' and 'apartheid regime.' (2023-11-25). Aggression on Gaza to cost Israel $48 billion: Report. A report says Israel's aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip is estimated to cost the occupying regime $48 billion, leaving it highly dependent on bond markets. (2023-11-25). Iran's Basij volunteer forces hold nationwide rallies in solidarity with Gaza. Some 50,000 Basij members took to the streets in the capital Tehran to voice their solidarity with the Palestinians in the face of the Israeli regime's brutal onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-25). 39 Palestinian prisoners released in return for 24 Gaza captives. A total of 39 Palestinian female and child prisoners have been released by the Israeli occupation at Ofer prison in the occupied West Bank.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-24). CARICOM congratulates Suriname on Independence Day. Georgetown, Nov 24 (Prensa Latina) Carla Barnett, Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), extended on Friday her warmest congratulations to the Government and people of Suriname as they celebrate the 48th anniversary of their independence on November 25.

2023-11-25 16:39:36 | 16:39 EST | rz | 163 | 0 | 8 | 170 | 0 

2023-11-23: News Headlines (2023-11-22). Xi stresses key role of stronger Sino-Russian legislative exchanges. President Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of enhancing exchanges between the legislative bodies of China and Russia to ensure the steady and sustained progress of the bilateral relationship.

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-11-23). Art and Struggle: Olive Trees as Symbols of Palestinian Culture, Food, and Heritage. Woman hugging tree video ***** Painting by Sliman Mansour "I hugged the olive tree. It was precious to me, so I hugged it. I felt like I was hugging my child. I'd raised the tree like my child. They attacked around 500 trees filled with olives. Each tree could have filled two sacks of …

WSWS (2023-11-23). New York City mayor announces draconian mid-year budget cuts, blaming increasing costs due to immigrants. The scapegoating of immigrants is a blatant attempt to conceal the gutting of social services to pay for war while protecting the wealthy.

WSWS (2023-11-23). Labor shortages among air traffic controllers threatens airline safety. Chronic air traffic controller staffing issues are causing an increase in safety incidents, aviation experts told the US Senate.

Amanda Yee (2023-11-23). Israel is assassinating journalists in Gaza. Israel is intentionally assassinating journalists in Gaza. As it wages its genocidal onslaught on the enclave, having murdered at least 13,000 Palestinians so far, Israel is simultaneously killing media workers in order to prevent the world from seeing the unspeakable atrocities it carries out.

WSWS (2023-11-23). "Everybody's pissed off": Mack Trucks workers return to work following UAW sellout. As at the Big Three, Mack is now preparing to implement plans for speed-up and mandatory overtime following the UAW's betrayal of the strike.

WSWS (2023-11-23). Workers must fight Quebec Common Front leaders' sabotage of swelling public sector strike movement. The corporatist union apparatuses are doing everything in their power to prevent a head-on clash between the 625,000 Quebec public sector workers and the CAQ government.

Walden Bello (2023-11-23). From Bin Laden to Gaza. The dramatic events of the last six weeks have left the U.S. position in the Middle East a total wreck, with Washington coming across as a dog being wagged by its tail, the state of Israel, which is carrying out the genocidal elimination of the Palestinian people in Gaza, of whom over 11,000 have been killed by airstrikes. Nowhere was the bankruptcy of American diplomacy in the region and globally more exposed than during the UN General Assembly vote on October 30, 2023 for a Jordan-sponsored resolution for an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor for aid which passed 120 to 14, wit…

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-11-23). US Embarks On Proxy War Against Iran. By M.K. Bhadrakumar — Nov 20, 2023 | A massive US naval deployment in a wide arc of the so-called Greater Middle East is under way — stretching from Crete in the Eastern Mediterranean, into the Red Sea and the Bab el Mandeb and into the Gulf of Aden and all the way into the Gulf of Oman. This deterrent display may transform as large scale offensive operations and aims to rework the geopolitical alignments and bring them back to the traditional grooves of intra-regional rivalries in the Gulf region. | Ship spotters first said that as of Thursday, the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and its es…

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-23). Israeli Official Says Hamas Hostage Deal Delayed Until Friday. The start of a short-term ceasefire to facilitate the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza and Palestinian prisoners in Israel will not start until Friday, an Israeli official said on Wednesday. "The contacts on the release of our hostages are advancing and continuing constantly. The start of the release will take place according to the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-23). US, Philippines Start Three-Day Joint Patrol in South China Sea. The US and the Philippines have launched joint air and sea patrols in the South China Sea in a provocative show of force amid rising tensions with China in the region. Washington and Manila agreed earlier this year to conduct joint patrols in the disputed waters. In September, a US and Philippine warship conducted a …

Asa Winstanley (2023-11-23). The evidence Israel killed its own citizens on 7 October. Army major admits Israel killed Israeli civilians.

Michael F. Brown (2023-11-23). CNN anchor claims Gaza is in Israel. Dana Bash wrongly asserts "from the river to the sea" is anti-Semitic even as she ignores land-seizure map displayed by Netanyahu.

Thomas Knapp (2023-11-23). War: Thanks But No Thanks. When I think of Thanksgiving, I seldom think of the Pilgrims and Wampanoag people dining together (likely sans turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie) in Massachusetts in 1621. Rather, my thoughts wander to Abraham Lincoln's 1863 proclamation inviting his fellow citizens "to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a Day of

Binoy Kampmark (2023-11-23). Rigging Avian Ballots: New Zealand's Bird of the Century Competition. They can be a serious lot in New Zealand. They got upset at — forgive this author such reference — the use of a rule in cricket back in February 1981 which led to expressions of misty anger from the Prime Minister of the day, Robert Muldoon. While permissible within the laws of cricket, sides are generally

David Yearsley (2023-11-23). We are Ourselves: a Thanksgiving Feast with Handel. For those with means, there is always too much food at Thanksgiving. Overproduction and overconsumption go hand in hand, or perhaps from hand into mouth. As Sir Thomas Malory, didn't put it, Enough is as NOT as good as a feast at America's self-defining dinner held on the last Thursday of November. Leftovers are an

Rachel Ellis (2023-11-23). The Role of Religion in US Prisons. In This Place Called Prison offers a vivid account of religious life within an institution designed to punish. Rachel Ellis conducted a year of ethnographic fieldwork inside a U.S. state women's prison, talking with hundreds of incarcerated women, staff, and volunteers. Through their stories, Ellis shows how women draw on religion to navigate lived experiences of

Tara K. Miller — Richard B. Primack (2023-11-23). The Ways Humans Harm Wildlife: Tracking the Toll. At hundreds of wildlife rehabilitation centers across the U.S., people can learn about wild animals and birds at close range. These sites, which may be run by nonprofits or universities, often feature engaging exhibits, including "ambassador" animals that can't be released — an owl with a damaged wing, for example, or a fox that was

Larry Johnson (2023-11-23). This Is Not a car Bomb and it is Not A Terrorist Attack. Car Bomb in Northern Ireland — THIS IS NOT FROM THE U.S. CANADA BORDER! | Warning. This is a Captain Obvious alert. The U.S. mainstream media are a bunch of morons. When news broke today of a car that crashed on the U.S. side of the Canadian border and burst into flames, all of the cable news shows were hitting the terrorism klaxon horn. When I saw the video I knew right away this was not terrorism. What sort of knucklehead terrorist launches an attack while headed to Canada? | Anyway, here's the video of the car going full Evel Kneivel. Before seeing the video I thought the vehicle could have been a Tes… (2023-11-23). Explosion near US-Canada border claims 2 lives: US media. According to officials, White House is closely monitoring Rainbow Bridge incident that took place near Niagara Falls… (2023-11-23). Sikh leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannu reacts to India's assassination plot on US soil. Pannun says India's "transnational terrorism" is a direct challenge to US sovereignty… (2023-11-23). Rainbow Bridge explosion: NY Governor Kathy Hochul rules out terrorism.

The Independent (2023-11-23). Police stuck with 6 unidentified bodies. Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Police authorities in the Kiira region are seeking relatives of six deceased individuals, whose identities and origins remain unknown. Among the deceased, four fell victim to mob justice, while the other two were recovered from areas around Lake Victoria and River Nile in Jinja city after drowning incidents. These …

Samia Nasir Khoury (2023-11-23). A Thanksgiving Letter to Biden From a Palestinian Great Grandmother. Dear Mr. Biden, I wonder how you and your guests for Thanksgiving dinner on the 23rd will be able to celebrate when so many families in Gaza have lost dear ones and have been deprived of their homes, food, and shelter due to the Israeli invasion of Gaza which you could have stopped immediately. No humans, including

Binoy Kampmark (2023-11-23). Eco-Camouflage and the Fossil Fuel Lobby: The War against Wind Farms. The fossil fuel lobby has had a busy year on the eco-camouflage front. Earlier this year, interest started to rumble and rage against the stranding of humpback whales on the east coast of the United States. Suddenly, opponents of wind turbine technology — and renewable technology more broadly — had identified an invaluable, if tenuous … (2023-11-23). Aftermath of Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia refugee camp, wounded in hospital. Scenes of devastation could be seen in Jabalia refugee camp following Israeli airstrikes. (2023-11-23). Hezbollah chief meets top Hamas figures to discuss Israeli onslaught in Gaza. The Hezbollah chief meets with senior Hamas officials in Beirut as Israeli attacks continue around hospitals and refugee camps in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-23). Thousands of Canadian civil servants go on strike in Quebec. Thousands of school, hospital and social services workers in Canada's Quebec province walk off their jobs. (2023-11-23). Hezbollah strikes Israel's military sites in response to Gaza aggression. Hezbollah says it has carried out several strikes against Israel's military sites in response to the regime's brutal aggression against Gaza. (2023-11-23). Gazans hold mass funeral for family members killed in Israeli airstrike. Palestinians bid farewell to 45 members of a family killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip.

Paul Tritschler (2023-11-23). The Politics of Eating. Reflections on the psychological, moral and political implications of what we eat, and on prospects for non-violent social change. Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are. — Brillat-Savarin, The Physiology of Taste, Brillat-Savarin, Jean-Anthelme, (Penguin Books, 1994): p.13. Getting back into fasting after a break is difficult. In the …

The Exposé (2023-11-23). Expert Oncologist Links Swift Cancer Development to Post-COVID-19 Vaccination — Declares "It's No Coincidence" Professor Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practising in the UK, recently wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal that harmful effects of Covid …

mforinoco (2023-11-23). Gaza 'Truce' Won't Halt The Regional War. By Hasan Illaik — Nov 21, 2023 | The regional war is here. The Axis of Resistance assesses that the US and Israel intend to prolong the Gaza war indefinitely, and determines that a regional escalation is now unavoidable. | The Israeli military has announced the expansion of its ground operations in the northern Gaza Strip. After seizing territories on Gaza's coastline, in the western part of the northern strip, Tel Aviv's actual ground operation is now beginning. | For more than three weeks of its ground offensive, the occupation army has been operating in areas close to the shoreline,…

WSWS (2023-11-23). US appeals court guts Voting Rights Act. With the Eighth Circuit ruling, a new stage in the assault on the Voting Rights Act and democratic rights more broadly has been initiated.

WSWS (2023-11-23). McCarthyite witch-hunt against actresses Melissa Barrera and Susan Sarandon for opposing Israeli genocide in Gaza. A new witch-hunt has been launched in Hollywood, targeting actors and others who speak out against the Israeli military's campaign of mass murder in Gaza.

WSWS (2023-11-23). Israel's Gaza "truce": A pause to reload the guns for the next stage in the genocide against the Palestinians. Assuming the agreement is fulfilled, which is by no means assured, it will amount to little more than an operational pause in Israel's military offensive to ethnically cleanse Gaza by carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people. (2023-11-23). Biden's approval craters as 70% of young voters oppose pro-Israel stance. At just 40%, the approval rating of Biden has reached its lowest level ever, and the record is being attributed to vast disapproval from young adults for Biden's support of Israel. (2023-11-23). Mexican army deployed after capture of Sinaloa Cartel's alleged security boss. The Mexican Army was deployed on Wednesday (November 22) in the streets of Culiacan after the National Guard captured Nestor Isidro Perez Salas, or "El Nini." (2023-11-23). President Raeisi: Israel fell short of all of its goals in Gaza. President Ebrahim Raeisi says the Israeli regime has fallen short of realizing all of the goals that it had sought by launching its ongoing war against Gaza.

Jamal Kanj (2023-11-23). Israel's War of Ethnic Cleansing. In the battle of his political life, Benjamin Netanyahu has nothing to lose. He could, however, gain vainglory and self-exaltation by murdering as many Palestinians as possible to satisfy the unquenchable vengeful Israeli culture. A crime catapult by Western leaders who rallied behind Netanyahu in the aftermath of the prisoners' revolt against…

The Independent (2023-11-23). Israel says Gaza hostage release, truce delayed until tomorrow. Jerusalem, Israel | Xinhua | Israel's national security advisor announced late Wednesday that the deal for the release of hostages in Gaza in exchange for a temporary truce has been postponed until Friday at the earliest. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government voted to accept the deal early on Wednesday and announced that the truce …

Kenneth Surin (2023-11-23). Eventful London: Suella's Fall; Starmer's Evasions. I have just returned after spending a week in London, attending the always engaging Historical Materialism conference, the pro-Palestine march which drew hundreds of thousands of protesters, and the major David Hockney exhibition, marking his 80th birthday, at the National Portrait Gallery.

B. Nimri Aziz (2023-11-23). MK— Mandela's Secret Army: a Film by Osvalde Lewat. Revolutionaries are sometimes forgotten, despite their mission having been successful. Their struggle over, it is often condensed to a single heroic figure, recast by history into a pacifist and a statesman. Nelson Mandela, for example. Revolutionaries unable to overthrow their oppressor or if they build a state that doesn't comply with Western interests, are dismissed

The Exposé (2023-11-23). Breakthrough Discovery: Neurosurgeon Unveils Shocking Link Between COVID Vaccine and Brain Damage & Cancer Risk. Retired American neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock recently gave an in-depth presentation on the adverse effects the spike proteins, induced by Covid-19 vaccination, have on the body. The doctor shared shocking discoveries about neurological … (2023-11-23). Pro-Palestinian protesters march in Berlin, accuse Germany of siding with Israel. Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters march peacefully in Berlin in support of the people of Gaza. (2023-11-23). Fresh rallies across globe to demand ceasefire in Gaza. People across the world have held fresh rallies to express solidarity with Palestinians and demand an end to Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-23). Babies evacuated from al-Shifa hospital transferred to Rafah before evacuation to Egypt. More than 30 premature babies evacuated from Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital receive care at the Emirates hospital in Rafah. (2023-11-23). Tens of thousands rally in Lahore in support of Palestine. Tens of thousands gather in Lahore in support of Gaza amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. (2023-11-23). Group of 28 babies evacuated from war-torn Gaza arrive in Egypt. A group of 28 premature infants evacuated from the besieged Gaza City arrived in Egypt. (2023-11-23). London demo calls for lifting of Israeli blockade of Gaza. Demonstrators gathered on World Children's Day in London to demand an end to the Gaza blockade. (2023-11-23). Time not on Israel's side if Gaza war drags on: Iran FM. Iran's FM says six weeks of heroic resistance of the oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza has proved that time is not on Israel's side. (2023-11-23). Syria's air defense repels Israeli missile attack near Damascus. Syrian air defense units have intercepted and shot down an Israeli missile near the country's capital city of Damascus. (2023-11-23). Hollywood clamps down on actors over pro-Palestine views. Hollywood has clamped down on actors and actresses over their pro-Palestine and alleged anti-Semitic comments. (2023-11-23). Arab states seek extension of Gaza truce; Israel vows to resume war. Arab states say a temporary truce between Israel and Palestinian resistance movement Hamas should become a first step toward a full cessation of hostilities. (2023-11-23). Iranian FM meets Palestinian resistance leaders to discuss Gaza war, truce deal. The Iranian foreign minister discusses the Israeli onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip and the four-day truce in the territory with high-ranking Palestinian resistance figures. (2023-11-23). Turkey's intelligence foils Mossad operation to kidnap Iron Dome hacker. Turkey's MIT has saved a renowned Palestinian hacker behind the disruption of Israel's Iron Dome system from Mossad agents. (2023-11-23). 1.7 million people displaced due to Israeli war on Gaza: UNRWA. UNRWA says almost 1.7 million people (nearly 80 per cent of the population) have been displaced across the Gaza Strip since 7 October. (2023-11-23). Most captives to be released by Hamas are non-Israelis: Official. Hamas says most of the captives to be released by the group under a deal with Israel are foreigners. (2023-11-23). Gaza truce no more than 'respite' in immense suffering: Oxfam. Oxfam says four-day truce in the Israeli war on Gaza is disproportionately inadequate for the suffering that the military campaign has been causing. (2023-11-23). Yemen forces launch 'cruise missile attack' against occupied territories. Yemen's Armed Forces announce launching yet another attack against the occupied territories in support of Palestinians. (2023-11-22). E-tailers cash in on Black Friday deals. Cross-border e-commerce platforms are doubling down on the Black Friday shopping carnival, which falls on Friday this year, as Chinese consumers demonstrate increasing demand for diversified, personalized and niche products. (2023-11-22). China approves U.S. chipmaker's $61 bln acquisition with restrictive conditions. U.S. chipmaker Broadcom Inc announced that its $61 billion acquisition of cloud computing company VMware closed on Wednesday, having received all required regulatory approvals from global regulators. (2023-11-22). U.S. firms account for 20% of foreign exhibitors of China's first supply chain expo: CCPIT. The number of U.S. exhibitors registered for the first China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) is much higher than expected, accounting for 20 percent of all foreign exhibitors, underscoring deepening China-U.S. cooperation in stabilizing global supply chains. (2023-11-22). China-Uruguay ties upgraded. China and Uruguay upgraded their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership on Wednesday as they pledged to enhance bilateral cooperation in a wider range of fields, particularly on the joint construction of the Belt and Road. (2023-11-22). Hopes rise over cease-fire deal in Gaza. Israel and Hamas have reached a Qatar-mediated agreement to cease fire in the Gaza Strip for four days, which offers an opportunity for peace talks being widely pushed by the global community, analysts said. (2023-11-22). Sino-U.S. ties to benefit other economies. China and the United States should work together and rebuild trust to bring about a win-win outcome, as closer economic cooperation between the world's two largest economies will benefit even other economies. (2023-11-22). Sea goddess helps build cross-Strait ties. A shared folk belief in Mazu — a revered goddess of the sea worshipped on both sides of the Taiwan Strait — can act as a bridge connecting people of the two sides and promote cross-Strait integration, experts said. (2023-11-22). Remains of 25 Chinese soldiers repatriated to China from ROK. The Remains of 25 Chinese soldiers who died during the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53) were handed over to China at the Incheon International Airport in the Republic of Korea on Thursday morning. (2023-11-22). Experts foresee moves to make markets safer. China is likely to intensify efforts to crack down on illegal activities that seek to improperly make money from stock issuances, as part of all-round efforts to ensure that the registration-based IPO system is equitable and investor-friendly.

Alessandro Pagani (2023-11-23). Rusia, China e Irán, constructores de un mundo multipolar. China es el primer socio comercial de Irán, absorbe gran parte de las exportaciones de crudo de Teherán. El pasado mes de diciembre China importó más de 1,2 millones de barriles diarios, un 130% más que los volúmenes del mismo…

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-23). Presidente Maduro destaca que el 3 de diciembre marcará un precedente en la historia de Venezuela. "Venezuela está reclamando sus derechos históricos, jurídicos, de la Guayana Esequiba que nos dejaron los libertadores y los libertadoras de nuestra Patria", manifestó.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-23). Palestinos sufren el peor desplazamiento desde 1948, según Unrwa. La agencia Indicó que la generación más joven, está "obligada vivir traumas de antepasados o padres".

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-23). Unicef afirma que Gaza es el peor lugar para ser niño. Russell acaba de regresar de un viaje a Gaza y ha dicho estar "horrorizada" por lo que ha visto. La funcionaria precisó que en 46 días de guerra más de 5.000 niños palestinos murieron.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-23). Comunidad universitaria de Panamá exige derogar contrato minero. Reclaman a Corte Suprema declarar inconstitucional la ley 406, que recoge el contrato entre el Estado y Minera Panamá. Denuncian daño medioambiental de actividad minera.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-23). Venezuela envía a Bolivia 46 expertos para mitigar incendios. Este nuevo destacamento se suma a los 30 especialistas que se dirigieron a Bolivia para asistir de manera solidaria a la población boliviana.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-23). Siria denuncia nueva agresión del Ejército de Israel. Las autoridades sirias advirtieron que continúan los actos de violencia y crímenes provocados por Israel en la región.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-11-23). Uruguay y China impulsan asociación estratégica integral. Durante el encuentro que tardó más de una hora, Xi afirmó que ambos países son "partidarios del libre comercio".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-23). México resalta trabajo conjunto con China en combate al fentanilo. López Obrador indicó que coincidió con Xi en que se debe de enfrentar de manera coordinada a traficantes de precursores químicos para el fentanilo.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-23). Israel publica lista de 300 presos palestinos que serán liberados. El acuerdo mediado por Qatar, Egipto y Estados Unidos establece una "tregua humanitaria, cuyo inicio se anunciará dentro de las 24 horas y continuará durante cuatro días, sujeto a extensión".

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-23). Paratletas de Argentina y Colombia ganan oro en prueba de 400 metros. El Centro Atlético Mario Recordón del Estadio Nacional de la capital chilena acogió la competencia de Para atletismo en su segunda jornada.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-23). Venezuela consigue su cuarta medalla de oro en los Parapanamericanos. La venezolana Lisbeli Vera se proclamó como campeona parapanamericana en los 200m T46.

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2023-11-23). Venezuela rechaza arbitrariedades contra la Vinotinto en Perú. En un mensaje en la red social X, antes Twitter, el canciller Yvan Gil, rechazó una nueva arbitrariedad del Gobierno peruano contra los venezolanos.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-11-23). Continúan las movilizaciones en apoyo a Palestina. En medio de una manifestación, la policía australiana agredió a los participantes organizados y arrestó a 23 de ellos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-23). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,1 en Morona Santiago, Ecuador. El seísmo se percibió aproximadamente a las 12H45 hora local (17: 45 GMT), a una distancia de 90,11 kilómetros de Macas.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-23). Apagón causado por Israel mata a tres bebés prematuros en Gaza. Un total de 18 hospitales han sido cerrados y evacuados desde el comienzo de la agresión, incluidos tres hospitales en los últimos cinco días: Al-Nasr, Al-Rantisi y Al-Quds.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-23). Arriba a Venezuela selección de fútbol La Vinotinto. En horas de la mañana, a través de un comunicado oficial la Federación Venezolana de Fútbol condenó las agresiones sufridas ayer por el equipo y afición.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-23). Presidente de Sri Lanka anuncia elecciones en 2024. El ministro de Estado de Plantaciones, Reforma Empresarial y Finanzas, Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, reveló la asignación específica de 10.000 millones de rupias (30,5 millones de dólares) para los venideros comicios.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-23). Comité àÅrabe Islámico aborda en Reino Unido asedio a Gaza. Se reúne con el secretario de Exteriores de Reino Unido, David Cameron. Subrayan la importancia la paz y de aplicar la solución de dos Estados.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-23). Corte Constitucional de Ecuador examina legalizar la eutanasia. Desean responder a demanda de Paola Roldán, quien padece de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica y vive bajo intensos dolores, por lo cual desea morir dignamente.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-23). Inicia en Brasil reunión suramericana sobre Diálogo Político y Defensa. La reunión tiene lugar a puerta cerrada en la sede del Ministerio de Exteriores del gigante suramericano.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-23). Sentencian a cuatro militares en caso Golpe de Estado I en Bolivia. Como resultado de las acciones penales se dictaron sentencias de dos y tres años de prisión dentro del caso Golpe de Estado I.

teleSUR- odr, YSM (2023-11-23). Ascienden a 14.532 los muertos por ataques de Israel en Gaza. Desde el 7 de octubre han sido masacrados 6.000 niños y 4.000 mujeres en Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-23). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-23). Asesinan a otro líder social en Norte de Santander, Colombia. Este líder fue asesinado en el sector de la Pista, casco urbano del municipio Tibú.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-23). Inician precampaña electoral en México para las elecciones 2024. Durante las Elecciones de 2024 se elegirán un total de 629 cargos a nivel federal, incluyendo la Presidencia de la República.

Staff (2023-11-22). Truce Reached in Gaza: Temporary Ceasefire and Prisoner Exchange Confirmed. Caracas ( On Wednesday, November 22, at dawn, Hamas announced that an agreement has been reached between Palestinian resistance movements and the Israeli entity for a 4-day ceasefire in Gaza, with the provision of possible extension. The ceasefire will enter into effect from 10 a.m. on Thursday, November 23. | The deal, mediated by Qatar and Egypt, consists of clauses much closer to Hamas'—and n…

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2023-11-21: News Headlines (2023-11-21). Xi to attend BRICS extraordinary virtual summit on Palestinian-Israeli issue. At the invitation of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the BRICS extraordinary virtual summit on the Palestinian-Israeli issue and deliver important remarks in Beijing on the evening of Nov. 21, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying announced Monday.

Editor (2023-11-21). Dangers only multiply: Could Israel's war on Gaza go nuclear? Israel's robust military, the fourth-strongest in the world, is ravaging Gaza and, along with armed settlers, terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank following the brutal Hamas massacres of October 7th. (2023-11-21). Measures taken by China against dumping of nuclear-contaminated water entirely reasonable and necessary: FM. The current measures taken by China and other relevant parties in response to the dumping of nuclear-contaminated water from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea are completely justified and necessary.

Joshua Frank (2023-11-21). Israel's Nuclear Threat: The Dangers Only Multiply. Israel's robust military, the fourth-strongest in the world, is ravaging Gaza and, along with armed settlers, terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank following the brutal Hamas massacres of October 7th. Like so many other colonial projects, Israel was born of terror and has necessitated the use of violence to occupy Arab territory and segregate Palestinians ever since. The realization that its existence was dependent on

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-21). Republican China Hawks Want $12 Billion Added to Biden's $105 Billion Request. Seven Republican members of the House's China committee led by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) sent a letter to congressional leaders on Sunday calling for an additional $12 billion to be added to President Biden's behemoth $105 billion spending request. Biden's request includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and funding for border security. "We write … (2023-11-21). President calls for enhancing exchanges with Russia. China stands ready to work with Russia to develop bilateral ties in a steadfast manner to provide more stability and positive energy for the world, President Xi Jinping said, calling on the countries' ruling parties to enhance exchanges.

Editor (2023-11-21). Nov 21, 2023. Sona Jobarteh — GAMBIA Will the Scorpion Sting the U.S. Frog? by Alastair Crooke US & Israel Dead-Last in Following UN Charter, by Jeffrey Sachs and Guillaume Lafortune Day 45: Israeli military besieges the last functioning hospital in northern Gaza, by Leila Warah Israel's War on Hospitals: Nowhere is safe. If you stay you die, by Chris Hedges Having Vanquished Gaza's Hospitals, Israel Turns to bombing Schools, Killing Dozens, by Juan Cole Is there any hope of a ceasefire in Gaza? by Paul Rogers Shame on the U.S. Ambassador to the UN: She Has Forgotten Her Roots, by Steven Sahiounie Ge…

Kevin Gosztola, The Dissenter. (2023-11-21). Update On Lawsuit Against Alleged CIA Spying On Assange Visitors. A United States court held an extraordinary hearing on November 16, where a judge carefully considered a lawsuit against the CIA and former CIA director Mike Pompeo for their alleged role in spying on American attorneys and journalists who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. | Judge John Koeltl of the Southern District of New York pushed back when Assistant U.S. Attorney Jean-David Barnea refused to confirm or deny that the CIA had targeted Americans without obtaining a warrant. He also invited attorneys for the Americans to update the lawsuit so that claims of privacy violations explicitly dealt with the g…

Steve France, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-21). Maryland Lawmakers Threaten Leading Immigrant Advocacy Group. The retribution from state lawmakers was swift and severe after Gustavo Torres, the executive director of CASA de Maryland, posted a tweet and statement on November 6, calling out Israel's "terror" against Gaza and urging a ceasefire. Outrage and threats rained down from donors and politicians against the largest immigrant rights group in the Mid-Atlantic region. | Deeply alarmed, CASA took down…

WSWS (2023-11-21). MGM Grand Detroit casino workers reject contract betrayal, continue strike. Striking MGM Grand casino workers have voted down a supposed "historic" agreement that would have kept workers locked into poverty rates of pay as gaming profits surge.

Laurel Thompson (2023-11-21). Palm Oil in Common Household Products Is Destroying the World's 'Orangutan Capital'. Picture a rhinoceros in the rainforest. Add a herd of elephants, families of orangutans swinging through the treetops, and tigers prowling the understory, and there is only one place in the world you could be. Indonesia's Leuser Ecosystem is one of Earth's most ancient forest ecosystems, a laboratory of life's potential where the alchemy of

WSWS (2023-11-21). SEP speakouts in Sydney and Melbourne: "Mobilise workers to end the Gaza genocide!" In key working-class suburbs, the SEP speakers raised the need for independent action by workers to stop the genocide and fight militarism.

WSWS (2023-11-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Panamá continues to be roiled by protests over First Quantum Minerals mine deal while rural mail carriers in Bemidji, Minnesota are staging daily informational pickets over deluge of work.

WSWS (2023-11-21). UAW announces ratification of sellout contracts at the Big Three: The way forward for autoworkers. Despite the claims of UAW President Fain and the Biden administration that the contracts are "historic," there was widespread opposition among workers, which will only grow in the weeks and months ahead.

WSWS (2023-11-21). Globe and Mail defends Canadian businesses' "right" to use scabs to break strikes. The traditional mouthpiece of Canada's business elite has denounced the Trudeau government's proposed "anti-scab" law and defended the use of replacement workers as employers' "best lever" in countering strikes.

WSWS (2023-11-21). Healthcare workers speak out against the genocide in Gaza as Palestinian healthcare system crumbles. As the US medical establishment largely justifies the genocide in Gaza, healthcare workers voice their opposition and join the mass movement of workers against the war on Palestine.

Editor (2023-11-21). Chris Hedges: Israel's War on Hospitals.

Craig Murray, Consortium News. (2023-11-21). Activating The Genocide Convention. There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. | In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide — and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party — then the International Court of Justice is required to adjudicate on "the responsibility of a State for genocide." Note that here "parties to the dispute" means the states disputing the facts of genocide, not the parties to the genocide/conflict. Any single state party is able to invoke th…

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-21). Israel's Intelligence Minister Proposes the 'Resettlement' of Palestinians Outside Gaza. Israeli Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel proposed the "voluntary resettlement" of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to other countries around the world in an op-ed for The Jerusalem Post published Sunday. Gamliel said one option for Gaza's future is to "promote the voluntary resettlement of Palestinians in Gaza, for humanitarian reasons, outside of the Strip." She …

International League of People's Struggle, US. (2023-11-21). No To APEC Coalition Unity Statement. At the close of our People's Counter Summit Against APEC, we issued a unity statement to summarize the positions of the No To APEC Coalition during our 2023 campaign culminating in the 800+ person Counter Summit. The statement is titled "People and Planet against Profit and Plunder: Towards a World Beyond Profit-Oriented Systems!" | We publish this statement as the APEC Heads of State concluded their own Summit with the so-called "Golden Gate Declaration" to lay out the rosey-sounding false solutions they spent an entire year writing while desperately-needed practical policies for reversing the global economic, p…

Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-21). US Escalates Essequibo Dispute By Militarizing Guyana. The government of Guyana is trying to militarize the country with the help of the United States. This escalation serves the interests of oil company ExxonMobil which intends to appropriate the oil and gas resources of the Essequibo region disputed between Venezuela and Guyana. | The Guyanese press recently reported that a "ceremony of incorporation" of the patrol vessel GDFS Berbice (1039) into the Guyanese Coast Guard took place after the vessel arrived in the country. The patrol ship, built by US-based naval manufacturer Metal Shark Boats, sailed from Louisiana, United States, to the naval station Ramp Road Rui…

People's Dispatch. (2023-11-21). Far-Right Libertarian Javier Milei Is The Next President Of Argentina. Javier Milei, the candidate of the Liberty Advances far-right libertarian party, was victorious in the second round presidential elections in Argentina held on November 19. With 99.3% of the votes counted, Milei had scored 55.7% of the vote, while his opponent, center-left peronist Sergio Massa of the Union for the Homeland coalition, trailed behind with 44.3%. Milei will take office as president on December 10. | In his victory speech, Milei told supporters, "The situation in Argentina is critical. There is no space for gradualisms nor for lukewarmness or ambiguities…If we don't advance rapidly with the struct…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-11-21). Americans are Bankrolling Israel's Unfolding Genocide in Gaza. Palestinians, on the basis of their legal right against being wiped out, have filed a major lawsuit against President Joe Biden's administration for funding Israel's ongoing pogrom in Gaza, one that has killed more than 11,000 people, including 4,700 children. Represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), the plaintiffs include Palestinians who have collectively lost at least 116 family members to U.S.-funded Israeli military attacks.

Bruce Lerro (2023-11-21). Collectivist, Individualist and Communist Selves Part II. Summary of Part I In Part I of my article, we began by distinguishing the social self from two forms of identity that are often confused with it: temperament and personality. The focus of part one is to show how very social (or even socialist) was the work of social psychologist George Herbert Mead. We …

E.R. Bills (2023-11-21). Lawrence M. Peters. His June 18, 1996 obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram is short and succinct: Lawrence M. Peters, 78, a retired Allied Mills employee, was found dead Friday [June 13] in Teague. Funeral: 11 a.m. today at Avant A.M.E. Church in Teague. Burial: Fairfield. Mr. Peters retired in 1982. It's not much of a lede, but …

Editor (2023-11-21). 'We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,' Israeli Minister announces. Denying the Nakba is normally a central tenet of Zionism.

Larry Johnson (2023-11-21). The Tunnels of the Al Qassam Brigade. A fascinating and informative documentary. If Israeli intelligence analysts had any doubt about the scope and scale of this tunnels, this video will erase those. It looks like Israel got played on the Al Shifa as the Command Center of Hamas meme. Israel clearly believed the intelligence it had gathered on the place, most of it likely provided by human sources who were fed misinformation. | The information presented in this documentary appears legit. Decide for yourself. | When this war started on October 7 I assumed, incorrectly, that this would be a larger version of Israel's 2914 venture into Gaza. It…

Lee Hall (2023-11-21). So, What's Everyone Doing for Thanksgiving? So, What's Everyone Doing for Thanksgiving? The last time I did "Turkey Day" was back in the 20th century. As usual, I'll be at SuTao Café in Malvern, Pennsylvania—our best local spot for animal-free dining. I'll have plenty of company. Not only because people are going vegan, but because they've heard about the 1637 Pequot massacre.

Robert Fantina (2023-11-21). Twiddle-Dum and Twiddle-Dee: Senior Edition. The world's attention has been, rightly, focused on Palestine for the last several weeks. Certainly, this writer's attention has been mainly fixed on the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip, and the additional, escalated violence against the Palestinian people in the West Bank. But he has not completely lost sight of another approaching travesty, not

Yoav Haifawi (2023-11-21). Tel Aviv police ban World Children's Day event supporting "children living in the shadow of the war" Tel Aviv police refused to allow a silent vigil for World Children's Day saying the event could "cause serious harm to public security." Police have used this same rationale to attack and detain peaceful protesters around the country. (2023-11-21). Rishi Sunak reportedly said UK should 'let people die' during COVID-19 pandemic. Inquiry into Britain's handling of COVID-19 pandemic revealed UK PM's "complete lack of leadership" over concerning quote…

The Independent (2023-11-21). Bogera and Kiddu advance to Singleton Challenge final as NCBA Bank sinks sh60 million in tourney. Entebbe, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Joseph Bogera and Kenneth Kiddu battled there way to the finals of the Singleton Match Play Challenge due next month. The pair beat Serwano Walusimbi and Peter Magona 4-3 in a close contest on Saturday at the par 71 Lakeside Entebbe golf course. Bogera and Kiddu will meet …

The Independent (2023-11-21). Javier Milei wins Argentina's presidential runoff. Buenos Aires, Argentina | Xinhua | Javier Milei from the far-right Liberty Advances coalition has won Argentina's presidential runoff against Economy Minister Sergio Massa, initial results of the electoral authority showed on Sunday. Conceding defeat before official results came out, Massa said he has congratulated Milei, who will be the country's president for the next four …

The Independent (2023-11-21). Kampala lands boss remanded in sh2 billion fraud case. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Buganda Road Chief Magistrates Court has remanded Kampala District Land Board chairperson David Balondemu to Luzira Prison on charges of obtaining money by false pretense and conspiracy to defraud. Balondemu on Monday together with Joseph Ibona an Accountant at Bloom Advocates were arraigned before the Grade One Magistrate …

Al Mayadeen (2023-11-21). Five Nations Call for ICC Investigation Into 'Israel's' Genocide in Gaza.

Andy Kroll (2023-11-21). Farewell to the New York Times Sports Department. In the spring of 1957, in search of a summer job before heading west to graduate school, I answered a classified New York Times ad for an editorial assistant. The personnel clerk at the paper was condescending. Bachelor's degrees are a dime a dozen, she told me. For their newsroom, she said, they were looking for Ph.D. candidates and Rhodes scholars. Still, sighing at her own generosity, she let me fill out the paperwork. I did so, but not being much of a Times reader then, I quickly moved on. I spent the rest of that day filling out other applications around town. When I got home my mother said, "You had a crank…

Anne Boyer (2023-11-21). Read Anne Boyer's Extraordinary New York Times Resignation Letter.

Editor (2023-11-21). Lies surrounding Al-Shifa hospital recall those preceding the Iraq invasion. The evidence-free claims that have flooded media regarding Hamas using Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital as a military headquarters recall similarly devastating intelligence lies preceding the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Editor (2023-11-21). The food police. Food theft isn't an indicator of criminality, but of a failing social system.

Joy First (2023-11-21). US War Profiteers vs. US Citizens. Hatem Ahmad Hatem Al-Hissi aged 2, Jenna Hamed NaserAl-Asatal aged 1, Esraa Mu'ayyad Yousef Abu Marzouq aged 12, Hayat Abdullah Musa Al-Asatal aged 6. While I was lying on the cold sidewalk under a sheet made bloody with red fingernail polish, David Barrows' booming bass voice called out just a tiny fraction of the names

Mohamed Naeem (2023-11-21). Everything Led Gaza to the Inevitable Insurrection. Q: How did you see the Middle East on the eve of October 7, 2023? We are dealing with an Arab world whose peoples have experienced devastation, even if the circumstances of that devastation differ. There are peoples whose democratic and social revolutions were destroyed, and military rule came to administer the counter-revolution, such as

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-21). Yemeni Armed Forces Capture Israeli Ship in Red Sea: Exclusive. The Yemeni Armed Forces detain an Israeli cargo ship in the Red Sea in the latest escalation against the Israeli occupation in light of its genocide in Gaza. | The Yemeni Naval Forces managed to capture an Israeli ship in the depths of the Red Sea, sources familiar with the matter told Al Mayadeen on Sunday. | Reportedly, 52 people aboard the Israeli ship, presumably a vehicle carrier, were detained, Al Mayadeen's sources added, revealing that the Yemeni Armed Forces were working on revealing their identities and nationalities. | The ship is called the Galaxy Leader. It is Bahamian-flagged but owned by an Israeli…

Urariano Mota (2023-11-21). For Whom the Bell Tolls, Gaza? In the face of the murders of children while they are still in the nursery, the war crimes against civilians, the massacres committed by Israel's extreme right-wing government against Palestinians, John Donne's immortal poem comes to mind: "Each man's death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know for whom

Franco Vielma (2023-11-21). First Takes on Milei's Victory in Argentina. By Franco Vielma — Nov 20, 2023 | According to the Milei's electoral victory is clear across the board. This result reaffirms his steady trend o…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-21). To Palestine: Lessons From Overthrowing the French in Algeria. By Adrian Kreutz — Nov 17, 2023 | In Algeria's liberation struggle, we can find lessons on the limitations of humanistic ideals in the face of violence, offering insights into the ongoing Palestinian national liberation struggle | Sixty-six years ago, in the midst of a raging war, the renowned French-Algerian writer Albert Camus delivered his most perilous political speech. On the surface, his speech called for a

WSWS (2023-11-21). Corrupt self-promoter George Santos faces expulsion from US House of Representatives. Santos is being punished because his lies promoted his personal financial interests, rather than those of Wall Street and corporate America.

WSWS (2023-11-21). French pseudo-left parties block struggle by the working class to stop Gaza genocide. In order to initiate an international working class mobilization aimed at halting arms shipments to Israel, a political struggle against the nationalism of the petty-bourgeois pseudo-left parties is necessary.

WSWS (2023-11-21). OpenAI board of directors ousts company co-founder and CEO Sam Altman. While the precise reasons for his removal remain unknown, OpenAI co-founder and CEO Sam Altman was fired on Friday in a boardroom coup.

WSWS (2023-11-21). Award-winning novelist Arundhati Roy denounces "brazen slaughter" and "crimes against humanity" in Gaza. Roy's comments speak to the revulsion felt by hundreds of millions at the savagery of the Israeli destruction of Gaza. (2023-11-21). China International Supply Chain Expo to see 36% foreign exhibitors. The first China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) will have 26 percent international exhibitors, with 36 percent of that group coming from Europe and the US, event organizer said on Monday. (2023-11-21). Experts laud policies, industrialization drive. China's supportive policies and its latest industrialization drive will open up more opportunities in advanced manufacturing and digital transformation in its vast market. (2023-11-21). Land port in Xinjiang a western gateway for automobile exports. Trucks and semitrailers loaded with vehicles could be seen lined up at Torugart Port in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in early November, waiting to head to Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, as trade from China's northwestern region continues to grow. (2023-11-21). Nation's role in volunteerism praised by UN. A senior United Nations official in charge of the UN volunteers who contribute to global socioeconomic development has hailed China's focus on volunteerism, welcoming the Chinese volunteers' role in bolstering sustainable development worldwide. (2023-11-21). Xi, Macron stress two-state solution. He also expressed France's willingness to promote further development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the EU and China based on mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation. (2023-11-21). FM: Cease-fire in Gaza 'key to survival'. Beijing became the first stop on Monday of a mediation trip by a delegation of Arab-Islamic countries' foreign ministers, who seek to cool down the ongoing conflict in the Gaza region. (2023-11-21). Microsoft hires the founders of OpenAI. Tech giant Microsoft has hired the founders of cutting-edge artificial intelligence company OpenAI Sam Altman and Greg Brockman as the heads of a new advanced AI research team, just days after the duo left the company that they set up in 2015.

Yuri Rubtsov (2023-11-21). History: Hitler was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England. Note to readers: please click the share buttons above | feature image: Hitler, Schacht and Prescott Bush | Global Research Introduction: | First published by Global Research in May 2016, this carefully researched article by Yuri Rubtsov sheds light on the role of …

Yuri Rubtsov (2023-11-21). History: Hitler was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England. Note to readers: please click the share buttons above | feature image: Hitler, Schacht and Prescott Bush | First published by Global Research in May 2016, Minor edits by Global Research. Title as in the original. | Incisive historical analysis. Of relevance to …

Phil Knight — Stephen Capra (2023-11-21). Help Protect the Madison-Gallatin Borderlands of Yellowstone National Park As America's First National Monument for Wildlife. We ask that President Biden declare a Madison-Gallatin National Wildlife Monument in Montana and Idaho. Why a National Wildlife Monument? National Monuments are designated to protect scenery and wildlife as well as cultural and historic sites. The Antiquities Act allows the creation of such monuments, which are designed to protect "objects of historic or scientific

Al Mayadeen (2023-11-21). Turkey Files Lawsuit Against Netanyahu with ICC Over Gaza Genocide.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-21). Israel has killed more than 12,900 Palestinians since October 7. Ramallah, Nov 21 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that 12,916 Palestinians have been killed and 32,850 have been injured since the beginning of Israel's aggression against the Gaza Strip on October 7.

Patrick Mazza (2023-11-21). Shutting Down the Space Needle, Standing Up for Gaza. We shut down the Space Needle yesterday. Close to 500 stood at the base of the Needle while protesters in shirts saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" and "CEASEFIRE NOW" blocked the doors, arms clasped together, willing to go to jail if necessary. But the cops never showed up over the 3-hour action. The Needle closed

Jan Ritch-Frel (2023-11-21). The New Grand Tour. All of humanity can now take the Grand Tour: a travel circuit of global sites that help us understand ourselves and our history, made increasingly clear thanks to recent advances in archaeology and the sciences. The stops on this tour include archeological sites key to understanding the stages of human history starting six million years (2023-11-21). Turkey Pardon 2023: Liberty, Bell dodge Thanksgiving knife — Thanks to Joe Biden. Thanksgiving: First White House turkey pardon was overseen in 1963 by President John F Kennedy…

teleSUR, hvh, YSM (2023-11-21). Médicos de Jordania instalarán hospital de campaña en Gaza. El titular del hospital de la Franja de Gaza, Mohammed Zaqut, señaló que el centro médico será instalado en Jan Yunes.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-21). Enfrentamiento armado deja nueve muertos en Morelos, México. La balacera la protagonizaron unos sujetos que estaban vestidos de civil pero que estaban fuertemente armados contra funcionarios de la SEPRAC.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-11-21). Presidentes de China y Francia rechazan mayor crisis en Gaza. Ambos líderes destacaron que la solución de dos Estados constituye la vía fundamental en la resolución del conflicto.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-21). ONU afirma que la muerte de niños en Gaza no tiene precedentes. Sin entrar en discusiones sobre la exactitud de las cifras publicadas por las autoridades en Gaza, lo que está claro es que en unas semanas hemos tenido miles de niños muertos, indicó Guterres.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-21). Presidente de Venezuela recibe credenciales de embajadores. Nicolás Maduro precisó que recibió las cartas credenciales de Yacine Hadji para "avanzar en la consolidación de una nueva geopolítica mundial basada en la cooperación y la solidaridad".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-21). Descubren momias de más de 1.000 años de antigàºedad en Perú. Se realizó el hallazgo de cinco fardos funerarios con una antigüedad de más de mil años, además de una escalinata que tendría una antigüedad de 3.500 a. C. que pertenecería a la cultura Manchay.

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2023-11-21). Simulacro electoral por el Esequibo rompió récord de participación popular. Anunció que este lunes el CNE brindará información pormenorizada de los resultados de esta jornada.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-21). Israel y Hamas continúan negociaciones para liberar rehenes. El embajador de Israel en Estados Unidos, Michael Herzog, dijo el domingo que tenía "esperanzas" de que se pudiera firmar un acuerdo "en los próximos días".

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-21). Presidente Maduro destaca participación del pueblo en simulacro electoral en defensa del Esequibo. El dignatario aseguró que los simulacros electorales constituyen una ventaja, y Venezuela es el único país del mundo que los realiza.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-11-21). Presidente de EE.UU. tiene la aprobación más baja de su mandato. Según el estudio, el nivel de desaprobación ha aumentado por su gestión en el conflicto de Israel en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-21). Mueren al menos dos periodistas en agresión israelí contra Gaza. Entre las víctimas de los ataques se reportó a la periodista Alaa Taher al-Hasanat, en una agresión dirigida a su casa en la ciudad de Gaza.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-21). Convocan a cumbre extraordinaria de BRICS sobre Gaza. Al final de la reunión, los líderes adoptarán una declaración conjunta sobre la situación en Oriente Medio.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-21). CNE de Venezuela ofrece balance del simulacro sobre consulta del Esequibo. El presidente del CNE, Elvis Amoroso, felicitó el civismo y la extraordinaria participación del pueblo en el simulacro electoral, rumbo al referendo consultivo sobre el Esequibo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-21). Siria y Cuba rubrican acuerdo para la cooperación diplomática. La firma de los acuerdos bilaterales resulta de importancia para intercambiar experiencias en la cooperación en las esferas diplomáticas y profesionales entre las naciones.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-21). JEP imputa por falsos positivos a excomandante colombiano. Los exgenerales Édgar Alberto Rodríguez Sánchez y Marcos Evangelista Pinto Lizarazo, junto a los 30 comparecientes, deberán responder a título de coautores por estos crímenes de guerra.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-21). Chile y Colombia consiguen medallas en los Parapanamericanos. Pese a los esfuerzos de los demás comités, Brasil tiene un amplio dominio en los Parapanamericanos de Santiago 2023.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-21). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, lfb, DRL (2023-11-21). ONU insiste en reducir emisiones de efecto invernadero. "El informe de hoy sobre la brecha de emisiones muestra que, si nada cambia, en 2030 las emisiones superarán en 22 gigatoneladas, el límite de 1,5 grados (…) La brecha de emisiones se parece más a un cañón de emisiones", dijo el secretario general de la ONU.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-21). Evacúan a decenas de bebés prematuros desde Gaza hacia Egipto. Desde el 11 de noviembre, cuando se acabó el suministro de combustible en Al Shifa, ocho bebés han muerto debido a la falta de electricidad para hacer funcionar las incubadoras.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-21). Continúan protestas en Panamá en espera del fallo del Supremo. Esta semana es la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Panamá (CSJ) debe pronunciarse en torno a dos de las demandas de inconstitucionalidad presentadas contra la ley minera.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-21). Rusia envía 27 toneladas de ayuda humanitaria a Gaza. Un avión IL-76 del Ministerio de Emergencias ruso partió de Majachkalá con destino a la República Árabe de Egipto.

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-21). Lula da Silva anuncia medidas a favor de comunidades quilombolas. La ministra de Igualdad Racial, Anielle Franco, fue la encargada de anunciar el paquete de medidas a favor de las comunidades quilombolas.

Phil Pasquini (2023-11-21). Women Visit U.S. Senators in Seeking a Ceasefire in Gaza. Activists visited the Hart Senate Office Building calling on women senators to support a ceasefire in Gaza.

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-11-21). Saturday 12/9: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Angela (2023-11-21). Wednesday 11/22: National Phonebank for a Ceasefire Now! Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-21). Wednesday 11/22: Phonebank for a Ceasefire! Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-21). Saturday 11/18: Stockton: Rally for Palestine. Stockton City Hall | 425 El Dorado St | Stockton, CA…

Angela (2023-11-21). Monday 11/20: Transnational Feminists Demand a Free Palestine: A Dialogue & Training for Action. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-21). Sunday 11/19: "I Witness Silwan," Art and Resistance in Occupied Jerusalem. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

An anarchist writer (2023-11-21). Ten thousand acts of graffiti vandalism in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

IMEMC (2023-11-21). Israeli Attacks Across Occupied West Bank on November 18. The Israeli army continued its massive invasions and violent searches of homes across the occupied West Bank, including the occupied capital, Jerusalem, wounding, and abducting dozens of Palestinians.

Oakland Privacy (2023-11-21). Wednesday 12/13: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. Please email a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info. (2023-11-21). BRICS leaders to hold virtual meeting on Gaza upon Iran's proposal. As proposed by the Iranian president, the BRICS leaders will hold an emergency virtual meeting on Gaza genocide on Tuesday. (2023-11-21). Aftermath of Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia refugee camp, wounded in hospital. Scenes of devastation could be seen in Jabalia refugee camp following Israeli airstrikes. (2023-11-21). Two journalists killed in Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. An Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon has left four people dead, including two Lebanese journalists, amid intensified border clashes following the regime's onslaught on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-21). Thousands march at funeral of Palestinians killed in Nablus airstrike. Thousands marched at the funeral of five Palestinian fighters killed in an Israeli air strike in the occupied West Bank. (2023-11-21). Gazans hold mass funeral for family members killed in Israeli airstrike. Palestinians bid farewell to 45 members of a family killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-21). Humans of Gaza: Dr. Doaa Shammout, a paediatrician, and daughter Zeina. Dr. Doaa Shammout, a Gaza-based paediatrician, and her little daughter Zeina were killed in an Israeli airstrike less than one year after Shammout and Dr. Ahmad Shatat welcomed their baby girl. (2023-11-21). 'Massacring kids no victory for defeated Israelis; Palestinians' triumph is near'. Iran's highest-ranking military commander says Israel's killing of innocent people in Gaza does not show the victory of the regime that has suffered defeat at the hands of the Palestinians. (2023-11-21). Hamas says any 'truce deal' must be on terms of Palestinian resistance. The head of Hamas' political bureau says the Palestinian resistance group is nearing a truce agreement with Israel. (2023-11-21). Iran Army chief: Enemies lined up in crosshairs; Air Force's readiness 'unprecedented'. The chief commander of the Iranian Army says the country's Armed Forces are powerful enough to stand up against any enemy and deal heavy blows to them. (2023-11-21). Israel seeks to 'liquidate' Palestinian issue by massacre in Gaza: Syrian envoy. Syria's deputy UN envoy says that Israel aims to eradicate the Palestinian issue by committing massacres in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-21). Seizure of Israeli ship just the beginning of naval battle against regime, warns Yemen. A Yemeni official stresses that the recent seizure of an Israeli ship in the Red Sea is just the start of a series of retaliatory naval operations. (2023-11-21). Israel trying to provoke Hezbollah, draw US into a wider war: US media. The US President's top adviser arrives in Israel for talks with senior Israeli officials amid concerns over Israeli provocations against Hezbollah. (2023-11-21). Yemeni forces release video of seizing Israeli ship in Red Sea. Yemen's Armed Forces release a video showing their earlier capture of an Israeli ship in the Red Sea. (2023-11-21). London demo calls for lifting of Israeli blockade of Gaza. Demonstrators gathered on World Children's Day in London to demand an end to the Gaza blockade. (2023-11-21). Group of 28 babies evacuated from war-torn Gaza arrive in Egypt. A group of 28 premature infants evacuated from the besieged Gaza City arrived in Egypt. (2023-11-21). Spanish minister removed after urging end to Israel's 'genocide' in Gaza. Spanish cabinet minister removed after criticizing West's 'deafening silence' on Israel's war crime in Gaza. (2023-11-21). Gaza becoming an inescapable quagmire for Israel. The al-Aqsa Storm Operation, lasting ten-hours, was a humiliating blow to the Israeli narrative of invincibility. (2023-11-21). South Korean protesters display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. South Korean activists display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. (2023-11-21). Pro-Palestinian protesters march in Berlin, accuse Germany of siding with Israel. Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters march peacefully in Berlin in support of the people of Gaza. (2023-11-21). Tens of thousands of Yemenis rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza. Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrate against the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Yemen's capital Sana'a. (2023-11-21). Thousands join Paris march in support of Palestinians. Thousands of demonstrators marched in Paris in support of Palestinians in the conflict against Israel. (2023-11-21). Protesters in Washington, Michigan call for Gaza ceasefire. Dozens of protesters gathered in Washington DC, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, where thousands have been killed by Israel since early October. (2023-11-21). Babies evacuated from al-Shifa hospital transferred to Rafah before evacuation to Egypt. More than 30 premature babies evacuated from Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital receive care at the Emirates hospital in Rafah. (2023-11-21). Fresh rallies across globe to demand ceasefire in Gaza. People across the world have held fresh rallies to express solidarity with Palestinians and demand an end to Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-21). Raeisi: All countries must sever ties with Israel to force regime to end Gaza genocide. In a letter to the heads of 50 countries, the Iranian president says all governments should end commercial and political cooperation with Israel. (2023-11-21). 'World Children's Day big tragedy without practical steps to protect Palestinian children'. Iran urges international measures to protect the lives of Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-21). Palestinian fighters destroyed 60 Israeli military vehicles in 3 days: Al-Qassam Brigades. Hamas' military wing says its fighters destroyed 60 Israeli military vehicles over the last three days. (2023-11-21). Tens of thousands rally in Lahore in support of Palestine. Tens of thousands gather in Lahore in support of Gaza amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. (2023-11-21). 'Iran warned US resistance groups won't stay silent amid Gaza war; world wants ceasefire'. Iran says the resistance front has repeatedly warned the US and Israel that they will not sit idly by if the occupying regime continues its attacks against the people of Gaza. (2023-11-21). All Israeli ships in Red Sea 'legitimate targets', Yemen warns. The Yemeni information minister in the National Salvation Government has stressed that all Israeli ships passing through the Red Sea are 'legitimate targets.' (2023-11-21). What Iran has to do for de-dollarization. Strengthening the national currency is one of the key pillars of de-dollarization because when the national currency is strengthened. (2023-11-21). China hosts Muslim-majority nations for 'urgent' action on Gaza. China says the situation in Gaza affects all countries around the world. (2023-11-21). World must recognize Palestinian children's right to live: Iran's rights chief. Iran's rights chief Gharibabadi says the world must act to protect the rights of children in Gaza. (2023-11-21). Lebanon's Hezbollah targets Israeli military sites with missiles in fresh attacks. Hezbollah has launched a fresh round of retaliatory missile attacks on Israel's military sites in the occupied territories. (2023-11-21). Jakarta condemns Israel's attacks on Indonesian Hospital in Gaza. Israeli tanks have surrounded Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza. (2023-11-21). Western embassies receive 'suspicious' arms deliveries in Lebanon: Report. The Lebanon-based Al Akhbar daily has revealed that Western embassies in the Arab country are receiving "suspicious" arms deliveries. (2023-11-21). Iran raps UN Security Council for failing to call for ceasefire in Gaza. Iran slams the United Nations Security Council for failing to include a call for ceasefire in Gaza in its recent resolution.

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2023-11-19: News Headlines

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). Incurable (?) US Schizophrenia About China. By: Radhika Desai. ​Rarely has a summit between the world's two most important countries been burdened with fewer expectations. Rarely has the world, bristling with problems both urgent and persistent — from proliferating conflicts, renewed nuclear threats, derailed climate negotiations, a listing world economy — needed them to be higher.​The meeting between Presidents Xi and Biden on Wednesday on the sidelines of the upcoming APEC meeting 'appears aimed less at finding v …

The Independent (2023-11-19). Uganda says on track to produce nuclear energy by 2031. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Energy and Mineral Development Minister Ruth Nankabirwa, has revealed the Uganda is set to generate at least 1,000 megawatts of nuclear energy come 2031. Experts say Uganda has a nuclear potential of up to 24,000 megawatts. "We are looking at 50 percent renewable energy use, 40 percent of which …

Steve France (2023-11-19). Maryland lawmakers threaten leading immigrant advocacy group for urging Gaza ceasefire. Maryland state senators are threatening to cut funding to the largest immigrant rights group in the Mid-Atlantic region after it spoke out in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

The Independent (2023-11-19). An innovative sales system has cassava farmers enjoying extra profits. Up to 70% of Nigerians consume cassava on a daily basis. The farmers who bring this staple to Nigerian tables are finding innovative ways to increase their profits. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | On an unusually sunny day in October in Umudike, Abia State, the brilliant rays of the sun cast a glow on …

Drago Bosnic (2023-11-19). Kiev Regime Sending Women to the Trenches. Forcibly Conscripting Pregnant Women.

Larry Johnson (2023-11-19). More Media Schizophrenia on Russian Missiles.

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). Provocations by the U.S. State Department Can Chill Press Freedom in Latin America. By: Vijay Prashad. Provocations by the U.S. State Department Can Chill Press Freedom in Latin America ​The headline is provocative: "The Kremlin's Efforts to Covertly Spread Disinformation in Latin America." This was a statement on the U.S. State Department website, posted on November 7, 2023. The United States government accused two companies—Social Design Agency and Structura National Technologies—of being the main agents of what it alleged is Russian-backed …

Mustafa Abu Sneineh (2023-11-19). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 44: WHO says Israel turned Al-Shifa Hospital into 'death zone,' thousands of Palestinians 'humiliated' as they flee to southern Gaza. A Doctors Without Borders convoy was targeted by Israeli fire as Palestinians describe the "humanitarian" route to flee south as a "corridor of death and humiliation." Israeli forces raid Jenin and Bethlehem.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-19). Different Tactics, Same War: The Perils of Treating Israel's West Bank Offensive as Separate from Gaza. Mairav Zonszein A mass funeral for 14 Palestinians killed after Israeli forces raided the refugee camp in Jenin, occupied West Bank, on Nov. 10, 2023. Photo: Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images The horrors in Gaza are just one part of Israel's unified system of controlling Palestinians from the river to the sea. ON…

mforinoco (2023-11-19). The Other War: Why Israel is Desperate to Crush Resistance in The West Bank. By Fayha Shalash — Nov 14, 2023 | With the intensification of its aggression against the Gaza Strip for nearly a month and a half, Israel is also escalating its attacks against the Palestinian refugee camps in the northern occupied West Bank. | Every week, the Israeli army storms the Jenin camp under the pretext of targeting Palestinian fighters. In the process, however, it deliberately sabotages the infrastructure and destroys its landmarks in an attempt to pressure the popular incubator of the resistance there. | What is also striking is that Israel targets armed fighters through drone bombing, a method th…

Ray Acheson (2023-11-19). Stop Arming Israel. Image credit to Earth Liberation Studio. | As bombs continue to pummel Gaza, destroying hospitals and homes, leaving thousands of Palestinians dead and millions displaced, global action to stop the supply of weapons to Israel is an urgent imperative. Fighter jets, missiles, and thousands of bombs are amounting to a devastating level of explosive violence in the densely populated area of the Gaza Strip. | These weapons are instrumental in Israel's genocidal actions; thus, the governments supplying them are complicit in genocide and other war crimes. And right now, while these same governments continue to pledge…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-11-19). Lawsuit Against Alleged CIA Spying On Assange Visitors: A Rare Court Hearing. Support independent journalism on press freedom, whistleblowers, and government secrecy.  A United States court held an extraordinary hearing on November 16, where a judge carefully considered a lawsuit against the CIA and former CIA director Mike Pompeo for their alleged role in spying on American attorneys and journalists who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.Judge John Koeltl of the Southern District of New York pushed back when Assistant U.S. Attorney Jean-David Barnea refused to c…

The Exposé (2023-11-19). Leaked Pfizer Reports & COVID Vaccinated Death Rates Solidify Deagel's Shocking 2025 Depopulation Prediction.

Editor (2023-11-19). Nov 19, 2023. Don't Worry Be Happy (Bobby McFerrin) "A Dictatorship without Tears": Aldous Huxley's prescient 1961 speech, by John Leake Two-State Solution & Minsk Agreements, by Karl Sanchez Fifteen Things You Should Never Have To Say To A Country, by Caitlin Johnstone Israel lobby in USA, by Mazin Qumsiyeh Hudson Drops Bomb on Zionism and Their Cultists; Crooke Follows, by Karl Sanchez Israel and America's Growing Zugzwang, by Simplicius The Thinker The Essence of Zionism, by Alexander Dugin Day 43: Israeli forces order evacuation of Al-Shifa' hospital, bomb schools in Gaza 'We Lost the North' — T…

People's Dispatch. (2023-11-19). UNRWA: Deliberate Attempts Being Made To Strangle Its Activities In Gaza. The United Nation Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) has claimed that there is a deliberate attempt to strangle its activities in the besieged Gaza strip by Israel which may lead to the shutting down all its humanitarian activities. | Speaking to the press on Thursday, November 16, Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, said there is a risk of the agency shutting down all its humanitarian work in the region due to lack of fuel and consistent attacks on its activities. | "I do believe there is a deliberate attempt to strangle our operation and paralyze the UNRWA operation," Lazzarini said.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). UN Head Calls Civilian Victims in Gaza Unacceptable. United Nations, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) UN Secretary General António Guterres today described as unacceptable the number of civilian victims in the conflict in Gaza following Israel's attacks on two schools of the Palestinian Refugee Agency (Unrwa).

The Independent (2023-11-19). Over sh160 billion lost in incentives — URA Report. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has disclosed a shortfall of over sh160 billion in corporate income taxes. This shortfall is attributed to the various tax incentives issued by the government to investors with the aim of stimulating investment. This revelation stemmed from collaborative research conducted by URA's research department and …

Lisa Xu, Labor Notes. (2023-11-19). Ceasefire Now: Workplace Organizing For Palestine. On November 15, Labor Notes hosted a Zoom call to hear reports from workers who are organizing to stop an escalating genocide in Palestine. Many are also fighting against the repression of workers who are speaking up for a ceasefire and against Israel's occupation. We heard speakers from unions in education, health care, construction, and others who have organized their co-workers into action. Registration is open for the Labor Notes conference on April 19-21, 2024, for which we plan to develop programming on the labor movement and Palestine.

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2023-11-19). Israel Is Shutting Down Its Human Laboratory In Gaza. Cairo, Egypt – The Palestinians are human laboratory rats to the Israeli military, intelligence services and arms and technology industries. Israel's drones, surveillance technology — including spyware, facial recognition software and biometric gathering infrastructure — along with smart fences, experimental bombs and AI-controlled machine guns, are tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results. These weapons and technologies are then certified as "battle tested" and sold around the world. | Israel is the 10th biggest arms dealer on the planet and sells its technology and weap…

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). The Israeli Attack on Palestinian Health Workers in Gaza and the Failure of the American Medical Association. By: Rupa Marya and Vijay Prashad. ​On November 11, 2023, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) stated that Israeli tanks were within twenty meters of the al-Quds hospital, the second-largest hospital in Gaza City. They reported that there was "direct shooting at the hospital, creating a state of extreme panic and fear among 14,000 displaced people." Many of those killed have been medical personnel. A group called Healthcare Workers Watch-Palestine, formed in November 2023, has been keepin …

Amelia Wimmer (2023-11-19). Portland Public School teachers enter fourth week of historic strike. On November 1st, 2023, teachers made history in Portland, Oregon by walking out of their classrooms, closing down 81 schools, and beginning the first ever strike in Portland Public Schools' history.

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2023-11-19). Black Agenda Report Joins In Gaza Relief Effort. "We've come to Egypt to speak to the world directly from the border of Gaza, which we were not permitted to reach, and which we cannot traverse, and which remains closed for fuel, adequate food, clean water, medical supplies, equipment, and people, including healthcare professionals, to enter Gaza." Statement from the International Delegation in Support of Gaza | This columnist recently returned from Cairo, Egypt, where Black Agenda Report was among the organizations invited to participate in an effort to bring attention and help to the people of Gaza. The National Lawyers Guild played a leading role in assemblin…

Ali Abunimah (2023-11-19). Israeli helicopter shot civilians at 7 October rave, police find. Revelation in Haaretz is first officially acknowledged breach in Israel's narrative.

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). The Horror, The Horror. By: Chris Hedges. ​Israel's genocidal attacks, which are killing hundreds of Palestinians a day, including some 160 children, have expanded to shelling the remaining hospitals in Gaza. ​DOHA, Qatar: I am in the studio of Al Jazeera's Arabic service watching a live feed from Gaza City. The Al Jazeera reporter in northern Gaza, because of the intense Israeli shelling, was forced to evacuate to southern Gaza. He left his camera behind. He trained it on Al-Shifa hospital, Gaza&rsqu …

Jonathan Cook, Consortium News. (2023-11-19). The War Machine Wants You To Condemn Hamas. However counter-intuitive it may sound, there are three good grounds — ethical ones, at that — for refusing to join in the chorus of condemnation of Hamas' actions on Oct. 7. | That isn't the same as condoning what Hamas did. It is clear the group carried out war crimes that day — not least by attacking civilians and taking them as hostages. | But there is an important distinction to be made between recognising that crimes were committed and colluding in an act of condemnation that has been openly politicised, and continues to be politicised, to justify harming Palestinian civilians.

Editor (2023-11-19). Glenn Greenwald: Big Tech Censors Viral Osama bin Laden Letter.

Larry Johnson (2023-11-19). A Jewish Professor Speaks Truth About the Palestinian Crisis and Max Blumenthal Explains What Happened on October 7th. Nurit Peled-Elhanan is one reason why I quash overtly anti-Jewish comments some try to post on this blog. Dr. Peled-Elhanan is an Israeli philologist, professor of language and education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She also is a translator and activist. She is a 2001 co-laureate of the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought awarded by the European Parliament. | Most importantly, Dr. Peled-EIhanan knows first-hand the horrors of terrorism. In 1997, Nurit's daughter, Smadar, was killed during the Ben Yehuda street Palestinian suicide attack. She is more justified than anyone to hate the Palestinians…

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint. By: MEDEA BENJAMIN AND NICOLAS DAVIES. The wars and the killing go on, day after day, year after year, out of sight and out of mind for most Americans. ​We have both been reporting on and protesting against U.S. war crimes for many years, and against identical crimes committed by U.S. allies and proxies like Israel and Saudi Arabia: illegal uses of military force to try to remove enemy governments or "regimes"; hostile military occupations; disproportionate military violence justified by claims of "ter …

Peter Koenig (2023-11-19). Beyond Orwell's 1984, 5G and the Launching of 6G: "Easy to Take Down a Society that Is Digital". ‚Ä® UNCTAD Attempts Accomplishing this Doom Scenario.

Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network. (2023-11-19). Meet The Activists Fighting Zionism With Direct Action. With each passing day, more Israeli bombs are falling on Gaza. Over a million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. The world is bearing witness to a genocidal military campaign to clear out Gaza once and for all. As leaders in the West continue to stand by Israel's outrageous crimes, activists and people of conscience around the world are using direct action to take matters into their own hands and disrupt the war machine themselves. Palestine Action is one such group that is strategically targeting direct disruptive actions at production sites of Elbit Systems Ltd. and its subsidiaries. Elbit Syste…

Michael Arria, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-19). Students Form Coalition To Counter Crackdown On Palestine Activism. More than 40 Columbia University student groups have formed a coalition to demand that the school divest from Israeli apartheid. | The launch of Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) comes shortly after the administration suspended the groups Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) from campus. The coalition was announced on Tuesday night, at a protest that drew hundreds of faculty and students. | In addition to the divestment demand, CUAD (which includes Columbia Law Students for Palestine, Sunrise Columbia, and Young Democratic Socialists of America) is also calling for a…

Topher Sanders, Jessica Lussenhop, Dan Schwartz, Danelle Morton, Gabriel Sandoval, Pro Publica. (2023-11-19). How The Railroad Industry Intimidates Employees To Put Speed Before Safety. Bradley Haynes and his colleagues were the last chance Union Pacific had to stop an unsafe train from leaving one of its railyards. Skilled in spotting hidden dangers, the inspectors in Kansas City, Missouri, wrote up so-called "bad orders" to pull defective cars out of assembled trains and send them for repairs. | But on Sept. 18, 2019, the area's director of maintenance, Andrew Letcher, scolded them for hampering the yard's ability to move trains on time. | "We're a transportation company, right? We get paid to move freight. We don't get paid to work on cars," he said. "The first thing that I'm getting question…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-11-19). Intimate Embrace Between Liberalism And The Far Right. One of the curiosities of our time is that the far right is quite comfortable with the established institutions of liberal democracy. There are instances here and there of disgruntled political leaders who refuse to accept their defeat at the ballot box (such as Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro) and then call upon their supporters to take extra-parliamentary action (as on 6 January 2021 in the United States and, in a farcical repetition, on 8 January 2023 in Brazil). But, by and large, the far right knows that it can attain what it wants through the institutions of liberal democracy, which are not hostile to its p…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-19). The Intimate Embrace Between Liberalism and the Far Right. Vijay Prashad One of the curiosities of our time is that the far right is quite comfortable with the established institutions of liberal democracy. There are instances here and there of disgruntled political leaders who refuse to accept their defeat at the ballot box (such as Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro) and then call upon…

Alison Avigayil Ramer (2023-11-19). Bassem and Ahed Tamimi are in Israeli prison because they stand for Palestinian freedom. I have known the Tamimi family for 13 years and have seen how Israel systematically targets non-violent activist and movements. Ahed and Bassem Tamami are currently being detained because they stand for Palestinian freedom.

It's Going Down (2023-11-19). Mass Protests and Direct Actions in Solidarity With Palestine Grow into Student Occupations and Blockades. photo: Ash Agony on X/Twitter / Support Here Direct actions, mass demonstrations, and increasingly, disruptive protests in support of occupied Palestine and to demand an immediate ceasefire by the US backed Israeli state have continued unabated and in many areas, have intensified. While mass marches and protests in many cities have continued, the movement has also…

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). The death of Al-Shifa Hospital, the last bastion of humanity in northern Gaza. By: Tareq Hajjaj. This dispatch was relayed by Mondoweiss Gaza Correspondent Tareq Hajjaj via voice note.Two days ago, the injured left Al-Shifa Hospital with wounds still bleeding, some on wheelchairs, some pulled by cart. Those who arrived in the south a few days ago reported that Al-Shifa Hospital's administration had urged them to flee since it would soon no longer be operational. By now, it has completely closed down.These directives did not come out of nowhere. They were based on the …

Pete Dolack (2023-11-19). Rational Thinking Versus Conspiracy Theories. Image by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona. | I am writing an article I'd rather not write but feel compelled to do so. Amidst all the horror of Israel's massacres and desire to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza in response to Hamas' terror attack inside Israel, yet another conspiracy theory seems to have taken root among some people. Specifically, that Hamas' attack was an "inside job." | Shades of the 9-11 "truther" movement. The conspiracy theory here is that Israel's Mossad intelligence agency could not possibly have been unaware of what Hamas was plotting and either knew the attack was coming and intenti…

Yoav Haifawi (2023-11-19). First Tel Aviv anti-war demonstration reveals the limits on protest in today's Israel. The first anti-war demonstration in Tel Aviv since October 7 offered an important look at the current state of the protest movement in Israel, as well as how the government will seek to repress it.

Editor (2023-11-19). Biden Admin Justifies Israel's Assault on Gaza Hospitals With Recycled Israeli 'Intelligence'.

The Independent (2023-11-19). Acholi MPs propose Govt takeover of traditional schools. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Members of Parliament from the Acholi sub-region have proposed that the government either take control of all grant-aided schools or implement stringent regulations as a crucial step in restructuring the education system. The proposals were delivered during a meeting at Nakawa, with the Education Policy Review Commission, led by …

The Independent (2023-11-19). African banks take over after international lenders exit. Local financial companies are capitalising on the opportunities left by international banks exiting Africa yet continue to struggle with the gap between perceived and actual risks in the market. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | In early 2022, UK-headquartered Standard Chartered Bank announced it was exiting five African countries and partially exiting two others — …

The Independent (2023-11-19). Airtel Uganda, Itel unveil A70 smartphone. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Airtel Uganda has together with Itel unveiled the revolutionary Itel A70 at Sheraton Four Points in Kampala this week. This strategic partnership seeks to redefine smartphone accessibility, offering affordable yet feature-rich mobile technology to empower Ugandans. According to officials, there is a surge in smartphone demand in Uganda highlights the …

The Independent (2023-11-19). Chinese national reports sh700million robbery in Kololo. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Another case of robbery involving a Chinese national has occurred in Kampala, resulting in a reported loss of $190,000, equivalent to sh718 million. He Wei told police he is the latest victim of a motorcycle robbery gang on Ssezibwa road in Kololo, Central Division, Kampala. According to Assistant Inspector …

The Independent (2023-11-19). Dream of 'father of hybrid rice' takes root in Africa. Sanya, China | Xinhua | In front of a bronze statue of Yuan Longping, scores of African visitors planted hybrid rice seedlings in memory of the "father of hybrid rice." The delegates to the Second Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Agriculture were visiting the Paddy Field National Park in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province. In …

The Independent (2023-11-19). M23 warns against deployment of SADC troops in North Kivu. North Kivu, DRC | THE INDEPENDENT | The deployment of Southern Africa Development Cooperation (SADC) troops in North Kivu province will make the Democratic Republic of Congo government understand that it is a wrong move, Bertrand Bisimwa, the president of the March 23 Movement has warned. The DR Congo government is in a process of …

The Independent (2023-11-19). PHOTOGRAPHS: Busoga celebrates royal wedding. Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Kyabazinga of Busoga, His Royal Highness Gabula Nadiope IV, was united in holy matrimony with Jovia Mutesi, Saturday afternoon at Christ's Cathedral, Bugembe, in Jinja City. Vows were exchanged at approximately 1: 40 pm, with the crowd standing as witnesses to the royal wedding, expressing their joy with enthusiastic shouts. …

The Independent (2023-11-19). Six dead in royal convoy accident. Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Six individuals lost their lives and eight sustained injuries when a Super Custom registration number UAZ 742U in the convoy of Kyabazinga,, HRH Gabula Nadiope IV, lost control and collided with spectators along the Jinja-Kamuli highway. The incident occurred Saturday in Nawantumbe trading center as the convoy was en …

The Independent (2023-11-19). SpaceX's Starship explodes in second test flight. Los Angeles, US | Xinhua | SpaceX's giant new rocket Starship on Saturday blasted off on its second test flight, but exploded minutes after launch. Starship successfully lifted off under the power of all 33 Raptor engines on the Super Heavy Booster at about 7: 04 a.m. Central Time (1304 GMT) from SpaceX's Starbase in U.S. state …

The Lever (2023-11-19). LEVER WEEKLY: "They're Coming For Our Dad"

Anonymous Contributor (2023-11-19). Remembering the Life and Times of Revolutionary and former Political Prisoner, Ed Mead.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-11-19). A Duty to Obey: David McBride, Whistleblowing and Following Orders. The unpardonable, outrageous trial of Australian whistleblower David McBride was a brief affair. On November 13, it did not take long for the brutal power of the Commonwealth to become evident. McBride, having disclosed material that formed the Australian public about alleged war crimes by special forces in Afghanistan, was going to be made an …

Dean Baker (2023-11-19). Trade Is Important for Dealing with Climate Change, but the Media Won't Let Us Talk About the Most Important Form of Protection. Eduardo Porter had an interesting column in the Washington Post last week in which he argued that trade will be important in slowing climate change. The basic point is that we could do a lot to reduce emissions by encouraging people to buy items where they are produced with the least emissions. The point is …

Dean Baker (2023-11-19). Washington Post Does Its Trash the Biden Economy Piece of the Day. The Washington Post ran another "trash the Biden economy, let the facts be damned" piece today. The theme is that the economy is really awful for new college grads. The paper finds us a few real-life examples of struggling recent grads to make its case. The problem is that the data in the article actually …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-11-19). A Duty to Obey: Australia Trial of David McBride, Whistleblowing and Following Orders.

Germán Gorraiz López (2023-11-19). The Regeneration of Politics in the West.

Greg Reese (2023-11-19). Video: No Peace in the Middle East Says the US: "No Possibility of a Cease Fire"

Guadi Calvo (2023-11-19). Palestina en el corazón de las tinieblas.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-19). àÅlvaro García Linera: 'In Turbulent Times, Moderation Means Defeat for the Left'. Iván Schuliaquer and àÅlvaro García Linera àÅlvaro García Linera is an essential reference point for progressive politics in Latin America — as an intellectual for his writings on the state, revolution and plebeian politics, and as a politician for serving as Bolivian vice-president under Evo Morales between 2006-19. Iván Schuliaquer interviewed García Linera for Anfibia's podcast,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-19). The Pogrom, Indians, and Genealogies of the Israeli Settler-Vigilante. Gary Fields ISRAELI SETTLERS WAVE ISRAELI FLAGS NEAR DAMASCUS GATE DURING THE 'FLAG MARCH' IN JERUSALEM ON MAY 29, 2022. (PHOTO: JERIES BSSIER/APA IMAGES) On February 26th of this year, the world witnessed an outbreak of untold savagery in the Palestinian town of Huwara perpetrated against town residents by vigilantes from nearby Israeli settlements. During this…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-19). This Is America's War On Palestinians As Much As Israel's. Mohammed Nabulsi, Radhika Sainath , Olúf·∫πÃÅmi O. Táíwà≤ , Waldemar Oliveira , Jen Parker Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrating in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 21, 2023. Photographs by Christopher Lee for Hammer & Hope. A discussion of political repression, resistance strategies, and a mass antiwar movement. On Oct. 25, 2023, Waldemar Oliveira, Jen…

Jorge Fonseca (2023-11-19). Argentina, democracia o totalitarismo de mercado.

Karsten Riise (2023-11-19). US Economy — Heading for the Abyss.

Konrad Rƒôkas (2023-11-19). Zionist Israel is an Apartheid State: Gaza is a Modern-day "Extermination Camp"

mforinoco (2023-11-19). At Gunpoint, Israel Expels Patients, Doctors From Al-Shifa Hospital. | Israeli forces ordered doctors, patients and displaced people at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital to evacuate the medical compound, giving them an hour to do so and forcing some to leave by gunpoint, Al-Jazeera Israeli forces issued the demand to evacuate in "one hour" at around 9 am local time, but it was "impossible" to evacuate everyone, a doctor in Al-Shifa told Al-Jazeera. | Medical sources inside the facility said there are more than 7,000 people sheltering…

mforinoco (2023-11-19). US, EU Push For UN Peacekeeping Force in Gaza — Bloomberg. According to Bloomberg, this is aimed at "raising pressure on Israel to bring its military operation to an end as civilian casualties mount." | The United States and its European allies are pushing a plan to deploy an international peacekeeping force in the Gaza Strip after the war, the US-based news website Bloomberg reported on Wednesday, citing "people familiar with the matter".

Misión Verdad (2023-11-19). US Escalates Essequibo Dispute by Militarizing Guyana. The government of Guyana is trying to militarize the country with the help of the United States. This escalation serves the interests of oil company ExxonMobil which intends to appropriate the oil and gas resources of the Essequibo region disputed between Venezuela and Guyana. | The Guyanese press recently

Peter Baker (2023-11-19). J.F.K. Assassination Witness Breaks His Silence. Evidence of A Second Shooter. "The Magic Bullet" Theory is an Outright Lie.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-19). Surveillance State Exposed: The chilling echo of Snowden's warning. This article unravels the chilling revelations of the documentary 'CITIZENFOUR,' spotlighting Edward Snowden's courageous stand against mass surveillance and the evolving landscape of state power versus individual freedoms. "CITIZENFOUR" is a documentary …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-19). UK government will not end WHO membership, says Department of Health and Social Care. In response to a petition to end the UK's membership of the World Health Organisation ("WHO"), the Department for Health and Social Care has stated: "The UK Government will not end our …

Robert Hunziker (2023-11-19). Showdown at COP28. $200 trillion is needed to stop global warming. — Bloomberg New Energy Finance Buckle up, fireworks will be going off in a couple weeks in the pristine complex known as Dubai. World leaders, climate scientists, environmentalists, and fossil fuel producers will clash over the outlook for climate change and the impact of global warming, or …

Staff (2023-11-19). Venezuela and Colombia To Work Together on Migration and Illegal Mining Issues. Venezuela and Colombia reach a number of agreements on various issues of common interest, including combating illegal mining in the Amazon rainforest and how to attend to migration. The agreements were reached on Saturday, November 18, during the bilateral meeting between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his Colombian counterpart Gustavo Petro in Miraflores Palace, Caracas. This is the fourth bilateral meeting between the two leaders since Petro took office in August last year. | "Now much more can be done at the level of economy, trade, integration and tourism," President Maduro said after the meeting, no…

Steven Sahiounie (2023-11-19). Israel Captures Al Shifa Hospital for Their Gaza Military Post.

The Exposé (2023-11-19). 94% of COVID-19 Deaths over past year were among Quadruple Vaccinated. The Office for National Statistics recently published an update on deaths by vaccination status in England and it has shockingly revealed that the vaccinated population accounted for 95% of COVID-19 deaths in …

Ryan Cristián (2023-11-19). The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents — Episode 21. Join us on today's episode of The Pirate Stream — Dialectical Dissidents. Pirate Stream Media is a new platform of dedicated content creators focused on circumventing the tightly controlled, manipulated, and outright censored media space of today (both corporate and independent media) with a commitment to objectivity, integrity, and a stark awareness of the two

Staff (2023-11-19). Venezuela and Colombia Sign Agreements on Migration and Illegal Mining Issues. Venezuela and Colombia signed a number of agreements on various issues of common interest, including combating illegal mining in the Amazon rainforest and how to attend to migration. The agreements were signed on Saturday, November 18, during the bilateral meeting between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his Colombian counterpart Gustavo Petro in Miraflores Palace, Caracas. This is the fourth bilateral meeting between the two leaders since Petro took office in August last year. | "Now much more can be done at the level of economy, trade, integration and tourism," President Maduro said after the meeting, no…

mforinoco (2023-11-19). Dancing in The Streets: When Salsa's Clave Was The Pulse of The Movement (Pt. 1). By Javier Guerrero — Nov 12, 2023 | Note: This is the first in a two-part series on the history and politics of Salsa in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the famous Fania All-Stars concert, "Live at Yankee Stadium." | Introduction | A crowd of 40,000 fans rushed onto the field of old Yankee Stadium in August 1973, but it wasn't caused by a Yankee win (the team had a horrible season that year and could barely sell seats). No, what propelled the crowd across the carefully-drawn baseball diamond and immaculate grass, up to the vibrating stage, was a world-historic conga duel between Afro-Cuban percussioni…

WSWS (2023-11-19). How the US funds its Israeli attack dog. The genocidal offensive against Gaza is being wholly funded by Washington in furtherance of broader war aims targeting Iran. (2023-11-19). U.S. keen to see pandas back. When the U.S. White House hinted there is a chance that giant pandas could return to the country, many netizens said it was "good", "fantastic" and "amazingly interesting." They are eager to see pandas back again. (2023-11-19). Wang Yi says Xi-Biden meeting 'stabilizes and betters' China-U.S. relations. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday told media that the summit meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden "stabilizes and betters" bilateral relations at a historic time. (2023-11-19). (W.E. Talk) Pedro Antonio Valdes-Sosa:'Coming to China as though I had increased my life for many years'. As one of the most famous scientists in Cuba, Professor Valdes-Sosa is continuously making contributions to brain science by a joint group of global scientists sharing data of brain under the BRI.

Jacob G. Hornberger (2023-11-19). Xi Jinping Is Right About the U.S. Empire.

Jonathan Cook (2023-11-19). Israel-Palestine War: Don't be Fooled. Biden Is Fully Signed Up to Genocide in Gaza.

Manlio Dinucci (2023-11-19). Le Due Guerre Dell'occidente. Manlio Dinucci. Tutti gli articoli di Global Research possono essere letti in 51 lingue attivando il pulsante Traduci sito web sotto il nome dell'autore. | Per ricevere la newsletter quotidiana di Global Research (articoli selezionati), fare Fare clic sul pulsante …

Manlio Dinucci (2023-11-19). The Two Wars of the West: America Targets Europe as Well as the Middle East. Manlio Dinucci.

Editor (2023-11-19). Netanyahu Claims Israel 'Not Successful' in Minimizing Civilian Casualties in Gaza. By Kyle Anzalone / Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Israel was "trying to [minimize] civilian casualties. But unfortunately, we're not successful." The prime minister's statement comes as the UN warns that the Israeli fuel embargo of Gaza could cause widespread starvation in the besieged enclave. In an interview with CBS News on Thursday, the Israeli …

The Independent (2023-11-19). Netanyahu: No deal reached yet on hostage release. Jerusalem, Israel | Xinhua | Currently there is no deal reached yet on the release of Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a press conference on Saturday night. Netanyahu denied "incorrect reports" about a deal of releasing part of about 240 hostages held in Gaza is approaching, adding …

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). CNE of Venezuela extends voting hours in electoral simulation. Caracas, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) The National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela extended the voting hours in the electoral simulation of the consultative referendum on December 3 for the defense of Guayana Esequiba.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Cuba mourns the death of essayist Natalia Bolívar. The Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industries (ICAIC) today mourned the death of Natalia Bolívar in social networks. The ICAIC regretted her demise and says the documentary that bears her name, made by Ernesto Daranas in 2019 is a tribute from Cuban cinema. | The Palomas Project also expressed its condolences on social networks for the death of the writer, painter, anthropologist and ethnologist, dead at 89 years of age. | This project highlighted her contributions to the research of African roots and their influence on national culture and history and noted that "they will remain an essential legacy…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Cubans abroad for contributing to national development. Havana, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) Cubans residing abroad expressed here today their interest in contributing to the economic development of their country of origin through the implementation of commercial and investment projects.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Dominican President regrets loss of human life due to rains. Santo Domingo, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) Dominican President Luis Abinader today expressed dismay at the loss of human life due to the heavy rainfall that hit the national territory, with accumulation of up to 400 millimeters in 24 hours.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). International workshop on sustainability in the province of Cuba. Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) Directors and specialists from the José Martí University (Uniss), of this central province of Cuba, with its counterparts of Germany, concluded today a Regional Workshop on Sustainability in academic training .

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Peru highlights the validity of human rights in Cuba. Lima, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) The recent election of Cuba as a member of the UN Human Rights Council is due to the validity of these on the Island, Peruvian analysts agreed in pointing out in a forum on the matter.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Resistance in Yemen will continue until aggression on Gaza ends. Beirut, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) The member of the Political Bureau of the Ansar Allah movement of Yemen, Muhammad Al-Bukhaiti, reaffirmed today the continuity of actions until the end of Israeli aggression, the pan-Arab channel Al Mayadeen reported here.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). UN Human Rights Chief denounces horrendous attacks on schools in Gaza. United Nations, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Tàºrk, today denounced Israel's horrendous attacks against schools in the Gaza Strip in a statement calling for an end to these violations.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). You are children of Cuba, VP affirmed to Ethiopian graduates. Addis Ababa, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) You are also children of Cuba even if you were not born there and I am grateful that you have brought together other friends to the solidarity movement in Ethiopia, said today the Cuban vice president, Salvador Valdés Mesa.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-11-19). India organizes G20 Virtual Summit on November 22. New Delhi, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) India will hold the Virtual Summit of leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) on November 22, as announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the bloc's major event here in September, it was reported here.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-19). To Save Gaza, Invoke the Genocide Convention. Sam Husseini The ICC is a "puppet institution". What's needed is a country to invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice. Here's how, with argument, phone numbers, addresses and emails. Some of the greatest successes in recent human history have combined protest movements with strong diplomatic moves. In February 1998, the Clinton…

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-19). Moderna Has Halted Trial of a New mRNA Vaccine for Young People Following a Suspected Case of Myocarditis. According to Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna in January 2022 "EBV is one of the most common viral infections in the world, despite the fact that it causes infectious mononucleosis, …

Kanav Kathuria (2023-11-19). U.S. medical and public health institutions are complicit in genocide. Despite their mandate to "do no harm" and advocate for the health of individuals and communities around the world, it is clear that U.S. public health institutions are complicit in the genocide in Gaza. (2023-11-19). 94-year-old Kwong Siu-hing becomes richest woman in China. Kwong Siu-hing, wife of Sun Hung Kai Properties' co-founder Kwok Tak-seng, has become China's richest woman for the first time, according to the "Herose Club • Hurun Richest Women in China 2023" released by the Hurun Research Institute on Tuesday. (2023-11-19). Xi stresses Japan must ensure political foundation of China-Japan relations. Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed Thursday that major issues of principle related to history and Taiwan bear on the political foundation of China-Japan relations, and urged Japan to keep its word and stick to the principle. (2023-11-19). Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway handles 383,000 passenger trips in first month of operation. The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway (HSR), the first HSR in Indonesia, handled 383,000 passenger trips in its first month of official operation, China State Railway Group Co said on Friday. "ÄÄ…

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). A rose for Gramsci. By: Andy Merrifield>. ​A few weeks ago, I was standing under the entrance arch of the Hotel Villa Morgagni along via Giovanni Battista Morgagni, in Rome's northeastern Nomentano neighborhood. It's a smart looking mansion-cum-townhouse, built in a turn-of-the-century Liberty style, with some fetching Art Nouveau flourishes. Since the early 2000s, the property has been owned by the Italian businessman Adartico Vudafieri, a former rally car champion, who'd transformed it into a 4-star, 34- … (2023-11-19). Innovative bridge in east China to set world record. Construction of the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Highway-Rail Bridge, the world's first double-deck cable-stayed suspension bridge, is expected to gain further momentum this year with advanced technological solutions. (2023-11-19). Insights | Jim Rogers: U.S. China Policy should strengthen interactions to promote common prosperity. Jim Rogers, the famous international investor and financial titan, recently joined China News Network in an exclusive interview to share his insights on the U.S.-China Summit Meeting and U.S.-China relations. (2023-11-19). Xi puts forward proposals on APEC cooperation in next 'golden 30 years'. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday called on the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members to stick to innovation, openness, green and inclusive development in promoting regional cooperation and for the region to usher in another "golden 30 years." (2023-11-19). Xi calls on APEC members to stick to innovation, openness in boosting regional development. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday called on the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members to stick to innovation, openness, green development, as well as inclusiveness and mutual benefits in promoting regional development.

teleSUR, dcdc (2023-11-19). Masacres ascienden a 81 tras tres nuevos asesinatos en Colombia. La Defensoría del Pueblo indicó que el municipio de Truilllo se ha incrementado el escenario de riesgo por los intereses de estructuras ilegales.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-19). Armenia y Azerbaiyán establecen principios básicos para tratado de paz. La principal dificultad que los dos países tienen es que ambos hablan "lenguas diplomáticas diferentes", declaró el mandatario armenio. Esto hace que sea difícil un entendimiento mutuo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Irán llama a países musulmanes a boicotear y romper lazos con Israel. El líder de Irán ha subrayado que "el régimen sionista es un símbolo de discriminación racial. Los sionistas se consideran a sí mismos una raza superior y, al resto de la humanidad, seres de raza inferior.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-19). Ente argentino ratifica que sistema electoral es fiable. Asegura que el sistema dispone de garantías y es robusto. Declara infundadas y sin pruebas presentaciones hechas desde el espacio de La Libertad Avanza sobre presunto fraude.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-19). Cubanos realizan Cantata por Palestina ante genocidio israelí. En forma previa, Díaz-Canel se reunió en el Palacio de la Revolución con 144 jóvenes de Palestina que estudian Medicina en esta nación caribeña.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-19). Medio israelí: helicóptero habría disparado contra colonos judíos el 7 de octubre. Este hecho confirma el contenido de un video que circuló que sugiere que los helicópteros Apache fueron responsables de la mayoría de las bajas entre quienes huyeron del evento.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2023-11-19). Hospitales de la ciudad de Gaza están fuera de servicio. La ONU denuncia que Israel ha convertido Al Shifa,el principal hospital de Gaza en una "zona de la muerte", repleto de cadáveres y 100 heridos que agonizan con heridas que se están gangrenando.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-19). Fuerzas Armadas de Yemen capturan barco israelí en el Mar Rojo. Destacaron que continuarán llevando a cabo operaciones militares contra el enemigo israelí hasta que cese la agresión contra la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-19). Representante de Nicaragua es coronada Miss Universo 2023. Palacios fue apoyada por el público en todas las rondas del certamen, en las que también se destacó la participación de las concursantes latinas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Al menos 50 muertos deja bombardeo israelí contra escuela en Gaza. El centro educativo se encuentra en el campo de refugiados de Jabalia, que recientemente ha sufrido una serie de ataques por parte de Israel.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Simulacro de consulta sobre el Esequibo supera expectativas. Esta jornada contará con 2.322 mesas habilitadas y se desarrollará para que los ciudadanos se familiaricen con el proceso.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-19). Presidente Abbas pide a Biden que detenga genocidio de Israel. Solicita a Presidente de EE.UU. que intervenga para poner fin a violencia israelí en Gaza y Cisjordania. Deja claro que sus compatriotas permanecerán en su tierra.

teleSUR, JGN, JCM (2023-11-19). Cierran centros de votación en Argentina tras balotaje presidencial. Más de 34 millones de argentinos están convocados para emitir su voto en las casillas que operarán desde las 08H00 hasta las 18H00 hora local.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2023-11-19). Pacientes y personal médico abandonan el hospital de Al Shifa. El supervisor de Emergencias del centro, Omar Zaqut, insistió en que el Ejército los sacó del hospital "a punta de pistola" y les instó a llevar una bandera o pañuelos de color blanco.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-19). Llaman a participar en simulacro de referendo sobre el Esequibo en Venezuela. El Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela (CNE) anunció el 3 noviembre que el día 19 se realizaría el simulacro del referéndum consultivo.

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2023-11-19). CNE venezolano extiende horario del simulacro del referéndum sobre el Esequibo. Esta jornada cuenta con 2.322 mesas habilitadas y se desarrolla para que los ciudadanos se familiaricen con el proceso.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-19). Presidente George Weah reconoce su derrota electoral en Liberia. En declaraciones a medios locales Weah dijo: "CDC (Congreso para el Cambio Democrático) ha perdido las elecciones, pero Liberia ha ganado (…) Es el momento de la elegancia en la derrota".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Presidente de Venezuela recibe a su homólogo colombiano Gustavo Petro. El mandatario colombiano se reunirá con su colega venezolano Nicolás Maduro para tratar temas de migración, transición energética y cambio climático.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, recibe a su homólogo colombiano Gustavo Petro. El mandatario colombiano se reunirá con su colega venezolano Nicolás Maduro para tratar temas de migración, transición energética y cambio climático.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Zimbabue declara estado de emergencia en Harare por el cólera. Zimbabwe, debido a su deficiente infraestructura sanitaria y su escasez de agua potable, ha estado luchando por controlar esta enfermedad transmitida por el agua.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-19). Fiscalía de Guatemala solicita retirar inmunidad a presidente electo. El Ministerio Público involucró el jueves a Arévalo y a la vicepresidenta electa, Karin Herrera, en una investigación por daños en la ocupación de la universidad estatal en 2022.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-19). Presidentes de México y EE.UU. conversan sobre migración y lucha antidrogas. "Llevamos a cabo una buena reunión bilateral con Estados Unidos, encabezada por el presidente Biden. Nuestra relación es excelente", señaló López Obrador.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-19). Ataque israelí contra escuela deja unos 200 muertos en Gaza. El centro académico ha sido utilizado como refugio para cientos de familias desplazadas como consecuencia de la agresión israelí a la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Ascienden a 13.000 los palestinos asesinados por bombardeos israelíes. Cuatro periodistas y dos trabajadores de medios locales murieron ayer bajo bombardeos israelíes, y otro más falleció hoy, elevando la cifra de reporteros fallecidos a la cuarentena desde el inicio de la guerra.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-19). Sesiona en Cuba conferencia sobre nación y emigración. Los delegados de la reunión reflexionan e intercambian sobre importantes temas de la nación, basados en el respeto irrestricto a la soberanía e independencia de la patria.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-19). Cumbre APEC concluye con adopción de la Declaración Golden Gate. Los líderes se centraron en los temas de sostenibilidad, clima, transición energética, interconexión y construcción de economías inclusivas y resilientes.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Inicia mecanismo logístico de Correo Argentino para el balotaje. Se distribuyen padrones electorales a las secretarías electorales y a los lugares estipulados para la exhibición y materiales electorales como urnas, manuales de capacitación y kit electoral.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-19). Electa Luisa González como presidenta de Revolución Ciudadana en Ecuador. Líder de ese movimiento político hace llamado a la unidad y a redoblar esfuerzos para regresar al poder en el proceso electoral correspondiente a 2025.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-19). Electa Luisa González presidenta de Revolución Ciudadana, en Ecuador. Líder de ese movimiento político hace llamado a la unidad y a redoblar esfuerzos para regresar al poder en el proceso electoral correspondiente a 2025.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-19). Más de 12.000 palestinos asesinados por asedio israelí. La agresión de las tropas ocupantes en la Franja de Gaza y Cisjordania provocó la muerte de 12.012 palestinos y más de 32.300 heridos.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-19). India evalúa opciones para rescatar a 41 obreros atrapados en túnel. los atrapados, los rescatistas han podido enviarles agua, alimentos, oxígeno y medicinas por un tubo de 15 centímetros de diámetro y se comunican utilizando radios.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Venezuela y México pasaron a octavos de final del Mundial Sub 17. Los octavos de final se jugarán desde el lunes 20 de noviembre al miércoles 22 del mismo mes.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-19). Venezuela y Colombia fortalecen sus lazos de paz y fraternidad. Concluye reunión de trabajo entre los presidentes Nicolás Maduro y Gustavo Petro. Venezuela ofrecerá a Colombia el apoyo necesario para el proceso de paz.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-19). Reportan intensas lluvias en República Dominicana. Ante el empeoramiento del clima, el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias elevó a 11 las provincias en alerta roja, 14 en amarilla y 5 en verde, para un total de 30 territorios en vigilancia.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-19). Se reportan intensas lluvias en República Dominicana. Ante el empeoramiento del clima, el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias elevó a 11 las provincias en alerta roja, 14 en amarilla y 5 en verde, para un total de 30 territorios en vigilancia.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-19). Se inauguran los Parapanamericanos de Santiago 2023. El encendido del pebetero entró en escena mediante el relevo de los paradeportistas chilenos Macarena Quero, Francisca Mardonez y Alberto Abarza.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-19). Indepaz reporta asesinato de líder social en el este de Colombia. Oriundo del municipio de Sácama, Casanar, Layton fue encontrado con múltiples impactos de bala de corto alcance, concentrados principalmente en el pecho.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-19). Confirman nueve muertos en República Dominicana por fuertes lluvias. Según el jefe del Cuerpo de Bomberos del Distrito Nacional, José Luis Frómeta, la operación para recuperar los cuerpos en los vehículos aplastados llevó más de siete horas.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-19). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-19). Renuncia ministro del Interior de Perú tras censura del Congreso. Con la Resolución Suprema N.º 172-2023-PCM, el Ejecutivo aceptó la renuncia del exfuncionario.

teleSUR, JGN, JCM, JDO (2023-11-19). Cierran centros de voto en Argentina tras balotaje presidencial. Organismo electoral cifró la participación en 62 por ciento de los más de 34 millones de argentinos habilitados en el padrón.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-19). Bombardeo israelí sobre Khan Younis deja 26 palestinos asesinados. Un ataque israelí perpetrado el viernes contra el campo de refugiados de Balata, en Naplusa, Cisjordania , causó cinco fallecidos.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-19). US Sponsored Coup d'État: The Destabilization of Haiti. This article was written in the last days of February 2004, completed and published on February 29th, on the day of President Jean Bertrand Aristide's kidnapping and deportation by the US, Canada and France. . | Today, almost 20 years …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-19). The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal Undertaking. First published on November 26, 2022 | *** | We are being accused of "spreading disinformation" regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. | The Reuters and AP media "trackers" and "fact checkers" will be out to smear the testimonies of parents who have lost their …

Phil Pasquini (2023-11-19). Women Visit U.S. Senators in Seeking a Ceasefire in Gaza. Activists visited the Hart Senate Office Building calling on women senators to support a ceasefire in Gaza.

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-11-19). Saturday 12/9: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Angela (2023-11-19). Wednesday 11/22: Power Half Hour for Gaza. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

calaway (2023-11-19). ''orbs'' took down ''space x''and lit fire. los angeles freeway fire too.

JBLM Cop Watch (2023-11-19). More Corruption and Violence by JBLM Police. The JBLM DES Police have a long history of corruption, abuse, and violence. Now Yahoo News is reporting one more example and how that abuse is spreading from JBLM to other agencies.

Lynda Carson (2023-11-19). PG&E to jack up your utility bills around 13% starting in January. PG&E Is Moving It's Headquarters To 300 Lakeside Drive In Oakland:…

PNW Street Medics (2023-11-19). Police Violence at Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), Washington. Video evidence published by Q13 Fox News – Seattle shows a JBLM civilian police officer assaulting a female Soldier while she was in police custody.

Lynda Carson (2023-11-19). PG & E to jack up your utility bills around 13% starting in January. PG&E Is Moving It's Headquarters To 300 Lakeside Drive In Oakland:…

Censored News (2023-11-19). Justice for Raymond Mattia: Tohono O'odham Murdered by US Border Patrol Press Conference. Justice for Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, Murdered by U.S. Border Patrol Agents on the Front Steps of His Home on the Tohono O'odham Nation. The Press Conference will be at the Tucson Federal Courthouse, November 17, 2023, 10 a.m.

‚úø_·Éö (2023-11-19). Defend Gaza – Graffiti Bomb the Burbs – Free the Land! Friends got together and graffiti-bombed the so-called 'east bay' cities of 'pleasant hill', 'martinez', 'concord', and 'walnut creek' (2023-11-19). Russia downs Ukrainian drone outside Moscow: Defense Ministry. Russian forces downed a Ukrainian drone outside Moscow, the country's Defense Ministry said. (2023-11-19). Israeli strikes on two refugee camps in Gaza kill at least 31 Palestinians. At least 31 people, including children, have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Bureij and Nuseirat refugee camps in Gaza. (2023-11-19). Two more journalists killed in Israeli airstrike on Gaza's Bureij refugee camp. An Israeli airstrike kills two more journalists in Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza Strip. (2023-11-19). Iran: Israel attacks guardians of humanity by targeting aid workers. Israel has killed nearly 12,000 Palestinians, including over 4,000 children, in Gaza since October 7. (2023-11-19). Iraqi resistance strikes US military bases in Iraq, Syria 'in support of Gaza'. Iraq's anti-terror resistance front has carried out a drone attack on an American military base in the Arab country's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region in response to the US-backed Israeli onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-19). Hezbollah fighters launch rocket strikes against Israeli military posts. Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement has launched rocket attacks against Israeli military positions in the northern sector of the 1948-occupied territories. (2023-11-19). Thousands march at funeral of Palestinians killed in Nablus airstrike. Thousands marched at the funeral of five Palestinian fighters killed in an Israeli air strike in the occupied West Bank. (2023-11-19). Israeli airstrikes on UN-run school in Gaza kill dozens. Dozens of Palestinians have been killed as Israeli occupation forces strike al-Fakhoora School in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-19). Israel committing 'genocide' against Gaza's health system: Palestinian minister. The Palestinian health minister says Israel is committing "genocide" against the Gaza Strip's healthcare system. (2023-11-19). Gaza's al-Shifa Hospital turned into 'death zone', WHO warns. The World Health Organization describes the current condition of Gaza's al-Shifa Hospital as a "death zone." (2023-11-19). Israel committing new war crimes against Palestinians amid global silence: Tehran. Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says Israel is committing fresh war crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip amid the silence and inaction of the international community. (2023-11-19). Fresh rallies across globe to demand ceasefire in Gaza. People across the world have held fresh rallies to express solidarity with Palestinians and demand an end to Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-19). Knesset set to discuss death penalty law for Palestinian prisoners: Ben Gvir. Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says the Knesset is set to discuss a draft law on 'executing Palestinian prisoners' for initial approval this week. (2023-11-19). Raeisi: A just world order will emerge from Palestinians' blood. Iran's President Ebrahim Raeisi says a just world order will emerge from the blood of the Palestinian people shed by Israel during its genocidal war on Gaza. (2023-11-19). Humans of Gaza: Dr. Hammam Alloh, 36-year-old nephrologist, Al-Shifa Hospital. Israeli regime's murderous campaign in Gaza has claimed the lives of hundreds of doctors, such as Dr. Hammam Alloh, a 36-year-old nephrologist at the Al-Shifa Hospital. (2023-11-19). Iran unveils Fattah-2 hypersonic missile. Iran's IRGC unveils the homegrown Fattah-2 hypersonic missile as well as other new military achievements. (2023-11-19). Yemen army says will target all ships owned, operated by Israeli firms. The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces says the military units will target all ships owned or operated by Israeli companies or carrying the Israeli flag. (2023-11-19). Weapons allegedly found in al-Shifa Hospital 'rearranged' by Israeli army, CNN suggests. US media have raised the possibility that the Israeli occupation army "rearranged" weapons it claimed to have discovered at the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. (2023-11-19). Iran's top medical association urges UN chief to stand with Gaza. Iran's top medical association urges UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to prevent Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-19). Leader urges Muslim countries to cut political ties with Israel. Ayatollah Khamenei urges Muslim countries to temporarily sever political ties with Israel amid the regime's ongoing genocide in Gaza. (2023-11-19). Yemeni forces seize Israeli ship in Red Sea, detain 52 crew onboard. The crew were under investigation and their nationalities were being verified by the relevant Yemeni agencies. (2023-11-19). Resistance calibrating pressure on Israel and backers: Iran FM. Iran's FM says regional resistance forces are calibrating their response to the crimes of Israel in Gaza. (2023-11-19). WHO team describes Gaza's al-Shifa Hospital as 'death zone'. WHO says the team saw a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and was told more than 80 people were buried there. (2023-11-19). Babies evacuated from al-Shifa hospital transferred to Rafah before evacuation to Egypt. More than 30 premature babies evacuated from Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital receive care at the Emirates hospital in Rafah. (2023-11-19). 'We are all Palestinians': Thousands march in Dublin in solidarity with Palestine. Thousands have marched through the streets of Dublin in solidarity with the Palestinian people for the sixth week in a row. (2023-11-19). Report: Israeli helicopter killed settlers at Nova Festival; Hamas unaware of event. A helicopter belonging to Israel's military killed a number of settlers attending the Supernova music festival near the Gaza border on October 7. (2023-11-19). Pro-Palestinian protesters rally outside British parliament as MPs vote on Gaza ceasefire. Demonstrators waved Palestinian flags during a protest in London on Wednesday (November 15) as British Members of Parliament held a vote on a ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-19). 'Stop killing innocent kids': Pro-Palestinians rally inside Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. Hundreds of pro-Palestine activists gathered at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to protest the ongoing war in Gaza. (2023-11-19). Fire in Chinese coal firm's office kills 26. Twenty-six people were killed in a fire at a coal company's office building in northern China. (2023-11-19). Protesters hold vigil in Sydney for Israel's war victims in Gaza. Protesters gather in Sydney to hold a vigil to mourn the Palestinians killed in the current Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-19). South Korean protesters display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. South Korean activists display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. (2023-11-19). Protesters in Washington, Michigan call for Gaza ceasefire. Dozens of protesters gathered in Washington DC, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, where thousands have been killed by Israel since early October. (2023-11-19). Humans of Gaza: Awni Eldous, 13-year-old Palestinian Gaming YouTuber. An ardent Gaming YouTuber from Gaza, 13-year-old Awni Eldous had set a goal of hitting 100,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. Weeks after his killing, his channel has 1.35 million subscribers. (2023-11-19). Iranians rally in solidarity with Palestinians to condemn Israeli genocide. Iranians have held nationwide rallies in solidarity with Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip who have been under relentless Israeli attacks for weeks now. (2023-11-19). Hundreds flee Gaza's al-Shifa hospital on foot amid Israel's ongoing attacks. Hundreds of patients have evacuated the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza Strip, after Israel ordered people to leave the facility amid its ongoing attacks on hospitals and medical centers across the besieged enclave. (2023-11-19). Israel in 'war of attrition' leading to its inevitable collapse: IRGC chief. The IRGC chief commander says Operation Al-Aqsa Storm proved nothing will hinder Israel's collapse. (2023-11-19). Iran: Israel laid bare criminal nature by killing Palestinian parliament speaker. Hamas has confirmed the death of Ahmad Bahar, 76, who was a member of the group's political bureau. (2023-11-19). Israel waging war of 'starvation' on Gazans: Hamas. Since Israel imposed a total siege on the Gaza Strip on October 7, aid convoys have barely trickled through. (2023-11-19). Thousands join Paris march in support of Palestinians. Thousands of demonstrators marched in Paris in support of Palestinians in the conflict against Israel. (2023-11-19). EU clamps down on the right to hold pro-Palestinian rallies. Many European governments ban pro-Palestine demonstrations despite right to freedom of expression. (2023-11-19). Israeli regime should stand trial at ICC: Erdogan. Erdogan has emphasized the need to hold Israel accountable at the ICC, saying there "ample evidence" to do so. (2023-11-19). Tens of thousands of Yemenis rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza. Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrate against the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Yemen's capital Sana'a. (2023-11-19). Pro-Palestinian protesters march in Berlin, accuse Germany of siding with Israel. Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters march peacefully in Berlin in support of the people of Gaza. (2023-11-19). 'Iran does not seek spread of Israel's war on Gaza, but US approach makes it possible'. Iran says it does not want further spread of the Gaza war in the region, but the US' support for Israel makes it possible.

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2023-11-18: News Headlines (2023-11-18). Xi says Japan should properly handle discharge of nuclear-contaminated water in responsible manner. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday urged the Japanese side to properly handle the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima power plant in a responsible and constructive manner.

The Exposé (2023-11-18). To WW3 or not to WW3? That is the question… Here is a concept that nobody in politics talks about — Moral Capital. There is no man born today or ever who does not have a sense of right and wrong. We love …

Editor (2023-11-18). Russo-Ukrainian War: The Reckoning. Ukraine at the limits.

WSWS (2023-11-18). In a stinging rebuke to the New York Times, poetry editor Anne Boyer resigns over Gaza genocide. In her resignation letter, Anne Boyer wrote: "No more ghoulish euphemisms. No more verbally sanitized hellscapes. No more warmongering lies."

The Independent (2023-11-18). South Sudan calls for lifting arms embargo after deploys forces without firearms. Juba, South Sudan | Xinhua | South Sudan on Friday called on the United Nations Security Council to lift the existing arms embargo, after it deployed the first battalion of 750 soldiers to Malakal town of Upper Nile state without firearms. Michael Makuei Lueth, minister of Information and Communication, Technology and Postal Services, said that the …

Bella DeVaan, Inequality. (2023-11-18). Building Cleaners Rally For Fair Wages And Life-Saving Benefits. Just this year, we've seen UPS Teamsters secure a historic $30 billion new contract that abolishes tiers and substantially raises wages. We've seen the UAW successfully strike for contracts that boost pay, protect benefits, and crystallize the prospect of a green auto industry. | Now, building cleaners across the country are next up to negotiate equitable deals and notch new victories for a labor movement confronting an uncertain future. On the line? Their ability to keep living and working in their home cities with ease and dignity. All told, contracts covering more than 134,000 SEIU cleaners nationwide are up f…

Kari Thompson, Labor Notes. (2023-11-18). New Law Protects Pregnant And Nursing Workers. Judy approached Chief Steward Amy over lunch one day with big news: she was three months pregnant! Amy congratulated her. | Then Judy said, "Amy, I'm a little worried about telling our boss. My doctor said there's a new law that gives me permission to carry a water bottle at work and ask for extra bathroom breaks, but I know Bob doesn't like to give any extra breaks. Do you know anything about this law? Can the union help me?" | On the other side of the country, Eliana, a department steward, dropped off a meal for her colleague Tisha, who was at home with her eight-week-old newborn.

WSWS (2023-11-18). Australian government rams through bill to impose unprecedented restrictions on released detainees. The ruling establishment, currently led by the Labor Party, is ripping aside fundamental democratic rights, flouting even the extremely limited protections of basic legal rights in Australia's 1901 Constitution.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-11-18). Cuban province to host workshop on occupational health and security. Matanzas, Cuba, Nov 18 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban western province of Matanzas will host the 4th Workshop on Ergonomics and Occupational Health and Safety from November 28 to 30, to raise awareness on good labor practices.

Editor (2023-11-18). Chris Hedges: Israel is Shutting Down its Human Laboratory in Gaza.

Inas Alhudiri, Ahmed Abdulmagid Zaghdani, Salah Edin El Meshri, Adel Elmaghrabi, Adam Elzagheid (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Libya floods: preventing a public health crisis. On Sept 10, 2023, northeastern Libya was hit by catastrophic floods caused by Storm Daniel that have killed 4333 people and left many thousands more missing.1 Libya has been afflicted by a civil war and political instability for more than 10 years. WHO designated Libya as a grade 2 health emergency country.2 The north African country was unprepared for the region's worst natural disaster to date, as were many other middle-income countries in the area.3 More than a decade of civil war has ravaged Libya's health-care system.

Prudence Jarrett, Francesco Checchi (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Aid to the Central African Republic falls while death rates rise. Which country in the world has the deadliest environment for its inhabitants? According to a published study,1 this unenviable record might be held by the Central African Republic, where 5 million people, largely rurally based and very young, have had decades of poverty and insecurity. The latest cycle of armed conflict in the Central African Republic began in 2013 and has seen an upsurge following the 2020 election. One in four people in the Central African Republic are displaced and half of the population live in areas outside government control.

WSWS (2023-11-18). UAW delays official announcement of GM ratification as questions raised over vote. The UAW's national vote total includes 1,263 workers at the Ultium Cells electric vehicle battery plant in Lordstown, Ohio, and about 1,000 workers at GM Subsystems LLC, workers who were not yet part of the GM bargaining unit when they voted.

WSWS (2023-11-18). Australia Post workers: Oppose genocide in Gaza! Heed the call of Palestinian workers to shut down Israel's war machine! The PWRFC condemns the leadership of the Communication Workers Union, which has remained silent throughout Israel's onslaught against Gaza.

WSWS (2023-11-18). Sri Lankan President Wickremesinghe's 2024 budget deepens attack on workers and the poor. The government's 2024 budget is designed to fulfill the drastic austerity demands of the International Monetary Fund.

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-11-18). The Issue Is Not Racism But The Pan European White Supremacist Colonial/Capitalist Patriarchy! The modern concept of race and what became known as racism can only be understood within the context of the European colonial project at the center of the larger project called modernity. | When the people who eventually became known as Europeans spilled out of "Europe" into what became the "Americas," their encounter with the Indigenous peoples of this region was already informed by a racialized consciousness, as the great Black revolutionary theorist Cedric Robinson helped us to understand. | Informed by this consciousness that combined the tendency toward dehumanization based on race and a crude, strange, viol…

People's Dispatch. (2023-11-18). Solidarity Activists Stage Mass Shutdowns For Palestine. On November 17, Palestinian and anti-imperialist organizations including the Palestinian Youth Movement, the People's Forum, the ANSWER Coalition, and National Students for Justice in Palestine have called on the Palestine solidarity movement to stage shut downs of "business as usual" in solidarity with Palestine. Across the globe, students will be walking out or occupying their universities, businesses will shutter, and activists will directly target the centers of power which enable Israeli genocide in Gaza. | Actions will be taking place around the world including in Zambia, Puerto Rico, Canada, South Africa,…

Khuloud Rabah Sulaiman (2023-11-18). Terror in Tower 8. My neighbors and I prayed for protection as Israel bombed our building.

Eva Bartlett (2023-11-18). Israel Is Genociding Gaza. It's Far Worse Than Anything I Saw During Two Brutal Israeli Wars on Gaza.

Kit Klarenberg, MintPress News. (2023-11-18). How Israel Helped Craft Modern-Day "Terrorism" Since Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza began, Zionist officials, pundits, journalists, and their Western opposite numbers have endlessly invoked the sinister specter of "terrorism" to justify the industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians. It is because of "terrorism," twice-failed U.S. Presidential candidate and unconvicted war criminal Hillary Clinton representatively wrote for The Atlantic on November 14 that "Hamas must be permanently erased." Destroyed hospitals and schools and civilians killed en masse are reasonable "collateral damage." Such is the unparalleled evil of "terrorists."

Editor (2023-11-18). What Really Happened in Israel on Oct. 7? w/ Max Blumenthal.

Natalia Marques (2023-11-18). No more business as usual: the world shuts it down for Palestine. On November 17, people across the globe heeded the call for a

Ana Hurtado, Resumen English. (2023-11-18). Tribunal Against The Blockade Of Cuba In Brussels. Today and tomorrow, an international tribunal is being held in the Belgian capital to denounce the damages suffered by the Cuban people as a result of the U.S. blockade that the island has been experiencing for more than six decades. | This tribunal was convened last July 18 at the parallel summit of the peoples that took place in Brussels and from the very first moment it was a call to debate in the European Parliament, in a political and legal way, the effect of the blockade and the denunciation of its extraterritoriality. The violation of the sovereignty not only of the Cuban people, but also of the European p…

Ana Perdigón, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-18). China Brands Biden 'Irresponsible' For Calling President Xi Jinping 'Dictator'. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning called US President Joe Biden "irresponsible" after he referred to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping as a "dictator." | During a press briefing, Mao specified that Biden's statement is "absolutely wrong" and an "irresponsible political manipulation." | "This statement is absolutely wrong and constitutes an irresponsible political manipulation. China firmly opposes it," the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman emphasized. | The official's statement came after Biden reiterated that he has not changed his opinion that Xi Jinping is a dictator. Biden made this statement…

Palestine Bureau, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-18). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 42: Communications Blackout Obscures Full Picture Of Israel's Devastation. War rages on in Gaza, and the situation at Al-Shifa' hospital in Gaza City continues to be at the center of attention. Palestinian news agency WAFA says thousands of medical staff, patients, and civilians who had taken refuge in the biggest medical complex in the besieged Gaza Strip have been taken "hostage" by Israeli forces, which have seized Al-Shifa' since Wednesday over claims that the hospital lies above an underground Hamas command center. | Israeli forces have encircled the hospital with tanks, bulldozers, and snipers for more than a week and have stormed the premises at least three times in as many days,…

Adrian Kreutz, The Cradle. (2023-11-18). To Palestine: Lessons From Overthrowing The French In Algeria. Sixty-six years ago, in the midst of a raging war, the renowned French-Algerian writer Albert Camus delivered his most perilous political speech. On the surface, his speech called for a civil truce in Algeria, but beneath the surface, it subtly rejected Arab nationalist aspirations. | In its essence, Camus expressed a humanist commitment to shared possibilities in a land shared by colonizers and the colonized. Amidst calls for armed resistance, Camus, a member of the Pieds-Noirs, the French-Algerian community, positioned himself as an outsider to the colonizer/colonized dichotomy. He aimed to be a mediator, above…

ANDREW MWENDA (2023-11-18). NAM and G77 summits. Uganda's lost opportunities at next year's big international conferences and what can be done to salvage the situation THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda | January next year, Uganda will host two big international conferences back-to-back: the Nonaligned Movement (NAM) summit and the Group of 77 (G77) summit. This is an important milestone for Uganda diplomatically and …

The Independent (2023-11-18). FMD: Agriculture ministry halts movement of animals a week to Balaalo eviction. Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries-MAAIF has halted the movement of animals from Amuru District, following a reported outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). The information was revealed by the Minister of State for Northern Uganda, Grace Freedom Kwiyocwiny, just one week before the start of …

The Independent (2023-11-18). ICC confirms Vincent Otti dead, withdraws arrest warrant. The Hague, Netherlands | THE INDEPENDENT | Judges at the Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court — ICC in The Hague have withdrawn the arrest warrant against Vincent Otti, the Second-in-Command of the Lord's Resistance Army — LRA rebels, who is now assumed dead. The Chamber found that the only reasonable conclusion is …

Staff (2023-11-18). Washington Eases Sanctions on PDVSA and Conviasa. This Thursday, the United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced the issuance of two new licenses authorizing some transactions with Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) and publically owned airline Conviasa. | According to OFAC,

Editor (2023-11-18). 'This Is Not a War, but a Mass Murder Tragedy,' Says Former US Assistant Secretary of Defense. By Dialogue Works / YouTube Chas Freeman chairs Projects International, Inc. For more than four decades, Projects International has helped its partner enterprises and clients to create business ventures across borders. It facilitates their establishment of new businesses through the design, negotiation, capitalization, and implementation of greenfield investments, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, franchises, one-off …

Staff (2023-11-18). Jammu and Kashmir High Court grants bail to journalist Fahad Shah, overturns UAPA charges. By Muslim Mirror Staff The Jammu and Kashmir High Court on Friday granted bail to 35-year-old Fahad Shah, the editor of the news portal The Kashmir Walla. The court took the decision to quash charges including "abetting terrorism," "waging war against the country," and "promoting enmity" under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). Shah had …

The Exposé (2023-11-18). Orange is the new Black: How a mug shot turned Trump into a Brother. There are 3 types of journalists in the mainstream media. There is the loud-mouthed, knee-jerking, hot-button-pushing tabloid journalist, who surfs every wave of public opinion breaking onto the beach of fake news, …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-18). A List of Israeli Lies, Propaganda and Genocidal Intent. By Hebh Jamal — Nov 15, 2023 | There's so much maybe you need a recap. | We know Israel lies. Did you know how much? Here's a list of just some of the debunked propaganda released by the genocidal state followed by evidence that there IS intent to commit genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. | The Propaganda: | 1- Israel's military and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office claimed that Hamas fighters beheaded up to 40 children during their October 7 attack on the town of Kfar Aza. The incendiary allegations spread quickly and were widely repeated in the media and by President Joe Biden, who falsely cla…

WSWS (2023-11-18). US Department of Education announces probe into alleged antisemitism on college campuses. The Biden administration's investigations follow the month-long campaign to smear the growing opposition to the war crimes of the US and Israel as "antisemitic."

WSWS (2023-11-18). Over 1,000 Jewish protesters and their supporters hold ceasefire protest in Hollywood, California. Amid a heavy police presence, rally participants wore black shirts that read, "Not in our name" in the front and "Jews say ceasefire now" on the back.

WSWS (2023-11-18). Illinois John Deere worker dies following workplace accident. Anthony S. "Tony" LeCleir, 55 of Davenport, Iowa, tragically died on November 7 as a result of injuries sustained in a workplace accident on October 20.

WSWS (2023-11-18). Canada's Trudeau government reaffirms support for Israel's Gaza genocide, as crackdown on protests intensifies. Those expressing public solidarity with the beleaguered Palestinians have been targeted, sometimes successfully, for disciplinary action, up to and including termination from their jobs.

WSWS (2023-11-18). The forced evacuation of southern Gaza: The next stage in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. With the full support of the imperialist powers, Israel is depopulating Gaza through the combination of mass expulsion, massacres and starvation.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-18). President Díaz-Canel attends cantata for a free Palestine. At the foot of the monument to the Cuban national hero at "Plaza de la Revolución" (Revolution Square), renowned Cuban artists sang "For a Free Palestine" and peace and justice for the people of Gaza. | The Cuban president, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, and Palestinian Ambassador to Cuba Akram Samhan presided over the cultural gala. | Also present in the cantata were some 144 young Palestinians who are studying medicine in Cuba, who had met previously with Díaz-Canel at the Palace of the Revolution. | Cuba has repeatedly expressed its unconditional support for Palestine's right to be a free and sovereign State,… (2023-11-18). Innovative bridge in east China to set world record. Construction of the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Highway-Rail Bridge, the world's first double-deck cable-stayed suspension bridge, is expected to gain further momentum this year with advanced technological solutions. (2023-11-18). Insights | Jim Rogers: U.S. China Policy should strengthen interactions to promote common prosperity. Jim Rogers, the famous international investor and financial titan, recently joined China News Network in an exclusive interview to share his insights on the U.S.-China Summit Meeting and U.S.-China relations.

Ahmad Neyazi, Barakatullah Mohammadi, Mark D Griffiths (2023-11-18). Correspondence] The impact of the 2023 earthquakes on the Afghan health-care system. On Oct 7, 2023, Afghanistan experienced an earthquake of 6 ∑3 magnitude, subsequently followed by numerous aftershocks.1 This earthquake was the most powerful seismic activity to affect the northwestern region of Afghanistan since 1978, as reported by the United States Geological Survey. According to the Ministry of Public Health in Afghanistan, as of Oct 8, 2023, the earthquake had claimed the lives of more than 2000 individuals and caused injury to many more.1…

Anita Makri (2023-11-18). World Report] Ending lead poisoning by tainted spices. Success in Bangladesh and Georgia shows that a focus on spices is an easy win for plans to end childhood lead poisoning by 2040, experts say. Anita Makri reports.

Emma Guttman-Yassky, Eric L Simpson, Kristian Reich, Kenji Kabashima, Ken Igawa, Tetsuya Suzuki, Hirotaka Mano, Takeshi Matsui, Ehsanollah Esfandiari, Masutaka Furue (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Efficacy of rocatinlimab for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis — Authors' reply. We thank Shivali Devjani and colleagues for their Correspondence in response to our Article1 on the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous rocatinlimab for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. In their Correspondence, the authors point out unequal racial representation in the study in relation to the racial distribution of atopic dermatitis in real-world settings. We agree that the higher number of Asian patients compared with Black patients studied in this phase 2b study could limit generalisability of the findings.

Hayase Hakariya, Kenzo Takahashi, Tetsuya Tanimoto, Hiroaki Saito, Akihiko Ozaki (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Nationalism in Japanese media coverage of domestic pharmaceutical products. In November, 2022, ensitrelvir, developed by one of the largest Japanese pharmaceutical companies (Shionogi, Osaka), was granted the first emergency-approval authorisation for patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19, following the implementation of the emergency-approval system in May, 2022, by the Japanese Government.1 The new system allows regulatory approval for up to 2 years based on a presumption of efficacy and safety with immature clinical trial data conducted in a short timeframe in case of emergencies, such as a pandemic.

Iqra Nawaz, Muhammad Romail Manan (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Economic instability and minority health in Pakistan. The twin crises of economic instability and political upheaval in Pakistan have put the health-care system of the country in jeopardy. Immediately after a poor recovery from COVID-19, a flood-hit and dengue-affected Pakistan witnessed financial insecurity and political turmoil, which negatively influenced the availability of, access to, and affordability of basic health-care needs in multiple ways. Previously importing 95% of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the devaluation of the rupee has resulted in a 21 ∑5% decrease in drug production since January, 2023, as reported by the Pakistan Pharmaceutical Manuf…

Mathieu Levaillant, Béatrice Tran, Nicolas Lerolle, Isabelle Richard, LoàØc Vaillant (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Service learning for health students: do it the French way. Service learning is a pedagogical approach, in which the format of the course contributes as much to the training of students as the content itself.1 There has been a substantial increase in interest in service learning in various fields, including for medical students and public health courses.2…

Philip Ball (2023-11-18). Perspectives] Phage stories. It is hardly surprising that viruses do not have a good press. The very name is derived from the Latin word for a poisonous and perhaps slimy substance. In a medical context, the word originally connoted a putrid excrescence caused by an infectious disease that could transmit the disease to others. The image of viruses as agents apt to spread and cause suffering has been secured in recent times by lethal influenza strains, HIV, and now of course SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that stopped the world.

Shivali Devjani, Priya V Engel, Sogol S Javadi, Brandon Smith, Jashin J Wu (2023-11-18). Correspondence] Efficacy of rocatinlimab for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. In their multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2b study, Emma Guttman-Yassky and colleagues showed the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous rocatinlimab versus subcutaneous placebo for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis.1 Although the findings of this study are novel and encouraging, there are a few limitations that require elucidation.

Talha Burki (2023-11-18). World Report] Drug consumption rooms: 20 years of Insite. The first official drug consumption site in North America opened 20 years ago. Talha Burki reports on its impact and legacy.

Tony Kirby (2023-11-18). World Report] Brazil facing ageing population challenges. The number of over-65s in Brazil increases by 57% in just 12 years, but the country is not adequately prepared. Tony Kirby reports.

Manlio Dinucci (2023-11-18). Le Due Guerre dell'occidente | Grandangolo — Pangea. Siamo coinvolti in due guerre, in Europa e Medioriente, che hanno conseguenze sempre più gravi sulle nostre condizioni di vita e sulla nostra sicurezza. | Sul fronte europeo è stato compiuto, nel settembre 2022, quello che il Wall Street Journal definisce …

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-18). Cuba shows progress in the fight against lung cancer. Cuba has already registered the first therapeutic vaccine against advanced lung cancer in the world, named CIMAVAX-EGF, with which more than 1,000 patients have been treated in the country. | Experts from the Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) assure that the vaccine allows turning advanced cancer into a controllable chronic disease. | CIMAVAX-EGF, which is the result of more than fifteen years of research, targets the tumor-related system and does not cause severe adverse effects. | It is based on a protein that is skin growth factor and related to cell proliferation processes. | It is administered at the ti…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-18). Honduras reports decrease in homicides. According to Security Minister Gustavo Sánchez, 2023 will end with a six-percent reduction. He noted that a ten-point reduction will be reported in two consecutive years. | A television report stated that authorities are working on three leading fronts to fight violence: the community, common crime, and the fight and control of organized crime. | The document pointed out that the highest number of homicides was reported in the departments of Cortés with 629, Francisco Morazán (529), Olancho (355), Yoro (314), Colón (244), and Comayagua (236), regions that recorded 63 percent of violent deaths. | Honduras declare…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-18). Polls favors rejection of draft Constution in Chile. The survey, conducted by the Black and White firm, shows that 56 percent of those polled rejected the document, while 44 out of 100 approved it. | It also showed that among young people aged 18 to 34 years, opposition was higher, reaching 63 percent. | The draft Constitution has been described by regressive by many social sectors of society. It contains controversial chapters, such as voluntary abortion in cases of rape, danger to the mother's life, or non-viability of the fetus.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-11-18). The 4th Conference on the Nation and Emigration opens in Cuba. Havana, Nov 18 (Prensa Latina) The 4th Conference on the Nation and Emigration opened at Havana's International Conference Center on Saturday, with the presence of more than 400 Cuban residents abroad.

BIODB (2023-11-18). The Marvelous World of Anteaters, Nature's Coolest Bug Busters. by: Assaf Levy, Did you know there's a real-life superhero in the animal kingdom? Meet the anteater — not your average backyard creature! These fuzzy, long-snouted wonders are the ultimate bug busters, armed with a secret weapon that's the envy of the insect world. Imagine a creature that loves to snack on ants and termites, and you've got yourself the anteater, nature's very own pest control expert. But these quirky critters are facing some challenges, and their survival story is as gripping as any superhero saga. So, buckle up as we dive into the extraordinary worl…

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-18). The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire.

Editor (2023-11-18). Ann Boyer's Powerful New York Times Resignation Letter.

Editor (2023-11-18). Time's Up for Netanyahu and Biden.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-18). Cubanos realizan Cantata por Palestina ante genocidio israelí. En forma previa, Díaz-Canel se reunió en el Palacio de la Revolución con 144 jóvenes de Palestina que estudian Medicina en esta nación caribeña.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-18). Manifestantes italianos defienden haberes y derecho a huelga. Bajo el lema "¡Basta ya!", exigen cambios en la política presupuestaria italiana y demandan el fin de recortes salariales, que empobrecen a los trabajadores.

teleSUR, lfb (2023-11-18). Sismo de magnitud 7.2 sacude Filipinas. Ante la posibilidad de un tsunami el Instituto publicó un comunicado donde confirma que no hay amenazas para Filipinas de un evento de este tipo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-18). Venezuela instala 99 % de máquinas para simulacro de referéndum. El CNE informó que se respetará la decisión del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ).

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-18). PMA alerta sobre grave situación alimentaria en Gaza. La titular del PMA, Cindy McCain, señaló que el suministro de alimentos y agua es "prácticamente inexistente en Gaza".

teleSUR, lfb, JDO, YSM (2023-11-18). TSJ de Venezuela ampara realización de referendo sobre Esequibo. Alta corte ratifica el desconocimiento por parte de Venezuela del Laudo Arbitral de París de 1899. Subraya que solo reconocen con valor legal en cuanto a derecho internacional el Acuerdo de Ginebra de 1966.

teleSUR, lfb, YSM (2023-11-18). Aumenta conflicto de las pandillas en Haití. El grupo G-Pep recientemente encabezó los enfrentamientos que dejó aislado al hospital de Fontaine.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-18). Rusia envía 50.000 toneladas de grano gratuito a naciones africanas. El envío se realizó en dos embarcaciones que contenían 25.000 toneladas de cereales.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-18). Fiscalía de Guatemala solicita retirar inmunidad a presidente electo. El Ministerio Público involucró el jueves a Arévalo y a la vicepresidenta electa, Karin Herrera, en una investigación por daños en la ocupación de la universidad estatal en 2022.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-18). Tribunal falla a favor del cese del bloqueo de EE.UU. contra Cuba. Este veredicto no es vinculante, sin embargo constituye una herramienta útil para sensibilizar a la opinión pública mundial en el tema sobre justicia y dignidad de los cubanos y las cubanas.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-18). Presidentes de México y EE.UU. conversan sobre migración y lucha antidrogas. "Llevamos a cabo una buena reunión bilateral con Estados Unidos, encabezada por el presidente Biden. Nuestra relación es excelente", señaló López Obrador.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-18). Elevan a 49 los muertos por huracán Otis en México. Unos 6.500 agentes del Ejército y más de 8.400 marinos colaboran con el suministro de ayuda a los damnificados.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-18). Cumbre APEC concluye con adopción de la Declaración Golden Gate. Los líderes se centraron en los temas de sostenibilidad, clima, transición energética, interconexión y construcción de economías inclusivas y resilientes.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-11-18). Comuneros mapuches rechazan condena emitida por tribunal chileno. Los cuatro comuneros se encuentran en huelga líquida desde el 13 de noviembre como protesta y resaltando la urgencia de revisar el proceso judicial.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-18). OMS alerta sobre situación sanitaria en la Franja de Gaza. La falta de combustible ya ha obligado al cierre de estaciones de bombeo de aguas residuales y plantas desalinizadoras, aumentando el riesgo de contaminación del agua.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-18). Establecen siete provincias dominicanas en alerta roja por ciclón. Las provincias de Pedernales, Barahona, Elías Piña, Independencia, San Juan, Azua y Bahoruco están en alerta roja (máxima).

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-18). Se inauguran los Parapanamericanos de Santiago 2023. El encendido del pebetero entró en escena mediante el relevo de los paradeportistas chilenos Macarena Quero, Francisca Mardonez y Alberto Abarza.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-18). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-18). Bombardeo israelí sobre Khan Younis, sur de la Franja de Gaza, deja 26 palestinos asesinados. Un ataque israelí perpetrado el viernes contra el campo de refugiados de Balata, en Naplusa, Cisjordania , causó cinco fallecidos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-18). Comienza campaña televisiva de cara a plebiscito en Chile. A las 12H45 (hora local) de esta jornada se transmitió oficialmente la franja electoral por la televisión abierta.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-18). JEP de Colombia acepta sometimiento de exjefe paramilitar. Según la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz, los aportes de Salvatore Mancuso "cumplen con los criterios de valoración exigidos por el órgano de cierre".

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-11-18). Eligen a Henry Kronfle presidente de Parlamento de Ecuador. Instalan nueva Asamblea Nacional. Legisladores mantendrán sus cargos por 18 meses. En mayo de 2025 se posesionarán nuevos legisladores, luego de comicios generales de ese año.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-18). Organizaciones brasileñas se movilizan contra genocidio de Israel. La plataforma Articulación de Redes pide el fin del genocidio en Gaza.

Phil Pasquini (2023-11-18). Women Visit U.S. Senators in Seeking a Ceasefire in Gaza. Activists visited the Hart Senate Office Building calling on women senators to support a ceasefire in Gaza.

Angela (2023-11-18). Sunday 11/19: San Diego: March for Palestine. 710 San Fernando Pl | San Diego, CA…

Censored News (2023-11-18). Justice for Raymond Mattia: Tohono O'odham Murdered by US Border Patrol Press Conference. Justice for Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, Murdered by U.S. Border Patrol Agents on the Front Steps of His Home on the Tohono O'odham Nation. The Press Conference will be at the Tucson Federal Courthouse, November 17, 2023, 10 a.m.

Norman Solomon (2023-11-18). The Carnage in Gaza Cries Out for Repudiation and Opposition. Maybe Poetry Can Help.

‚úø_·Éö (2023-11-18). Defend Gaza – Graffiti Bomb the Burbs – Free the Land! Friends got together and graffiti-bombed the so-called 'east bay' cities of 'pleasant hill', 'martinez', 'concord', and 'walnut creek'

Angela (2023-11-18). Monday 11/20: Solidarity Under Siege: Palestine and the Criminalization of Protest. YouTube |…

Angela (2023-11-18). Monday 11/20: AIPAC and the Israel-US Relationship. YouTube |…

Angela (2023-11-18). Tuesday 11/21: Having Hard Conversations During the Holidays.

Angela (2023-11-18). Tuesday 11/21: Having hard conversations during the holidays.

Angela (2023-11-18). Wednesday 11/22: National Phonebank for a Ceasefire Now! Zoom (Registration link is below)… (2023-11-18). Russia says it inflicted heavy losses on Ukrainian forces in Dnipro battle. Russia's defense ministry says Ukrainian forces have been inflicted heavy losses in Dnipro battle. (2023-11-18). Israeli missile strike on West Bank refugee camp kills five Palestinians. An Israeli air strike on a building at a refugee camp near the central occupied West Bank city of Nablus kills at least five Palestinians and wounded several others. (2023-11-18). Palestinians pull children from rubble after strike on Jabalia. Palestinians search the rubble for survivors and pull dead and injured children after a strike on Jabalia refugee camp. (2023-11-18). Impact of war on Israeli economy. By calling up 350,000 reservists for the occupation forces, Israel has taken those people out of the traditional labor market, drastically impacting the economy. (2023-11-18). Syria's air defenses repel Israeli strike on outskirts of Damascus. Syria's air defenses have confronted an Israeli airstrike targeting the outskirts of the capital Damascus. (2023-11-18). Meta suspends accounts of US politician over criticism of Israel. Meta informed Jill Stein on Wednesday that no one could see or find her account, and she cannot use it. (2023-11-18). Protesters in Washington, Michigan call for Gaza ceasefire. Dozens of protesters gathered in Washington DC, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, where thousands have been killed by Israel since early October. (2023-11-18). UN observes minute's silence for 101 staff killed in Gaza. Staff at UN offices in Geneva bowed their heads as a candle was lit in memory of the 101 employees of UNRWA. (2023-11-18). South Koreans protest against enhancing military ties with US, Japan. US Defense Secretary Austin recently met with his South Korean counterpart Shin Won-sik to discuss regional security issues. (2023-11-18). Pro-Palestine activists shut down BAE factory in England. Pro-Palestinian protesters block the entrances to the UK's BAE Systems weapons factory, calling for an end to arms sales to Israel. (2023-11-18). Pro-Palestinian activists clash with police in Philippines. Pro-Palestinian activists in the Philippines clash with police officers. (2023-11-18). Pro-Palestinian protesters rally outside British parliament as MPs vote on Gaza ceasefire. Demonstrators waved Palestinian flags during a protest in London on Wednesday (November 15) as British Members of Parliament held a vote on a ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-18). 'Stop killing innocent kids': Pro-Palestinians rally inside Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. Hundreds of pro-Palestine activists gathered at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to protest the ongoing war in Gaza. (2023-11-18). Fire in Chinese coal firm's office kills 26. Twenty-six people were killed in a fire at a coal company's office building in northern China. (2023-11-18). Hamas rejects Israeli allegation about it running 'command center' under hospital. Hamas disproves Israeli allegation about the resistance movement's running a "command center" underneath the Gaza Strip's largest hospital. (2023-11-18). Protesters hold vigil in Sydney for Israel's war victims in Gaza. Protesters gather in Sydney to hold a vigil to mourn the Palestinians killed in the current Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-18). South Korean protesters display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. South Korean activists display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. (2023-11-18). Palestinians in Gaza face 'immediate possibility of starvation', UN warns. The UN's World Food Program warns that Palestinians in Gaza are facing starvation as food and water have become "practically non-existent." (2023-11-18). Haniyeh: Palestinian resistance fighters will surely emerge victorious. The head of the political bureau of Hamas says resistance fighters will eventually emerge victorious at the end of the Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-18). Gaza genocide: Israeli troops raid al-Shifa Hospital again. Israeli forces have raided al-Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in the Gaza Strip, amid a new communications blackout. (2023-11-18). Iran warns of 'unavoidable' regional conflict if Israel continues Gaza war. The Iranian foreign minister warns against unavoidable spread of Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-18). Hezbollah keeps up anti-Israel attacks in solidarity with Gaza. Lebanon's Hezbollah continued to hit Israeli military positions on Friday as part of its campaign in support of the resistance in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-18). Congresswoman unveils resolution to block US arms sale to Israel. US congresswoman Ilhan Omar unveils resolution to block weapons sale to Israel amid ongoing bombardment of the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-18). Iranian media condemn Israel's carnage in Gaza. Some 700 Iranian media slam Israel's unprecedented massacre of civilians and reporters in Gaza during its brutal attacks on the besieged Strip. (2023-11-18). Israel killed 12,000 Palestinians, including 5,000 children, since October 7. Israel's bombardment and ground offensive in Gaza since October 7 has killed over 12,000 people so far, including 5,000 children, according to officials in Gaza. (2023-11-18). Hamas' military wing: Israeli enemy searching for 'mirage' at Shifa Hospital. Hamas' military wing says Israel is searching in vain at al-Shifa, Gaza's biggest hospital, which the regime claims houses a Hamas' "command center."

2023-11-18 15:31:56 | 15:31 EST | rz | 122 | 0 | 2 | 122 | 0 

2023-11-17: News Headlines

Eve Ottenberg (2023-11-17). U.S.-China Extinction-Level Event Narrowly Averted. We humans came within ten feet of extinction on October 24. That's when World War III almost erupted due to a near collision between American and Chinewarplanesnes over the South China Sea. U.S. corporate media was quick to blame Beijing for the Chinese pilot's "dangerous maneuvers," but such accusations beg the question: What in God's name were American fighter jets doing there, near Chinese airspace, eight thousand miles from U.S. borders in the first place? Their very presence is a provocation, aka military aggression. It could easily ignite war and thence nuclear Armageddon. And that first step, starting a wa…

WSWS (2023-11-17). Amid Israeli war on Gaza, Iran blocks IAEA nuclear inspectors. Workers and youth around the world protesting against Israel's onslaught on Gaza must oppose plans for imperialist attack on Iran, including potentially with nuclear weapons. (2023-11-17). Xi says Japan should properly handle discharge of nuclear-contaminated water in responsible manner. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday urged the Japanese side to properly handle the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima power plant in a responsible and constructive manner.

Dr. Charles Johnston (2023-11-17). Geography and History Render the U.S. the Most Defensible Country in the World—Indeed It Spends Far More Than Any Other Country On Its Military. This Military Paradox Could Very Well Lead to Nuclear Armageddon In 1949 the U.S. War Department changed its name. Branches of the armed forces were then administered under a new name: the Department of Defense. This newly defined mandate of defending the United States should have been a relatively easy and inexpensive task. Geography and history render the …

Dr. Charles Johnston (2023-11-17). Geography and History Render the U.S. the Most Defensible Country in the World—Indeed It Spends Far More Than Any Other Country On Its Military. This Military Paradox Could Very Well Lead to Nuclear Armaggedon In 1949 the U.S. War Department changed its name. Branches of the armed forces were then administered under a new name: the Department of Defense. This newly defined mandate of defending the United States should have been a relatively easy and inexpensive task. Geography and history render the …

Bernard D'Mello (2023-11-17). Jaduguda Uranium mining cluster. Adivasis (literally, "original inhabitants", equivalent to "indigenous peoples") have been and are being sacrificed in the union government's uranium mining and processing projects in what is now the State of Jharkhand, earlier the State of Bihar, where the public enterprise, Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL) began underground uranium mining and processing plant, twenty-four km west of Jaduguda.

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2023-11-17). Hellas in the Mediterranean World. Shepherd's stone house and enclosure for sheep / goats, about 4,000 years old. Mt. Ainos, Cephalonia, Greece. Photo: Evaggelos Vallianatos Mainland Greece was never sufficient for all its inhabitants. About 80 percent of the land is dominated by mountains. Even the gods chose Mt. Olympos in Thessaly for their home. Thessaly is unusual because it

WSWS (2023-11-17). "Stop the massacre in Gaza!"—Socialist Equality Party holds anti-war meetings in Berlin and Stuttgart. The meetings in Stuttgart and Berlin took place in the midst of worldwide mass protests and demonstrations against the murderous policies of the Netanyahu government and the active political and military support it receives from the leading NATO powers.

EcoWaste Coalition (2023-11-17). Warning Out on Newly-Discovered Aerosol Paints with Extremely High Lead Content. Two more aerosol paints sold online were found to contain extremely high concentrations of lead, a cumulative toxicant that is forbidden in the production of paints. | The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition revealed that the lead content of the two variants of Sanvo Spray Paints it ordered from online dealers based in Caloocan City exceeded the maximum 90 parts per million (ppm) limit for lead in paints and similar surface coatings. Based on the XRF screening conducted by the EcoWaste Coalition, these spray paints contain extremely high concentrations of lead. | The orange variant contained 25, 370 parts pe…

The Independent (2023-11-17). Uganda Cranes start Paul Put era with Guinea test. Rabat, Morocco | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda Cranes are set to take on West African giants Guinea in their inaugural 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifying fixture today at Stade De Municipal in Berkane, Morocco. Joseph Paul Put, the new Uganda Cranes head coach faces the daunting task of fielding a team against Guinea with …

infobrics (2023-11-17). 'Ukraine violated the Ottawa Treaty': UN has new evidence that Kiev regime uses banned mines. 11 children in Donetsk treaded on Ukrainian mines from February 2022 to September 2023.

infobrics (2023-11-17). Neo-Nazi junta draft commissions now after pregnant women. Those who are loyal to the Kiev regime are exempt from conscription, as well as those who can afford to pay hefty bribes to military medical commissions (MMCs). Thus, sons of numerous corrupt oligarchs get the chance to live their lavish lifestyles abroad (all at the expense of the Ukrainian people), while pregnant women are sent to war. What's more, recently released combat footage shows some have already been captured by the Russian military.

Ann Garrison, Black Agenda Report. (2023-11-17). US Blows Off The Whole World To Punish Cuba. On November 2, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for a resolution calling on the US to lift the trade embargo against Cuba that President John Kennedy imposed in 1962. The US and Israel were the only two nations to vote no, with Ukraine abstaining. Total dependence creates total compliance. | The US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control records complex specifics of sanctions on Cuba. There are so many that they amount to a virtual blockade. | "You talk about sanctions," says Cuban journalist Liz Oliva Fernández, "you think 'OK, maybe the United States has one, two, or three sanctions on Cuba,' bu…

Brian Berletic (2023-11-17). BRIAN BERLETIC — Is the US Losing Control in the Middle East? Our guest today is Brian Berletic, a top-tier military and geopolitical analyst renowned for his comprehensive coverage of the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East conflicts. In our discussion, we delve into topics such as Yemeni missiles and drones, Hezbollah's anti-ship missile capabilities, the ongoing resistance in Iraq and Syria, and the recent US decision to maintain weapon supplies to Taiwan.

Stephen Karganovic (2023-11-17). The Limits of Fragmentation. The West Should Beware of Excessive Expectations. Russia and the War in Ukraine.

infobrics (2023-11-17). China, Russia Agree to Build Pipeline Section in Far East. Russian energy firm Gazprom signed an agreement with China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) and PipeChina on the design and construction of a pipeline section in the Far East, which will be used to deliver Russian gas to China…

infobrics (2023-11-17). BRICS: A Bloc Without a Vision or a Force for Change. The term BRIC was coined by British economist Jim O'Neill in 2001 to describe four emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, and China. He did not envision them as a political bloc that would challenge the West's dominance. He was only interested in their investment potential…

Vijay Prashad, People's Dispatch. (2023-11-17). Provocations By US State Department Chill Press Freedom In Latin America. The headline is provocative: "The Kremlin's Efforts to Covertly Spread Disinformation in Latin America." This was a statement on the US State Department website, posted on November 7, 2023. The United States government accused two companies—Social Design Agency and Structura National Technologies—of being the main agents of what it alleged is Russian-backed disinformation. The statement named the heads of both of the firms, Ilya Gambashidze of Social Design Agency and Nikolay Tupkin of Structura. On July 28, 2023, the European Union sanctioned several Russian individuals and firms, including SDA and S…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Bulgaria to process Russian crude oil in 2024. Sofia, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Bulgaria will continue to import and process Russian crude oil until the end of 2024, according to a decision adopted by the National Assembly of this Balkan country on Thursday.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-17). Russia and DPRK agree on joint geological exploration. Moscow, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Russia and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) agreed to carry out a joint geological exploration of mineral deposits and exploration of hydrocarbon in the sea, the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources reported.

Connor Freeman (2023-11-17). US To Sanction Shippers of Russian Oil Over Price Cap Violations. On Thursday, the US Treasury Department imposed a set of new sanctions on ships and companies accused of using American service providers to ship Russian crude oil above the $60 price cap. The cap, imposed by the US and the Group of Seven (G7) nations in late 2022, was meant to deprive the Kremlin of funds …

infobrics (2023-11-17). The Dollar's Dominance Is Shakier Than Ever. BRICS has growing currency leverage despite internal divisions…

infobrics (2023-11-17). US quietly boosting military aid to Israel. According to a recent report by Bloomberg, the US is secretly sending additional military supplies to the Zionist state.

Answer Coalition (2023-11-17). Shut It Down for Palestine continues with an even more massive day of action! , November 17, 2023 – Today, hundreds of thousands of people from across the world will participate in the global day of action as part of the "Shut it Down for Palestine!" movement. The day of action takes place six weeks since Israel began its genocidal attacks on the Gaza strip which have killed over 11,500 Palestinians and injured over 30,000. | Israel launched a brutal attack this week on Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest in Gaza, after a White House spokesperson publicly backed Israel's claim that the hospital was functioning as a "Hamas base". This lie has put at risk the lives of the thousands of refugees s…

Editor (2023-11-17). NYT Runs Interference for IDF as It Bombs Jabalia Refugee Camp.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-17). UNRWA claims deliberate attempts are being made to strangle its activities in Gaza. More than 103 workers of the UN refugee agency have been killed and over 60 of its camps sheltering displaced Palestinians have been bombed by Israel since October 7…

Mona El-Farra (2023-11-17). From Gaza with Rage. The repeating Israeli airstrikes on the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza are beyond my own comprehension. For at least 10 of the last 40 days, missiles have rained down on the most densely populated refugee camp in all of Gaza. And it is not just the days; it is also the nights. The bombing is …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-17). Israel Continues Terrorizing Al-Shifa Hospital, Dozens of Refugees Taken to 'Unknown Areas'. A day and a half after violently taking control of Gaza's largest medical complex, the Israeli army has provided little to no evidence of the 'Hamas command center' allegedly located under Al-Shifa Hospital | Israeli tanks and jets continued to bombard Al-Shifa Hospital on 16 November, with bulldozers destroying large sections of the medical complex as the invading forces continued their search for an alleged "Hamas command center." | Sources inside the complex revealed on Thursday that about 200 Palestinians were taken from the complex to "unknown areas" by Israeli forces after being blindfolded and interrogated…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-17). Israel threatens to attack other areas of Gaza. Ramallah, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Israeli troops in Gaza threaten to expand their operations to other regions of the Palestinian enclave, where thousands of refugees from the northern area are located.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-17). Mexico rejects anti-immigration measures approved by Texas, US. Mexico City,Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Mexico today rejected anti-immigration measures in Texas, whose Congress gave the green light to laws that allocate 1.5 billion dollars for a border wall and make it a crime to enter the state illegally.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Solidarity with Detroit Casino Workers on Strike for First Time in History.

The Independent (2023-11-17). CFAO Motors, SINOTRUK ink partnership deal. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | SINOTRUK, a heavy-duty truck manufacturer in China, and CFAO Motors, the provider of mobility solutions in Uganda, have partnered for distribution. This collaboration represents a significant advancement in CFAO Motors' goal of offering premium transportation options to the Ugandan market. This alliance was formally announced at a breakfast event …

Mel Buer, The Real News. (2023-11-17). Film And TV Production Assistants Are Unionizing. We won't grasp all the repercussions of 2023's 'Hot Labor Summer' for years to come, but one place where the effects are already being noted is Hollywood. Building on the momentum of the newly-chartered IATSE Local 111, which represents thousands of commercial production workers across the country, production assistants in the Film and TV sector are coming together to fight back against exploitative working conditions in the industry. The Real News speaks with organizers from Production Assistants United to understand the conditions faced by production workers in Film and TV, and how the unionization of these PAs…

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). After a Long Defeat, Labor Is Rising from the Ashes.

WSWS (2023-11-17). Australian artists denounce Labor's support for Israeli assault on Gaza. "We do not create our art merely for entertainment or for profit. We create because it is a human imperative in the same way that speaking out against war crimes is a moral imperative."

WSWS (2023-11-17). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. India: Andhra Pradesh contract tourist workers strike for permanent jobs; Sri Lankan public health inspectors boycott dengue control activities; Australia: Maritime workers continue industrial action at DP World.

Matthew Stevenson (2023-11-17). Return to Bosnia-Herzegovina: Martin Bell's War. This is the eighth part in a series about Bosnia-Herzegovina thirty years after its civil wars. Most days in Sarajevo I had lunches with library friends, but in the evenings I was free to wander. I cannot say that in February Sarajevo is a joy on foot—think of freezing rain and slushy sidewalks—so often I bailed

publicbooks (2023-11-17). "We All Relate to Each Other's Dystopias": Shehan Karunatilaka and Sangeeta Ray. "Seven Moons" makes space for the cacophony of ghostly voices of those killed and disappeared in Sri Lanka's long civil war.

Visualizing Palestine (2023-11-17). Gaza Water 2023. Before the genocide, Palestinians in Gaza struggled to access clean water, with 97% of Gaza's freshwater resources contaminated due to the Israeli blockade and repeated bombardments. Many families in poverty were forced to spend a third or more of their income to purchase water from unregulated sources, with the hopes that it is safe. Now, …

guest author (2023-11-17). War against the fleas. Perhaps Israel's most respected statesman, former diplomat Abba Eban, once said, "Nobody does Israel any service by proclaiming its right to exist." That was then, in 1981. Now is a new age, a new era. A time of Israel's swing to the far right wing. It is once again a . . . |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-17). Canada: Gusanos Cheer on Israel's Genocide and Police Repression at Home. Jack Dempster Millions of Canadian workers, young people, Arabs, and oppressed peoples have taken to the streets in opposition to this barbaric slaughter. There is a political synergy and harmony between various right-wing elements of diasporas within the Canadian state. The Israeli Zionists, Ukrainian Banderites, Iranian Pahlavists and anti-communist Cubans, Chinese and Vietnamese have common…

WSWS (2023-11-17). "I guarantee you that they stuff the ballot box!": Michigan autoworkers speak out against UAW contract "ratification" More workers are speaking out against the process used by the United Auto Workers to obtain ratification of sellout agreements at General Motors, Stellantis, and Ford.

WSWS (2023-11-17). California State University skilled trades workers hold one day strike. CSU workers are divided into numerous separate unions, their contracts negotiated separately, and the "no strike" clauses enforced by the trade union officials designed to ensure a united fight that could shut down the CSU system, but it is precisely this which is needed through the building of independent rank-and-file committees.

WSWS (2023-11-17). Spain's Sánchez re-elected prime minister amid mass strikes, protests over Gaza. Sánchez faces rising opposition from both left and right—from workers and youth protesting the Gaza genocide and Sánchez's anti-worker policies, and from fascistic, anti-Catalan groups calling for a coup.

WSWS (2023-11-17). 20-hour warning strike shows train drivers' determination. The strike by train drivers in the GDL union has once again shown the power that rail workers and the working class as a whole can wield. It makes clear what a united struggle by all railway workers could achieve.

WSWS (2023-11-17). Canada's unions trumpet federal anti-scab legislation to bolster "progressive" Liberal government as it backs Israel's Gaza genocide. Under conditions of a dramatic upsurge of workers' struggles in Canada and internationally—struggles that have increasingly taken the form of rank-and-file rebellions against the union bureaucracy—the Trudeau government, and its union and NDP allies are acutely aware that they must create new mechanisms to suppress the class struggle.

a guest author (2023-11-17). Washington has its own BRI — the Bomb and Ruin Initiative. By Carlos Martinez This article was published in Global Times, Nov. 8, 2023. The author is a British author and independent political commentator. The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has attracted a great deal of attention recently, particularly with the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation . . . |

a guest author (2023-11-17). Washington has its own BRI —— the Bomb and Ruin Initiative. By Carlos Martinez This article was published in Global Times, Nov. 8, 2023. The author is a British author and independent political commentator. The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has attracted a great deal of attention recently, particularly with the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation . . . |

a guest author (2023-11-17). Global media's unethical coverage facilitates genocide in Gaza. The following statement was released by the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate to the global media on Nov. 9. This article appeared in on Nov. 10, 2023. Protesters displaying the names and photographs of journalists killed in Gaza since Oct. 7 gather near Place de la République in Paris, Nov. 11, . . . |

A Guest Author (2023-11-17). Why people march for Palestine? — a commentary. By Benny Shaft This commentary was written days prior to the historic "Free Palestine" rally and march in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 4, that brought out 300,000 people. Nov. 1 — The word has been sent. The buses are ready. The words I write sum up the revolutionary action that . . . |

A Guest Author (2023-11-17). Why people march for Palestine? By Benny Schaft This commentary was written days prior to the historic "Free Palestine" rally and march in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 4, that brought out 300,000 people. Nov. 1 — The word has been sent. The buses are ready. The words I write sum up the revolutionary action that . . . |

Kevin Gosztola (2023-11-17). Australian Whistleblower Who Exposed War Crimes In Afghanistan Forced To Plead Guilty. The following is an exclusive article from The Dissenter Newsletter. Thank you for supporting independent journalism on whistleblowers, press freedom, and government secrecy.Deprived of a public interest defense by an Australian court, former military lawyer and whistleblower David McBride pleaded guilty to offenses that stemmed from his disclosure of documents related to the war in Afghanistan. | McBride's attorney Mark Davis

Editor (2023-11-17). Probe Shows 126+ Civilians Killed by Israeli Airstrike Targeting 'Just One Guy'.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-17). Israel continues bombing Gaza despite UNSC call for humanitarian pauses. Israel's genocidal war in Gaza continued on the 42nd day on Friday, November 17, with more airstrikes and ground attacks across the besieged territory. Furthermore, Israeli raids and violent attacks also intensified significantly in the occupied West Bank, causing deaths and injuring dozens with 35 people being arrested. | The death toll in Gaza, according to the latest Palestinian ministry of health statistics, rose to over 11,500, including more than 4,700 children, 3,160 women and 668 elderly people. 29,000 Palestinians have been injured while more than 3,200 Palestinians are reported missing. The death toll i…

Codepink (2023-11-17). CODEPINK Launches International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation into Israel's Alleged War Crimes in Gaza. Since the commencement of Israel's military offensive after October 7, 2023, Gaza has been subjected to a series of war crimes and crimes against humanity. According to Article 5 of the Rome Statute, the ICC holds jurisdiction in cases where states are "unable" or "unwilling" to prosecute these offenses themselves. | The CODEPINK-led campaign cites a myriad of offenses, including continuous Israeli airstrikes on densely populated civilian areas, the bombing of hospitals, schools, and United Nations buildings, the imposition of a suffocating siege, forced displacement of the population, use of toxic gas, and the d…

WSWS (2023-11-17). Join Melbourne school strikes against Gaza genocide! Oppose threats and intimidation from politicians. The IYSSE calls on the mobilisation of the broadest layers of students to these walkouts. Young people in other cities and regional centres across the country should also develop actions against the genocide in Gaza.

Mnar Adley, Alan MacLeod, MintPress News. (2023-11-17). The Nakba 2.0: Issa Amro's Insider Account Of Israeli Torture In Hebron. Coming back to his house on October 7, world-renowned activist Issa Amro was dragged away by 15 armed Israelis, blindfolded, gagged, and cuffed so tightly he now needs an operation on his hands. The settlers and soldiers kept him imprisoned for days, beating and torturing him, constantly simulating his execution. | Speaking with MintPress News, Amro told the story of what life is like for Palestinians living in the West Bank city of Hebron. "In my city where I live now, since October 7, there is a curfew," he told Mnar Adley and Alan MacLeod. | But this curfew is far more restrictive than others. Palestinian fami…

Ali Abunimah (2023-11-17). Israel admits burning hundreds of people on 7 October. Spokesman Mark Regev's statement adds to mounting evidence that on 7 October Israeli forces went on an indiscriminate shooting rampage.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-17). Solidarity activists to stage mass shutdowns for Palestine. On November 17, Palestinian and anti-imperialist organizations including the Palestinian Youth Movement, the People's Forum, the ANSWER Coalition, and National Students for Justice in Palestine have called on the Palestine solidarity movement to stage shut downs of "business as usual" in solidarity with Palestine. Across the globe, students will be walking out or occupying their universities, businesses will shutter, and activists will directly target the centers of power which enable Israeli genocide in Gaza. | Actions will be taking place around the world including in Zambia, Puerto Rico, Canada, South Africa,…

Ben Norton (2023-11-17). Why Does the US Support Israel? A Geopolitical Analysis With Economist Michael Hudson. A geopolitical analysis of why the United States so strongly supports Israel: Economist Michael Hudson discusses with journalist Ben Norton. | It is crucial to stress that Israel is an extension of U.S. geopolitical power in one of the most critically important regions of the world. | In fact, it was current If we look at the Middle East, I think it's about time we stop, those of us who support…

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-11-17). It's Impossible To Bomb A Population Into Submission And Obedience. Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | One of the many, many things that sucks about all this is knowing that when there is a violent retaliation for Israel's actions in Gaza which kills Israeli civilians, Israel will look up with Bambi-eyed innocence and say "What did we ever do to them? We just want to live in peace!" | And the entire western press will amplify the same message. They'll once again frame it as an "unprovoked" attack and say there's "no justification" for what was done, frame every conversation as though history began on the day of that attack, and demand that everyone…

Chris Hedges (2023-11-17). Did Israel's military kill its own civilians on Oct. 7? For all the sensationalism surrounding the events of Oct. 7, when Hamas broke through the Gaza fence and seized territory in the Gaza Envelope as part of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, there is still much that we do not know. The official Israeli death toll from the attack is estimated at 1,200 civilians, revised from an initial estimate of 1,400. Among this figure are several hundred civilians, which Israel says were killed by Hamas militants. Other testimony from survivors of Oct. 7 suggests an alternative explanation—that in its fervor to defeat Hamas, Israeli commanders may have willingly targeted and s…

Patrick Lawrence, Consortium News. (2023-11-17). The Banality Of Propaganda. Propaganda is about forceful impact, subtlety the last thing on the propagandist's mind. The banal will always do. The Japanese during the Pacific war were "Japs" or "Nips," and in the plentitude of American propaganda images they had buck teeth and pencil mustaches and wore round glasses over their evil Asiatic eyes. | After watching the Herzog video I went in search of footage from London the previous day. There have been many demonstrations against Israel's savage military campaign in Gaza since hostilities erupted Oct. 7, and may there be many more, but London last Saturday looks like the biggest to date.

Dave Lindorff (2023-11-17). The IDF is Coming Up Almost Empty in Search for Underground Hamas 'Pentagon'. The US is backpedaling its support for Israel's brutal invasion of Gaza; destruction of the entire northern half (or third) of the walled-off and blockaded territory that is home and prison for 2.3 million trapped Palestinians is occurring now that the IDF has achieved its objective of gaining control of the Al Shifa Hospital in

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-11-17). Israel using its national anthem as "noise torture" against detainees. Soldiers record videos documenting their abuses against Palestinians.

Muhannad Hariri (2023-11-17). Israel wants to reset the clock to 1967. The wholesale ethnic cleansing of the occupied Palestinian territories will not succeed today.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-11-17). Canadian lawyers warn Justin Trudeau they will seek genocide prosecution. "It is a crime to supply arms to a state with knowledge that they will be used for war crimes and genocide," attorneys say.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Did Israel build a bunker under al-Shifa hospital?

Kit Klarenberg (2023-11-17). Team B and the Jerusalem Conference: How Israel Helped Craft Modern-Day "Terrorism" Kit Klarenberg reveals how starting in the 1970s, the Israeli government and CIA shaped how we see terrorism, using the fear of communism to serve their own foreign policy agendas.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-17). Team B and the Jerusalem Conference: How Israel Helped Craft Modern-Day Terrorism. Kit Klarenberg Since Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza began, Zionist officials, pundits, journalists, and their Western opposite numbers have endlessly invoked the sinister specter of "terrorism" to justify the industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians. It is because of "terrorism," twice-failed U.S. Presidential candidate and unconvicted war criminal Hillary Clinton representatively wrote for The Atlantic on November 14 that "Hamas…

Mark Fiore (2023-11-17). An All New, All Friendly, SCOTUS 'Code of Conduct'! The new ethics code is filled with language about what a good justice "should" do—not what a justice must do.

Editor (2023-11-17). Why Does the US Support Israel? A Geopolitical Analysis With Economist Michael Hudson.

Abdul Rahman (2023-11-17). In Jordan, mass protests for Palestine express "a general popular sentiment" Thousands of Jordanians have mobilized in protest against the Israeli genocide in Gaza and forced their rulers to stand against bullying from the US and Israel…

Natalia Marques (2023-11-17). Right-wing media claims Palestine solidarity activists in the US are influenced by foreign agents. FOX News and other outlets, following massive pro-Palestine demonstrations across the US, claim demonstrators are driven by foreign funds not "organic rage"

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-17). Irish Left slams government for abetting Israeli war crimes. Legislative proposals by left parties called the Irish government to hold Israel responsible for its genocidal war were voted down by the governing coalition in the Irish Parliament…

Zoe Alexandra (2023-11-17). International tribunal finds US blockade of Cuba in violation of international law. The International Tribunal Against the Blockade of Cuba took place in the Belgian capital on November 16 and 17 and heard from dozens of witnesses from European and Cuban civil society…

Mustafa Abu Sneineh, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-17). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 40: Israeli Forces Storm Al-Shifa Hospital. Israeli forces and tanks stormed on Wednesday morning Gaza's largest hospital, Al-Shifa, following a late-night threat call to the hospital's medical staff warning them of an imminent incursion inside the sprawling complex at "any minute". | Currently housing thousands of patients, doctors, and civilian families, Al-Shifa has been a primary target of Israel since the beginning of its war on Gaza. In recent days Israel and the US have been ramping up claims of alleged "intelligence" to support Israel's allegation of a Hamas command center that it says lies beneath the hospital. | Following the threatening call on…

Tyler Walicek, Truthout. (2023-11-17). US Foreign Policy Establishment Is Instrumentalizing Islamophobia. An incisive new report released by researchers affiliated with Rutgers University lays out in detail the many ways in which the U.S. political establishment has instrumentalized anti-Muslim bigotry and disingenuously redefined the idea of "antisemitism" in order to defuse criticisms of the Israeli government and justify dehumanizing policies toward Palestinians. | Titled "Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes in the Palestine-Israel Discourse," the 68-page report offers a thorough examination of how the domestic foreign policy establishment and the associated Israel lobby employ Islamophobia as a tool of…

Vijay Prashad, The Electronic Intifada. (2023-11-17). Mistrust Of West Defines Global South Attitudes To Palestine. Every day since 7 October feels like an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people: a million people gather in Istanbul, another million in Jakarta, and then yet another million across the African continent and in Latin America. | It is impossible to keep up with the protests. These in turn are pushing political parties and governments to clarify their stances on the Israeli attack on Palestinians in Gaza. And the mass demonstrations have generated three kinds of outcomes: | A new generation of people have now been drawn by the mass struggles not only into pro-Palestine activity, but into anti-wa…

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Cuba Demanded The Cessation Of Aggression Against Palestine.

Ramzy Baroud (2023-11-17). The Strip is Already Occupied: The Two Gazas that Israel Cannot Break. The ongoing discussions on the Israeli military objectives in Gaza are largely focused on whether Israel is planning a long or a short-term military reoccupation of the Strip. Israelis themselves are fueling this conversation, with 41 percent of Israelis wanting to leave Gaza following the war and another 44 percent wanting the Gaza Strip to

Rep. Ron Paul (2023-11-17). Video: Israel "Encouraged and started Hamas." America has "A Moral Responsibility for Both Sides" Ron Paul.

Vijay Prashad (2023-11-17). The intimate embrace between Liberalism and the Far Right: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2023). One of the curiosities of our time is that the far right is quite comfortable with the established institutions of liberal democracy.

Allen Forrest (2023-11-17). A Modern Day Addiction.

Arian X (2023-11-17). 'Enough with the colonial suppression on our fulfillment of the Hippocratic oath'. "We need healers who are radically committed to healing, to health, to life, and to justice for all, even for Palestine, without these colonial limitations repressing our conscience, our voices, and our work."

Binoy Kampmark (2023-11-17). Sunak's Dad's Army Option. Openly ignored by his incendiary, now ex-Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was left with few options. Retaining her would continue a process of blighting his already precarious prime ministership, suggesting weakness and a distinct lack of authority. Kicking her off the Cabinet front bench would, while reasserting some measure of control, permit her

Bruce Neuburger (2023-11-17). Colonialism, Nazi Antisemitism and How Hate Became Racial.

Christina Jimenez (2023-11-17). I Help Seniors Get Health Care. Shouldn't I be Able to Afford My Own? As a federal customer service representative, I help seniors access the health care they need through Medicare. I often handle hundreds of calls per day to sign people up, answer their questions, help them navigate billing, and more. The hard truth is that despite working for the largest federal call center contractor, Maximus, I don't

Darrell Jackson (2023-11-17). Coming to Terms with a Lifetime of Trauma While in Prison. I am a Black man in prison, and I want to talk about trauma. I want us all to be able to talk about trauma. I'm here because when I was a teenager and young man, I made many bad life choices involving drugs and violence. Living with the consequences of my actions is not

Dr. Mona El-Farra (2023-11-17). From Gaza With Rage.

Editor (2023-11-17). An Egyptian-Led 'Conscience Convoy' to Rafah.

Editor (2023-11-17). Sandy Tolan: Humanity Has Failed Gaza.

Editor (2023-11-17). Patrick Lawrence: The Banality of Propaganda.

Gary Fields (2023-11-17). The Pogrom, Indians, and Genealogies of the Israeli Settler-Vigilante. In most major media accounts of settler terror against Palestinians, Israeli settler-vigilantes invariably escape critical categorization beyond the moniker of "extremist." Portrayals of these perpetrators of violence invariably focus on the theme of fanaticism while presenting these figures as unsavory if misguided fringe elements in Israeli society. Such characterizations are naàØve and incomplete.

Ishmael Reed (2023-11-17). Majority of Black Men Prefer Trump. Suicide By Vote? Only when she read a book review in Ebony magazine did my mother believe I was a writer. Blacks had every right to be suspicious of the white mainstream media. They trusted the Black media. Ebony magazine, Jet, and great newspapers like the Chicago Defender, the Pittsburgh Courier, and the Afro-American. These newspapers have gone

Jeff Wright (2023-11-17). American Christians join the movement for 'ceasefire now!'. "Staying quiet in this moment would be a stain upon our souls and would deepen our complicity," says Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church.

Jerry Long (2023-11-17). Behold All These Collegiate Anti-Semites. When I was a 17-year-old Freshman during the later half of an earlier century the college I attended ran, I swear to you… its own bar! All that was required to drink there was a student ID. For me, it was the tip of an intoxication iceberg whose mass included Phil's Cozy Corner Cafe —

Katya Schwenk (2023-11-17). Airline Unions Aim To Preserve Sky-High Credit Card Fees.

KJ Noh (2023-11-17). The Biden-Xi Meeting: A fable of the Scorpion and the Frog. China is trying to prevent the US from harming itself and others The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's reporting on the APEC meeting between Presdient Xi and President Biden can be neatly neatly summarized as China, playing the role of the adult, trying to summon a petulant US child back to its senses to avoid harming itself and

Malay Firoz (2023-11-17). The unforgivable hypocrisy of the American liberal. The heart of the American liberal aches for fairness in all things yet responds to every invocation of Palestinian freedom with excuses. Luckily, progress has never relied on a liberal's courage to recognize that change is necessary.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-17). 'We Are Now Rolling Out the Gaza Nakba,' Israeli Minister Announces.

Philip Weiss (2023-11-17). Nides can't convince his own children to take Israel's side. Former ambassador Tom Nides quit his banking job last month to work as an Israel lobbyist but he can't even convince his own kids. "They're for the perceived underdog," he told PBS.

Richard Hardigan (2023-11-17). Genocide of Palestinians by Israel, one of World's Most Militarized Countries, No Surprise. In the last few weeks, after the Hamas attack of October 7, Israel has unleashed a horrific wave of violence upon the Palestinians, both in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank, killing over 11,000 people, the large majority civilians. These actions, according to genocide scholar Raz Segal and others, constitute a genocide. Moreover, documents

Stephen F. Eisenman (2023-11-17). When Anti, Anti-Zionism Becomes Anti-Semitism. My friends in academia tell me they are experiencing the most repressive environment of their lives. The campuses of Harvard, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Northwestern (where I taught for almost 25 years), and others have been riven by conflict over the Mideast war. Faculty deemed too sympathetic to Palestine have been tarred by trustees, senior administrators, other faculty, and some students as naive at best and anti-Semitic at worst. A few professors have lost their jobs or been subjected to student petitions demanding their ouster. University presidents have been hounded by pro-Israeli, often Je…

Thomas Knapp (2023-11-17). The Supreme Court's New "Code of Conduct" Is About Appearances, Not About Ethics. On November 13, the US Supreme Court — presumably motivated by bad publicity after the exposure of bribery schemes involving justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch, use of judicial aides to promote Justice Sonia Sotomayor's books, and other unsavory activities — announced what it calls a "Code of Conduct," and what most media

W. T. Whitney (2023-11-17). US Restricts Food Supplies in Dirty War on Cuba. The U.S. economic blockade of Cuba promotes food shortages and puts lives at risk. The U.S. public needs to know about, understand, and reject this blockade, its operation and impact. It's no small task. The blockade proceeds automatically and quietly; human suffering is hidden. Economic embargos are a form of war, writes commentator Nicholas Mulder, who adds that "voters

Yoav Haifawi (2023-11-17). Haifa University students face day in Israeli court over social media posts. Five students at Haifa University were detained this week for social media posts they made regarding October 7. Yoav Haifawi attended their court hearing to see how "state security" would be upheld.

BAN Toxics (2023-11-17). Advocate Mothers Urge Government to Prohibit Banned Toxic Chemicals used in Plastic Toys, Amid New Evidence. "We unknowingly expose our children to plastic toys contaminated with toxic chemicals, which have been prohibited worldwide since 2017. Soft plastic toys like inflatable hopping horses, squeaky toy animals, shrilling chickens, rubber duckies, and dolls containing harmful chemicals called short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) remain unregulated in our local markets, posing a significant risk to our children's health," said Thony Dizon, Campaigner for Safe Toys for Kids of BAN Toxics. | BAN Toxics expresses serious concerns as recent evidence suggests the continued proliferation of plastic toys and consumer pro… (2023-11-17). Canadian man convicted of Pakistani family's murders in Ontario. Nathaniel Veltman ran over and killed four members of the Afzaal family with his car on June 6, 2021…

Larry Johnson (2023-11-17). the Danger of Eschatology and Israel's Al Shifa Propaganda Fail. If you are not a muslim, pretend for a moment that you are. Listen to the following sermon from a ultra conservative Pastor in Tennessee and let me know how this might influence your interaction with Christians. | Extremist Pastor Hoping for Armageddon | Got your attention? This is the extreme version of the eschatological theology embraced by many evangelical Christians. There is no grace, there is no mercy. Only wrath of God stuff. I worry than most secular Americans who have never experienced this kind of religious fervor fail to appreciate that this vision of what should happen in Israel is playing a…

The Independent (2023-11-17). Award-winning sculptor gives modern voice to a tradition. Zimbabwe's renowned stone sculpture tradition dates back to Great Zimbabwe, a mediaeval city known for its iconic stone walls, and from which Zimbabwe derives its name. Dominic Benhura has made a livelihood from his translations of this tradition, since the age of ten. ART | BIRD AGENCY | Armed with a small hammer and chisel, Dominic Benhura …

The Independent (2023-11-17). China Trade Week kicks off in Kenya amid calls for closer commercial ties. Nairobi, Kenya | Xinhua | The eighth edition of China Trade Week kicked off in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi on Wednesday, as government officials renewed calls for deepening economic cooperation to realize mutual benefits. John Ololtuaa, principal secretary in the State Department of Tourism, said the three-day event offers an opportunity for Kenya to …

The Independent (2023-11-17). COURT: Employers can terminate employee contracts without giving reasons. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Court of Appeal has ruled that employers can terminate the contracts of their employees without giving any reason for doing so. The court also ruled that when one's employment contract is terminated without reason, there is no need for a hearing. In a case between Nassanga Saphinah Kasule …

The Independent (2023-11-17). Doing economic nationalism the right way. When governments make nationalist mistakes, it is primarily their own people who pay the price COMMENT | DANI RODRIK | With the United States leading the way, the world seems to be entering a new era of economic nationalism, as many countries prioritise their domestic social, economic, and environmental agendas over free trade and multilateralism. While …

The Independent (2023-11-17). Egypt says ready to receive newborns from Gaza's largest hospital. Cairo, Egypt | Xinhua | Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday instructed the country's medical sector to receive Palestinian newborns from the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip that suspended its operation on Nov. 11 after it ran out of fuel. To implement the directives of the Egyptian president, Khaled Abdel …

The Independent (2023-11-17). Govt promises strategies to revitalize tea growing industry. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Government has developed a Cabinet Paper that will establish a policy to resuscitate the tea growing business in Uganda, the Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja, has said. "We have held four meetings so far to organize this cabinet paper so that government can come up with a rescue plan for …

The Independent (2023-11-17). Human rights abuses impact all Ugandans. UHRC shouldn't be lamenting like the rest of us about human rights violators when it can bring them to order COMMENT | PETER NYANZI | I read Uganda Human Rights Commission Boss Mariam Wangadya's article titled, 'Let's depoliticise human rights' (New Vision, October 26), with mixed feelings. Of course given that the Uganda Human Rights Commission …

The Independent (2023-11-17). PULKOL: School funding should extend beyond numbers. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | David Pulkol, the Executive Director of the Africa Leadership Institute, and a researcher, is advocating for a shift in government funding policies for schools, particularly in regions such as Karamoja that have faced developmental challenges. Currently, the government allocates financial assistance to schools mainly through capitation grants, with the …

The Independent (2023-11-17). RAILA ODINGA: Oil middlemen are Kenyan Govt officials. Nairobi, Kenya | THE INDEPENDENT | Following Uganda's decision to bypass Kenyan oil middlemen and import fuel directly into the country, leading Kenyan politician Raila Odinga has come out with a statement, that has several serious allegations, that is run in full below. ******* STATEMENT BY THE RT. HON. RAILA ODINGA ON THE KENYA OIL …

The Independent (2023-11-17). Zanzibar crowned CECAFA U-15 Champions. Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Zanzibar are the regional 2023 CECAFA U-15 Boys champions. The Zanzibar team defeated Uganda Rhinos 4-3 in the penalty shootouts to be crowned as CECAFA U-15 champions at the Njeru based FUFA technical center on Thursday. The match had ended 1-1 in the allotted 90 minutes, but Zanzibar proved a …

Editor (2023-11-17). Turkish Academics Call for Peace.

CounterSpin (2023-11-17). Scott Burris on US v. Rahimi. US v. Rahimi' data-link='' data-summary='The question is whether the Court's conservative majority can use its special brand of backwards-looking to determine this country's future.' data-app-id-name='category_above_content'> | CounterSpin231117.mp3 Time ( This week on CounterSpin: Coverage of what is quite possibly not the most recent mass shooting, as we record the show, but the recent one in Lewiston, Maine, leaned heavily on a narrative of the assailant as a "text… (2023-11-17). Al-Manar correspondnet in Gaza: Israeli artillery shells residential areas near Al-Faluja cemetery, in nortehrn Gaza Strip. (2023-11-17). Islamic Resistance in Iraq says armed drone targeted US' Al-Harir airbase in northern Iraq. (2023-11-17). Israeli artillery shells lebanese border towns of Yareen, Al-Jebbain and Wadi Al-Mazlam between Ramieh and Beit Lif: AL-Manar correspondnet in south Lebanon. (2023-11-17). Contact still unavailable with medics, staff and displaced people at Al-Shifa Hospital: Palestinian media. (2023-11-17). Israeli media: Roads blocked in Upper Galilee over suspected security incident in Ramim at Lebanon border. (2023-11-17). Islamic Resistance in Lebanon: Direct casualties as our fighters targeted gatherings of Israeli soldiers at Al-Taihat Triangle and Al-Marj Israeli border posts. (2023-11-17). Israeli media says mortar shells fired from Lebanon towards Ramim Heights. (2023-11-17). Israeli artillery shells Aytaroun, Blida, Al-Jebbain, Teir Harfa and Dhaira Lebanese border towns. (2023-11-17). Israeli media: Anti-tank missile fired from Lebanon towards Al-Malkiyeh.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-11-17). Kenyan Police Deployment to Haiti Remains Uncertain.

Al-Jazeera (2023-11-17). Historic Joe Biden — Xi Jinping Meeting at Filoli Estate (Cal). Biden Hails "Real Progress"

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-17). China Brands Biden 'Irresponsible' for Calling President Xi Jinping 'Dictator'. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning called US President Joe Biden "irresponsible" after he referred to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping as a "dictator." | During a press briefing, Mao specified that Biden's statement is "absolutely wrong" and an "irresponsible political manipulation." | "This statement is absolutely wrong and constitutes an irresponsible political manipulation. China firmly opposes it," the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman emphasized. | The official's statement came after Biden reiterated that he has not changed his opinion that Xi Jinping is a dictator. Biden made this statement…

Ariadna Eljuri (2023-11-17). Venezuela Rejects Israeli Entity's Position Against Latin American Countries Opposing Genocide. Venezuela has issued a condemnation of the statements and actions made by the president of the Israeli settler colonial entity, Isaac Herzog, who has made verbal attacks against different nations in Latin America and the Caribbean for their positions against the genocidal Israeli entity's attacks against Palestinians in Gaza. | During an

Barbara Nimri Aziz (2023-11-17). "MK— Mandela's Secret Army". A Film by Osvalde Lewat. "South Africa's Apartheid Parallels Israel's Oppressive Measures"

CODEPINK (2023-11-17). International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation Into Israel's Alleged War Crimes in Gaza.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-11-17). The End of Privacy Is Near. "Artificial Intelligence Scours Social Media… You're Being Spied Upon Everywhere"

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-17). 'An Unyielding Will to Continue': An Interview with Abdaljawad Omar on October 7th and the Palestinian Resistance. Abdaljawad Omar and Louis Allday Louis Allday: Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview, Abdaljawad. I was blown away by your recent article in Mondoweiss, 'Hopeful pathologies in the war for Palestine: a reply to Adam Shatz', so I am very happy to be speaking to you. Your article, as the title…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-17). Intention to Prosecute Canadian Officials for Aiding & Abetting Israel's War Crimes. Liberal cabinet members have been notified that they & other Canadian officials may be individually criminally liable for their role in aiding & abetting war crimes & crimes against humanity. The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) Legal Working Group for Canadian Accountability have issued a notice to the Government of Canada of its…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-17). To Palestine: Lessons from Overthrowing the French in Algeria. Adrian Kreutz In Algeria's liberation struggle, we can find lessons on the limitations of humanistic ideals in the face of violence, offering insights into the ongoing Palestinian national liberation struggle Sixty-six years ago, in the midst of a raging war, the renowned French-Algerian writer Albert Camus delivered his most perilous political speech. On the surface,…

isabella (2023-11-17). Why We Need Bayard Rustin's Practical Radicalism Today.

isabella (2023-11-17). The Climate Justice Shot Heard 'Round the World: No New Private Jet Infrastructure.

Johanna Kichton (2023-11-17). Homes Guarantee Demands FHFA Protect Tenants and Regulate Rents. 100 Rent-Burdened Tenants Convene in DC for Rent Regulations, Action Against Corporate Landlords WASHINGTON, D.C. — People's Action's Homes Guarantee campaign wrapped up the Tenant Takeover, bringing 100 tenants to D.C. who experienced rent hikes, evictions, or live in buildings whose corporate landlords receive federal financing from the government. The tenants demanded the Federal Housing …

Juan Carlos Junio (2023-11-17). Argentina — Sergio Massa: ahora, a triunfar.

Kyle Anzalone (2023-11-17). UN Forced to Halts Aid Deliveries Into Gaza, Warns of 'Immediate Starvation'. On Friday the UN said that it was no longer able to continue aid deliveries into Gaza as an Israeli fuel blockade of the enclave has led to a widespread communications blackout. The World Health Organization warned that the ending of aid deliveries means the "immediate possibility of starvation" for the 2.3 million people in …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-17). The War on Gaza is Colonial Big Business. President Mahmoud Abbas received today Egypt's Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, in the West Bank city of Ramallah. | During the meeting, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the partner parties in the Gaza Gas Field, where Mohammed Mustafa, Chairman of the Investment Fund Board of Directors, signed for the Palestinian side, while Magdy Jalal, Chairman of the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, signed for the Egyptian side. | President Abbas welcomed the Egyptian delegation, stressing the depth of brotherly relations that bind the two peoples and the great support provided…

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-17). Attorney Accuses the CIA and DoD of Being Deeply Involved With COVID-19.

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-17). Breaking news — A Very Important and Urgent 8 Page Letter Sent to King Charles III. Former Police Officer Mark Sexton has sent "a very important and urgent 8 page letter to King Charles III with a request for a national reply. "A lot of time and hard …

Peiyu Li (2023-11-17). "Restoring China-US Ties": Reframing US-China Bipolar Dynamics by Pluralizing into China-West Relations.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-17). Karen Kingston: Nanotechnology injected into our bodies damages our brains, minds and spirits. Biotech analyst and med-legal advisor Karen Kingston revealed in her interview with Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger that mRNA technology is the gateway into using nanotechnology in human beings in …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-17). Netherlands' Land Grab: A new documentary records the Dutch farmers' struggle against a regime that is attempting to seize their land.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-17). Tedros the Terrorist urges countries to launch propaganda campaigns to foist WHO's Pandemic Treaty onto citizens. Ethiopian terrorist and human rights abuser Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus inverts the truth and outright lies about the Pandemic Treaty in an attempt to get countries to assist him in "actively countering false …

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-11-17). Will Palestine Ever be Free? Understanding Elite Strategy in the Global Context.

SAM (2023-11-17). Patriotic Millionaires to High Court: Don't Preempt Taxing Grand Fortune.

scorinoco (2023-11-17). Colombian Government Will Resume Peace Talks With FARC Dissidents. The head of the Colombian government's delegation for the peace process, Camilo González Posso, announced that the peace talks with the Central General Staff (EMC) of the of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) will resume, after being suspended for 10 days. | González Posso explained that for the new round of negotiations, a package of protocols and agreements focused on respect for the civilian population was approved. "We have approved 21 commitments based on humanitarian law and human rights to protect life in all its forms, including the non-recruitment of children and adolescents, limiting anti…

Techno Fog (2023-11-17). Is Gavin Newsom Running in the 2024 US Presidential Elections?

The Lever (2023-11-17). NEW E-BOOK: Protect Yourself Against Corporate Health Care.

Younes Arar (2023-11-17). Video: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Left Restaurant After Being Confronted by Pro-Ceasefire Protesters.

EcoWatch (2023-11-17). New York Sues PepsiCo Over Plastics Pollution in Buffalo River. New York State Attorney General Letitia James sued By Cristen Hemingway Jaynes | The attorney general's office found that the food and beverage giant'

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-17). Top FDA Officials Accepted Jobs with Moderna After Playing Key Roles in the Licensure of COVID Jabs.

Staff (2023-11-17). 7,000 displaced people, patients, medical staff at Al-Shifa hospital 'fighting death,' says Gaza government. GAZA CITY, Palestine : Over 7,000 displaced people, patients, and medical staff at Al-Shifa Hospital are "fighting death due to a lack of water and food" caused by the Israeli military blockade, to the Gaza media office reported on Thursday. According to a statement released on Telegram, the office emphasized the critical situation, stating that …

Staff (2023-11-17). ASI seeks 15-day extension for filing Gyanvapi survey report. Varanasi : The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has sought an extension of 15 days from a court in Varanasi to file a report on the scientific survey of the Gyanvapi mosque complex. The ASI told the court that the report on the mosque survey was nearly complete and only the preparation of a report …

Staff (2023-11-17). Hamas says it's prepared for long war with Israel. GAZA CITY, Palestine : Hamas's political bureau chief said Thursday that resistance forces in the Gaza Strip are prepared for a prolonged war with the Israeli army. In a recorded speech, Ismail Haniyeh praised the resilience of the Palestinian people and the coordination of resistance factions "to disperse the capabilities of the Israeli army and …

Staff (2023-11-17). HC reserves order on plea seeking survey of Mathura's Shahi Idgah premises. Prayagraj : The Allahabad High Court on Thursday reserved its order on an application seeking the appointment of a court-monitored advocate commissioner to survey the Shahi Eidgah premises, adjoining the Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi temple in Mathura. The application was moved by the Hindu side in the pending suit that seeks the removal of Shahi Eidgah, …

Staff (2023-11-17). National Press Day: Kashmiri journalists face sedition and terrorism charges. By Muslim Mirror Staff On the occasion of India's National Press Day, which commemorates the importance of a free and vibrant press in a democratic society, the spotlight turns to the concerning state of media freedom in the conflict-ridden region of Kashmir. As the nation celebrates the role of the press in fostering public awareness …

Staff (2023-11-17). Palestinian resistance fighters will surely emerge victorious in Gaza war: Ismail Haniyeh. The head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement says the resistance front is fighting an honorable battle in defense of Palestinians and their sanctities, stressing that the fighters will eventually emerge triumphant in the Gaza war. Speaking at a televised speech broadcast on Thursday, Ismail Haniyeh also emphasized that Palestinian resistance groups in the …

Staff (2023-11-17). Tourist stopped from offering 'namaz' at Taj Mahal. Agra : A tourist hailing from West Bengal was restrained from performing 'namaz' in the garden of the Taj Mahal, police said on Friday. The incident took place on Saturday when Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel on duty observed the tourist laying out his prayer mat, which prompted intervention to prevent the religious ritual. …

Alastair Crooke (2023-11-17). 'Israel's' 'Nakba Doctrine'. As "Israel" swings towards a Biblical "Greater Israel", the Islamic world turns increasingly uncompromising. | "We are now actually rolling out the Gaza Nakba", says Avi Dichter, "Israel's" Minister for Agriculture and former head of Shin Bet. The Israeli cabinet has been briefed that To project the image of the Israeli military as 'b…

Scott Ritter (2023-11-17). The IDF is exacting revenge on a helpless people. The Israel Defence Forces have brought nothing but shame on themselves throughout this entire campaign, says Scott Ritter…

youtube (2023-11-17). Intention to prosecute Canadian officials for aiding and abetting Israel's war crimes. Liberal cabinet members have been notified that they may be individually criminally liable for their role in aiding and abetting war crimes.

Derrick Broze (2023-11-17). Yet Another Study Links Lower Sperm Count with Pesticides. Evidence that pesticides are impacting sperm concentration continues to pile up as the world moves closer to an underpopulation crisis. A new review of existing studies on insecticides has found "sufficient evidence" that exposure to high levels of insecticides is associated with lower sperm concentration in men. The review focused on organophosphate (OP) and N-methyl

Jeff Abbott (2023-11-17). United Nations Approves New Militarized Force in Haiti. As the nation suffers from rampant gang violence, a new police force is being created in spite of concerns.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). US Blows Off the Whole World to Punish Cuba.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). The Issue is Not Racism But the Pan European White Supremacist Colonial/Capitalist Patriarchy!

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). LEFT WITH NO DEFENSE, McBRIDE PLEADS GUILTY.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Milwaukee Letter Carriers rally for better working conditions.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 40: Israeli forces storm Al-Shifa Hospital, strip-naked and arrest people inside.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). 'Al-Shifa Hospital has become a giant prison:' Gaza health authority.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Syrian air defenses repel latest Israeli attack on Damascus.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). The War on Gaza is Colonial Big Business.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Venezuela Rejects Israeli Entity's Position Against Latin American Countries Opposing Genocide.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). LIVE: This Changes Everything—There's No Going Back!

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Rich Bankers Freak Out Over Protesters.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). RFK Jr. Is a Neocon, After All. (How he justifies Biden's Israel-policy).

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). On Nov. 17, actions across the country will Shut It Down for Palestine once again.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). New Info On JFK That Upends The Official Narrative.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Judgment against the blockade of Cuba opens a new stage (+Photos). Brussels, Nov 16 (Prensa Latina) The ruling against the U.S. blockade of Cuba issued in the European Parliament by an international court opens a new stage of struggle against that policy, Cuban leader Fernando Gonzalez affirmed today.

Adriaan Alsema (2023-11-17). Colombia's deputy chief prosecutor again linked to drug trafficking. Two prosecutors accused Colombia's deputy chief prosecutor of protecting corrupt officials allegedly involved in drug trafficking. The accusation comes less than a year after jailed drug trafficker Carlos Ramon Zapata,…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-11-17). Colombia's war crimes tribunal allows submission of former AUC commander. Colombia's war crimes tribunal JEP allowed the submission of former paramilitary commander Salvatore Mancuso to the transitional justice system. Mancuso will be tried by the transitional justice system for his…

Jonathan Woodrow Martin (2023-11-17). The British Parliament Votes for Genocide as the British People Demand a Ceasefire. This week the abject 'mother of all parliaments' voted overwhelmingly against a ceasefire, thus supporting the continuing genocide of the Palestinian people. This was not a surprise. It is not the first time and it will not be the last that Britain misses an opportunity to be on the right side of history. Meanwhile, in

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-11-17). China and U.S. push for transition to electric vehicles. China and the United States have announced a new climate agreement aimed at enhancing cooperation. An important goal of the pact is to push for a rapid shift to sustainable energy resources and a transition to electric vehicles. CGTN's Ediz Tiyansan reports from Los Angeles.

Laith Fadel (2023-11-17). China cultivates relationship with Latin America at APEC 2023. A major theme at APEC 2023 is the development and promotion of economic cooperation between the Western Pacific region and Latin American nations along the Pacific coastline. In particular, Chinese officials say the relationship between China and Mexico is getting stronger. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock reports. (2023-11-17). China urges relevant parties to ensure security at China-Myanmar border. China is closely following the conflict in northern Myanmar and urges relevant parties to cease fire as soon as possible and settle differences in a peaceful way through dialogue and consultation to avoid escalation of the situation and take effective steps to ensure security and stability at the China-Myanmar border, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Thursday. (2023-11-17). 94-year-old Kwong Siu-hing becomes richest woman in China. Kwong Siu-hing, wife of Sun Hung Kai Properties' co-founder Kwok Tak-seng, has become China's richest woman for the first time, according to the "Herose Club • Hurun Richest Women in China 2023" released by the Hurun Research Institute on Tuesday. (2023-11-17). Full text of Xi's written speech at Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit. Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a written speech here Thursday at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit. (2023-11-17). Xi says sustainable development 'golden key' to fixing current global problems. Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that sustainable development is the "golden key" to solving current global problems. (2023-11-17). Remains of 25 Chinese People's Volunteers martyrs to be returned. South Korea will transfer the remains of 25 Chinese People's Volunteers martyrs and related items to China on Thursday, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs said. (2023-11-17). Xi says China's relations with Pacific island countries candid without selfish motives. Chinese President Xi Jinping said here on Thursday that China has developed relations with Pacific island countries in a candid manner, without selfish motives or targeting any third party. (2023-11-17). Xi, Kishida reaffirm strategic, mutually beneficial China-Japan ties. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Thursday reaffirmed the positioning of comprehensively advancing the strategic and mutually beneficial relations between China and Japan. (2023-11-17). 'Small yard, high fence,' 'decoupling' in no one's interest, Xi tells Japanese PM. The economic interests of China and Japan, as well as their industrial and supply chains are deeply intertwined, said Chinese President Xi Jinping here Thursday, adding it is in no one's interest to engage in "small yard, high fence" and "decoupling and breaking chains." (2023-11-17). Xi stresses Japan must ensure political foundation of China-Japan relations. Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed Thursday that major issues of principle related to history and Taiwan bear on the political foundation of China-Japan relations, and urged Japan to keep its word and stick to the principle.

Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond (2023-11-17). "Animals" Under Siege in Gaza: an Open Letter to Decolonial Thinkers. Over the last several weeks, I've been frustrated that animal advocates have largely remained silent about Israel's genocidal assault on Palestinians — cognizant, among other things, that such silence will fuel accusations that we "care more about animals than humans," similar to distortions of the #Ceasefire movement as hating Jews or the disingenuous corrective to

Jonathan Cook (2023-11-17). The Media's Nord Stream lies just keep coming. Why do billionaires and governments scramble to control the media? Because the power over our minds is the greatest power there is.

Editor (2023-11-17). Everyone is Hitler, when it suits—just not Western leaders. A few signs depicting Benjamin Netanyahu as Adolf Hitler were postered in Sydney over the weekend. The police reportedly are investigating and urging people to contact Crime Stoppers if they have any "information in relation to the incident".

Michael Arria (2023-11-17). DeSantis, University of Florida sued over SJP ban. The ACLU and Palestine Legal are suing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the University of Florida over over the state's ban of Students for Justice in Palestine.

Codepink (2023-11-17). CODEPINK Launches International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation into Israel's Alleged War Crimes in Gaza. THE HAGUE — In the wake of alarming statements by Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which have been perceived as incitement to genocide in Palestine, CODEPINK and its international partners are spearheading a global letter-writing initiative calling for an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into Israel's actions in Gaza. Since the …

Kyle Anzalone (2023-11-17). Netanyahu Claims Israel 'Not Successful' in Minimizing Civilian Casualties in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Israel was "trying to [minimize] civilian casualties. But unfortunately, we're not successful." The prime minister's statement comes as the UN warns that the Israeli fuel embargo of Gaza could cause widespread starvation in the besieged enclave. In an interview with CBS News on Thursday, the Israeli Prime Minister said …

Albert Bender (2023-11-17). Nashville rallies continue in support of Palestine. NASHVILLE—A third rally in support of the Palestinian struggle was held last weekend in Tennessee's capital city. Like two previous protests for Palestine, this demonstration was held at Nashville's Centennial Park, with several hundred demonstrators in attendance. The trio of rallies have centered on an extensive list of demands: an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, cease the genocide, cease …

Bennett Shoop (2023-11-17). Ceasefire vigil at DNC headquarters met with police violence. WASHINGTON—Over 11,000 candles representing the Palestinians killed so far during Israel's war on Gaza burned brightly Wednesday night outside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee. They were lit by a group of predominantly Jewish protesters, organized by the groups Jewish Voice for Peace Action, If Not Now, and DSA, as part of an interfaith …

C.J. Atkins (2023-11-17). Palestinian and Israeli Communists tell U.S. audience: Fight for ceasefire now. NEW YORK—Two Communist leaders, one Palestinian and one Israeli, brought the same message to a U.S. audience this week: The time for a ceasefire in Gaza is now, and solidarity from the American peace movement is key to achieving it. In back-to-back video appearances on two separate days, Aqel Taqaz, the International Secretary of the …

Eric A. Gordon (2023-11-17). Race relations North/South, today/yesterday, city/plantation. NEW ORLEANS — New Orleans Opera (NOO) promoted its production of Blue as "the southern premiere of the most talked-about new American opera." I'd been meaning to get back to the Crescent City to see it once more after leaving it in 1978 (45 years ago!) when I finished up my last degree at Tulane. …

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Brazilian university launches book ®Che Guevara the Minister ® (+Photo). Brasilia, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Under the premise that his revolutionary thought remains today the seed of actions, the book El Ministro Che Guevara, authored by Cuban professor Tirso Saenz, was presented at the University of Brasilia (UNB).

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). DPRK wary of relocation of U.S. drone unit in Japan. Pyongyang, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The relocation of the U.S. MQ-9 drone unit from one base to another within Japan itself was described as "highly suspicious" by the Rodong Sinmun newspaper of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Syrian FM lashes out against the West for inciting wars. Damascus, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Syrian Foreign Minister, Faisal Al-Mekdad, today criticized Western powers members of the Security Council for provoking wars, encouraging crises, hindering peace and violating the United Nations principles.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Cuban film wins award at US festival. Washington, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban fiction film "Cuentos de un día más" (Tales of One More Day, 2021), directed by several independent filmmakers under the general direction of renowned film director Fernando Pérez, was awarded Best Acting in the United States.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Political campaigning is on halt in Argentina. Propaganda campaigns, surveys publication and dissemination, and parties near the polling stations are strictly forbidden from 08: 00 hours, local time, this Friday to 21: 00 hours, local time on November 19. | Voters' meetings, shows, sports activities, and selling alcoholic beverages are also banned. | Carrying weapons and using flags, badges, or others are also punished. | Over 35 million Argentinian citizens will vote on Sunday to elect the nation's president and vice president. | The Unión por la Patria (Union for the Homeland, UP) alliance with Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi and La Libertad Avanza (Liberty A…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-17). Image of Lacalle Pou and his administration in Uruguay deteriorates. Montevideo, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The image of the citizenship regarding President Luis Lacalle Pou and his administration shows unfavorable results, according to the figures of a survey released today in Uruguay.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-17). Survey shows solid support for Salvadoran government. San Salvador, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) A CID Gallup survey showed today that the government of El Salvador has solid support, especially for the measures taken against gangs, supported by 9 out of 10 people.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). Court rules that blockade on Cuba violates International Law. Brussels, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) An international court, that for two days analyzed in this capital, the U.S. blockade against Cuba ruled that this policy violates International Law and universal norms for peaceful coexistence.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). Cuba to host World Meeting of Dancers and Dance Academies. Havana, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The 17th World Meeting of Casino and Salsa Dancers and Dance Academies will be held in this capital from November 19 to 24, and will be dedicated to Enrique Jorrín.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). Cuban music celebrates another Grammy for Omara Portuondo. Havana, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Famous Cuban singer Omara Portuondo has just won a Latin Grammy for Best Traditional Tropical Album and the Cuban Institute of Music (ICM) proclaimed that Cuban music is celebrating today.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). Italian Culture Week begins in Cuba. Havana, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The 25th Week of Italian Culture in Cuba begins in this capital with a tribute to the centenary of the birth of journalist and writer Italo Calvino, and the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Cuba: Microscope installed to study pollution by microplastics. Cienfuegos, Cuba, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Professionals from the Center for Environmental Studies (CEAC) in Cienfuegos, 250 kilometers east of Havana, have installed a Confocal Raman Microscopy, and are training the personnel who will operate it.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Poor countries pollute less, but they suffer more than rich nations. Nairobi, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Poor countries pollute much less, but they suffer ten times more the consequences of pollution than rich nations, according to a report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-17). Omara Portuondo wins Latin Grammy in Traditional Tropical category. Seville, Spain, Nov 17 (Prensa Laina) The Diva of the Buena Vista Social Club, Cuban performer Omara Portuondo, won the Latin Grammy 2023 in the category of Best Traditional Tropical Album for her album "Vida", produced by Guatemalan Gaby Moreno.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Cuban Supreme Court president visits Luang Prabang province. Vientiane, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Cuban People's Supreme Court (TSP) President Rubén Remigio Ferro continues his three-day visit to Laos on Friday with a working visit to the Luang Prabang province.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Heavy rains to persist until Saturday in eastern Cuba. Havana, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The National Forecast Center of the Cuban Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) informed that the heavy rains hitting Cuba's eastern region will continue on Friday and Saturday.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-17). Costa Rican Ministry of Health warns about vaping in minors. San José, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The Costa Rican Ministry of Health today warned the population about the use of electronic cigarettes in minors and recalled the provision that prohibits their sale to this age group.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-17). El Salvador increases days without homicides in November. San Salvador, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Until today, the month of November registers 12 days without homicides thus conforming the results of a CID Gallup survey that showed almost 9 out of 10 Salvadorans feeling the improvement in security issues.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-17). Resistance in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen supports Gaza. Beirut, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The Resistance in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen maintain their actions against military positions of Israel and the United States in solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip.

Staff (2023-11-17). UP cleric asks Muslim women to avoid salons where men work. Saharanpur : A cleric in Uttar Pradesh's Saharanpur district on Friday said that Muslim women must avoid going to the beauty salons where men are employed. Mufti Asad Kasmi it as "forbidden" and "unlawful" for women to get their makeup done at such establishments. Kasmi further advised that women should instead opt for salons where …

Editor (2023-11-17). Nov 17, 2023. Due to a few complications in my life I was unable to update the Daily Posts. All should be clear sailing again in a day or two. Sorry bout that. Here are a few random links and an image for your visual delectation. Sorry bout that.. Day 40: Al-Shifa Has Become 'Real Cemetery' for Everyone Inside — Biden: Hamas under Hospital UNSC Approves Gaza Humanitarian Ceasefire Resolution — What It Says The Righteous Fury of the Israeli Left, by Ilan Pappé Conditions Are "Drier Than The Dust Bowl Years" In The Heartland Of America, by Michael Snyder Scholz government in crisis after manoeuvre declared unconstitut…

Pressenza Philippines (2023-11-17). BCU Undergoes Internationalization Orientation and Capability Building on Research Digital ToolKits. by Marilou Dela Peña & Genevieve Balance Kupang | Remaining relevant and competitive in the rapidly evolving educational landscape is a top priority. Universities actively participate in diverse rating assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement across instruction, research, and community extension services programs. To meet this challenge, BCU continually adapts and aligns with international standards. | Under the leadership of the Research and Development Office headed by Dr. Marilou Dela Peña, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Elma D. Donaal, BCU…

Pressenza Philippines (2023-11-17). BCU Undergoes Internationalization Orientation and Capability Building on Research Digital ToolKits. by Marilou Dela Peña & Genevieve Balance Kupang | Remaining relevant and competitive in the rapidly evolving educational landscape is a top priority. Universities actively participate in diverse rating assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement across instruction, research, and community extension services programs. To meet this challenge, BCU continually adapts and aligns with international standards. | Under the leadership of the Research and Development Office headed by Dr. Marilou Dela Peña, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Elma D. Donaal, BCU…

Brandi Morin, Geordie Day (2023-11-17). Fort Chipewyan's Indigenous community bears the toxic effects of Canada's oil boom (trailer). In Northern Alberta, Canada, sit the Athabasca tar sands—the world's largest known reservoir of crude bitumen, and a major driver of Canada's economy. The vast majority of Canadian oil production comes from extracting and processing the crude bitumen found in the tar sands. But while Canada prospers off the tar sands industry, Indigenous communities downstream are in the grips of its toxic impact. It is well documented that the people of Fort Chipewyan, in northern Alberta, have been struck by disproportionately high rates of cancer, and their proximity to the tar sands has long been the suspected dom…

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-11-17). Meet the activists fighting Zionism with direct action. With each passing day, more Israeli bombs are falling on Gaza. Over a million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. The world is bearing witness to a genocidal military campaign to clear out Gaza once and for all. As leaders in the West continue to stand by Israel's outrageous crimes, activists and people of conscience around the world are using direct action to take matters into their own hands and disrupt the war machine themselves.

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis (2023-11-17). Oklahoma cop grabs Indigenous grandmother for not walking on a sidewalk. Police brutality and racial profiling are not uncommon in the city of Shawnee, Oklahoma—a place where multiple Indigenous nations were forcibly relocated to during the 19th century. Shawnee today has a high population of Indigenous and Latine residents, and one woman, Jeanine R., recently caught the outrageous behavior of local police on video in an encounter she had with them while walking along the road with her grandson. Despite no sidewalk being available, Shawnee cop Anthony Starkey threatened Mrs. Jeanine with arrest and assault for failing to walk on a sidewalk, and for not having her ID on her…

Charles Pierce (2023-11-17). Korea: Colonized, Plundered, Divided, Devastated by War, under Ongoing Threat of War. The War on Korea (1950-53) was suspended with an armistice agreement. A hostile truce has persisted ever since. With respect to that ongoing confrontation, what Americans get from their government and their news mass media abounds with crucial omissions and misleading distortions resulting in a false portrayal of the geopolitical realities. Relevant history and essential facts. The Fight …

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-17). Top FDA Officials Accepted Jobs with Moderna After Playing Key Roles in the Licensure of COVID Jabs. A new BMJ investigation reveals a "revolving door" between FDA officials tasked with regulating COVID-19 vaccines and the companies who manufacture them. Two high-level regulatory officials with the U.S. Food and Drug …

Unicorn Riot (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestinian Activists Take Over Amsterdam Central Station.

Editor (2023-11-17). Averting a rendezvous with disaster. 'Cultural environmentalism' alone will not solve the climate crisis, as, couched in the language of passivity, it avoids the urgent need for planned and targeted action, says ZOLTAN ZIGEDY.

Editor (2023-11-17). Israel's Secret Plan of Ethnic Cleansing (w/ Jessica Buxbaum).

Mondoweiss Palestine Bureau (2023-11-17). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 42: Communications blackout obscures full picture of Israel's devastation in Gaza. Israel's purported proof of Hamas command center under al-Shifa hospital is seen as 'anticlimactic' as bombardment continues across the Gaza Strip, leaving only 4 percent of Gaza's 2.3 million inhabitants with access to safe drinking water.

Connor Freeman (2023-11-17). Displacement and Killings Surge in West Bank, Amid Gaza War. A wave of murders, violence, and harassment waged against Palestinians has been unleashed by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) personnel and illegal settlers alike in the occupied West Bank, according to the Time of Israel. Nearly 200 Palestinians have been killed, including 48 children, in the West Bank since Tel Aviv's massive bombing campaign against the …

Robert Hunziker (2023-11-17). Showdown at COP28. "$200 trillion is needed to stop global warming" (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) Buckle up, fireworks will be going off in a couple weeks in the pristine complex known as Dubai. World leaders, climate scientists, environmentalists, and fossil fuel producers will clash over the outlook for climate change and the impact of global warming, or should

CGTN China Global Television Network (2023-11-17). China's water diversion project benefits 68 million people in first decade. The first phase of the eastern route of China's South-to-North Water Diversion Project has benefited more than 68 million people in the eastern province Shandong in its decade-long operation, said the China South-to-North Water Diversion Co., Ltd. on Wednesday. | The South-to-North Water Diversion Project has three routes, and the eastern route transfers water from eastern Jiangsu Province to regions including Shandong, Hebei, and Tianjin, said the company. | The middle route, which began supplying water in December 2014, is the most prominent one. It starts at the Danjiangkou Reservoir in central China's Hubei P…

Editor (2023-11-17). Humanity Has Failed Gaza.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-11-17). Pedro Sánchez jura como presidente de Gobierno ante rey de España. Logra su continuidad al frente de La Moncloa tras una votación en el Congreso de Diputados. Obtuvo 179 escaños de los 350 que componen el Parlamento.

teleSUR, lfb (2023-11-17). Sismo de magnitud 7.2 grados sacude las Filipinas. Ante la posibilidad de un tsunami el Instituto publicó un comunicado donde confirma que no hay amenazas para las Filipinas de un evento de este tipo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-17). Gremio rechaza amenazas de presidente panameño sobre protestas. En consecuencia, el Suntracs solicita a la Comisión que el Estado panameño adopte las medidas para garantizar el libre ejercicio del derecho de manifestarse en el país.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-17). Manifestantes italianos defienden haberes y derecho a huelga. Bajo el lema "¡Basta ya!", exigen cambios en la política presupuestaria italiana y demandan el fin de recortes salariales, que empobrecen a los trabajadores.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-17). Presentan proyecto de ley contra los crímenes de paz en Colombia. Dicho proyecto de ley sanciona con agravantes a los altos funcionarios que cometan infracciones o violenten la ley cayendo en actos de corrupción en fondos públicos destinados para la paz.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-17). PMA alerta sobre grave situación alimentaria en Gaza. La titular del PMA, Cindy McCain, señaló que el suministro de alimentos y agua es "prácticamente inexistente en Gaza".

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-17). Se inaugurarán en Chile los Juegos Parapanamericanos Santiago 2023. El Comité Olímpico Internacional indicó que este evento contará con 37 atletas que ganaron medalla de oro en los Juegos Paralímpicos de Tokio 2020.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-17). TSJ de Venezuela ampara realización de referendo sobre Esequibo. Alta corte ratifica el desconocimiento por parte de Venezuela del Laudo Arbitral de París de 1899. Subraya que solo reconocen con valor legal en cuanto a derecho internacional el Acuerdo de Ginebra de 1966.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-17). China y México están listos para mejorar sus relaciones. Los mandatarios de ambas naciones dijeorn que tras varios años de buena diplomacia están listos para llevar "las relaciones a otro nivel".

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-17). Así quedó la tabla tras la quinta fecha de eliminatorias Conmebol. Argentina y Brasil cayeron en sus compromisos dejando un cierre de año espectacular para las eliminatorias de cara al Mundial de la FIFA 2026…

Javier de la Sotilla (2023-11-17). Gaza, Taiwán y la guerra tecnológica marcan la agenda del segundo cara a cara entre Biden y Xi.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-11-17). Comuneros mapuches rechazan condena emitida por tribunal chileno. Los cuatro comuneros se encuentran en huelga líquida desde el 13 de noviembre como protesta y resaltando la urgencia de revisar el proceso judicial.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-17). OMS alerta sobre situación sanitaria en la Franja de Gaza. La falta de combustible ya ha obligado al cierre de estaciones de bombeo de aguas residuales y plantas desalinizadoras, aumentando el riesgo de contaminación del agua.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-17). Candidatos a la presidencia de Argentina cierran campaña. Sergio Massa y Javier Milei cerraron sus campañas electorales en sus bastiones más importantes.

teleSUR, SH (2023-11-17). øCuáles son los planes de Gobierno de los candidatos presidenciales en Argentina. Durante la campaña electoral, los candidatos Sergio Massa y Javier Milei expusieron las propuestas en materia económica, social, salud y seguridad de llegar a la presidencia.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-11-17). EE.UU. ha deportado a más de 380.000 migrantes en siete meses. El gobierno estadounidense reanudó recientemente las deportaciones directas a Venezuela, para frenar la migración irregular.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-17). Inicia veda electoral en Argentina de cara al balotaje. Todas las restricciones de la veda electoral rigen hasta tres horas después de cerrados los centros de votación a las 18H00 hora local (21H00 UTC) del domingo.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-17). Siria frustra ataque aéreo israelí contra cercanías de Damasco. A las 02H25 (hora local) de Damasco la aviación israelí lanzó misiles desde la región del Golán sirio ocupado.

teleSUR, JCM, JGN, SH, MER, JDO, MS, DRL (2023-11-17). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. El comandante militar de las Brigadas Ezzedin Al-Qassam de la Resistencia Palestina, Mohammed Deif, anunció el inicio de la operación Diluvio de Al-Aqsa.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-17). Comienza campaña televisiva de cara a plebiscito en Chile. A las 12H45 (hora local) de esta jornada se transmitió oficialmente la franja electoral por la televisión abierta.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-17). Ocupantes israelíes detienen a 36 palestinos en Cisjordania. Según medios locales, al menos 28 palestinos fueron detenidos en Ramallah, en la zona central ocupada de Cisjordania.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-11-17). JEP de Colombia acepta sometimiento de exjefe paramilitar. Según la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz, los aportes de Salvatore Mancuso "cumplen con los criterios de valoración exigidos por el órgano de cierre".

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-11-17). EE.UU. aprueba presupuesto sin fondos para Ucrania ni Israel. La alternativa extendería la financiación hasta el 19 de enero venidero para erogaciones prioritarias , quedando cubierto el Gobierno hasta el 2 de febrero de 2024.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-11-17). Eligen a Henry Kronfle presidente de Parlamento de Ecuador. Instalan nueva Asamblea Nacional. Legisladores mantendrán sus cargos por 18 meses. En mayo de 2025 se posesionarán nuevos legisladores, luego de comicios generales de ese año.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-17). Pre-emptive Nuclear War: The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran.

Joy Joshi (2023-11-17). 'Why should you get to eat in peace?': Canadians slam Trudeau's Gaza stance. The protesters can also be heard urging Trudeau to "look at us" and using phrases like "shame on you," "you fund genocides" and "you have blood on your hands" as they chased Trudeau out of the restaurant and into the street with the crowd growing impatient. Vancouver police was forced to deploy almost 100 officers after videos showing swarms of people confronting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a restaurant Tuesday night went viral. approximately 250 people surrounded a Chinatown restaurant and escorted Trudeau out of the venue.

Angela (2023-11-17). Friday 11/17: Healthcare Workers United for Palestine: Press Conference & March at California State Capitol. California State Capitol (West Lawn) | Sacramento, CA…

CAT (2023-11-17). Friday 11/17: Haight Ashbury Peace Vigil. Corner of Fell and Masonic at the Golden Gate Park Panhandle.

FRSO San Jose (2023-11-17). Sunday 11/19: San Jose: Stand Up for Gaza. San Jose City Hall…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-11-17). El genocidio NO quiere testigos. El genocidio NO quiere testigos… | Convocatoria a la solidaridad sin fronteras…

Revolution Books (2023-11-17). Sunday 11/19: EMERGENCY MASS MEETING Stop the U.S.-Backed Israeli Genocidal War Against Palestine! Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley…

Ryan Cooper, Saoirse Gowan (2023-11-17). The Solution is Social Housing. The Swedish government set a goal of building 1 million new units in the mid-1960s when the population was only 8 million (or about the same size as New York City). Despite a few setbacks and problems, this goal was achieved in less than a decade — We suggest that 10 million new municipal housing units would be a viable ten-year goal.

Angela (2023-11-17). Friday 11/17: Modesto: Shut it Down for Palestine. 1010 10th St | Modesto, CA…

Angela (2023-11-17). Saturday 11/18: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "From Under the Rubble" Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-17). Thursday 11/16: Sacramento: Protest at Starbucks. Starbucks across Capitol Building | 1003 L St | Sacramento, CA… (2023-11-17). Russia loads nuclear-capable ICBM into launch silo: Ministry. Back in 2019, Moscow installed its first Avangard-equipped missile at the same Orenburg facility. (2023-11-17). Russia says it inflicted heavy losses on Ukrainian forces in Dnipro battle. Russia's defense ministry says Ukrainian forces have been inflicted heavy losses in Dnipro battle. (2023-11-17). Palestinians pull children from rubble after strike on Jabalia. Palestinians search the rubble for survivors and pull dead and injured children after a strike on Jabalia refugee camp. (2023-11-17). Impact of war on Israeli economy. By calling up 350,000 reservists for the occupation forces, Israel has taken those people out of the traditional labor market, drastically impacting the economy. (2023-11-17). Syria's air defenses repel Israeli strike on outskirts of Damascus. Syria's air defenses have confronted an Israeli airstrike targeting the outskirts of the capital Damascus. (2023-11-17). Meta suspends accounts of US politician over criticism of Israel. Meta informed Jill Stein on Wednesday that no one could see or find her account, and she cannot use it. (2023-11-17). Demonstrators demand Gaza ceasefire as 'Peace Boat' arrives in Egypt. A cruise ship named the 'Peace Boat' arrived at Egypt's Port Said on Wednesday bearing the slogan 'Stop killing Gaza'. (2023-11-17). South Korean protesters display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. South Korean activists display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. (2023-11-17). Palestinians in Gaza face 'immediate possibility of starvation', UN warns. The UN's World Food Program warns that Palestinians in Gaza are facing starvation as food and water have become "practically non-existent." (2023-11-17). Haniyeh: Palestinian resistance fighters will surely emerge victorious. The head of the political bureau of Hamas says resistance fighters will eventually emerge victorious at the end of the Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-17). Gaza genocide: Israeli troops raid al-Shifa Hospital again. Israeli forces have raided al-Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in the Gaza Strip, amid a new communications blackout. (2023-11-17). Iran warns of 'unavoidable' regional conflict if Israel continues Gaza war. The Iranian foreign minister warns against unavoidable spread of Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-17). Hezbollah keeps up anti-Israel attacks in solidarity with Gaza. Lebanon's Hezbollah continued to hit Israeli military positions on Friday as part of its campaign in support of the resistance in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-17). Congresswoman unveils resolution to block US arms sale to Israel. US congresswoman Ilhan Omar unveils resolution to block weapons sale to Israel amid ongoing bombardment of the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-17). Iranian media condemn Israel's carnage in Gaza. Some 700 Iranian media slam Israel's unprecedented massacre of civilians and reporters in Gaza during its brutal attacks on the besieged Strip. (2023-11-17). Israel killed 12,000 Palestinians, including 5,000 children, since October 7. Israel's bombardment and ground offensive in Gaza since October 7 has killed over 12,000 people so far, including 5,000 children, according to officials in Gaza. (2023-11-17). Hamas' military wing: Israeli enemy searching for 'mirage' at Shifa Hospital. Hamas' military wing says Israel is searching in vain at al-Shifa, Gaza's biggest hospital, which the regime claims houses a Hamas' "command center." (2023-11-17). South Koreans protest against enhancing military ties with US, Japan. US Defense Secretary Austin recently met with his South Korean counterpart Shin Won-sik to discuss regional security issues. (2023-11-17). UN observes minute's silence for 101 staff killed in Gaza. Staff at UN offices in Geneva bowed their heads as a candle was lit in memory of the 101 employees of UNRWA. (2023-11-17). Risks and rewards of digital currency market in Iran. "Laws should protect user rights and accommodate the views of legislative and regulatory bodies at the same time. (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestine activists shut down BAE factory in England. Pro-Palestinian protesters block the entrances to the UK's BAE Systems weapons factory, calling for an end to arms sales to Israel. (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestinian activists clash with police in Philippines. Pro-Palestinian activists in the Philippines clash with police officers. (2023-11-17). Attack on al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza clear example of war crimes: Iran. The spokesman for Iran's foreign ministry has condemned the Israeli attack on the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza as a "clear example" of war crimes. (2023-11-17). Iran: US ups intensity of Gaza war by supporting Israel; Palestinian resistance 'legitimate'. Iran considers the US to be culpable of increasing the intensity of the Israeli regime's ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestinian protesters rally outside British parliament as MPs vote on Gaza ceasefire. Demonstrators waved Palestinian flags during a protest in London on Wednesday (November 15) as British Members of Parliament held a vote on a ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-17). 'Stop killing innocent kids': Pro-Palestinians rally inside Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. Hundreds of pro-Palestine activists gathered at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to protest the ongoing war in Gaza. (2023-11-17). Iran not behind resistance front's decision to attack US interests: FM. Iran's foreign minister says the country has had no role in the recent attacks by resistance groups in Iraq and Syria on US-run bases. (2023-11-17). Zionist agenda for Gaza, UK complicit. As Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza continues, a Zionist think tank linked to Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed a final solution for Gaza. (2023-11-17). US ignores Israeli 'war crimes' for domestic reasons: Ex-official. A former senior State Department official says criticism of Israel is seen as a "third rail" in American politics. (2023-11-17). Israel's Western backers 'in no position' to preach about human rights: Iran. Iran's foreign ministry spokesman has censured certain Western countries for drafting and voting for an anti-Iran UN resolution. (2023-11-17). Fire in Chinese coal firm's office kills 26. Twenty-six people were killed in a fire at a coal company's office building in northern China. (2023-11-17). UN experts point to evidence of Israel's 'genocidal incitement' against Gaza. Israel has been targeting hospitals and medical facilities in Gaza in defiance of international condemnations. (2023-11-17). IRGC chief: Israel, US facing a 'quagmire' in Gaza. Chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami says Palestinian youths are adapting to new reality in Gaza, where Israel and the US are facing a "quagmire". (2023-11-17). Gen. Qaani: 'Axis of Resistance' stays united with Gaza fighters. The head of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has assured the military wing of Hamas in the Gaza Strip of the solidarity of the "Axis of Resistance" with Palestinian fighters. (2023-11-17). Gen. Qaani: 'Axis of Resistance' united with Gaza fighters. The head of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has assured the military wing of Hamas in the Gaza Strip of the solidarity of the "Axis of Resistance" with Palestinian fighters. (2023-11-17). Norway parliament adopts resolution to recognize Palestinian state. The proposal was made by the ruling coalition to counter a resolution by smaller parties calling for an immediate recognition of a Palestinian state. (2023-11-17). Iran FM warns of war escalation in 'frank' talks with French counterpart. Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says he warned in a meeting with his French counterpart that if the situation in Gaza continues, any possibility is possible, including further expansion of the war. (2023-11-17). Hamas rejects Israeli allegation about it running 'command center' under hospital. Hamas disproves Israeli allegation about the resistance movement's running a "command center" underneath the Gaza Strip's largest hospital. (2023-11-17). Hezbollah announces destruction of another Israeli tank. Hezbollah announces destroying another Israeli tank in an operation carried out in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-17). Protesters hold vigil in Sydney for Israel's war victims in Gaza. Protesters gather in Sydney to hold a vigil to mourn the Palestinians killed in the current Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

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