2023-12-01: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-12-01). Pakistan Seeks BRICS Membership, Turns to Russia for Support. infobrics.org Pakistan has submitted a request to become a member of the BRICS group of nations in 2024, with the expectation of receiving support from Russia throughout the membership application process…

infobrics (2023-12-01). Nigeria Mulls BRICS Membership. infobrics.org > Nigeria hopes to become a member of the BRICS group of nations within the next two years, a report by Bloomberg has disclosed…

Patrick Bond (2023-12-01). How the BRICS+, Africa Climate Summit, G20 and UN Prepare Us for Planetary Arson. counterpunch.org Elite Stretching Exercises to Warm Up the Conference of Polluters 28 Summary In the months prior to the 2023 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference (hosted in Dubai), summits held by global, 'multipolar' and continental-African elites are worthy of consideration in part because their roles are the basis for pessimism about low-income African

Jeffrey Wagner, Dae-Han Song, People's Dispatch. (2023-12-01). Trilateral Missile Defense System A Step Towards Asian NATO. popularresistance.org The United States, Japan, and South Korea will fully operationalize a missile warning system "by the end of December." While justified as a means to counter North Korea's missile launches, more worrisome, it escalates tensions in the region with China through the "NATOification" of all three countries, agreed upon in the "Spirit of Camp David" agreement. | The agreement was hailed as a "new era of trilateral partnership" during the August 18 press conference following a meeting between the heads of state of all three countries. Western media echoed the sentiment, calling it "historic" and "unprecedented." China,…

Larry Johnson (2023-12-01). The West Pushed Ukraine to War and Kiev Now is Paying the Butcher's Bill. sonar21.com This is a follow up to my previous piece describing how the United States and NATO sabotaged the peace talks between Russia and Ukraine in March 2022. Within the last week we have two members of Ukraine's negotiating team confirm the information that was

Jeffrey Wagner, Dae-Han Song (2023-12-01). Trilateral Missile Defense System a Step Towards Asian NATO. counterpunch.org The United States, Japan, and South Korea will fully operationalize a missile warning system "by the end of December." While justified as a means to counter North Korea's missile launches, more worrisome, it escalates tensions in the region with China through the "NATOification" of all three countries, agreed upon in the "Spirit of Camp David" agreement.

WSWS (2023-12-01). Political and media establishment slander New York City high school students protesting Gaza genocide. wsws.org In an effort to defame young people who want to stop Israel's genocide in Gaza, New York's political establishment, including Mayor Eric Adams, Senator Chuck Schumer and the corporate media have roundly condemned a student protest that took place last week at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica, Queens as an outburst of violent antisemitism.

Cale Holmes, Melissa Garriga (2023-12-01). Kurt Campbell: A China Warmonger in Diplomat Clothes. counterpunch.org President Joe Biden has tapped Kurt Campbell, his administration's National Security Council Asia coordinator, for Deputy Secretary of State. If the Senate confirms Campbell, he'll be the latest in a line of American officials who are supposed to serve as diplomats, but instead wage war backed by arms dealers and fossil fuel companies. The concerns

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-12-01). Niger's Largest Solar Plant Launched Amid Sanctions. orinocotribune.com Following a military coup in late July, Niger came under series of sanctions imposed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which suspended all cooperation with the country, with Nigeria cutting off electricity to its northern neighbor. | Niger's biggest solar power plant started operating amid There…

The Independent (2023-12-01). Resource-rich Africa has no excuse to remain poor, says African Development Bank president. independent.co.ug Lagos, Nigeria | THE INDPENDENT | With $6.2 trillion worth of natural resources, 65 percent of the world's uncultivated arable land, and a vibrant youth population, Africa has no excuse to be poor, African Development Bank Group President Dr Akinwumi Adesina has said . He said the continent must look inward urgently to solve its many challenges …

Saheli Chowdhury (2023-12-01). Essequibo and Other Border Issues: Venezuela's Territorial Losses to Imperialist Powers Through the Centuries (Part 1). orinocotribune.com By Saheli Chowdhury — Nov 30, 2023 | With the Venezuelan consultative referendum on reclaiming the Essequibo territory from Guyana just around the corner, one may wonder what it is about and why it is being conducted now. Venezuela has been accused of intending to carry out imperialist expansion and attempting to control the petroleum resources of a "foreign territory." We are being told that Venezuela is trying to steal Guyanese territory and Guyanese oil. This hypothesis may seem plausible to many, even though Venezuela has no history of imperialist expansion in its republican life of over two centuries. I…

Brian Berletic, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-12-01). West Admits Ukraine Is Losing Proxy War. popularresistance.org After nearly 2 years of portraying the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as unfolding in Kiev and the collective West's favor, a sudden deluge of admissions have begun saturating Western headlines noting that Ukraine is not only losing, but that there is little or nothing its Western backers can do to change this fact. | What had been a narrative of Ukraine's steady gains and indomitable fighting spirit has now been replaced by the reality of Ukraine's catastrophic losses (as well as net territorial losses) and a steady collapse of morale among troops. What had been narratives of Russian forces poorly trained and led,…

infobrics (2023-12-01). Former spy chief says Budanov's wife, other officials poisoned as power struggle rages in Kiev. infobrics.org The string of murder attempts, calls for resignation, cancelling of elections, character assassinations and much more point to a major fight for power in Ukraine.

infobrics (2023-12-01). Did Serbia really help Russia by buying Cypriot Mi-35P gunships. infobrics.org While it can certainly be argued that what Belgrade has done with the Cypriot Mi-35P gunships is a positive development for Moscow, it's questionable it did so because of its desire to aid Russia. The Eurasian giant is simply too big and powerful to need Serbian assistance. Even in the case that these helicopters ended up in the Kiev regime's hands, their usability would've been limited at best, as Moscow has already destroyed dozens of such aircraft.

infobrics (2023-12-01). Could Russia Turn to Asian Infrastructure Investments to Free Up Its US$40 Billion Held in Indian Vostro Accounts. infobrics.org Russia could become a significant BRI-style investor in the global south…

infobrics (2023-12-01). Russian national "outside the list" released from Hamas a diplomatic win for Moscow. infobrics.org Russia has been criticized for engaging with Hamas, especially after October 7, however the recent developments have shown that this approach is rational and fruitful.

infobrics (2023-12-01). China Willing to Strengthen Cooperation with Brazil. infobrics.org China is willing to continue strengthening dialogue and cooperation with Brazil within the frameworks including the World Trade Organization, G20 (the Group of 20) and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), said a senior government official…

Jonathan Cook, Consortium News. (2023-12-01). The Nord Stream Lies Just Keep Coming. popularresistance.org Want to understand why the media we consume is either owned by billionaires or under the thumb of governments? The latest developments in the reporting of who was behind the explosions that destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines that brought Russian gas to Europe provide the answer. | Although largely forgotten now, the blasts in the Baltic Sea in September 2022 had huge and lasting repercussions. The explosion was an act both of unprecedented industrial sabotage and of unparalleled environmental terrorism, releasing untold quantities of the most potent of the greenhouse gasses, methane, into the atmosphere.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-12-01). Russia and Cuba plan to increase flights. plenglish.com Moscow, Dec 1 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Cuba plan to connect the city of St. Petersburg with Cayo Coco every ten days by late December, Cuban Ambassador to Russia Julio Garmendia told reporters.

Editor (2023-12-01). US Says If CIA-Backed Embassy Security Opened Phones of Assange Visitors, It Was Constitutional. scheerpost.com By Kevin Gosztola / The Dissenter An attorney for the United States government contended CIA-backed contractors had not violated the privacy rights when they allegedly opened the physical structure of cellphones belonging to Americans, who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in the Ecuador embassy in London. "There are several cases," U.S. Attorney Jean-David Barnea argued, …

infobrics (2023-12-01). China and Saudi Arabia Sign a $7 Billion Currency Swap Agreement, Adding to De-Dollarization Push. infobrics.org It's yet another push towards dedollarization as countries attempt to wean off use of the greenback…

infobrics (2023-12-01). UK escalating tensions across Middle East. infobrics.org London exacerbates the crisis in the Middle East by sending military ships to the Gulf.

infobrics (2023-12-01). Joining BRICS Great Moment in Ethiopia's Diplomacy: Foreign Affairs State Minister. infobrics.org Ethiopia's entry into BRICS is one of the great moments the country has achieved in its modern diplomacy, Foreign Affairs State Minister Misganu Arga said…

Bella DeVaan, Inequality. (2023-12-01). Red Cup Rebellion Redux: An Interview With Starbucks Workers United. popularresistance.org The Starbucks Workers United are here to stay. After Buffalo-area stores organized in 2021, unionization caught on like wildfire at franchise locations across the nation. (That year, the median Starbucks employee made under $13,000 while the company's then-CEO Kevin Johnson took home $20.4 million) | Since then, the organizing workers haven't let up, roasting former CEO Howard Schultz in a high-profile Senate hearing and escalating their campaign. President Biden's National Labor Relations Board has issued landmark rulings in the union's favor against the company's cruel union busting. Now, over 9,000 workers con…

Pressenza New York (2023-12-01). Israel-Jordan Relations In The Wake Of The Gaza War. pressenza.com Under Prime Minister Netanyahu's leadership, Israel-Jordan relations have hit a new low. Sadly, after 30 years of peace, there is deep sullenness and disappointment between the two countries. The aspiration for strategic partnership has fallen short, except for security collaboration. Jordan's King Abdallah and Netanyahu do not see eye-to-eye on many issues. The King views Netanyahu as particularly responsible for the deterioration of the relationship between the two countries. Of specific concern to Jordan is the Israeli government's brutal treatment of the Palestinians in the West Bank, its worries about any ch…

Matthew Stevenson (2023-12-01). Return to Bosnia-Herzegovina: a British Peacekeeper's Time in Hell. counterpunch.org This is the tenth part in a series about Bosnia-Herzegovina thirty years after its civil wars. On my last day in Bosnia-Herzegovina, I had meetings in Maglaj and Tuzla—both are in central Bosnia—and then a flight home from the airfield in Tuzla that had seen some heavy fighting during the wars. The public library in

WSWS (2023-12-01). GM execs boast about low costs of UAW contract, hand over billions to shareholders. wsws.org GM CEO Mary Barra and Chief Financial Officer Paul Jacobson delivered the remarks nine days after the UAW bureaucracy pushed through a company-friendly contract, which was opposed by 47 percent of GM's production workers.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). Notre Dame spire rises from ashes after 2019 fire in Paris. ecns.cn Workers on high scaffolding install the framework of the new spire of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, which was damaged in a devastating fire four years ago, as restoration works continue in Paris, France, Nov. 29, 2023.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-12-01). Macy's, Starbucks workers use fake corporate holidays to strike. therealnews.com

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-12-01). Can US Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East? counterpunch.org While Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has been frantically shuttling around the Middle East trying to stop the Israeli coflict in Gaza from exploding into a regional war, the United States has also sent two aircraft carrier strike groups, a Marine Expeditionary Unit and 1,200 extra troops to the Middle East as a "deterrent." In

Joe Allen (2023-12-01). Why are the Teamsters Courting the Far Right? counterpunch.org Since the ratification of the UPS contract in August, the media coverage of the Teamsters has dropped off significantly, overshadowed by the UAW's historic strikes against the auto industry. However, Teamster General President Sean O'Brien did make a brief media comeback when Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R.-OK) challenged him to a fight when he testified before the U.S. Senate Health,

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). Price drop coming for 30 medical devices. ecns.cn The fourth round of China's centralized bulk medical procurement has resulted in a 70-percent drop in the average price of 30 types of medical devices, according to the National Healthcare Security Administration on Thursday.

Answer Coalition (2023-12-01). TAKE TO THE STREETS: Stop the U.S./Israeli genocide in Gaza! answercoalition.org Netanyahu & Biden Restart the Genocide: Take to the Streets for Gaza!: | Right now, Israeli warplanes are raining missiles and bombs down on Gaza, murdering civilians by the hundreds. On the ground, Israeli troops are resuming their rampage through some of the most densely populated residential areas on Earth. This is taking place with the full backing of the U.S. government. The Biden administration and Israel have ignored the demands from the people of the world for a permanent ceasefire, now we must take to the streets with even more intensity than before to stop the genocide! | Emergency actions ar…

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2023-12-01). Black Media Misleaders Do The Democrats' Dirty Work. popularresistance.org The Black misleadership class casts a very wide net. This group is not just composed of elected officials and organization heads. The misleaders have a media team too and they have already begun the process of herding Black voters into the Democratic Party wing of the duopoly and getting them to cast ballots for Joe Biden without any question or complaint. | The media misleaders are getting an early start on the 2024 presidential campaign season. Despite the fact that Biden has no competition from any democrat and the party has already said there will be no debates even if a competitor appears, Biden's weak appro…

Chris Hedges (2023-12-01). The war on Palestine has gone on for over 100 years. therealnews.com

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-01). House Passes Bill to Permanently Freeze $6 Billion in Iranian Funds. news.antiwar.com The House on Thursday passed a bill that would force the president to permanently freeze $6 billion in Iranian funds that were briefly made available to Tehran as part of a prisoner swap deal. Under the deal, the US and Iran exchanged prisoners, and the US allowed the transfer of the $6 billion from South …

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-01). IDF Chief Tells Blinken That Gaza Campaign Will Take More Than a Few Weeks. news.antiwar.com Gen. Herzi Halevi, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) chief of staff, met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday and said Israel's military operations in Gaza will take "more than a few additional weeks," Axios reported. Blinken's visit to Israel marked his third since October 7 and came as it's unclear if Israel and …

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-01). House Passes Bill to Permanently Freeze $6 Billion in Iranian Funds. news.antiwar.com The House on Thursday passed a bill that would force the president to permanently freeze $6 billion in Iranian funds that were briefly made available to Tehran as part of a prisoner swap deal. Under the deal, the US and Iran exchanged prisoners, and the US allowed the transfer of the $6 billion from South …

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-01). IDF Chief Tells Blinken That Gaza Campaign Will Take More Than a Few Weeks. news.antiwar.com Gen. Herzi Halevi, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) chief of staff, met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday and said Israel's military operations in Gaza will take "more than a few additional weeks," Axios reported. Blinken's visit to Israel marked his third since October 7 and came as it's unclear if Israel and …

Editor (2023-12-01). Glenn Greenwald: The Murderous Life & Legacy of Henry Kissinger. scheerpost.com

The Grayzone (2023-12-01). VIDEO: Understanding the insane appeal of Argentina's Javier Milei. thegrayzone.com Renowned Argentine sociologist and anti-imperialist critic Atilio Boron joins The Grayzone to discuss the victory of former tantric sex coach and emotionally unhinged liberatarian economic fundamentalist Javier Milei as the country's president. Boron explains why the desperate popular sectors of Argentina fell for Milei's shtick, and forecasts a violent rebellion of the president-elect's economic austerity plans come to pass.

Editor (2023-12-01). FOI Request Reveals Bellingcat Collusion With Western Intelligence. scheerpost.com

Jeffrey St. Clair (2023-12-01). Roaming Charges: The Dr. Caligari of the American Empire. counterpunch.org Henry Kissinger's greatest triumph—and perhaps his only real talent— was to seduce three generations of American political and media elites into believing that his diplomatic genius could be measured by the Himalayan heights of the body count he left in his wake.

Editor (2023-12-01). Dec 1, 2023. sitrepworld.info The Beatles — While My Guitar Gently Weeps A Century of Barbarism Is Upon Us, by Paul Craig Roberts Day 55: Palestinians in Gaza are once again counting down the hours — Mondoweiss Oct 7 Narrative Further Collapses & Secret US Plan — Ryan Cristián Video Scott Ritter: "Israel is horrific genocidal maniacal Zionist country (Video) The 1,000 Boat Blockade-Busting Operation Changes Everything on the Gaza Front, if.. by Yves Smith Can US Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East? by Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies US, UK, AUS Defy International Law at UN, by Joe Lauria Gre…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-12-01). Censorship of pro-Palestine content on social media continues. peoplesdispatch.org On November 23, Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on Human Rights in occupied Palestinian territories Albanese was alerted by some users of the social media site claiming that they were unable to search her page. Whenever they entered her username, unrelated parody pages were brought up (this has since been rectified). The UN rapporteur has been vocal against…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-12-01). Israel resumes bombing Gaza after seven days of truce, kills over 20 Palestinians. peoplesdispatch.org After talks in Doha to extend the ceasefire did not lead to a conclusion, Israel resumed its attacks on Gaza on Friday, killing at least 21 people, including a journalist. The US expressed support to Israel's decision…

Judy Albert, Claire Cohen, Ed Grystar, Ana Malinow, Martha Schmidt, Kay Tillow, Counter Punch. (2023-12-01). National Single Payer Denounces Targeting Of Hospitals In Gaza. popularresistance.org As a national, grassroots, social justice organization that organizes locally in the struggle for national single payer health care in the U.S., united by the common principles that health care is a human right, must be free from corporate profit, and must be achieved through national legislation, the Steering Committee of National Single Payerfeels it is our moral duty to take a stand on what is happening to the hospitals, health care providers, patients, and civilians in Gaza. Our voice is small, and our statement will alienate some, nevertheless, it is our sincere belief that we are witnesses to a time in hist…

Lindsay Koshgarian, Scheer Post. (2023-12-01). The Pentagon Just Can't Pass An Audit. popularresistance.org The Pentagon just failed its audit — again. For the sixth time in a row, the agency that accounts for half the money Congress approves each year can't figure out what it did with all that money. | For a brief recap, the Pentagon has never passed an audit. Until 2018, it had never even completed one. | Since then, the Pentagon has done an audit every year and given itself a participation prize each time. Yet despite this year's triumphant press release — titled "DOD Makes Incremental Progress Towards Clean Audit" — it has failed every time. | In its most recent audit, the Pentagon was able to acc…

Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network. (2023-12-01). Australian Trade Unionists For Palestine Are Blocking Israeli Ships. popularresistance.org Over the past month and a half, with each passing day, more Israeli bombs have fallen on Gaza. More bodies have been blown apart and buried under the rubble. Close to 2 million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. The world has borne witness to a genocidal military campaign to clear out Gaza once and for all. And every day, every hour, it feels like the chance to stop one of humanity's most inhumane crimes is slipping through our fingers. | And, even with this week's temporary "humanitarian pause" and exchange of prisoners and hostages, the powers that be have shown no interest whatsoever in listeni…

Maya Richard-Craven, Scalawag. (2023-12-01). Hidden Toll Of Hurricane Katrina On The Mental Health Of Black Survivors. popularresistance.org When Hurricane Katrina touched down in New Orleans in late August 2005, nine-year-old Nia Burnett was too young to realize that her life would never be the same. | Nia's family had chosen to stay in the city and wait out the storm. They all headed to a local hospital for safety. What they found were corpses lining the hallways. The whole building smelled like rotten flesh. Nia remembers later standing on the roof after the hospital started flooding, waiting to be rescued. Below her, she watched as all the neighborhoods she used to play in with her friends were swallowed up by the rising waters. Meanwhile, even mo…

Leila Warah, Mondoweiss. (2023-12-01). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 55: Palestinians Counting Down The Hours Until Bombing Restarts. popularresistance.org Less than an hour before 7: 00 a.m. this morning, when the six-day truce between Hamas and Israel was due to expire, a 24-hour extension was reached with the help of external mediators. | Meanwhile, people in Gaza are waiting for the continuation of Israel's relentless bombardment. | "The first day of the pause, I cleared rubble from my sister's house. The next two, I queued for cooking gas. Now, I'm counting down the hours until the bombing restarts. I'm extremely worried," said Tarneem in a testimony shared by Medical Aid for Palestinians. | During the six-day pause, the Palestine Red Crescent (PRC) "successfull…

Ramzy Baroud (2023-12-01). United for Gaza: Time Now for Palestinians to Protect Their Collective Sumud. counterpunch.org Shortly after the start of a four-day ceasefire in the war on Gaza, the prime ministers of Spain and Belgium, Pedro Sanchez and Alexander De Croo, appeared in a joint press conference at Rafah Crossing. While Sanchez described "what is happening (as) a disaster," De Croo called for a "permanent cessation of hostilities" and for

Editor (2023-12-01). The Marriage of Nixon and Kissinger. scheerpost.com By Robert Scheer / Los Angeles Times With the death of Henry Kissinger, there is a lively national discussion of the crimes and accomplishments of the Nixon administration that Kissinger helped lead. Although Kissinger won the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating a cease-fire in Vietnam and has generally received credit for opening diplomatic relations …

Alexander Cockburn (2023-12-01). Hitchens and Kissinger at the Pearly Gates. counterpunch.org Antechamber to Heaven, a large reception room in the Baroque style. A door opens and an angel ushers in Christopher Hitchens, dressed in hospital clothing. The angel gestures for CH to take a seat. He is about to do so when he espies a familiar figure reading some newspapers. CH: Dr. Kissinger! The very

Ariel Dorfman (2023-12-01). Duck! Walt Disney and Salvador Allende are Still Fighting for Our Souls. counterpunch.org This year marks the anniversaries of two drastically different events that loomed all too large in my life. The first occurred a century ago in Hollywood: on October 16, 1923, Walt Disney signed into being the corporation that bears his name. The second took place in Santiago, Chile, on September 11, 1973, when socialist President

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-01). Henry Kissinger: Snake Oil Salesman of Gangster Realism. counterpunch.org "'He'll have ye smilin'," an old Irish saying goes, "while he takes the gold out of your teeth'." — Charles Glass, London Review of Books, Oct 20, 2022 The obituaries of criminals, masterful or otherwise, are always going to be sordid matters. Either one has time for the deeds, giving column space to their execution

Bruce E. Levine (2023-12-01). The Eugene V. Debs Museum: What It Spoke to Bill Walton, Larry Bird, and Me. counterpunch.org What spoke to me on my visit to the Debs Museum? Although I have long known many of the facts of Debs's life, including the violence directed at him by the U.S. ruling class and its lackeys in the U.S. government, hanging out in Deb's former home provoked a more visceral experience of just how ugly the ruling-class bastards can be when they are threatened, and how effective their violence has been.

Daniel Warner (2023-12-01). Humand.Kind: An Unusual Photo Exhibit Outside Traditional Humanitarian Visual Culture. counterpunch.org What role do photographs play in our perceptions? How to present humanitarian catastrophes? Think of iconic photos such as the Vietnamese girl running after being burned by napalm during the Vietnam War or the photo of the dead toddler floating in the water off the Greek island of Lesbos. While it cannot be proven that

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-12-01). Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires. "The Goal Is for You to Own Nothing" globalresearch.ca The goal is to force people out of their homes. If you cannot afford the required upgrades, you'll be forced to sell your home. Asset management companies will then buy them and turn them into rentals…

Edward Said (2023-12-01). Of Dignity and Solidarity. counterpunch.org This piece first appeared in CounterPunch in June 2023. In early May, I was in Seattle lecturing for a few days. While there, I had dinner one night with Rachel Corrie's parents and sister, who were still reeling from the shock of their daughter's murder on March 16 in Gaza by an Israeli bulldozer. Mr.

Eve Ottenberg (2023-12-01). Fisticuffs in the Senate? No Such Luck. counterpunch.org The U.S. Congress almost joined the ranks of foreign legislatures on November 14, where opinions regularly become so heated that disputes degenerate into brawls. For those who amuse themselves by watching video clips of European, African or Asian lawmakers pummeling each other, the prospect of one such wrestling match on Capitol Hill was something to

It's Going Down (2023-12-01). Counter-Insurgency, Israel, and Settler-Colonialism: Making Sense of the State's Strategy. itsgoingdown.org In this episode of the It's Going Down podcast, we speak with Adi Callai of the Rev and Reve channel about the unfolding genocide playing out in the occupied Palestinian territories. Callai speaks about the context of the uprising that exploded on October 7th, the Israeli state's use of technology, drones, and beyond, the combating…

Joshua Frank (2023-12-01). Condemn Hamas? It's Time We Flipped the Script. counterpunch.org Over 15,000 Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza. 5,000 children. 1 in 200 dead. 1.8 million displaced. Churches targeted. Hospitals. Schools. Shelters. No water. No food. No electricity. No fuel. Families destroyed. Cities flattened. Yet, I am supposed to first condemn the Hamas attacks before voicing my opposition to this slaughter. Western media won't address the

Larry Johnson (2023-12-01). Hamas Shoots Itself in the Head. sonar21.com Just when Hamas is on the verge of wining the propaganda battle they launch this stupid and meaningless attack on Israeli civilians. | There is no excuse or justification for this. Attacking unarmed civilians and shooting them is the act of cowards. Both Israel and Hamas are engaged in this same kind of reprehensible conduct. The hatred each side holds for the other is understandable, but there is ZERO justification for killing unarmed civilians. | If Hamas genuinely wants to defeat Israel then it will have to shift its tactics from these kind of futile, meaningless ambushes. Israel will seize on this to…

Lindsay Koshgarian (2023-12-01). The Pentagon Just Can't Pass an Audit. counterpunch.org The Pentagon just failed its audit — again. For the sixth time in a row, the agency that accounts for half the money Congress approves each year can't figure out what it did with all that money. For a brief recap, the Pentagon has never passed an audit. Until 2018, it had never even completed one. Since then, the Pentagon

Melvin Goodman (2023-12-01). Mainstream Media Largely Ignore Israel's Duplicity and Deceit. counterpunch.org

Mouna Hashem, Martha Mundy (2023-12-01). The United Arab Emirates is destroying the biodiversity of a Yemeni archipelago. counterpunch.org Environmental destruction entails two intertwined processes: climate change and the destruction of biodiversity, which mutually reinforce each other. Both are human-caused. Climate change is not the lead driver of biodiversity loss; it is human overexploitation of natural resources and habitat destruction. Protecting biodiversity protects against climate change. Nowhere is the fragile nature of biodiversity better illustrated than

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-12-01). What Would a Just Peace in Palestine Look Like? orinocotribune.com

Rob Urie (2023-12-01). Elections Won't Fix What Ails the West. counterpunch.org With apologies for stating the obvious, the world is in a bad way right now. And while a large number of decisions and events have brought 'us,' the collective inhabitants of the planet, to this point, it is the good ole US of A that is now leading the dysfunction and depravity. And here's the

Robert Hunziker (2023-12-01). Hypocrisy Sours COP28. counterpunch.org Hypocrisy runs rampant at COP28 even before the doors swung open to 70,000 delegates on Thursday, November 30th. This is the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties ("COP") held at Expo City, Dubai. It's the big annual event for scientists to meet to decide on the fate of anthropogenic climate change,

Ron Jacobs (2023-12-01). Kissinger Finally Departs. counterpunch.org The earth is freed of one of its more despicable demons. Henry Kissinger is dead. A corpse. One of history's most evil humans has shed his mortal coil. There are other writers who will list his deeds. Those who operated in the same hellish sphere of power and death as Kissinger will laud his statesmanship and his

SAM (2023-12-01). Sick of Outrageously Excessive CEO Compensation? inequality.org

Stan Cox (2023-12-01). Can We Keep Both Fascism and Climate Doom at Bay for Decades to Come? counterpunch.org I've been arguing now for a year and a half that the enactment of bold new climate policies—bold enough to quickly drive US greenhouse-gas emissions down to zero—can succeed only if we defeat the looming threat of far-right authoritarianism. And today, the nation's anti-democracy, fossil-fuel-loving political minority appears more determined than ever to gain enough

Amanda Yee (2023-12-01). Five of the worst atrocities overseen by Henry Kissinger. liberationnews.org While ruling class figures celebrate Kissinger's legacy, his record is soaked in the blood of millions throughout the Global South. Below are five of the worst atrocities that Kissinger is directly responsible for, in no particular order.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-01). Henry Kissinger: Snake Oil Salesman of Gangster Realism. dissidentvoice.org "'He'll have ye smilin'," an old Irish saying goes, "while he takes the gold out of your teeth'." — Charles Glass, London Review of Books, Oct 20, 2022 The obituaries of criminals, masterful or otherwise, are always going to be sordid matters. Either one has time for the deeds, giving column space to their execution …

Editor (2023-12-01). The Real Cost of Bottled Water. scheerpost.com By Daniel Jaffee / CounterPunch The price of bottled water has frequently been the focus of both ridicule and concern. While often priced competitively with soda and other beverages, this commodity is vastly more expensive than the tap water it often replaces for consumers. Depending on the brand and package, the cost of the average …

Editor (2023-12-01). UN Security Council Debates Catastrophe in Gaza. scheerpost.com

geo.tv (2023-12-01). WATCH: Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Rockefeller Centre Christmas tree lighting. geo.tv NYPD prepared in advance for potential security threats citing precedent for terrorist activity and mass gatherings…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-01). War Criminal and Depopulationist Henry Kissinger dies. expose-news.com Henry Kissinger died on Wednesday at his home in Connecticut. The notorious war criminal and depopulationist was 100. An investigation conducted in 1981 by Executive Intelligence Review uncovered that, during the Carter …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-01). Doctors who insist on providing only phone or internet consultations are dangerous and should be fired. expose-news.com

The Dissenter (2023-12-01). Unauthorized Disclosure: December 1 Subscriber Show. thedissenter.org Become a subscriber of the "Unauthorized Disclosure" podcast and get access to all of our shows, including exclusive episodes.

The Independent (2023-12-01). Govt maintains ban on export of raw minerals. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Minister of State for Energy Peter Lokeris has restated that the government's ban on unrefined minerals, which was imposed in February 2015 by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, will not be lifted. Minister Lokeris explained that Museveni imposed a moratorium on the export of unprocessed iron ore and other …

The Independent (2023-12-01). Uganda Cricket Cranes qualify for T20 World Cup for first time. independent.co.ug Windhoek, Namibia | URN & THE INDEPENDENT | With five wins from their six games, the Uganda national cricket team have ensured a top-two finish in the ICC Men's T20 World Cup Africa Region Qualifier and booked their tickets for the T20 World Cup 2024 in West Indies and USA. This will be their first-ever appearance …

The Independent (2023-12-01). Uganda Netball Federation president Babirye remanded. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The President of Uganda Netball Federation Sarah Babirye Kityo has been remanded to Luzira Prison by the Anti Corruption Court on charges of false accounting of sh186 million. Babirye was on Thursday arraigned before Grade One Magistrate Christopher Opito where she denied the charges. The court heard that Babirye …

World Beyond War (2023-12-01). Close the Foreign Bases in Djibouti. pressenza.com

WSWS (2023-12-01). Incoming New Zealand government prepares sweeping attack on public education. wsws.org Amid the ongoing gutting and long-term running down of public education, the new right-wing coalition government is to re-establish previously discredited Charter schools as a step towards widespread privatization.

WSWS (2023-12-01). Sri Lankan filmmaker Prasanna Vithanage denounces Israeli genocide in Gaza. wsws.org "I strongly denounce state-sponsored witch-hunt and prosecution against artists and activists who have come forward against Israel's genocide."

WSWS (2023-12-01). Modi government bans all expressions of solidarity with Palestine in Indian-held Kashmir. wsws.org India's US-aligned, Hindu-supremacist government has forbidden all expressions of support for the besieged and bombarded Palestinians of Gaza in Indian-occupied Kashmir, where half-a-million Indian security forces continue a decades-long campaign of brutal repression.

WSWS (2023-12-01). Henry Kissinger and the crimes of American imperialism. wsws.org The former secretary of state is identified with an endless list of atrocities perpetrated by American imperialism.

WSWS (2023-12-01). Wilders' election victory in the Netherlands: How can war and fascism be stopped? wsws.org The election victory of the right-wing extremist Geert Wilders in the Dutch parliamentary elections is the product of the complete bankruptcy of the former left-wing forces and at the same time expresses the shift to the right of the entire political establishment.

WSWS (2023-12-01). Australian government demands parliament sits until it passes "preventative detention" law. wsws.org Holding parliament in session until it rubberstamps such a repressive law is a lurch toward authoritarianism.

WSWS (2023-12-01). Jewish professor who has spoken out against Israeli war crimes assaulted in Sydney. wsws.org The attack on 76-year-old Professor Peter Slezak underscores the fraud of the entire official campaign over antisemitism, which is being used to delegitimise opposition to Israeli war crimes and to embolden far-right Zionist forces.

WSWS (2023-12-01). Toronto police pursue criminal charges of "hate-motivated" mischief against 11 anti-genocide, pro-Palestinian protesters. wsws.org The 11 were arrested in relation to a protest against Indigo Books and Music founder Heather Reisman over her financial support for the Israel Defense Forces amid its genocide in Gaza.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). Renewable energy power in China reached record high. ecns.cn Installed capacity of China's renewable energy power generation surpassed 1.4 billion kilowatts as of end-October, accounting for 49.9 percent of the country's total, said the National Energy Administration on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). Average battery-grade lithium price drops again. ecns.cn The average price of battery-grade lithium carbonate in China dropped to 132,500 yuan ($18,595) per metric ton on Thursday, about 1,500 yuan per ton lower than the previous day, said commodity data tracker Mysteel.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). Chinese companies transforming global business via technology. ecns.cn Fueled by industrial advancements, Chinese companies are transforming the global business landscape, placing a strategic emphasis on technology as the driving force, according to a report released by multiple parties.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). Airbus to deliver new aircraft model to China by 2025. ecns.cn European aircraft manufacturer Airbus anticipates delivering its new model A330neo to a Chinese airline company in the first half of 2025 after going through certification.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). Lenders pledge support to developers. ecns.cn A number of major Chinese commercial banks have voiced support in recent meetings for the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises, which is a positive signal for the further stabilization of the housing market.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). NDB approves $50 mln local loan. ecns.cn The New Development Bank has approved a $50 million yuan-denominated loan to Bank of Huzhou, the lender said on Thursday, making it China's first nonsovereign loan approved by the multilateral bank.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). COP28 calls for speeding up climate efforts. ecns.cn The 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change officially kicked off in the United Arab Emirates on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-12-01). Public security agencies wage war against hackers. ecns.cn Chinese police have pledged to continue to intensify their efforts on cybersecurity, as hacking into computer systems has become a major engine for criminal activities.

The Independent (2023-12-01). IRA unveils 2023 insurance innovation awards. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | JULIUS BUSINGE | The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda has unveiled the 2023 insurance innovation awards for all players licensed by the Authority, including insurers, Health Membership Organisations, Brokers, Bancassurance Agents, Individual Agents and loss assessors. The Uganda Chief Executive Officer, Alhaj Kaddunabbi Ibrahim Lubega said on Nov.23 that this year, they have …

Stephen Janis, Taya Graham (2023-12-01). Arkansas police arrest man for a traffic violation in his own driveway. therealnews.com Shawn Bresnahan, a resident and local mechanic in Greenbrier, Arkansas, had his world turned upside down after taking his newly-repaired car for a test drive. Due to a clerical error, Bresnahan had a suspended license at the time. Local cops were all too quick to take advantage of this by confronting and arresting Bresnahan on his own driveway. Not satisfied with publicly humiliating Bresnahan and placing him in handcuffs, the police also impounded Bresnahan's $30,000 vehicle, a decision which Bresnahan says has cost him dearly. Stephen Janis and Taya Graham of the Police Accountability Report investigate t…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-01). Lula: Qatar is a gateway to diversify business with the Middle East. plenglish.com Doha, Nov 30 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Thursday reaffirmed his nation's deep interest in strengthening trade relations with Qatar, while hoping to diversify Brazil ¥s investment portfolio.

Mel Gurtov (2023-12-01). When Will It End? Some Might Prefer It Didn't. counterpunch.org Netanyahu, the Main Obstacle In an opinion article published in the Washington Post November 18, President Biden described how far his ambitions stretch beyond the four-day pause in fighting just agreed upon. "Our goal should not be simply to stop the war for today," he wrote. "It should be to end the war forever, break the cycle

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-01). Reportan el asesinato de otros dos líderes sociales en Colombia. telesurtv.net El secretario de Gobierno del Cauca lamentó el asesinato del dirigente indígena y señaló que avanzan las investigaciones para esclarecer el homicidio.

Guadi Calvo (2023-12-01). Myanmar, un incendio al sur de China. globalizacion.ca Más allá de algunos interregnos de democracias tuteladas, el Tatmadaw, como se conoce al ejército de Birmania o Myanmar desde 2008, es el que gobierna el país desde su independencia en 1948. Ese poder es palpable en todas las actividades,…

Alessandro Pagani (2023-12-01). La corte internacional penal del Haya, instrumento de la guerra sin límites de Washington en contra de Rusia. globalizacion.ca Slobodan Milosevic murió durante un juicio ilegal, organizado por un tribunal ilegal en el corazón de una Europa que se autodenomina como la paladina de la libertad, la democracia y los derechos humanos, sin poder disfrutar de ninguno de estos…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-12-01). Cuba critica incumplimientos de países ricos en tema climático. telesurtv.net Presidente cubano aprovechó para denunciar el genocidio que se está produciendo en el territorio palestino de la Franja de Gaza, a manos del ocupante sionista.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-12-01). Realizan movilizaciones por cierre de campaña de cara al referendo consultivo en Venezuela. telesurtv.net Varios venezolanos entrevistados en las movilizaciones de La Guaira coincidieron en que se trata de exigir una parte de territorio que pertenece a esta nación.

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-01). Venezuela acuerda vía para habilitación de políticos opositores. telesurtv.net El jefe de la delegación del Gobierno venezolano, expresó que el procedimiento judicial, ratifica los acuerdos suscritos en Barbados en octubre pasado.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-12-01). Petro vincula masacre en Palestina con daños de crisis climática. telesurtv.net El presidente colombiano afirmó que La enorme desigualdad social frente al consumo de carbono provoca el éxodo del sur hacia el norte.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-01). Congreso da permiso a Nayib Bukele para buscar la reelección. telesurtv.net La Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador aprobó también que Claudia Juana Rodríguez de Guevara, actual secretaria privada de Bukele, ocupe la Presidencia mientras el mandatario se concentra en la campaña electoral.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-01). Sicarios asesinan a líder indígena en Perú. telesurtv.net Quinto Inuma Alvarado llevaba años denunciando actividades ilícitas realizadas en la selva amazónica peruana por lo que recibió varias amenazas de muertes que fueron concretadas el miércoles.

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-01). Congreso de Guatemala quita la inmunidad a cuatro jueces del TSE. telesurtv.net La decisión contra los magistrados electorales fue aprobada por 108 votos de los 160 legisladores que componen el Parlamento.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-12-01). Más de 100 muertos por ataques israelíes tras tregua en Gaza. telesurtv.net El portavoz del Ministerio de Sanidad gazatí, Ashraf al Qidra, señaló que al menos 109 palestinos fueron asesinados.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-12-01). Dos exministros admiten culpa por caso Golpe I en Bolivia. telesurtv.net El documento expuesto por los exministros admite que ambos incurrieron en delitos de encubrimiento y asociación delictuosa.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-12-01). Gobierno de Nicaragua informa sobre atención médica a Rolando àÅlvarez. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Gobernación acompañó el texto con fotografías que evidencian las condiciones en que fue atendido Rolando Álvarez.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-01). CIJ rechaza medidas solicitadas por Guyana para impedir referendo consultivo de Venezuela sobre el Esequibo. telesurtv.net El 15 de noviembre pasado, la vicepresidenta venezolana, Delcy Rodríguez, presentó ante la CIJ los argumentos de su país en defensa de la celebración del referendo consultivo.

Rubén Armendáriz (2023-12-01). Milei adelanta su gabinete, tras el aval logrado en Washington. globalizacion.ca El exministro de Hacienda y extitular del Banco Central durante la gestión presidencial del neoliberal Mauricio Macri (2015-219), Luis "Toto" Caputo, considerado especialista en fuga de capitales y megaendeudador del país, será el ministro de Economía del gobierno del ultraderechista …

Shaun Walker (2023-12-01). El optimismo se desvanece en Ucrania a las puertas de otro invierno de guerra. globalizacion.ca Los rumores de tensiones en la cúpula, el agotamiento tras dos años de lucha y la frustración con los aliados empañan el ambiente en Kiev. | Hay una sutil pero inconfundible sensación de pesadumbre en Kiev, y no solo por las…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-12-01). Guterres llama a actuar ya para limitar el calentamiento global. telesurtv.net Secretario General de ONU insta a dejar de quemar combustibles fósiles de manera progresiva, triplicar la capacidad renovable y duplicar la eficiencia energética…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-12-01). Ejército de Israel asesina a joven palestino en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El joven se nombraba Karam Khaled Bani Odeh, de 25 años de edad y residía en la ciudad de Tammoun.

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-01). Israel reanuda los bombardeos y operaciones militares en la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Los negociadores egipcios y cataríes estuvieron presionando para prolongar la tregua por 48 horas junto con más liberaciones de secuestrados y rehenes.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-12-01). Instan a jerarquizar equidad y justicia racial en agendas de desarrollo. telesurtv.net Foro mundial de Unesco contra racismo y discriminación racial sesiona hasta este viernes en Sao Paulo, Brasil.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-12-01). Fiscalía de Perú abre diligencias tras muerte de líder indígena. telesurtv.net La Tercera Fiscalía Supraprovincial Corporativa contra el Crimen Organizado inició diligencias preliminares tras asesinato de líder indígena del pueblo Kwcha, Quinto Inuma Alvarado…

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-12-01). Supremo de Colombia se pronuncia sobre ley de paz total. telesurtv.net Dicha ley obtuvo aprobación primaria en el Congreso en diciembre de 2022. Casi un año más tarde, la Corte se pronuncia con respecto al tema.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-12-01). Denuncian nueva masacre en Magdalena, Colombia, la número 87 de 2023. telesurtv.net "Se presentó un triple homicidio en el barrio Don Jaca, ubicado en el sur del Distrito de Santa Marta", declaró Indepaz.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-01). Asesinan al director de un cuerpo policial de Zacatecas, México. telesurtv.net Durante el suceso un civil también perdió la vida porque fue alcanzado por balas pérdidas.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-01). Designan a nuevo ministro de Comercio e Industrias de Panamá. telesurtv.net Jorge Rivera Staff ocupará la cartera de Comercio e Industrias tras la renuncia del exministro Federico Alfaro Boyd.

teleSUR, odr, R (2023-12-01). Asamblea de Ecuador responsabiliza a Guillermo Lasso por peculado. telesurtv.net También se acordó acusar a Lasso de utilizar la muerte cruzada para eludir responsabilidades.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-01). Global Nuclear War and Staged Pandemics: Michel Chossudovsky and Mike Adams. globalresearch.ca

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2023-12-01). Winter 2023 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! indybay.org Breaking his campaign promise — amid a migrant crisis, Biden to build new section of racist border wall!

Angela (2023-12-01). Saturday 12/2: Virtual screening of "Stone Cold Justice: Israel's torture of Palestinian children" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

PNW Street Medics (2023-12-01). Wellbeing and Resilience Videos for Humanitarians. indybay.org Take a few minutes to invest in your wellbeing by watching one or more of the videos about Wellbeing and Resilience Videos for Humanitarians.

Angela (2023-12-01). Wednesday 11/29: Stopping the Cycle of Violence in the Middle East: A Teach-in for Action. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-12-01). Wednesday 11/29: Virtual National Phonebank to Oppose US Money for War Crimes! indybay.org Online (Registration link is below)…

East Bay Bike Party (2023-12-01). Friday 12/8: East Bay Bike Party – Let's Light up the Night. indybay.org Gather at North Berkeley BART station…

FRSO San Jose (2023-12-01). Tuesday 12/5: Pack the San Jose City Council Meeting for Palestine. indybay.org San Jose City Hall…

Angela (2023-12-01). Sunday 12/3: Santa Rosa Protest for Palestine. indybay.org Courthouse Square | 3rd St | Santa Rosa, CA…

Community of Squatted Prosfygika (2023-12-01). Solidarity for the Community of Squatted Prosfygika in Athens (Greece). indybay.org Dear Comrades, | There is urgent financial support needed for the Community of Squatted Prosfygika in Alexandras Avenue in Athens. The current situation has been bad and will change for the worst. Imperialist wars, fascist regimes and global capitalism are growing stronger in different territories, millions of people on the move get trapped and killed by the Greek and European Border regime, exploitation of landscapes and natural resources are pushing the climate catastrophe. These forces are the same that oppress and criminalize everyone and everything that we are struggling for. This situation leads to the need…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-12-01). 25th Year, CA State Capitol Kwanzaa, reflecting upon Ancient Kush Ethiopian Empire. indybay.org Together, we continue to lift up the creator of Kwanzaa, Dr. Maulana Karenga in a good way, while providing a solid path toward sharing new global agricultural opportunities rooted in wisdom from our Ancient Kushite Ethiopian Empire shared long ago by Drusilla Dunjee Houston, showcasing #Womanity, a positive new way forward upon the Ancient Lands of Califia.

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