2023-12-06: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-12-06). The BRICS Status and Role in Global Governance. infobrics.org BRICS unites the efforts of countries seeking to overcome Western imperialist-economic hegemony on the path of strengthening economic integration and developing economic activities…

Karl Grossman (2023-12-06). Nuke at COP28. counterpunch.org "U.S. leads coalition to triple nuclear power by 2050 in effort to address climate change," was the headline of a December 4th CNBC article on activity at the UN conference called COP28 being held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on the climate crisis. COP stands for Conference of the Parties, annual gatherings under the United

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). World's first fourth-generation nuclear power plant goes into commercial operation in China. ecns.cn The world's first fourth-generation nuclear power plant, China's Shidaowan high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) nuclear power plant, officially went into commercial operation on Wednesday in Rongcheng.

ecns.cn (2023-12-05). China reveals design for world's largest nuclear-powered container ship. ecns.cn China on Tuesday revealed the design of the world's largest nuclear-powered container ship, media reported.

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-06). NATO/West Or Global Majority? popularresistance.org Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson discuss the fracturing international order between the NATO/West bloc and the Global Majority, analyzing Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, Argentina, and Europe.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-12-06). Angola and China sign investment protection agreement. plenglish.com Angolan Foreign Minister Téte António and Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao signed the document, which aims to promote increasing economic cooperation and stimulate the flow of capital and economic development. | An Angolan Foreign Ministry note states that the text will also ensure a stable, transparent, and non-discriminatory framework of investments between the two nations. | Signed in Beijing, the Agreement represents an essential political, economic, and commercial gain for Angola and China, António pointed out. | This is the end of 12 years of negotiations between both countries due to several constrai…

noreply (2023-12-06). Pskov Division Paratroopers… smoothiex12.blogspot.com doing their job. No matter how they train VSU in NATO, they are no match.

BAN Toxics (2023-12-06). GEF-UNIDO Healthcare Wastes Project Launches to Pioneer Sustainable Solutions in Philippine Healthcare Waste Management. pressenza.com Quezon City, December 6, 2023 — The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB), Department of Health (DOH), and BAN Toxics, together with EcoWaste Coalition and Healthcare without Harm-Southeast Asia (HCWH-SEA), have joined together to lead the launching of the five-year project funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project is focused on the reduction of unintended organic pollutants and mercury from healthcare wastes. | The groups marked the launch with a symbolic giant face mask, represen…

geo.tv (2023-12-06). At least 85 civilians killed in Nigerian army's botched drone strike. geo.tv Drones mistakenly struck the village of Tudun Biri as residents celebrating a Muslim festival…

infobrics (2023-12-06). Moscow preparing "diplomatic offensive" – US former security advisor. infobrics.org According to John Bolton, the US must prepare to neutralize Russian diplomatic moves.

infobrics (2023-12-06). Austria imports more than half of gas demand from Russia despite diversification. infobrics.org Europe continues to suffer as it tries to separate from Russian gas.

infobrics (2023-12-06). Why America might let Venezuela take Esequibo. infobrics.org Caracas should tread carefully, as the wounded beast in Washington DC is desperate for a win after it made a historic mistake of taking on Russia, a resurgent superpower that has effectively defeated America's crawling aggression in Europe. The belligerent thalassocracy doesn't need much in terms of excuses for an invasion, especially so close to home.

Press TV, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-12-06). Iranian, Russian, Chinese Forces To Hold Joint Naval Exercise. popularresistance.org Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani told the state-run Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN) television news channel on Friday evening that Iranian, Chinese and Russian forces will jointly practice exercises during the 2024 Marine Security Belt naval war game. | He added that delegates from Pakistan, Brazil, Oman, India, South Africa and a number of the Caspian Sea littoral states have also been invited to participate in the drills as observers. | Iranian naval forces and their Chinese and Russian counterparts have held several military drills in recent years to improve the security of inter…

Ahmed Adel (2023-12-06). Fragile EU Ban on Russian Gas Imports: "Major Deliveries Continue": Austria Imports More Than Half of Gas Demand from Russia's GazProm. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2023-12-06). Dec 6, 2023. sitrepworld.info Russian Patriotic Folk Song about the Mongol Invasion Day 60: Israel surrounds Kamal Adwan hospital, 'shooting anything that moves' There's Nothing You Can Say To Make Me Accept The Murder Of Thousands Of Children, by Caitlin Johnstone 'A Mass Assassination Factory': Inside Israel's Calculated Bombing of Gaza — +972 The Obliteration of Gaza: AIPAC and the MICC as Mechagodzilla, by Bill Astore Israeli Children Are Taught Genocide (Video) 50 Palestinians Killed, Hundreds Wounded as Israel Targets Two Schools sheltering Palestinians Genocide in service of Nakba 2023, by Nour Odeh COP28, Qu…

noreply (2023-12-06). How Many Times… smoothiex12.blogspot.com It is NOT Russian San-Francisco. It is Vladivostok, one and only. It is a completely different world.

Dean Baker (2023-12-06). Profit Shares Defy Projections, Not Coming Down. counterpunch.org The revisions to the third quarter growth data were striking. After an initial report showing GDP grew at a very strong 4.9 percent annual rate, the revised data show growth was actually somewhat faster at 5.2 percent. No one expects the economy to sustain anything like this rate of growth going forward. Most likely the

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-12-06). China establishes ties with Arab countries. plenglish.com Spokesman Wang Wenbin recalled that last November 29 Beijing and Amman signed a collaboration agreement for the joint construction of this mega-project and with this, the 22 Arab nations became part of the B&RI. | The spokesman also highlighted the results of cooperation between the two regions over the past decade. | "In 2022, the trade volume between China and Arab countries exceeded $430 billion, doubling 10 years ago figures", he stressed. | According to Wang, China imported 270 million tons of crude oil from Arab nations, accounting for half of the total imports of the black gold in that year. | "In the pas…

Walden Bello (2023-12-06). And Here's to You, Henry Kissinger… counterpunch.org By the time that Kissinger and Nixon invaded Laos early in 1971 to destroy the traffic on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, I had become part of the informal leadership of the anti-war movement on campus. We called for a boycott of classes, but the coup de main was the takeover and shutting down of what was then called the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton's school of public administration that served as a recruiting ground for the Central Intelligence Agency and the trained bureaucrats of foreign governments allied with the United States. I led the successful occupation of the School by hundreds of students, but at the pric…

A Guest Author (2023-12-06). Hamas to world movement: 'Victory for our people is near'. workers.org The following statement was given at a Hamas press conference on Dec. 3, 2023. Firstly, we pay tribute to the souls of our people's martyrs who ascended since the Nazi occupation began its aggressive war against our people in the Gaza Strip. We ask Allah Almighty for a speedy recovery . . . |

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-12-06). Hezbollah Strikes Israeli Occupation Military Sites. orinocotribune.com Several Israeli soldiers were injured by Hezbollah on Sunday as the group ramped up operations in solidarity with Gaza | Hezbollah pounded Israeli military sites on the Lebanese border on 4 December for the third day since the collapse of the Gaza-Israel truce. | "In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance, at 11: 30 noon on Monday 12/4/2023, targeted a gathering of Israeli occupation soldiers east of Misgav Am with guided missiles and it was directly hit," the group said in a statement. | The Ruw…

Mick Hall, Consortium News. (2023-12-06). Academic Freedom Under Fire As Gaza Burns. popularresistance.org Academic freedom and freedom of expression on university campuses across the Anglosphere have continued to come under attack in the past week with Israeli lobbyists conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. | As Israel resumed its bombing campaign, now focusing on southern Gaza, the push to hold back the growing tide of disgust is intensifying, as the official Palestinian death toll in the strip nears 16,000. | On Tuesday, the presidents of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are being hauled before a U.S. congressional committee to face accusations t…

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-06). Netanyahu Says Israeli Military Will Maintain Open-Ended Occupation of Gaza After War. news.antiwar.com Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed on Tuesday that he wants Israel's military to maintain an open-ended occupation of the Gaza Strip after the current war. "Gaza must be demilitarized. And in order for Gaza to be demilitarized, there is only one force which can ensure this demilitarization — and this force is the Israel …

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-06). US Commerce Secretary Calls China the 'Biggest Threat We've Ever Had'. news.antiwar.com Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo called for tighter export controls on advanced technologies going to China and labeled Beijing "the biggest threat we've ever had." Raimondo made the comments at the annual Reagan National Defense Forum in California. "On matters of national security, we got to be eyes wide open about the threat. This is the …

David Cronin (2023-12-06). Buying Israel's weapons is a bigger EU priority than aiding Palestinians. electronicintifada.net Ursula von der Leyen is no friend of Gaza's victims.

Howard Lisnoff (2023-12-06). John Kennedy's September 1963 Interview. counterpunch.org The 60th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy came with new revelations about whether or not Kennedy died at the hands of one or more assailants. Of particular interest is the documentary "JFK: What the Doctors Saw," a live interview conducted 10 years ago with physicians from Parkland Hospital. These were the doctors

Global Ecosocialist Network. (2023-12-06). COP28 — We Need To Challenge The Power Of Fossil Fuel Capitalism. popularresistance.org Despite the fact that we are teetering on the edge of the climate cliff, capitalist governments are far from the drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and carbon drawdown necessary to prevent this "temporary" temperature rise from becoming the norm, setting us well on the path to an unlivable planet for the majority of the world's human and non-human population. On the contrary, emissions have steadily increased during the past few years. | The environmental destruction caused by wars, occupations and the military-industrial complex are compounding the crisis. The shift away from fossil fuels to renewabl…

Queen Mary University of London. (2023-12-06). Working For Climate Justice: Report Urges Unions To Lead Transition. popularresistance.org Ahead of COP28 the UN warns that the world is facing 'hellish'3C of climate heating, and with European lawmakers urging COP28 climate summit to take aim at fossil fuels, a new report published today from the Centre for Climate Crime and Climate Justice and Institute of Employment Rights, reveals why trade unions need to put climate bargaining at the centre of everything they do and maps out the steps that must be taken to achieve this. | The report, 'Working for Climate Justice: Trade unions in the front line against climate change' asserts that until now, the trade union movement has failed to make climate chang…

Lucas Estanislau, People's Dispatch. (2023-12-06). Food Sovereignty Guarantees A Future: La Via Campesina Conference. popularresistance.org Another model of production in the countryside is possible. This was the affirmation that was present in several speeches by representatives of more than 180 peasant organizations from different regions of the world during the opening acts of the 8th International Conference of La Via Campesina, which took place this Sunday in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. | The Conference which began in the Colombian capital on December 1 will go until December 8, with the participation of more than 500 representatives of rural and peasant movements from more than 82 countries. The aim is to discuss experiences in building fo…

Angela (2023-12-06). Saturday 12/9: Virtual Protest for Palestine. indybay.org TikTok LIVE…

Vijay Prashad (2023-12-06). ExxonMobil wants to start a war in Latin America. mronline.org It is clear that the Venezuelans who came to cast their vote on December 3 in a referendum on the Essequibo region saw this less as a conflict between Venezuela and Guyana and more as a conflict between ExxonMobil and the people of these two Latin American countries…

Vijay Prashad (2023-12-06). ExxonMobil Wants to Start a War in South America. counterpunch.org On December 3, 2023, a large number of registered voters in Venezuela voted in a referendum over the Essequibo region that is disputed with neighboring Guyana. Nearly all those who voted answered yes to the five questions. These questions asked the Venezuelan people to affirm the sovereignty of their country over Essequibo. "Today," said Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, "there

Mustafa Abu Sneineh (2023-12-06). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 61: U.S. believes Israel's Gaza invasion could last until the end of January. mondoweiss.net Israeli forces approach Khan Younis as the destruction of north Gaza continues. Despite Israeli hopes of neutralizing Palestinian rocket capability in the early days of the war, resistance fighters are still launching rockets on Tel Aviv.

Ana Perdigón (2023-12-06). Nicaragua Recalls Ambassador from Argentina. orinocotribune.com Given the repeated verbal attacks against Nicaragua which the newly elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, has indulged in, the government of Daniel Ortega announced that it was withdrawing its ambassador, Carlos Midence, immediately. The ambassador will be withdrawn prior to Milei's inauguration. | "Given the installation and inauguration of a new Government in the Argentine Republic, an inauguration that will take place on December 10, and in the face of repeated statements and comments from the new leader, the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua has proceeded to withdraw its amb…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-06). COP28: Where Fossil Fuel Industries Go to Gloat. dissidentvoice.org The sequence of COP meetings, ostensibly a United Nations forum to discuss dramatic climate change measures in the face of galloping emissions, has now been shown for what it is: a luxurious, pampered bazaar for the very industries that fear a dip in their profits and ultimate obsolescence. Call it a drugs summit for narcotics …

David Gallup (2023-12-06). From Vision to Reality: World Citizenship and Law. counterpunch.org This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the World Citizenship Movement (WCM). As a response to the devastation of World War II, the drafters of the UDHR sought to ensure that human rights would be protected by the rule of law. The Declaration provides a statement of

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-06). COP28: Where Fossil Fuel Industries Go to Gloat. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2023-12-06). 95 Democrats and 216 Republicans Support Resolution Conflating Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-12-06). ExxonMobil Wants to Start a War in Latin America. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-12-06). Is American Banking Safe? You Might Not Like the Answer From Two Fed Veterans. scheerpost.com

geo.tv (2023-12-06). Biden unsure of his reelection bid without Donald Trump in arena. geo.tv Biden said that if Trump wasn't running, I'm not sure I'd be running but he asserted, "we cannot let him win"

geo.tv (2023-12-06). US says taking Indian assassination bid of Sikh leader on its soil 'very seriously'. geo.tv US announced filing "murder-for-hire" charge against Indian national for plotting to kill Sikh leader in New York…

geo.tv (2023-12-06). 2023 declared hottest year 'in more than 100,000 years'. geo.tv "Extraordinary" November became the sixth record-breaking month in a row, Europe ¥s climate monitor says…

geo.tv (2023-12-06). UK PM Rishi Sunak asked to come clean on risks posed to Sikh activists. geo.tv Sikhs asking questions to PM Sunak after Avtar Singh Khanda's mysterious death in UK, three days before Nijjar's assassination…

geo.tv (2023-12-06). Hey gamers! Let's solve today's #900 Wordle. geo.tv Let's figure out together today's Wordle for December 6 (Wednesday)…

geo.tv (2023-12-06). Mr Universe Shaun Davis aka 'Dinosaur' dies. geo.tv Despite achieving remarkable success in his career, Davis faced kidney problems that led to his retirement…

Kenneth Surin (2023-12-06). Zionist Jonathan Freedland, the UK's Nuanced Version of Thomas Friedman. counterpunch.org Freedland contends we can't "do much for the two peoples trapped" in what he regards as an inexorable tragedy. But of course we can! Freedland scarcely mentions Israel's countless illegalities in its dealings with the Palestinian people. A start can be made by addressing some of these. |

Nilantha Ilangamuwa (2023-12-06). Ramifications of Kissinger's Back Channels. counterpunch.org Henry Kissinger (1923-2023), architect of clandestine diplomacy, epitomized a life rich with profound lessons for humanity. As custodian of the United States' archives, his influence extended beyond political realms, playing a pivotal role in orchestrating China's rise in the Western economic landscape. Kissinger's legacy is characterized by realist politics and an unwavering pursuit of a

Palestine News Network (2023-12-06). Journalists Pay the Ultimate Price: 63 Media Professionals Martyred in Israeli Aggression on Gaza. pressenza.com The Journalists Syndicate announced the martyrdom of 63 journalists since the beginning of the Israeli occupation forces' aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7 of last month. | A statement from the Freedom Committee of the Syndicate stated that the monitoring committee documented the martyrdom of 63 journalists due to targeting by the occupation forces with missiles from airplanes, artillery shells, and sniper gunfire. | The statement added that among the media casualties are 41 journalists working in various media disciplines, while 21 of their colleagues working in administrative, financial, and technical d…

Peter Bach (2023-12-06). Letter From London: Nature Morte. counterpunch.org To my left are various exercise weights and elasticated stretch cords. These on top of three transparent storage boxes. As the artist visits her parents a hundred miles to the west, I am seeing all this while standing by the heavy door to her empty white-walled studio. She knows I am writing about it by

Pressenza IPA (2023-12-06). South Africa and the world remember Mandela on the tenth anniversary of his passing into immortality. pressenza.com It is 10 years since the physical death of South African leader Nelson Mandela. This tenth anniversary offers South Africa and the world an opportunity to reflect, to assess what has been achieved and what has not been achieved in the last decade. | Madiba's vision of a democratic and free country where everyone lives in harmony and enjoys equal opportunities is still a distant ideal for ordinary South Africans."More than a third of South Africa's population is unemployed," says the Nelson Mandela Foundation, "we suffer from a debilitating energy crisis, an impending climate calamity, a leadership crisis, and ext…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-06). Corporate Media — Blinkered, Complacent and Hypocritical. expose-news.com Dr. Vernon Coleman comments on The Telegraph's claim that "the independence of the newspapers will not be compromised" when considering whether a foreign state can take control of The Telegraph and The …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-06). New Zealanders' health and longevity are being sacrificed to save politicians and civil servants. expose-news.com Dr. Guy Hatchard highlights three recent studies from South Korea on the harms caused by covid injections. In light of the arrest of the whistle-blower who revealed unprecedented deaths post-vaccination, Dr. Hatchard …

Ryan Cristián (2023-12-06). Freed Israeli Captives Admitted More Fear Of IDF Bombs Than Hamas & Provable Lies In Rape Allegation. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/5/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Staff (2023-12-06). 31 years after Babri Mosque demolition: Perpetrators rule India. muslimmirror.com By Shamsul Islam Criminal Hindutva perpetrators instead of being punished rule India The RSS-BJP government of India led by a seasoned RSS whole-timer, Narendra Modi has miserably failed in providing basic amenities, employment, education, security and peace to 138 crores of Indians (out of which approximately 80% are Hindus ) but on August 5, 2020, …

Staff (2023-12-06). 'Here to make it easier for Muslims in India to go to Makkah, Madinah": Saudi Minister of Hajj. muslimmirror.com New Delhi : Saudi Minister of Haj and Umrah Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah on Wednesday said "We are here to make it easier for Muslims in India to go to Makkah and Madinah and have a great experience doing Umrah." "We are here to hear comments, and suggestions to enrich the experience and make it …

Staff (2023-12-06). Indian Army Major dismissed for 'ties with Pakistani intelligence operative'. muslimmirror.com An Indian Army Major, who was recently dismissed from service by the President in October, is alleged to have been in contact with a Pakistani intelligence operative via Facebook. The dismissed officer, commissioned in the Regiment of Artillery in December 2012, served in various units and appointments during his 11-year tenure with the Army. His …

Staff (2023-12-06). We are Gau Mata country: Himanta on DMK MP's comment. muslimmirror.com Guwahati : Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Wednesday said India is a "Gau Mata" country and asserted that there is no dispute about it. Sarma was responding to a query by reporters on DMK MP DNV Senthil Kumar's controversial comment in Parliament on Tuesday in which he used a pejorative to describe Hindi …

The Cradle (2023-12-06). Border Surveillance Footage from 7 October 'Disappears': Israeli Officers. globalresearch.ca

Anonymous Contributor (2023-12-06). Prisoners in Chiapas Show Solidarity with Palestine. itsgoingdown.org Letter from political prisoners of San Juan Cancúc, Chiapas, in solidarity with the people of Palestine. CERSS No. 5, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. To the Human Rights Organizations To the Believers To the Sixth To SIPAZ To SWEFER To FRAYBA To Those Who Struggle from Below and to the Left To the People…

Bob Bishop (2023-12-06). The Bull Elephant in the Room: Exponential Growth. sonar21.com On September 18, 2023, the U.S. national debt crossed $33 trillion. It will reach $34 trillion in late December, a little over 90 days. It took the U.S. over 200 years to have national debt exceed $1 trillion. The national debt now exceeds gross domestic production by 122%. The U.S. government's 2023 expenditure ratio is 23% of GDP, creating an economy dependent on money printing. The last time the government had a surplus was in 2001, and the last time it paid down treasury debt was in 1961. The runaway high deficits are due to the U.S.'s exorbitant privilege of treasuries being the primary global reserve…

scorinoco (2023-12-06). Israeli Occupation's Ground Forces Enter South Gaza. orinocotribune.com Israeli occupation forces have expanded their A local source told AFP on Monday, December 4, that the troops are "two kilometers inside" Gaza, in the Al-Qarara village near Khan Yunis. | Another eyewitness said that Israeli forces are "holding Salah al-Din Street on both sides and are now cutting it between Deir al-Bala…

Arthur Firstenberg (2023-12-06). 5G and the Irradiation of Dogs, Cats and Birds. globalresearch.ca

Dean Baker (2023-12-06). Should Taxpayers Be Subsidizing the Artistic Tastes of the Rich? Questions the Washington Post Won't Ask. cepr.net The Washington Post ran a lengthy article about how Ava DuVernay is having her latest film financed by the Ford Foundation, as well as foundations supported by Melinda French Gates and Lauren Jobs. The piece describes the film, and notes how this can be a new model for financing artistic films that for-profit studios may …

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson (2023-12-06). Does It Really Matter Who Sits on the Throne? globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-12-06). Protests continue for eighth weekend across Canada against Israel's genocide in Gaza. wsws.org Thousands turned out at protests in Toronto and across the country over the weekend to denounce the resumption of Israel's mass slaughter of Palestinians and demand an immediate ceasefire.

WSWS (2023-12-06). US Justice Department alleges Indian intelligence agent plotted assassinations in North America. wsws.org The Biden administration is doing its utmost to play down and contain the fallout from the explosive DOJ indictment, so as to ensure that the anti-China Indo-US "global strategic partnership" can continue to expand at full throttle.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-12-06). Venezuela: An Overwhelming Victory of the People. orinocotribune.com By Tala Alayli — Dec 4, 2023 | A constructive report showcasing the struggle of Venezuela and Guyana in the Essequibo case, and the recent victory of the Venezuelan people in Venezuela's seventh referendum, which was focused on acquiring back Caracas' colonized lands. | Venezuela, given its extraordinary educational, cultural, and social developments and its vast energy and natural resources, is called on to become a revolutionary model for the world. | -Fidel Castro | When valuable natural resources were discovered in the Venezuelan lands of Essequibo, the British colonizers manipulated maps and clawed the…

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). New U.S. rules on EV sector set to backfire. ecns.cn The United States' move to cut a consumer incentive for electric vehicles that contain battery materials from China likely will make EVs less affordable, and is being criticized as a wrong approach to addressing supply chain issues.

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). Asia's first cylindrical FPSO facility finishes main construction. ecns.cn The main construction of Asia's first cylindrical floating production, storage and offloading facility, designed and built by China, was finished on Wednesday in Qingdao, Shandong province.

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). Made-in-China vehicles gain momentum in overseas markets. ecns.cn Vehicles made in China are getting increasing popular in global markets, with 3.92 million units shipped overseas in the first 10 months this year, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). Push continues to find college graduates jobs. ecns.cn The number of college graduates in China is expected to reach 11.79 million next year, a year-on-year increase of 210,000, according to the Ministry of Education.

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). Immunity gained from COVID can last as long as 2 years. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have found that recovered COVID-19 patients still harbor some immune cells that can fend off the virus at least two years after the initial infection, but updated vaccination is essential in boosting immunization against emerging variants.

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). Ministry ensures students' break time. ecns.cn The Ministry of Education has asked authorities at the local level to establish a supervision and inspection system to ensure students have breaks of 10 minutes between classes and that they are able to play outdoors during that time.

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). Experts say services data confirm recovery. ecns.cn The Caixin services purchasing managers' index rose to 51.5 in November from October's 50.4, registering a three-month high.

ecns.cn (2023-12-06). Relics preservation ensures memory of War of Resistance. ecns.cn The relics related to the War of Resistance include various sites and items illuminating the war and its legacy, which document the nature and conduct of the war, the lives of the soldiers who fought it.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-12-06). Civilization Has Disintegrated. globalresearch.ca

The Exposé (2023-12-06). PfizerGate: Plasmid DNA in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines enters the nucleus of your cells in 5 different ways… expose-news.com Covid injections contain therapeutic levels of DNA — this is the definition of gene therapy. When Pfizer and Moderna said that they produced an "RNA vaccine" and that an "RNA vaccine" meant …

Allen Forrest (2023-12-06). The Biggest Vaccine Lie Exposed. dissidentvoice.org Safe & Effective? — NOT ACCORDING TO THE PFIZER CONTRACT South Africa — Pfizer contract "…considering the relevant risks, uncertainties, limitations and challenges of the development, manufacture, commercialization and distribution of a novel COVID19 vaccine product, taking into account the following factors: actual and potential issues of safety and efficacy,…" (p 3) "Purchaser acknowledges and …

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-12-06). Colombia's official return to UNASUR. plenglish.com Bogota, Dec 6 (Prensa Latina) Colombia made official its return to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) after almost five years of absence, a decision that responds to the country's commitment to regional unity, the Foreign Ministry informed in a statement.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-12-06). Cuba's commitment against gender violence highlighted. plenglish.com Havana, Dec 6 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's example and its social commitment against gender violence and for women's equality was highlighted here during a parliamentary workshop held at the headquarters of the national legislature.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-12-06). Gibara Film Festival scheduled for August 2024. plenglish.com Havana, 6 Dec. (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Culture, the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (Icaic) and the Government of Holguín will convene the 18th Gibara International Film Festival, from August 6 to 10, 2024.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-12-06). China and US discuss relations, Taiwan and Palestine. plenglish.com Beijing, Dec 6 (Prensa Latina) Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a phone talk with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday about bilateral relations, the Taiwan issue, and the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-12-06). Cuba debates on international cooperation to fight disasters. plenglish.com Havana, Dec 6 (Prensa Latina) International cooperation to reduce disasters is the focus, this Wednesday, on the second day of the 11th International Congress on Disasters and the 7th International Conference of Firefighters.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-12-06). Cuban coastal adaptation plan at COP28. plenglish.com According to the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (CITMA), this project will benefit more than 700,000 citizens living on Havana's northern coast, a zone vulnerable to rising sea levels and extreme weather events. | Announced in 2022, the initiative will identify the risks and vulnerabilities of each sector and population group, take adaptation measures, and make investment decisions. | The plan covers from Santa Ana, in Havana's Playa municipality, to Rincón de Guanabo, in Havana del Este municipality. | With a budget of three million dollars, the project will be implemented over four and a h…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-12-06). Science for the better exercise of justice in Cuban Courts. plenglish.com Havana, Dec 6 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's People's Courts today apply science and innovation as a fundamental instrument for a better exercise of justice, an authority from the Cuban People's Supreme Court said.

noreply (2023-12-06). It Was A Very Intense Day… smoothiex12.blogspot.com to put it politely. First Nima and Dmitry Orlov talked. So unusual to see Dmitry without his signature beard. Then this was Ania, Scott and my turn. How to put it mildly;))
Yep, that's about right.

geo.tv (2023-12-06). Forbes names EU chief Ursula 'most powerful woman' in world, again. geo.tv List also features American philanthropist Melinda Gates and US Vice President Kamala Harris…

Ana Perdigón (2023-12-06). FANB Deployed in Territory Bordering Essequibo. orinocotribune.com The Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) began development and social care activities in the border with the Essequibo territory. | The Strategic Operational Commander of the FANB, Domingo Hernández Lárez, reported via social media that the FANB began a first phase of deployment to provide comprehensive support in the area. | He explained that the support plans were carried out in the town of Punta Barima, in the Antonio Díaz municipality of…

geo.tv (2023-12-06). Breathtaking view of Mount Washington peak after snowfall. geo.tv Mount Washington Observatory released an impressive photograph showing snow up to several feet deep in some places…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-12-06). Guayana Esequiba: Geo-Economics of an Occupation. orinocotribune.com By Irene León — Dec 2, 2023 | An air of bonanza has raised the projections of the ExxonMobil corporation, which accumulated around $414 billion in 2022, an unprecedented income in its history which represents 44.8% more than the previous year. It is a gigantic increase if compared to its crisis in 2020, when its losses put its place in the stock market in jeopardy. Research by ExxonMobil indicated that Guyana could become "the country that produces the most barrels of oil per inhabitant in the world, surpassing Kuwait, in that case, when measuring the wealth per capita of its 800 thousand inhabitants, it wou…

Ana Perdigón (2023-12-06). Venezuela: FANB Deployed in Territory Bordering Essequibo. orinocotribune.com The Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) began development and social care activities in the border with the Essequibo territory. | The Strategic Operational Commander of the FANB, Domingo Hernández Lárez, reported via social media that the FANB began a first phase of deployment to provide comprehensive support in the area. | He explained that the support plans were carried out in the town of Punta Barima, in the Antonio Díaz municipality of…

Angela (2023-12-06). Monday 12/4: SJSU SJP Palestine Teach-In. indybay.org San Jose State University (Student Union, Meeting Room 1) | San Jose, CA…

Angela (2023-12-06). Wednesday 12/6: Palestine Through a Social Justice Lens: Follow-Up. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-12-06). Thursday 12/7: Virtual Teach-In on Palestine for South Asians. indybay.org

Angela (2023-12-06). Monday 12/4: Berkeley Rent Board Ceasefire Resolution Special Meeting. indybay.org 1231 Addison St. | Berkeley, CA…

Angela (2023-12-06). Wednesday 12/6: Gaza Solidarity Teach-in. indybay.org Laney College Room D200 | 900 Fallon St | Oakland, CA…

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-12-06). COP28 Climate Summit Negotiations Focus on Commitments for Developing Countries. indybay.org Most Developing Countries Spend More on Debt Service than on Addressing Country Climate Crisis Challenges…

Angela (2023-12-06). Sunday 12/10: Fairfield Palestine Rally! indybay.org 1325 Travis Blvd | Fairfield, CA…

Angela (2023-12-06). Tuesday 12/12: No Way To Treat A Child Webinar. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-12-06). Thursday 12/7: Digital Security for Activists. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Steve Kelly (2023-12-06). Buffalo Genocide, or How History Rhymes Its Repetitions. counterpunch.org 60 million wild, migratory buffalo once wandered freely across the North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Many are unfamiliar with the immense collective violence visited upon wild buffalo under the doctrine of Christian discovery and Manifest Destiny, as first imagined and articulated by Pope Alexander VI in his papal bull (Inter

Redacción Chile (2023-12-06). The last session of the Nonviolent Journalism workshop in Cerrillos, Santiago de Chile. pressenza.com This Saturday we held the no-end session of the Nonviolent Journalism Workshop (PNV) in the Central Bookshop of the Cerrillos district (Santiago de Chile). This workshop was an abbreviated version of the international online workshop that concluded on November 25th. Both workshops are the first Spanish version and were based on the book Nonviolent Journalism, published by Pressenza. | A facilitating factor was good relations with Mayor Lorena Facuse and the director of the Cerrillos Public Bookshop, Patricia Herrera, dating back to the presentation of the book Muros que Hablan, focusing on the graffiti of the Chi…

Daniel Politi, Patricia Luna (2023-12-06). El apoyo de Henry Kissinger a regímenes brutales todavía atormenta a América Latina. peoplesworld.org SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — En Chile, los izquierdistas fueron torturados, arrojados desde helicópteros y obligados a presenciar cómo violaban a sus familiares. En Argentina, muchos fueron "desaparecidos" por miembros de la brutal dictadura militar que mantuvo a los detenidos en campos de concentración. Todo sucedió con el respaldo de Henry Kissinger, el exsecretario de Estado …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-12-06). Book on the Cuban Revolution to be presented in Argentina. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Dec 6 (Prensa Latina) The book "Vivir Sin Tener Precio. Presente y futuro de la Revolución Cubana" will be launched today in Argentina as part of the initiatives to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the process that began in 1959 under the leadership of Fidel Castro (1926-2016).

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-05). Exinformante de la DEA culpable por magnicidio de Jovenel MoàØse. telesurtv.net El sospechoso se hizo pasar por efectivos federales estadounidenses para organizar el magnicidio del presidente de Haití.

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