2024-01-11: News Headlines

TASS (2024-01-11). First reactor of Akkuyu NPP to be started this year —Turkey's Energy Minister. tass.com The Akkuyu NPP is the first nuclear power plant in Turkey, which is constructed by the Russian state corporation Rosatom…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). UK Mulls Building New Major Nuclear Power Plant. sputnikglobe.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The United Kingdom is considering the construction of a major new nuclear power plant to reinforce the country's energy independence and resilience to price volatility, the UK government announced on Thursday.

George Beebe (2024-01-11). Russia's upper hand puts US-Ukraine at a crossroads. responsiblestatecraft.org

Russian progress in the Ukraine war is pushing the United States toward a painful choice. If we want a prosperous Ukraine with a viable path toward liberal governance and European Union membership, we will have to concede that it cannot be a NATO or U.S. ally, and that this neutral Ukraine must have verifiable limits on the types and quantities of weapons it may hold. If we refuse to agree to those terms, Russia will quite probably turn Ukraine into a dysfunctional wreck incapable of rebuilding itself, allying with the West, or constituting a military threat to Russia. Russian progress is not yet evident…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Ukraine Claims to Hold Talks With NATO on Using Alliance Ships to 'Protect' Black Sea Routes. sputnikglobe.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Ukraine is holding talks with its Western partners on the deployment of NATO ships to guard temporary corridors in the Black Sea, Commander of the Ukrainian Navy Oleksiy Neizhpapa said.

Charles Pierson (2024-01-11). Biden's $582 Million Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia. Can It Be Blocked? counterpunch.org On December 24, 2023, the Biden Administration announced a $582 million arms sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Three Congressional resolutions aim at blocking the sale. S.Res. 109,[1] which Senator Christopher Murphy (D-CT) introduced on March 15, 2023, invokes a little-used section of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.[2] Section 502B bars the US

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Baltic States Join Ukraine in Seeking to Draw NATO Into Open Conflict With Russia. sputnikglobe.com Estonia's President Alar Karis has spurred Ukraine to further use weapons supplied by Western sponsors to attack deep into Russian territory.

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). US Recognizes Gaza Facing Real Food Security Issues – White House. sputnikglobe.com WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States acknowledges that Gaza residents are suffering from real food security issues amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, White House Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said on Thursday.

SAM (2024-01-11). The Ukraine War Is At A Crossroads; Will The U.S. Face Reality? progressivehub.net GEORGE BEEBE AND ANATOL LIEVEN | RESPONSIBLE STATECRAFT…

Tom Feeley (2024-01-11). Every U.S. Senator Has Taken AIPAC Money. informationclearinghouse.blog AIPAC's influence is evident in U.S. senators' support for Israel. By Bill Astore Courtesy of OpenSecrets.org, I saw a chart on AIPAC contributions to U.S. senators that showed that all 100 senators have taken AIPAC money. Leading the way are senate "giants" like Mitch McConnell (nearly two million dollars) and Chuck Schumer (roughly $1.7 million). …

EcoWaste Coalition (2024-01-11). EcoWaste Coalition Bares New List of 31 Lead-Containing Spray Paints. pressenza.com 11 January 2024, Quezon City. With the start of the New Year, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition again reminded consumers to steer clear of aerosol paints containing lead, a hazardous chemical banned in the manufacture of paints and similar surface coatings to protect human health and the environment. | The reminder was prompted by the group's discovery of 31 more spray paint products representing 12 brands, which have been verified to contain lead above the legal limit of 90 parts per million (ppm). | Before 2023 ended, the group submitted 31 bright-colored paint products to SGS, a global testing compa…

UN Security Council (2024-01-11). Nigeria: Rapport du Secrétaire général sur les activités du Bureau des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest et le Sahel (S/2023/1075). reliefweb.int

UN Security Council (2024-01-11). Nigeria: Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (S/2023/1075) [EN/AR/RU/ZH]. reliefweb.int

mforinoco (2024-01-11). Niger Decides To Nationalize Its Water Sector, Terminates Contract With French Company. orinocotribune.com The French Veolia Group, through its subsidiary Société d'Exploitation des Eaux du Niger, has been providing access to drinking water for the majority of the population of this West African country for more than 22 years. | The Nigerien government has decided to nationalize the operation of its drinking water, ending its contract with the This decis…

reliefweb.int (2024-01-11). Burkina Faso : Mise à jour sur la sécurité alimentaire : L'aide humanitaire reste essentielle pour sauver des vies dans le nord du Burkina Faso, Décembre 2023. reliefweb.int

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). White House Backs Bill on Seizure of Frozen Russian Assets. sputnikglobe.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The White House supports a bill that would allow the confiscation of Russia's frozen assets and their transfer to Kiev, Bloomberg reported, citing a note from the US National Security Council (NSC) to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Corrupt Ukrainian Commanders Discard Fellow Soldiers on Corpse-Ridden Fields – PoW. sputnikglobe.com The frontline battlefields are littered with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers, and the Kiev regime's military has not done anything to remove the corpses of their deceased troops strewn across the Zaporozhye front, a Ukrainian soldier Roman Kalinichenko, now a Russian POW, told Sputnik.

TASS (2024-01-11). Tangible growth in volunteers in Russian army forces Kiev to start mobilization — Medvedev. tass.com The politician noted that Ukrainians in the EU countries were also being forcibly mobilized…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Watch Battlegroup Vostok's Tank Crews' Unyielding Defense on Zaporozhye Front. sputnikglobe.com Ukrainian troops have been engaged in a relentless fight against the defense line of Russian forces for over six months, with the Kiev regime falling short of achieving its declared objectives.

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Why 1,000 Patriot Missiles Will Go to Europe, Not Ukraine. sputnikglobe.com While Washington says it faces shortages of missiles for the MIM-104 Patriot air defenses in Ukraine, it has found an opportunity to replenish it and Western Europe's own stockpiles.

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). White House Throws Support Behind Using Frozen Russian Funds to Spend on Ukraine. news.antiwar.com The White House has thrown its support behind legislation that's been introduced in Congress that would allow the use of frozen Russian central bank assets to fund Ukraine, Bloomberg reported. About $300 billion in Russian central bank assets was frozen by the US and its allies after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. The idea …

yalensis (2024-01-11). Ukraine War Day #687: The Righteous Among The Nations. awfulavalanche.wordpress.com Dear Readers: | In lieu of a regular post today, I just have Righteous advocate: ‚ÄÇ"We have proved genocidal intent." | I am not allowing myself to hope that the UN Court will do anything to stop the genocide.‚ÄÇOn…

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (2024-01-11). Atrocity Alert No. 377: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Myanmar (Burma) and Ukraine. reliefweb.int

noemail (2024-01-11). Ukraine's Zelenskiy says a ceasefire would only benefit Russia. devdiscourse.com Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Thursday that a ceasefire in Russia's war against Ukraine would not lead to political dialogue, and would only benefit Moscow. Speaking to reporters in the Estonian capital Tallinn during a wider tour of the Baltic region, Zelenskiy said any pause would risk allowing Russia to re-group and boost its supply of munitions "and we will not risk".

Mykhailo Volynets (2024-01-11). Urgent appeal for solidarity. internationalviewpoint.org The new year of 2024 in Ukraine began with horrific massive Russian missile attacks on the sleeping, peaceful cities of Ukraine. In total, only during the holidays from December 29, 2023, to January 2, 2024, Russian forces killed 90 civilians during the missile attacks. In only 5 days, Russia launched 500 missiles and UAVs at residential areas, businesses, hospitals, educational institutions, and cultural heritage sites in Ukraine.
Every day, residents of our peaceful cities die at the (…) | – |

infobrics (2024-01-11). West frustrated by Global South's refusal to abandon Russia in secret US-G7 meeting on Ukraine. infobrics.org Brazil refuses to participate in Ukraine peace meeting without Russia's presence.

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Russian Sappers 'Perhaps the Best', Employ Top-Notch Innovation & Deception. sputnikglobe.com Ukrainian soldiers admitted that they are constantly being outwitted by Russian sappers, whose tactics are perpetually evolving. Earlier, defense analysts praised Russian minefields, stressing that Ukraine was absolutely incapable of clearing them.

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). Pentagon Did Not Properly Track Over $1 Billion in Weapons Shipped to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com More than $1 billion in weapons that were shipped to Ukraine have not been properly tracked by the Pentagon, a report from the Defense Department's inspector general has found. The report examined $1.699 billion in weapons sent to Ukraine that are subject to enhanced end-use monitoring (EEUM), which includes Javelin anti-tank missiles, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, …

TASS (2024-01-11). Wholesale potato prices record high in Ukraine. tass.com Fresh potato prices surged by 40% over the last three weeks and were above the price in the European Union, the FAO economist Andriy Yarmak added…

Fred Leplat (2024-01-11). Russian troops out—Stop the genocide. internationalviewpoint.org "There is no ceasefire in Ukraine, just like there is no ceasefire in Palestine." | – | / |

infobrics (2024-01-11). Ukraine's air defense in critical condition. infobrics.org The neo-Nazi regime's forces are not able to face Russian intense use of missiles and drones.

Pressenza New York (2024-01-11). An American Appeals To Taiwan: Don't Vote To Be Ukraine 2.0. pressenza.com "American bullets, Taiwanese blood" Is a Cruel and Evil Bargain | By John V. Walsh | On January 13, the people of Taiwan, officially designated the Republic of China (ROC), will elect a new President and unicameral legislature known as the Legislative Yuan. The election hinges on the question of Taiwan's policy toward the Mainland, the People's Republic of China (PRC). That policy will have a profound impact on East Asia — and the world. | Taiwan's major threat to peace in the area is a move to break with the One China Policy and declare independence from the Mainland. The PRC's policy is to reunite with Ta…

Connor Echols (2024-01-11). Surprise: US military failed to properly track weapons to Ukraine. responsiblestatecraft.org

The Pentagon The U.S. has given Ukraine roughly $1.7 billion worth of weapons that it considers to be at high risk of diversion, $1 billion of which was not inventoried according to American legal standards for end-use monitoring, according to the report, which also notes that inventory pra…

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). Poland Resists Cooperation With Nord Stream Sabotage Investigation. news.antiwar.com Poland has resisted efforts to investigate the 2022 bombings of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines that connect Russia and Germany, raising suspicion that the Polish government could have had knowledge of the attack, The Wall Street Journal reported. The leading theory among Western officials is that Ukraine was behind the blast and that it …

TASS (2024-01-11). Left-wing Russian political activist Udaltsov detained on charges of justifying terrorism. tass.com Moscow's Basmanny Court is likely to choose a measure of pretrial restraint for Udaltsov on Friday, January 12…

TASS (2024-01-11). Russian-Ukrainian treaty on international automobile communication terminated — statement. tass.com The agreement was terminated on December 17…

TASS (2024-01-11). Russia reduces oil and gas revenues by 23.8% to $98.91 bln in 2023. tass.com According to the Ministry of Finance, taxes on the production and export of oil and gas condensate brought the budget 9.822 trillion rubles ($109.3 bln) in 2023, which is 11.2% less than a year earlier…

TASS (2024-01-11). Russia's UN envoy says latest SC resolution cannot legitimize actions by US-led coalition. tass.com Russia regrets no mention of Gaza in latest UNSC resolution on Red Sea, Vasily Nebenzya said…

TASS (2024-01-11). Russia ranks third by number of tourists visiting Seychelles in 2023. tass.com Germany contributed the highest number of visitors, with a total of 54,925, followed by France with 42,410 visitors…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Government Recognition: Russian Prime Minister Hands Out Top Media Talent Awards. sputnikglobe.com Among the laureates are war correspondents of the Rossiya Segodnya media group.

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Efforts to Recruit Russian 'Fifth Column' Highlight 'Pervasive Nature of US Surveillance State'. sputnikglobe.com Having already displayed eagerness to attack Russia's economy through sanctions and to kill Russian soldiers and civilians with its Ukrainian proxy, the United States now seems poised to try and destabilize the situation in Russia with the help of local sympathizers.

Zero Hedge (2024-01-11). Russia Is Still — by Far — the World's Most-Sanctioned Country. globalresearch.ca

TASS (2024-01-11). China-Russia strategic partnership ran 'on high gear' in 2023, China's top diplomat says. tass.com The Chinese foreign minister urged bilateral efforts to strengthen strategic communication and cooperation between the two countries…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Drilling Through Enemy Lines: What is Russia's New Glide Cluster Bomb? sputnikglobe.com Serial production of the new Russian glide cluster bomb Drel is due to begin before the end of this year. What are the Drel's characteristics and will the bomb be used in the Russian special operation? Sputnik explores.

TASS (2024-01-11). Russian Finance Ministry to mainly float fixed yield bonds in 2024. tass.com The ministry is eyeing an option of offering yuan-denominated OFZ bonds for a long time…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). German Recession Likely to Bring 'Suffering' to EU Economy and International Trade. sputnikglobe.com Nearly three years after deliberately severing the supply of cheap energy from Russia, Germany finds itself in a precarious situation as the largest economy in the European Union plunges into recession.

infobrics (2024-01-11). Russia Still Wants to Collaborate with China on Long-Range Aircraft Program. infobrics.org Russia hopes to leverage its strengths to provide crucial components for the C929 project…

TASS (2024-01-11). Russian paratroopers take Ukrainian positions in Zaporozhye direction. tass.com The paratroopers suppressed enemy resistance and destroyed Ukrainian units that opposed them…

TASS (2024-01-11). Russia worried that latest UNSC resolution on Red Sea may trigger hostilities — envoy. tass.com Vasily Nebenzya described the document as "controversial"

TASS (2024-01-11). Russia's Battlegroup East thwarts six Ukrainian attempts at rotation in south Donetsk area. tass.com "Six enemy attempts at rotating militants were disrupted," Battlegroup East Spokesman Alexander Gordeyev told TASS…

TASS (2024-01-11). Eight Belgorod attack victims remain in serious condition after evacuation to Moscow. tass.com According to the Ministry of Health, a total of 25 people were taken to the Russian capital for treatment…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). US Reopens Ports to Russian Oil Despite Sanctions. sputnikglobe.com The United States has imported Russian oil for the first time since April 2022. The imports, totaling 36,800 barrels in October and 9,900 barrels in November, were conducted for $2.7 million and $749,500, respectively.

TASS (2024-01-11). UN Security Council unable to fulfill mandate on Gaza due to US' efforts — statement. tass.com The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict may escalate into a regional crisis…

TASS (2024-01-11). Systems turning FPV drones into homing torpedoes being tested in special op area. tass.com Dmitry Kuzyakin, CEO of the Center for Integrated Unmanned Solutions, underscored that these guidance systems will give combat FPV drones new capabilities they currently do not have…

TASS (2024-01-11). PREVIEW: Putin to continue his Far Eastern tour in Khabarovsk. tass.com Putin last visited Khabarovsk over a decade ago, on December 31, 2013, soon after a flood hit the Far East…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Watch Russian Choppers Wreak Havoc on Ukrainian Positions With S-8 Missiles. sputnikglobe.com Ever since the commencement of the special military operation, Russia's air power has reigned supreme, offering continuous support to ground troops, while consistently suppressing Ukrainian positions through relentless drum fire.

A A (2024-01-11). As West Condemns Bangladesh election, China and Russia Embrace Dhaka. strategic-culture.su

TASS (2024-01-11). Moscow registers record-high snowfall for January 11. tass.com New daily record of 9 mm was registered at the VDNKh…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). US Working on Creating Fifth Column in Russia, Intel Chief Warns. sputnikglobe.com The Foreign Intelligence Service reported that the US plans to recruit Russian graduates of exchange programs to create a fifth column to fill the void that the previous opposition left when they had exited Russia and interfere in the presidential elections scheduled for March.

TASS (2024-01-11). US-led coalition violated Syrian airspace eight times in past day. tass.com Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, added that over the past 24 hours, one violation of the deconfliction protocols dated December 9, 2019 by the coalition has been registered…

TASS (2024-01-11). IMF assessing consequences of possible confiscation of Russian assets. tass.com "Any decisions related to seizure of Russian assets or to impose taxes on the interest holdings of these assets are for the relevant country authorities to take," IMF Spokesperson Julie Kozack said…

TASS (2024-01-11). Pentagon sees Russia, China deploying capabilities that can target GPS. tass.com According to US Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, Moscow and Beijing seek to "turn space into a war-fighting domain"

Vitaly Bovar (2024-01-11). March 2024: the "Calm" in the Middle of the Storm. internationalviewpoint.org The results of the upcoming presidential elections in Russia hold little potential for surprise, but does this mean that civil society can do nothing? What is the opposition's strategy? | – | / |

A A (2024-01-11). Russians Cry Tears of Laughter Into Their Sanctioned German Beer. strategic-culture.su

TASS (2024-01-11). UN Security Council adopts US resolution condemning attacks on vessels in Red Sea. tass.com As many as 11 UNSC members voted for the measure, while four countries, including Russia, China and Algeria, abstained…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Watch Russian Airborne Troops Storm Ukrainian Positions. sputnikglobe.com Russian soldiers suppressed most of the heavy weapons with airstrikes and artillery, then quickly took control of Ukrainian positions with the help of IFVs, grenades, and firearms.

Ann Garrison, Black Agenda Report. (2024-01-11). Gavin Newsom: Zionist In Waiting. popularresistance.org Those who want to cast a vote against Israel's war on Gaza in next year's presidential election have no choices except Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Cornel West . Biden is 1000% behind Israel, as are Trump and all his Republican competitors, and independent RFK Jr. may be the worst pro-Zionist contender among them. Biden's seeming heir apparent, California Governor Gavin Newsom, had the colors of the Israeli flag projected on the state capitol building on October 9, then flew off to Israel to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog and grandstand about how personal Israeli anguish…

WSWS (2024-01-11). Biden administration meddles in the Taiwanese election. wsws.org Biden's plans for a high-level delegation to Taipei makes clear that the US intends to continue to heighten tensions with China regardless of who is elected on Saturday. To leak the news just prior to polling day is calculated to influence the vote.

TASS (2024-01-11). IMF welcomes BRICS expansion — spokesperson. tass.com "We are a supporter of countries working together, finding ways to trade, to become integrated, so that more people can benefit from the gains of global integration," Julie Kozack said…

A A (2024-01-11). BRICS Expansion Is a Key Factor for the Rise of Multipolarity. strategic-culture.su

infobrics (2024-01-11). BRICS Stable Force in International Affairs with 'Bright Prospects': China. infobrics.org Beijing's remarks come as 5 new members join while Argentina decides against joining multinational bloc…

infobrics (2024-01-11). Is Latin America finally making united stand against US imperialism. infobrics.org The very fact that Mexico's demands have more to do with Latin America as a whole rather than Mexico alone shows that they are finally making a united stand against US imperialism. Washington DC would certainly refuse at any other time. However, with less than eleven months left until the 2024 presidential election, the troubled Biden administration needs to act fast.

infobrics (2024-01-11). 'India-China Ties Must Be Based on Realism': FM Jaishankar. infobrics.org Jaishankar lauded PM Narendra Modi for his pragmatic approach towards China in an interview with ANI to mark the release of his new book "Why Bharat Matters"

Tom Feeley (2024-01-11). BRICS member South Africa takes Zionism to court. informationclearinghouse.blog South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice marks a pivotal moment, challenging western impunity and seeking to restore international law. The lawsuit accuses Israel of genocide and aims to halt its military operations in Gaza. This groundbreaking legal action may herald a wave of similar litigations against Israel and its allies, promoting stability and common sense.

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-01-11). Iraq Wants 'Orderly' Withdrawal Of 'Destabilizing' US Troops. popularresistance.org Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said on 10 January that Baghdad wants "a quick and orderly" withdrawal of US combat forces from Iraq. | Baghdad has not yet set a deadline, the prime minister said, but affirmed that the presence of US troops is "destabilizing." | "There is a need to re-organize [our] relationship [with Washington] so that it is not a target or justification for any party, internal or foreign, to tamper with stability in Iraq and the region," Sudani said, partly in reference to attacks by the Iraqi resistance on US bases. | The Iraqi prime minister has repeatedly said that Baghdad will…

Peoples Dispatch (2024-01-11). Israeli war in Gaza revives Arab solidarity with Palestine. peoplesdispatch.org Over 92% of people in the Arab countries consider Palestine an Arab cause and expressed their solidarity and support to Palestine, according to The survey was conducted across 16 Arab countries, including in Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and the West Bank, Palestine (including…

TASS (2024-01-11). US State Department authorizes sale of Javelin missiles to Kosovo. tass.com This would be a sale of 246 Javelin missiles and 24 lightweight aiming and launching systems, according to the agency, which is in charge of exports of military equipment and weapons under intergovernmental contracts…

latintimes (2024-01-11). New York City Authorities Forcefully Evict Migrant Families from Shelter Stays. latintimes.com Starting this week, migrants will be evicted from shelter stays in New York City as their 60-day limit comes to an end…

Tom Feeley (2024-01-11). Netanyahu: Let me be clear — Israel has no intention of displacing Gaza's population. informationclearinghouse.blog Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed Israel's commitment to not permanently occupying Gaza or displacing its civilian population, emphasizing the fight against Hamas and compliance with international law. While a Likud member revealed previous support for voluntary Palestinian resettlement, the US pressure led to a change in stance, denying negotiations for Gaza immigrants. The debate over voluntary emigration continues, with ministers and diplomats expressing differing views.

The Media Line Staff (2024-01-11). UN Security Council Calls for End to Houthi Attacks on Red Sea Shipping. themedialine.org

reliefweb.int (2024-01-11). Emergency response to the fire in Rohingya refugee camps in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh (10 January 2024). reliefweb.int

Andy Kroll (2024-01-11). The Killing of Gaza's Environment. tomdispatch.com On a picturesque beach in central Gaza, a mile north of the now-flattened Al-Shati refugee camp, long black pipes snake through hills of white sand before disappearing underground. An image released by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) shows dozens of soldiers laying pipelines and what appear to be mobile pumping stations that are to take water from the Mediterranean Sea and hose it into underground tunnels. The plan, according to various reports, is to flood the vast network of underground shafts and tunnels Hamas has reportedly built and used to carry out its operations. "I won't talk about specifics, but they in…

latintimes (2024-01-11). Latino Priorities: Inflation and Immigration Top List for U.S. Government Focus. latintimes.com

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). China expects steady increase of inbound visits in 2024. ecns.cn China is expected to see a steady increase in the number of inbound visits in 2024, said Chi Jingyang, border control management director of China's National Immigration Administration (NIA).

TASS (2024-01-11). Adverse economic forecasts for 2023 not materializing — IMF. tass.com According to IMF spokesperson Julie Kozack, the inflation is coming down and the labor markets continue to be resilient…

Honduras Solidarity Network, Popular Resistance. (2024-01-11). Delegation To Honduras Launches Campaign To Indict The US, Canada. popularresistance.org Members of a ten-day US/Canada delegation hosted by the Cross Border Network of Kansas City and the Honduras Solidarity Network of North America have investigated how their two nations prioritize protecting the political, economic, and military interests of their governments and corporations over the rights and interests of the Honduran people. The delegation visited communities affected by mining and land grabbing, met with labor movement activists, and spoke with US, Canadian and Honduran officials and found that the continuing poverty, inequality, and dispossession of the Honduran people result from the crimes…

UN Development Programme (2024-01-11). Solar power brings renewable energy to hospitals in Yemen [EN/AR]. reliefweb.int Country: Yemen | Source: UN Development Programme |

Centre for Civil, Political Rights (2024-01-11). Namibia: CCPR Centre and IPPR strengthen Civil Society's role on UN human rights mechanisms. reliefweb.int Country: Namibia | Source: Centre for Civil and Political Rights | CSOs from Namibia ready to engage with the Human Rights Committee in March 2024 | Windhoek, Namibia – In a collaborative effort between the Centre for Civil and Political Rights and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), a two-day workshop unfolded in Windhoek, Namibia on 13rd and 14th December 2023. This workshop brought together 15 participants from various NGOs including at least 50% women human rights defenders. It aimed at deepening the understanding of civil society organizations on the Treaty-based Human Rights mechanisms, with…

People's Dispatch. (2024-01-11). How Workers Of An Italian Factory Are Creating History. popularresistance.org The fight against plant closures, offshoring, mass layoffs, and persecution has been an almost a daily affair for the working class in Europe over the past two decades. COVID-19 and the escalating cost of living crisis further pushed workers to the brink. | Over these years ridden with scorching attacks of global finance capital marked with austerity and 'slave' labor, grassroots mobilization and solidarity were two major pillars of working-class organization and resistance. | It is in this context that the fightback by the workers of the former GKN factory in Campi Bisenzio near Florence in Italy against layoffs…

APR editor (2024-01-11). West Papuan call to boycott Indonesian elections and 'reclaim sovereignty'. asiapacificreport.nz Asia Pacific Report The pro-independence United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) has declared a boycott of the Indonesian elections next month and has called on Papuans to "not bow down to the system or constitution of your Indonesian occupier". The movement's president Benny Wenda and prime minister Edison Waromi have announced in a joint…

Sara Van Horn, In These Times. (2024-01-11). This Emerging Green Technology Could Decarbonize Buildings. popularresistance.org In early 2021, an award-winning design for a "thermal energy network" caught the eye of John Murphy. The design was part of a proposal to decarbonize Empire Plaza in Albany, N.Y., and it featured a series of underground water pipes that balanced the heating and cooling systems of adjacent buildings. | As the International Representative of the New York State Pipe Trades Association, which represents around 25,000 workers across New York State, Murphy had been searching for an renewable energy solution for his members. In his seven years in the position, he has seen how some of the state's cur…

Peace Winds Japan (2024-01-11). Japan] 2024 January Noto Peninsula Earthquake Emergency Support. reliefweb.int Country: Japan | Source: Peace Winds Japan | A major earthquake of magnitude 7 occurred in Ishikawa Prefecture at around 16: 10 on January 1, 2024. | In response to this, an emergency support team of Flying Search and Medical Team "ARROWS" was dispatched to the area. | The emergency support team consists of doctors, nurses, rescue workers, and a disaster relief dog team, and will investigate the disaster situation and support needs, as well as provide search and rescue support, medical support, and emergency supplies support.

Leila Warah (2024-01-11). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 97: Israeli bombardment continues in Gaza even as South Africa presents arguments to the ICJ. mondoweiss.net As Israel's attacks on Gaza continued, killing medical workers and journalists, South Africa stood in front of the International Court of Justice and presented compelling evidence of Israel's genocidal acts and intent.

Gabisile (2024-01-11). Nxesi brings services closer to Bushbuckridge communities. sanews.gov.za Nxesi brings services closer to Bushbuckridge communities | The Department of Employment and Labour has officially launched its 'Taking Services Closer to the People' campaign this week, focusing on the communities in the Bushbuckridge areas of Casteel, Shatale, and Hluvukani. | The campaign, according to the department, seeks to shorten the travel by community members from remote locations to departmental offices to access the services the department provides. | The campaign is held year-round in all provinces to ensure accessibility. | Employment and Labour Minister, Thulas Nxesi, who led the drive on Wednesda…

latintimes (2024-01-11). Polish Ex-minister On Hunger Strike As Populists Denounce 'Political' Arrests. latintimes.com The country has been in political turmoil since a pro-EU coalition took power from right-wing populists of the Law and Justice party (PiS) in December following an October election, with both sides trading accusations of alleged rule of law violations.

latintimes (2024-01-11). Israel Strikes Southern Gaza As Blinken Heads To Egypt For Talks. latintimes.com Israel bombarded the southern Gaza Strip overnight, as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken prepared to travel to Egypt on Thursday for more talks aimed at containing Israel's war against Hamas.

Dave Kellaway (2024-01-11). NHS Junior Doctors fight on after longest strike. internationalviewpoint.org "Consequently junior doctors' struggle for a decent, fair wage is also part of a more general campaign to build an NHS that is fit for purpose and that can respond to all these growing needs." | – | / |

Maximillian Alvarez, Chris Hedges (2024-01-11). Could Israel's war in Gaza spiral into a regional war? therealnews.com Over three months into Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza, there is little hope the carnage will stop anytime soon—and with each passing day, the danger of Israel's war on Gaza spiraling into a larger regional conflict increases. The devastation in Gaza is unlike anything seen in the 21st century, but Israel's military strikes—like last week's assassination of Saleh al-Arouri, a top leader of Hamas, in Lebanon—have not been limited to Palestine alone. At the same time, armed resistance groups in Iraq and Syria have launched hundreds of attacks on US bases, confrontation between Israel and…

Staff (2024-01-11). Could Israel's war in Gaza spiral into a regional war? therealnews.com Over three months into Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza, there is little hope the carnage will stop anytime soon—and with each passing day, the danger of Israel's war on Gaza spiraling into a larger regional conflict increases. The devastation in Gaza is unlike anything seen in the 21st century, but Israel's military strikes—like last week's …

APR editor (2024-01-11). PM Marape summons troops after Port Moresby goes up in flames. asiapacificreport.nz By Miriam Zarriga in Port Moresby Soldiers and police were jointly patrolling the streets of the Papua New Guinea capital Port Moresby today as the country takes stock of yesterday's unprecedented looting and rampage by hooligans and rioters. Prime Minister James Marape confirmed that the National Executive Council had met and approved the army to…

Ali Abunimah (2024-01-11). Genocide case against Israel opens at World Court. electronicintifada.net Can judges in The Hague bring a halt to extermination of Palestinians in Gaza?

Natalia Marques (2024-01-11). 100,000 expected to take Pro-Palestine demands to Biden's doorstep. peoplesdispatch.org A coalition of Muslim and pro-Palestine organizations are taking the overwhelmingly popular demand for a ceasefire straight to Biden's doorstep on January 13, at 1 pm, at the Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC. The "March for Gaza" is being organized by the American Muslim Task Force on Palestine, which includes American Muslims for Palestine, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Circle of North America, Muslim American Society, Muslim Student Association-National, Muslim Legal Fund of America, Muslim Ummah of North America, and Young Muslims, alongside the ANSWER Coalition, which played a key role in orga…

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2024-01-11). Blinken's window dressing tour of Arab capitals. peoplesdispatch.org Biden's interest narrows down to prevent the war from spreading in the region lest direct American military intervention becomes necessary. The US rhetoric and diplomatic posturing largely aims at damage control in Washington's relations with its erstwhile allies in the region.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-01-11). Biden Is Everything People Feared Trump Would Be. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | In an article titled " HuffPost's Akbar Shahid Ahmed writes the following: "American officials say the Biden administration is not doing all it can to reduce tensions, despite public commitme…

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). South Africa Presents Genocide Case Against Israel at ICJ. news.antiwar.com South African officials and lawyers on Thursday made their case at the International Court of Justice in The Hague to show that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian population of Gaza. The over three-hour hearing was an indictment of the US-backed Israeli campaign in Gaza, which has killed over 23,000 Palestinians, mainly women and …

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). Iran Seizes Tanker in Retaliation for the US Stealing Its Oil. news.antiwar.com Iran seized an American tanker in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday in retaliation for the US previously seizing the same tanker and stealing a shipment of Iranian oil that it was carrying. In April 2023, the US forced the tanker, formally named Suez Rajan, to sail to Texas when it was carrying 800,000 barrels …

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). Israeli MK Doubles Down on Call to 'Burn' Gaza, Says There Are 'No Innocents'. globalresearch.ca

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). Japan Resumes Construction on New US Base in Okinawa Despite Local Opposition. news.antiwar.com Japan has resumed construction work on a landfill for the relocation of a US military base in Okinawa despite strong opposition from the island's governor and residents. Japan's central government overrode Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki's objections to resume the landfill work, a move Japanese media has described as "unprecedented." Tamaki said the central government's actions …

Dave DeCamp (2024-01-11). Netanyahu Claims He Has No Intention of Displacing Gaza's Palestinians. news.antiwar.com Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday insisted Israel doesn't plan to expel Palestinians from Gaza or permanently occupy the territory, a shift in rhetoric that comes a day before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds its first hearing on South Africa's genocide case against Israel. "I want to make a few points absolutely …

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2024-01-11). Day 96 roundtable: Can the ICJ stop Israel's genocide? electronicintifada.net "Hope is disappearing," says Gaza-born novelist Ahmed Masoud.

Khuloud Rabah Sulaiman (2024-01-11). A war against women and babies. electronicintifada.net Children are being born in unhealthy conditions.

Jaclynn Ashly (2024-01-11). Jordanians demand divorce from Israel. electronicintifada.net Protesters want a ban on US military bases in their country.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2024-01-11). Palestinian American's family members ignored by Biden administration. electronicintifada.net Exorbitant bribes are common last resort for many trying to evacuate from Gaza.

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2024-01-11). A Chance to Hold Israel—and the US—to Account for Genocide. counterpunch.org On January 11th, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague is holding its first hearing in South Africa's case against Israel under the Genocide Convention. The first provisional measure South Africa has asked of the court is to order an immediate end to this carnage, which has already killed more than 23,000 people,

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies (2024-01-11). A Chance to Hold Israel and the US to Account for Genocide. dissidentvoice.org The International Court of Justice. Photo credit: ICJ On January 11th, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague is holding its first hearing in South Africa's case against Israel under the Genocide Convention. The first provisional measure South Africa has asked of the court is to order an immediate end to this carnage, …

Medea Benjamin (2024-01-11). A Chance to Hold Israel and the US to Account for Genocide. globalresearch.ca

Tanupriya Singh (2024-01-11). Genocide as pattern and policy: ICJ hears South Africa's case against Israel. peoplesdispatch.org The International Court of Justice began hearings on South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. South Africa is seeking urgent measures to stop Israel's military aggression which has killed over 23,000 Palestinians.

Peoples Dispatch (2024-01-11). ICJ begins genocide hearing against Israel, as bombing of Gaza continues. peoplesdispatch.org The UN has also raised alarm over the lack of aid deliveries to Gaza, warning that blocking aid and medical supplies could force the remaining three operational hospitals to close…

Staff (2024-01-11). Israeli war in Gaza revives the Arab solidarity with Palestine. peoplesdispatch.org Over 92% of people in the Arab countries consider Palestine an Arab cause and expressed their solidarity and support to Palestine, according to a recent survey. It was published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies based in Doha, Qatar on Wednesday, January 10. The survey was conducted across 16 Arab countries, including …

Staff (2024-01-11). 100,000 expected to take Pro-Palestine demands to Biden's doorstep. peoplesdispatch.org A coalition of Muslim and pro-Palestine organizations are taking the overwhelmingly popular demand for a ceasefire straight to Biden's doorstep on January 13, at 1 pm, at the Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC. The "March for Gaza" is being organized by the American Muslim Task Force on Palestine, which includes American Muslims for Palestine, Council …

Anish R M (2024-01-11). The elections in Taiwan are consequential for regional peace. peoplesdispatch.org A vice-president with a diminished popularity and a divided opposition are set to battle it out in an election that has the potential to affect peace and stability in East Asia…

Staff (2024-01-11). ICJ begins genocide hearing against Israel, as bombing of Gaza continues. peoplesdispatch.org Israeli bombardment of Gaza entered its 97th day on Thursday, January 11, as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) began hearings on charges of genocide brought against Israel by South Africa. South Africa presented its case in its opening and subsequent statements to the court, strongly arguing with a variety of facts and evidence that …

Peoples Dispatch (2024-01-11). Lula, Petro, and Arab League declare support to South Africa's case against Israel. peoplesdispatch.org Colombia and Brazil's foreign ministries announced in separate statements that their governments support South Africa's historic case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The two South American nations join a Colombia's foreign minist…

Gerardo Szalkowicz (2024-01-11). Ecuador in crisis: five points to understand a country broken by neoliberalism. peoplesdispatch.org Some clues to unravel how in a few years Ecuador went from being a peaceful country to becoming a territory governed by organized crime.

Peter Koenig (2024-01-11). Israel Confronted at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Does it Matter? Will It Effectively Take on Israel for its Atrocious Crimes? globalresearch.ca

Michael Fox, The Real News Network. (2024-01-11). Guatemala's 'Silent Holocaust' Under The Shadow. popularresistance.org In the third episode of Under the Shadow, host Michael Fox visits a memorial for the disappeared on the outskirts of the Guatemalan town of San Juan Comalapa. Then, he walks back in time to the 1980s, into the country's genocide of Indigenous peoples—and the overwhelming support for the violence that came from the United States and then-President Ronald Reagan in the name of fighting the so-called "communist threat." | Between 1962-1996, 200,000 Guatemalans were killed and 45,000 were forcibly disappeared. For the majority of families, the whereabouts of those lost loved ones are still unknown, even decades…

Mustafa Abu Sneineh, Mondoweiss. (2024-01-11). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 96: Israel To Face Genocide Charges At ICJ. popularresistance.org Israeli officials are gearing up for the hearing in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) tomorrow after South Africa filed a lawsuit in December accusing Tel Aviv of committing genocidal actions against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. | The ICJ hearings will broadcast live on Thursday and Friday. Unrestrained U.S. backing of Israeli military actions and bombardment in Gaza has immunized Tel Aviv from any scrutiny under UN resolutions. | The ICJ ruling could end up as another international law that Israel does not respect. However, there is a high expectation for the Hague-based court to hold Israel accountabl…

Ultimas Noticias, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-01-11). Latin American Nations Back South Africa's Case Against 'Israel'. popularresistance.org The government of Venezuela spoke up this Tuesday to confirm its support for South African authorities who, in a case filed with the International Court of Justice (ICJ), have accused Israel of genocide in Gaza, Palestine. | In a statement, the foreign minister of Venezuela, Yván Gil cited the Israeli entity's repeated violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. | "Venezuela, as a country committed to peace diplomacy, recognizes South Africa's firm and historic step in defense of the Palestinian people and international law," wrote Gil. | Likewise, he stated that Venezu…

Shimri Zameret, Waging Nonviolence. (2024-01-11). We Can End Mass Atrocities In Gaza And Beyond. popularresistance.org In the past few weeks, the number of innocent Palestinian civilians killed in attacks by the Israeli government has reached unprecedented levels. Both a majority of people around the world and a majority of governments oppose the mass atrocities against civilians in Gaza. Why is this common-sense view not translated into action that stops these international crimes? And what can normal people do to end atrocities in Gaza and elsewhere? | Before answering these questions, I would like to start from my personal experience on the day this last round of violence started.

Richard D. Wolff (2024-01-11). What Is to Be Done? counterpunch.org

Vijay Prashad (2024-01-11). Why I Believe What I Believe About the Chinese Revolution. dissidentvoice.org Liu Hongjie (China), Skyline, 2021. Late last year, a colleague sent me a letter decrying some of my writings about China, notably the last newsletter of 2023. This newsletter is my response to him. ** The situation in China is the cause of a great deal of consternation amongst the left. I am glad you have raised the …

Vijay Prashad (2024-01-11). We need to reverse the culture of decay and march on the street for a culture of humanity. mronline.org The final months of 2023 pierced our sense of hope and threw us into a kind of mortal sadness.

latintimes (2024-01-11). Latin Women in Sports: Colombian Soccer Prodigy Mayra Ramírez Scores Big, Takes Spain's Liga F by Storm. latintimes.com Thanks to Ramírez's goals, Levante sit in 2nd-place in Liga F just behind FC Barcelona…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2024-01-11). United States and Britain Threaten to Bomb Yemen in Defense of Gaza Genocide. globalresearch.ca

Larry Johnson (2024-01-11). Israel, like the Fish, Dies by its Mouth. sonar21.com Israel is frantic about derailing South Africa's December 29 request that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issue an urgent order declaring that Israel was in breach of its obligations under the Genocide Convention. The initial hearing is set for Thursday, January 11 at the Hague. | Israel reacted with Israel rejected "with disgust" South Africa's genocide case against it, calling the case a baseles…

LeeAnn Hall (2024-01-11). Biden's New Transit Rule Is Good News for People and the Planet. otherwords.org The administration rolled out a new rule to make sure federal transit dollars are invested in sustainable projects that create local jobs and allow communities to be part of the solution.

Nadia B. Ahmad (2024-01-11). White House strategy to counter Islamophobia means nothing while funding the slaughter of Muslims abroad. mondoweiss.net The Biden administration's "National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia" cannot be taken seriously while the U.S. gives Israel a blank check in Gaza. The U.S. cannot claim to combat Islamophobia at home while attacking Muslim communities abroad.

noemail (2024-01-11). Iran seizes oil tanker involved in U.S.-Iran dispute in Gulf of Oman. devdiscourse.com Iran seized a tanker with Iraqi crude destined for Turkey on Thursday in retaliation for the confiscation last year of the same vessel and its oil by the United States, Iranian state media reported, a move likely to stoke regional tensions. The seizure of the Marshall Islands-flagged St Nikolas coincides with weeks of attacks by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi militias targeting Red Sea shipping routes.

Will Jones (2024-01-11). Electric Double Decker Bus Bursts into Flames in London Rush Hour. dailysceptic.org An electric double decker bus burst into flames in London this morning, causing rush hour chaos as terrified witnesses reported hearing a "huge bang".

Frank Cappello (2024-01-11). LEVER TIME: Amid Boeing Crisis, Is It Still Safe To Fly? levernews.com

Gabisile (2024-01-11). SA speaks at ICJ case. sanews.gov.za SA speaks at ICJ case | Israel's response to the Hamas attack on 7 October 2023 has crossed the line and breaches the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide also referred to as "the Convention". | This is according to Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, who delivered his opening remarks at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands, on Thursday. | "Madam President, 'in extending our hands across the miles to the people of Palestine, we do so in the full knowledge that we are part of a humanity that is at one'. These were the words of President Nel…

UMMID (2024-01-11). Maha CM Shinde gets Speaker's boost; Murder of democracy, says Sena (UBT). ummid.com Maharashtra Assembly Speaker Rahul Narwekar Wednesday January 24, 2024 decided in favour of Chief Minister Eknath Shinde saying his faction was the "real Shiv Sena" as it had the support of the majority of the MLAs.

David Kattenburg (2024-01-11). South Africa presents the case against Israel's genocide in Gaza: Day 1 of South Africa v. Israel. mondoweiss.net In an exhaustive presentation, lawyers for South Africa presented its case to the International Court of Justice that Israel has failed to prevent and is continuing to commit acts of genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza.

latintimes (2024-01-11). Greece To Legalize Same-sex Marriage, Adoption: Prime Minister. latintimes.com "We will legislate equality in marriage," Kyriakos Mitsotakis told state TV ERT.

The Independent (2024-01-11). 5 people killed by flash floods, landslides in Tanzania. independent.co.ug MOROGORO, TANZANIA | Xinhua | At least five people have been killed by flash floods and landslides caused by ongoing torrential rains in the Morogoro and Kilimanjaro regions in eastern and northern Tanzania, officials said on Wednesday. Three people killed by flash floods on Tuesday in the Morogoro region were from the same family, said …

noemail (2024-01-11). Panama grounds some Copa Boeing 737 MAX 9s after Alaska blowout. devdiscourse.com Panama's civil aviation authority said on Thursday it had temporarily prohibited operations of 21 of Copa Airlines' Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft after a mid-air blowout of a cabin panel on an Alaska Airlines flight last week.

latintimes (2024-01-11). UN Demands 'Immediate' End To Attacks On Red Sea Trade. latintimes.com The United Nations raised the alarm on Wednesday over increasing attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, blamed by Western countries on Houthi rebels, and the risk of escalation in the region.

UMMID (2024-01-11). World's 1st Electric Vehicle powered by Farasis Energy sodium-ion batteries finally here. ummid.com China had unveiled world's first Electric Vehicles powered by sodium-ion batteries – JMEV EV3 (Youth Edition) and Yiwei in December last, promising they will hit the roads in January 2024.

krish-rad_ind (2024-01-11). Remembering Norma Barzman, Last of the Hollywood Blacklistees. truthdig.com

TASS (2024-01-11). Global electric car sales up by 31% in 2023 — consulting company. tass.com In 2022, the growth in sales of electric vehicles was 60%…

Tina Renier (2024-01-11). "Canada's Foreign Student Surge Prompts Changes and Anxiety". Opinion Response to a New York Times Article. globalresearch.ca

Will Jones (2024-01-11). "I Was Sacked by Lloyds Bank for Asking a Clumsy Question in a Race Seminar. Now Thanks to the Free Speech Union I've Received an £800,000 Payout" dailysceptic.org Carl Borg-Neal, the former Lloyds worker sacked for asking a clumsy question in a race seminar who with the help of the Free Speech Union won an £800,000 payout, writes about his ordeal and victory.

UMMID (2024-01-11). Dubai, Bali named Tripadvisor's 'World's Top Destinations 2024'. ummid.com Dubai has retained the No 1 spot for the third consecutive years in the 2024 TripAdvisor 'Travellers' Choice Awards Best of the Best winners' and remains World's No1 Top Destinations followed by Bali and London.

The Independent (2024-01-11). MPs block Trade Ministry budget over refusal to fire Permanent Secretary. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | PWATCH-UG | Parliament's Trade and Tourism Committee has declined to consider the 2024/25 national budget for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives until the recommendation by Parliament to relieve the Ministry's Permanent Secretary, Geraldine Ssali, of her duties on the grounds that she is unfit to hold office. The pronouncement was …

Jafar Ramini (2024-01-11). Israeli Genocide in Gaza: A Cry from the Heart — "When Will This End? How Much More Can We Expect Them to Take?" globalresearch.ca

Greg Guma (2024-01-11). Mergers and Mind Games: From Media Consolidation to Digital Indoctrination. globalresearch.ca

latintimes (2024-01-11). Spot Bitcoin ETFs Approved: Which Are the Major Companies Behind this Financial Product. latintimes.com SEC officials announced the approval of 11 Spot Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)…

The Media Line Staff (2024-01-11). Iraqi Prime Minister Calls for US Troop Withdrawal to Stabilize Region. themedialine.org

UMMID (2024-01-11). 'A Fraud Act': SC cancels Gujarat govt decision to release Bilkis Bano rape convicts. ummid.com In a major setback for Prime Minister Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah, the Supreme Court of India Monday January 08, 2024 cancelled the Gujarat government's decision to release Bilkis Bano rape convicts.

Thomas Knapp (2024-01-11). Our Political Conundrum: Two Questions That Answer Each Other. counterpunch.org It's customary for op-ed columns to hang themselves on "news hooks" — the things you're already reading about that just happened, are happening, or may be about to happen. The closest thing I to a "news hook" I could up with for this piece is that my friend Lloyd Sloan supports the presidential candidacy of

Staff (2024-01-11). Ecuador: 2 Days of Armed Violence, 14 Deaths, Several Kidnapped and Injured, Dozens Arrested (+Correa & Maduro). orinocotribune.com The deep crisis of armed violence that has taken Ecuador by storm in recent days—which has resulted in widespread chaos that especially hit the province of Guayas, leading to the government declaring a state of emergency—has left an official toll of at least 14 people dead, several injured, many others kidnapped, and widespread fires and explosions of several vehicles, alongside dozens of detainees. | Late in the night of Tuesday, January 9, members of the security directorate of the Guayaquil mayor's office confirmed the death of at least eight people, with several injured, vehicles and motorcycles i…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Speaker Johnson Facing Same Threats as McCarthy. sputnikglobe.com In October of last year, then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his position after a group of Republican representatives rebelled against party leadership and joined with Democrats to remove him from his post.

Gabisile (2024-01-11). SA presents genocide case against Israel at ICJ. sanews.gov.za SA presents genocide case against Israel at ICJ | It is all eyes on South Africa today as the country presents its genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands. | South Africa is currently on the stand this morning in a legal battle against Israel, which is accused of genocide in Gaza. | South Africa approached the ICJ, under the Genocide Convention, for acts committed by Israel in the context of its attacks on Gaza and the case will be represented by six local legal minds. | Both South Africa and Israel are expected to lay bare their arguments during the tw…

noemail (2024-01-11). Tens of thousands protest in Poland against ex-ministers' imprisonment. devdiscourse.com Tens of thousands of opposition supporters massed outside Poland's parliament on Thursday to protest against the new government's changes to state media and the imprisonment of two former ministers convicted of abuse of power.

noemail (2024-01-11). ECB's Lagarde: Re-election of Trump in US would mark threat for Europe. devdiscourse.com A re-election of Donald Trump as U.S. president would represent a "threat" for Europe, European Central Bank (ECB) head Christine Lagarde said on Thursday.

Gabisile (2024-01-11). Limpopo Premier condemns gender-based violence. sanews.gov.za Limpopo Premier condemns gender-based violence | Limpopo Premier Chupu Stanley Mathabatha has strongly condemned all forms of violence against humanity, especially women and children. | This is after the province reported an increase in incidents of violence in the past few days. | "These inhumane acts seem to have continued to rise in the province, especially during the 2023 festive season. The province is mourning the deaths of women, children, and men whose precious lives were mercilessly cut short," said the Premier in a statement. | The recent spine-chilling incidents involve the gruesome discovery of the…

Staff (2024-01-11). 4 highest gurus of Sanatan Hindu dharma not to participate in Ram Temple Pranpratistha-A setback to Modi govt. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Desk The decision of the four highest gurus of Sanatan Hindu Dharma not to participate in the Pranpratistha ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya has stirred significant attention and sparked discussions within the Hindu community. This unexpected turn of events has been attributed to various concerns and perspectives, revealing a complex …

Robert Kogon (2024-01-11). Why Fauci, Not Drosten? German Scientists Met Openly With Wuhan 'Batwoman'. dailysceptic.org There's been a lot of chatter lately about Wuhan's 'batwoman' and her 'secret' meetings with U.S. officials. But at least as suspicious is the connection between Germany's Christian Drosten and Wuhan, says Robert Kogon.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-01-11). Irish climate expert Professor Ray Bates dies but his voice lives on. expose-news.com Last weekend, on 6 January 2024, Professor Ray Bates died peacefully in the tender care of Blackrock Hospice in Dublin, Ireland, aged 83. For many years, he spoke against unscientific climate alarmism. …

Kathryn Shihadah (2024-01-11). Mandela: "our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians" — Day 95. israelpalestinenews.org

UMMID (2024-01-11). Bangladesh Tests Ailing Democracy on Ballot. ummid.com ANFREL said it strongly believed that the election in Bangladesh is at risk of lacking genuineness and electoral competitiveness, raising serious questions about its adherence to democratic principles and international election standards that assess the legitimacy of the electoral process.

Patricia Harrity (2024-01-11). South Africa Lists the Genocidal Acts Committed By Israeli Forces in Gaza at the Hague. expose-news.com Today, January 11th, 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) convened to deliberate on the unfolding crisis in Gaza. At the behest of South Africa, proceedings have commenced under the auspices of …

UMMID (2024-01-11). Indore: Hindutva outfits make schoolgirls take pledge against 'Love Jihad'. ummid.com In an already charged communal atmosphere prevailing in the country, the Hindutva organisations in Madhya Pradesh recently held Shree Akhand Vedant Sant Sammelan in Indore, wherein schoolgirls were made to take oath not to marry outside their religion.

latintimes (2024-01-11). Essequibo Dispute: Guyana Seeks US Help To Improve Defense Capabilities Amid Venezuela Tension. latintimes.com Deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Western Hemisphere Daniel P. Erikson noted that the United States was all set to help the South American country create a better-equipped military in the upcoming months.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-01-11). Israeli Army Ordered Mass Hannibal Directive on October 7. libya360.wordpress.com The Cradle An investigation from Israel's leading newspaper indicates Israel deliberately killed many of its own civilians and soldiers during Hamas' Operation Al-Aqsa Flood to prevent them being taken captive back to Gaza. The Israeli military implemented the "Hannibal Directive" during Hamas' attack on 7 October, killing its own civilians and soldiers to prevent Hamas…

latintimes (2024-01-11). Latino Financial Empowerment Surpasses National Average as More Latinos Report Economic Progress. latintimes.com

latintimes (2024-01-11). Autonomous Driving Is 'Happening', But Slower Than Expected. latintimes.com To the believers, the oft-promised autonomous car revolution is "clearly happening" — they point to the myriad displays at the Consumers Electronics Show in Las Vegas that defy the industry's bad headlines.

TASS (2024-01-11). Houthis conducting military mobilization in Yemeni areas they control — group's leader. tass.com Abdul Malik al-Houthi also called on Ansar Allah supporters to continue "combat training, rallies, marches and donating money despite the dire circumstances"

Drago Bosnic (2024-01-11). Is Latin America Finally Making United Stand Against US Imperialism? globalresearch.ca

TASS (2024-01-11). Attacks on ships in Red Sea become one of causes of decline in world trade — report. tass.com The Kiel Institute for the World Economy experts pointed out that "the volume of containers transported there plummeted by more than half and is currently almost 70% below the volume that would usually be expected"

Youssef Chouhoud (2024-01-11). An Overlooked and Undercounted Group of Arab American and Muslim Voters May have Outsized Impact on 2024 Presidential Election. counterpunch.org Though domestic issues tend to motivate most U.S. voters, the war in the Middle East may be the dominant issue in mind for an increasingly important voting block: Middle Eastern and Muslim Americans. Since the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel, members of these communities have watched the rising death toll and heard vivid

krish-rad_ind (2024-01-11). Iran seizes oil tanker previously taken by US. new.thecradle.co

Reuters (2024-01-11). Iranian Navy Boards 'American oil tanker' in Gulf of Oman. Will This Lead to US-Iran Confrontation? globalresearch.ca

TASS (2024-01-11). France reshuffles cabinet. tass.com In one of the key changes, Alexis Kohler, the chief of staff of the French presidential office, announced that Stephane Sejourne will succeed Catherine Colonna as foreign minister…

Steven Ganot (2024-01-11). Germany Pledges €15 Million To Support Lebanese Army. themedialine.org

TASS (2024-01-11). Three US bases in northeastern Syria come under missile attack. tass.com No casualties or damage to property have been reported yet…

thecommunists (2024-01-11). Huda Ammori: Why I risked prison to shut Elbit down. thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from Declassified UK, with thanks. The video above shows footage of Palestine Action's successful campaign to close down Elbit's central London HQ. ***** During Israel's intensified genocide of the Palestinian people, I was sitting in the dock of a court facing 11 charges for disrupting the production of weapons used to …

Editor (2024-01-11). Charter schools will desert and violate thousands in 2024. mronline.org Currently, about 3.7 million students are enrolled in roughly 7,800 privately-operated charter schools across the country. The U.S. public education system, on the other hand, has been around for more than 150 years and educates about 45 million students in nearly 100,000 schools.

Contributing Writers (2024-01-11). Israel's genocide in Gaza exposes the racism of the international system | Witnessing Palestine. marktaliano.net

Keren Setton (2024-01-11). Israeli Security Forces Carefully Watch for Presence of Islamic State but Find It Has Little Support in the Country. themedialine.org

The Independent (2024-01-11). Patricia Nshemereirwe is new Chief Operating Officer, Absa Bank Uganda. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Absa Bank Uganda has announced the appointment of Patricia Nshemereirwe as its Chief Operating Officer. Nshemereirwe is a seasoned financial services professional with 20 years of experience in the banking and financial services industry. She brings significant experience to her new role, taking leadership and oversight responsibility over the …

UMMID (2024-01-11). Online campaign endorsing ICJ case against Israeli Genocide one of most signed. ummid.com The online campaign endorsing the South Africa petition at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) seeking to hold Israel accountable for the massacre and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza has become one of the most signed on change.org.

reliefweb.int (2024-01-11). oPt: Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel – reported impact, 10 January 2024 at 23:59. reliefweb.int

latintimes (2024-01-11). Stormy Times: WEF Identifies Top 10 Short and Long-Term Risks Threatening Humanity's Future. latintimes.com Misinformation and disinformation top the list for the following two years, while extreme weather events are the main one over the next ten…

UMMID (2024-01-11). Genocide of Palestinians State Policy Nurtured At Highest Levels: South Africa at ICJ. ummid.com The South African lawyers while initiating the argument at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Thursday January 11, 2024 said the massacre of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is part of a "State Policy" which is nurtured at the highest levels.

UN Development Programme (2024-01-11). Afghanistan: "Approximately 85 percent of Afghans live on less than one dollar a day." reliefweb.int Country: Afghanistan | Source: UN Development Programme | Supporting the Afghan people in their pursuit of peace and prosperity. | The Taliban's rise to power was a turning point for Afghanistan. UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Regional Director, Asia-Pacific, Kanni Wignaraja spoke to the German Society for the United Nations about how it has affected UNDP's work. | Overall, how has the work of UNDP changed since August 2021? | Afghans are dealing with extreme hardship. Approximately 85 percent of them live on less than one dollar a day. The situation became markedly worsened after August 2021, particu…

Dr. Paul Larudee (2024-01-11). South Africa's Charges of Genocide Against Israel: The World Court Judges' Vote Is Political, Not Legal. Neither "Evidence" Nor "Law" (The Genocide Convention) Will Convict Israel. globalresearch.ca

Graham Peebles (2024-01-11). Apartheid is Now Genocide. counterpunch.org Israel's criminal onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza has confirmed its status as a Rogue State; one of the world's leading Terrorist States; and revealed their long held intention to exterminate Palestinians and bury the 'Two State Solution' What was apartheid has become genocide; a campaign of hate. Palestinians, Arabs throughout the Middle East, and Muslims

The Exposé (2024-01-11). The Exposé's January Fundraising Campaign — The Establishment is trying to shut us down & we rely solely on YOUR support… expose-news.com In December 2023, The Establishment YET AGAIN restricted our access to the vital funds we need to operate The Expose and expand, leaving us completely penniless! It seems they will stop at …

TASS (2024-01-11). No US attack to go unpunished, Houthi leader vows. tass.com "The response to a potential American attack will be larger than the recent operation in which more than 24 drones and missiles were used," Abdul-Malik al-Houthi stressed…

The Independent (2024-01-11). Four months old baby is injured by a chimpazee in Masindi. independent.co.ug Masindi, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A four month-old baby boy is admitted at Kitara Medical center in Masindi district after being attacked and critically injured by a Chimpanzee. The child was attacked and critically injured on Wednesday afternoon in Marramu village in Budongo sub county. It is reported that the Chimpanzee grabbed the child from …

reliefweb.int (2024-01-11). Summary information on the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (Japan), 10 Jan 2024. reliefweb.int

UMMID (2024-01-11). Bangladesh: Sheikh Hasina wins 4th straight term, to be PM for a record 5th time. ummid.com Sheikh Hasina Monday January 08, 2024 won the Bangladesh National Elections for a record four consecutive terms and is set to become Prime Minister of the South Asian country for 5th term, another record.

UMMID (2024-01-11). Why US, Israel want world to believe 'Daesh' behind Terrorist Attack in Iran's Kerman. ummid.com A blame game has been orchestrated by Iran to target Israel for allegedly playing a part in the terrorist attack in the Iranian city of Kerman, last week. Though the Daesh claimed responsibility for the attack, Iranian officials reject it and instead blame Israel for its complicity.

Staff (2024-01-11). BJP's bid to break PDP and install Sajad Lone as CM culminated in J&K assembly dissolution: Satyapal Malik. muslimmirror.com Former Jammu and Kashmir Governor, Satyapal Malik, has shifted the blame for the dissolution of the state Assembly onto Peoples' Conference leader, Sajad Lone, accusing him of wanting to 'indulge in horse-trading'. In an interview with senior Supreme Court advocate and Rajya Sabha member, Kapil Sibal's YouTube channel "Dil Se," Malik asserted that the decision …

A a (2024-01-11). EUA/Israel na areia movediàßa. strategic-culture.su

Judith Deutsch (2024-01-11). The Gaza Crisis: A Modest Proposal for Immediate Relief. socialistproject.ca This modest proposal is not a satire after Jonathan Swift's 18th century satirical essay "

Steven Ganot (2024-01-11). Return to Re'im: Emotional Visit to Site of Nova Festival Massacre. themedialine.org

APR editor (2024-01-11). At least 10 dead after looting, fires on Port Moresby's 'darkest day'. asiapacificreport.nz By Scott Waide, RNZ Pacific PNG correspondent; Finau Fonua, RNZ Pacific journalist; and Kelvin Anthony, RNZ Pacific lead digital and social media journalist At least 10 people are dead and dozens injured after 24 hours of looting in Papua New Guinea, during which several buildings were torched. Chaos broke out in Port Moresby as looters…

Editor (2024-01-11). Watch: 22-Minute Speech Details Israeli Officials' Genocidal Statements at ICJ. scheerpost.com

latintimes (2024-01-11). Amazon Cuts Hundreds Of Jobs At Twitch, Prime Video And MGM. latintimes.com Amazon's gamer streaming unit Twitch on Wednesday announced that it was laying off 500 staff, reportedly one third of the company, as it struggles financially despite strong popularity among players.

Karina Nohales (2024-01-11). Constitutional shipwreck for the far right in Chile. internationalviewpoint.org "None of the urgent and heartfelt demands of diverse and broad layers of the population have so far been resolved and met. " | – | / |

Aaron Poris (2024-01-11). Return to Re'im: Hostages' Families Visit Nova Festival Site 91 Days After Oct. 7 Massacre. themedialine.org

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-01-11). Cuba Endorses South Africa's Case Against Israel at the ICJ. libya360.wordpress.com Cuba supports South Africa's claim before the International Court of Justice against Israel's genocide in Palestine Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates its deep concern at the continuing escalation of violence by Israel in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, in flagrant violation of the Charter of the United…

youtube (2024-01-11). Calling on Canada to Support Gaza Genocide Case at the ICJ. youtube.com Press conference to call on Canada to endorse South Africa's request for the ICJ to make an urgent order declaring Israel in breach of its obligations under the Genocide Convention.

latintimes (2024-01-11). Liga MX: Who Will Reign Supreme? Key Storylines as 2024 Clausura Season Begins. latintimes.com Reigning champions Club América will put their unbeaten streak on the road when they face Xolos de Tijuana on Jan.13…

A A (2024-01-11). EU Model Offered to Belarus Will Remind Many of the Good 'Ol Days. strategic-culture.su The EU's rank hypocrisy over journalism, murky relation with big U.S. companies and its own corruption cast a shadow over its recent Belarus move | ‚ùóÔ∏èJoin us on , , and . | Contact…

The Media Line Staff (2024-01-11). South Africa Accuses Israel of Genocide in Gaza at UN Court. themedialine.org

Adam Johnson (2024-01-11). Coverage of Gaza War in the New York Times and Other Major Newspapers Heavily Favored Israel, Analysis Shows. globalresearch.ca

latintimes (2024-01-11). Three Reasons Why 'The Manny' is One of the Most Watched Shows on Netflix Right Now. latintimes.com From Mexico to New Caledonia, The romcom starring Mexican stars Sandra Echeverría and Iván Amozurrutia is in Netflix's Top 10 in over 30 countries…

UMMID (2024-01-11). Cong says 'Ram Mandir' political project of BJP, RSS; declines inauguration invite. ummid.com The Congress Party declined the invitation to attend the inauguration ceremony of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya sent to party leaders.

Gabisile (2024-01-11). NSFAS Board Chair Ernest Khosa takes leave of absence. sanews.gov.za NSFAS Board Chair Ernest Khosa takes leave of absence | The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) announced on Wednesday that its board chairperson, Ernest Khosa, has voluntarily tabled a notice of 30 days leave of absence. | This is after the NSFAS Board held a special meeting to discuss the financial aid scheme's state of readiness for the beginning of the 2024 academic year. | The leave of absence, according to the NSFAS, will enable the board to deal with all the allegations against him as contained in the recordings distributed by the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA). | The OUTA is accusing both…

The Independent (2024-01-11). Museveni reappoints Justice Byabakama as chairperson Electoral Commission. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Justice Simon Byabakama, and his deputy, Hajat Aisha Luebga have been reappointed for another seven-year term at the Electoral Commission. In November 2016, Justice Byabakama was appointed Chairperson of the Electoral Commission for a seven (7) year term. It is confirmed that President Museveni wrote to the Speaker of Parliament …

Editor (2024-01-11). Israeli Lawmakers Reaffirm Genocidal Rhetoric on Eve of ICJ Trial. scheerpost.com

TASS (2024-01-11). No joint energy projects with Israel in Turkey's agenda — Turkish Energy Minister. tass.com Alparslan Bayraktar stresed that the implementation of energy projects with Israel was out of the question in the current situation…

Editor (2024-01-11). Why I risked prison to shut Elbit down. mronline.org The co-founder of Palestine Action writes about her and fellow activists' acquittal by a UK court for attempting to close down the Israeli arms firm's operations in Britain.

Tom Mannion (2024-01-11). New Hampshire: We won't send our soldiers to unauthorized wars. responsiblestatecraft.org

From Eastern Europe to East Asia to across the Middle East, the United States is currently positioned on multiple tripwires that could pull our country into a new war the American people do not want. In 2024, it'll be more important than ever that Washington adheres to sound American principles, the most fundamental of which is the consent of the governed.The United States Constitution is clear and concise: "The Congress shall have Power…To declare War." That authority does not belong to the president (no matter their party), or the generals, or some unelected committee of unknown, faceless bureaucrats…

NEO (2024-01-11). Ekurhuleni youth urged to sign up for free courses. sanews.gov.za

Editor (2024-01-11). California's Great Battery Revolution Allows Closure of Peaker Gas Plants and Move to 100% Wind, Solar, Water. scheerpost.com By Juan Cole / Informed Comment Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The renewables revolution around the world has depended primarily on wind, hydro, and solar. A fourth factor is now swiftly emerging as essential, that is, mega-battery storage. Batteries store energy when the wind is blowing or the sun is shining, to release it when …

TASS (2024-01-11). Houthis leader praises their actions in Red Sea as efficient. tass.com Abdul Malik al-Houthi stressed that the Houthis with their efforts had inflicted "huge economic losses on Israel and have had a broad impact on those who support it"

Anuradha Chenoy (2024-01-11). The Israeli Genocide in Gaza and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). globalresearch.ca

noemail (2024-01-11). France's Macron poaches conservative veteran in coup ahead of EU elections. devdiscourse.com French President Emmanuel Macron poached former Nicolas Sarkozy minister Rachida Dati to join his new government, a surprise move that will further weaken his conservative opponents and signals his desire to bring political experience to his cabinet. Dati, a vocal former justice minister who enjoys strong name recognition in France, was named culture minister in Macron's new government, which also confirmed heavyweights Bruno Le Maire and Gerald Darmanin for the finance and interior portfolios.

reliefweb.int (2024-01-11). AMDA Emergency Relief #6: The Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Japan. reliefweb.int

Ryan Black (2024-01-11). Magical Thinking About Biden 2024 Paves The Way For Another Trump Presidency. progressivehub.net JEFF COHEN AND NORMAN SOLOMON…

UMMID (2024-01-11). GOTRAX Folding Electric Bike New Models Unveiled – What's New. ummid.com GOTRAX, a leading brand in the personal electric vehicles market, Saturday January 06, 2024 unveiled upgraded versions of its popular F1 and F2 models of folding electric bikes.

Tom Feeley (2024-01-11). Reaction to South Africa's UN Court case against Israel's war in Gaza. informationclearinghouse.blog South Africa accuses Israel of genocidal acts at UN Court. Palestinian, Hamas, and global reactions vary. Israel dismisses the case. Diverse international opinions and support unfold as the hearing progresses.

UMMID (2024-01-11). 'World that does not know…': Palestinian Journalist calls it a day with telling message. ummid.com Palestinian Journalist Anas Al-Najar Sunday January 07, 2024 announced he was quitting his profession with a telling message for the world which he described "does not know the meaning of empathy or humanity".

TASS (2024-01-11). US calls to immediately release St. Nikolas tanker, crew — Department of State. tass.com Vedant Patel, US Department of State Principal Deputy Spokesman, called the ship seizure unlawful, and pointed out that Iran's actions are aimed at "disrupting international commerce"

The Independent (2024-01-11). Manpower shortage affecting UPDF operation against illegal fishing. independent.co.ug Masaka, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Fisheries Protection Unit-FPU has blamed the persistent incursion of illegal fishing habits on the limited number of personnel deployed to fight the practices at the different fishing grounds across the country. In 2017, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni created the FPU, as a branch of the Uganda People's Defense Forces-UPDF, …

Staff (2024-01-11). Who is Adila Hassim, the lawyer fighting 'genocide' case against Israel at ICJ? muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Desk Adila Hassim, a prominent lawyer representing South Africa in the Gaza genocide case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), delivered a compelling speech on January 10, offering a scathing indictment of Israel's actions in the besieged city. The impassioned address, made before a 15-judge panel in a packed courtroom, garnered …

Dr James A Morris (2024-01-11). Reduce the Burden of Disease or the NHS Will Fail. dailysceptic.org The pressure on the NHS is reaching breaking point as the burden of disease continues to increase. But why are those born after the 1960s so much less healthy than the previous generation? Dr James Morris has an insight.

latintimes (2024-01-11). Business Trumps Politics For Chinese Companies At CES. latintimes.com Hundreds of Chinese companies were at the annual CES gadget extravaganza, shrugging off US-China political trade tensions and focusing on taking care of business.

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Are China and West Hurtling Toward Trade War? sputnikglobe.com Washington and Brussels loath witnessing China take the lead when it comes to cutting-edge technologies, Dr. John Gong, professor of economics at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing and a China Forum expert, told Sputnik.

Yousef Fares (2024-01-11). Palestinians Collectively Return to North Gaza: 'We Will Not Be Displaced Twice'. orinocotribune.com Palestinian journalist Yousef Fares reports from Gaza for Al-Akhbar. | In the old streets of Gaza, the road connecting the northern governorate of Gaza with the eastern neighborhoods of the city, such as Al-Tuffah, Haraat al-Dara, and Shuja'iyya, has become the only route for the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to reach the western areas of the city. This is due to the constant attacks on the direct routes that traverse the western neighborhoods. Over the past few days, this road has been traveled by hundreds of families who have decided to return to the neighborhoods recently vacated by the occupation force…

The Independent (2024-01-11). Agago district loses 20,000 shea trees in five months. independent.co.ug Agago, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Agago district has lost more than 20,000 shea nut trees in five months, a recent report by cultural leaders in the district indicates. Clan leaders in Agago district have been at the forefront of the fight against the destruction of endangered tree species. In December 2021, a group of 15 …

noemail (2024-01-11). Trump tangles with judge as NY civil fraud trial nears its end. devdiscourse.com Donald Trump on Thursday accused the New York judge in his civil fraud trial of "having your own agenda" – and the judge told his lawyer to control his client – as a months-long case that could hobble the former U.S. president's business empire neared its end.

UMMID (2024-01-11). CA Final Nov 2023 Result: Mumbai Twin Sisters Among All India Toppers. ummid.com ICAI CA Final Nov 2023 Results: Sanskruti and Shruti Atul Parolita, 22-year-old twins from Mumbai, have cleared the CA Final November 2023 results announced by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Tuesday January 09, 2024.

thecommunists (2024-01-11). Jury unanimously acquits Palestine Action's Balfour 2 who defaced statue. thecommunists.org Two Palestine Action activists, Gamze Sanli and Sally Woodward, were acquitted unanimously by a jury in Southwark crown court in December 2023, having been charged with criminal damage against a memorial after they doused the House of Commons' Arthur Balfour statue in red last year. To mark the 105th anniversary of Balfour's signing of his …

SAM (2024-01-11). Liberal Think Tanks Among Those Taking Donations From Exxon. progressivehub.net DONALD SHAW | SLUDGE…

UMMID (2024-01-11). Mixed response as Smriti Irani visits Madinah 'barred for non-Muslims'. ummid.com People are reacting differently as Union Minority Minister Smriti Irani Monday January 08, 2024 visited Madinah al Munawara — The Holy City of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) which is normally barred for non-Muslim visitors.

TASS (2024-01-11). Large-scale opposition protests held in Slovakia. tass.com They were organized by the liberal parties that lost power in the republic following the results of the parliamentary elections held in September 2023…

Anna Stanley (2024-01-11). "We Need to Find Ways to Suppress Douglas Murray and Joe Rogan": Inside a Counter-Terrorism Course for U.K. Civil Servants. dailysceptic.org "We need to find ways to suppress Douglas Murray and Joe Rogan": former civil servant Anna Stanley exposes the truth about what UK civil servants are taught in counter-terrorism courses.

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Top UN Court Opens Hearings on South Africa's Gaza Genocide Claims Against Israel. sputnikglobe.com THE HAGUE (Sputnik) – The top United Nations court opened two days of public hearings on Thursday to look into South Africa's allegations that the Israeli military has been committing genocide in Gaza, a Sputnik correspondent reported.

latintimes (2024-01-11). White House Hopefuls Flub Chance To Hit Trump In Pre-Iowa Debate. latintimes.com The head-to-head showdown in Iowa capital Des Moines came five days before the state's pivotal opening vote in the primary season, considered crucial for winnowing the field and giving those left standing a springboard for the rest of the race.

UMMID (2024-01-11). Watch: Rabbis storm UN Gen Assembly, asks US to stop vetoing peace. ummid.com Dozens of American Rabbis Tuesday January 09, 2024 stormed the UN General Assembly (UNGA) protesting the Israeli war in Gaza and asking the United States to stop misusing the veto power.

Staff (2024-01-11). 'Not mentioned in Constitution': Mamata outlines objections to 'One Nation, One Election'. muslimmirror.com KOLKATA : West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday wrote to the Secretary of the High-Level Committee on One Nation, One Election, Niten Chandra highlighting her objections to the proposed system. In her letter, not as the Chief Minister, but in her capacity as the Chairperson of Trinamool Congress, she argued that the Constitution …

TASS (2024-01-11). PREVIEW: Top UN court to consider genocide case against Israel. tass.com The court is expected to deliver its interim ruling against Israel in the next few weeks…

UOFCHA (2024-01-11). oPt: Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #89. reliefweb.int

Debbie Mohnblatt (2024-01-11). International Diplomats Meet at Knesset To Discuss Postwar Strategies for Gaza. themedialine.org

Amnesty International (2024-01-11). oPt: ICJ hearings over Israel's alleged breaches of the Genocide Convention a vital step to help protect Palestinian civilians [EN/AR]. reliefweb.int

Tom Feeley (2024-01-11). First day of ICJ hearing on South Africa's genocide case against Israel. informationclearinghouse.blog The International Court of Justice hears South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. South Africa seeks an emergency order to stop Israeli military action, citing the violation of Palestinian rights. This is the first time Israel is being tried under the UN's Genocide Convention. The court has 15 judges and deals with disputes between countries.

Collective (2024-01-11). Kamel Aïssat acquitted! Solidarity and mobilization won the day. internationalviewpoint.org A judge in Bejaïa has just decided that Professor Kamel Aïssat is acquitted on all charges in the case of the Tala Hamza zinc and lead mine in the Wilaya of Bejaia. | – | / |

NEO (2024-01-11). Government welcomes Rooibos tariff reduction decision. sanews.gov.za Government welcomes Rooibos tariff reduction decision | Government has welcomed the decision by the People's Republic of China to substantially reduce tariff rates on imports of South African Rooibos tea. | "China, the world's largest tea-market, previously had tariffs ranging from 15% to 30% on rooibos tea. This has now been reduced to 6%," said the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) in a statement. | The move is with effect from 1 January 2024. | It added that Rooibos tea is a unique South African tea that has gained a strong foothold in global markets with hundreds of millions of rands of ann…

Prabhat Patnaik (2024-01-11). Upsurge of neo-fascism and 'dollarisation'. mronline.org Neo-fascist rulers like Javier Milei propose to control inflation not by curbing capital flight, but by launching a massive attack on the working class.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-01-11). South Africa Presents its Case Against Israel at the ICJ. libya360.wordpress.com The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Israel. Watch the full proceedings of the first day at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearing for South…

TASS (2024-01-11). Shipping through Suez Canal down by 28% at the end of 2023 due to Houthi attacks — IMF. tass.com In the meantime, "shipping volumes going through the Cape of Good Hope, increased by 67%," IMF spokeswoman Julie Kozack said…

Yumna Patel (2024-01-11). An international law expert explains why South Africa's case at the ICJ is so important. mondoweiss.net A ruling by the International Court of Justice in favor of South Africa, which has accused Israel of genocide, could mean saving thousands of lives in Gaza. The alternative, however, could be devastating and further embolden Israeli violence.

Caleb Crowder (2024-01-11). New Report from Leading Research and Civil Society Organizations Reveals New Information on the Arrests of Water Defenders and the State of Human Rights in El Salvador under the Bukele Administration. ips-dc.org The new report highlights the full extent of human rights abuses under the Bukele administration, as well as evidence that the Bukele administration would like to bring back mining.

Michelle Pini (2024-01-11). Food, fuel and news: A neoliberal nightmare. independentaustralia.net

Gabisile (2024-01-11). SA remains committed to creating a conducive environment for business. sanews.gov.za SA remains committed to creating a conducive environment for business | South Africa remains open for business and dedicated to creating a conducive environment for it to strive, says Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana. | The Minister made the remarks on Thursday during an engagement with members of the media ahead of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. | "We remain steadfast in carrying out structural reforms to support and accelerate economic recovery. As government, we remain resolved to deal with the energy and logistics challenges that are adversely impacting our economy," he…

TASS (2024-01-11). Over 170 prison employees being held hostage by inmates in Ecuador. tass.com The security threat in Ecuador escalated on January 7 after a Los Choneros gang leader, nicknamed Fito, escaped from prison…

publicbooks (2024-01-11). The U.S. Has Never Forgiven Haiti. publicbooks.org For Frederick Douglass, and for Black activists across the United States, there was no place more important to global Black freedom than Haiti.

A A (2024-01-11). Mr. President, Your Secretary of Defense Is Missing. strategic-culture.su W.J. ASTORE | ‚ùóÔ∏èJoin us on , , and . | Contact us: | Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin went into the hospi…

Contributing Writers (2024-01-11). Genocide Case Against Israel. marktaliano.net

Paul Begley (2024-01-11). Doubling down against women a conservative political trend. independentaustralia.net

Monica Piccinini (2024-01-11). Wines Tainted with 'Pesticide Cocktail'. globalresearch.ca

Rhoda Wilson (2024-01-11). WHO was devised to control and rule over the world's population. expose-news.com In September last year, Dr Wolgang Wodarg joined Ivor Cummins to discuss how the World Health Organisation was shaped to be used as their instrument for controlling and ruling over the world's …

NEO (2024-01-11). Well wishes for Bafana Bafana. sanews.gov.za Well wishes for Bafana Bafana | Sport, Arts and Culture Minister, Zizi Kodwa, has wished Bafana Bafana well as the national team left for Cà¥te d'Ivoire where they will participate in the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) tournament. | "I have no doubt that you will make us proud in the tournament and raise the South African flag high. You carry the hopes and aspirations of the nation. I look forward to seeing you in Cà¥te d'Ivoire ahead of your first game against Mali," said the Minister in a social media post on X. | The Minister's comments come as the national football side departed from Johannesburg to Ab…

latintimes (2024-01-11). Trump Cut Off by Judge at End of Civil Trial After Calling it a 'Fraud on Me'. latintimes.com Judge Arthur Engoron had refused granting Trump the chance of giving a closing statement but he still got a brief chance to speak…

latintimes (2024-01-11). After Re-election, A Parliamentary Setback For Spain's PM. latintimes.com In a closely fought vote on three government decrees, lawmakers passed two of them by the narrowest of margins (172 to 171).

Binoy Kampmark (2024-01-11). Tall Tales and Murderous Restraint: Blinken on Gaza and Israel. dissidentvoice.org The role of the US State Department regarding Israel's continued obliteration of Gaza is becoming increasingly clear. As the actions of the Israeli Defence Forces continue, the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, is full of meaningless statements about restraint and control, the protection of civilians, the imperatives of humanitarianism in war. As the war continues, …

latintimes (2024-01-11). 'The Last of Us' Has a New Latina in the Cast: Isabela Merced to Join Pedro Pascal, Gabriel Luna. latintimes.com HBO announced Peruvian American Merced as the new member of the cast of 'The Last of Us'

The Media Line Staff (2024-01-11). Report Claims Houthi Fighters Trained in Iran. themedialine.org

averyr (2024-01-11). REPORT: El Salvador's State of Deception. ips-dc.org

latintimes (2024-01-11). World Cup Stars Morocco Seek End To 48-year African Trophy Drought. latintimes.com In the second and last tournament decided by a mini-league, Morocco snatched a late 1-1 draw with Guinea to finish first in Ethiopia.

Staff (2024-01-11). Violence in Ecuador Is Result of Deliberate Dismantling of the State. orinocotribune.com The systematic violence which has immersed Ecuador is the product of a process of deliberate destructuring of the rule of law derived from policies implemented by the last three neoliberal governments, warned Jorge Paladines, an academic at the Central University of Ecuador and a professor of law and political science, in an interview with Sputnik. | That, today, Ecuador is in a situation of internal armed conflict, that the country has been plunged into a state of emergency, and that a live television program was interrupted by armed men, is not the result of spontaneity or chance. | On the contrary: the securit…

Mohammad Al-Kassim (2024-01-11). Crowds Protest in Ramallah as Secretary of State Blinken Meets With PA President Abbas. themedialine.org

Peter Certo (2024-01-11). In OtherWords: January 11, 2023. otherwords.org We're back with our first new batch of op-eds for the year. I hope you had a great holiday season — we're glad to be back in your inbox! | This week in OtherWords, Dedrick Asante-Muhammad and Chuck Collins

Louison le Guen (2024-01-11). Chiapas: thirty years of insurrection! internationalviewpoint.org On 1 January 1994, the powerful of this world woke up sceptical, incredulous and perhaps, for the most lucid among them, vaguely worried… The permanence of the revolution had just leapt out at them! | – | / |

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Political Stunt: What's Behind Hunter Biden's Surprise Capitol Appearance? sputnikglobe.com First son Hunter Biden unexpectedly appeared at a House Oversight Committee hearing this week, as the panel sought to hold him in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify at a closed-door deposition in December.

Connor Echols (2024-01-11). Why won't Biden close Gitmo? responsiblestatecraft.org

Today marks 22 years since the first set of detainees arrived at Guantanamo Bay, a U.S. military base in Cuba. The camp, in the George W. Bush administration's telling, fell outside of the normal jurisdiction of federal courts and was thus free from pesky concerns like treating detainees humanely or charging them with crimes. | "Gitmo" quickly became a by-word for the worst excesses of the Global War on Terror, including torture and indefinite detention. By 2005, the New York Times editorial board

krish-rad_ind (2024-01-11). We can end mass atrocities in Gaza and beyond. wagingnonviolence.org

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-01-11). 'Israel's' So-Called Third Phase of War — Withdrawing From Gaza, Invoking Regional Terror. orinocotribune.com By Julia Kassem — Jan 6, 2024 | All the while, with the Resistance Axis more emboldened, it is the US and "Israel" that face grim horizons, digging deeper their own grave. |

| On the 4th anniversary of the martyrdom anniversary of Hajj Qassem Soleimani, a paralyzing terror attack ripped the bustling streets of Kerman, Iran, where the IRGC resistance leader was commemorated with enormous crowds, murdering over 103 people and injuring over 211 others. | While formally claimed by Daesh, the terror attack comes in the middle of US and Israeli string of assassinations, ongoing terror attacks, and desire…

Jacob Dreizin (2024-01-11). Who wants to bet against Dreizin? thedreizinreport.com Please consider becoming a TheDreizinReport.com PAID member to access and enjoy this unique content. Please register and subscribe here Already a member? Sign in here…

Zero Hedge (2024-01-11). Blinken Slams South Africa's Genocide Case Against Israel as 'Meritless' & 'Galling'. globalresearch.ca

Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. (2024-01-11). A Call for a Just Transition to Modern Jeepneys. pressenza.com We, the Philippine Misereor Partnership, Inc. (PMPI), a social development and advocacy network of more than 250 church faith-based groups, non-governmental organizations, and people's organizations in the Philippines, stand in solidarity with the jeepney drivers and operators who are facing the threat of losing their livelihood due to the jeepney modernization program. We support their campaign against the phaseout of jeepneys, which are not only a symbol of Filipino culture and ingenuity, but also a vital mode of transportation for millions of commuters. | While we acknowledge the need to rehabilitate our publi…

TASS (2024-01-11). Stephane Sejourne appointed as France's new foreign minister. tass.com He will succeed Catherine Colonna…

Abdullah Jallow (2024-01-11). If Allah's Greatness truly occupies a person's heart, he or she will always give precedence to truth. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad'khali [may Allah preserve him] stated: Many people humble themselves to one another more than they humble themselves to Allah — The Most High, The Most Great. It is neither permissible for a person to be a slave except …

Editor (2024-01-11). What Israel Faces at The Hague. scheerpost.com

Joseph Bouchard (2024-01-11). Why today's gang violence in Ecuador shouldn't shock you. responsiblestatecraft.org

The world was shocked in the last few weeks as drug gangs turned Ecuador from being a relatively stable, increasingly democratic Andean republic, into an apparent narco-state.
| Ecuadorians are, for the first time, seeing their country fall under the control of criminal gangs, a fate previously only reserved to some of its other Latin American neighbors. | The recent surge seemingly started on August 9 last year, when

The Independent (2024-01-11). M23 rebels deny blocking locals from accessing gardens. independent.co.ug North Kivu, DRC | THE INDEPENDENT | The March 23 Movement (M23) rebels have denied accusations that they are blocking locals from accessing gardens in Rutshuru territory, North Kivu province in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. On Tuesday, a section of locals led by Selon Jean-Claude Mbabaze, President of Civil Society in Rutshuru came …

Susan Roberts (2024-01-11). The Morality of the West on Trial. counterpunch.org This week South Africa will open its case against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The indictment is based on the Genocide Convention of 1948 and alleges that Israel is perpetrating a genocide on the Palestinian people in Gaza. All that South Africa needs to prove at this short preliminary hearing

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Pentagon Inspector General Says Launching Review of Austin's Hospitalization. sputnikglobe.com WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US Defense Department Inspector General Robert Storch said in a memorandum that his office is launching a review into Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospitalization and related notification procedures, after news of his illness failed to reach the White House for several days.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-01-11). Tall Tales and Murderous Restraint: Blinken on Gaza and Israel. Meaningless Statements on Control and Protection of Civilians. globalresearch.ca

noemail (2024-01-11). Soccer-Dragusin joins Spurs from Genoa. devdiscourse.com Romania defender Radu Dragusin has joined Tottenham Hotspur from Genoa until 2030 for an undisclosed fee, the club announced on Thursday.

Staff (2024-01-11). SP leader Swami Prasad Maurya justifies police firing on 'karsevaks' in 1990. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Network Samajwadi Party leader Swami Prasad Maurya on Wednesday justified the then Mulayam Singh Yadav government's order directing the police to open fire on 'karsevaks' in Ayodhya in 1990, saying that it was done to protect the Constitution. Maurya, who has been inviting controversy through his statements in the recent past, was …

Tom Feeley (2024-01-11). Reality of Genocide in Gaza. informationclearinghouse.blog Mature Audience Only…

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). Iranian Navy Detains US Oil Tanker in Gulf of Oman. sputnikglobe.com TEHRAN (Sputnik) – On Thursday, a US oil tanker, previously caught in a regional standoff between Iran and US, was reportedly boarded by a group of armed individuals off the coast of Oman and appeared to have changed course toward Iran.

UMMID (2024-01-11). Thank You South Africa for filing case against Israeli Genocide at ICJ. ummid.com The peace loving people of the world thank South Africa for its courage! They hope that this significant step is a good initiative to hold Israel accountable for its action and to achieve an immediate ceasefire against the civilians of Palestine.

Editor (2024-01-11). Calls to prosecute Israel for war crimes grow louder in Europe. mronline.org Anti-imperialist groups across Europe will observe January 13 as the Day of Action for Gaza, to mark the 100th day of Israel's ongoing genocidal war.

sputnikglobe (2024-01-11). China's 3rd-Generation Superconductor Quantum Computer Comes Online. sputnikglobe.com China's quantum computing has made new progress, with its third-generation superconducting quantum computer "Origin Wukong" coming online at 9 am on Saturday at Origin Quantum Computing Technology (Hefei) Co.

The Independent (2024-01-11). Jordan, Palestine, Egypt stress rejection of any Israeli plans to displace Palestinians. independent.co.ug AMMAN | Xinhua | Jordan, Egypt and Palestine stressed Wednesday their rejection of any Israeli plans to displace Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The rejection was reiterated during a trilateral summit held in Jordan's Aqaba, where King Abdullah II of Jordan, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas also …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-01-11). Israel's Well-Oiled PR Machine Collapses. libya360.wordpress.com Ali Choukeir Hasbara, a Hebrew term uniquely associated with Israel's global propaganda efforts, has utterly failed to counter the pro-Palestinian narrative in the Gaza war. As a frontline tool for Tel Aviv's national security strategy, losing its Hasbara power is equal to losing its qualitative military edge. "Israel condemns South Africa's decision to play advocate…

UMMID (2024-01-11). UGC NET December 2023 Result on Jan 10 – Direct Link to Check. ummid.com The National Testing Agency (NTA) is set to declare the result of UGC NET December 2023 on its official website ugcnet.nta.nic.in on Wednesday January 10, 2024.

WSWS (2024-01-11). "Goon Squad" of Mississippi sheriff deputies carried out campaign of terror and torture. wsws.org Deputies in Rankin County carried out a reign of extrajudicial torture and brutality that went ignored for years.

WSWS (2024-01-11). Appeals Court panel hears Trump claim of absolute immunity. wsws.org The proceeding heard a remarkable exchange between one judge and Trump's lawyer, discussing whether a president could be prosecuted for crimes like ordering assassinations of political rivals and waging illegal wars.

WSWS (2024-01-11). Ecuador's government declares state of war with support of Washington. wsws.org As recently as June 2022 and October 2019, Ecuador witnessed the same scenes of troops marching and tanks rolling into cities, killing dozens of demonstrators against social inequality.

WSWS (2024-01-11). Sri Lanka joins US-led coalition in Red Sea amid Gaza genocide. wsws.org The Wickremesinghe government's decision to join Washington's latest provocations in the Middle East is another demonstration of Colombo's subservience to US imperialism.

WSWS (2024-01-11). Australian COVID surge the worst in at least six months. wsws.org Hospitalisations have skyrocketed over the holiday season, while health authorities have belatedly admitted that transmission is approaching previous levels that saw hundreds of deaths.

WSWS (2024-01-11). Interview with New York City educator at Yemeni-American demonstration for Palestine. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site spoke to a New York City public school educator at a protest against Israeli/US genocide against Gaza and military operations in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in the "Little Yemen" neighborhood in the Bronx.

WSWS (2024-01-11). Ongoing COVID-19 surge heralds another winter of death. wsws.org The current wave is the second highest since the pandemic began, only eclipsed by the initial wave of the Omicron variant during the winter of 2021-22.

WSWS (2024-01-11). Oppose the frame-up of the Toronto "Peace 11"! All charges must be dropped against anti-genocide, pro-Palestinian activists! wsws.org The persecution of the 11 in relation to a protest against the Indigo bookstore CEO's support for the Israel Defense Forces is part of a global crackdown on protests against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and efforts to smear those opposed to Israel's onslaught as antisemitic.

WSWS (2024-01-11). Commercial real estate plunges posing major problems for banks. wsws.org While it may have eased tensions somewhat, the Fed pivot to lower interest rates has been described as "too late and too temporary, to prevent rising bankruptcies."

WSWS (2024-01-11). How to Come Alive with Norman Mailer: A documentary approaches the American novelist with sympathy, but not enough scrutiny. wsws.org The documentary follows the writer from his boyhood in the 1930s through his service during World War II and throughout his tumultuous literary, journalistic and personal life.

WSWS (2024-01-11). One year since the January 8 fascist uprising in Brazil. wsws.org The conditions under which Lula's event took place completely demolish the farce of Brazil's "Unshaken Democracy."

WSWS (2024-01-11). US and UK threaten war against Yemen. wsws.org Behind the aggressive statements against the Houthi's in Yemen is the escalating imperialist campaign against Iran.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-01-11). Brazil, Colombia and the Arab League Endorse South Africa's Case at the ICJ. libya360.wordpress.com Peoples Dispatch Gustavo Petro in a meeting with young Palestinians in Colombia on December 15, 2023. Photo: Presidencia Colombia Colombia and Brazil join a growing list of countries that has expressed support for South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide Colombia and Brazil's foreign ministries announced in separate statements that their governments support South Africa's…

UMMID (2024-01-11). Arab League and counting, SA ICJ Petition against Israeli genocide receives more support. ummid.com In a major setback for the Zionists and their allies, Arab League, a representative body of about two dozen countries – majority of them in the neighbourhood of Israel, has declared support for the South Africa Petition filed at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the Israeli genocide and massacre of Palestinians.

noemail (2024-01-11). Soccer-Dier joins Bayern Munich after a decade at Tottenham. devdiscourse.com Tottenham Hotspur defender Eric Dier has joined Bayern Munich on loan to the end of the season, both clubs said on Thursday. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed by either club but British media reported that Bayern paid Spurs 3.5 million euros ($3.84 million) for the 29-year-old England international.

Staff (2024-01-11). Over 175 State and Local Elected Officials Urge President Biden to Immediately Call for a Permanent Ceasefire. commondreams.org Over 175 elected officials from state and local offices across the United States signed an open letter to President Joe Biden urging him to immediately call for and work to facilitate a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The letter was led by Illinois State Representative Lilian Jiménez and Delaware State Representative Madinah Wilson-Anton, and continues collecting …

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Private brands spur sales of retail stores. ecns.cn Chinese supermarkets, warehouse club chains and convenience stores are increasingly relying on their own store brands to better serve consumers seeking value and affordability.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). China holds majority of world's 'lighthouse factories'. ecns.cn China has the highest number of "lighthouse factories"- manufacturers that show leadership in using Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, the Securities Times reported on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). China's car production, sales hit a record high. ecns.cn China's automobile production and sales volumes both surpassed 30 million units for the first time in 2023, hitting a record high.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Concerns raised for U.S. intervention on Dutch exports to China. ecns.cn China expressed deep concern and strong opposition to the direct intervention from the United States in disrupting the export of photolithography machines from Dutch companies to China, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Japan ramps up air safety efforts. ecns.cn Japan's transport ministry has introduced urgent safety measures for air traffic control in the wake of a tragic collision at Tokyo's Haneda Airport.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Archaeologists solve mystery of ancient Jianjiapo tombs' origin. ecns.cn Chinese archaeologists recently pinpointed the origin of the mysterious Jianjiapo tomb site in the east Tianshan region in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Xi pledges deeper ties with Tunisia on 60th anniversary. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and Tunisian President Kais Saied exchanged congratulations on the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries on Wednesday, with both leaders pledging to further promote bilateral ties.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Chang'e 6 to land on moon in 1st half of year. ecns.cn The Chang'e 6 spacecraft, China's next robotic expedition to the moon, is scheduled to land on the lunar surface in the first half of this year and will be tasked with bringing back samples from its little-known far side.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Lost Summer Palace bronze panel returned. ecns.cn A long-lost bronze relic from the Summer Palace in Beijing has been returned from overseas and was transferred back to its home on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Warming threatening penguins in Antarctica. ecns.cn Global warming may be having an impact on the populations of two penguin species in Antarctica, a Chinese scientist on the southernmost continent said.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). WEF highlights misinformation threat. ecns.cn The spread of misinformation and disinformation driven by artificial intelligence is the biggest short-term risk for the global economy this year, while environmental risks dominate the threats in the long-term, according to a new report.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Envoy calls for end to attacks in Red Sea. ecns.cn China's top envoy to the United Nations on Wednesday called on Houthi rebels to stop attacking ships in the Red Sea, emphasizing respect for the freedom of navigation. The call came as the UN Security Council adopted a resolution demanding an end to Red Sea attacks.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Chinese diplomat to visit Africa as annual first overseas visit. ecns.cn Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi will start a six-day visit to Egypt, Tunisia, Togo and Cote d'Ivoire on Saturday, the 34th consecutive year that Africa has been the destination for Chinese foreign ministers' annual first overseas visit.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Commerce Minister Wang Wentao talks with U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. ecns.cn Commerce Minister Wang Wentao talked with U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo via a phone call on Jan 11, according to the official website of the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). China launches world's largest solid-fuel carrier rocket. ecns.cn The Gravity-1 (YL-1) carrier rocket was launched from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center from waters off the coast of Haiyang, east China's Shandong Province, at 1: 30 p.m. (Beijing Time) on Thursday, sending three satellites into the planned orbit.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). FTA between China, New Zealand now in full implementation: Chinese Embassy. ecns.cn All dairy products exported from New Zealand to China are now able to enter China duty-free and quota-free, reflecting China's fulfillment of its commitments of tariff elimination under the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Premier Li Qiang to attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024, visit Switzerland and Ireland. ecns.cn Premier Li Qiang of the State Council will attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024 and pay an official visit to Switzerland and Ireland from January 14 to 17: Chinese Foreign Ministry.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). No Chinese casualties reported so far in Ecuador amid its security crisis: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The Chinese Foreign Ministry has directed the Chinese embassy and consulates in Ecuador to activate the emergency mechanism for consular protection, and there have been no Chinese casualties reported in Ecuador so far.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Senior CPC official holds talks with former U.S. officials, business representatives. ecns.cn Liu Jianchao, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, met former U.S. officials and representatives from the finance and business community in New York on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). China launches new-generation meteorological supercomputing system with 6.5-times higher computing power. ecns.cn In 2023, China has ramped up informationization of meteorological data, launching a new generation of meteorological supercomputing system with 6.5-times higher computing power, China Media Group reported on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). China moves to expand 5G coverage in outlying border regions, inhabited offshore isles. ecns.cn China will move to expand its 5G mobile network access to all outlying border regions and inhabited offshore islands, and the 5G coverage will likely reach 100 percent by the end of 2025, according to a notice jointly issued by 13 Chinese government departments on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). More cities add IVF to health insurance coverage to relieve childbirth pressure. ecns.cn A number of Chinese cities recently ramped up their efforts for the reimbursement of medical bills for fertility services to relieve childbearing parents' financial pressure.

ecns.cn (2024-01-11). Expert baths Komodo dragon in China's largest breeding base. ecns.cn An expert bathed a 3-year-old Komodo dragon on Wednesday at the Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong Province. The Chimelong Safari Park is also China's largest breeding base for Komodo dragons."ÄÄ…

Karen Yamanaka (2024-01-11). Racism deliberately concealed for 100 years. internationalviewpoint.org "However, racism in Japanese society has been deliberately concealed by successive right-wing and conservative governments. Japanese governments have deliberately failed to investigate or even keep proper statistics on the frequent incidents of racial discrimination in Japan. " | – | / |

Michael Jansen (2024-01-11). The Gaza War Has Finished Off Israeli Impunity. globalresearch.ca

TASS (2024-01-11). Israel's Netanyahu fires back at South Africa for genocide accusations. tass.com Benjamin Netanyahu stressed that Israel was fighting terrorists and lies…

UMMID (2024-01-11). Who exactly is running Israel? Not Netanyahu at least. ummid.com Right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not exactly run Israel. He is more of a manager, and not a very good one at that.

noreply (2024-01-11). Larry Mauls Two "Scholars". And Two Magazines. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

noreply (2024-01-11). Sarah And Me. . smoothiex12.blogspot.com Talking geopolitics today. Enjoy, if you will.

reliefweb.int (2024-01-11). Situation Report – Sri Lanka 11th January 2024 at 0900hrs. reliefweb.int

Dan La Botz (2024-01-11). Will Trump Be Disqualified from Running for Office? internationalviewpoint.org It seems like this will be a rerun of 2020, Trump v. Biden. Still, much could change in this new year, 2024 in the court cases and in the social movements. | – | / |

Dan La Botz (2024-01-11). Biden and Trump Accuse Each other of Ending American Democracy. internationalviewpoint.org "Trump continues to lead other candidates in the Republican primary by as much as 30 points and the latest polls show Trump and Biden neck and neck." | – | / |

marketing (2024-01-11). Global Heating May Breach 1.5∞C In 2024 Here's What That Could Look Like #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) It's official: 2023 was Earth's hottest year ever recorded , beating the previous record set in 2016 by a huge margin. Last year was also the first in which the world …

marketing (2024-01-11). Church Without God: How Secular Congregations Fill A Need For Some Nonreligious Americans #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Shared testimonies, collective singing, silent meditation and baptism rituals these are all activities you might find at a Christian church service on a Sunday morning …

marketing (2024-01-11). Blizzards Are Inescapable " But The Most Expensive Winter Storm Damage Is Largely Preventable #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Winter storms can easily become billion-dollar disasters as the snow piles up on interstates and collapses roofs and power lines. Yet, while canceled flights and …

marketing (2024-01-11). To Protect Endangered Sharks And Rays, Scientists Are Mapping These Species' Most Important Locations #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) All of the saltwater bodies on Earth make up one big ocean . But within it, there is infinite variety just ask any scuba diver. Some spots have more coral, more sea …

marketing (2024-01-11). 7 Strategies To Help Gifted Autistic Students Succeed In College #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) About 1 out of every 100 students in American public schools has autism. A subset of these students also have academic gifts and talents in a broad range of areas, …

marketing (2024-01-11). In The 'Big Tent' Of Free Speech, Can You Be Too Open-Minded? #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) People often extol the virtue of open-mindedness, but can there be too much of a good thing? | As a college dean , I regularly observe campus controversies about the …

marketing (2024-01-11). Otters, Beavers And Other Semiaquatic Mammals Keep Clean Underwater, Thanks To Their Flexible Fur #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Underwater surfaces can get grimy as they accumulate dirt, algae and bacteria, a process scientists call fouling . But furry mammals like beavers and otters that spend …

marketing (2024-01-11). Sellout! How Political Corruption Shaped An American Insult #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) If you follow politics, sports, Hollywood or the arts, you've no doubt heard the insult sellout thrown around to describe someone perceived to have betrayed a core …

marketing (2024-01-11). The Animal Sounds In Most Nature Documentaries Are Made By Humans Here's How They Do It And Why It Matters #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Wildlife documentaries like the BBC's recent series, Planet Earth III, are renowned for offering breathtaking images of animals in their natural habitats. You'd be …

marketing (2024-01-11). What Fargo Season Five Gets Right About Toxic Masculinity And Domestic Violence #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Warning: includes spoilers for the first eight episodes of Fargo season five. | The latest series of Fargo includes a two-minute tracking shot that focuses on the menacing …

marketing (2024-01-11). Hedd Wyn: How The Life Of One Of Wales' Most Promising Poets Was Cut Short By The First World War #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) The names Passchendaele, the Somme and Mametz Wood stand as grim sentinels, forever bound to the unimaginable carnage of the first world war. Almost 500,000 men were …

marketing (2024-01-11). Post Office Scandal: What The Lack Of Action Tells You About Britain's Polarised Politics #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) It's hard to hear anything about…

marketing (2024-01-11). US Election: Third Party Candidates Can Tip The Balance In A Tight Race Here's Why Robert F Kennedy Jr Matters #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) US politics will start with a bang in January 2024. The long-awaited Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries promise to provide early clarity on a likely Donald Trump …

marketing (2024-01-11). Redundancies Have Unintended Consequences For All Employees, Even Those Who Keep Their Jobs #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Tech giants including X (then known as Twitter ) and Facebook owner Meta announced thousands of job cuts globally in 2022 and 2023, as did other firms like entertainment …

marketing (2024-01-11). Long COVID: Damaged Mitochondria In Muscles Might Be Linked To Some Of The Symptoms #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) It's estimated around 3% of people in the UK experience long COVID persistent, long-lasting symptoms after a COVID-19 infection. | Long COVID encompasses a range of …

marketing (2024-01-11). Reflectors In Space Could Make Solar Farms On Earth Work For Longer Every Day #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) If you happened to be looking at the sky in Europe on a cold night on February 5 1993, there is a chance you could have seen a dim flash of light . That flash came from …

marketing (2024-01-11). One-And-A-Half Billion Tyres Wasted Annually There's A Better Way To Recycle Them #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Production of natural rubber has claimed over 4 million hectares of forest in south-east Asia since 1993 according to a recent study . This destruction of tropical …

marketing (2024-01-11). How Much Life Has Ever Existed On Earth? #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) All organisms are made of living cells. While it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the first cells came to exist, geologists' best estimates suggest at least as …

marketing (2024-01-11). Ethiopia's Quest For Access To The Sea: Success Rests On Good Relations With Its Neighbours #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) On 1 January, Ethiopia and Somaliland signed a memorandum of understanding granting Addis Ababa direct access to the Gulf of Aden. This strategic agreement paves the way …

marketing (2024-01-11). South Africa's New Intelligence Bill Is Meant To Stem Abuses What's Good And Bad About It #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) When South Africa became a constitutional democracy in 1994 , it replaced its apartheid-era intelligence apparatus with a new one aimed at serving the country's new …

marketing (2024-01-11). A Short History Of The Australian Open From A Perth Zoo Sideshow To Economic Juggernaut #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) From relatively humble beginnings, the Australian Open has emerged as a centrepiece in both the global tennis and Australian sporting calendar. With the 2024 tournament …

marketing (2024-01-11). What Is 'Parent Training' For Families Of Children With ADHD? #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Problems with focus and impulse control can be common developmental stages through which children and adolescents naturally progress. But they can also be symptoms of …

marketing (2024-01-11). A Prefab Building Revolution Can Help Resolve Both The Climate And Housing Crises #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) The world faces an increasing shortage of housing and an escalating climate emergency. These urgent global issues call for quick action and innovative solutions. | The …

marketing (2024-01-11). Sara M. Saleh's Memorable Tales Of Exile, Prejudice And Resistance Reflect The Palestinian Experience #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Conversation) Sara M. Saleh is a writer and human rights lawyer. She has won two of Australia's most prestigious poetry prizes: Overland's Judith Wright Poetry Prize in 2020 and …

Staff (2024-01-11). 'No one is spared': South Africa presents genocide case against Israel at ICJ. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in Common Dreams on Jan. 11, 2024. It is shared here with permission under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license. South African representatives argued before the International Court of Justice on Thursday that Israel is engaged in a genocidal assault on the Gaza Strip, subjecting the enclave to "merciless" bombing …

Dean Baker (2024-01-11). Neo-Liberalism Is Not Dead, It Never Lived. cepr.net A friend called my attention to a piece by Dan Drezner disputing the current fashion that neo-liberalism is dead. Drezner makes several good points, and gets some important things wrong, but like most "neo-liberals" and critics of neo-liberalism, he still gets the basic story wrong. The basic point that both sides miss here is that …

Janine Jackson (2024-01-11). 'Protest Is the Tool by Which We Realize Our Democracy' – CounterSpin interview with Chip Gibbons on the right to protest. fair.org Janine Jackson interviewed Defending Rights & Dissent's Chip Gibbons about the right to protest for the CounterSpin240105Gibbons.mp3 | Janine Jackson: The last several years have provided ample reason for public protest, and many people have been doing just that, including some who never had before. This country has a much-vaunted history of vocal public dissent, but we know that that is intertwined with a sadder history of efforts by the powerful to silence th…

UMMID (2024-01-11). Maldivian Minister terms fake reports of his suspension from cabinet. ummid.com Amid a flood of reports in the Indian media that the Maldives government has suspended some deputy ministers over social media posts derogatory to PM Modi, Hassan Zihan, Deputy Minister of Transport and Civil, termed 'fake news' reports claiming his suspension from the cabinet.

UMMID (2024-01-11). South Korea imposes ban on dog meat industry. ummid.com South Korea's National Assembly Tuesday January 09, 2024 voted to ban the dog meat industry in what animal campaigners at Humane Society International, Korea called "history in the making."

Roy Eidelson (2024-01-11). Guantanamo: An Enduring Stain. counterpunch.org The infamous U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay turns 22 this month. Its ugly history now spans an entire generation. For those who might not remember, on January 11, 2002, General Richard Myers described Guantanamo's first arrivals as "people that would gnaw hydraulic lines in the back of a C-17 to bring it down" and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld chimed in, "To be in an eight-by-eight cell in beautiful, sunny Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is not inhumane."

Health Cluster (2024-01-11). Myanmar: Health Cluster Bulletin – Quarter Three – 2023. reliefweb.int Country: Myanmar | Sources: Health Cluster, World Health Organization |

His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganà≤ (2024-01-11). Video: Archbishop Carlo Vigano. A False Pandemic and The Imposition of A False Vaccine. A Criminal Plan of World Depopulation. globalresearch.ca

Igor Chudov (2024-01-11). U.K. Covid Vaccine Investigation "Unexpectedly" Postponed "Until After General Election" dailysceptic.org The long-awaited U.K. 'Covid vaccine inquiry' has been postponed until "after the General Election" for mysterious reasons. Are some people getting worried?

APR editor (2024-01-11). PNG's Marape under pressure to resign as 6 MPs quit after Moresby riots. asiapacificreport.nz By Finau Fonua, RNZ Pacific journalist A political crisis is starting to brew in Papua New Guinea as calls are made for Prime Minster James Marape to step down in the wake of deadly riots in parts of the country. Violence broke out with shops and businesses being set alight late yesterday, after public servants,…

Editor (2024-01-11). An Ex-CIA Agent Looks Back at 22 Years of Torture at Guantánamo Bay. scheerpost.com

Editor (2024-01-11). John Kiriakou: 22 Years of Terror at Guantanamo Bay. scheerpost.com

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). SME performance improves in 2023. ecns.cn Business performance of China's small and medium-sized enterprises improved in 2023 on the back of the gradual resumption of work and production after the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside a package of supportive policy measures.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). Xi notes global impact of U.S. ties in letter to Iowa friend. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping said that China is willing to work with the United States to promote the steady, sound and sustained development of China-U.S. relations, and to seek more benefits for the two peoples and provide more public goods for the international community.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). China and Finland to enhance cooperation. ecns.cn China and Finland agreed on Wednesday to bolster their mutually beneficial cooperation and enhance communication on international and regional affairs amid global challenges, as President Xi Jinping met with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto via video link.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). Xi, Maldivian leader elevate relations. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping and Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu announced the elevation of bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership on Wednesday, with both nations pledging further cooperation on the building of the Belt and Road, the digital economy and green development.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). China approves new drugs offering hope for Alzheimer's patients and HIV prevention. ecns.cn China's medical regulators recently granted approvals for two foreign drugs, bringing new hope to patients with Alzheimer's disease and high-risk groups for HIV/AIDS.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). Xi pledges deeper ties with Tunisia on 60th anniversary. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and Tunisian President Kais Saied exchanged congratulations on the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries on Wednesday, with both leaders pledging to further promote bilateral ties.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). Chang'e 6 to land on moon in 1st half of year. ecns.cn The Chang'e 6 spacecraft, China's next robotic expedition to the moon, is scheduled to land on the lunar surface in the first half of this year and will be tasked with bringing back samples from its little-known far side.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). Lost Summer Palace bronze panel returned. ecns.cn A long-lost bronze relic from the Summer Palace in Beijing has been returned from overseas and was transferred back to its home on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). FTA between China, New Zealand now in full implementation: Chinese Embassy. ecns.cn All dairy products exported from New Zealand to China are now able to enter China duty-free and quota-free, reflecting China's fulfillment of its commitments of tariff elimination under the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). No Chinese casualties reported so far in Ecuador amid its security crisis: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The Chinese Foreign Ministry has directed the Chinese embassy and consulates in Ecuador to activate the emergency mechanism for consular protection, and there have been no Chinese casualties reported in Ecuador so far.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). China launches new-generation meteorological supercomputing system with 6.5-times higher computing power. ecns.cn In 2023, China has ramped up informationization of meteorological data, launching a new generation of meteorological supercomputing system with 6.5-times higher computing power, China Media Group reported on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). China moves to expand 5G coverage in outlying border regions, inhabited offshore isles. ecns.cn China will move to expand its 5G mobile network access to all outlying border regions and inhabited offshore islands, and the 5G coverage will likely reach 100 percent by the end of 2025, according to a notice jointly issued by 13 Chinese government departments on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-10). More cities add IVF to health insurance coverage to relieve childbirth pressure. ecns.cn A number of Chinese cities recently ramped up their efforts for the reimbursement of medical bills for fertility services to relieve childbearing parents' financial pressure.

UN Security Council (2024-01-11). Conseil de sécurité: l'intensification du conflit en Ukraine préoccupe les délégations. reliefweb.int Country: Ukraine | Source: UN Security Council | CONSEIL DE SÉCURITÉ
| 9526E SÉANCE — MATIN | CS/15559 | De nombreuses délégations ont dénoncé, ce matin, devant le Conseil de sécurité, une nouvelle intensification du conflit en Ukraine après que des barrages de missiles, de drones et d'artillerie russes se sont abattus au cours des dernières semaines sur l'ensemble des régions du pays, les communautés de première ligne et les infrastructures civiles étant les plus durement touchées. | ´ Nous sommes à l'aube de la troisième année du conflit armé le plus grave en Europe depuis la Seconde Guerre…

Staff (2024-01-11). ALBA-TCP rechaza acciones de EEUU contra empresa Citgo de Venezuela. cubadebate.cu La Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América-Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP) rechazó las recientes acciones de la administración estadounidense que pretenden despojar a Venezuela de la empresa Citgo Petroleum Corporation (Citgo). Los Estados miembros del bloque tildaron de "inmorales e ilegales" los pasos de la Casa Blanca.

Staff (2024-01-11). Asociación Médica de Canadá pide acciones de cambio ante crisis sanitaria. cubadebate.cu La Asociación Médica de Canadá reclamó un cambio en el sistema de salud del país, luego de reportes de salas de emergencia desbordadas y esperas de más de 20 horas para recibir atención profesional. La Asociación afirma que tanto los pacientes como los profesionales sufren por la situación actual y es necesario reconstruir el sistema de atención médica.

Staff (2024-01-11). Noboa planea construir nuevas cárceles en medio de conflicto interno en Ecuador. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, anunció que el Gobierno presentará hoy el proyecto de dos nuevas cárceles de máxima seguridad en las provincias de Pastaza y Santa Elena como parte de su plan contra la inseguridad. Noboa explicó que la construcción de esas instalaciones sería al mismo estilo de las edificadas por el gobierno de Nayib Bukele en El Salvador.

A a (2024-01-11). Lucha contra las drogas en América Latina, a contracorriente de EU. strategic-culture.su Ante el fracaso de la estrategia punitiva impulsada por Estados Unidos en el tema del narcotráfico, surgió la Conferencia Latinoamericana y del Caribe sobre Drogas para impulsar políticas públicas que ataquen las causas. No obstante, expertos aseguran que es difícil que prosperen las propuestas | José Réyez | àönete a nosotros en , y

Caleb Crowder (2024-01-11). Nuevo Informe de Organizaciones Líderes en Investigación y de la Sociedad Civil Revela Nueva Información sobre los Arrestos de Defensores del Agua y el Estado de los Derechos Humanos en El Salvador, bajo la Administración de Bukele. ips-dc.org El nuevo informe pone de relieve el alcance de los abusos contra los derechos humanos cometidos bajo el gobierno de Bukele, así como pruebas de que su gobierno pretende reabrir la minería.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2024-01-11). Aumentan a 793 los casos de Covid-19 en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net El director nacional de Epidemiología, Ronald Skewes, expresó que el alza se debe a la expansión de la nueva variante JN.1.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-11). Declaran emergencia en Papúa Nueva Guinea ante disturbios. telesurtv.net El primer ministro de Papúa Nueva Guinea, James Marape, dictaminó la resolución que tendrá vigencia por dos semanas.

teleSUR, MS (2024-01-11). Israel asesina a joven palestino que había sido liberado. telesurtv.net El joven palestino de 25 años había sido liberado recientemente por Israel y falleció tas una incursión militar sionista en la Cisjordania ocupada.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-01-11). Brasil nombra a Dorival Júnior como nuevo entrenador. telesurtv.net La entidad destacó que este jueves se llevará a cabo la conferencia de prensa de presentación en Río de Janeiro.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-01-11). Condenan a 20 años de prisión a expresidente de Surinam. telesurtv.net Desi Bouterse deberá presentarse para pagar su condena de 20 años por el asesinato de dirigentes opositores.

teleSUR- lvm, MS (2024-01-11). Denuncian asesinato de dos líderes sociales en Colombia. telesurtv.net Argemiro Mayo fue asesinado por sicarios en zona rural del municipio de Mutatá cuando se trasladaba en un vehículo junto a su hermano.

Staff (2024-01-11). Fallece en Pinar del Río destacado neurocirujano Iván Arenas. cubadebate.cu Con profundo dolor conocimos este martes el fallecimiento del destacado profesor, Iván Francisco Arenas Rodríguez, especialista de Segundo Grado en Neurocirugía y considerado el padre de la especialidad, en Pinar del Río. Por más de 40 años consagró su vida a esa labor, siendo formador de generaciones de neurocirujanos en la provincia vueltabajera.

Staff (2024-01-11). Artemisa silencia el Latino en Liga Élite del Béisbol: Cerrada pizarra de 2×1 ante Industriales. cubadebate.cu Artemisa logró hoy su tercer triunfo en la semifinal de la II Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano, con cerrada pizarra de 2×1 ante Industriales en el Estadio Latinoamericano. El partido llegó al noveno inning 1×0 favorable a los anfitriones, pero los Cazadores artemiseños marcaron empate y ventaja por intermedio del jardinero Dennis Laza y el inicialista José Antonio Jiménez.

Staff (2024-01-11). Cuba apoya la demanda de Sudáfrica ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia contra el genocidio de Israel en Palestina. cubadebate.cu Cuba expresa su apoyo a la solicitud de la República de Sudáfrica de iniciar un procedimiento contra Israel en la Corte Internacional de Justicia, en relación con las violaciones por parte de ese país de sus obligaciones en virtud de la Convención para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio.

Staff (2024-01-11). Cuba seleccionada por National Geographic como el primer destino cultural en América. cubadebate.cu El prestigioso medio de comunicación estadounidense National Geographic designó a Cuba como el primer destino cultural para visitar en el continente americano durante este año, según muestra hoy en su sitio web oficial.

Staff (2024-01-11). Gobierno chino insta a Washington a no interferir en comicios de Taiwán. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de China ratificó este jueves su rechazo a la injerencia del Gobierno de EE.UU. en el proceso electoral de Taiwán, cuyos comicios están previstos para celebrarse el próximo fin de semana. La Cancilería responde así al anuncio de Washington de enviar una delegación "no oficial" a Taiwán tras la realización de los comicios.

Staff (2024-01-11). Presentan en televisión italiana documental dedicado al cine de Cuba. cubadebate.cu El documental Cine Libre, presentado la víspera en el espacio Art Night del canal televisivo Rai5, cuenta la historia de un sueño hecho realidad en Cuba tras el triunfo de la Revolución, destacó hoy su director, Adolfo Conti, quien resaltó el papel jugado por la Asociación Nacional de Amistad Italia-Cuba en la producción de esta obra.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-01-11). Putin viaja a la región de Jabárovsk, fronteriza con China. telesurtv.net El periplo del presidente Putin comenzó por la región de Chukotka, única por su cercanía con la Ruta Marítima Septentrional.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-01-11). Siria exige presión internacional para lograr paz en Gaza. telesurtv.net El representante de Siria protestó contra las repetidas y sangrientas agresiones del régimen sionista contra infraestructuras vitales de su país.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-01-11). India y Siria buscan vías para reforzar cooperación en materia de salud. telesurtv.net Mediante una reunión acontecida en la sede del Ministerio en Damasco, el titular resaltó las relaciones entre ambas naciones.

UN Security Council (2024-01-11). Nigeria: Informe del Secretario General sobre las actividades de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para àÅfrica Occidental y el Sahel (S/2023/1075). reliefweb.int

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-01-11). Más de 6.600 migrantes murieron intentando llegar a España en 2023. telesurtv.net Un promedio de 18 inmigrantes perdió la vida por día en la Frontera Occidental Euroafricana, entre ellas, 363 mujeres y 384 niñas y niños.

Staff (2024-01-11). Armada de Irán anuncia la incautación de un petrolero estadounidense. cubadebate.cu La Armada de la República Islámica de Irán anunció este jueves la incautación de un petrolero estadounidense en aguas del golfo de Omán por orden judicial. El petrolero había robado el cargamento de petróleo perteneciente a la República Islámica bajo la dirección de Estados Unidos y lo había puesto a disposición de las autoridades estadounidenses.

teleSUR, MS (2024-01-11). FIFA sanciona a varias selecciones de la Conmebol. telesurtv.net Las sanciones van desde multas económicas y cierres parciales de estadios por malos comportamientos de las selecciones ante sus rivales de cara al Mundial de la FIFA 2026.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-11). Gremio bancario argentino rechaza privatización de banca pública. telesurtv.net La Asociación se opone además a la privatización del Banco de Inversión y Comercio Exterior (BICE) y de la Casa de la Moneda.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-01-11). Agenda Global de Seguridad Sanitaria se reúne en Pakistán. telesurtv.net El grupo de trabajo global, creado en 2014 por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y el Centro de Control de Enfermedades (CDC), fue convocado para revisar los avances en los objetivos planteados.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM, MER (2024-01-11). Comunidad internacional expresa apoyo y solidaridad con Ecuador. telesurtv.net El presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, rechazó "de manera contundente la violencia desatada por las bandas criminales" en Ecuador.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-01-11). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Más de 90 días se han cumplido de los ataques continuos de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, MS (2024-01-11). Sudáfrica acusa a Israel ante la CIJ por actos de genocidio. telesurtv.net El equipo de expertos jurídicos y académicos sudafricanos denunció las atrocidades de Israel en suelo palestino ocupado.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-11). Aumentan las alertas por incendios forestales en Colombia. telesurtv.net Según el Ideam, 747 municipios en el país se encuentran en alerta. De ellos, 495 en están en la categoría de roja, 179 en naranja y 73 en amarilla.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-11). Asamblea legislativa de Ecuador respalda acciones frente a violencia. telesurtv.net Los parlamentarios se comprometieron a "actuar con celeridad" en el trámite de reformas al Código Orgánico Integral Penal (COIP) y Ley de Garantías Jurisdiccionales y Control Constitucional.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-11). FF.AA. ofrecen balance de operativos antiterroristas en Ecuador. telesurtv.net No fue asesinado ningún rehén de los 139 que, entre guardias y personal administrativo, se mantienen cautivos de reclusos amotinados en cinco prisiones.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM, YSM (2024-01-11). Apoyo masivo a la demanda de Sudáfrica en la CIJ contra Israel. telesurtv.net El próximo 11 de enero la (CIJ) celebrará, en la ciudad holandesa de La Haya, la primera audiencia para examinar la demanda presentada contra Tel Aviv.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-11). China insta a EE.UU. a no interferir en comicios de Taiwán. telesurtv.net La portavoz de la Cancillería china llamó a Washington a no interferir "de ninguna manera" en Taiwán.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-11). Bolivia destina recursos para enfrentar sequías e incendios. telesurtv.net Esos recursos económicos serán utilizados para la compra de insumos agrícolas.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-11). Sindicato ferroviario alemán exige demandas en huelga general. telesurtv.net Entre tanto el sindicato exige un aumento de salario de 555 euros mensuales.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-01-11). Italia: Carta abierta contra el genocidio en Palestina. indybay.org Italia, 8 de diciembre de 2023 | ARTES ITALIANAS UNIDAS PARA PALESTINA: Carta abierta contra el genocidio en Palestina…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-01-11). Ecuador: Salud en tiempos de guerra. indybay.org Ecuador: Salud en tiempos de guerra | ALAMES (AsociAción Latinoamericana de Medicina Social)…

Jeff Cohen, Norman Solomon (2024-01-11). Magical Thinking About Joe Biden in 2024. indybay.org Paving the way for another Trump presidency…

Andrea & Jin (2024-01-11). Saturday 1/13: Ceasefire Postcards to Congress Pop-Up. indybay.org Heyma Yemeni Coffee at 1122 University Ave in Berkeley…

Angela (2024-01-11). Saturday 1/13: San Diego Rally for Gaza. indybay.org Plaza De Panama, Balboa Park | San Diego, CA…

Angela (2024-01-11). Sunday 1/14: Long Beach: Global Kite Flight in Solidarity with Gaza. indybay.org Bixby Park Annex | Long Beach, CA…

Angela (2024-01-11). Saturday 1/13: Oakland Port Shutdown for Palestine! indybay.org Port of Oakland | Oakland, CA…

Community Outpour (2024-01-11). Protesters Block Streets in Palo Alto for Gaza. indybay.org Vigil for ceasefire in Gaza on Sunday January 7 in Palo Alto, CA.

Long Haul Infoshop (2024-01-11). Sunday 1/28: Free concert and film: The Time Has Come To Abolish Music Entirely. indybay.org Long Haul Infoshop – 3124 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley – corner of Woolsey and Shattuck – Across from La Pena.

Abu Ilyas al Bibi (2024-01-11). Fake Chaos: "Fauda" – the so-called organization of Palestinian anarchists. indybay.org

Angela (2024-01-11). Friday 1/12: Palo Alto: Silent Vigil for Peace. indybay.org 855 El Camino Real | Palo Alto, CA…

Angela (2024-01-11). Monday 1/15: Virtual Community Hour: The Missing Peace: Connecting Struggles. indybay.org

Angela (2024-01-11). Tuesday 1/16: Woodland Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Rep. Mike Thompson's office | 622 Main St | Woodland, CA…

Angela (2024-01-11). Friday 1/12: Webinar: Guantanamo, Where Do We Go From Here? indybay.org

Angela (2024-01-11). Tuesday 1/16: Power Half Hour for Gaza. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2024-01-11). Thursday 1/11: Santa Clara County Human Rights Commission Meeting. indybay.org County Government Center (in auditorium) | 70 W Hedding St | San Jose, CA…

Angela (2024-01-11). Tuesday 1/16: Sacramento: Press Conference & Symbolic Die-In. indybay.org Federal Building | 501 I St | Sacramento, CA‚ÄÇ…

Be A Hero (2024-01-11). Sunday 1/14: Be A Hero: Memorial for Ady Barkan, Activist Health Care for All & Disability Rights. indybay.org Virtual remembrance | RSVP: https://rememberingady.com/…

Catherine Crockett (2024-01-11). Wednesday 1/10: MLK Day March and Celebration in Seaside, CA. indybay.org Monterey County Department of Social Services, 1281 Broadway Ave, Seaside, CA 93955…

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Committee (2024-01-11). Saturday 1/13: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Commemoration. indybay.org Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Library | 150 E San Fernando Street | San Jose, CA 95112…

indybay (2024-01-11). Thursday 1/18: Animal Rights Rally and March for Free Palestine. indybay.org Sproul Plaza, Berkeley…

Justice For All (2024-01-11). Attention All Palestinians : Submit Your Cases To The ICC. indybay.org ùêìùê°ùêû ùêéùêüùêüùê¢ùêúùêû ùê®ùêü ùê≠ùê°ùêû ùêèùê´ùê®ùê¨ùêûùêúùê&AEli…

Nom De Plume (2024-01-11). Open Letter To UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ and Berkeley City Council. indybay.org This is an open letter to the Chancellor of UC Berkeley and the Berkeley City Council. Feel free to copy and email or fax this to them. Or print it out and give it to them in person.

Occupella, Women's March mobilization (2024-01-11). Saturday 1/20: Bigger Than Roe! Women's March Singing Rally w/ Occupella. indybay.org In front of the old Oaks Theater | 1875 Solano Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94707…

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-01-11). Biden Is Everything People Feared Trump Would Be. caitlinjohnstone.com.au In an article titled " HuffPost's Akbar Sha…

krish-rad_ind (2024-01-11). This Genocide Is Being Live-Streamed. We Can't Say We Didn't Know. caitlinjohnstone.com.au

APR editor (2024-01-10). Looting breaks out in PNG capital during police and military strike. asiapacificreport.nz By Finau Fonua, RNZ Pacific journalist, and Scott Waide, RNZ Pacific PNG correspondent Shops have been set on fire or looted in parts of Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby as unrest broke out during a police and military strike. The protest over unexplained pay deductions to salaries of police, military, and correctional services has…

Pacific Media Watch (2024-01-10). This genocide is being live-streamed. We can't say we didn't know. asiapacificreport.nz COMMENTARY: By Caitlin Johnstone How is anyone still talking about October 7? What Israel has done since October 7 is many times worse than what happened on that day by any conceivable metric; the only way to feel otherwise is to believe Israeli lives are worth many times more than Palestinian lives. How is Israeli…

Tanupriya Singh (2024-01-10). Israel scrambles as support for South Africa's case at the Hague increases. peoplesdispatch.org On January 11, the International Court of Justice will hear South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. Pretoria has received support from a growing list of countries as Israel's ongoing bombardment has killed over 23,000 Palestinians.

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2024-01-10). Support Grows For South Africa's Case Against Israel. popularresistance.org Bolivia has joined the ranks of countries who support South Africa's historic case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The Hague is set to initiate public hearings on the matter on January 11. | In a statement on January 7, the Bolivian government recognized "that South Africa took a historic step in the defense of the Palestinian people, a leadership and effort that should be accompanied by the international community that clamors for the respect for life". | Bolivia was among the countries, including South Africa and Bangladesh, who had submitted an appea…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-01-09). Piercing The Veil Of Impunity That Allows Israel To Commit Genocide. popularresistance.org On January 11 and 12, the International Court of Justice, also called the World Court, will hear testimony in South Africa's case charging the state of Israel with genocide. Organizations around the world are mobilizing to press their governments to support South Africa publicly and through Declarations of Intervention in the hope that Israel will be held accountable and that effective actions will be taken to protect the rights and lives of people in Palestine. Clearing the FOG speaks with Suzanne Adely, president of the National Lawyers Guild, about the Genocide Convention, the new International Coalition to St…

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-01-09). Provocation in Photography to be premiered at Cuban museum. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 9 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's National Museum of Fine Arts (MNBA) will host on Thursday, January 11, the premiere of the documentary "René Peña: provocación en la fotografía" (Rene Peña: Provocation in Photography," by Uruguayan researcher and documentary filmmaker Juanamaria Cordones-Cook.

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