Monthly Archives: April 2024

2024-04-29: News Headlines

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-29). Israel murders daughter and grandson of Refaat Alareer.

MEE staff (2024-04-29). Israel 'undoubtedly' committing genocide says Holocaust scholar Amos Goldberg. Israel 'undoubtedly' committing genocide says Holocaust scholar Amos Goldberg | Israeli researcher from Hebrew University argues that what is happening in Gaza does not need to resemble the Holocaust to qualify as genocide | | A baby cries in a damaged house at the site of an Israeli strike in Rafa…

Qassam Muaddi (2024-04-29). 'Operation al-Aqsa Flood' Day 206: Blinken says Israel has no plan to ensure civilian safety in Rafah. Palestinians brace for an invasion in Rafah as Hamas is expected to respond to a new ceasefire proposal. Meanwhile, Israel continues airstrikes on Gaza, and Gaza City's municipality says that half of its water wells have been destroyed.

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-29). 'Operation al-Aqsa Flood' Day 206: Blinken says Israel has no plan to ensure civilian safety in Rafah.

KATIE (2024-04-29). Palestinians salute the inspiring student uprising worldwide against Israel's Gaza genocide and settler-colonial apartheid.

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-29). Israel Threatens Rafah Invasion If Hostage Deal Not Reached. Israeli officials are threatening to invade Rafah if a hostage deal is not reached amid Egyptian and Qatari-mediated negotiations with Hamas. Axios reported on Friday that Israeli officials told their Egyptian counterparts that Israel is giving Hamas "one last chance" to reach a deal. If an agreement is not reached, Israel will order a ground …

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-29). It Is Everyone's Responsibility To Help Save Gaza. Those university students should not be responsible for standing against this genocide, and in truth the responsibility is NOT all theirs‚Ää—‚Ääit is ours as well. Each and every one of us are responsible for doing everything we can to end this horror.

Staff (2024-04-29). US Regime Arrests Presidential Candidate Involved in Pro-Palestine Protest. Jill Stein, Green Party candidate in the upcoming US presidential elections, was arrested for participating in a protest against the ongoing Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip. | Jill Stein, 73, was arrested on Saturday, April 27, on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, where students are holding demonstrations in support of Palestine. | Police officers took the presidential candidate to a van after she refused to leave the university campus. As part of this demonstration, another 80 people were also arrested. | Stein declared, "We are here with WashU students, defending our constitutional…

Editor (2024-04-29). US Working To Prevent ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu.

_____ (2024-04-29). Israel Just Launched a Brutal Attack on Rafah. "Beyond Shame, Beyond Crime…" 22 Apr 2024 – Brutality, atrocity no end. | Horrendous indiscriminate firebombing of Gaza's southernmost city, Rafah. | We know Netanyahu does not move a finger without Washington's OK.

Staff (2024-04-29). Headlines for April 29, 2024. Ceasefire Talks Resume Amid Expected Israeli Ground Invasion of Rafah, Israeli Airstrike Kills Daughter, Grandson and Son-in-Law of Acclaimed Poet Refaat Alareer, Police Arrest 275+ Campus Protesters as Student Uprising for Gaza Shows No Sign of Slowing Down, Protesters Outside Lavish WH Correspondents' Association Dinner Highlight Massacre of Gaza Reporters, U.S. Decides Not to Sanction Israeli Military as Officials Warn Blinken U.S. Weapons Used Unlawfully, NYT: ICC Could Order Arrest of Netanyahu for Israeli Crimes Against Gaza, Israel Arrests Rabbis Attempting to Bring Aid into Gaza; Gaza Freedom Flotil…

Sean Mathews (2024-04-29). Exclusive: Israel planning ring of checkpoints to prevent men from fleeing Rafah. Exclusive: Israel planning ring of checkpoints to prevent men from fleeing Rafah | Israel is setting up 'complex network' of checkpoints to prevent 'military age' men from fleeing Rafah assault, senior western official tells MEE | | Palestinian men rounded up and stripped by Israeli forces…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). What Comes First, a Rafah Invasion or a Netanyahu Ousting? Khalil Harb Facing domestic and international pressure for Israel's US-backed Gaza assault, the Biden administration appears poised to throw Netanyahu under the proverbial bus. In Gaza, a metaphorical "hostage" scenario has emerged, centered on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose political future is being bartered at a steep political price. Although not physically detained, Netanyahu has been…

Olivia Rosane (2024-04-29). Israeli Bombs Kill at Least 5 Children in Rafah Ahead of Threatened Invasion. Israeli airstrikes killed between 20 and 30 people in Rafah Sunday night, including at least five children. Among the slain children was a one-year-old boy whose parents had been trying to have a child for 10 years before he was finally born. "This is who they are targeting," the boy's uncle, Mahmoud Abu Taha, said in a video shot by CNN in the courtyard of Rafah's Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital. |

Isaac Nellist, Peter Boyle, Chloe DS, Jordan Ellis (2024-04-29). Students establish solidarity encampments as Gaza genocide hits 200 day mark. As Israel continues to threaten a ground invasion of Rafah — where more than 1 million people are sheltering — students around the world have pitched tents at campuses to protest their universities' complicity in the genocide.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Rafah Operation Looms: Will Netanyahu Defy Biden's Warnings? Israel is preparing for the invasion of Rafah, which Tel Aviv calls the last stronghold of Hamas. The operation is likely to trigger a new round of escalation in the Gaza Strip and lead to massive casualties.

teleSUR (2024-04-29). Israeli Bombings Kill 20 Palestinians in Rafah. On Sunday night, at least 20 Palestinians were killed in Israeli airstrikes on three residential buildings in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah. | RELATED: | The victims include children and women. Many others were still trapped under the rubble, local sources told Xinhua, adding that civil defense crews were working to rescue them. | The strikes took place just ahead of the new round of truce talks between Hamas leaders and Egyptian mediat…

Steve France (2024-04-29). How Israel violates International Law in Gaza: expert report. An independent expert report lays out how Israel systematically violated U.S. and International Law in Gaza, concluding that Israel launched indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilian areas due to "extremely relaxed rules of engagement."

Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty for Justice in Palestine, Mondoweiss. (2024-04-29). Humboldt Faculty Condemn Police Violence Against Students. As faculty at Cal Poly Humboldt, we deplore the use of physical violence by university, local, and regional police officers and sheriffs and the deployment of other extreme tactics such as helicopters, to surveil students, escalate tensions, and criminalize free speech exercised by students calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. We also find unacceptable the attempt to shut down student voices by shutting down campus. | We call on all CPH administrators to reflect on the real harm that this crackdown on free speech inflicts and the message it sends to current and future students, their parents, faculty, and staff, and…

Qassam Muaddi (2024-04-29). Recent settler violence in the West Bank, explained. Recent settler attacks against the villages bordering the Jordan Valley between Nablus and Ramallah aren't random. They are part of a historic Israeli policy to annex the Jordan Valley and expel the Palestinian communities that live there.

_____ (2024-04-29). US Campus Protests against Israel's Genocide on Gaza Going Global. 26 Apr 2024 – From France to Australia, university students are part of pro-Palestine protests as Columbia students continue encampments.

CounterPunch News Service (2024-04-29). Statement of Four Cornell Students Suspended for Protesting Israel's Genocide in Gaza. On 4/26, four students were "temporarily suspended" by Cornell University for exercising their constitutional right to protest. In response, these students issued the following statement: "In the past months, we have seen an incredible movement form on Cornell's campus: students, faculty members, and staff have joined together to voice their support for the Palestinian Liberation

_____ (2024-04-29). DC Police Refuse George Washington University Request to Arrest Students. 27 Apr 2024 – The Washington, D.C. police turned down a request by GWU president to clear out the anti-genocide encampment on campus.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). The Politics of Genocide Revisited, with Keith Harmon Snow. This first installment of a forthcoming series of interviews, with award winning investigative journalist, Keith Harmon Snow, deconstructs everything from the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people to the horrific Western oppression of people within the African continent. This second installment of our ongoing series of interviews, with award winning investigative journalist, Keith Harmon Snow, deconstructs…

Saurav Sarkar (2024-04-29). Campus Activism for Gaza Ignites. Students at more than 40 universities and colleges in the United States and around the world have lit a fire under the Palestine solidarity movement by setting up encampments on their campuses. They are demanding that their universities end their complicity with Israel's genocide in Gaza and the occupation of Palestine more broadly. While the first and

_____ (2024-04-29). Revolt in the US Universities. 25 Apr 2024 – University students across the country, facing mass arrests, suspensions, evictions and expulsions are our last, best hope to halt the genocide in Gaza.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). Psyops Regarding 1994 Rwanda Genocide Continues With 30th Anniversary Commemoration. Jeremy Kuzmarov During a commemoration of the 30-year anniversary of the beginning of 1994 Rwandan Genocide, Rwandan President Paul Kagame blamed the inaction of the international community for extending the horrors his people faced. Interview with Keith Harmon Snow Rwandan regime and Western intelligence agencies and their media and academic assets have spread disinformation for…

Natalia Marques (2024-04-29). Students continue Gaza solidarity encampments, as Israel continues to undermine ceasefire talks. On April 29, National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the student movement with chapters around the US that are taking up the call to launch encampments in solidarity with Gaza, has urged faculty, academic workers, and graduate students to join the students by "withholding their labor from institutions that are invested in genocide," taking up a grading strike. "Your historical mission has never been clearer. Answer the call! Join the encampments! STRIKE!" | In many universities, faculty members have bravely defended their students staging encampments, with many being arrested and brutalized alongside th… (2024-04-29). Protesters call out Quickstep for supporting the IDF's genocide.

KATIE (2024-04-29). End Israel's Genocide – Escalate Pressure to End EU Complicity in the Ongoing Nakba.

_____ (2024-04-29). What We Are Seeing in Gaza Is a 'Repeat of Auschwitz,' Says Genocide Expert.

Staff (2024-04-29). Occupation of the American Campus — The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the escalation and growth of the protest movement on American campuses against the US-backed genocide in Gaza. They will also cover a looming ICC warrant for Netanyahu, the revealing spectacle of the White House Press Correspondents Dinner, and the latest from Gaza.

Sharon Zhang (2024-04-29). Sanders: It Is Not Antisemitic to Oppose Israel's Assault of Gaza. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks smearing thousands of U.S. students who are protesting against Israel's genocide in Gaza, emphasizing that it is not antisemitic to oppose Israel's horrific bombing and starvation campaign against Palestinians. In an interview on CNN on Sunday, Sanders, who is Jewish, condemned antisemitism… |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). Push to Erase Palestinians: Canadians Promoting Genocide. Yves Engler MPP Sarah Jama being told to leave the Ontario legislature for wearing keffiyeh In the name of protecting Canadian Jews many are promoting the cultural and physical erasure of a faraway people. Recently there's been a push to suppress a traditional Palestinian garment. To the delight of many, the speaker of the Ontario…

_____ (2024-04-29). The Gaza Genocide as Explicit Policy: Michael Hudson Names All Names. 17 Apr 2024 – The essential background to understand the unthinkable: a 21st century genocide broadcast live 24/7 to the whole planet–a first.

WSWS (2024-04-29). White House correspondents' dinner celebrates "free press" amid propaganda in support of war, genocide and repression. Not one of the assembled journalists raised the criminal role of the Biden administration in the Israeli mass murder in Gaza.

_____ (2024-04-29). Palestinian Genocide: Worse Than You Can Imagine. 26 Apr 2024 – The author has no doubt the Western political elite are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians at a much deeper level than the people have yet understood.

_____ (2024-04-29). In This Dystopia, Opposing a Genocide Is Considered Worse Than Committing One. 25 Apr 2024 – That's how crazy they need us to be to keep us supporting a globe-spanning empire that literally cannot exist without nonstop violence and tyranny.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-29). Opposing The Gaza Genocide While Supporting Biden Is A Dishonest, Nonsensical Position. Nobody who claims to oppose the Gaza genocide while simultaneously supporting Joe Biden actually opposes the Gaza genocide. They're just saying what needs to be said to win approval in the political sector they want the approval of. They're not taking a moral stand, they're cultivating an image. They're building a brand. | One of many possible examples of this ridiculous posturing is Ins…

_____ (2024-04-29). Police Brutally Break Up Peaceful Anti-Genocide Demonstration in Berlin. 22 Apr 2024 – The storming of the Palestine Congress on April 12 was the prelude to an escalation of police violence and the suppression of democratic rights in Germany on an enormous scale.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-29). It Is Everyone's Responsibility To Help Save Gaza. Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | I think one of the reasons it took so long for student protests against the Gaza genocide to kick into high gear in the US might be because it took some time for the collective realization to dawn that nobody in charge is interested in ending this nightmare. | If Trump had won in 2020, it may not have taken so long for this to occur. Progressive-minded students would have understood from the beginning that the president is an immoral Israel-coddling imperialist, and we may have been seeing these campus protests that are freaking out the empire manag…

Paul Craig Roberts (2024-04-29). Conservative Texas Republicans Align with Zionism. The conservative Republican Governor of Texas has equated student protests of Israel's slaughter and genocide of the Palestinian to anti-semitism: | On Wednesday afternoon, Gov. Greg Abbott vowed that the arrests of protesting students would continue until the crowd dispersed. "These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period. Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled," said Abbott. | From the conservative Republican governor's standpoint, it is OK for Israel to slaughter the Palestinians but not OK for…

Yves Engler (2024-04-29). Canadians Promoting Genocide. In the name of protecting Canadian Jews many are promoting the cultural and physical erasure of a faraway people. Recently there's been a push to suppress a traditional Palestinian garment. To the delight of many, the speaker of the Ontario legislature banned kaffiyehs from the provincial assembly. In a sign of support for this racist …

WSWS (2024-04-29). Australia: Committee For Public Education holds forum opposing the Gaza genocide and educators' victimisation. The CFPE forum called for educators to mobilise against the imperialist-backed genocide in Gaza and the accompanying crackdown on democratic rights.

_____ (2024-04-29). Gaza Genocide: The Abysmal Moral Failure of the 'West'. 22 Apr 2024 – There is little that could be more uncivilized, cruel and barbarous than the crimes Israel is committing or more morally depraved than the complicity of the governments helping it along.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). Keith Harmon Snow: The Rwandan Genocide Myths. Jeremy Nell and Keith Harmon Snow The above photo, taken by Keith, is a survivor and soldier of the Forces for the Democratic Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) standing guard during "peace negotiations" with the United Nations (UN) in the eastern Congo. To be clear, a lot of Rwandans were murdered during "the 100 days" of…

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-29). Opposing The Gaza Genocide While Supporting Biden Is A Dishonest, Nonsensical Position.

Kelly Hayes (2024-04-29). Berkeley's Free Palestine Encampment Draws on Legacy of Palestinian Protests. Following the arrest of over 100 students at Columbia University on April 18, Palestine solidarity encampment protests have multiplied across the US. Police crackdowns have occurred at other schools as well, including Northeastern University in Boston, where about 102 protesters were arrested. Officials at Northeastern claimed that the protest had been "infiltrated" by organizers who had "no… |

Staff (2024-04-29). Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Activists Blocked from Sailing to Gaza But Vow to Keep Trying to Break Siege. Hundreds of activists aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla were blocked in Turkey on Saturday as they attempted to set sail for the besieged Palestinian territory with 5,500 tons of aid. Organizers say Guinea-Bissau withdrew its flagged ships under pressure from Israel and the United States. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla brings together a "cross-section of humanity" in hundreds of community leaders from all walks of life to raise awareness of Israel's blockade of Gaza and rally support for its end. "We are determined to stop this by direct action" where international governments "have sadly…

Alastair Crooke (2024-04-29). The Interlocking of Strategic Paradigms. Many Europeans would opt for making Europe competitive again; making Europe a diplomatic actor, rather than as a military one. | Theodore Postol, Professor of Science, Technology and National Security Policy at MIT, has The leading Israeli daily, Yediot Ahoronot, has estimated the cost of attempting to down this Iranian flotilla at between…

Amy Goodman (2024-04-29). Activists in Freedom Flotilla Blocked From Sailing to Gaza. Hundreds of activists aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla were blocked in Turkey on Saturday as they attempted to set sail for the besieged Palestinian territory with 5,500 tons of aid. Organizers say Guinea-Bissau withdrew its flagged ships under pressure from Israel and the United States. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla brings together a "cross-section of humanity" in hundreds of community leaders from… |

_____ (2024-04-29). Will the Freedom Flotilla Sail to Gaza? 23 Apr 2024 – The non-violence training to join the Freedom Flotilla Coalition's ships to Gaza has been intense. As hundreds of us from 32 countries gathered in Istanbul, we were briefed about what we might encounter on this voyage. "We have to be ready for every possibility," our trainers insisted.

Palestine Chronicle. (2024-04-29). White House Correspondents' Dinner; Biden Uses Back Door To Evade Protests. Pro-Palestine demonstrators protested the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner on Saturday, denouncing the Biden administration's handling of the war in Gaza and media coverage of the conflict that has killed tens of thousands, the Anadolu news agency reported. | According to Al-Jazeera, Biden avoided the large crowd of protesters at the front entrance of the hotel, and entered through the back entrance, where he was greeted by a smaller number of protesters demanding a ceasefire . | Organized by the US-based activist group CodePink, the protest took place outside the Washington Hilton, where the dinner was…

Angela (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/8: Virtual Meeting: Local Peace Economy. Zoom |…

teleSUR (2024-04-29). US Skyrocketing Military Spending Upsets World. A recently released report showed that defense spending by the United States — the world's largest military spender — accounted for nearly 40 percent of world's total military expenditures in 2023. | RELATED: | In the latest move of aggressive U.S. military spending, President Joe Biden signed a US$95-billion foreign aid bill, which includes more military aid for Ukraine and Israel. | With its skyrocketing military spe…

Staff (2024-04-29). "Lyd": Palestinian & Jewish Directors of New Sci-Fi Doc on How 1948 Nakba Devastated Palestinian City. A new film about the once-thriving Palestinian city of Lyd, now known as the Israeli city Lod and home to Ben Gurion Airport, has begun screening in the United States. The film is a "science fiction documentary" that depicts the Palestinian city both with and without the 1948 Nakba, when over 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and villages. In Lyd, Israeli soldiers massacred hundreds of Palestinians in Dahmash Mosque during their takeover of the city. "We use the story of Lyd to symbolize the story of the Nakba, the Palestinian Nakba, the demolition and expulsion of over 600 villa…

(2024-04-29). Burkina Faso's media regulator suspends BBC Africa and Voice of America.

_____ (2024-04-29). Israel/Iran Tensions: Provocation, Retaliations, Wider War Option/Fears. 25 Apr 2024 – The focus is on the Israeli April 1st attack on Iran's Damascus consulate, and the international law implications of Iran's retaliation against Israeli targets on April 13, followed a week later by Israel's second drone attack on a military base not far from Isfahan, which both countries somewhat downplayed. Israel seemed to have given up the wider war option at least for the present in response to diplomatic pressures from allies to deescalate regional tensions.

Americas Policy Forum (2024-04-29). Don't Let US Congress Punish Nicaragua for Defending Palestine!

Kit Klarenberg (2024-04-29). "Military and Moral Failures": How Iran's Israel Strike Reshaped the Region Forever. Tel Aviv's claim to "defense" and security primacy, upon which much of its exports were successfully marketed for decades, has been amply demonstrated to be bogus.

Angela (2024-04-29). Friday 5/3: San Jose: Peace Vigil – Ceasefire Now! No Weapons for Israel or Ukraine! in front of MLK Library | 4th and San Fernando | San Jose, CA…

Ryan Black (2024-04-29). Students Beat The Bold Marauder — Ceasefire Summer, Education Summer, Freedom Summer, Or Liberation Summer? MICHAEL ALBERT…

TASS (2024-04-29). Blinken speaks in favor of immediate ceasefire in Gaza Strip — Department of State. According to the spokesman, Blinken had a meeting with foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and the Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization…

Staff (2024-04-29). Rabbi Alissa Wise & Israeli-Born Novelist Ayelet Waldman Arrested Trying to Bring Food to Gaza. Israeli police arrested seven rabbis and Israeli activists Friday at the Gaza border during an action that accused Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war against Palestinians. The delegation of Rabbis for Ceasefire carried bags of food to the Erez crossing between Israel and northern Gaza amid reports that famine is imminent for more than 1 million Palestinians in Gaza. "It is incredibly important that those of us who have privilege use that privilege to call attention to this ongoing catastrophe," says Ayelet Waldman, one of the seven people arrested Friday. Waldman emphasizes that her "…

TASS (2024-04-29). UK's Cameron calls on Hamas to accept 'very generous' offer on ceasefire in Gaza. In his opinion, Hamas has been given "a very generous offer of sustained 40 days ceasefire, the release of potentially thousands of Palestinian prisoners, in return for the release of these hostages" that have remained in captivity for over 200 days…

teleSUR (2024-04-29). Pro-Palestine Protests Heat Up in US Despite Crackdowns. Protests against Israel's military actions in Gaza have intensified across multiple American universities for over a week, calling for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as well as the cessation of U.S. military aid to Israel. | RELATED: | The growing protests underscore latest escalations in the Israel-Palestine conflict, which, coupled with the Biden administration's doubles down on Israel support, have fueled…

Roger D. Harris (2024-04-29). US Congress Makes Downpayment on World War III. The US Congress authorized a $95 billion military aid package for continuing the wars in Ukraine and Gaza as well as for war preparations against China. This represents, in effect, a downpayment on World War III. US President Joe Biden, reading from a playbook that could well have been scripted by George Orwell, announced: "it's …

Kim Petersen (2024-04-29). Is US Officialdom Insane? A foreboding article was published on April 24. It was pointed out that China had provided a berth to a Russian ship Angara that is purportedly "tied to North Korea-Russia arms transfers." Reuters cited Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) — that boasts of itself to be "the world's oldest and the UK's leading defence and …

Becca Mohally Renk (2024-04-29). Ben Linder: 37 Years, Presente! "I was three years old when he was killed," says Xiomara Hernández. "My little brother who is here with me today is the baby, he was just six months old." Xiomara is standing on a rock above a rushing stream, looking down on the spot where her father, Sergio Hernández, was murdered along with U.S. …

T.P. Wilkinson (2024-04-29). "25 de Abril, Sempre" Coming soon: Unbecoming American, A War Memoir, available at Fifty years ago the Portuguese became the first and only populace to overthrow its national fascist regime. Although I was in Brazil in 1986 when the 1964 Atos Institutionais that defined the American incited and inspired military dictatorship were replaced by a new civilian constitution …

marketing (2024-04-29). Wild Bees Are Under Threat From Domestic Bees, Invasive Species, Pathogens And Climate Change – But We Can Help #Wild #Bees #Under #Threat #Domestic #Bees, #Invasive #Species, #Pathogens #Climate #Change #Help #Food #Flowers #Storm #Climate #Change #Earthquake. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Canada is home to more than 800 species of wild bees – few may have noticed the diversity of native bees buzzing around, but bees play a significant role in the survival …

marketing (2024-04-29). Four Myths About Vertical Farming Debunked By An Expert #Four #Myths #About #Vertical #Farming #Debunked #Expert #Food #Flowers #Storm #Climate #Change #Earthquake. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Vertical farms look hi-tech and sophisticated, but the premise is simple plants are grown without soil, with their roots in a solution containing nutrients. This …

MEE staff (2024-04-29). Cost of Gaza pier increases to $320m, US official says. Cost of Gaza pier increases to $320m, US official says | The construction of Biden's temporary pier intended to handle aid deliveries into Gaza is double that of its initial estimates | | World Central Kitchen barge loaded with food arrives off the Gaza coast, where there is a risk of famine, on 15…

infobrics (2024-04-29). New survey finds that most Americans consider Trump a "success" and disapprove of Biden. CNN purposefully omits question on Ukraine from its newest survey.

infobrics (2024-04-29). Kiev regime losing more than a thousand soldiers per day on the front lines. There is a true humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine, with the neo-Nazi regime forcibly recruiting inexperienced people and sending them to certain death on the battlefield.

infobrics (2024-04-29). Russia-India Signs Agreement to Operate Large Research Hub in New Delhi. The Higher School of Economics (HSE) and the University of Delhi entered into an agreement on strategic cooperation and joint actions…

infobrics (2024-04-29). Western media sees spies and saboteurs everywhere. An espionage scandal in Austria and the ongoing anti-Russian propaganda of the German and Swiss media are poisoning the political atmosphere in Europe.

infobrics (2024-04-29). Another US pilot confirms F-16s in Ukraine are toast. John Baum, a retired US Air Force (USAF) Lieutenant Colonel who flew over 2,300 hours as an F-16 pilot, stated that "F-16s from Ukraine going against Russia — absolutely, without a doubt, the toughest scenario that the F-16 will have off of its nose".

infobrics (2024-04-29). Europe and the BRICS: Will There Be a Crossover During 2024's Summit. There is increasing interest from European countries in BRICS, with speculation about their attendance at the summit in Russia…

infobrics (2024-04-29). BRICS: Egypt's Role in the Union – Here's What We Need to Know. According to economist Shaima Sherif, Egypt's trade partnership with the BRICS countries is expected to focus on food security, especially due to Russia's key role as Egypt's main supplier of imported wheat…

infobrics (2024-04-29). NATO soldiers already in Ukraine. NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has admitted that "several NATO allies have men and women in uniform at the embassies" (in Ukraine), but claimed they are merely "giving advice".

Sharon Zhang (2024-04-29). UN Official Says Clearing Gaza of Unexploded Bombs Could Take 14 Years. Israel's genocidal assault of Gaza has turned such a large volume of what were once homes and neighborhoods into ruins that it could take 14 years just to clear the debris, including a number of unexploded ordnance, according to a UN explosives expert. There is currently an estimated 37 million metric tonnes, or about 41 million tons, of debris across Gaza, Iraq UN Mine Action Service Chief Pehr… |

marketing (2024-04-29). Greater Detroit Is Becoming More Diverse And Less Segregated But Asians And Hispanics Increasingly Live In Their Own Neighborhoods #Greater #Detroit #Becoming #More #Diverse #Less #Segregated #Asians #Hispanics #Increasingly #Live #Their #Neighborhoods #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) The Detroit metropolitan area is one of the most segregated areas in the United States .But that is slowly starting to change for some racial groups.The slow change is …

Peoples Dispatch (2024-04-29). Palestinian students and academics express solidarity with university encampments across the globe. In the past two weeks, thousands of students across the United States have launched encampments on the campuses of their universities in solidarity with the Palestinian people as Israel's genocidal assault enters a seventh month. Students are demanding that their universities divest their endowments from Israel and all companies that do business with Israel and benefit from its illegal occupation of Palestine, and cut all academic partnerships with Israel. They have declared that they will remain in the encampments until their demands are met. | These encampments have already been met with heavy repression by uni…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). ICC May Issue Arrest Warrants for Israel's Netanyahu, Gallant This Week – Reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The International Criminal Court (ICC) may issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and senior Israeli military officials as early as this week, NBC News reported on Monday, citing an Israeli official familiar with the matter.

Alexis Sterling (2024-04-29). Disgust greets White House correspondents' dinner as Israel kills journalists in Gaza. Amid laughter and applause at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, protests outside highlight the stark contrast with the dire situation facing journalists in Gaza.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Democrats and Republicans Deaf to Their Voters Opposing Ukraine and Gaza Conflicts. Campus protests over Washington's support for Israel's war on Gaza have engulfed the US. Over 1,000 demonstrators have been arrested on at least 15 college campuses across the country over 10 days.

marketing (2024-04-29). Dan Poulter Defects From Tories To Labour: Inside The Art Of Switching Teams #Poulter #Defects #Tories #Labour: #Inside #Switching #Teams #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) When Conservative MP and former minister Dan Poulter announced his defection to the Labour party it came as somewhat of a surprise. It was only the second transfer from …

Mohamed Mandour (2024-04-29). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Since the Israel-Gaza war began on October 7, journalists and media across the region have faced a hostile environment that has made reporting on the war exceptionally challenging. In addition to documenting the growing tally of journalists killed and injured, CPJ's research has found multiple kinds of incidents of journalists being targeted while carrying out…

| Reuters | (2024-04-29). Blinken arrives in Saudi Arabia to discuss Israel normalization, post-war Gaza. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Saudi Arabia on Monday, the first stop in a broader trip to the Middle East to discuss issues including the governance of Gaza once the war with Israel ends. | The top US diplomat heads to Israel later this week, where he is expected to press Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take the concrete and tangible steps US President Joe Biden demanded this month to improve the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. | In Riyadh, Blinken is expected to meet with senior Saudi leaders and hold a wider meeting with counterparts from five Arab states — Qatar, Egy…

marketing (2024-04-29). Why Are Some People Faster Than Others? 2 Exercise Scientists Explain The Secrets Of Running Speed #Some #People #Faster #Than #Others? #Exercise #Scientists #Explain #Secrets #Running #Speed #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you'd like an expert to answer, send it to … . Usain Bolt, the world's fastest human , ran …

marketing (2024-04-29). Young Middle-Class Nigerians Are Desperate To Leave The Country: Insights Into Why #Young #Middle-Class #Nigerians #Desperate #Leave #Country: #Insights #Into #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Since the 1980s , migration has been a part of the Nigerian middle-class psyche , catalysed by the usual suspects: high unemployment, security concerns, infrastructure …

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2024-04-29). Basic Points About the Zionist Israeli-Arab Palestinian Conflict.

Zack Linly (2024-04-29). White Supremacists March Freely In Charleston While Cops Attack, Arrest Pro-Palestinian College Protesters. Tension comes between students of City College of New York and police as the students camp on the campus and take part in Gaza protest against Israeli attacks in New York City on April 25, 2024. | Source: Anadolu / Getty | Over the weekend, members of the white supremacist group

_____ (2024-04-29). Netanyahu Failed in Gaza, Tries to Widen War. 20 Apr 2024 – It now seems either that the US reaction to the Damascus attack or the concerns of the Netanyahu war cabinet rejected the temptations of a wider war. Iran as well seemed to accept an outcome of its retaliation directed at Israel, resulting in neither death nor damage, was nevertheless sufficient for its purposes.

marketing (2024-04-29). Is The London Mayoral Race Tightening? New Poll Shows Sadiq Khan Leads Susan Hall By 13 Points #London #Mayoral #Race #Tightening? #Poll #Shows #Sadiq #Khan #Leads #Susan #Hall #Points #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) With just days to go until local election day on May 2 2024, it appears that the London mayoral race may be narrowing. Our new poll suggests that the incumbent, Sadiq …

TASS (2024-04-29). Thirty-four people killed in Israeli military operations in Gaza in past day. According to the ministry, a total of 34,488 people have been killed and 77,643 have suffered injuries in Gaza since October 2023…

marketing (2024-04-29). Humza Yousaf, Scotland's Departing First Minister, And The Art Of The Resignation Speech #Humza #Yousaf, #Scotland's #Departing #First #Minister, #Resignation #Speech #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Humza Yousaf's resignation as first minister of Scotland was, in the end, expected, after a chain of events made his position untenable. It was trailed from early in the …

Ragip Soylu (2024-04-29). Turkey: Istanbul mayor Imamoglu calls Hamas a terror group. Turkey: Istanbul mayor Imamoglu calls Hamas a terror group | Opposition CHP politician said 7 October attack on Israel was a terrorist act but that he does not approve of the oppression of Palestinians | | Ekrem Imamoglu addresses crowds after declaring victory after the 31 March 2024 local e…

Editor (2024-04-29). When Che Guevara came to Gaza. The iconic revolutionary visited Gaza to inspire a popular uprising against Israeli dominance, writes Yousef al-Helou.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). US Congress Makes Downpayment on World War III: US President Proclaims Enduring Peace. Roger D. Harris President Biden on Wednesday announces the signing of a $95 billion military assistance package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Ukraine says the aid is critical as it seeks to regain momentum on the battlefield from Russia. Evan Vucci/AP The US Congress authorized a $95 billion military aid package for continuing the wars…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). UK's Defense of Israel Reveals Hypocrisy, Cynical Abuse of 'Human Rights' Claims. The United Kingdom has been accused of "destabilizing the entire concept of universal human rights" through its defense of Israel and repression of internal dissent.

Editor (2024-04-29). Israel is holding more hostages than Hamas. Hamas is holding 132 hostages: 130 of them were taken captive on October 7 and two were taken hostage before then (one in 2014, the other in 2015).

(2024-04-29). Israeli police detain and assault Palestinian journalist Saif Kwasmi.

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-29). The Secret Story of Hostages Taken By Israel.

Maha Hussaini (2024-04-29). War on Gaza: Remains of Palestinian grandmother found after Israeli raid. War on Gaza: Remains of Palestinian grandmother found after Israeli raid | Israeli forces separated Naifa Rizq al-Sawada, 92, from her family and took her to an undisclosed location. Weeks later, she was found dead | | Family of Naifa Rizq al-Sawada, 92, found her charred bones in a hou… (2024-04-29). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. Editor's notes: The list below is CPJ's most recent and preliminary account of journalist deaths in the war. Our database will not include all of these casualties until we have completed further investigations into the circumstances surrounding them. For more information, read our FAQ. The Israel-Gaza war has taken a severe toll on journalists since…

Dr. Paul Larudee (2024-04-29). Intervention in Gaza: Can Israel Exterminate the Entire Population Without Anyone Stopping Them?

_____ (2024-04-29). UK and Others Cut Funding to UNRWA but Israel Gave NO EVIDENCE of Terror Links. 25 Apr 2024 – An independent report has just exonerated the UN relief agency that is the main channel of humanitarian support to Palestinians across the Middle East. The report by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna has said Israel has yet to provide any supporting evidence of its claims that employees of the UNRWA are members of terrorist organisations.

_____ (2024-04-29). Arab Leadership Complicity to Support the US-Israeli War on Gaza. 25 Apr 2024 – Palestinians in Search of Global Humanity! – Once a people or a nation colonized by European imperialists, it remains colonized and subjugated by the Masters forever.

Jake Johnson (2024-04-29). Netanyahu Reportedly Worried ICC Is Preparing to Issue Arrest Warrant for Him. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly growing increasingly concerned that the International Criminal Court is preparing to issue arrest warrants for him and other top government officials for committing war crimes in the Gaza Strip. The Times of Israel reported Sunday that the Israeli government, in partnership with the U.S., is "making a concerted effort to head off" possible… |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). "Military and Moral Failures": How Iran's Israel Strike Reshaped the Region. Kit Klarenberg On April 13, Iran, alongside Lebanon's Hezbollah and Yemen's Ansar Allah, executed Operation True Promise, a vast wave of drone, cruise and ballistic missile strikes on Israel, launched in retaliation to Tel Aviv's criminal bombing of Tehran's Damascus embassy less than two weeks earlier, which killed two Iranian generals. As a result, history…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). US Found 5 Israeli Units Responsible for Gross Human Rights Violations – State Dept. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States has found that five Israeli units are implicated in gross human rights violations predating the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, US State Department deputy principal spokesperson Vedant Patel said on Monday.

Free Palestine! (2024-04-29). Monday 4/29: Free Palestine: USF Divest from Israel. USF University Center, 2130 Fulton St, San Francisco…

Alex Shams (2024-04-29). They Risked Their Lives for Freedom in Iran. Now They Fear Israel's Bombs. In fall 2022, they were on the streets of Tehran facing down Iranian riot police. Chanting "Woman, Life, Freedom," their voices captured the world's attention — until their friends were shot, loved ones arrested, and they were forced to run for their lives. Less than two years later, those same protesters now face a very different kind of danger. Having survived waves of domestic repression… |

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-29). Attorneys Inside the Biden Administration Urge US To Cut Off Israel.

Jordan Atwood (2024-04-29). U.S. State Department memo exposes Israeli misuse of American military aid in Gaza. Leaked memo reveals doubts over Israeli compliance with international law in use of U.S. military aid in Gaza, sparking calls for policy reevaluation.

Manlio Dinucci (2024-04-29). Os Estados Unidos em guerra contra o "novo eixo do mal" O Congresso dos EUA aprovou um projeto de lei de "ajuda" de US$ 95 bilhàµes para a Ucrânia, Israel e Taiwan. O projeto de lei, votado por uma grande maioria bipartidária de democratas e republicanos, fornece US$ 60,8 bilhàµes para …

marketing (2024-04-29). 'Invisible' Consultants Help Companies Write Sustainability Reports. Here's Why That's A Problem #'Invisible' #Consultants #Help #Companies #Write #Sustainability #Reports. #Here's #That's #Problem #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Around the world, more and more companies are publishing sustainability reports public scorecards detailing their impacts on society and the environment. …

TASS (2024-04-29). Hezbollah units launch rocket projectiles against North Israel. Fire was also opened against positions of the Israel Defense Forces in areas of Kfarchouba and Shebaa close to Golan Heights…

(2024-04-29). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war.

MEE staff (2024-04-29). US finds five Israeli military units guilty of 'gross human rights violations'. US finds five Israeli military units guilty of 'gross human rights violations' | Weapons transfers to the units will not be impacted by the State Department's findings, spokesperson says | | Israeli soldiers of the Ultra-Orthodox battalion Netzah Yehuda take part in their annual unit training in th…

Staff (2024-04-29). Watch: Protestors replace US flag with Palestinian at Harvard University. Washington : Amid the campus demonstrations in the US, anti-Israeli protesters at Harvard University raised the Palestinian flag at the Ivy League school in a spot usually reserved for the American flag, New York Post reported. The incident happened as the students continued to occupy campus with a video surfacing online showing three students raising …

_____ (2024-04-29). Israel Is Turning Hospitals into Mass Graves While the West Fixates on 'Antisemitism'. 23 Apr 2024 – The IDF are just attacking hospitals and mowing down civilians and trying to bury the evidence of their crimes, so naturally we're seeing the western political-media class focus very hard on the problem of antisemitism allegations on college campuses.

Democracy Now! (2024-04-29). Police Arrest 275+ Campus Protesters as Student Uprising for Gaza Shows No Sign of Slowing Down. Police across the United States made at least 275 arrests over the weekend as campus protests against Israel's assault on Gaza continue to spread. | In Boston, police detained about 100 people after students set up a Palestine solidarity encampment on the campus of Northeastern University. The school justified the raid, citing what it called "virulent antisemitic slurs" after someone chanted "Kill the Jews" at the encampment. But video and eyewitness testimony revealed the antisemitic chant was actually done by a counterprotester holding an Israeli flag. | The group Huskies for a Free Palestine said, "The only pe…

marketing (2024-04-29). Midwest Tornadoes: What A Decaying El Nino Has To Do With Violent Storms In The Central US #Midwest #Tornadoes: #What #Decaying #Nino #Violent #Storms #Central #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Dozens of tornadoes hit the central U.S. April 26-28, 2024, tearing through suburbs and small towns and damaging hundreds of homes from Oklahoma to Nebraska and Iowa …

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-29). US Says Five Israeli Units Guilty of 'Gross Human Rights Violations,' But Won't Cut Off Military Aid.

Unicorn Riot (2024-04-29). Gazan Family Returns to Find House Destroyed by Israel, Builds DIY Shelter. (2024-04-29). Israeli police detain and assault Palestinian journalist Saif Kwasmi. New York, April 29, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Monday called on Israeli security forces to stop harassing journalists in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank and allow them to report the news freely and without fear of reprisal. On April 24, Palestinian freelance journalist Saif Kwasmi was reporting on activities at Jerusalem's…

marketing (2024-04-29). Britain And France Are Forging A New Alliance Over Backing For Ukraine And Aim To Bring Nato Partners With Them #Britain #France #Forging #Alliance #Backing #Ukraine #Bring #Nato #Partners #Them #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) One hundred and twenty years after the Entente Cordiale , Britain and France are forging a new alliance. The original 1904 agreement paved the way for a stronger …

(2024-04-29). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

marketing (2024-04-29). What Is Pathological Demand Avoidance And How Is It Different To 'Acting Out'? #What #Pathological #Demand #Avoidance #Different #'Acting #Out'? #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Charlie is an eight-year-old child with autism. Her parents are worried because she often responds to requests with insults, aggression and refusal. Simple demands, …

_____ (2024-04-29). 'The Soldiers Opened the Way for the Settlers': Pogroms Surge Across West Bank. 18 Apr 2024 – Armed Israeli settlers raided more than a dozen Palestinian communities under the army's guard, leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake.

TASS (2024-04-29). Israeli Air Force carries out strikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon — army. Among the targets struck were operational infrastructure in the area or Jabal Blat, as well as a number of Hezbollah military structures in the area of Marwahin…

marketing (2024-04-29). Russia Has Tightened Its Hold Over The Sahel Region And Now It's Looking To Africa's West Coast #Russia #Tightened #Sahel #Region #It's #Looking #Africa's #West #Coast #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Armed troops in Niger overthrew the government in July 2023, seizing power for themselves. The following months were rife with speculation that the military government …

marketing (2024-04-29). Japan's Diplomatic Charm Offensive In US Aims To Keep Washington In Committed Relationship #Japan's #Diplomatic #Charm #Offensive #Aims #Keep #Washington #Committed #Relationship #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) April 2024 proved to be a busy month in Japanese-U.S. diplomacy.The month saw a state visit to the U.S. by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida that included a White House …

marketing (2024-04-29). LVMH Succession Planning: Keeping It In The Family When You're The World's Richest Man #LVMH #Succession #Planning: #Keeping #Family #When #You're #World's #Richest #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) In the high end world of luxury and heritage, many brands are still owned and managed by the original founding family. The issue of succession planning, therefore, can …

TASS (2024-04-29). Netanyahu asks Biden to prevent issuing of ICC warrants against Israeli officials — report. A spokesperson of the US National Security Council refused to comment on the phone call between the two leaders, but pointed out Washington's position, which says that the ICC jurisdiction does not cover the situation in Palestine…

marketing (2024-04-29). Gut Microbes That Get You Drunk And Damage Your Liver " How The Microbiome Can Create A Microbrewery #Microbes #That #Drunk #Damage #Your #Liver #Microbiome #Create #Microbrewery #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Imagine you're a police officer. You spot a car that's swerving all over the road. You pull the driver over and they're clearly intoxicated. With slurred speech, they …

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-29). Opposition leader threatens to topple Israeli govt if captive release deal rejected.

TASS (2024-04-29). Israeli delegation invited to talks in Cairo — news outlet. Invitation to the delegation from Israel is aimed at expediting the process of reaching an agreement between the parties…

Craig Murray, Consortium News. (2024-04-29). Worse Than You Can Imagine. Governments cannot take big decisions extremely quickly except in the most extreme of circumstances. | There are mechanisms in all states that consider policy decisions, weigh them up, involve the various departments of the state whose activities are affected by that decision, and arrive at a conclusion, though not necessarily a good one. | The decision to stop aid funding to UNRWA, the specialized U.N. refugee agency for Palestinians, was not taken by numerous Western states in a single day. | In the U.K., several different government ministries had to coordinate.

TASS (2024-04-29). US shot down five drones over Red Sea — USCENTCOM. "It was determined the UAVs presented an imminent threat to U.S. coalition, and merchant vessels in the region," it said…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). UKMTO Reports Attack on Ship in Red Sea Off Yemen's Mocha. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The United Kingdom Maritime Operations (UKMTO) said on Monday it had received a report of an attack on a commercial ship in the Red Sea off the Yemeni city of Mocha (Al Mukha).

Editor (2024-04-29). "It Felt Like Pulling My Heart Out of the Earth": Testimonies From the Mass Grave at Nasser Hospital.

Editor (2024-04-29). Being Jewish In a Time of Mass Hysteria.

Editor (2024-04-29). Portland State University Pauses Ties With Boeing as Campus Protests Spread.

teleSUR (2024-04-29). Pedro Sanchez Will Not Resign From the Spanish Presidency. On Monday, Pedro Sanchez decided to stay at the helm of the Spanish government despite the campaign of harassment against him and his wife, Begoña Gomez. | RELATED: | "I have decided to continue, with even more strength if possible, at the helm of the Presidency of the Government of Spain," he said, emphasizing his commitment to work "relentlessly, firmly" for the pending advancement and consolidation of rights…

Galina Kurdina (2024-04-29). Resistance against Neuro Technological Torture. We Are Being Tortured and Mutilated in a Mind/Body Control Concentration Camp 24/7.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Burial Sites of Tortured Civilians Discovered in Avdeyevka – Russian Investigative Committee. Burial sites of civilians showing signs of torture have been discovered in the city of Avdeyevka in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). Investigators have begun an investigation, the Investigative Committee of Russia reports.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Taylor Swift's Tortured Poets Department dominates US sales and Billboard charts. Traditional album sales totalled 1.91 million in the week ending Apr 25 between digital download albums, CDs, cassettes and also included 859,000 vinyl sales, Billboard said, citing data from Luminate.

Zane McNeill (2024-04-29). Biden Administration Strengthens Health Care Protections for LGBTQ People. On Friday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to bolster protections against discrimination in health care. "Today's rule is a giant step forward for this country toward a more equitable and inclusive health care system… |

Maddy Clifford (2024-04-29). Biden Must Recognize All Student Debt as Hardship. It's the Key Step to Relief. President Joe Biden is making headway in canceling student debt, despite a right-wing Supreme Court that struck down his initial plan to cancel up to $400 billion in student debt last year. Although his Plan A used the HEROES Act of 2003, the Biden administration has since used the Higher Education Act of 1965 to administer $138 billion in relief. Most of this relief has come as fixes to existing… |

Sharon Zhang (2024-04-29). Journalism Professors: NYT Risks Credibility With Inaction on Oct. 7 Article. Dozens of tenured journalism professors at top schools across the U.S. have raised concerns that The New York Times is risking its own credibility, as well as the credibility of journalism at large, with its inaction on an article about sexual violence on October 7 that has come under scrutiny in recent months due to its reliance on questionable — and, in some cases, debunked — evidence. |

Chris Walker (2024-04-29). Arizona Republicans Select Indicted Fake Elector to Represent Them at RNC. Arizona Republicans have selected one of the 18 individuals who were indicted last week on charges of election subversion to serve as a member of the Republican National Committee (RNC). State Sen. Jake Hoffman (R) announced his appointment to the RNC national committee on Saturday, posting to the social media site X about his selection by the state party. "I'm humbled and honored to have been… |

Chris Walker (2024-04-29). Florida's 6-Week Abortion Ban Is Taking Effect This Week. A six-week abortion ban is set to be fully implemented in the state of Florida later this week. The ban, which was deemed enforceable by the state Supreme Court earlier this month, contains limited exceptions, allowing a pregnant person to obtain the procedure in cases of rape, incest and human trafficking but only for up to 15 weeks of pregnancy. The ban also supposedly allows abortion in cases… |

Chris Walker (2024-04-29). Biden Says He's "Happy" to Debate Trump. Polls From 2020 May Indicate Why. On Howard Stern's radio program on Friday, President Joe Biden indicated that he was willing to debate former President Donald Trump, his Republican rival in the 2024 presidential election. During the interview, Stern told the Democratic incumbent president that it was a "fantasy" of his to see Biden square off against Trump. Biden replied that a debate would indeed happen at some point during the… | (2024-04-29). Konya'da àºniversite à∂ƒürencileri ve akademisyenler "Kampàºste Filistin Nà∂beti" eylemi yaptƒ±. Konya'da, Necmettin Erbakan àúniversitesi à∂ƒürencileri "Kampàºste Filistin Nà∂beti" eylemi dàºzenledi. (2024-04-29). Yargƒ±tay Ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± seàßiminde 26. turda da sonuàß à߃±kmadƒ±. Son oylamada Mehmet Akarca 101, àñmer Kerkez 109, Muhsin ≈ûentàºrk ise 99 oy aldƒ±. Salt àßoƒüunluƒüun saƒülanamamasƒ± nedeniyle seàßime 27. tur oylamayla devam ediliyor. (2024-04-29). Blinken: Gazze'deki sava≈ü sona ermeli, Filistin devletinin kurulmasƒ± iàßin yol haritasƒ± olu≈üturulmalƒ±. ABD Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Antony Blinken, "Sivillere zarar verilmeyeceƒüine dair bir plan olmazsa Refah'ta bàºyàºk askeri bir 'operasyonu' desteklememiz màºmkàºn deƒüil." dedi. (2024-04-29). KFC, ƒ∞srail kar≈üƒ±tƒ± boykotun ardƒ±ndan Malezya'da 108 ≈üubesini geàßici olarak kapattƒ±. ABD'li restoran zinciri KFC, Malezya'da, ƒ∞srail'in Gazze'ye saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±na tepki gà∂stermek ve Filistin halkƒ±na destek vermek amacƒ±yla ba≈ülatƒ±lan boykotun ardƒ±ndan 108 ≈üubesini geàßici olarak kapattƒ±. (2024-04-29). Yakla≈üƒ±k 8 bin genàß àßift evlenebilmek iàßin sƒ±fƒ±r faizli fona ko≈ütu. Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±nca genàßlere evlilik desteƒüi kapsamƒ±nda sunulan faizsiz krediye 6 ≈ûubat depremlerinden etkilenen Adƒ±yaman, Hatay, Kahramanmara≈ü, Malatya ve Gaziantep'in ƒ∞slahiye ile Nurdaƒüƒ± ilàßelerinden 7 bin 888 àßift ba≈üvurdu. (2024-04-29). Kenya'da àßà∂ken baraj nedeniyle 42 ki≈üi ya≈üamƒ±nƒ± yitirdi. Kenya'nƒ±n batƒ±sƒ±ndaki Old Kijabe Barajƒ±'nƒ±n àßà∂kmesi sonucu 42 ki≈üinin hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybettiƒüi bildirildi. (2024-04-29). AirChina, àáin àºretimi yolcu uàßaƒüƒ±ndan 100 adet satƒ±n alacak. àáin'in bayrak ta≈üƒ±yƒ±cƒ± hava yolu ≈üirketi AirChina, àáin Ticari Uàßak ≈ûirketi (COMAC) tarafƒ±ndan àºretilen "C919" tipi yerli yolcu uàßaklarƒ±ndan 100 adet satƒ±n alacaƒüƒ±nƒ± bildirdi. (2024-04-29). Borsa gàºnຠrekor seviyeden tamamladƒ±. Borsa ƒ∞stanbul'da BIST 100 endeksi, yàºzde 1,69 deƒüer kazancƒ±yla gàºnຠ10.082,77 puanla rekor seviyeden tamamladƒ±. (2024-04-29). Meteoroloji'den Konya iàßin saƒüanak uyarƒ±sƒ±. Konya'da ak≈üam saatlerinde saƒüanak bekleniyor. (2024-04-29). TikTok'tan "TBMM Dijital Mecralar Komisyonundan gelecek davete hazƒ±rƒ±z" mesajƒ±. TikTok Orta Doƒüu, Afrika ve Türkiye Bà∂lgesi Kamu Politikalarƒ±ndan Sorumlu Yà∂neticisi Emir Gelen, "TikTok'un tàºm kullanƒ±cƒ±larƒ±mƒ±z iàßin gàºvenli bir platform olarak kalmasƒ±nƒ± saƒülamak adƒ±na àßalƒ±≈ümalarƒ±mƒ±za tàºm hƒ±zƒ±yla devam edeceƒüiz." dedi. (2024-04-29). NBA play-off'larƒ±nda Suns'ƒ± yenen Timberwolves, konferans yarƒ± finaline à߃±ktƒ±. Amerikan Basketbol Ligi (NBA) play-off ilk turunda Phoenix Suns'ƒ± 122-116 yenen Minnesota Timberwolves, seriyi 4-0 kazanarak Batƒ± Konferansƒ± yarƒ± finaline yàºkseldi. (2024-04-29). Osmanlƒ±'da sarayƒ±n doƒüal kokusu Edirne gàºlຠdàºzenlenen ≈üenlikle hasat edildi. Osmanlƒ± dà∂neminde gàºl bahàßeleriyle me≈ühur Edirne'de, gàºlcàºl຃üàºn yeniden canlandƒ±rƒ±lmasƒ± amacƒ±yla Trakya àúniversitesi Havsa Meslek Yàºksekokulu bahàßesinde yeti≈ütirilen gàºller dàºzenlenen ≈üenlikle hasat edildi. (2024-04-29). Sakarya'dan yƒ±lƒ±n ilk àßeyreƒüinde 42 bin 845 araàß ihraàß edildi. Sakarya'da yƒ±lƒ±n ilk àßeyreƒüinde àºretilen 66 bin 129 aracƒ±n yàºzde 64,7'sine denk gelen 42 bin 845'i ihraàß edildi. (2024-04-29). Stoilov, takƒ±mƒ±nƒ± Sàºper Lig'e à߃±karan 6. yabancƒ± àßalƒ±≈ütƒ±rƒ±cƒ± oldu. Trendyol 1. Lig'de bitime 2 hafta kala Sàºper Lig'e à߃±kmayƒ± garantileyen Gà∂ztepe'nin Bulgar àßalƒ±≈ütƒ±rƒ±cƒ±sƒ± Stanimir Stoilov, bu alanda ba≈üarƒ±yƒ± yakalayan 6. yabancƒ± isim oldu. (2024-04-29). ƒ∞nsan beyninin en net gà∂ràºntàºsàºnden ses klonlayabilen yapay zekaya nisandaki bilimsel geli≈ümeler. OpenAI, "Voice Engine" teknolojisinin yalnƒ±zca yazƒ±lƒ± metin ve 15 saniyelik konu≈üma à∂rneƒüinden konu≈ümacƒ±nƒ±n orijinaline àßok benzeyen doƒüal sesini taklit edebildiƒüini duyurdu. (2024-04-29). ABD Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Blinken, Azerbaycan ve Ermenistan liderleriyle telefonda gà∂ràº≈ütàº. ABD Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Antony Blinken, Azerbaycan Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± ƒ∞lham Aliyev ve Ermenistan Ba≈übakanƒ± Nikol Pa≈üinyan ile yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± ayrƒ± telefon gà∂ràº≈ümelerinde, iki àºlke arasƒ±ndaki barƒ±≈ü sàºrecini ele aldƒ±. (2024-04-29). Sàºper Lig'den 7 kulàºp, PFDK'ye sevk edildi. (2024-04-29). Garanti BBVA'dan yƒ±lƒ±n ilk àßeyreƒüinde 22 milyar 479 milyon TL konsolide net kar. Garanti BBVA Genel MàºdàºrຠRecep Ba≈ütuƒü, "Gàºàßlຠsermaye yapƒ±mƒ±z ve sàºrdàºràºlebilir bàºyàºme stratejimizle, Garanti BBVA olarak Türkiye'nin ekonomik ve sosyal geli≈üimine katkƒ± saƒülamaya devam edeceƒüiz." ifadesini kullandƒ±. (2024-04-29). GàñRàú≈û – ƒ∞srail'e kar≈üƒ± boykottan en àßok hangi 5 ≈üirket zarar gà∂rdàº? Bu kez hem kapsamƒ± hem de gerekàßeleri bakƒ±mƒ±ndan daha sàºrdàºràºlebilir bir boykot tecràºbesi ya≈üƒ±yoruz. Hem hisse fiyatlarƒ± hem de satƒ±≈ülar temel alƒ±ndƒ±ƒüƒ±nda boykot sàºrecinde en àßok etkilenen ≈üirketin Starbucks olduƒüu sà∂ylenebilir. (2024-04-29). ƒ∞srail saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ± nedeniyle Refah'a sƒ±ƒüƒ±nan Filistinliler kavurucu sƒ±caklarla da màºcadele ediyor. ƒ∞srail'in 7 aydƒ±r karadan ve havadan saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±yla yerle bir ettiƒüi, yardƒ±m giri≈ülerini engelleyerek aàßlƒ±ƒüa sàºràºklediƒüi Gazze ≈ûeridi'ndeki Filistinlilerin ya≈üadƒ±ƒüƒ± zorluklara havalarƒ±n ƒ±sƒ±nmasƒ±yla bir yenisi daha eklendi. (2024-04-29). Gazze hàºkàºmeti, ƒ∞srail saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ± nedeniyle enkaz altƒ±nda kalan cesetleri à߃±karmaya ba≈üladƒ±. Gazze ≈ûeridi'ndeki Saƒülƒ±k ve Vakƒ±flar bakanlƒ±klarƒ±yla Sivil Savunma Birimi'nden olu≈üan komite, ƒ∞srail'in 7 Ekim'den bu yana geràßekle≈ütirdiƒüi saldƒ±rƒ±larda yƒ±kƒ±lan evlerin enkazƒ± altƒ±ndan cesetleri à߃±karmaya ba≈üladƒ±. (2024-04-29). ƒ∞srail sava≈ü uàßaklarƒ± Refah'ta sivillerin ya≈üadƒ±ƒüƒ± evi vurdu, 4 ki≈üi à∂ldàº. ƒ∞srail ordusunun Gazze'ye bugàºn dàºzenlediƒüi saldƒ±rƒ±larda hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybedenlerin sayƒ±sƒ± 5'i àßocuk, 10'u kadƒ±n olmak àºzere 25'e yàºkseldi. (2024-04-29). ƒ∞stanbul'da bu hafta birbirinden renkli etkinlikler dàºzenlenecek. ƒ∞stanbul'da bu hafta, geni≈ü bir yelpazede birbirinden farklƒ± etkinliklerle yerli ve yabancƒ± sanatà߃±larƒ±n katƒ±lacaƒüƒ± konser, sergi, tiyatro gà∂sterisi ve performanslar sanatseverlerle bulu≈üacak. (2024-04-29). Cumhurba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Kàºlliyesi'nde "Cumhuriyet, Gàºvenlik ve Jandarma" temalƒ± sergi aà߃±ldƒ±. Jandarma Genel Komutanlƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ±n, geàßen yƒ±l Cumhuriyet'in 100. yƒ±l dà∂nàºmຠkutlamalarƒ± kapsamƒ±nda à∂ƒürencilere yà∂nelik dàºzenlediƒüi yarƒ±≈ümaya gà∂nderilen resimlerin yer aldƒ±ƒüƒ± "Cumhuriyet, Gàºvenlik ve Jandarma" temalƒ± sergi tà∂renle aà߃±ldƒ±. (2024-04-29). Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan, CHP Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± àñzel'i 2 Mayƒ±s'ta kabul edecek. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan, CHP Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± àñzgàºr àñzel'i 2 Mayƒ±s'ta kabul edecek. (2024-04-29). Sàºper Lig'de 36. hafta maàßlarƒ±, 12 Mayƒ±s Pazar gàºnຠyapƒ±lacak. Trendyol Sàºper Lig'de 36. hafta màºsabakalarƒ±, 12 Mayƒ±s Pazar gàºnຠoynanacak. (2024-04-29). 2024 YàñK àústàºn Ba≈üarƒ± àñdàºlleri iàßin ba≈üvurular ba≈üladƒ±. Yàºksekà∂ƒüretim Kurulu (YàñK) tarafƒ±ndan verilen YàñK àústàºn Ba≈üarƒ± àñdàºlleri iàßin ba≈üvurular, 13 Mayƒ±s Pazartesi'ye kadar yapƒ±labilecek. (2024-04-29). ABD'de àºniversitelerdeki Filistin'e destek gà∂sterileri hafta sonu da devam etti. ABD genelinde biràßok farklƒ± eyalet ve àºniversitede à∂ƒürencilerin dàºzenlediƒüi Filistin'e destek gà∂sterileri hafta sonu da gà∂zaltƒ±larla devam etti. (2024-04-29). Mƒ±sƒ±r: Gazze iàßin bir ate≈ükes teklifi var. Mƒ±sƒ±r Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Samih ≈ûukri, ƒ∞srail'in 7 Ekim'den bu yana saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±nƒ± sàºrdàºrd຃üຠGazze ≈ûeridi iàßin ate≈ükes saƒülanmasƒ± konusunda bir teklifin olduƒüunu aà߃±kladƒ±. (2024-04-29). ƒ∞srail ordusu, Làºbnan'ƒ±n gàºneyine saldƒ±rƒ±lar dàºzenlediƒüini duyurdu. ƒ∞srail ordusu, Làºbnan'ƒ±n gàºneyindeki Ra≈üaya el-Fuhar ve el-Hiyam bà∂lgelerinde Hizbullah'a ait noktalara saldƒ±rƒ±lar dàºzenlediƒüini duyurdu. (2024-04-29). Trabzonspor'da Onuachu golleriyle yeniden zirvede. Ligde 6 maàß aradan sonra forma giydiƒüi Gaziantep FK maà߃±nda "hat-trick" yaparak gol sayƒ±sƒ±nƒ± 12'ye yàºkselten Nijeryalƒ± santrfor, Trezeguet'yi geride bƒ±rakarak tekrar takƒ±mƒ±nƒ±n en golcຠoyuncusu konumuna geldi. (2024-04-29). UEFA Şampiyonlar Ligi'nde yarı final heyecanı başlıyor. UEFA Şampiyonlar Ligi'nde yarı final aşamasının ilk ayağı, yarın başlayacak. (2024-04-29). Avrupa'nƒ±n geàßen yƒ±lki doƒüal gaz àºretimi yàºzde 8,2 azaldƒ±. Avrupa'nƒ±n doƒüal gaz àºretimi, sahalarda sàºren bakƒ±m àßalƒ±≈ümalarƒ± nedeniyle geàßen yƒ±l 19 milyar metrekàºp dàº≈üàº≈üle 214 milyar metrekàºpe geriledi. (2024-04-29). BIST 100 endeksi, 10.000 puanƒ± a≈üarak rekor kƒ±rdƒ±. Borsa ƒ∞stanbul'da BIST 100 endeksi, 10.008,02 puanla rekor seviyeyi gà∂rdàº. (2024-04-29). Gaziantep FK, son 5 kar≈üƒ±la≈ümada sadece bir galibiyet alabildi. Trendyol Sàºper Lig'in 34. haftasƒ±nda konuk olduƒüu Trabzonspor'a 4-2 yenilen Gaziantep FK, son 5 kar≈üƒ±la≈ümada sadece bir galibiyet alabildi. (2024-04-29). Tàúƒ∞K, turizm istatistiklerinde revizyon yaptƒ±. (2024-04-29). Zonguldak Valiliƒüi: Yapƒ±lan detaylƒ± incelemeler neticesinde, kayƒ±p denizcilere ili≈ükin bulguya rastlanƒ±lmamƒ±≈ütƒ±r. Zonguldak Valiliƒüi, Karadeniz Ereƒüli ilàßesindeki limanda batan "Kafkametler" adlƒ± yàºk gemisinin kayƒ±p personelini arama kurtarma àßalƒ±≈ümalarƒ± kapsamƒ±nda herhangi bir emareye rastlanmadƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± bildirdi. (2024-04-29). GàñRàú≈û – Uluslararasƒ± Ceza Mahkemesi Netanyahu iàßin devreye girebilir. Son gàºnlerde UCM savcƒ±sƒ± Karim Khan'ƒ±n Refah'a saldƒ±rƒ± yà∂nàºndeki sà∂zlຠbeyanlar ve fiili eylemler sebebiyle ƒ∞srailli àºst dàºzey siyasetàßiler ve askerler hakkƒ±nda davalar aàßabileceƒüi gàºndeme geliyor. (2024-04-29). Avustralya Yahudi Konseyi, Filistin destekàßisi eylemlerin Yahudi à∂ƒürencilere tehdit olduƒüu iddiasƒ±nƒ± reddetti. Avustralya Yahudi Konseyi, ƒ∞srail'in Gazze'deki saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±na kar≈üƒ± Filistinlilere destek vermek amacƒ±yla àºniversitelerde kurulan dayanƒ±≈üma kamplarƒ±nƒ±n Yahudi à∂ƒürenciler ve àßalƒ±≈üanlara tehdit olduƒüu iddiasƒ±nƒ± ≈üiddetle reddettiƒüini aà߃±kladƒ±. (2024-04-29). Volkanik càºrufta àßilek yeti≈ütiren liselilerden ilk hasat. Kocaeli'nin Derince ilàßesindeki àჱnarlƒ± Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesinde topraksƒ±z tarƒ±mƒ± uygulamalƒ± olarak à∂ƒürenen à∂ƒürenciler, volkanik càºrufta yeti≈ütirdikleri àßileklerin ilk hasadƒ±nƒ± geràßekle≈ütirdi. (2024-04-29). Almanya'da yargƒ±lanan askerden, Rusya iàßin casusluk yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± itirafƒ±. Rusya iàßin casusluk yapmakla suàßlanan 54 ya≈üƒ±ndaki Thomas H'nin yargƒ±lanmasƒ±na, Dàºsseldorf Yàºksek Eyalet Mahkemesinde ba≈ülandƒ±. (2024-04-29). Borsa haftaya rekorla ba≈üladƒ±. Borsa ƒ∞stanbul'da BIST 100 endeksi, haftaya yàºzde 0,77 yàºkseli≈üle rekor seviye olan 9.992,45 puandan ba≈üladƒ±. (2024-04-29). Bulgaristan'daki turnuvada Tàºrk yàºzàºcàºler, 52'si altƒ±n 137 madalya kazandƒ±. Bulgaristan'da dàºzenlenen 11. Yàºzme Yetenek Kupasƒ±'nda Tàºrk yàºzàºcàºler, 52 altƒ±n, 45 gàºmàº≈ü, 40 bronz olmak àºzere toplam 137 madalya elde etti. (2024-04-29). ƒ∞stanbul havalimanlarƒ±nda yƒ±lƒ±n ilk àßeyreƒüinde 831 bin 625 ton yàºk ta≈üƒ±ndƒ±. ƒ∞stanbul'daki havalimanlarƒ±ndan bu yƒ±lƒ±n ilk àßeyreƒüinde yapƒ±lan geli≈ü-gidi≈ü seferleriyle ta≈üƒ±nan 831 bin 623 bagaj, kargo ve posta yàºkàº, geàßen yƒ±lƒ±n aynƒ± dà∂nemine kƒ±yasla yàºzde 15 artƒ±≈ü gà∂sterdi. (2024-04-29). TBMM Ba≈ükanƒ± Kurtulmu≈ü, Kut'àºl Amare Zaferi'nin yƒ±l dà∂nàºmàºnຠkutladƒ±. TBMM Ba≈ükanƒ± Numan Kurtulmu≈ü, Kut'àºl Amare Zaferi'nin 108'inci yƒ±l dà∂nàºmàºnຠkutladƒ±. (2024-04-29). "Teknoloji baƒüƒ±mlƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±" ile "siber zorbalƒ±k" konularƒ± yeni màºfredatta. Milli Eƒüitim Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±nca (MEB), temel eƒüitim sosyal bilgiler màºfredatƒ±na, "dijital vatanda≈ülƒ±k", "siber zorbalƒ±k", "teknoloji baƒüƒ±mlƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±", "Kovid-19 salgƒ±nƒ±" ve "afetler" gibi konular eklendi. (2024-04-29). Bolu Daƒüƒ±'nda etkili olan sis gà∂ràº≈ü mesafesini dàº≈üàºrdàº. D-100 kara yolunun Bolu Daƒüƒ± kesiminde etkili olan sis nedeniyle sàºràºcàºler trafikte dikkatli seyretti. (2024-04-29). ULAK, TàúBƒ∞TAK desteƒüiyle 6G ve à∂tesi àßalƒ±≈ümalar iàßin ara≈ütƒ±rma laboratuvarƒ± kuracak. ULAK Haberle≈üme A≈û, yƒ±lƒ±n ikinci yarƒ±sƒ±nda TàúBƒ∞TAK desteƒüiyle "6G ve à∂tesi" haberle≈üme teknolojileri alanƒ±nda à∂ncàºl ara≈ütƒ±rma laboratuvarƒ± kuracak. (2024-04-29). Eksim Holding, yenilenebilir enerjiyle 2,5 milyon ton karbon salƒ±mƒ±nƒ± engelledi. Eksim Holding Yà∂netim Kurulu Ba≈ükan Vekili Osman Arƒ±oƒülu, "àñnàºmàºzdeki yƒ±llarda yeni yatƒ±rƒ±mlarƒ±mƒ±zƒ±n devreye girmesiyle karbon ayak izinin silinmesine ciddi katkƒ±lar saƒülayacaƒüƒ±z." dedi. (2024-04-29). Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan, MHP Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± Bahàßeli ile gà∂ràº≈üecek. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan, MHP Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± Devlet Bahàßeli'yi ziyaret edecek. (2024-04-29). ƒ∞stanbul'da haftanƒ±n ilk i≈ü gàºnàºnde trafik yoƒüunluƒüu ya≈üanƒ±yor. ƒ∞stanbul'un bazƒ± bà∂lgelerinde haftanƒ±n ilk i≈ü gàºnຠyaƒümurun da etkisiyle trafikte yoƒüunluk arttƒ±. (2024-04-29). Emtia piyasasƒ±nda belirsizlik devam ediyor. Bu hafta Fed'in faiz kararƒ± ile Fed Ba≈ükanƒ± Jerome Powell'ƒ±n sà∂zle yà∂nlendirmelerinin emtia piyasasƒ± àºzerinde etkili olmasƒ± bekleniyor. (2024-04-29). Uzmanlara gà∂re Fed'in eylàºl ayƒ±ndan à∂nce faiz indirimine gitmesi beklenmiyor. Uzmanlara gà∂re Fed'in ilk faiz indiriminin zamanƒ±na ili≈ükin tahminlerde eylàºl ayƒ± à∂ne à߃±karken, à∂ngà∂ràºler arasƒ±nda bu yƒ±l aralƒ±k ayƒ± ve 2025'in ilk àßeyreƒüi de bulunuyor. (2024-04-29). Ardahan'da 25 lise à∂ƒürencisi gƒ±da zehirlemesi ≈üàºphesiyle hastaneye ba≈üvurdu. Ardahan Valiliƒüi, kentte eƒüitim gà∂ren 25 lise à∂ƒürencisinin gƒ±da zehirlenmesi ≈üàºphesiyle hastaneye ba≈üvurduƒüunu bildirdi. (2024-04-29). Terà∂r à∂rgàºtຠPKK/YPG, Suriye'de 14 ya≈üƒ±ndaki bir àßocuƒüu silahlƒ± kadrosuna katmak iàßin kaà߃±rdƒ±. Terà∂r à∂rgàºtຠPKK/YPG, Suriye'nin kuzeyinde i≈ügal ettiƒüi Rakka ilinden 14 ya≈üƒ±ndaki bir àßocuƒüu silahlƒ± kadrosuna katmak iàßin kaà߃±rdƒ±. (2024-04-29). Bakan Bayraktar: Sakarya Gaz Sahasƒ±'nda gàºnlàºk 4,5 milyon metrekàºp gaz àºretildi. (2024-04-29). Suriye'nin kuzeyinde 2 PKK/YPG'li terà∂rist etkisiz hale getirildi. Milli Savunma Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±, Suriye'nin kuzeyinde 2 PKK/YPG'li terà∂ristin etkisiz hale getirildiƒüini bildirdi. (2024-04-29). TàúBA'dan ABD'de Filistin'e destek eylemleri yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± iàßin hedef alƒ±nan akademisyenlerle dayanƒ±≈üma mesajƒ±. (2024-04-29). Bazƒ± oto galerilerine yà∂nelik rekabet soru≈üturmasƒ± uzla≈ümayla sonuàßlandƒ±. Rekabet Kurulu, oto galerilerine yà∂nelik yàºràºtt຃üຠsoru≈üturma kapsamƒ±nda uzla≈üma sonucu Canatar Auto'ya 20 bin 515 lira ve àñzgen Gallery'ye 47 bin 292 lira idari para cezasƒ± uygulanmasƒ±nƒ± kararla≈ütƒ±rdƒ±. (2024-04-29). Almanya'nƒ±n ƒ∞srail'e desteƒüi sonlandƒ±rmasƒ± iàßin UAD'de aà߃±lan davada tedbir kararƒ± yarƒ±n aà߃±klanacak. ƒ∞srail'in Gazze'deki saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±na siyasi, mali ve askeri destek saƒülayarak "soykƒ±rƒ±m i≈ülemesini kolayla≈ütƒ±rdƒ±ƒüƒ±" gerekàßesiyle Nikaragua'nƒ±n Almanya aleyhine UAD'de aàßtƒ±ƒüƒ± davada, ihtiyati tedbirlere ili≈ükin karar yarƒ±n aà߃±klanacak. (2024-04-29). Kassam Tugaylarƒ± Làºbnan'ƒ±n gàºneyinden ƒ∞srail'e onlarca katyu≈üa roketi fƒ±rlattƒ±. Hamas'ƒ±n askeri kanadƒ± ƒ∞zzeddin el-Kassam Tugaylarƒ±nƒ±n, Làºbnan'ƒ±n gàºneyinden ƒ∞srail'e ait askeri àºsse onlarca katyu≈üa roketi fƒ±rlattƒ±ƒüƒ± belirtildi. (2024-04-29). Pilotun seralarƒ±nda topraksƒ±z tarƒ±mla àºretilen àßilekler ihraàß ediliyor. Muƒüla'nƒ±n Seydikemer ilàßesinde yolcu uàßaƒüƒ± pilotunun seralarƒ±nda topraksƒ±z tarƒ±m yà∂ntemiyle àºretilen àßilekler, yurt iàßi piyasanƒ±n yanƒ± sƒ±ra yurt dƒ±≈üƒ±na da gà∂nderiliyor. (2024-04-29). AB Daimi Temsilcisi Kaymakcƒ±'dan "Türkiye'ye diƒüer aday àºlkelerle aynƒ± muamele yapƒ±lmalƒ±" mesajƒ±. (2024-04-29). Avustralya Ba≈übakanƒ± Albanese, aile iàßi ≈üiddeti "ulusal kriz" olarak nitelendirdi. Avustralya Ba≈übakanƒ± Anthony Albanese, àºlke genelinde kadƒ±na yà∂nelik ≈üiddete kar≈üƒ± dàºzenlenen protestolarƒ±n ardƒ±ndan aile iàßi ≈üiddeti "ulusal kriz" ≈üeklinde nitelendirdi. (2024-04-29). Tàºrk boksu ringlerde fƒ±rtƒ±na gibi. Milli sporcular, 2024 Avrupa Boks ≈ûampiyonasƒ±'nƒ± 3 altƒ±n ve 2 bronz madalyayla tamamladƒ±. (2024-04-29). NATO Genel Sekreteri Stoltenberg: Ukrayna'ya daha fazla destek yolda. NATO Genel Sekreteri Jens Stoltenberg, silah teslimatlarƒ±nƒ±n hƒ±zlanmasƒ±nƒ±n à∂nemini vurgulayarak, Ukrayna'ya daha fazla desteƒüin yolda olduƒüunu sà∂yledi.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-04-29). Liz Truss and the West: A Failed Former Prime Minister Speaks. It is unfortunate that column space should be dedicated to Britain's shortest termed prime minister and, arguably, one of its most imbecilic and cringingly juvenile. But given that some people still sympathise with her and her views, it falls to one to tackle her latest work which resembles other types of the gloomy genre warning that

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). UK Unveils "Lethal" Challenger 3, Failing to Learn Lessons from Ukraine. Brian Berletic The United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense announced that the "UK's most lethal tank" has rolled off the production line. The same statement would claim that British Army soldiers are "one step closer to getting their hands on one of Europe's most lethal tanks — the Challenger 3." However, with few exceptions, the details of the Challenger 3 main…

Brian Berletic (2024-04-29). UK Unveils "Lethal" Challenger 3, Failing to Learn Lessons from Ukraine. The United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense However, with few exceptions, the details of the Challenger 3 main battle tank produced under a nearly $990 million contract with Rheinmetall BAE Systems provides only the latest example of Western military industrial production em…

Staff (2024-04-29). New Video: Groundwork's Rakeen Mabud Explains How the Federal Reserve May be Worsening the Housing Crisis. Today, Groundwork Collaborative released a new video featuring Chief Economist Dr. Rakeen Mabud, who explains how the Federal Reserve's refusal to lower interest rates is keeping housing costs high and making it more costly and more difficult for people to buy or even rent a home. The video comes ahead of the Federal Open Market …

Robert Koehler (2024-04-29). The Humble Pen Takes on the Mighty Sword. Here's an anniversary no one wants to celebrate: The Columbine school shooting — April 20, 1999 — just passed its 25th anniversary. Fifteen dead (including the two shooters), 21 injured. A new era begins . . . Why, why, why bring up such a horrific event? Perhaps because it hasn't stopped. Even though I sit

Dean Baker (2024-04-29). Bans on Non-Compete Clauses Benefit Everyone: The Case of Veterinarians. This week the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted to ban non-compete clauses in most employment contracts. These clauses, which are now widely used, prohibit workers from working for another employer, or setting up their own business, for several years after quitting a job. These clauses are very common in employment contracts for veterinarians. I mention

Lauren Lassabe Shepherd (2024-04-29). College Administrators are Falling Into a Tried and True Trap Laid by the Right. Interrogations of university leaders spearheaded by conservative congressional representatives. Calls from right-wing senators for troops to intervene in campus demonstrations. Hundreds of student and faculty arrests, with nonviolent dissenters thrown to the ground, tear-gassed and tased. We've been here before. In my book "Resistance from the Right: Conservatives and the Campus Wars in Modern America,"

Michael Albert (2024-04-29). The Devil is No Longer in Disguise. What to do. What to do. Consider our times. Do you feel, like I feel, massive confusion at what is happening out there. Even if I confine myself to considering perhaps the three largest current instances of mind madness, confusion abounds. The three are the Orange Trumpist or fascist onslaught in the U.S. and elsewhere;

Ramzy Baroud (2024-04-29). Feeding War, Killing Peace: Why the US Vetoed 'Palestine'? The outcome of the Palestine vote and the American veto at the United Nations Security Council on April 18 was predictable. Though European countries are becoming increasingly supportive of a Palestinian state, the United States is not yet ready for this commitment. These are some of the reasons that the US deputy envoy to the

Steve Early (2024-04-29). Between Big Money and A Black Socialist. In late October, 2018, East Bay DSA members and other progressives organized a pre-election rally at a Berkeley High School auditorium. A wildly-cheering crowd of several thousand came to hear Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Barbara Lee. Welcoming everyone to the event was 34-year old Jesse Arreguin, who was backed by Sanders when he

Imraan Buccus (2024-04-29). A Sombre Mood in South Africa Thirty Years After Apartheid. Ten years ago the black middle classes, of which I am part, were still in the mood to celebrate Freedom Day. For many of us our lives are fundamentally different to those of our parents and we enjoy opportunities and lifestyles of which they could only dream. But today even the black middle classes are disillusioned. The collapse of public services and infrastructure means that education, health care, security, electricity and now even water are increasingly privately sourced by those with the means placing even well-paid professionals under severe financial stress. The middle class is awash in debt and fearful o…

David Stewart (2024-04-29). Confrontation in Dunn Meadow: the Police Raids at Indiana University. Thursday afternoon, April 25th, 2024, I was doing my job making sales calls as a staffperson at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana,.My wife was walking with me on campus and we heard shouts coming from Dunn Meadow. Earlier we had seen police cars blocking off Indiana Avenue north of Kirkwood, near the Sample Gates. As

Sonali Kolhatkar (2024-04-29). India's Billionaire Wealth is on Display as Nation Votes. Indian corporate interests are counting on incumbent Modi winning another five years in office, "hoping for further easing of stifling investment restraints," as per the Financial Times. This dismantling of regulations, which began a few decades before the BJP gained power, ushered in an erosion of India's socialist infrastructure. Economists Subhashree Banerjee and Yash Tayal explained in the Deccan Herald, that India's 1991 reforms ended up "liberalizing the Indian economy to an unprecedented extent. These reforms facilitated an environment for the wealthy to profit from the less-affluent without repercussions.

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-29). Bipartisan Bill Would Create 'Antisemitism Monitors' at College Campuses.

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-29). US, Philippines Working on Intelligence Sharing Deal Amid China Tensions. The US and the Philippines are working on a new intelligence-sharing deal as tensions are soaring between Manila and Beijing in the South China Sea. The Defense Post reported that US and Philippine officials discussed the potential agreement, known as the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA), during talks held in Washington last week. …

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-29). US To Spend $320 Million Constructing Gaza Pier. The US military's estimate of the cost to construct a pier on the coast of Gaza has risen to $320 million, Reuters reported on Monday. The estimate is double what the military initially expected the project to cost. The construction has already begun and involves 1,000 US troops operating just off the coast of Gaza, …

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-29). NATO Chief Says Allies Haven't Been Delivering Arms to Ukraine Fast Enough. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made an unannounced visit to Kyiv on Monday and took aim at his own alliance for its pace of weapons deliveries to Ukraine. "I know that serious delays in support have meant serious consequences on the battlefield," Stoltenberg said at a joint press conference with President Volodymyr Zelensky. "For months, the …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-29). Who is the head of the snake behind the Great Reset, Covid and Global Warming hoaxes? Reporter and author Elizabeth Nickson delves into the groups and aims of those behind the agenda being implemented in the West. Having grown up in a privileged home in Canada, she is … (2024-04-29). Melania Trump plans to do THIS if Donald Trump jailed. Melania Trump to continue her life with son Barron Trump… (2024-04-29). Special one US dollar bills can make your rich! Here's how. These $1 bills may be worth up to $150,000… (2024-04-29). Scotland's Humza Yousaf quitting as first minister: reports. Senior source says Yousaf, who is set to face a vote of no-confidence later this week, may "call it quits" (2024-04-29). Donald Trump or Joe Biden: Who is more successful as president. Poll reveals Sitting and former US presidents nominees of their respective parties… (2024-04-29). Humza Yousaf resigns as Scotland's First Minister after power-sharing deal fails. Media reports earlier claimed that Humza Yousaf was set to submit his resignation… (2024-04-29). How will new $35bn terminal change Dubai's Al Maktoum airport. Dubai's Al Maktoum Int'l Airport to handle all DXB operations after new terminal is completed…

Ahmed Adel (2024-04-29). More Than Half of Americans Criticise Financing $61 Billion to Ukraine.

Steven Sahiounie (2024-04-29). US University Students in the Millions Are Demanding Freedom in Palestine.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2024-04-29). The March to the Third World War Continues. Dr. Paul C. Roberts.

Global Research News (2024-04-29). Selected Articles: "How Dare You?" Alternative Perspectives on "Non-Existent" Human-Generated Climate Change. By

Dr. William Makis (2024-04-29). Apricots, Apricot Seeds and Cancer: A Quick Review of the Recent Science and Controversies Behind Amygdalin, Laetrile, Vitamin B17.

Mike Whitney (2024-04-29). Ukraine War: Washington Moves On to Plan B.

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2024-04-29). Hijacking a Movement: Attempts to Criminalize Pro-Palestine Student Protests Across US College Campuses.

Children's Health Defense (2024-04-29). Video: COVID Nurse Whistleblower.

Felicity Arbuthnot (2024-04-29). The Second Fall of Babylon. Felicity Arbuthnot.

Uriel Araujo (2024-04-29). The Deployment of NATO Combat Troops in Ukraine, "Arriving in Large Numbers"

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2024-04-29). Covid mRNA Jabs Could "Trigger Dementia"? Prion Production and Neurodegenerative Diseases? Evidence.

Oakland Sin Fronteras (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/1: Oakland Sin Fronteras International Workers' Day March & Resource Fair. Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay St.

Free Palestine! (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/1: Modesto: Workers Unite for Palestine – May Day 2024. 10th Street Plaza, Modesto…

Campesina Womb Justice (2024-04-29). Sunday 5/12: Beach Flats Community Garden Festival. 10am: Beach Flats Bike Ride in Solidarity with Palestine, Meet at Town Clock | 11am-1pm: Healing Clinic for Beach Flat Madrecitas | 1pm: Barrio Poetry at Poet's Park…

Phil Pasquini (2024-04-29). Iranian Rapper's Death Sentence Sparks Outrage, Global Rallies. Popular Iranian dissident, rapper and hip-hop artist Toomaj Salehi, a 33-year-old former factory worker known for his protest songs and social media posts critical of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has been sentenced to death after being convicted of "spreading corruption on earth" charges. The sentence has been globally condemned including by the State Department's office of the U.S. Special Envoy for Iran by calling for his release and that of Kurdish-Iranian rapper Saman Yasin.

Disability Rights California (2024-04-29). Thursday 5/2: Reasonable Accommodations in Housing Workshop w/ Disablity Rights CA. Online event…

Unite Here! Local 19 (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/1: Unite Here! May 1 Day of Action. Convention Center San Jose, Main entrance, 150 W. San Carlos, San Jose…

San José May Day (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/1: San José May Day March. Roosevelt Park, 901 E Santa Clara St., San José…

Angela (2024-04-29). Saturday 5/18: Virtual event: In Water & Light: Poetry Vigils for Palestine. Zoom |…

Sonoma State Liberation Encampment (2024-04-29). Sunday 4/28: Sonoma State Liberation Encampment: Study Group & Community Protest. Person Lawn, Sonoma State University…

NorCal Resist (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/1: May Day Community Art Build at California State Capitol. California State Capitol, 1315 10th St, Sacramento…

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-04-29). UC Berkeley Palestine Support Encampment – April 28. About fifty more tents. Many middle aged supporters present…

SJSU Human Rights Institute, SJP, more (2024-04-29). Tuesday 4/30: Eyewitness Account of Gaza War w/ Humanitarian Doctor, Mohammed Subeh MD at SJSU. SJSU Science Building Room 258 | At 4th Street and Swenson Gate | Downtown San Jose…

independent effort (2024-04-29). The Do-It-Yourself Occupation Guide 2024 Edition. Buildings are easier to defend than outdoor camps AND they can be more disruptive. For anyone ready to escalate for Gaza, check out this re-issue of a text that has been used in previous movements.

Angela (2024-04-29). Friday 5/3: Power Half Hour for Gaza. Zoom | http: //…

Fabio Vighi (2024-04-29). Trust in Institutions and the War Dividend. Even if almost no one wants to admit it, our "system" is obsolete, and for this reason it is now morphing into a "closed system" — totalitarian in nature. It is equally clear that the few who continue to benefit materially from the capitalist system (the 0.1%) are willing to do whatever it takes to prolong its obsolete existence. Debt is issued from one door and purchased from another.

Sacramento DSA (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/1: Sacramento DSA May Day Picnic. Albert Winn Park, 1616 24th Street, Sacramento…

Student Body Votes to Support Divestment (2024-04-29). Stanford Encampment for Palestine Serene for Now: Night 4. Students sat with laptops studying at the encampment on the fourth night of the current sit-in. About a dozen protesters took up a crocheting project. Stanford administration shut down the previous 120-day overnight camp for Palestine in February.

May 1st Coalition (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/1: Sonoma County International Workers' Day March & Rally. Sheriff's Office, 2796 Ventura Ave, Santa Rosa…

May Day Coalition (2024-04-29). Wednesday 5/1: San Francisco Jobs with Justice May Day March. 24th Street BART near Farolito (SF) – 2800 Mission St, San Francisco…

Angela (2024-04-29). Friday 5/3: Webinar: Palestine Solidarity Announcements.

Angela (2024-04-29). Friday 5/3: Virtual Action Hour. Zoom |…

Pat Kunstenaar (2024-04-29). Updated List of Protests at Colleges, Universities. Updated list of colleges and universities where students are protesting the decimation of Gaza and Palestinians…

Sarah Anderson (2024-04-29). Southern Autoworkers' Union Drives Can Help Reverse Decades of Job Quality Decline. The United Auto Workers recently scored the largest union victory in decades in the South. Their success at a Tennessee Volkswagen plant could be a turning point for labor in a region long known for governmental hostility to unions. The next test will be a UAW election scheduled for the week of May 13 at …

Chris Mills Rodrigo (2024-04-29). Looking for a Better Paying Job? Good News.

Jason Ditz (2024-04-29). Al-Qaeda Bombing Kills Six Members of South Yemen Secessionist Force. An explosive device struck a military vehicle carrying troops belonging to the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC) force today in Yemen, killing at least 6 and wounding 11. The attack was immediately blamed on al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and took place in south Yemen's Abyan Province. AQAP has long had a presence in …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-29). Canada: Calls for Invoking War Measures Act Against Pro-Palestine Protests. Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba The colonial empire strikes back. Mass arrests and martial law are now openly being called for by the reactionary Zionist forces in the colonial periphery of Canada and the United States of America, in coordinated fashion with the ramping up of repressive tactics by the state, against pro-Palestine youth. The Sith lords…

marketing (2024-04-29). Burnout Hits People With Creative Jobs Too Here's How To Avoid It #Burnout #Hits #People #Creative #Jobs #Here's #Avoid #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Burnout is a state of mental and physical exhaustion, usually related to your work situation. Paradoxically, the more passionate and responsible you are, the more likely …

marketing (2024-04-29). Mangroves: We Used Freely-Available Satellite Images To Track Climate-Resilient Forests #Mangroves: #Used #Freely-Available #Satellite #Images #Track #Climate-Resilient #Forests #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Mangroves are one of most important ecosystems on the world's coasts. They absorb the impact of storms, prevent erosion, provide food and safety for fish and other …

marketing (2024-04-29). Andy And The Odd Socks: How A Rock Concert For Kids Sends A Powerful Message About Social Identity #Andy #Socks: #Rock #Concert #Kids #Sends #Powerful #Message #About #Social #Identity #Cinema #Music #Movie #Disney #Netflix. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Like many parents, the music I find myself listening to has drastically changed since having children. My young children are fans of Andy and the Odd Socks , the band …

marketing (2024-04-29). Electric Cars Pile Up At European Ports As Chinese Firms Struggle To Find Buyers #Electric #Cars #Pile #European #Ports #Chinese #Firms #Struggle #Find #Buyers #Airports #Flights #Cars #Vessels #Electric #Vechicle. (MENAFN – The Conversation) China's automotive industry has revolutionised over the past decade, from producing basic western clones to making cars that equal the world's best. As the manufacturing …

marketing (2024-04-29). Gum Arabic From Africa's Acacia Trees In The Sahel Is Used In Hundreds Of Products: What's Worth Knowing #Arabic #Africa's #Acacia #Trees #Sahel #Used #Hundreds #Products: #What's #Worth #Knowing #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment. (MENAFN – The Conversation) The conflict in Sudan has turned attention to a rarely discussed commodity: gum arabic. This product, the dried sap of certain species of acacia trees, is used mainly as …

marketing (2024-04-29). Mpox: Why The Virus's Continued, Rapid Mutation Since The 2022 Global Outbreak Remains A Concern #Mpox: #Virus's #Continued, #Rapid #Mutation #2022 #Global #Outbreak #Remains #Concern #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic. (MENAFN – The Conversation) In 2022, as the world was slowly beginning to recover from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, an outbreak of mpox then still called monkeypox began spreading at an …

marketing (2024-04-29). Queen Macbeth By Val Mcdermid: An Invigorating Romp That Cleaves To The Real History Of Macbeth's Wife #Queen #Macbeth #Mcdermid: #Invigorating #Romp #That #Cleaves #Real #History #Macbeth's #Wife #School #University #Collage #Teach #Student. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Out, damned spot, Lady Macbeth famously says as she wrings her hands, attempting to remove a bloodstain her guilt-ridden mind has conjured. Her hands are clean in …

marketing (2024-04-29). Most Kids Are Only Coached By Men In Junior Sport Women Need To Be Part Of The Picture, Too #Most #Kids #Only #Coached #Junior #Sport #Women #Need #Part #Picture, #Premier #League #Serie #A #La #Liga #Champions #League #Ronaldo #Messi. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Ask your son or daughter, niece, or nephew to draw you a picture of a sport coach. They will most probably draw a man. Why?Our latest research published in the …

marketing (2024-04-29). Many Old Books Contain Toxic Chemicals Here's How To Spot Them #Many #Books #Contain #Toxic #Chemicals #Here's #Spot #Them #School #University #Collage #Teach #Student. (MENAFN – The Conversation) In our modern society, we rarely consider books to be dangerous items. However, certain books contain elements so hazardous that they require scrutiny before being …

marketing (2024-04-29). What Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health #What #Your #Feet #Tell #About #Your #Health #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic. (MENAFN – The Conversation) From skin to hair , scabs and even tears , the external appearance of the body can offer clues about the state of your health. But there's another part of the anatomy …

marketing (2024-04-29). Is The Rwanda Plan Acting As A Deterrent? Here's What The Evidence Says About This Approach #Rwanda #Plan #Acting #Deterrent? #Here's #What #Evidence #About #This #Approach #Facebook #Twitter #Meta #Instagram #TikTok. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Tensions are rising between the UK and Ireland, as asylum seekers cross into Ireland from Northern Ireland , reportedly fearing that if they remain in the UK, they will …

marketing (2024-04-29). Ghosted, Orbited, Breadcrumbed? A Psychotherapist Breaks Down Some Perils Of Digital Dating And How To Cope #Ghosted, #Orbited, #Breadcrumbed? #Psychotherapist #Breaks #Some #Perils #Digital #Dating #Cope #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Buzzwords describing the digital dating scene are all over social media. Have you been ghosted? Is someone orbiting you? Are you being breadcrumbed? While these dating …

Rayhan Uddin (2024-04-29). UAE cancels meetings with UK ministers in spat over Sudan war. UAE cancels meetings with UK ministers in spat over Sudan war | Abu Dhabi 'angered' after UK did not defend it as Sudan's UN representative accused Emirates of supporting the RSF | | Sudanese security forces patrol in a commercial district in the city of Gedaref in eastern Sudan on 3 April…

Ragip Soylu (2024-04-29). Turkey backs Dutch PM Mark Rutte as the next Nato chief. Turkey backs Dutch PM Mark Rutte as the next Nato chief | Ankara expects Rutte to be more sensitive on fight against terrorism and consider Turkish input in running Nato | | Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) shakes hands with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte (L) during a joint press c…

Staff (2024-04-29). SC notice to Centre as 'non-believer' Muslim woman favours succession law. New Delhi : The Supreme Court on Monday sought responses from the Centre and the Kerala government on a plea of a non-believer Muslim woman that instead of Shariat, she wanted to be governed by the secular Indian succession law to deal with her ancestral property rights. Safiya P M, a resident of Alappuzha and …

Staff (2024-04-29). Hindu Muslim Debate: Let's understand each other. By Syed Ilyas Basha Hindus and Muslims in India form over 90% of its population. Both have been living here together for centuries. Though they follow different faiths, have distinctive places of worship, there are similarities in many living conditions and styles. For centuries India has been an ideal example of social amity as a …

Staff (2024-04-29). Rahmani30 Makes History: 86% of students (176 out of 205) pass JEE mains entrance exam. By Muslim Mirror Desk In a groundbreaking achievement, Rahmani30 celebrates a historic milestone as 176 out of 205 students successfully pass the JEE Mains 2024, qualifying them for the prestigious JEE Advanced examination. The program, known for its excellence in preparing students for challenging tests, has seen its success rate soar to approximately 86% this …

Staff (2024-04-29). Crackdown on pro-Gaza university demos reveals West's true face : Ebrahim Raisi. Tehran : Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has described the ongoing pro-Gaza university protests in Western countries as a big event, saying that authorities' crackdown against those demonstrations has revealed the true face of Western civilization. The protests by university students and academics as well as elites in Western countries, which are held in support of …

Laurel Sutherlin (2024-04-29). How banks and investors are fueling a global biodiversity crisis. Commercial financial flows to the forest-risk commodity sectors are driving the majority of tropical deforestation.

Alexandra Jacobo (2024-04-29). Violent arrest of Emory Professor spotlights brutality of police crackdown on campus protests. Emory University incident raises alarms: Academic community questions police response to peaceful campus protests amid growing national debate on academic freedom and civil liberties.

Tings Chak (2024-04-29). Art is the expression of our struggle. Creating as a collective subject: | 40 years ago, out of the embers of a 21-year military dictatorship and following the legacy of peasant leagues and revolutionary Christian movements of Brazil, the

Peoples Health Dispatch (2024-04-29). Countdown to consensus: will the Pandemic Treaty deliver global health equity? Negotiations surrounding the Pandemic Treaty continue as the deadline for endorsing the new mechanism approaches. However, the version under discussion fails to address critical issues pertaining to health equity…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-29). Jardines del Rey, perfect setting for FITCuba 2024. Havana, Apr 29 (Prensa Latina) The 42nd edition of the International Tourism Fair FITCuba 2024 will be held May 1 through 5 in Jardines del Rey, a place preferred by many travelers, especially Russians and Europeans in general, according to authorities.

Staff (2024-04-29). World Press Freedom Day: Independent Media, Social Justice, and the Vox Populi. This week on the Project Censored Show, in advance of World Press Freedom Day, Mickey talks to media scholar Andrew Kennis about his recent book, Digital Age Resistance: Journalism, Social Movements, and the Media Dependence Model. They talk about how legacy media frame various social movements, applying the "worthy and…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). En Cuba llega Feria Nacional de Artesanía Arte para mamá. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) La Feria Nacional de Artesanía Arte para mamá, evento de carácter anual, se desarrollará en esta capital del 2 al 11 de mayo, según anunció el Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales (FCBC).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). Crisis en Sudán al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) La crisis en Sudán reunirá hoy al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU mientras aumentan las tensiones en la ciudad de El Fasher, ahora asediada por las Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido (RSF).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). Venezuela: CNE inicia auditorias rumbo a elecciones presidenciales. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) El Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) de Venezuela inicia hoy el programa de auditorías con la revisión del software de las máquinas de votación.

noreply (2024-04-29). I Call It A Unison…

TASS (2024-04-29). Ireland facing influx of illegal migrants from UK. "This country will not in any way shape or form provide a loophole for anybody else's migration challenges," Prime Minister of republic Simon Harris said…

TASS (2024-04-29). Russia keeps minimum stock of blood components — federal agency. "Every day plenty of patients require transfusion aid," the official added…

TASS (2024-04-29). Georgian ex-minister detained at rally in Tbilisi against bill on foreign agents. Alexi Petriashvili was detained during skirmishes with police, when protesters tried to break the cordon of law enforcement personnel and rush into the stage in front of the parliament…

TASS (2024-04-29). Russian envoy attends solemn event dedicated to liberation of Sachsenhausen death camp. Participants the mourning events laid flowers and wreaths to three memorials…

TASS (2024-04-29). Number of flooded homes in Russia drops to 9,341. Most of the flooded homes are in the Orenburg, Kurgan and Tyumen regions…

TASS (2024-04-29). Infrastructure facility suffers damage in Kiev-controlled part of Kherson Region. No details provided…

TASS (2024-04-29). Battlegroup South improves frontline positions — Russian Defense Ministry. Forces of Russia's Battlegroups East and West have moved to more advantageous positions in the special military operation zone…

TASS (2024-04-29). Police lifts cordon near parliament building in Tbilisi. The situation was the most tense there during the rally but the decision was made to lift the cordon after protesters started leaving the street…

TASS (2024-04-29). Minsk, Moscow agree on next tranche for import substitution. "The issue of developing a joint shipbuilding program" is being under review now within the framework of cooperation with Russia," Alexander Rogozhnik said…

TASS (2024-04-29). Musk sees plans for ten-year security agreement for Ukraine as 'insane'. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said earlier that Ukrainian and US officials were discussing the amount of military, financial and other aid to Kiev for the next ten years as part of talks on a bilateral security agreement…

TASS (2024-04-29). Gazprom delivering 41.9 mln cubic meters of gas to Europe through Ukraine via Sudzha. The volume also stood at 42.4 mln cubic meters on April 28…

TASS (2024-04-29). German minister highlights Soviet troops' role in liberating Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. According to German Agriculture Minister Cem Ozdemir, the lesson of National Socialism is that war must never happen again…

TASS (2024-04-29). Russian forces liberate settlement of Semyonovka in Donetsk People's Republic. Inflicting a defeat on forces of the 68th Infantry Brigade, the 23rd and 115th mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian armed forces, the 109 Territorial Defense Brigade and mercenaries from the International Legion near Novoalexandrovka, Arkhangelskoye, Tarasovka and Zavetonoye in the Donetsk People's Republic…

TASS (2024-04-29). European banks' tax payments in Russia rise four-fold in 2023 — newspaper. The Financial Times notes that more than half of the European banks' tax payments correspond to Austria's Raiffeisen Bank International…

TASS (2024-04-29). Cosmonauts accomplished spacewalking tasks ahead of time. Cosmonauts deployed a small-size radio detector on the Science module surface and installed experimental equipment outside the Search module during EVA…

TASS (2024-04-29). Imedi TV Channel reporter injured in Tbilisi during clashes. Lana Pogosova "was injured when protest action participants attempted to break through metal fencing," the TV channel said…

TASS (2024-04-29). Chinese diplomat comments on Blinken's warning on support to Russia. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian pointed out that the US was supplying Ukraine with arms and ammunition and at the same time making unfounded accusations regarding trade between China and Russia…

TASS (2024-04-29). US defeat in Ukraine only matter of time, says North Korean Defense Ministry official. The head of the North Korean Defense Ministry's Department of External Military Affairs slammed the US for pushing for an escalation of the conflict and trying to change the situation in Ukraine at any cost…

TASS (2024-04-29). British maritime agency reports another incident off Yemen coast. Vessels are advised to transit with caution and report any suspicious activity to UKMTO…

TASS (2024-04-29). Xi Jinping to pay official visit to Serbia on May 7-8. It was previously reported that Xi Jinping will visit France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to May 10…

TASS (2024-04-29). Russian drone operators destroy Ukrainian positions near Semyonovka, Spornoye. Troops of the combat group "South" destroyed Ukrainian positions near two settlements…

TASS (2024-04-29). Russia's Dnepr Battlegroup destroys 21 Ukrainian drone control centers in past day. The Ukrainian armed forces lost up to 50 militants, an M777 howitzer, ten mortars, five boats, said Kherson Region Governor Vladimir Saldo…

TASS (2024-04-29). First court hearing on Gagauzia head Gutul's case scheduled for April 30. According to Moldova's single judicial website, the hearing will take place in Chisinau's Buiucani District court…

TASS (2024-04-29). Senators to consider within week candidates for heads of foreign, security ministries. The decision of the Federation Council will be formalized as a resolution, which senators are to vote for at a plenary session…

TASS (2024-04-29). About 200 people taking part in protest action in Washington University — organizer. The tent camp was set on the University courtyard and in the street adjacent to it…

TASS (2024-04-29). First group of suspected coup plotters goes on trial in Germany. Federal prosecutors filed charges in the case against a total of 27 people…

TASS (2024-04-29). Two police officers killed in militant attack in Russia's North Caucasus. Several improvised explosive devices were found at the scene…

TASS (2024-04-29). Mortar gunners destroy about ten Ukrainian servicemen. Russian fighters occupied better positions owing to accurate mortar fire and concerted action…

TASS (2024-04-29). British maritime agency reports another incident off Yemen coast. According to the British maritime security company Ambrey, a Malta-flagged container ship came under attack while on route from Djibouti to the Saudi port of Jeddah…

TASS (2024-04-29). Dollar, euro in the red as trading session kicks off. Yuan ticked up by 0.25 kopecks to 12.7 rubles…

TASS (2024-04-29). US authorizes energy-related transactions with Russian banks until November 1. According to the document, the banks in question include the Central Bank of Russia, VTB, Alfa Bank, Sberbank, Vneshekonombank, Otkrytiye, Sovkombank, Rosbank, Zenit and Sankt-Peterburg…

TASS (2024-04-29). Russian troops recover first Abrams tank from special military operation zone. It will be put on public display at the Patriot Park on Poklonnaya Hill…

TASS (2024-04-29). Japanese yen falls record low against dollar — trading data. For the first time since April 1990, the dollar climbed above 160 yens…

TASS (2024-04-29). Humza Yousaf steps down as Scotland's first minister. Scotland's first minister Humza Yousaf also asked to start the fight for leadership to replace him as soon as possible…

TASS (2024-04-29). NATO has had no designs against Russia, will never have them, Blinken claims. During the July 2023 summit in Vilnius, NATO leaders called Russia "the most serious and direct threat to security"

TASS (2024-04-29). US secretary of state says 'measurable progress' seen in Gaza humanitarian situation. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also urged better deconfliction with humanitarian assistance workers, and greater efficiency in the distribution of aid among the affected residents of the enclave…

TASS (2024-04-29). Kiev openly flaunts involvement in murder of Russian journalists — Russian mission to UN. Dmitry Polyansky noted that Russian journalist Daria Dugina, military reporter Vladlen Tatarsky, Tavriya broadcasting company editor-in-chief Rostislav Zhuravlyov, Rossiya-24 TV reporter Boris Maksudov were killed by Ukrainian intelligence agencies and their agents…

TASS (2024-04-29). About 2,000 people to be evacuated in North Poland due to unexploded ordnance. The unexploded ordnance was found near a retail site in Kazimierz on April 25…

TASS (2024-04-29). NATO defense ministers to discuss support for Ukraine in Brussels on May 16. The first session will see the Chiefs of Defense meet in a NATO-Ukraine Council format to discuss Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the situation on the ground, and NATO and Allied continued support to Ukraine…

TASS (2024-04-29). Winner of Moscow Half Marathon sets new competition record. The runner covered the 21.1 kilometers in one hour, two minutes and 39 seconds…

Paul Craig Roberts (2024-04-29). The Shieldmaiden Takes the Field Against The Destroyers of the West. A young Dutch female lawyer has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, French, Italians, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarians, with towers of babel. In our world today, as in George Orwell's novel 1984, words are turned upside down and have the opposite of their meaning. Diversity now means "sameness" with no country's population corresponding to the ethnicity of its name. Destroying the diversity afforded by white ethnic nations is the goal of the EU tyrants and "President" Biden who recently stat…

Ramona Wadi (2024-04-29). Knowledge Production in Higher Education Between Europe and the Middle East. Book Editor(s): Michelle Pace, Jan Claudius Và∂lkel | Published Date: 2023 | Publisher: Manchester University Press | ISBN-13: 9781526160577 | The perception of education has "historically been seen as enriching one's Self through the encounter with an Other", and this sets the scene for the collection of essays published in Knowledge Production in Higher Education Between Europe and the Middle East (Manchester University Press, 2023), edited by Michelle Pace and Jan Claudius Và∂lkel. Higher education provides the space and the methods for various types of learning, woven tightly into the political and s…

_____ (2024-04-29). Implication of Mathematics in Human Experience from an AI Perspective. 29 Apr 2024 – From Sexual Attraction to Existential Preoccupations of Discipline Practitioners – Scientists (and notably mathematicians) pride themselves on their objectivity and tend systematically to deprecate anything characterized as subjective or experiential.

_____ (2024-04-29). Don't Equate Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism.

_____ (2024-04-29). Complexity in Modern Lifestyles. The world that we see around us is complex and trying to live meaningfully in it, is not easy both physically and mentally.

_____ (2024-04-29). The World Dumps 2,000 Truckloads of Plastic into the Ocean Each Day: Here's Where a Lot of It Ends Up. 23 Apr 2024 – The western coast of Java in Indonesia is popular with surfers for its world-famous breaks. There's a majestic underwater world to explore, too. But it's impossible to surf or snorkel without running into plastic water bottles, single-use cups and food wrappers.

_____ (2024-04-29). 50 Years: Portugal's Carnation Revolution. 25 April 1974: what began as a military coup led by young officers who had participated in Portugal's colonial wars became a revolution of the people. Red carnations were placed by people in the barrels of the insurgents' guns.

_____ (2024-04-29). The Rise of an Artificial Intelligence Messiah. I asked Claude 3, a low-level no-cost AI available from, to outline a video series on the rise of an AI Messiah. Claude 3 did so in less than ten seconds, coming up with the dramatic and nuanced plot-sequence below.

_____ (2024-04-29). Howard Richards (10 Jun 1938 — 7 Apr 2024) RIP. Dr. Howard Richards was a member of the TRANSCEND Network and a philosopher of social science based in Chile, working also in South Africa. He was a Research Professor of Philosophy at Earlham College in Indiana, a Quaker school where he taught for thirty-five years. Howard will always be in our hearts as one of our most brilliant thinkers. RIP…

tvbrics (2024-04-29). All about innovations in Russia from 1 May. Several new rules and laws will come into effect…

tvbrics (2024-04-29). Business mission of Tunisia to establish trade and economic relations to be held in St. Petersburg. The Centre for Export Promotion (Cepex) to host business mission for Tunisian companies to reach the Russian market…

tvbrics (2024-04-29). Brazilian state creates logistics committee to ensure G20 security. The Rio state government launches Logistics Committee that brings together representatives of the secretariats that coordinate security for the forum's events…

tvbrics (2024-04-29). Chinese scientists discover 46 subglacial lakes in Antarctica. They used a novel approach in the research…

Kate Litman (2024-04-29). The Weekly Round-Up: Coroner criticises indeterminate prison sentences and hundreds of protest arrests made in the US. In UK News At the conclusion of the inquest into the death of Scott Rider, the coroner described Rider's treatment in prison as "inhumane and indefensible". Rider died by suicide in June 2022 after serving 17 years of an "imprisonment for public protection" (IPP) sentence, a form of indeterminate prison sentence. A few weeks before …

| REUTERS | (2024-04-29). Ukraine pulls back from three villages in east, Zelenskiy pleads for weapons. Ukraine's top commander said on Sunday Kyiv's outnumbered troops had fallen back to new positions west of three villages on the eastern front where Russia has concentrated significant forces in several locations. | The statement by Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi reflected Ukraine's deteriorating position in the east that Kyiv hopes it can stabilise once it takes delivery of US weapons under a $61 billion aid package approved this week. | "The situation at the front has worsened," Syrskyi wrote on the Telegram app, describing the "most difficult" areas as west of occupied Maryinka and northwest of Avdiivka,…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Swiss Daily Speculates Russia Will Liberate Donbass 'By October,' Forcing Ukraine to Negotiate. As Russian forces advance steadily in the military op zone, Ukraine has been racking up battlefront failures. Facing a drastic shortage of military personnel, with growing numbers of fighting-age men dying in combat, deserting, or dodging the draft, top commander Oleksandr Syrsky recently acknowledged the "difficult" situation facing Kiev's forces.

unitedEditor (2024-04-29). Is the Istanbul option gaining strength again in the Ukrainian conflict? Ukraine has refused to conclude peace talks in Istanbul in April 2022 due to a number of Russian demands. This was reported by the German newspaper Die Welt. The draft treaty shows that the countries agreed on the conditions for ending the conflict. Only a few points remained unresolved, which were to be personally discussed …

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Watch Russian Akatsiya Self-Propelled Artillery Rain Doom on Ukrainian Positions. Russia's 2S3 Akatsiya is a highly capable self-propelled artillery system designed for long-range fire support. It is equipped with a powerful 152 mm cannon, capable of firing various types of ammunition, including high-explosive, illumination, and smoke projectiles.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Watch Russian Forces Evacuate First US-Made M1 Abrams Tank From Front Line. In September 2023, the US confirmed that Abrams tanks had begun to arrive in Ukraine. In total, the Biden administration promised to give Kiev 31 Abrams tanks.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). DPRK Slams US 'Harassers of Peace' Over Delivery of ATACMS Missiles to Zelensky 'Puppet Clique'. A Defense Department spokesperson confirmed to Sputnik last week that the Pentagon had provided long-range Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles to Ukraine at President Biden's direction as part of an arms aid package announced in March. Russia has repeatedly warned the US about the escalatory threats posed by the delivery of such weapons.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Russian Tanks Give Ukrainian Amy Hell, Wiping Out Its Strongholds. Tank crews in the Russian Armed Forces are highly trained and experienced professionals responsible for the operation and maintenance of the country's extensive tank fleet. They play a crucial role on the battlefield, ensuring that Russian ground forces maintain their operational effectiveness.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Ukraine Continues Assault on Human Rights as Western Sponsors Turn a Blind Eye. President Joe Biden has touted the NATO-Russia proxy war in Ukraine as a "battle between democracy and autocracy," overlooking Kiev's backsliding on elections (which have been canceled), and political, speech, and religious rights and freedoms (which have been curtailed). Now, observers fear that an even more severe clampdown may be on the horizon.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Agreement on Ukraine's NATO Membership Not Expected at Washington Summit in July – Stoltenberg. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – An agreement on Ukraine's membership in NATO is not expected at the alliance's summit in Washington this summer, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Watch Russian FPV Drones Hammer Ukrainian Positions. The Russian Armed Forces use kamikaze drones, also known as suicide drones or loitering munitions, in their modern warfare arsenal. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are designed to locate and destroy high-value targets, such as enemy armored vehicles, infrastructure, and troop concentrations.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Ukrainian Army Withdraws Abrams Tanks From Front Line Due to Overly High Expectations – Report. In late September 2023, the White House confirmed that Abrams tanks had begun to arrive in Ukraine. In total, the Biden administration promised to give Kiev 31 Abrams tanks.

WSWS (2024-04-29). Australian defence minister in Ukraine, backs US-NATO war against Russia. Marles' visit confirmed that Australia is now providing lethal aid to Ukraine, making it a de facto participant in the US-NATO conflict with Russia.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). 'Delusional' 10-Year Ukraine Funding Plan May Be Straw That Breaks US Economic Empire's Back. Kiev has revealed that it's negotiating with Washington on an ambitious new assistance package which would provide Ukraine with military, financial and political support into the mid-2030s. Economist and author Dr. Rodney Shakespeare explains why the idea could very well become the straw that broke the US economic empire's back.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). German General Warns of 'Fatal Mistake' NATO Will Make If Ukraine Proxy War Continues. Sparked by a bleeding wound of a security crisis in the Donbass and NATO's fanatical push to absorb Ukraine into the Western bloc, the Ukrainian proxy war could become even more destructive than it has been up to now if the collective West doesn't return to its senses, a veteran German general fears.

WSWS (2024-04-29). US to send largest weapons shipment yet to Ukraine. On Friday, the US Defense Department announced it was sending its largest weapons order to Ukraine to date, totaling $6 billion, after President Joe Biden signed into law a $95 billion military spending bill last Wednesday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Ukraine's Push for Security Pact With US Foreshadows 'Looming Military Collapse' – Ex-US DoD Analyst. After US President Joe Biden signed into law a $61 billion aid package for the Kiev regime earlier in the week, Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Sunday that Kiev and Washington were working on a long-term bilateral security agreement. Kiev has already signed a number of 10-year security agreements with NATO countries.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). US Aid Can't Buy Troops: Ukrainian Soldier Says 'No One' Willing to Join Army. The service member expressed pessimism over the Ukrainian military's dire straits, noting the ubiquity of draft dodging in the country.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Western Banks Pay Over $850Mln in Taxes in Russia in 2023 – Reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The largest European banks that continue to operate in Russia paid more than 800 million euros ($857 million) in taxes in 2023, which is four times more than before the start of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, the Financial Times reported on Monday.

unitedEditor (2024-04-29). The port of Chancay in Peru: Reason for a new War of the Pacific? The authorship of the project to build a large port on the country's coast is attributed to Peruvian admiral Juan Ribaudo. To do that, he took on the task of looking for the most suitable site and chose a piece of land in the small fishing port of Chancay located 70 km north of Lima. …

WSWS (2024-04-29). UAW pushes through sellout deal at Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. The new contract for workers at MASS MoCA, highly regarded and one of the largest centers for contemporary visual art and performing arts in the US, raises wages to only $18 an hour, leaving workers earning well below a living wage.

WSWS (2024-04-29). This week in history: April 29-May 5. This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

WSWS (2024-04-29). Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War or: How American imperialism learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. As the television documentary series progresses, historians and critics of US foreign policy are replaced by some—for lack of a better phrase—of the world's leading war criminals.

WSWS (2024-04-29). Former Japanese prime minister meets with Trump in New York. The Japanese government is working to gain an understanding of where Trump stands on the war drive against China and to ensure Tokyo is not left in the lurch should he win the US presidency.

WSWS (2024-04-29). US Secretary of State's visit to China: An exercise in confrontation and bullying. At the top of the list of US demands was the insistence that China assist the US and its NATO allies in crippling the Russian economy, particularly its war industries.

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Gazze'de bilanàßo aƒüƒ±rla≈üƒ±yor: ƒ∞srail 206 gàºnde 34 bin 488 masum sivili katletti. Katil ƒ∞srail ordusunun Gazze ≈ûeridi'ne 7 Ekim 2023'ten bu yana dàºzenlediƒüi saldƒ±rƒ±larda hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybedenlerin sayƒ±sƒ± 34 bin 488'e à߃±ktƒ±. | Gazze'deki Filistin Saƒülƒ±k Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamada, ƒ∞srail'in Gazze ≈ûeridi'ne 206 gàºndàºr sàºrdàºrd຃üຠsaldƒ±rƒ±lara ili≈&uum…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Soykƒ±rƒ±ma aklƒ±selimle kar≈üƒ± durmak. Hatice Ebrar Akbulut / Yazar | Diderot'nun Felsefe Konu≈ümalarƒ±'nƒ± okudum birkaàß gàºn à∂nce. ≈ûà∂yle bir càºmle geàßiyordu: "Doƒürusu, insan bir ≈üeyi onaylar ve inkâr ederken àßok ihtiyatlƒ± olmalƒ±." ƒ∞nsan bir ≈üeyi savunurken ya da ele≈ütirirken, bir ≈üeyle saf tutarken ya da bir ≈üeyi reddederken, bir ≈üeyi sƒ±kƒ± sƒ±kƒ±ya kucaklarken ya da ondan kurtulmak isterken,…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Yargƒ±tay Ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± seàßiminin 28'inci turunda da sonuàß à߃±kmadƒ±. Yargƒ±tay Ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± gà∂revine 24 Mart 2020'de seàßilen Mehmet Akarca'nƒ±n 4 yƒ±llƒ±k gà∂rev sàºresi 24 Mart itibarƒ±yla doldu. | Bu kapsamda Yàºksek Mahkemenin 4 yƒ±l boyunca gà∂rev yapacak yeni ba≈ükanƒ±nƒ± belirlemek iàßin Yargƒ±tay àºyeleri 25 Mart Pazartesi sandƒ±k ba≈üƒ±na gitti. | Seàßimin ilk 27 turunda hiàßbir adayƒ±n, 348 Yargƒ&plusmn…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Kargo minibàºsຠile gà∂àßmen kaàßakà߃±lƒ±ƒüƒ±na suàßàºstàº: 17 organizatà∂r tutuklandƒ±. Demirkà∂y ƒ∞làße Emniyet Amirliƒüi ekipleri, Bulgaristan'a yasa dƒ±≈üƒ± yollardan geàßirilmek àºzere dàºzensiz gà∂àßmen getirildiƒüi bilgisi àºzerine àßalƒ±≈üma ba≈ülattƒ±.Yapƒ±lan ara≈ütƒ±rmada organizatà∂rlerin, kaàßak gà∂àßmenleri kargo minibàºsຠile sƒ±nƒ±r boyuna getirileceƒüi saptandƒ±. Fiziki takibe alƒ±nan organizatà∂r…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan Bahàßeli'yle gà∂ràº≈üàºyor. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan ile MHP Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± Devlet Bahàßeli'nin gà∂ràº≈ümesi, Bahàßeli'nin konutunda ba≈üladƒ±. | Erdoƒüan ile Bahàßeli'nin, 31 Mart'ta yapƒ±lan Mahalli ƒ∞dareler Seàßimlerinin sonuàßlarƒ±nƒ± deƒüerlendirmesi bekleniyor. | Ayrƒ±ca sivil anayasa àßalƒ±≈ümalarƒ±nda gelinen son noktanƒ±n masada olacaƒüƒ±…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Albayrak ailesinin acƒ± gàºnàº: Gàºlbeyaz Anne Hakk'a yàºràºdàº. Ahmet Albayrak, Bayram Albayrak, Nuri Albayrak, Kazƒ±m Albayrak, Mustafa Albayrak, Muzaffer Albayrak ile Asiye Co≈ükuner'in anneleri Gàºlbeyaz Albayrak Hakk'a yàºràºdàº. | 12 Nisan 1933 doƒüumlu Gàºlbeyaz anne 91 ya≈üƒ±nda ƒ∞stanbul'da ya≈üadƒ±ƒüƒ± evinde fenala≈üarak hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybetti.

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Kà∂rfezli àßocuklar 'E≈üit Masallar' ile eƒülendi. Kà∂rfez Belediyesi'nin kàºltàºr sanat etkinlikleri kapsamƒ±nda àßocuklar iàßin dàºzenlediƒüi tiyatro gà∂sterileri devam ediyor. Bu kapsamda da Tàºtàºnàßiftlik Kàºltàºr Merkezi'nde 'E≈üit Masallar' oyunu sergilendi. ƒ∞àßerisinde bir àßok masalƒ± barƒ±ndƒ±ran tiyatro oyunu, kahkalarla izlendi. | BE≈û MASAL KONU ALINDI: 'E≈üit Masallar' oyunundaki kahramanlar arasƒ±nda Sindirella, Rapunzel, Pamuk Prenses ve Yedi Càºce…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Gobustan à∂zel sayƒ±sƒ±nda Tàºrk edebiyatƒ±. 55 yƒ±ldƒ±r Azerbaycan'da sanat ve edebiyat àºzerine yazƒ±lar yayƒ±mlayan dergi, à∂zel sayƒ±sƒ±nda àºlkemiz edebiyatƒ±nƒ± ele alƒ±rken, Tàºrk Edebiyatƒ± dergisi de mayƒ±s sayƒ±sƒ±nƒ± Azerbaycan'a ayƒ±rdƒ±. 1969'dan bu yana à߃±kan derginin à∂nceki gàºn Tàºrk Edebiyatƒ± Vakfƒ±'nda yapƒ±lan tanƒ±tƒ±m toplantƒ&…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Avrupa'dan àáin'e 'taklit'li rekabet. Geàßmi≈ü otomobil fuarlarƒ±nda àßektiƒüi fotoƒüraflarla kendi àºlkesinde taklit àºretimlere imza atan àáin, à∂zgàºnl຃üຠsaƒülamaya ba≈üladƒ±. ƒ∞brenin tersine dà∂nd຃üàºnຠise 18. Pekin Otomobil Fuarƒ± gà∂zler à∂nàºne serdi. Biràßok Avrupalƒ± markanƒ±n 30 milyon adetlik àáin oto pazarƒ±ndan pay almak iàßin otomobilleri taklit ettiƒüi gà∂rà&…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). àñƒürenci gà∂zàºyle Kutlu hikayeleri. Anadolu Mektebi Yazar Okumalarƒ± Projesi kapsamƒ±nda hazƒ±rlanan "Yerelden Evrensele Mustafa Kutlu Paneli" Kutlu'nun da katƒ±lƒ±mƒ±yla Gàºltepe Kàºltàºr Merkezi'nde geràßekle≈ütirildi. Programa, ƒ∞làße Milli Eƒüitim Màºdàºrleri, okul màºdàºrleri ve ƒ∞stanbul'da Anadolu Mektebi faaliyetlerini yàºràºten à∂ƒüretmen ve à∂ƒürenciler katƒ±ldƒ±. Kutlu'nun kitaplarƒ±nƒ± okuya…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Mƒ∞T duyurdu: Irak'ƒ±n kuzeyinde 15 terà∂rist etkisiz hale getirildi. Milli ƒ∞stihbarat Te≈ükilatƒ±'nƒ±n (Mƒ∞T) Irak'ƒ±n kuzeyindeki Hakurk bà∂lgesinde son bir haftada dàºzenlediƒüi operasyonlarda, aralarƒ±nda sà∂zde à∂rgàºt yà∂neticilerinin de bulunduƒüu 15 terà∂rist etkisiz hale getirildi. | Mƒ∞T, Irak'ƒ±n kuzeyinde bulunan Hakurk bà∂lgesinde ardƒ± ardƒ±na operasyonlara imza attƒ±. Gàºvenlik kaynaklarƒ±ndan edinilen bilgiye gà∂re Mƒ∞T tarafƒ&plus…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Eylem hazƒ±rlƒ±ƒüƒ±ndaydƒ±! DEA≈û'ƒ±n bombacƒ±sƒ± yakalandƒ±. DEA≈û Terà∂r àñrgàºtàºne yà∂nelik dàºzenlenen "BOZDOƒûAN-32" operasyonuyla DEA≈û silahlƒ± terà∂r à∂rgàºtຠile baƒülantƒ±lƒ± olduƒüu ve bomba yapƒ±m konusunda bilgi sahibi olduƒüu tespit edilen K.A. aynƒ± i≈üyerinde kalan M.H. Beykoz'da yakalandƒ±.ƒ∞stanbul ƒ∞l Emniyet Màºdàºrl຃üຠTerà∂rle Màºcadele ≈ûube Màºdàºrl຃&uuml…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan'dan ƒ∞BB'ye tepki: Edanur tedbir alƒ±nmadƒ±ƒüƒ± iàßin hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybetti. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan, AFAD Ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ±nda "AFAD — DSƒ∞ Sel ve Ta≈ükƒ±n Risk Azaltma Protokol Tà∂reni"nde konu≈ütu. | Erdoƒüan'ƒ±n aà߃±klamalarƒ±ndan à∂ne à߃±kan satƒ±r ba≈ülarƒ± ≈üu ≈üekilde;AFAD – DSƒ∞ i≈ü birliƒüi ile kritik bir adƒ±m daha atƒ±yoruz. Devletimizin ilgili kur…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Gazze'ye desteƒüi nedeniyle karalama kampanyasƒ±nƒ±n hedefi olmu≈ütu! ƒ∞spanya Ba≈übakanƒ± Sanchez gà∂revinde kalma kararƒ± aldƒ±. Sanchez, Madrid'deki Ba≈übakanlƒ±k konutu Moncloa'da soru almadan kamuoyuna yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± aà߃±klamada, "ƒ∞spanyol toplumundan bir kez daha à∂rnek olmasƒ±nƒ± rica ediyorum. Bizi etkileyen kà∂tàºlàºkler kàºresel bir hareketin paràßasƒ±dƒ±r. Demokrasinin nasƒ±l savunulduƒüunu tàºm dàºnyaya gà∂sterelim" dedi. | 'Daha da gàºàßlenerek yola devam': "E≈üim ve ben biliyoruz ki bu karalama kampanya…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Ak≈üener gà∂lge ba≈ükan mƒ±. ƒ∞Yƒ∞ Parti'de Meral Ak≈üener'in desteklediƒüi Màºsavat Dervi≈üoƒülu genel ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± kazandƒ±. Ak≈üener'den sonra partinin liderlik koltuƒüuna oturan Dervi≈üoƒülu'nun, 50 ki≈üilik Gƒ∞K'i neredeyse hiàß bozmayƒ±p korumasƒ± dikkat àßekti. Dervi≈üoƒülu'nun listesinde Ak≈üener'in Genel ƒ∞dare Kurulu (Gƒ∞K) listesinden isimlerin olmas&fno…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). ƒ∞≈ügal ve katliamƒ± desteklemenin faturasƒ± aƒüƒ±r oldu: ƒ∞≈üte ƒ∞srail'e kar≈üƒ± boykottan en àßok zarar gà∂ren 5 ≈üirket. ƒ∞bn Haldun àúniversitesi Yà∂netim Bilimleri Fakàºltesi àñƒüretim Gà∂revlisi Dr. Sàºmeyye Ku≈üakcƒ±, ƒ∞srail'e kar≈üƒ± yàºràºtàºlen boykot kampanyasƒ±ndan en àßok zarar gà∂ren 5 ≈üirketi ve boykotun sàºrdàºràºlebilir olmasƒ±nƒ±n à∂nemini kaleme aldƒ±. Peki bu boykot kampanyasƒ±ndan en àßok hangi ≈üirketler zarar gà∂rdàº? ƒ∞≈üte Ku≈&uu…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Be≈üikta≈ü'ta feci kaza. Bàºyàºkdere Caddesi'nde, Zincirlikuyu istikametinde seyir halinde olan hafif ticari araàß, yaƒümur nedeniyle kayganla≈üan yolda sàºràºcàºsàºnàºn direksiyon hakimiyetini kaybetmesi àºzerine bariyerleri a≈üƒ±p kar≈üƒ± ≈üeride geàßti. Araàß, Levent istikametinde ilerleyen 6 araca àßarparak durabildi. ƒ∞hbar àºzerine olay yerine polis, itfaiye ve saƒülƒ±k ekipleri sevk edildi. ƒ∞tfaiye ekipleri araàß iàßerisinde s&fno…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Sà∂zde askerlere 340 yƒ±l istendi: 'Ay Yƒ±ldƒ±z' diyerek dolandƒ±rdƒ±lar. Savcƒ±lƒ±k, Ankara 5. Aƒüƒ±r Ceza Mahkemesi'nce kabul edilen iddianamede suàß à∂rgàºtຠlideri C.àá. ve beraberindeki 7 sanƒ±k hakkƒ±nda 340 yƒ±l hapis istemiyle iddianame hazƒ±rladƒ±.YENƒ∞ ƒ∞≈û VAADETTƒ∞LER: 20 maƒüdurun olduƒüu dosyada aileleri, àßocuklarƒ± àßocuklarƒ±nƒ± i≈üe sokma vaadiyle dolandƒ±rdƒ±. Aileleri bu i≈&u…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Ate≈ükes ve esir takasƒ±nda yeni tur: ≈ûartlarƒ±nƒ± sunan Hamas karar noktasƒ±nda! ƒ∞srail màºzakere heyetine Kahire daveti. Katar merkezli "Al-Araby Al-Jadeed"in haberine gà∂re, ƒ∞srail'in 7 Ekim'den bu yana Gazze'ye yà∂nelik saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ± devam ederken, Mƒ±sƒ±r'ƒ±n ba≈ükenti Kahire'de esir takasƒ± gà∂ràº≈ümeleri devam ediyor. | Bu kapsamda Mƒ±sƒ±r'ƒ±n, Gazze'deki ƒ∞srailli esirlerin salƒ±verilmesi iàßin yapƒ±lmasƒ± beklenen gà∂ràº≈ümelere ƒ∞srail màºzakere heyetini davet ett…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Fidan ABD'li mevkida≈üƒ± Blinken ile gà∂ràº≈ütàº.

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Kutlu Yolda 40 Yƒ±l. ƒ∞stanbul Teknik àúniversitesi'nin (ƒ∞Tàú) 250. yƒ±lƒ± etkinlikleri kapsamƒ±nda, Hattat Erol Dà∂nmez'in 40. sanat yƒ±lƒ±nda aàßtƒ±ƒüƒ± ilk ki≈üisel sergisine ev sahipliƒüi yaptƒ±. "Kutlu Yolda 40 Yƒ±l" adlƒ± sergide hattatƒ±n 43 eseri sergileniyor. Bunlar arasƒ±nda àße≈üitli ayet, hadis, Esmaàº'l-Hàºsnâ, dua, hilye-i ≈üerif icâzetnâme ve besmeleler yer al&fn…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). "Katƒ±lƒ±m sigortacƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ±n pazar payƒ± bàºyàºyor" Katƒ±lƒ±m esaslƒ± BES ve sigortacƒ±lƒ±kta 10'uncu ya≈üƒ±nƒ± kutlayan Katƒ±lƒ±m Emeklilik, saƒülƒ±k sigortalarƒ±nda faizsiz àºràºnleri, uygun prim maliyetleri, àºràºn àße≈üitliliƒüi ve kapsamlƒ± ek asistans hizmetleriyle sigortalƒ±lardan her geàßen gàºn daha fazla ilgi gà∂ràºyor. Saƒülƒ±k sigortalarƒ±nda geàßen yƒ±l yà&ord…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Mƒ±sƒ±rlƒ± Rock grubundan Gazze ≈üarkƒ±sƒ±. Mƒ±sƒ±rlƒ± rock màºzik grubu Cairokee, ƒ∞stanbul'da hayranlarƒ±yla bulu≈ütu. Türkiye'de ilk konserini veren Cairokee'nin dàºnyada tanƒ±nan bir grup olduƒüunu sà∂yleyen organizatà∂r Muhannad Mahfouz, iki aydƒ±r konser iàßin àßalƒ±≈ütƒ±klarƒ±nƒ± ifade etti. Mahfouz, "Grup, dàºnyada àße≈üitli konserler yapmasƒ±na raƒümen Türkiye'de hiàß konser vermemi≈üti…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). Hiàßbir zaman durmayacaƒüƒ±z. àúskàºdar Fƒ±stƒ±kaƒüacƒ± Metro Duraƒüƒ± à∂nàºnden ba≈ülayan yàºràºyàº≈ü, àúskàºdar meydanda sona erdi. Yàºràºyàº≈üe, àßok sayƒ±da àºlkeden Uluslararasƒ± àñzgàºrlàºk Filosu Koalisyonu àºyesi aktivistler de katƒ±ldƒ±.UMUDUMUZU KAYBETMEDƒ∞K: àúskàºdar meydana yàºràºyen kalabalƒ±ƒüa à∂nce ƒ∞HH &fno…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). ƒ∞mamoƒülu verdiƒüi rà∂portajda Hamas'a 'terà∂r à∂rgàºtàº' dedi. ƒ∞stanbul Bàºyàºk≈üehir Belediye (ƒ∞BB) Ba≈ükanƒ± CHP'li Ekrem ƒ∞mamoƒülu, Filistin'i i≈ügal eden ƒ∞srail'e kar≈üƒ± silahlƒ± direni≈ü yàºràºten Hamas iàßin "terà∂rist" dedi. ABD televizyonu CNN International'a konu≈üan ƒ∞mamoƒülu Hamas'ƒ±n 7 Ekim saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ± ile ilgili soruya ≈üu ≈üekilde cevap verdi: "Tabii Hamas ƒ∞srail'de biz…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). ≈ûehit polislere son gà∂rev. Adƒ±yaman'da tartƒ±≈ütƒ±klarƒ± polis memuru Sàºleyman Uƒüur ≈ûahin tarafƒ±ndan à∂ldàºràºlen Ba≈ükomiser Kamuran àúàßgàºl (46) ile Komiser Gà∂khan àñzer (34) iàßin tà∂ren dàºzenlendi. Tà∂ren sonrasƒ± àúàßgàºl'àºn cenazesi Osmaniye'nin Kadirli ilàßesinde topraƒüa verildi.NàñBET TARTI≈ûMASI KANLI Bƒ∞TTƒ∞: Altƒ±n≈üehir &asymp…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). ƒ∞skoàßya Ba≈übakanƒ± Hamza Yusuf istifa etti. Edinburgh'da dàºzenlediƒüi basƒ±n toplantƒ±sƒ±nda Hamza Yusuf, "Siyasi bà∂làºnmenin à∂tesinde ili≈ükimizi onarmanƒ±n ancak ba≈üka birisinin dàºmende olmasƒ±yla yapƒ±labileceƒüi sonucuna vardƒ±m. Bu nedenle SNP'nin ulusal sekreterine parti liderliƒüinden ayrƒ±lma niyetimi bildirdim ve màºmkàºn olan en kƒ±sa sàºrede yerime geàßecek ki≈üi iàßin bir liderlik yarƒ±≈ümasƒ&… (2024-04-29). Dutton, Zionists and far right exploit stabbings to incite racism, Islamophobia. (2024-04-28). CPC advances discipline education campaign. The ongoing Party-wide discipline education campaign, a longtime tradition of the Communist Party of China, will help the CPC build a united core to face new goals and challenges and keep the country on the right track, according to experts from around the globe.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-29). Justin Bieber cries on Instagram prompting rumours of divorce from Hailey Bieber. Justin Bieber left fans concerned after sharing a series of emotional selfies on Instagram this weekend. | The 30-year-old singer uploaded several photo dumps, featuring snaps from his surprise Coachella appearance, golfing outings, beach days, and more. However, close-up selfies showing Bieber visibly crying grabbed his followers' attention. | View this post on Instagram | A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) | The pop star offered no explanation for his tears, leaving fans to speculate in the comments. Some expressed worry for the "Sorry" singer. | Comment section of Justin Bieber's Instagram post… (2024-04-29). Tornadoes claim 4 lives in Oklahoma, leaving widespread devastation and power outages. PTC News Desk: Tornadoes wreaked havoc in Oklahoma, claiming the lives of four individuals, including an infant, and plunging thousands into darkness as power outages swept through affected areas. The destructive storms left behind a trail of devastation in Sulphur, a rural town of approximately 5,000 residents, where buildings were flattened, vehicles were overturned, and homes were stripped of their roofs. | Governor Kevin Stitt, visibly moved by the extent of the destruction, described the scene in Sulphur as unimaginable, with virtually every downtown business reduced to rubble. Reports indicated about 30 in…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Is Republic First Bank's Collapse a Harbinger of a New Wave of US Banking Crisis? One year after Silicon Valley Bank collapsed in just 48 hours, US regulators closed another regional lender, Republic First Bank, which operated in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. (2024-04-29). China's concerns over Japanese export restrictions. China voiced grave concerns regarding Japan's proposed export restrictions on specific items within the semiconductor sector and other areas, according to an online statement released by the Ministry of Commerce on Monday.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Social media platform X down for thousands of users, Downdetector shows.

Brais Fernandez, Dave Kellaway (2024-04-29). Remembering the Carnation revolution. This week sees the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese "Carnation" Revolution that erupted in 1974 and was finally tamed in 1976 with the election of a government led by Soares from the Socialist Party(SP). The moderate SP consolidated many reforms won in the previous two years but also restored the capitalist order. | – | / |

Laure Horlait (2024-04-29). The Anticapitalist Left presents a list for the European elections with Philippe Poutou. The Gauche anticapitaliste, Belgian section of the Fourth International, is putting together its own list for the European elections on 9 June. After a long and difficult road and a campaign to gather signatures, the Belgian comrades are taking to the electoral field for the first time in ten years under the name Anticapitalists. | – | / |

| Our Corresondent | (2024-04-29). At least four terrorists killed in Tank IBO. At least four terrorists were killed by security forces during an intelligence-based operation (IBO) conducted in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa's Tank district, said the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Monday. | The military's media wing added that the militants were involved in numerous terrorist activities in the area. "Weapons and ammunition were also recovered from them." | Locals of the area appreciated the operation by the security forces, who remain determined to eliminate the menace of terrorism from the country, said the ISPR. | In another operation conducted a day earlier, security forces killed at le… (2024-04-29). CSSC announces historic deal with QatarEnergy. On Monday, China State Shipbuilding Corp, the world's largest shipbuilder, received what it calls the world's largest single order of ships from energy industry giant QatarEnergy. (2024-04-28). Premier, Musk call for deepening cooperation. Tesla's success in China has demonstrated that equal cooperation and mutual benefits conform to the fundamental interests of China and the United States, Premier Li Qiang said in a meeting on Sunday with Elon Musk, CEO of the U.S. electric car maker.

Staff (2024-04-29). The UN just slammed the G7 for completely falling short on tackling the climate crisis. On Monday 29 April the Group of Seven (G7) convened for two days of climate crisis talks in Turin. This was their first big political meeting since the UN's annual climate negotiations in November. Environment ministers from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US held discussions after the UN warned that excuses …

(2024-04-29). Belarus takes more than 20 'extremist' news websites offline.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). First US Nuclear Power Plant in Over 30 Years Goes Fully Online – Georgia Power. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The fourth and final unit of the first nuclear power station to be built in the United States in more than 30 years finally went online after a seven year delay, Georgia Power announced in a press release on Monday.

| AFP | (2024-04-29). Tearful Thiago Silva to leave Chelsea at end of season. Brazilian defender Thiago Silva will leave Chelsea at the end of the season after a "dream" four-year spell at Stamford Bridge. | Silva announced his farewell on Monday in an emotional video message on Chelsea's website. | The 39-year-old centre-back arrived at the Premier League club on a free transfer in August 2020 after leaving Paris Saint-Germain. | He has made 151 appearances in all competitions for the Blues, winning the Champions League, FIFA Club World Cup and the UEFA Super Cup. | "Chelsea means a lot to me. I came here with the intention of only staying for a year and it ended up being four years. N…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Critical Fallout After Violent Arrests of Emory University Protestors. After descending on the protestors, dozens of Atlanta police officers and Georgia state troopers arrested 28 people, including three faculty members in the latest of crackdowns on pro-Palestine protests. (2024-04-29). Spend on climate and housing not war, activists say. (2024-04-29). China's Shenzhou-17 astronauts to return to earth on April 30. The three astronauts of the Shenzhen-17, Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin, will return to the Dongfeng landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on April 30. The landing site and all participating systems are making final preparations to welcome the astronauts back.

The Independent (2024-04-29). At least 155 killed in Tanzania as heavy rains pound East Africa. ANALYSIS | AGENCIES | More than 200,000 people and 51,000 households have been affected by the rains, Tanzania's prime minister said. Flooding and landslides in Tanzania caused by weeks of heavy rain have killed 155 people and injured 236 others, the country's prime minister said, as intense downpours continue across East Africa. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa …

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). China's Right to Cooperate With Russia Should Not Be Restricted – Foreign Ministry. BEIJING (Sputnik) – China has a right to normal trade and economic cooperation with Russia, which should not be interfered with and undermined, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said on Monday.

Andreas Sartzekis (2024-04-29). What happens next after the successful strike against poverty in Greece? Wednesday 17 April saw one of the biggest strikes in Greece in recent years: 100% in transport, 70% in construction, big numbers in businesses and two-wheeler deliveries. But virtually nothing in the supermarkets, which are at the heart of the accusations of exploitation of misery. It has to be said that recently, trade union repression, which also affects the public sector, has been stronger than ever, with threats to contract renewals.
The reason the turnout was so high is that Greece (…) | – |

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Australia's TPG Telecom agrees network sharing deal with Singtel's Optus. (2024-04-29). Chinese, European new energy vehicle industry wants to accelerate cooperation. Chinese and European new energy vehicle businesses seek to boost cooperation despite an anti-subsidy investigation launched by the European Commission into electric vehicles made in China. (2024-04-29). Washington human rights report condemned. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or DPRK, on Saturday denounced a human rights report by the United States as "malignant slander" against the country. (2024-04-29). Xi to pay state visits to France, Serbia, Hungary from May 5 to 10. Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10, foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Monday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Argentina Classifies Purchase of F-16 Jets From Denmark – Decree. BUENOS AIRES, (Sputnik) – The Argentine government has declared the acquisition of 24 US-made F-16 fighter jets from Denmark classified military information, according to a decree published in the official gazette.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). French state offer to buy strategic parts of Atos boosts shares.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Ex-Pentagon Advisor Says Russia's Mideast Clout 'Very Strong,' While US Looks 'Ridiculous'. The US has been trying to maintain a facade of diplomacy amid the tectonic geopolitical shifts currently underway, while in fact blatantly continuing to push its own regional interests. This holds true for Washington's stance with respect to the latest spiral of the Middle East crisis.

(2024-04-29). European Parliament calls for repeal of Hong Kong security laws.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Insurer AIA's first-quarter new business value rises 31%, announces $2 billion buyback. (2024-04-29). Ending violence against women will take more than a cultural shift.

Daria Krivonos (2024-04-29). Evaporating Solidarity: The Response to Displacement Cannot Be Sustained by Empathy Alone.

Staff (2024-04-29). Protests for Gaza took place all around the world this past weekend. #Gaza #Palestine. (2024-04-28). Good quality water offshore reaches 85%. The proportion of water with fairly good quality in the country's offshore sea area reached 85 percent last year, up by 3.1 percentage points from 2022, according to an official with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. (2024-04-29). In Numbers: China's online literature users exceed 500 million. The number of China's online literature users has surpassed 500 million as of 2023, according to a report released on Sunday.

(2024-04-29). CPJ recognizes vital role of free press on democracy ahead of White House Correspondents' Association's annual dinner.

| Anadolu Agency | (2024-04-29). Exceptional heatwaves scorch Asia, forcing schools to suspend classes amid health warnings. South and Southeast Asia braced for a searing heatwave that has gripped the region over the past week, sending the mercury as high as 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) and forcing thousands of schools to suspend in-person classes amid health warnings. | From the Philippines to Thailand, and India to Bangladesh, forecasters warned that mercury could exceed 40C (104F) in the coming days as people suffered from scorching heat. | In the Philippines, the government suspended in-person classes in all public schools for two days due to extreme weather, the local English daily Manila Times reported. | "In vi… (2024-04-29). China's large civil UVA completes cargo flight test. China's homegrown large civil unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Wing Loong-2 completed cargo flight testing on Sunday in Zigong, southwest China's Sichuan Province, providing a solution for low altitude logistics transportation. (2024-04-28). Brain-machine integration spawns global biz race. Chinese BCI firms are sharpening focus on both invasive and noninvasive niches of the emerging industry while the authorities concerned are seeking to get a grip on the formulation of regulatory rules.

(2024-04-29). Malaysia's prime minister calls for 'action' over Bloomberg casino report.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Morning commuters hit by train delay on Circle Line.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). UK Conservative Lawmakers May Try to Oust Sunak After Local Elections – Reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Some members of the UK Conservative Party have developed a plan to destabilize or remove Prime Minister Rishi Sunak after local elections on May 2, the Financial Times newspaper reported. (2024-04-29). Video: Sydney University students occupy campus for Palestine.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Steel combat and pool among new activities at active ageing centres aimed at attracting more men. Currently, males make up just a third of participants at these centres.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Lyles sees room for improvement after 100m Bermuda win. (2024-04-29). Musk's Beijing visit seeks Tesla FSD approval. Elon Musk visited Beijing on Sunday afternoon at the invitation of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Scottish First Minister Yousaf Says Steps Down Without Waiting for No Confidence Vote. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – First Minister of Scotland and head of the Scottish National Party (SNP) Humza Yousaf announced on Monday his resignation, without waiting for the opposition to hold a vote of no confidence in him. (2024-04-29). Exhibition celebrates 60 years of diplomatic ties between China and France. Central to the exhibition is the symbolic representation of French elegance and Chinese style through beauty products and ceramics, which have historically played pivotal roles in facilitating cultural and economic exchanges between China and France. (2024-04-29). From ANZAC to AUKUS: More than a century of carnage and cowardice.

| M Nadeem Nadir | (2024-04-29). Commodification of education. Two harvest seasons set off in April: one of wheat crop, the other of young human talent. The heavens are invoked for the bumper wheat crop while on the other side the administrations of schools and parents of students of secondary classes after the terminal exams are canvassed by the private elite colleges for new admissions to their colleges. | These colleges pioneer a hectic door-to-door campaign on schools and houses to woo students even before the declaration of results by exam boards. These colleges start their pre-intermediate classes during the practical exams of secondary classes, denting the importan…

Dan La Botz (2024-04-29). Auto Workers Union Wins Historic Victory at VW in Tennessee. "Until now, the South has been a bastion of bosses, of non-union open shops, where workers had no vote and no voice in their workplaces. If this victory leads to others, as it is expected to, it will change completely the balance of forces between the corporations and the working class in America." | – | / |

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Sony's Kraven The Hunter release is delayed until December. The movie will now open in December instead of September.

(2024-04-29). Texas police detain, charge FOX 7 Austin journalist covering pro-Palestinian protest. (2024-04-29). Second 'Lancang-Mekong Impression' Short Video Contest officially launched. Same River, Shared Future. The "Lancang-Mekong Impression" Short Video Contest, organized by China News Service (CNS) to celebrate the eighth anniversary of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation, was officially launched on April 24. (2024-04-28). Sources: Tesla in talks with China to remove restrictions on its EVs. Automobile company Tesla has been in negotiation with the Chinese authorities about the lifting of all restrictions on moving and parking in some sensitive areas in the country, as its electric vehicles, or EVs, passed an authoritative national data inspection in China on Sunday…

Staff (2024-04-29). Guardian columnist laments UK "drift to the right" — after slandering Jeremy Corbyn. Guardian columnist John Harris has a new piece where he laments the UK's "drift to the right" and the rhetoric on refugees. But imagine if Jeremy Corbyn, who has long stood with refugees, was prime minister. Refugees certainly wouldn't be facing the Conservative government's Rwanda bill, which threatens to deport them to Rwanda as a … (2024-04-29). Is Labor moving to weaken anti-discrimination laws?

| AFP | (2024-04-29). Liverpool expect Salah to stay despite Saudi interest. Liverpool expect Mohamed Salah to at least see out of the final year of his contract at Anfield, according to reports on Monday. | Sky Sports and The Athletic reported Salah, 31, has given no indication that he wishes to leave and Liverpool are not planning to sell. | The Egyptian was involved in a public spat with Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp on the touchline as he prepared to come on as a substitute in Saturday's 2-2 draw at West Ham. | Speaking after the match, Salah said: "There's going to be a fire today if I speak." | Liverpool rejected advances from the Saudi Pro League at the beginning of the season,… (2024-04-29). Guangzhou counts cost of tornado that killed 5, injured 33. At least five people were killed and 33 injured when a strong tornado struck Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, on Saturday, with residents warned to be on the alert for potential strong wind gusts and torrential rain in the coming days. (2024-04-29). China, Mongolia prepare to conduct joint army training. China and Mongolia will conduct a joint army training as part of the annual cooperation plan between the two armies and mutual consensus, the Ministry of National Defense announced on Monday.

Ryan Black (2024-04-29). Debt Dollars — The Unused Leverage. ADIL ABOOBAKAR | WORLD BEYOND WAR…

| Reuters | (2024-04-29). Second global AI safety summit faces tough questions, lower turnout. Last year, a who's who of world leaders, corporate executives, and academic experts gathered at Britain's Bletchley Park for the world's first global AI Safety Summit, hoping to reach a consensus on the regulation of a technology some warned posed a threat to humanity. | Tesla mogul Elon Musk and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman rubbed shoulders with some of their fiercest critics, while China co-signed the Bletchley Declaration alongside the United States and others, signaling a willingness to cooperate despite mounting tensions with the West. | Six months later, the second AI Safety Summit, a primarily virtual event co… (2024-04-29). Yen hits a new 34-year low against dollar before rebounding. In the foreign exchange market on Monday, the yen briefly fell below the 160-yen mark against the dollar, marking its lowest level in about 34 years since 1990. (2024-04-29). Youth are right to protest Woodside's fossil fuel expansion.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). QatarEnergy Inks $6Bln Deal With Chinese Shipbuilder for 18 LNG Vessels. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – QatarEnergy announced on Monday that it had signed a $6 billion agreement with China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) to have 18 liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers built.

Gabisile (2024-04-29). R35m in irregular payments recovered by SA Tourism. R35m in irregular payments recovered by SA Tourism | Tourism Minister Patricia de Lille says R35 million linked to irregular payments for services not rendered has been returned to the SA Tourism account. | Several irregular payments were made for services not rendered by South African Tourism's US and South Africa offices.
| SA Tourism is the official tourism marketing agency of South Africa and an entity of the Department of Tourism.
| As part of its mandate, SA Tourism has hub offices in key source market countries around the world to enable officials to interact with key partners in exec…

| Our Correspondent | (2024-04-29). PSX surges once again, crosses 73,000 points. The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) again surged to an all-time high and crossed 73,000 points on Monday as the bourse remained optimistic of positive economic factors. | The high came after investor confidence was significantly boosted by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's visit to Saudi Arabia, the finance minister's trip to Washington and by increased economic activity. | The benchmark KSE-100 Index touched a record high of 73,009 points during intraday trade, surpassing its previous high of 72,750 points. | Overall, the index rose by 403 points, up 0.35% from the previous day's close, reflecting the bullish sen…

Alan Austin (2024-04-29). ABC News violates its own charter to ensure Labor loses the next election. (2024-04-29). After petitioning, Katoomba Library subscribes to Green Left. (2024-04-29). Video: UniMelb solidarity encampment begins on ANZAC day.

Arlene Getz (2024-04-29). Serbian ex-mayor jailed for 4 years in arson attack on journalist Milan Jovanoviƒá. Berlin, April 29, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the four-year jail sentence given to Dragoljub Simonoviƒá, the former mayor of Grocka, a suburb of the Serbian capital, Belgrade, for ordering an arson attack on journalist Milan Jovanoviƒá's home. The court also gave a four-year sentence to Aleksandar Marinkoviƒá, who set fire to the house… (2024-04-29). Türkiye Hollanda Ba≈übakanƒ± Mark Rutte'yi desteklediƒüini àºye àºlkelere bildirdi. Türkiye, yeni NATO Genel Sekreterliƒüi iàßin Hollanda Ba≈übakanƒ± Mark Rutte'nin adaylƒ±ƒüƒ±na destek vereceƒüini à∂rgàºtàºn diƒüer àºyelerine bildirdi. Tàºrk yetkililerden alƒ±nan bilgiye gà∂re, Türkiye, yeni NATO Genel Sekreterlik gà∂revi iàßin Rutte'yi destekleyeceƒüini aà߃±kladƒ±. | Rutte'nin geàßen hafta NATO Genel Sekreterliƒüi iàßin destek talep etmek àºzere Cumhurba≈ükan&fno…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Commentary: China's GDP grew more than expected, but is its data reliable? China posted stellar economic growth in the first quarter of the year, but one good quarter does not erase its deflation woes, says Coface chief APAC economist Bernard Aw.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Extreme weather events due to climate change threaten future of tourism in Australia. Global warming is raising big questions for the future of tourism and how to handle extreme weather conditions.

RONALD MUSOKE (2024-04-29). Kibale Park communities get Shs 1.7bn for chimpanzee conservation. Arcus Foundation donates money for small businesses and removal of snares Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE | Frontline communities living adjacent to Kibale National Park in western Uganda have received about US$450,000 (Shs1.7 billion) thanks to a project that is intended to train about 2000 entrepreneurs around the park. Uganda Wildlife Authority says the park is …

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Thomas eyes Paris but says not interested in just another tracksuit.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Dollar a tad softer as markets wait for Fed.

The Independent (2024-04-29). Feasibility studies for Kenya-Uganda Expressway set to begin. Intra-regional trade within the East African Community with the exclusion of Somalia and DRC is more than US$10.17 billion Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Feasibility studies for the proposed 256km Kenya-Uganda Expressway on the Northern Corridor are set to commence following the official handover of the site to GOPA Infra Gmbh of Germany and ITEC …

(2024-04-29). Mass raid in Turkey jails 3 Kurdish reporters, others put under judicial control. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

The Independent (2024-04-29). Two horses race for title in Premier League as Arsenal and Man City both win. LONDON, UK | Xinhua | Arsenal and Manchester City solidified their positions as the primary contenders for the Premier League title this weekend, with each securing crucial victories, while Liverpool's title hopes diminished after dropping points. Arsenal survived a late comeback from Tottenham to win 3-2 away to its neighbor after it had stormed into …

thecommunists (2024-04-29). 'Stop the boats!' The political football of the 'immigration debate' in Britain. In Britain, as in every other imperialist country today, there is an increasingly heated and vitriolic debate around the question of immigration. The more that living standards for British workers fall, the louder and more insistent this debate becomes. While some debate is focused on the relatively larger numbers of migrants who come legally to …

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Daisy Ridley embraces challenge of returning as Rey in Star Wars. The actress first played the character in the 2015 movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

nosihle (2024-04-29). SA heads to the polls in a month's time. SA heads to the polls in a month's time | With one month to go, the Electoral Commission (IEC) is in the final stretch of preparations for the seventh democratic elections, which are believed to be the most contested in the history of the country. | South Africans will go to the polls on 29 May 2024 to the elect the leadership for the seventh administration out of the 70 political parties and 11 independent candidates that were published by the IEC as final contestants in these elections. | In total, there are over 14 903 candidates vying for 887 seats in the National and Provincial Legislatures. | "The finalisa… (2024-04-29). Malaysia's prime minister calls for 'action' over Bloomberg casino report. Bangkok, April 29, 2024 — Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim should retract his call on local private companies to take action against Bloomberg news agency for a report on alleged plans to build a casino complex in a troubled real estate development, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. On Friday, April 26, Anwar referred… (2024-04-29). Baidu ranks first in nation in AI patent applications. Chinese tech giant Baidu Inc ranked first in terms of artificial intelligence patent applications and authorizations across the nation, as the company remains steadfast in technological innovation to nurture new quality productive forces.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). HCLTech falls most in nearly 17 months on lower-than-expected FY25 outlook.

Bruce C.T. Wright (2024-04-29). Mixed Responses To Latest Menthol Ban Delay Amid Partisan Battle To Attract Black Voters. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said the decision about proposed rules to ban menthol cigarettes "will take significantly more time" than previously expected.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Rugby Australia announce A$9.2m deficit for 2023.

Rosemary Sorensen (2024-04-29). Using the Bondi Junction tragedy to push theological agendas.

| Entertainment Desk | (2024-04-29). Beautiful when you see humility: Mahira Khan reacts to Arijit Singh's 'Zaalima' shout-out.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). SK Innovation expects solid Q2 refining margins, battery unit widen losses. (2024-04-29). 5 runways, 70 sq kms & 400 aircraft gates | Dubai commences construction of world's largest airport; check details. Al Maktoum International Airport: Marking a significant step towards solidifying Dubai's position as a global aviation hub, Dubai has embarked on a monumental project, initiating the construction of a groundbreaking new terminal at Al Maktoum International Airport, with aspirations to claim the title of the world's largest airport. Under the visionary direction of the UAE PM HH Sheikh Mohamma, plans are underway to transition all operations currently housed at Dubai International Airport to Al Maktoum International Airport in the coming years. | UAE PM HH Sheikh Mohammad announced the news on X on Sunday, sayin…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Majority of Americans Disapprove of Biden's Work as US President – Poll. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Sixty percent of Americans disapprove of Joe Biden's job as US president, a poll conducted by CNN showed. (2024-04-29). Ecosocialism 2024 confirms guest speakers from six continents.

Victoria Fielding (2024-04-29). Mainstream media shows social media is not alone in its problem of indecency.

Zack Linly (2024-04-29). Video Shows Campus 'Karen' At Northwestern U Calling Cops And Lying About Being 'Surrounded' During Pro-Palestinian Protest. Viral video shows a "Karen" at a pro-Palestinian protest at Northwestern University calling 911 and lying that she was "surrounded" and feared for her safety. (2024-04-28). Chinese mainland announces cross-Strait tourism measures. New measures regarding the resumption of cross-Strait tourism were announced by the Chinese mainland on Sunday, along with approval for shipments of Wendan pomelos from Taiwan to the mainland. (2024-04-29). National emergency rallies demand gov't act to stop violence against women.

The Independent (2024-04-29). Kenya postpones schools reopening over flooding. NAIROBI, Kenya | Xinhua | Kenya has postponed by a week the scheduled schools reopening to May 6 due to devastating flooding which is being experienced across the country. Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu said on Monday that they have received data that some schools had been adversely affected by the ongoing flooding. Machogu said …

NEOB (2024-04-29). Presidency 'rejects' narrative on BHP, Anglo American proposed deal. Presidency 'rejects' narrative on BHP, Anglo American proposed deal | The Presidency has moved to dismiss media speculation and reports that BHP Billiton's proposed takeover of Anglo American, excluding South African assets, is a sign of reluctance to invest in the country. | This is according to Presidential Spokesperson Vincent Magwenya who was briefing the media in Pretoria on Monday. | Anglo American mines diamonds, Platinum Group Metals (PGM) and iron ore in South Africa. | "Some analysts and sections of the media have sought to portray this market activity as a vote of no confidence on South Africa. The Pre…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). European Parliament's Anti-Iran Resolution Exposes the Bloc's Weakness. The recent vote in the EU Parliament indicates that, while the bloc is trying to send a tough message to Iran, it cannot intimidate the Islamic Republic.

Martin Hart-Landsberg (2024-04-29). AI chatbots: Hype meets reality. The chatbot revolution began in 2022 with OpenAI's introduction of ChatGPT.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). US May Be Facing Its Hottest Summer Ever. Serious environmental consequences could follow a dangerously hot summer, as a higher risk of drought, hurricanes and wildfires are on the horizon.

Cira Pascual Marquina (2024-04-29). Open science and agroecology: A Conversation with Miguel àÅngel Núñez. An independent researcher argues that Venezuela is undergoing an agroecological transition.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Ex-Scotland captain Hogg 'resets' in rehab following arrest.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Vitamin D and pregnancy: Why mother and baby need it — and why women should not supplement on their own. Did you know that women are generally deficient in vitamin D? CNA Women finds out why, particularly when there's no lack of sunlight in Singapore, and gets insights from the experts on the role vitamin D plays, especially in pregnancy.

nosihle (2024-04-29). NCOP approves Climate Change Bill. NCOP approves Climate Change Bill | The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, has welcomed the approval of the Climate Change Bill by the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). | "Climate change is here, and we have relatively little time to respond. The Bill empowers us to respond at the necessary scale and speed, building on the considerable amount of work we have already done," the Minister said on Monday. | The objectives of the Climate Change Bill are, among others, to enable the development of an effective climate change response and a long-term just transition to a low-carbon…

SAM (2024-04-29). Backroom Dealing Is Driving Right-Wing Abortion Bans. KATYA SCHWENK | THE LEVER…

| AFP | (2024-04-29). Jabeur wants 'more respect' for women after reaching Madrid quarters. Tunisian tennis star Ons Jabeur on Monday called out organisers of European tournaments for failing to "respect" women players by giving preferential treatment to men at combined events after she swept into the quarter-finals of the Madrid Open. | Jabeur dismissed ninth-seeded Jelena Ostapenko 6-0, 6-4 to reach the last eight along with top seed Iga Swiatek who eased past home favourite Sara Sorribes Tormo 6-1, 6-0. | But Jabeur, the 2022 Madrid champion, later took a swipe at tournament organisers, telling reporters she believes tennis still has a way to go to achieve gender equality, despite it being the lea… (2024-04-29). Themed show showcases costumes unearthed from archaeological sites in Beijing. Restorations of sixteen cultural relics including clothing, furniture and ancient wares were displayed during the show on Sunday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). This Is a Golden Age of Censorship. It's too bad we can't monetize censorship, because we truly live in a golden age of speech suppression. In this deeply polarized society, the one thing we can all agree upon is that people we disagree with need to shut up.

Arjun Singh (2024-04-29). LEVER TIME PREMIUM: How Reagan Created Today's Monopoly Crisis.

Maryelle Budry (2024-04-29). Historic victory for the "Aînées pour le climat" "They accused Switzerland, with evidence to back up their accusations, of failing to take care of their health and well-being in the face of increasingly worrying heatwaves, and of failing to take steps to achieve the target set for 2030 by the Paris Agreement in 2015." | – | / |

Gabisile (2024-04-29). Health urges public to get the flu vaccine as flu season hits. Health urges public to get the flu vaccine as flu season hits | The National Department of Health has urged the public to take extra precautionary measures to protect themselves and their loved ones against respiratory infections, which are expected to increase over the winter season. | According to the department, the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is currently at peak circulation in the country, while influenza also known as flu is starting to surge. | Meanwhile, COVID-19 continues to circulate at low levels. | The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), which monitors the circulation of respir…

RONALD MUSOKE (2024-04-29). UN boss launches panel on critical minerals for energy transition. Limiting global warming to 1.5 ∞C, to avert climate change, will depend on sufficient, reliable and affordable supply of critical energy transition minerals ANALYSIS | RONALD MUSOKE | As the world accelerates its shift towards renewable energy, the demand for critical minerals such as copper, lithium, and cobalt is surging, spotlighting the need for equitable and sustainable practices in the extraction …

Radical Socialist (2024-04-29). Defeat the BJP, rely on the strength of workers, poor peasants, and all the oppressed social , ethnic, regional groups of people. Radical Socialist on the Current Parliamentary Elections in India. | – | / | (2024-04-29). Over 100,000 march against fascism in Europe. There was dancing and singing. And the sun was out too: sunshine that boded well.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). K-drama Queen Of Tears: All the Easter eggs, cameos and little things you might have missed. Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won stole our hearts in the recently concluded Queen Of Tears. But did you also notice all references to shows like Crash Landing On You and My Love From The Star — and all the nods to Bae Suzy and Song Joong-ki?

(2024-04-29). Taliban detain 3 Afghan radio journalists for playing music, talking to female callers. (2024-04-29). 138-year-old pear tree in full blossom in NE China. A 138-year-old pear tree blossoms, attracting many tourists in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, April 28, 2024.

Editor at Global Grind (2024-04-29). Will TikTok Be Banned? Here's What We Know So Far.

thecommunists (2024-04-29). Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: the Sino-Soviet split. In the 12th instalment of Brar and Maupin in Conversation discussion focuses on the destruction of the relationship between the Soviet Union and China after the passing of Josef Stalin and the Soviet move towards revisionism. Nikita Khrushchev's 'secret speech', in which he vehemently denounced the leadership of Comrade Stalin, reverberated through the communist movement …

SAM (2024-04-29). Nobel-Winning Economist Calls For Climate Tax On Billionaires. ARIELLE SAMUELSON | HEATED…

| AFP | (2024-04-29). Man Utd's Antony fuelled by critics amid difficult season. Manchester United winger Antony says criticism of his spluttering form this season is fuelling his desire to prove his worth at Old Trafford. | Antony scored his first Premier League goal this season in Saturday's 1-1 draw against Burnley. | But United's difficult campaign suffered another blow as the lowly visitors grabbed a late equaliser through Zeki Amdouni. | Signed from Ajax for a fee that could rise to £85 million ($108 million) in 2022, Antony has yet to live up to that hefty price tag and has come in for criticism from fans and pundits. | The 24-year-old has only made 14 league starts this term…

Gabisile (2024-04-29). Blue light gang suspects shot dead. Blue light gang suspects shot dead | Three blue light gang suspects who were allegedly terrorising motorists on the N3 freeway were shot dead by a multidisciplinary team of law enforcement officials on Sunday. | According to the South African Police Service (SAPS), this is after information about the gang, which allegedly committed blue light robberies on the N3 between Villiers and Heidelberg using a white Toyota Hilux, was received. | "A multidisciplinary team was mobilised and traced the suspects to the N3 highway, Grootvlei in Mpumalanga. The vehicle was spotted with blue lights on. | "The suspects saw the p…

| Reuters | (2024-04-29). Dozens of tornadoes strike Oklahoma, killing at least four. At least four people died, including a four-month-old baby, and scores were injured in Oklahoma this weekend after dozens of twisters swept the US Southern Plains, while weather alerts on Sunday put more than 7 million Americans under tornado warnings. | Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt on Sunday declared a disaster emergency for the state, freeing up more money for first responders and recovery operations. | "Definitely the most damage since I've been governor," Stitt said in Sulphur, one of the hardest-hit communities, on Sunday afternoon as he provided an update on fatalities and damage. Stitt began his first…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Singtel sees US$2.3 billion impairment hit, net loss in 2024 second-half.

(2024-04-29). Brazilian court upholds conviction of killers of journalist Valério Luiz de Oliveira. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-29). Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly spotted getting cozy post-breakup at Stagecoach Festival. Megan Fox and musician Machine Gun Kelly (born Colson Baker) have been seen dancing together at the Stagecoach music festival in Indio, California. | During the country star Jelly Roll's performance, a festival-goer captured a video of the couple affectionately dancing to his song "Save Me." | View this post on Instagram | A post shared by Shaquel Latonia (@shaquel08) | In the video, Machine Gun Kelly, 34, and Fox, 37, held each other and swayed to the music as Jelly Roll sang, "And all of my sorrows, I'd just wash them down." | The "Bloody Valentine" musician was also seen rubbing Fox's shoulder and singing t… (2024-04-29). China emphasizes importance of collaboration in barley resources. China has abundant germ plasm resources that are crucial for breeding better-performing varieties of barley, a crop widely used in animal feeding, the malting industry and human diet.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). China Concerned About Japan's Plans to Curb Semiconductor Exports. BEIJING (Sputnik) – Beijing has expressed serious concern over Japan's plans to tighten export controls in the semiconductor sector, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said on Monday, adding that the proposed measures may affect the trade between Chinese and Japanese enterprises and harm the stability of the global supply chain.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Commentary: What to do when the US-China rivalry gulf remains deep, wide and long-lasting. US-China relations look slightly more positive this year than last, says former veteran newspaper editor Han Fook Kwang.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Documentary focuses on man behind a cruelly bizarre 1990s Japanese reality show. The Contestant explores the story behind the late 1990s hit reality TV show from Japan, A Life In Prizes, in which a comedian nicknamed Nasubi is forced to survive on whatever he can redeem from mail-in coupons. (2024-04-29). Chinese art sales surge among U.S. collectors. The popularity of Chinese art is surging among the United States' and Asian collectors who value modern and ancient paintings, drawings, artifacts and objects, Christie's New York auction house says. (2024-04-28). China unveils new measures to facilitate opening-up, international exchanges. China's National Immigration Administration (NIA) has unveiled an array of new measures on Sunday that bring more conveniences to the entry and exit management of the public and businesses. (2024-04-29). China tests new rocket engine, achieving biggest thrust power. China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp conducted on Sunday a major test on a new type of rocket engine, creating the biggest thrust power ever recorded in tests of any Chinese liquid-propellant engines.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). All the movies coming to cinemas and streaming from May to August. Here are the movies airing between May and August 2024 in Singapore.

Iain Bruce, Leonadis Iza, Martí­n Mosquera (2024-04-29). Ecuador: Indigenous Resistance and Political Challenges — an interview with Leonidas Iza. (2024-04-28). China lodges solemn representations over Japan's provocative 'inspection' near Diaoyu Dao. According to media reports, the Japanese lawmakers trespassed into the waters near the Diaoyu Dao, also known as Diaoyu Islands, for the marine "inspection" on Friday, and they claimed they should land on the islands for investigations.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Hunter Biden Threatens Fox News With Lawsuit Over 'Intimate' Images – Reports. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, is threatening Fox News with a defamation lawsuit if the news organization refuses to remove explicit images of him from their platforms, CNN reported on Monday. (2024-04-29). Zangke River bridge successfully connected in Guizhou. The construction site of Zangke River bridge on Nayong-Qinglong Expressway in southwest China's Guizhou Province, April 28, 2024. With a length of 1,849 meters and a span of 1,080 meters, the bridge was successfully connected on Sunday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Macron 'In Favor' of Debating European Nuclear Deterrent. In January, Macron pointed out in a speech at the Swedish Defense Academy that the future security architecture of the continent could no longer be settled simply by the US and Russia, and that Europe has a right to determine its own future.

Colin Todhunter (2024-04-29). GM Golden Rice in the Philippines Stopped: The Deception of Development and the Politics of Progress.

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-29). U.S. Secretary of State Blinken Demands Hamas' Surrender.

Arlene Getz (2024-04-29). Mass raid in Turkey jails 3 Kurdish reporters, others put under judicial control. Istanbul, April 29, 2024—Turkish authorities should release reporters Esra Solin Dal, Mehmet Aslan, and Erdoƒüan Alayumat and end the systematic harassment of Kurdish journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday. On April 23, Turkish authorities took nine people, who local media reported were all Kurdish journalists and media workers, into police custody after conducting…

| AFP | (2024-04-29). Nadal keeps his clay dream alive as he battles past Cachin. Rafael Nadal said he is doing his best to "keep dreaming" after he extended his stay at the Madrid Open by winning a three-hour tussle with Argentina's Pedro Cachin 6-1, 6-7 (5/7), 6-3 on Monday. | Contesting his home tournament one last time before retirement, the five-time champion gave the world number 91 his shirt after Cachin asked him for a memento from the match. | "Some moments good, some moments not good. I found a way to be through. I think in the third set with some mistakes I was still able to be a bit unpredictable," Nadal said of his roller-coaster third-round victory. | "Now I'm enjoying. Let's…

The Independent (2024-04-29). Census material distribution begins as UBOS battles recruitment malpractices. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Concerns regarding malpractices in the recruitment of enumerators are troubling the organizers of the upcoming Uganda National Population Census as it progresses into the materials distribution phase. The country's 6th and inaugural digital census saw the dispatch of the first batch of tablets to be utilized in the enumeration … (2024-04-29). Huawei-Seres car crash sparks safety argument. An AITO M7 Plus running at 115 kph crashed into a water truck on a highway fast lane last Friday in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, claiming three lives.

NEOB (2024-04-29). Democracy restored the dignity of South Africans. Democracy restored the dignity of South Africans | President Cyril Ramaphosa says the advent of democracy in South Africa 30 years ago allowed all South Africans to reclaim their dignity. | The President was addressing the nation through his weekly newsletter on Monday. | On Saturday, 27 April, South Africa celebrated 30 years of democracy when millions of South Africans — most voting for the first time — cast their vote in 1994 to remove the racist apartheid government from power. | This as the President led the 2024 Freedom Day national celebrations at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Saturday.

D.L. Chandler (2024-04-29). The 'Rodney King Riots' In Los Angeles Began On This Day In 1992. Source: Lindsay Brice / Getty | UPDATED: 11: 00 a.m. April 29, 2024 | Originally published April 29, 2013 | Uprisings among disenfranchised people reacting to oppressive law enforcement tactics have seemingly been a constant

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Singapore football association considers fitting referees with body cameras to tackle abuse. Out of 14 disciplinary cases that the Football Association of Singapore dealt with last year, 10 involved verbal abuse or violent conduct towards referees.

The Independent (2024-04-29). Bishop Mukasa condemns rising family related murders. Masaka, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Rt. Rev. Lawrence Mukasa, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kasana-Luwero, has strongly condemned the alleged murders of parents by their own children driven by greed for property. Bishop Mukasa expressed deep concern over the disturbing trend where children resort to killing their parents when denied land titles … (2024-04-28). Xi charts path for landmark trade corridor. President Xi Jinping has spelled out a new vision for the opening-up of China's western region, with the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor expected to continue spearheading efforts to boost trade and logistics links between the region and global markets.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Work It Podcast: Is flexible work shaping the office of the future? Companies are starting to consider satellite offices that are closer to homes, but financing them is a key consideration.

Dave Kellaway (2024-04-29). Meloni's government censors anti fascism. The controversy surrounding a historian's attempt to give a minute's monologue on the meaning of Italy's National Liberation Day, 25 April. | – | / |

Jaime Pastor , Pierre Rousset (2024-04-29). Global crisis, conflict and war: what internationalism for the 21st century?

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-29). Has Joe Alwyn finally moved on from Taylor Swift? Joe Alwyn is reportedly "doing well" and "focused on work" more than a year after his split from the pop icon. | According to a source from People Magazine, the 33-year-old actor is "dating and happy," emphasising that "he's a great guy and not into drama in any way." | Alwyn has "moved on" from Swift, 34, and "certainly doesn't talk poorly about her," the source says. "He was in love with her, and it just didn't work out." | The source also mentioned, "Joe loves acting, but can't stand the attention that comes with it. He's not comfortable in the spotlight." | Alwyn and Swift were first linked in May 2017, an… (2024-04-28). Honoring commitments vital for U.S. to advance ties. Honoring commitments is key for the United States to stabilize relations with China in the near future, and forming a proper perception of China will be needed to make the interactions sustainable, observers said.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-04-29). Colombia's peace negotiators oppose talks with ELN dissidents. The government's peace negotiators told Colombia's President Gustavo Petro can't negotiate peace with a dissident ELN front and their superiors at the same time. Petro's decision to negotiate peace with…

Dan La Botz (2024-04-29). Pro-Palestine Student Protests Spread Despite Repression. Thousands of students at dozens of campuses across the United States participated in April and continue today to join in pro-Palestine protests leading in some cases to brutal police repression, arrests, and suspensions or expulsions from the university. | – | / |

(2024-04-29). Chilean journalists Daniel Labbé and Josefa Barraza face criminal charges. (2024-04-28). Shenzhou XVIII completes in-orbit handover with Shenzhou XVII. The three astronauts aboard China's Shenzhou XVIII spaceship have completed in-orbit handover from the Shenzhou XVII crew members on Sunday, China Manned Space Agency announced.

Editor (2024-04-29). Barnard AAUP chapter unanimously issues vote of 'no confidence' in Rosenbury. Barnard AAUP Chapter President Frederick Neuhouser said the vote calls for a change in course such as "implicitly a call for resignation." (2024-04-29). The Five Eyes and Canada's 'China Panic'. Examining the three stages in the making of this panic, and how a toxic Sinophobia is preventing any resolution of the crisis.

The Independent (2024-04-29). Passenger rail for Kampala set to resume. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | This Thursday, limited passenger services resume between Kampala and Namanve, following suspension last year to pave the way for the rehabilitation and upgrade of the existing line. The passenger services will feature departures from Namanve to Kampala at 6.40 and 7.45 am and evening departures from Kampala at 5.30 and …

Bilal G. Morris (2024-04-29). Haitian Gang Leader Accused Of Destabilizing The Country Wants To 'Get Rid Of The Oligarchs'. Source: Giles Clarke / Getty | A Haitian Gang leader who is accused of destabilizing the country says oligarchs are to blame for Vitel'Homme Innocent is known as one of the most dangerous men in Haiti. The gang leader recently made the Innocent, who is the leader of the violent gang Kraze Baryé, has been on the…

The Independent (2024-04-29). Government hailed for recognising that 'Veterinarians are essential health workers'. Rakai, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | THE Uganda Veterinary Association (UVA) has hailed government for fast tracking ammendments to various outdated laws to improve the veterinary sector and the One Health approach, in the country. Speaking as Uganda joined the rest of the world to celebrate the 24th Celebrations of the World Veterinary Day in … (2024-04-28). Pro-Palestinian protesters dig in on campuses. Pro-Palestinian protests on university campuses throughout the U.S. extended into the weekend, some universities moved to shut down encampments, and police continued to arrest protesters.

The Independent (2024-04-29). Chemutai happy with silver in Shanghai Diamond League. KAMPALA, UGANDA | Xinhua | Uganda's star athlete Peruth Chemutai said she was happy with her second place finish in the Wanda Diamond League in Shanghai/Suzhou on Saturday. The Tokyo Olympics gold medalist finished second with a time of 9: 15.46 behind Kenya's Beatrice Chepkoech in the 3,000m women's steeplechase at the Olympic Sports Centre Stadium. …

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-29). Slayer returns to Guilty Gear Strive for upcoming season. The vampire dandy man, Slayer, is set to return to the stage in the fighting video game Guilty Gear Strive. | At Evo Japan 2024, Arc System Works unveiled Slayer as the final DLC character for Guilty Gear Strive Season 3 in a new trailer. | Slayer will join the roster on May 30th as part of Season Pass 3. | Having first appeared in 2002's Guilty Gear XX, Slayer has been a formidable presence in the series, though he missed out on recent developments in Strive. | As the former leader of the Assassin's Guild and the sole known Nightless character until Nagoriyuki's emergence, fans may find Slayer's interactions… (2024-04-29). Canton Fair sees jump in foreign participation. The third phase of the 135th China Import and Export Fair — widely known as the Canton Fair — is scheduled to open on Wednesday in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, further building upon the significant increase of overseas buyers in the last two phases. (2024-04-29). Chang'e 6 lunar mission to be launched soon. Chang'e 6, China's next spacecraft to venture to the moon, is scheduled to set out on its journey in the coming days, tasked with bringing back samples from the moon's little-known far side, the China National Space Administration said in a news release. (2024-04-29). Giant pandas Jin Xi and Zhu Yu depart for Spain. Giant pandas Jin Xi and Zhu Yu took off from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport on a special flight to Spain this morning.

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-29). LIVE: D.I.Y. Protest Tips! + Net Neutrality Is Back!

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). Russian Forces Liberate Village of Semyonovka in Donetsk People's Republic. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian troops have liberated the village of Semyonovka in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), the Ministry of Defense announced.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-29). IMF's Georgieva Warns US Economic Growth 'Unlikely to Last'. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva warned on Monday that US economic growth is "unlikely to last."

Janine (2024-04-29). Government activities for the week 29 April — 03 May 2024. Government activities for the week 29 April — 03 May 2024 | On Monday, 29 April, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, will hand over a media laboratory to Naledi Primary School in Ottosdal, Ngaka Molema Modiri District, in the North West province. | On Monday, 29 April, Eastern Cape Premier, Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane, together with the Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC, Nonkqubela Pieters, will announce a new cannabis investor at the Coega SEZ. | From Monday, 29 April, to Tuesday, 30 April, the Minister of Water and Sanitation, Senzo Mchunu, will visit the uThuk…

(2024-04-29). Serbian ex-mayor jailed for 4 years in arson attack on journalist Milan Jovanović. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director (2024-04-29). Air China signs deal to buy 100 C919 aircraft for $11 bln. Air China announced on Friday night to purchase 100 C919 aircraft from Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), the plane manufacturer.

NEOB (2024-04-29). President Ramaphosa's diary for the upcoming weeks. President Ramaphosa's diary for the upcoming weeks | President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to attend several events over the coming week. | This as the Presidency on Monday released the first citizen's list of of public events, starting from Tuesday, 30 April to 9 May 2024. | National Orders | As Grand Patron of the National Orders, the President will on Tuesday, 30 April 2024, bestow the 2024 National Orders Awards on distinguished citizens and eminent foreign nationals who have contributed towards the advancement of democracy and have made a significant impact on improving the lives of South Africans. | The Na… (2024-04-29). Tornadoes claim 4 lives in Oklahoma, leaves widespread devastation and power outages. PTC News Desk: Tornadoes wreaked havoc in Oklahoma, claiming the lives of four individuals, including an infant, and plunging thousands into darkness as power outages swept through affected areas. The destructive storms left behind a trail of devastation in Sulphur, a rural town of approximately 5,000 residents, where buildings were flattened, vehicles were overturned, and homes were stripped of their roofs. | Governor Kevin Stitt, visibly moved by the extent of the destruction, described the scene in Sulphur as unimaginable, with virtually every downtown business reduced to rubble. Reports indicated about 30 in…

| Entertainment Desk | (2024-04-29). Furious Ducky Bhai offers Rs1 million for original content that led to wife's AI-generated video. With AI technology fast becoming a hallmark of social media, popular YouTuber Saadur Rehman 'Ducky Bhai' took the bull by the horns to address the viral deepfakes of his wife Aroob Jatoi that have been blasted across the internet. Known otherwise for his light-hearted content, Ducky took to Instagram to appeal for the identity of the persons involved. To seal the deal, the content creator offered Rs1 million to the person who came forward with concrete information. | "I never thought I'd be posting such a video, and it gives me great sadness to do so," he began in his Instagram reel, with a sombre-faced Jatoi…

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-04-29). Presidente Abbas insta a EE.UU. a impedir ataque israelí a Rafah. El mandatario explicó que la invasión de los sionistas a Rafah obligaría a todos a abandonar la ciudad.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-29). Israel asesina a 19 palestinos más durante bombardeos en Rafah. Los ataques se produjeron luego que la ocupación israelí anunciara la planificación de una operación terrestre en la zona, lo que ha generado críticas por parte de la comunidad internacional debido a que la ciudad alberga a 1,4 millones de civiles.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-04-29). Asciende a 34.454 el número de palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. El recuento incluye al menos 66 muertes en las últimas 24 horas, según un comunicado del ministerio, añadiendo que 77.575 personas han resultado heridas en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-04-29). Hamás anuncia que este lunes responderá a propuesta de Israel. La oferta de Israel responde a una propuesta realizada por Hamás hace dos semanas.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-04-29). Venezuela denuncia ante la ONU masacre de Israel en Khan Younis. La Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados de Palestina (Unrwa) comunicó que las calles en Khan Younis están llenas de municiones sin detonar.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). El mundo celebra la belleza y universalidad de la danza. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) El mundo honra y ovaciona hoy a una hermosa expresión artística al celebrar el Día Internacional de la Danza, cuyos exponentes buscan comunicar con movimientos lo que no se puede decir con palabras.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). Aprovechar potencialidades para encontrar soluciones. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) Seguir haciendo cosas que, en medio de las dificultades económicas que atraviesa el país, permitan ir mejorando la calidad de vida en Cuba, no es una quimera. La prueba de ello está en esos lugares donde sí se aprovechan las potencialidades y se buscan constantes soluciones para superar los obstáculos.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). El día de los obreros que es, también, de toda la familia. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) En Cuba, hace mucho que el 1ro. de Mayo dejó de ser una fecha exclusiva para la masa obrera de la Isla. Toda generación, nacida después de aquel enero luminoso, puede dar fe de ello.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). Cuba se prepara para celebrar el 1 de mayo. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) Cuba ultima detalles hoy para el desfile por el 1 de mayo, Día de los Trabajadores, que anualmente congrega a miles de nacionales y extranjeros en esta capital.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-04-29). Llegan a 93 las víctimas mortales por inundaciones en Kenia. La Cruz Roja de Kenia reportó que ha rescatado a 23 personas en las últimas horas tras el hundimiento de una embarcación en el río Tana.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-29). Pedro Sánchez decide seguir al frente del Gobierno español. Pedro Sánchez aseguró que la movilización social ha influido en su decisión y agradeció las muestras de apoyo de su agrupación política.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-29). Papa Francisco alerta sobre equilibrio hombre y medioambiente. VisitA Venecia, donde advirtió sobre peligros que la aquejan, como el cambio climático, la fragilidad de su patrimonio y el turismo masivo.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-29). Al menos diez heridos en tiroteo durante fiesta en Florida, EE.UU. El tiroteo ocurrió luego de que se intensificó un altercado verbal y el tirador sacó una pistola, con la que disparó contra una multitud.

teleSUR, rzr (2024-04-29). Guatemala supera los 14 mil casos de dengue con nueve muertos. El MSPAS anunció que se mantiene en alerta debido a que se encuentran en medio de la temporada en que usualmente repunta la transmisión del dengue.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-29). Pedro Sánchez decidirá si dimite como jefe del Gobierno español. El jefe del Ejecutivo español, anunció el pasado miércoles que se daba unos días de reflexión para decidir si continuaba o no al frente del gobierno.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-29). Xiomara Castro pide a su partido marchar el próximo 1 de mayo. Castro también instó a sus correligionarios a conmemorar la fecha participando en las distintas marchas que se llevarán a cabo a nivel nacional el próximo miércoles.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-04-29). Cuatro policías abatidos en enfrentamiento armado en México. Los uniformados procedían al traslado de los detenidos cuando fueron interceptados por un grupo de sujetos armados que los agredieron.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-04-29). Aceiteros argentinos iniciarán huelga por tiempo indefinido. La medida de rechazo tiene como antecedente el regreso del impuesto a las Ganancias y los 17 artículos que comprende la Reforma Laboral de Milei. (2024-04-29). Kuraklƒ±ƒüƒ±n etkili olduƒüu Afrika'nƒ±n doƒüusu ≈üimdi de ≈üiddetli yaƒüƒ±≈ülarla màºcadele ediyor. Son 40 yƒ±lƒ±n en bàºyàºk iklim kaynaklƒ± kuraklƒ±ƒüƒ±ndan etkilenen Afrika'nƒ±n doƒüusundaki biràßok àºlkede, son haftalarda da ≈üiddetli yaƒüƒ±≈ülarƒ±n yol aàßtƒ±ƒüƒ± sel ve su baskƒ±nlarƒ±yla màºcadele ediliyor.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-04-29). Ajedrecista Elier Miranda se coronó en Veracruz. La Habana, 29 abr (JIT).- El cubano Elier Miranda puso ritmo triunfal a su despedida para apoderarse del trono en el Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez de Veracruz, en México.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-29). Encuesta señala a Biden como presidente de EE.UU. con menor aprobación. Obtiene 38,7 por ciento de aprobación a su gestión, lo cual es interpretado como una debilidad cuando faltan seis meses para la elección presidencial.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-04-29). OMS alerta sobre situación del sistema de salud en Haití. En Puerto Príncipe (capital), menos del 50 por ciento de las instalaciones funcionan a su capacidad normal y se están quedando sin suministros.

yenisafak (2024-04-29). ƒ∞BB ekiplerinin kazdƒ±ƒüƒ± àßukura dàº≈üerek hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybetmi≈üti: Ek≈üi Sà∂zlàºk'te minik Edanur iàßin skandal ifadeler! Kàºàßàºkàßekmece'de Fatih Mahallesi Menek≈üe Sahil Parkƒ± iàßerisinde ƒ∞BB tarafƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan kazƒ± àßalƒ±≈ümasƒ±nda olu≈üan su birikintisine geàßtiƒüimiz cumartesi gàºnຠ, 5 ya≈üƒ±ndaki Edanur Gezer dàº≈üerek hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybetmi≈üti. Edanur'un boƒüulduƒüu nokta havadan gà∂ràºntàºlendi: Edanur'un à∂ld຃&uuml…

yenisafak (2024-04-29). ƒ∞BB, à∂len Edanur'un ailesini suàßladƒ±. Kàºàßàºkàßekmece'deki sahil parkƒ±nda yapƒ±lan kazƒ± àßalƒ±≈ümasƒ± sonrasƒ±nda olu≈üan su birikintisine dàº≈üerek hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybeden 5 ya≈üƒ±ndaki Eda Nur Gezer iàßin ba≈ülatƒ±lan soru≈üturma devam ediyor. Olayla ilgili ƒ∞BB, skandal bir aà߃±klama yaparak aileyi suàßladƒ±. ƒ∞BB Park Bahàße ve Ye≈üil Alanlar Dairesi B…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-29). Billion-dollar money laundering case: Man jailed after pleading guilty to possessing car, S$777,000 from criminal proceeds. Su Baolin, a 42-year-old Cambodian, pleaded guilty to three out of 13 charges.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). Decenas de muertos y heridos en bombardeos israelíes contra Gaza. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) Más de una veintena de palestinos murieron y decenas resultaron heridos hoy como resultado de los bombardeos israelíes contra la Franja de Gaza, en medio de contactos para alcanzar un acuerdo de cese el fuego.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-29). Miles de españoles vuelven a las calles en defensa de la democracia. La protesta, bajo el lema "Por amor a la democracia", duró alrededor de una hora y fue convocada por la asociación La Plaza.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-29). Secuestran a candidato para alcaldía en Chiapas, México. Según reportes de medios locales, Gutiérrez Vázquez, postulante del Partido del Trabajo (PT), fue raptado por individuos armados alrededor de las 23H00 horas mientras se encontraba en una residencia en el barrio Belisario Domínguez.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, JGN (2024-04-29). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. La OMS ha alertado sobre la grave situación sanitaria en Gaza y la falta de recursos para atender a la población afectada por los ataques israelíes.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). Debate en Cuba sobre orden económico internacional. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) Políticos, académicos y expertos de diversas partes del mundo compartirán hoy un espacio común en Cuba para analizar los desequilibrios globales y la necesidad de un Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional (NOEI).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-29). Estrenan primera gran retrospectiva en Cuba de artista Manuel Mendive. La Habana, 29 abr (RHC) El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes y el Proyecto Mendive Art concibieron la primera gran retrospectiva en Cuba del artista Manuel Mendive, a inaugurarse el próximo 17 de mayo en esta capital.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-29). Aumenta a 280 cifra de muertes por dengue en Argentina. La principal fuente de transmisión es a través de mosquitos, pero también se ha informado de transmisión perinatal, en transfusiones de sangre, leche materna y trasplante de órganos.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-29). Accidente con autobús en México deja 18 muertos y 32 heridos. El suceso ocurrió en el municipio de Malinalco, mientras el vehículo transportaba a devotos provenientes de San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato, hacia el Santuario del Señor de Chalma.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2024-04-29). Candidatos a presidencia de México sostienen segundo debate. Para el próximo 19 de mayo está pautado el tercer y último debate presidencial en México.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-29). Más de 24 millones de brasileños dejan de pasar hambre, según encuesta. Inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional afectaba a finales de 2022 a 33.1 millones de personas, y un año después, a 8.7.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-29). Asesinan en Chocó a líder social colombiano Yarlinton Robledo. La ciudadanía reclama acciones concretas por parte de la administración municipal, ante el aumento de la violencia y la inseguridad en la región.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-04-29). Indepaz reporta nueva masacre en el Cauca, suroeste de Colombia. Con este hecho ya son tres las masacres registradas durante este año en el departamento del Cauca y 21 en todo el país.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-29). Aumentan protestas en universidades de EE.UU. a favor Gaza. A pesar de haber prevalecido el carácter pacifico de las protestas el número de manifestantes detenidos por la policía estadounidense van en aumento.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-04-29). Transportistas argentinos anuncian paro contra paquete fiscal. Esta acción se realizará solo tres días antes de la convocatoria al segundo paro general realizada por la Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT).

teleSUR, JCM (2024-04-29). Cientos de estudiantes arrestados en EE.UU. por protestas a favor de Gaza. En los últimos días, los campus universitarios de Estados Unidos se han convertido en escenarios de violentos ataques policiales contra estudiantes.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-29). Ataque deja dos policías muertos en la región rusa del Cáucaso. Durante el intercambio de disparos al menos cinco atacantes fueron abatidos por las fuerzas policiales.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-29). Tornados dejan al menos cuatro muertos en Oklahoma, EE.UU. El gobernador del estado de Oklahoma declaró la situación de emergencia en 12 condados mientras calculan el nivel de destrucción ocasionada por el paso de los tornados.

Sushovan Dhar (2024-04-29). India : popular movements, not elections, will bring transformative change. With the exception of a brief period, India has been more fortunate than many other nations in being able to maintain parliamentary rule over the last 77 years. With 900 million voters—more than the populations of Europe and Australia put together—the Indian elections are hailed as the largest exhibition and celebration of democracy. The nation's economic growth over the past 30 years —one of the fastest in the world—also makes the elections noteworthy on a global scale.
| India is undoubtedly at (…) | – | /…

Kai Koddenbrock (2024-04-29). CFA franc: conditions are ripe for replacement of the west African currency rooted in colonialism. At no point in history has the CFA franc — the name of a colonial currency used in west and central African countries belonging to the franc zone — been closer to its demise.
| Senegal has overwhelmingly voted for leftwing Pastef candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye (and his former party leader Ousmane Sonko) while the coup governments in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have been talking about leaving the CFA franc for some time.
| Senegal under outgoing president Macky Sall was a pillar of the (…) | – | /…

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-29). The World Bank saw the debt crisis looming.

Vincent Noirhomme (2024-04-29). The CADTM will stand up for a social, ecological, feminist and antiracist Europe in Marseilles.

CADTM International (2024-04-29). The CADTM Denounces the Lack of Action on Climate Change and the Neoliberal Approach of the Bretton Woods Institutions.

Collective (2024-04-29). Kathmandu Statement to End Austerity.

Michael Roberts (2024-04-29). Further thoughts on the economics of imperialism.

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-04-29). "The Olympic flame, a wonderful idea from Dr. Goebbels"!

Michael Roberts (2024-04-29). India: Modi and the rise of the billionaire Raj. A general election in India starts today. 970m Indians, more than 10% of the world's population, will head to the polls in what will be the largest election in history for the Lok Sabha (House of the People) parliamentary elections. The poll will spread across India and take up to 4 June to complete. Opinion polls suggest that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and his coalition will win a third successive 5-year term, and win by (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-29). Are the BRICS and their New Development Bank offering alternatives to the World Bank, the IMF and the policies promoted by the traditional imperialist powers? (2024-04-29). Israeli occupation army says four missiles were fired from Lebanon at Har Dov (occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms). (2024-04-29). Israeli war jets raid Al-Khiyam border town twice with missiles: Al-Manar reporter. (2024-04-29). Israeli War cabinet minister Benny Gantz breaks his foot during tour near Kibbutz Yad Mordechai in the Zionist entity's south. (2024-04-29). Islamic Resistance fighters target a gathering of Israeli soldiers near Ruwaisat Al-Alam in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with artillery shells, inflicting direct hits: statement. (2024-04-29). Israeli Channel 12: 40 missiles have been fired from Lebanon since the morning. (2024-04-29). Al-Manar correspondent in south Lebanon reports two Israeli air strikes on the border town of Khiam. (2024-04-29). Egypt's foreign minister says he is "hopeful" about a new proposal for a Gaza truce. (2024-04-29). Islamic Resistance fighters launch a concentrated fiery attack on Khirbet Ma'ar base as well as its artillery bunkers and deployment of soldiers with missiles and artillery shells of all types: statement. (2024-04-29). Zionist artillery targets south of Gaza city. (2024-04-29). Al-Qassam fighters strike IOF in Netzarim with mortar shells.

newarab (2024-04-29). Displaced Gazans thank US pro-Palestine student protesters. One Palestinian man, Abu Youssef Hamad, who has fled to

newarab (2024-04-29). Only US can halt looming Israeli attack on Rafah, says Abbas.

newarab (2024-04-29). Israel directly targets Palestinian journalists in Gaza: PJS. At least 141 On Thursday, Mohammed Bassam al-Jamal, a Rafah-based journalist who covered the

newarab (2024-04-29). Hamas to respond to Gaza truce plan in Egypt on Monday.

newarab (2024-04-29). Hamas has 'no major issue' with Israel's Gaza truce proposal. A senior Hamas official told AFP on Sunday that the Palestinian militant group had "no major issues" with the latest proposal from Israel and Egypt for a Gaza ceasefire. | "The atmosphere is positive unless there are new Israeli obstacles. There are no major issues in the observations and inquiries submitted by Hamas regarding the contents" of the proposal, said a Hamas official who spoke on condition of anonymity. | A Hamas delegation led by the movement's senior leader, Khalil al-Hayya, would deliver the group's response to the truce proposal during a meeting with Egyptian and Qatari mediators in Cairo on Mo…

newarab (2024-04-29). Gantz, Smotrich publicly oppose potential Gaza truce deal.

newarab (2024-04-29). All Gazans 'drinking unsafe water' due to Israeli war, siege. The health ministry in The ministry attributed its inability to test drinking water due to Israel's refusal to allow the delivery of chlorine or other alternatives, as well as the closure of the public health laboratory, as Israel…

newarab (2024-04-29). Israeli strikes on Gaza's Rafah kill 22, including 5-day-old. The overnight strikes hit three family homes. The first kill…

newarab (2024-04-29). Biden, Netanyahu hold call amid Israel-Gaza ceasefire talks. The two allies "reviewed ongoing talks to secure the release of hostages together with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza," the White House statement said, as diplom…

newarab (2024-04-29). Blinken arrives in Saudi Arabia to discuss Israel normalisation, post-war Gaza.

newarab (2024-04-29). Hamas has no major issues with Israel's Gaza truce proposal. A delegation from the Islamist movement will arrive in

newarab (2024-04-29). WCK resumes Gaza aid after Israel strike that killed 7 staff. Prior to halting operations, WCK had distributed more than 43 million meals in Gaza since October, representing by its own accounts 62% of all internatio…

newarab (2024-04-29). Over 600 Israeli extremists storm Al-Aqsa during Passover. Over The storming coincided with the sixth day of the week-long Jewish holiday of The extremists performed Talmudic rituals in the mosque's courtyards under the protec…

newarab (2024-04-29). Gaza aid pier ready in two to three weeks, US says. The White House said Sunday that a Israel's nearly seventh-month war on Gaza has triggered a humanitarian crisis, and it faces growing pressure to enable more aid deliveries as the UN warns The Pentagon said last week that the US military had b…

newarab (2024-04-29). France's top diplomat in Lebanon in push for calm with Israel. France's top diplomat on Sunday urged calm in Israel and Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah group have exchanged near-daily fire since the start of Israel's war on Gaza on October 7. Hezbollah says its attacks aim to divert some Israeli attention away from Gaza. | Fighting has intensified in r…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-29). When Che Guevara Came to Gaza. Editorial note: Orinoco Tribune does not generally publish pieces older than two weeks. However, an exception is being made in this case as the current article remains as relevant today as when it was first published. | By Yousef Alhelou — Dec 4, 2018 | The iconic revolutionary visited Gaza to inspire a popular uprising against Israeli dominance, writes Yousef al-Helou. | Since the explicit Israeli colonisation of historic Palestine in 1948 supported by colonialist and imperialist powers, namely Britain and the US, the Palestinian struggle has become a global cause. Resistance was a natural response to the i…

newarab (2024-04-29). Dubai begins construction of 'world's largest' airport terminal. "We approved the designs for the new passenger terminal at Al Maktoum International Airport, and (are) commencing construction of the building at a cost of AED 128 billion ($34.85 billion)," Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid…

newarab (2024-04-29). Iran bans Egyptian TV drama on historical Islamic leader. Iranian authorities have banned an "The Assassins", or "El-Hashashin" in Arabic, recounts the story of Hassan-i Sabbah, the controversial founder of an offshoot The 30-episode series about Sab…

newarab (2024-04-29). Hundreds protest White House journalists' dinner over Gaza. Hundreds of people turned out on a chilly Saturday evening in Washington, DC to protest the White House Correspondents' Dinner in a show of support for journalists in Gaza. | Media workers in Gaza have The initiative, launched earlier this month without much response from US-based journalists, is aimed not just at the US government but also at the Washi…

newarab (2024-04-29). Attack on gas field in Iraqi Kurdistan kills four Yemenis. Four Yemeni The Khor Mor gas field, located to the southwest of Sulaimaniyah is being developed by the UAE's Dana Gas company and produces natural gas for…

newarab (2024-04-29). Iraq's criminalisation of LGBTQ+ draws diplomatic backlash. Human rights groups and diplomats criticised a law that was quietly passed by the U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said in a statement that the law passed Saturday "threatens those most at risk in Iraqi society" and "can be used to hamper free-speech and expression." He warned that the legisla…

newarab (2024-04-29). UN concerned over imminent attack in Sudan's North Darfur. The War erupted in Sudan one year ago between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary RSF, creating the Al Fashir is the last ma…

newarab (2024-04-29). Egypt's Zamalek break record as they cruise to CAF Cup final. Zamalek bettered the previous best away result in the penultimate stage — a 3-1 victory by SuperSport United of South Africa against Club Africain of Tunisia seven seasons ago. | The…

newarab (2024-04-29). Riyadh warns of economic fallout from Gaza war at WEF summit.

newarab (2024-04-29). The world has failed Gaza: Saudi foreign minister. Saudi Arabia on Sunday said the international community has failed Gaza and reiterated its call for a "The situation in Gaza obviously is a catastrophe by every measure – humanitarian, but also a complete failing of the existing political system to deal with that crisis," Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said during the first day of a Saudi-hosted World Economic Forum special meeting. | Only "a credible, irreversible path to a Palesti…

newarab (2024-04-29). Sudan demands emergency UN meeting on UAE 'aggression'. The fighting broke out in April last year between the regular army, headed by Sudan's de facto leader Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the paramilitary For m…

newarab (2024-04-29). Water for security: Iraq-Turkey deal revealed. The

newarab (2024-04-29). US police detain 200 at Gaza protest camps in 3 universities.

newarab (2024-04-29). 35 hospitalized in Riyadh after food poisoning outbreak. 35 people have been hospitalized The Saudi newspaper Arab News reported that the food poisoning cases were caused by the Clostridium botulinum bacteria and started at the local Hamburgini fast-food restaurant chain. | "Six cases have fully recovered after receiving appropriate health care, and two have been safely discharged. However, 35 individuals remain hospitalized, with 28 of them in intensive…

newarab (2024-04-29). Blinken visits Saudi Arabia as normalisation hopes falter. Washington's top diplomat will travel to US Secretary of State

Larry Johnson (2024-04-29). Video of Full Session of the 26th April Meeting of the UNSC. If you did not catch the entire session of my Friday appearance before the UNSC here is your chance. The rudest member of the UNSC was, hands down, the French Ambassador. He rejected following the normal courtesy of acknowledging even the UN briefers who preceded me. There's a shocker. Number two was the American representative. At least he had the class to acknowledge the two UN briefers but said nary a word about me. I expected that. I give the British rep credit because he thanked "all of the briefers" without mentioning anyone by name. | I was acknowledged in general by the representatives of the rest o…

Bob Bishop (2024-04-29). How 'Woke' Mobs are organized and deployed. Bob Bishop via In response to the Supreme Court's draft leak that would overturn Roe V. Wade, nationwide "Bans Off Our Bodies"

2024-04-29 22:39:35 | 22:39 EST | tr | 700 | 0 | 15 | 734 | 0 

2024-04-27: News Headlines

MEE staff (2024-04-27). UK troops could be sent into Gaza to help with aid deliveries. UK troops could be sent into Gaza to help with aid deliveries | Suggestion comes after US announces none of its own troops would be sent to the enclave | | A truck carrying humanitarian aid from the UK that entered Gaza through the Kerem Shalom (Karm Abu Salem) crossing to Rafah, in the southern Ga…

Mitchell Plitnick (2024-04-27). The Rafah invasion will be catastrophic. The impending Rafah invasion will be even worse than anything we've seen so far. And the U.S. is just going to watch it happen.

| Reuters | (2024-04-27). Gazans mourn baby who dies after rescue from dead mother's womb. Relatives gathered by a tiny sandy grave in Gaza on Friday, where they had buried a baby girl, who lived just a few days after doctors delivered her from the womb of her dying mother following an Israeli airstrike. | The baby had been given the names Sabreen, after her dead mother, and Rouh, which means "soul". | Her mother, Sabreen al-Sakani al-Sheikh, 30-weeks pregnant, was seriously injured when the Israeli strike hit the family home in Rafah, the southernmost city in the besieged Gaza Strip, on Saturday night. The baby's father Shukri and three-year-old sister Malak were killed. | Doctors delivered the bab…

TASS (2024-04-27). US' Blinken to visit Israel amid rising tensions between two countries — NYT. Israel's military upcoming operation in Rafah will also be on agenda, the New York Times reported…

Narek Boyajian, Jadelynn Zhang, Mondoweiss. (2024-04-27). We're Occupying Emory University To Demand Divestment From Israel. In Gaza and the West Bank, over 34,000 Palestinians have been murdered since the siege began on October 7, 2023. For over 75 years, the Palestinian people have been subjected to the illegal Zionist settler colonialism and white supremacy funded by Western Powers. The violence of the Israeli regime goes beyond denying Palestinian livelihood, making it its mission to sever Palestinians from their communities, land, and history. Halfway across the world, in the heart of Atlanta, a battle rages against the encroachment of Cop City, a sprawling police training facility slated to be erected in the Weelaunee Forest.

Palestinian Educational Collective (2024-04-27). Youth, students, and university workers in Palestine: we stand with our comrades in the campus movement! Together, we are collectively making history as we fortify our long tradition of resistance against injustice and fight for a liberated future in Palestine and beyond.

CPHFFJP (2024-04-27). Humboldt faculty condemn police violence against students, join demands for boycott and divestment from Israel. As faculty at Cal Poly Humboldt, we deplore the use of physical violence by police and the deployment of extreme tactics to surveil students, escalate tensions, and criminalize free speech exercised by students calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

John Perry (2024-04-27). Germany Buries the Evidence of Complicity in Genocide; Nicaragua Exposes It. By John Perry — Apr 25, 2024 | On April 11, Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, the British-Palestinian war surgeon, gave his first address as the newly-appointed rector of Glasgow University, chosen in recognition of his work at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. The following day he flew to Berlin, where he had been invited to address a major conference on Palestine. On arrival he was taken away by police, interrogated for several hours and eventually told he had to leave Germany and wouldn't be allowed to return until at least the end of April. Any attempt to speak to the conference via Zoom could result in a fine or even a y…

WSWS (2024-04-27). Australian workers protest against Israel's genocide in Gaza. Jasmin, a dentist, said the "doxxing of health workers criticising the attack on Gaza is inhumane and cruel. Healthcare workers should be able to give voice to the victims affected by the war."

Roberto Sirvent, Richard Medhurst, Black Agenda Report. (2024-04-27). United States Corporate Media Watch. Many of the great lies about October 7 were printed by papers like the New York Times, and broadcast incessantly on CNN and MSNBC. The entire liberal establishment is immersed in Israeli propaganda and Zionist beliefs. Joe Biden, a proud Zionist, is the one supplying the bombs that are being dropped on Gaza. It is the Democratic party, including Bernie Sanders and AOC who said nothing during the first weeks and months of this genocide, and instead talked about the Israeli occupation's "right" to do drop bombs on Palestinians. It is Ilhan Omar, a self-declared "progressive" and Muslim woman, who not only voted to… (2024-04-27). Protesters call out Quickstep for supporting the IDF's genocide.

Palestine Legal (2024-04-27). Columbia Students File Civil Rights Complaint After NYPD Arrests, National Guard Threat. April 25, New York, NY — Today, Palestine Legal filed a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR), demanding an investigation into Columbia University's discriminatory treatment of Palestinian students and their allies, including by inviting NYPD officers in riot gear — for the first time in decades — to arrest over a hundred students peacefully protesting Israel's genocide last week.

WSWS (2024-04-27). American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten promotes slander of Gaza protests as "antisemitic," covers for brutal government repression. Weingarten, a member of the Democratic National Committee with close ties to the Clintons, "Genocide Joe" Biden and other war criminals, personifies the role of the AFL-CIO bureaucracy as a mouthpiece for US imperialism abroad and austerity at home.

National Lawyers Guild (2024-04-27). NLG Condemns Attacks on Gaza Solidarity Encampments. April 25th, 2024 – The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) unequivocally condemns the ongoing repression of pro-Palestinian activism taking place on university campuses across the country. The NLG is firm in its support for a free Palestine, and is against Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza and occupation of the West Bank. The violent and unprovoked attacks by police on student encampments at Columbia, Yale, NYU, University of Southern California, Emory, University of Texas, and other universities exhibit a dangerous overreach against students' 1st Amendment rights and further illustrates our country's spiral into a surv…

| APP | (2024-04-27). Pakistan pushes for stopping Israeli war machine. Pakistan has called on the United Nations and the world community to consider "further measures" against Israel to secure a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to its "plausible genocide" of the Palestinian people in the besieged enclave. | Speaking in the United Nations Security Council's ministerial-level debate on the Middle East situation, Ambassador Usman Jadoon, deputy permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, did not specify the measures but pointed out that Israel's war in Gaza has spread the conflict to adjacent regions and further escalation must be prevented. | "Yet, unless Israel's war machine is st…

WSWS (2024-04-27). PEN America cancels World Voices Festival, literary awards ceremony due to protests over its conduct on Gaza. PEN America has canceled its annual festival, as well as its literary awards, after scores of authors withdrew from both programs to protest its acquiescence to the Gaza genocide.

Frances Madeson (2024-04-27). Crackdowns on Protests Are Exposing Higher Ed's Complicity in Israel's Genocide. As the Palestinian death toll in Gaza and the West Bank mounts daily, campus protests against Israel's genocidal war on Gaza continue to spread across the U.S., where students and faculty often face police crackdowns. Student activists from Pomona Divest from Apartheid in southern California, The Coalition for Mutual Liberation at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and Resist WashU in St. |

WSWS (2024-04-27). Students at Australian universities form encampments to protest Gaza genocide. "It's unsustainable because people are going to get more angry and they won't continue to support a government that is actively supporting genocide oversees while violently oppressing minorities and the working class in our own country."

A Guest Author (2024-04-27). German police shut down Palestine Congress in Berlin. By Andrew Johnson An anti-imperialist Palestine Congress "against German complicity in the genocide in Gaza" was planned for Berlin from April 12-14.. (junge Welt, April 15). Before police shut it down, the congress discussed the recent charges in the International Court of Justice, including South Africa's charges accusing Israel of . . . |

Editor (2024-04-27). Apr 27, 2024. Blowing In The Wind — Bob Dylan (1963) Why Divine Wrath Will Fall on Israel and America, by Don Hank Students Go After the Hypocrites, by Eric Margolis Zionism's Expired Shelf-Life: Why Naomi Klein is right that it has become Pharaoh, by H. Scott Prosterman Craig Murray: Worse Than You Can Imagine Empire Managers Say Russia, China And Iran Are Tricking Students Into Opposing Genocide, by Caitlin Johnstone Peter Myers Digest: Columbia faculty walk out over Gaza "Kill All Arabs": The Feds Are Investigating UMass Amherst for Anti-Palestinian Bias, by Prem Thakker Gen Z wants peace for Pale…

| REUTERS | (2024-04-27). Columbia leadership rebuked by faculty panel for police crackdown on protesters. Columbia University's embattled president came under renewed pressure on Friday as a campus oversight panel sharply criticized her administration for clamping down on a pro-Palestinian protest at the Ivy League school. | President Nemat Minouche Shafik has faced an outcry from many students, faculty and outside observers for summoning New York police to dismantle a tent encampment set up on campus by protesters against Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza. | After a two-hour meeting on Friday, the Columbia University Senate approved a resolution that Shafik's administration had undermined academic freedom and di…

Freedom Flotilla Coalition. (2024-04-27). Underhanded Israeli Tactic Delays Freedom Flotilla Departure. The Freedom Flotilla is ready to sail. All the required paperwork has been submitted to the port authority, and the cargo has been loaded and prepared for the trip to Gaza. | However, today we received word of an administrative roadblock initiated by Israel in an attempt to prevent our departure. Israel is pressuring the Republic of Guinea Bissau to withdraw its flag from our lead ship—Akdeniz ("Mediterranean"). This triggered a request for an additional inspection, this one by the flag state, that delays our April 26 planned departure.

(2024-04-27). Burkina Faso's media regulator suspends BBC Africa and Voice of America.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-27). Biden Wanted To Sanction An Israeli Battalion But He Didn't Because Israel Said No. The Biden administration has reportedly canned its plans to issue sanctions on an extremist IDF unit for human rights violations in the occupied West Bank, fol… (2024-04-27). Beijing supports Palestinian unity. China firmly supports internal reconciliation among the different Palestinian factions through dialogue as part of Beijing's measures to promote an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, said Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Occupy 4 Palestine (2024-04-27). Sonoma State University Launches Gaza Solidarity Encampment. On April 26, students at Sonoma State University launched a Gaza solidarity encampment on Person Lawn. SSU Students for Justice in Palestine has published the solidarity encampment's demands on their Instagram page, and announced: "We have a beautiful and strong community surrounding us. Join us & stand for a PERMANENT ceasefire now!" Students are calling for support, and say they need the following items: tents, water bottles, and a PA system/speaker.

The Independent (2024-04-27). The Middle East needs a ceasefire now. Paradoxically, Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel presents a unique opportunity for a regional ceasefire COMMENT | DAOUD KUTTAB | It is hard to imagine that anyone in the Levant or the broader Middle East managed to sleep on Saturday night, as Iran launched hundreds of drones and ballistic missiles toward strategic sites in Israel and Israeli …

| Reuters | (2024-04-27). Hamas receives Israel's response to its ceasefire proposal, says 'studying' it. Hamas said it had received on Saturday Israel's official response to its latest ceasefire proposal and will study it before submitting its reply, the group's deputy Gaza chief said in a statement. | "Hamas has received today the official response of the Zionist occupation to the proposal presented to the Egyptian and the Qatari mediators on April 13," Khalil Al-Hayya, who is currently based in Qatar, said in a statement published by the group. | After more than six months of Israel's war in Gaza, the negotiations remain deadlocked, with Hamas sticking to its demands that any agreement must end the war. | An Eg…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Hamas studying new Israeli truce proposal as mediators seek to revive talks.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-04-27). Liz Truss and the West: A Failed Former Prime Minister Speaks. It is unfortunate that column space should be dedicated to Britain's shortest termed prime minister and, arguably, one of its most imbecilic and cringingly juvenile. But given that some people still sympathise with her and her views, it falls to one to tackle her latest work which resembles other types of the gloomy genre warning …

infobrics (2024-04-27). Russia-India Signs Agreement to Operate Large Research Hub in New Delhi. The Higher School of Economics (HSE) and the University of Delhi entered into an agreement on strategic cooperation and joint actions…

infobrics (2024-04-27). Europe and the BRICS: Will There Be a Crossover During 2024's Summit. There is increasing interest from European countries in BRICS, with speculation about their attendance at the summit in Russia…

infobrics (2024-04-27). BRICS: Egypt's Role in the Union – Here's What We Need to Know. According to economist Shaima Sherif, Egypt's trade partnership with the BRICS countries is expected to focus on food security, especially due to Russia's key role as Egypt's main supplier of imported wheat…

truthout (2024-04-27). As Israel Razed Gaza, It Also Fueled Record Death Toll in West Bank in 2023. Last year's death toll in the West Bank was more than triple the previous recorded high set in 2022.

TASS (2024-04-27). Hamas says it received Israel's response to proposal on resolution in Gaza. The movement will analyze the Israeli proposal and will provide its own response afterwards, Hamas politburo member Khalil al-Hayya said…

Angela (2024-04-27). Thursday 5/2: Webinar: Arming Israel. Zoom |…

(2024-04-27). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Diplomático palestino acusó al Estado de Israel de cometer crímenes en Gaza. Ramala, 27 abr (RHC) El representante palestino ante la ONU, Riyad Mansour, acusó a Israel de ejecutar crímenes de guerra en la Franja de Gaza, reportó la prensa nacional.

Philip Giraldi (2024-04-27). Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A False Flag"? They Let It Happen? Their Objective Is "to Wipe Gaza Off the Map"? "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy". Benjamin Netanyahu…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic Platform expands global footprint of its distributed data network. The first-of-its-kind alliance moves into new regions to transform global healthcare and improve access, diagnostics and treatments for patients everywhere. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic Platform continues to expand its distributed data network, Mayo Clinic Platform_Connect1, which now includes eight of the world's leading health systems across three continents: Seoul National University Hospital, SingHealth and UC Davis Health, which join Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Mayo Clinic, Mercy, Sheba Medical Center and University Health Network (UHN)…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). Hezbollah claims Lebanese Resistance hampers Israel plans in Gaza. Beirut, April 27 (Prensa Latina) The Deputy Secretary-General of the Lebanese Resistance (Hezbollah), Naim Qassem, on Saturday claimed that the Lebanese Resistance hindered Israeli plans in attacking Gaza.

| Our Correspondent | (2024-04-27). 'Hamas' resistance against Israeli occupation justified under int'l law'. Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed termed Hamas' struggle against Israel's occupation as "rightful resistance" that significantly altered the status quo in the Middle East and emphasized that "Palestine is part of Pakistan's DNA". | The senator spoke at a three-day conference titled International Conference on Palestine, inaugurated by President Erdogan on April 26 in Istanbul. | The Pakistani parliamentary delegation at the conference includes Senator Mushtaq Ahmed, Member of National Assembly (MNA) Sheryar Meher, Chaudhry Shahbaz, and Junaid Akbar. | The conference has drawn parliamentarians and political leader…

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-04-27). Third State Dept Official Resigns Over US Gaza Policy. Hala Rharrit, the Arabic-language spokeswoman for the US State Department, has resigned in protest against White House support for Israel's war on Gaza. | Her resignation, effective Wednesday, was confirmed through her State Department biography page. The State Department is the US equivalent of other nations' foreign ministries. | In a statement on the social networking site LinkedIn, Rharrit stated, "I resigned in April 2024 after 18 years of distinguished service in opposition to the United States' Gaza policy. Diplomacy, not arms. Be a force for peace and unity." (2024-04-27). Socialist Alliance: End the hypocrisy on Iran; stop Israel's war on Palestine.

Dongsheng Collective (2024-04-27). Overcapacity, the West's new narrative against China | April 2024. For China, Iran's attack on Israel was "an act of self-defense"; the West's new narrative against China: overcapacity; China exceeds its 5% GDP growth target in first quarter; historic "peace trip" by former Taiwanese leader Ma Ying-jeou…

(2024-04-27). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war.

TASS (2024-04-27). Tourists discover fragment of Iranian missile in Israeli desert. According to the report of the IDF press office, the discovered missile was of "surface-to-surface" type…

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-04-27). Day Three of UCB Gaza Support Encampment. Campus protests against Israeli war crimes explode nationwide and in other countries. The UCB Gaza support encampment grows and settles in.

Angela (2024-04-27). Thursday 5/9: Apartheid-Free Webinar: The Palestinian Experience. Online |…

Staff (2024-04-27). IACHR Requests Lifting of US Sanctions Against Venezuela. This Thursday, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) recognized the sanctions against Venezuela and requested that they be lifted, nearly 10 years after former US President Barack Obama signed the Executive Order labelling Venezuela as an unusual and extraordinary threat. | In its 2023 annual report, the organization linked to the Organization of American States (OAS) recalled the findings of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures Alena Douhan during her 2021 visit to the country. | In response to this surprising move from the IACHR, Venezuela'

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-27). Argentine Student Movement Erupts Against Milei's Adjustment. Thousands mobilize in Buenos Aires against budget cuts to higher education and to preserve the public university system | "We do not want them to take away our dreams. Our future does not belong to them," said the president of the Argentine University Federation (FUA), Piera Fernández de Piccolini, to an overflowing Plaza de Mayo during the march in defense of public universities on April 23. The protest organized by student groups and educators unions was also supported by labor unions and left parties. | At the Plaza, hundreds of thousands chanted: "The country is not for sale!" | "Education is a fundamental hu…

Steve Early, Popular Resistance. (2024-04-27). A Tale Of Two Labor Candidates. In late October, 2018, East Bay DSA members and other progressives organized a pre-election rally at a Berkeley High School auditorium. A wildly-cheering crowd of several thousand came to hear Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Barbara Lee. Welcoming everyone to the event was 34-year old Jesse Arreguin, who was backed by Sanders when he ran for mayor of Berkeley two years before. | On the platform with them was Jovanka Beckles, a former Richmond City Council member then running—with backing from DSA, Sanders, and Lee—for a State Assembly seat against a corporate Democrat named Buffy Wicks.

Energy Descent Collective, Resilience. (2024-04-27). Energy Descent: Public Letter. Energy transition is essential. But it's not enough. We also need to prepare to live with less energy in the future. | It is not enough to adopt clean technology. We also need to prepare to live with less energy. This preparation includes new cultural norms, new institutions, and new infrastructure — not just new technology. And it's a collective preparation. It's something we need to do together. We can't do it alone. | Scientists say we have less than two decades to avoid the worst effects of climate change. We therefore must transition away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible.

Maylin Tu, Next City. (2024-04-27). Philly Is Giving Free SEPTA Rides To 25,000 Low-Income Residents. Getting to where you need to go is a matter of economic and social justice. Now, low-income Philadelphia residents are getting a boost. | In August, the city began a two-year Zero Fare pilot program, distributing 25,000 SEPTA Key cards (valued at $204 each) for unlimited free rides — and the majority of participants don't need to take any action to enroll. | "Transportation has been identified as a barrier for folks seeking employment, especially in Philadelphia, because of the high poverty rate," says Nicola Mammes, Zero Fare program director. Over 20% of Philadelphians live below the poverty line, and 50%…

Orinoco Tribune. (2024-04-27). Russia Freezes Assets Of Largest US Bank. A St. Petersburg court ordered the freezing of funds owned by US banking giant JPMorgan Chase in Russia on Wednesday. The ruling was made in favor of the country's second-largest lender VTB, which ha filed a lawsuit seeking to recover $439.5 million that is blocked abroad under US-led sanctions. | VTB sued JPMorgan and its subsidiaries in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region on April 17, court filings showed on Monday. The order targeted funds in JPMorgan's Russian accounts and "movable and immovable property," including the bank's stake in a Russian subsidiary.

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-04-27). Africa's National Liberation Struggles Brought Democracy To Europe. Fifty years ago, on 25 April 1974, the people of Portugal took to the streets of their cities and towns in enormous numbers to overthrow the fascist dictatorship of the Estado Novo ('New State'), formally established in 1926. Fascist Portugal — led first by António de Oliveira Salazar until 1968 and then by Marcelo Caetano — was welcomed into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 1949, the United Nations in 1955, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 1961 and signed a pact with the European Economic Community in 1972.

Editor (2024-04-27). State Legislators Are Taking the Maternal Mortality Crisis Into Their Own Hands.

Editor (2024-04-27). Dennis Kucinich on the Bleak 2024 Elections and How Elites Broke Our Democracy.

Editor (2024-04-27). We Asked Prosecutors if They'll Charge Pro-Palestinian Campus Protestors.

Editor (2024-04-27). Dozens of Climate Activists Arrested at Citibank Headquarters in New York City During Earth Week.

Editor (2024-04-27). "The Bulldozer Kept Coming": A Girl Stares Down Death in Gaza.

Editor (2024-04-27). A Whole-Person Approach to Combating Homelessness.

teleSUR (2024-04-27). What Latin American Scientists Have Won a Nobel Prize. Latin American scientists have made important contributions to science throughout history, although the number of Nobel Prize winners in the region has been relatively low compared to other parts of the world. However, those who have been awarded have left a significant legacy in various fields. | RELATED: | The first Latin American scientist to win the high distinction was Bernardo A. Houssay, in Physiology and Medicine…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Taylor Swift's The Tortured Poets Department makes her the fastest artiste to have 12 No. 1 albums in the UK. The American pop star notched up 12 number one albums in 11 years and six months, and now ties with Madonna for female artiste with the most number one albums in the United Kingdom.

David Kowalski (2024-04-27). Blur bested by tortured Taylor's tales.

Alex Thurston (2024-04-27). African Governments Are Increasingly Turning Against US Military Presence. The U.S. military presence in Central and West Africa is proving increasingly unwelcome. On Wednesday, the State Department announced that the U.S. would soon begin "an orderly and responsible withdrawal" of its more than 1,000 U.S. service members currently deployed in Niger." A mere 24 hours later, came reports that the Pentagon will withdraw its 75 Army Special Forces personnel as early as next… |

Jennifer Gerson (2024-04-27). Overturning of Harvey Weinstein's Conviction Is Another Blow to His Accusers. Women who accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct were stunned by the Thursday decision by the New York Court of Appeals to overturn his 2020 felony conviction, again speaking out about the former Hollywood mogul's behavior. Both survivors and legal experts said the court's ruling points to issues with how difficult it can be for survivors of sexual violence to be believed and how the… |

Helen H. Abraha (2024-04-27). It's Long Past Time for Restaurant Workers to Earn a Livable Wage. Growing up, I looked up to my father and aunt, who began restaurant industry careers after immigrating from Eritrea in the 1970s. When I started working, a restaurant job was a natural choice. While I took great pride in my work, I struggled with the conditions. I was often on my feet for 10-12 hour shifts six days a week, had no access to affordable health care, was wholly unaware of my worker… |

Julia Conley (2024-04-27). UN Warns of Impending Catastrophic Escalation of Sudan Conflict. The United Nations' top humanitarian affairs officials on Friday called for an immediate deescalation of hostilities in Sudan, where rival factions in the military government have been fighting for a year and where an attack on the city of El Fasher is reportedly imminent. About 800,000 people in the city, the capital of North Darfur state, are in "extreme and immediate danger," U.N. |

Mike Ludwig (2024-04-27). 10 Years Later, Flint Residents Are Still Waiting for Lead Pipes to Be Replaced. Ten years after government mistakes and cost-cutting measures caused a drinking water disaster that afflicted daily life in Flint, Michigan, and exposed thousands of schoolchildren to harmful levels of lead, residents are still waiting for a resolution as environmentalists warn that the U.S. faces a spiraling water safety and affordability crisis. In March, a federal judge held city and state… | (2024-04-27). Elektrikli araàß sayƒ±sƒ± artƒ±nca i≈ületmeciler de i≈ü yerlerine ≈üarj àºniteleri kurmaya ba≈üladƒ±. Elektrikli araàßlara talebin artmasƒ±yla i≈ü yeri sahipleri, hem te≈üvik hem de màº≈üterilerinin taleplerini kar≈üƒ±lamak iàßin i≈ületmelerinin à∂nàºne araàß ≈üarj àºniteleri kuruyor. (2024-04-27). "Verilemeyen inatà߃± kilolarƒ±n sebebi bà∂brek àºstຠbezleriniz olabilir" uyarƒ±sƒ±. Endoàºroloji Derneƒüi Yà∂netim Kurulu àúyesi Prof. Dr. ƒ∞smet Yava≈ücaoƒülu, "Gittikàße kilo alma,ne yaparsa yapsƒ±n kilo verememe,tansiyon yàºksekliƒüi,arada àßarpƒ±ntƒ±, aniden yàºzàºn kƒ±zarmasƒ± gibi belirtiler, bà∂brek àºstຠbezlerden kaynaklanƒ±yor olabilir." dedi. (2024-04-27). Ku≈ü cennetinde yeti≈üen otsu bitkiden àßocuklar iàßin bebek yapƒ±yorlar. Kayseri'nin Develi ilàßesinde bir araya gelen kadƒ±nlar, Sultan Sazlƒ±ƒüƒ± Ku≈ü Cenneti'nde yeti≈üen otsu bitkiden oyuncak bebekler àºretiyor. (2024-04-27). Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Fidan bazƒ± bàºyàºkelàßilikler iàßin yeni gà∂revleri tebliƒü etti. Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Hakan Fidan, bazƒ± bàºyàºkelàßilerin yeni bàºyàºkelàßilik ve daimi temsilcilik gà∂revlerini tebliƒü etti. Birle≈ümi≈ü Milletler Cenevre Ofisi Nezdinde Daimi Temsilciliƒüi gà∂revi, Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakan Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± Bàºyàºkelàßi Burak Akàßapar'a verildi. (2024-04-27). Tàºrk yazƒ±lƒ±mcƒ±lar "siber kalkan"a gàºàß kattƒ±. HAVELSAN siber gàºvenlik uzmanlarƒ±, NATO'nun dàºnyanƒ±n en geli≈ümi≈ü geràßek zamanlƒ± siber savunma tatbikatƒ±na katƒ±ldƒ±. (2024-04-27). Tokat'ta Canik Dağları eteklerinde dolaşan bir vaşak fotokapanla kaydedildi. (2024-04-27). "àáaycƒ± Mustafa"nƒ±n ocaƒüƒ± 20 yƒ±ldƒ±r 2 metrekarelik dàºkkanda kaynƒ±yor. Konya'da ya≈üayan Mustafa Atar, 20 yƒ±lƒ± geride bƒ±raktƒ±ƒüƒ± 2 metrekarelik dàºkkanda her gàºn àßayƒ±nƒ± muhabbetle demliyor. (2024-04-27). ƒ∞srail'in 204 gàºndàºr saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±nƒ± sàºrdàºrd຃üຠGazze'de can kaybƒ± 34 bin 388'e à߃±ktƒ±. ƒ∞srail ordusunun 204 gàºndàºr saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±nƒ± sàºrdàºrd຃üຠGazze ≈ûeridi'nde can kaybƒ± son 24 saatte 32 artarak 34 bin 388'e yàºkseldi. (2024-04-27). àáalƒ±≈üƒ±r duruma getirdiƒüi 100'den fazla eski radyodan koleksiyon olu≈üturdu. Bursalƒ± 69 ya≈üƒ±ndaki emekli radyo tamircisi Bayram Akƒ±ncƒ±, mesleƒüe ba≈üladƒ±ƒüƒ± yƒ±llardan itibaren topladƒ±ƒüƒ±, tamirini yapƒ±p hepsini àßalƒ±≈üƒ±r hale getirdiƒüi 100'ຠa≈ükƒ±n radyoya gà∂zຠgibi bakƒ±yor. (2024-04-27). Nikaragua'nƒ±n Ankara Bàºyàºkelàßisi Silva: Kendimi neredeyse evimde hissediyorum. Nikaragua'nƒ±n ilk Ankara Bàºyàºkelàßisi Tatiana Daniela Garcia Silva, yeni gà∂rev yerindeki ya≈üantƒ±sƒ±na ili≈ükin "Kendimi neredeyse evimde hissediyorum." dedi. (2024-04-27). Erzincan'da 4,1 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde deprem. Erzincan'ƒ±n Tercan ilàßesinde 4,1 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde deprem meydana geldi. (2024-04-27). Sƒ±cak geàßen kƒ±≈ü Emiralem àßileƒüinde hasadƒ± à∂ne àßekti. (2024-04-27). Akdeniz ve Ege'deki yaban hayatƒ± fotokapanlarla gà∂ràºntàºlendi. Ege ve Akdeniz bà∂lgelerinde kurulan fotokapanlarla, yaban hayvanlarƒ±n gà∂ràºntàºleri kaydedildi. (2024-04-27). YediHilal Derneƒüince dàºzenlenen Ticaret Mektebi "on'da dokuz" programƒ± ba≈üladƒ±. YediHilal Derneƒüi Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± Samet Paàßacƒ±, "Bizim kendi Màºslàºman tacirlerimizi yeti≈ütirmemiz gerekiyor ve bu Màºslàºman tacirler daha rahat ≈üekilde Türkiye'de, ƒ∞slam dàºnyasƒ±nda hizmetini geràßekle≈ütirmeli." dedi. (2024-04-27). ≈ûampiyon yàºzàºcຠDila Genàßay, yeni dereceler iàßin kulaàß atƒ±yor. (2024-04-27). Washington'daki àºniversite à∂ƒürencilerinin eylemi polis ablukasƒ± altƒ±nda sàºràºyor. ABD'nin ba≈ükenti Washington'da bulunan George Washington àúniversitesinin (GWU) bahàßesinde Amerikan yà∂netiminin ƒ∞srail'e verdiƒüi desteƒüi protesto eden àºniversite à∂ƒürencileri, eylemlerine polis ablukasƒ± altƒ±nda devam ediyor. (2024-04-27). Esnafƒ±n bu yƒ±l d຃üàºnlerden beklentisi bàºyàºk. (2024-04-27). ≈ûav≈üat'ƒ±n kar altƒ±ndaki Maden kà∂yຠbaharƒ± bekliyor. Artvin'in ≈ûav≈üat ilàßesine baƒülƒ± Karàßal Daƒülarƒ± yamaàßlarƒ±nda bulunan karla kaplƒ± Maden kà∂yàºnàºn sakinleri, umutla baharƒ±n gelmesini bekliyor. (2024-04-27). Serbest muhasebeci mali màº≈üavirlik 2024 yƒ±lƒ± 2. dà∂nem sƒ±nav tarihleri belli oldu. Serbest muhasebeci mali màº≈üavirlik 2024 yƒ±lƒ± 2. dà∂nem sƒ±navƒ±, 24 ve 25 Aƒüustos'ta Ankara, ƒ∞stanbul ve ƒ∞zmir'de dàºzenlenecek. (2024-04-27). Yaban hayvanƒ± uzmanƒ± veterinerler tedavinin her a≈üamasƒ±nda hayvanlarla ilgileniyor. Ondokuz Mayƒ±s àúniversitesi Veteriner Fakàºltesi Yabani Hayvan Hastalƒ±klarƒ± Ana Bilim Dalƒ± Ba≈ükanƒ± Prof. Dr. Hatice àñzlem Nisbet, "Evcil hayvanlarƒ± tedavi edip sahiplerine teslim ediyoruz ama yaban hayvanlarƒ±nda bà∂yle bir ≈üansƒ±mƒ±z yok." dedi. (2024-04-27). Karadeniz Kƒ±yƒ±sƒ±-Podi≈üor Doƒüalgaz Boru Hattƒ± Projesi tà∂reni. Romanya Ba≈übakan Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± Marian Neac≈üu, "Karadeniz Kƒ±yƒ±sƒ±-Podi≈üor Doƒüalgaz Boru Hattƒ± Projesi'ni babasƒ± olarak takip edeceƒüim." dedi. (2024-04-27). Japonya'nƒ±n gàºneybatƒ±sƒ±ndaki Ogasawara Adalarƒ± aà߃±klarƒ±nda 6,9 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde deprem. Japonya'nƒ±n gàºneybatƒ±sƒ±ndaki Ogasawara Adalarƒ± aà߃±klarƒ±nda 6,9 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde deprem oldu. (2024-04-27). Hazine ve Maliye Bakanƒ± ≈ûim≈üek: ƒ∞≈ületmelerin vatanda≈ütan aldƒ±ƒüƒ± KDV'nin doƒüru belgelendirilmesi iàßin dàºzenleme yapƒ±ldƒ±. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanƒ± Mehmet ≈ûim≈üek, gƒ±dadaki KDV dàºzenlemesine ili≈ükin, "KDV artƒ±≈üƒ± yapƒ±lmadƒ±. ƒ∞≈ületmelerin vatanda≈ütan aldƒ±ƒüƒ± KDV'nin doƒüru belgelendirilmesi iàßin dàºzenleme yapƒ±ldƒ±." ifadesini kullandƒ±. (2024-04-27). àáocuklarda gà∂z saƒülƒ±ƒüƒ± iàßin "30" kuralƒ±. Tokat Gaziosmanpa≈üa àúniversitesi Tƒ±p Fakàºltesi Gà∂z Hastalƒ±klarƒ± Ana Bilim Dalƒ± àñƒüretim àúyesi Doàß. Dr. ≈ûerife Gàºlhan Konuk, "30 saniye kuralƒ±mƒ±z var. 30 dakikada bir 30 saniye 30 metre ileriye bakmak ≈üeklinde." dedi. (2024-04-27). GàñRàú≈û- Amerikan àúniversitelerinin itibarƒ± Filistin protestolarƒ±nƒ±n ba≈üarƒ±sƒ±na baƒülƒ±. ABD'deki kampàºslere yayƒ±lan Filistin halkƒ±yla dayanƒ±≈üma protestolarƒ±, àºniversite yà∂netimlerinin Gazze'de uygulanan katliama verdiƒüi desteƒüe ve hocalarƒ±nƒ±n kayƒ±tsƒ±z tavrƒ±na isyan ederken, bir yandan da insanlƒ±ƒüƒ±n onurunu korumaya àßalƒ±≈üƒ±yor. (2024-04-27). Veteriner hekimler Doƒüu'daki yaban hayvanlarƒ± iàßin 7/24 mesaide. Diyarbakƒ±r'da, Doƒüa Koruma ve Milli Parklar (DKMP) Genel Màºdàºrl຃üຠbàºnyesinde gà∂rev yapan veteriner hekimler, Doƒüu ve Gàºneydoƒüu Anadolu bà∂lgelerindeki yaban hayvanlarƒ±nƒ±n tedavisi ve bakƒ±mƒ± iàßin 7/24 mesai yapƒ±yor. (2024-04-27). ƒ∞ran Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Reisi: Savunma doktrinimizde nàºkleer silah àºretimine yer yok. ƒ∞ran Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± ƒ∞brahim Reisi, àºlke lideri Ayetullah Ali Hamaney'in nàºkleer silah àºretimini yasaklayan fetvasƒ± doƒürultusunda àºlkesinin nàºkleer ve savunma doktrininde nàºkleer silah àºretimine yer olmadƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± sà∂yledi. (2024-04-27). ƒ∞srail'in Nuseyrat Màºlteci Kampƒ±na dàºzenlediƒüi saldƒ±rƒ±larda 8 Filistinli à∂ldàº. ƒ∞srail ordusunun, Gazze'nin orta kesimindeki En-Nuseyrat Màºlteci Kampƒ±na dàºzenlediƒüi saldƒ±rƒ±larda 8 Filistinlinin à∂ld຃üàº, en az 30 ki≈üinin yaralandƒ±ƒüƒ± belirtildi. (2024-04-27). Hatay Payas'taki afetzedeler evlerine yerle≈ümeye ba≈üladƒ±. Hatay'ƒ±n Payas ilàßesinde, depremlerde evini kaybeden afetzedeler, TOKƒ∞ tarafƒ±ndan yapƒ±mƒ± tamamlanan konutlarƒ±na yerle≈ümeye ba≈üladƒ±. (2024-04-27). Ticaret Mektebi'nde "Cesaret" ve "Sabƒ±r" oturumlarƒ± yapƒ±ldƒ±. Yedi Hilal Derneƒüi tarafƒ±ndan dàºzenlenen Ticaret Mektebi "on'da dokuz" programƒ± kapsamƒ±nda "Cesaret Oturumu" ve "Sabƒ±r Oturumu" dàºzenlendi. (2024-04-27). Meteorolojiden ƒ∞àß Anadolu ve Batƒ± Karadeniz iàßin gà∂k gàºràºltàºlຠsaƒüanak uyarƒ±sƒ±. ƒ∞àß Anadolu'nun kuzeyi ile Batƒ± Karadeniz'in iàß kesimlerinde yarƒ±n yerel kuvvetli gà∂k gàºràºltàºlຠsaƒüanak bekleniyor. (2024-04-27). Mevsimlik tarƒ±m i≈üàßilerine yà∂nelik Cumhurba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Genelgesi Resmi Gazete'de yayƒ±mlandƒ±. Mevsimlik tarƒ±m i≈üàßisi olarak àßalƒ±≈ümak iàßin bulunduklarƒ± illerden ba≈üka illere giden vatanda≈ülarƒ±n ve ailelerinin bu sàºreàßte ya≈üadƒ±ƒüƒ± sorunlarƒ±n giderilmesine yà∂nelik yapƒ±lacak àßalƒ±≈ümalardaki usul ve esaslar belirlendi.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-27). GSK is the latest to join the growing list suing Pfizer over covid injections. GlaxoSmithKline ("GSK") is suing Pfizer and BioNTech in Delaware federal court, alleging infringement of GSK's patents on mRNA technology in their covid injections. As reported by Reuters, GSK alleges in the lawsuit …

The Exposé (2024-04-27). The Perfect Guide on how to remove Graphene, the substance being transmitted from the COVID-19 vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, from your body… Graphene oxide, a substance that is poisonous to humans, has allegedly been found in the Covid 19 "vaccines", in the water supply, in the air we breathe through chemtrails, and is even … (2024-04-27). Jeff Bezos steps out with Lauren Sánchez amid ongoing FTC legal battle. Amazon founder spotted holding hands with fiancee in New York City… (2024-04-27). Saudi Arabia's Prince Mansour bin Badr bin Saud passes away. Funeral prayer will be held today at the Imam Turki bin Abdullah Mosque in Jeddah… (2024-04-27). London's unusual events just coincidence or 'sign of disaster'. Recent events in London had people experiencing scenes from a movie… (2024-04-27). Wang Yi says China 'sincere' in improving relations with US. Chinese FM calls on Washington to let go of its Cold War driven policy aimed at containing Beijing… (2024-04-27). US FDA seeks info after Hong Kong suspends sales of Indian spice brands MDH, Everest. Singapore has ordered a recall of the Everest spice mix as well, saying it contains high levels of ethylene oxide… (2024-04-27). Donald Trump's potential VP contender Kristi Noem defends killing her dog. South Dakota governor says she had to kill her "untrainable" dog…

Jan Oberg (2024-04-27). Stockholm's Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Supports NATO with Mainly NATO Countries' Funding. Jan Oberg.

Michael Welch (2024-04-27). "How Dare You?" Alternative Perspectives on "Non-Existent" Human-Generated Climate Change.

Occupy 4 Palestine (2024-04-27). Stanford Launches Gaza Solidarity Encampment. On Thursday afternoon, Students at Stanford University launched an encampment at White Plaza in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Later on Thursday evening, student organizers issued a call to all Bay Area residents to come to White Plaza for support.

oppa99 (2024-04-27). oppa99 tempat slot enak dimainkan. oppa99 login/daftar…

Angela (2024-04-27). Sunday 4/28: Monterey Protest for Palestine. Windows on the Bay Park, Del Monte Beach | Monterey, CA…

Terri Monroe (2024-04-27). 24th Annual Women of Color Men About Town Gala. African Americans Chamber of Commerce Presents 24th Annual Women of Color Men About Town Gala: Theme, "Shades of Excellence: Celebrating our History"

Angela (2024-04-27). Sunday 4/28: Palo Alto Vigil for the Children of Gaza. Corner of Town & Country Village | 855 El Camino Real | Palo Alto, CA…

Pro Palestine Support (2024-04-27). Stanford U. Encampment in Second Day. Stanford administration is using police to intimidate students into leaving pro-Palestine encampment. Students are being supported by community and alumni.

Occupy Cal Poly Humboldt (2024-04-27). A Message from Occupiers.

Code Pink (2024-04-27). Sunday 5/12: Golden Gate Protest for Palestine. Welcome Center, Golden Gate Bridge Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94129…

Common Cause (2024-04-27). Wednesday 5/15: Empowering Tomorrow: Lowering the Voting Age to 16. Virtual event – Join from anywhere…

Labor Video Project (2024-04-27). At UCB, the Encampment and a Free Palestine with UCSF Dr. Marya Rupa & Student. At the UCB encampment UCSF Dr. Marya Rupa with Do No Harm and a UCB student talk about the encampment and the issue of Palestine…

Bay Area Climate Justice (2024-04-27). Seven Arrested at Wells Fargo Climate Protest. Vigil held in main Wells Fargo branch…

Angela (2024-04-27). Sunday 4/28: Webinar: Know Your Rights for College Students.

Angela (2024-04-27). Sunday 4/28: Sacramento Rally & Charity for Gaza. West Steps, CA State Capitol | 1315 10th St. | Sacramento, CA…

Angela (2024-04-27). Tuesday 4/30: Live from Gaza Part 2 Webinar: The Collapse of the Healthcare System. Online (Registration link is below)…

Mega Mouth Rebels (2024-04-27). Saturday 5/4: Let Gaza Live! One Ferry Plaza, San Francisco, CA…

Angela (2024-04-27). Sunday 4/28: Santa Rosa Protest for Palestine. Courthouse Square | Santa Rosa, CA…

Occupy Cal Poly Humboldt (2024-04-27). Thursday 4/25: Cops Off Campus! Siemens Hall, Cal Poly Humboldt…

American Indian Resource Center at UCSC (2024-04-27). Saturday 4/27: Indigefest. Quarry Amphitheater, UC Santa Cruz…

Free Palestine! (2024-04-27). Friday 4/26: Solidarity Seder. Quarry Plaza, UC Santa Cruz…

MEE staff (2024-04-27). Iraqi Tik-Tok star shot dead outside home in Baghdad. Iraqi Tik-Tok star shot dead outside home in Baghdad | Om Fahad is the latest in a string of social media stars murdered in Iraq in recent years | | Iraqi TikTok celebrity Om Fahad at the Basra International Stadium during a game at the Arabian Gulf Cup football tournament on 19 January 2023 (Husse…

Staff (2024-04-27). Congress has Muslim League's agenda, says it will make separate law for minorities: Shah. Bemetara : Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday claimed that Congress has said it would make a separate law for minorities, and asked whether the country should "function on the basis of Sharia". Speaking at an election rally in Bemetara district of Chhattisgarh, he also said that those who refused invitation for the consecration …

Staff (2024-04-27). Over 63 per cent turnout in phase 2 of Lok Sabha polls. New Delhi : Over 63 per cent polling was reported in the second phase of Lok Sabha elections covering 88 seats across 13 states amid few complaints of EVM glitches and bogus voting in some states. Voters in some villages of Uttar Pradesh's Mathura, Rajasthan's Banswara and Maharashtra's Parbhani were boycotting the polls over various …

Staff (2024-04-27). Congress has Muslim League's agenda, says it will make separate law for minorities: Shah. Bemetara : Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday claimed that Congress has said it would make a separate law for minorities, and asked whether the country should "function on the basis of Sharia". Speaking at an election rally in Bemetara district of Chhattisgarh, he also said that those who refused invitation for the consecration …

Staff (2024-04-27). Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU): A centre for educational excellence. By Dr. S. Mohammad Fayez Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has significantly influenced the educational landscape of India over the last two decades. The institution's overarching objective extends beyond the mere provision of quality education in Urdu, encompassing a broader vision acknowledged nationally. Within the societal fabric of India, there exists a demography characterized …

Staff (2024-04-27). Over 63 per cent turnout in phase 2 of Lok Sabha polls. New Delhi : Over 63 per cent polling was reported in the second phase of Lok Sabha elections covering 88 seats across 13 states amid few complaints of EVM glitches and bogus voting in some states. Voters in some villages of Uttar Pradesh's Mathura, Rajasthan's Banswara and Maharashtra's Parbhani were boycotting the polls over various …

Staff (2024-04-27). Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU): A centre for educational excellence. By Dr. S. Mohammad Fayez Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has significantly influenced the educational landscape of India over the last two decades. The institution's overarching objective extends beyond the mere provision of quality education in Urdu, encompassing a broader vision acknowledged nationally. Within the societal fabric of India, there exists a demography characterized …

Arthur Bassas (2024-04-27). It Happened at the UN: Week Ending April 26.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-04-27). Reduction of pollutant emissions by companies may not be reliable. Amsterdam, Apr 27 (Prensa Latina) Meeting international climate targets means that the business sector must decarbonize, but without scientific methods to determine how much each company should reduce its emissions, these targets are no longer reliable.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-27). Presidents of Mexico and Guatemala to meet in May. Mexico, Apr 27 (Prensa Latina) Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced a bilateral meeting with his Guatemalan counterpart, Bernardo Arévalo, in late May to focus on several issues.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). Uruguay ¥s MSP reports over 800 dengue case record. MSP reported 23 new infections, 12 of them autochthonous and 10 from abroad, totaling 804. | MSP said it is presently screening 37 other suspicious cases, while reporting three deaths. | pll/rgh/ool…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). DPRK rejects U.S. human rights report. Pyongyang, April 27 (Prensa Latina) The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) disqualified the United States' maneuvers to attack it under fallacious argument that DPRK really violates human rights, the ACNC state-run news agency reported on Saturday.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). Russia ¥s GDP may exceed 3 percent in 2024, says President Putin. "The current real state of economy allows improving its development forecasts as well. Many experts say already now that Russia's GDP may add more than 3% by the end of this year," he said at a meeting on economic issues. | The Russian leader also noted that domestic inflation is gradually slowing down, by indicating the macroeconomic results at the beginning of 2024. | Vladimir Putin stressed that federal budget revenues over the past three months increased over 1.5 times, compared to 2023. | According to forecasts by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, domestic inflation will slow to 5.1% by the end o…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). Russia pledges to continue developing cooperation with China. China is an absolutely sovereign and powerful State capable of defending its own interests and, in addition, it is our close partner, Peskov stated while commenting on Washington's pressure on Beijing due to its support for Moscow. | On Friday, the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during his visit paid to China, condemned China's support for Russia, and added that, if Beijing does not take measures to "solve this problem", Washington will. | On April 23, the Wall Street Journal reported that the United States is orchestrating new sanctions to be imposed on several Chinese banks in order to force Beijing to…

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-04-27). Uruguay to vaccinate against human papillomavirus infection. Montevideo, Apr 27 (Prensa Latina) Uruguay will administer a vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which will include children 11 years of age and older in the schools of the departmental capitals, it was reported.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-27). Presidents of Mexico and Guatemala to meet in May. Mexico, Apr 27 (Prensa Latina) Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced a bilateral meeting with his Guatemalan counterpart, Bernardo Arévalo, in late May to focus on several issues.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). Climate change as major driver of biodiversity decline by mid-century. Berlin, Apr 27 (Prensa Latina) Global biodiversity has decreased between 2% and 11% during the 20th century as a result of land-use change alone, according to a large multi-model study.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). Cuba congratulates South Africa on Freedom Day. Havana, April 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuba on Saturday congratulated South African people and government on Freedom Day, a date that commemorates the 30th anniversary of the end of apartheid system in the African country.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). Russian oil refinery suspends operations after Ukraine drone attack. Moscow, April 27 (Prensa Latina) The Slavyansk oil refinery in Russia ¥s Krasnodar region has been forced to suspend some operation after being ravaged in a Ukrainian drone attack, the security director of Slavyansk companies, Eduard Trúdnev, announced on Saturday.

Jose Eloy Richards Richards (2024-04-27). Syrian capital inaugurates strategic road project. Damascus, Apr 27 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Prime Minister, Hussein Arnous, inaugurated today the Mowassat tunnel and road network, considered the largest service project in this capital, since the beginning of the war in this nation in 2011.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-04-27). DPRK condemns U.S. plans to militarize outer space. Pyongyang, April 27 (Prensa Latina) The hegemonic attempts of the U.S. to militarize the outer space threaten international peace and security, as denounced on Saturday by the National Directorate of Aerospace Technology of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-04-27). Reduction of pollutant emissions by companies may not be reliable. Amsterdam, Apr 27 (Prensa Latina) Meeting international climate targets means that the business sector must decarbonize, but without scientific methods to determine how much each company should reduce its emissions, these targets are no longer reliable.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-04-27). Uruguay to vaccinate against human papillomavirus infection. Montevideo, Apr 27 (Prensa Latina) Uruguay will administer a vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which will include children 11 years of age and older in the schools of the departmental capitals, it was reported.

Robert Hunziker (2024-04-27). Ocean Heat Pummels the Great Barrier Reef, Again. It's never been so bad. | The Great Barrier Reef, which is one of nature's most iconic mosaics of biodiversity, is on the ropes because of extreme global warming. Coral bleaching at the World Heritage-listed reef is "experiencing its worst mass bleaching event on record." (Source: Australia's Great Barrier Reef is 'Transforming' from Repeated Coral Bleaching, Nature, April 19, 2024) | Subtitle to the article: "The coral reef is currently experiencing its worst mass bleaching event on record — warming waters brought on by climate change are to blame." | This is deadly serious business and could spin out of c…

BIODB (2024-04-27). Marching for Millennia: Discovering the Tapirs — Earth's Prehistoric Wanderers. by: Assaf Levy, April 27th is marked on the calendars of wildlife enthusiasts around the globe for a special reason—it's World Tapir Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the tapir, one of the most unusual and ancient creatures still roaming the earth. Celebrated since 2008, World Tapir Day highlights the importance of tapir conservation, drawing attention to the challenges these creatures face, including habitat loss and poaching. The day encourages education and action across international lines, fostering a global commitment to preserving these mag…

EcoWaste Coalition (2024-04-27). EcoWaste Coalition to Parents: Pick Lead-Safe Activity Toys for Kids. 27 April 2024, Quezon City. Following the safety tips issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on activity toys for indoor and outdoor use, the EcoWaste Coalition reminded the public to also select toys that are not coated with lead-containing paints. | The group's reminder is in line with the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) Memorandum Circular No. 10, series of 2016, which affirmed the strict prohibition on the use of paints with lead above the maximum limit of 90 parts per million (ppm) on toys and related products effective December 31, 2016. | The prohibition applies to toys and children's pro…

BIODB (2024-04-27). A Fresh Look at Nature's Misunderstood Carnivores — Hyenas. by: Assaf Levy, On April 27, wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists around the globe mark a significant occasion—International Hyena Day. This day serves as an important reminder to celebrate and acknowledge one of the most enigmatic yet misunderstood creatures in the animal kingdom—the hyena. Often depicted unfavorably and overshadowed by the more iconic wildlife of Africa, hyenas play a pivotal role in maintaining the ecological balance of their habitats. International Hyena Day not only aims to elevate the hyena's profile but also seeks to dismantle the l…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Rusia prevé crecimiento en sus exportaciones de gas. Moscú, 27 abr (RHC) Las exportaciones rusas de gas natural licuado -GNL-, aumentarán en 14 por ciento en 2024, hasta 38 millones de toneladas, según predijo hoy el Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico de Rusia.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Participará el papa Francisco en próxima cumbre del G7. Ciudad del Vaticano, 27 abr (RHC) El papa Francisco participará en la próxima cumbre del Grupo de los Siete (G7), a celebrarse del 13 al 15 de junio venidero en Brindisi, provincia de la sureña región italiana de Apulia, indica hoy un reporte.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Exponen bondades de turismo cubano en exposición de Macao. Beijing, 27 abr (RHC) Representantes de Cuba explicaron este sábado las bondades de nuestro país para recibir al visitante chino, durante la 12 Exposición Internacional de Viajes (Industria) de Macao -MITE.

TASS (2024-04-27). Kremlin spokesman addresses WSJ article about Putin's non-involvement in Navalny's death. "I wouldn't describe it as a high-quality article that deserves attention," Dmitry Peskov went on to say…

TASS (2024-04-27). Russia strikes major thermal power plant in western Ukraine — underground resistance. Five missiles hit Dnepropetrovsk while a strong blow with the subsequent detonation was registered in Krivoi Rog, the spokesman specified…

TASS (2024-04-27). Ukrainian forces trapped on outskirts of Berdychi near Avdeyevka, says DPR official. Igor Kimakovsky reported that the enemy "experiences problems with logistics and the supply of ammunition and essentials"

TASS (2024-04-27). Police checks reports of bomb allegedly planted at Russian embassy in Brazil — newspaper. The Russian embassy has not yet commented on the situation…

TASS (2024-04-27). Dollar up to 91.77 rubles, euro down to 98 rubles at Moscow Exchange opening. The yuan exchange rate remains at 12.574 rubles…

TASS (2024-04-27). Interactive exhibition about Chelyuskin rescue opens in Arkhangelsk. The museum's task was to have young people feel the atmosphere, since for many people the polar explorers is something far away…

TASS (2024-04-27). Southern birds, spiders get to Arctic along 'corridors' formed due to thawing permafrost. During the expedition, experts have collected a large amount of materials on climate change over recent twenty years in different northern regions…

TASS (2024-04-27). Black Sea dolphins on verge of extinction, expert says. Irina Logominova noted that after catching dolphins was banned, their population was affected by large-scale fishing, which depleted their food base…

TASS (2024-04-27). Ukrainian troops fire 57 rounds at DPR over 24 hours. According to the statement, a civilian fatality was reported, and two civilians sustained wounds…

TASS (2024-04-27). Worst human rights situation currently observed in US, North Korean Foreign Ministry says. The spokesman also pointed out the claims of US officials about the "necessity of informational infiltration of Korea"

TASS (2024-04-27). Court places Forbes reporter under house arrest for discrediting Russian armed forces. The press service specified that investigative and procedural actions are underway in coordination with Russia's Federal Security Service…

TASS (2024-04-27). French vessel Belem takes 2024 Olympic flame from Athens to Marseilles. The ceremonial lighting of the Olympic flame for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris took place in Ancient Olympia on April 16…

TASS (2024-04-27). Lukashenko invites South Africa's Ramaphosa to visit Belarus. The Belarusian President noted that, in the three last decades, Minsk and Pretoria supported each other at multilateral platforms, developed trade, industrial and scientific cooperation, expanded the contacts between businessmen…

TASS (2024-04-27). Injury toll in Kiev's strikes on DPR rises to three civilians over past day. Local Administration Head Ivan Prikhodko said that "a female resident of Gorlovka was injured as a result of yesterday's shelling of the Stroitel residential compound in the Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka"

TASS (2024-04-27). Russian stocks mixed as Saturday trading opens. The dollar exchange rate was down by 0.08% at 91.65 rubles on Moscow Exchange, while the euro was down by 0.09% at 98.08 rubles…

TASS (2024-04-27). Erdogan's May 9 visit to US postponed to more convenient date — Foreign Ministry. "The high-level dialogue between Turkey and the US will continue," the spokesman Oncu Keceli said…

TASS (2024-04-27). One floor at Vnukovo airport evacuated due to bomb threat — police. "The premises and rooms are being checked for explosives," the source said…

TASS (2024-04-27). Regulators close US' Republic First Bank — FDIC. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation signed an agreement with Fulton Bank to assume all of the closed bank's deposits and on purchase of all its assets.

TASS (2024-04-27). US can send Ukraine Patriot air defense systems currently deployed in other regions. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan added that the his country had doubled artillery production in order to help Kiev…

TASS (2024-04-27). Kremlin spokesman offers no specifics about Putin's potential visit to Vietnam. Speaking about relations between the two countries, Dmitry Peskov noted that Hanoi was a good partner for Moscow…

TASS (2024-04-27). Five people injured in riots near Kirants village in Armenia — investigators. Armenia's Investigative Committee has opened a criminal probe and is carrying out measures to establish the identities of the rioters…

TASS (2024-04-27). Taiwan says 22 Chinese aircraft approach island. The Taiwanese army said that 12 aircraft had crossed the so-called median line of the Taiwan Strait…

TASS (2024-04-27). Russia proposes new rules for foreigners buying sim cards, requires biometric data. People covered under the new rules will only be allowed to buy a sim card at physical telecom locations, and not via the Internet…

TASS (2024-04-27). Medicine for Bekhterev's disease may cause medical tourism to Russia — Health Minister. Previously, the media reported that the Russian Health Ministry registered the first treatment for the Bekhterev's disease in the world…

TASS (2024-04-27). Press review: China to weather US storm and ATACMS not 'wonder weapons'. Top stories from the Russian press on Saturday, April 27th…

TASS (2024-04-27). US intel finds no proof of Russian leadership's involvement in Navalny's death — newspaper. "Some European intelligence agencies have been told of the US view," The Wall Street Journal added…

TASS (2024-04-27). Polish general expects Russia to continue wiping out Abrams tanks in Ukraine. Waldemar Skrzypczak underlined that "no tank is invincible"

TASS (2024-04-27). Trade turnover between Russia, Indian surpass targets over past years — envoy. Vinay Kumar added that Moscow and New Delhi will have to work on supporting this level of bilateral trade in coming years…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). Indian authorities support programme to empower women entrepreneurs. It deals with government procurement…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). China is ready to send out Chang'e-6 robotic spacecraft. New stage in lunar exploration…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). Ethiopian authorities allow foreigners to participate in wholesale and retail trade. The new directive should help stabilise prices…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). Egypt's Prime Minister holds meeting to increase strategic reserves of essential goods. Egypt discusses efforts to ensure the availability of basic commodities and increase their strategic reserves…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). China Astronaut Research and Training Centre to conduct medical experiments on the Tiangong space station. This will be conducted during the Shenzhou-18 crewed mission…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). Sergey Ryabkov: recommendations on new BRICS partner countries to be presented by the summit in Kazan. Russia's sherpa in the association said this at a press conference…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). India undertakes integrated rural development. "The Art of Living", an international humanitarian organisation, undertakes Indian village development between March 2023 and March 2024…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). Winners of International Mendeleev Olympiad in –°hinese Shenzhen are announced. It was held for the first time outside the Commonwealth of Independent States…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). Zimbabwean Vice President Constantino Chiwenga attends business conference in Iran. Zimbabwe and Iran foster closer economic relations‚Å…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). Participants of BRICSonomics 2024 forum at Russian university discuss development ways of BRICS countries. The event consisted of a plenary session and thematic sections…

tvbrics (2024-04-27). Ebrahim Raisi says Iran is ready to further develop economic relations with African countries. Tehran reports on the expansion of Iran-Africa ties…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Russia Strikes Ukrainian Airfield Intended for Attacks Inside Russia – Reports. The Russian army's successes along the front lines of the special operation zone are followed by powerful, high-precision strikes against Ukrainian military infrastructure and weapons depots, further crippling the Ukrainian armed forces.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Russian Air Defenses Shot Down 68 Ukrainian Drones at Night – MoD. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Over the past night, Russian air defenses shot down 66 Ukrainian drones over the Krasnodar Territory and two more drones over the Crimea, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said in a statement.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Russia hits Ukrainian energy sites in 'massive' overnight attack.

Taras Bilous (2024-04-27). "If we didn't join the armed forces, the left in Ukraine would cease to exist," says Taras Bilous. "If I were to give some general advice, I would recommend paying less attention to which abstract position is correct, and focusing more on practical action to help us climb out of the hole we are in." | – | / |

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Congress Panics Over Ukraine as Russian Drones Kill Abrams Battle Tanks – Ex-UK Diplomat. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The rush to fast-track $6 billion in military aid to Ukraine on Friday reflects the panic felt by the Biden administration and in Congress that the Zelensky regime's forces are collapsing, veteran UK diplomat, former ambassador and political commentator Peter Ford told Sputnik.

| REUTERS | (2024-04-27). Ukraine's Zelenskiy calls for air defense systems as allies meet. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Friday called for additional air defense systems to be sent to Kyiv to help protect against Russian strikes, adding that a pause in U.S. funding had helped Moscow seize the initiative. | Zelenskiy's comments come just days after Congress emerged from a half-year of deadlock to approve a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine. | On Friday, the Pentagon announced that it will buy $6 billion worth of new weapons for Ukraine including interceptors for the Patriot air defense system, the single largest assistance package President Joe Biden's administration has provided. | "T…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Ukraine's Deep Manpower Shortage Overshadows Arms Deliveries. New arms deliveries from the US cannot compensate for Ukraine's deep manpower shortage and exhaustion, Volodymyr Oleynyk, a Ukrainian politician and former member of the Verkhovna Rada, told Sputnik.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Russia Seizes US-Made Abrams-Type Assault Breacher Vehicle From Ukrainian Troops. The Russian Armed Forces earlier managed to seize Ukraine's M88A2 Hercules armored recovery vehicle, which was delivered to the Kiev regime as part of the US' military support.

WSWS (2024-04-27). Brazilian federal education strikes expose broad attacks by Lula government. The financial markets have hailed the Lula government as its reactionary character has been exposed.

WSWS (2024-04-27). Biden's campus crackdown—the Democratic Party bares its fangs, again. What the Biden administration is and what it is prepared to do arises from the class interests the Democratic Party represents–and from its entire history…

WSWS (2024-04-27). Near-tragic plant shooting at Dana Fort Wayne puts spotlight on abusive working conditions. The handling of the April 13 shooting incident at the plant highlights the broader disregard of both management and the United Steelworkers for the health and safety of workers.

WSWS (2024-04-27). Teamsters Local 952 keeps membership in the dark as Southern California bus drivers contract expires April 30. Teamsters Local 952 members are set to vote on a contract that they have no details on. Teamsters will inform membership of the details and rush a vote after.

WSWS (2024-04-27). UAW does nothing as CNH lays off 220 in Wisconsin, more cuts expected. Over a year after the UAW rammed through a sell-out contract, ending a nearly nine-month-long strike by CNH workers, the company seeks to slash its Mount Pleasant factory from 660 workers to 170.

WSWS (2024-04-27). Australian police and media fuel anti-Islamic witch hunt to justify arrests of teenagers on flimsy "terrorism" charges. Today's Australian splashed over its front page "exclusive" stories demonising arrested Islamic boys, apparently based on prejudicial leaked police information.

WSWS (2024-04-27). Sri Lankan IYSSE to hold public lecture on "Leon Trotsky and his place in history" at Peradeniya University. Trotsky's political analysis and revolutionary struggle for socialist internationalism against imperialist war, Stalinism and fascism must be studied and assimilated by all those opposed to capitalist barbarism.

WSWS (2024-04-27). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. Bangladesh police open fire on protesting garment workers; Australia: Fraser Island Council workers protest for better pay and conditions; New Zealand doctors to strike after rejecting pay deal.

WSWS (2024-04-27). 18 indicted on felony charges for fake Trump elector scheme in Arizona. An Arizona grand jury indicted 18 individuals, including seven top advisers and 11 fake electors, for the attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential elections. Donald Trump is not named and listed as an unindicted coconspirator.

WSWS (2024-04-27). "Hands off Students' Rights": Student parliament at Humboldt University rejects law targeting critical students. The adopted motion stated that the Berlin Senate's draft law "stands in the tradition of the expulsion of politically unwelcome students" and aims to criminalise "legitimate democratic protest culture at universities."

WSWS (2024-04-27). Australia: Qenos collapse threatens hundreds of manufacturing jobs. Business analysts have warned that the demise of Qenos is a sign of things to come as other energy intensive industries cease operations in Australia, destroying thousands more jobs.

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Avrupa'nƒ±n en bàºyàºk gaz hattƒ±na Tàºrk eli deƒüdi. Romanya'nƒ±n Karadeniz Kƒ±yƒ±sƒ±-Podi≈üor Doƒüal Gaz Boru Hattƒ± ihalesini àºstlenen Kalyon Holding, in≈üaat sàºrecini dàºn ba≈ülattƒ±. Hatta ilk boru, Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± Cevdet Yƒ±lmaz ve Romanya Ba≈übakan Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± Marian Neac»ôu'nun da katƒ±ldƒ±ƒüƒ± tà∂renle indirildi. Tà∂rende konu&as…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Bakan ≈ûim≈üek: Kayƒ±t dƒ±≈üƒ±lƒ±kla amansƒ±z màºcadele dà∂nemi vergi kaà߃±rana taviz yok. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±'nƒ±n kayƒ±t dƒ±≈üƒ±lƒ±k ve hatalƒ± KDV ile màºcadelesi sàºràºyor. ƒ∞stanbul'da yƒ±l ba≈üƒ±ndan bugàºne kadar 33 bin 360 denetim yapƒ±ldƒ±. Uyumsuzluk gà∂steren màºkelleflere yakla≈üƒ±k 1,5 milyar lira ceza kesildi. 'KDV oranlarƒ±nƒ± kontrol edin' uyarƒ±sƒ±: ƒ∞stanbul Vergi Dairesi Ba…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Diyarbakƒ±r'da aranan kayƒ±p àßobanƒ±n gà∂lette cansƒ±z bedeni bulundu. àáermik ilàßesinin Akàßaà∂rten Mahallesi'nde 22 Nisan'da evinden ayrƒ±lan àßoban ≈ûeyhmus Arslan'dan haber alƒ±namayƒ±nca, 23 Nisan'da bà∂lgede AFAD, itfaiye, jandarma ve àáermik Belediyesi kurtarma ekipleri tarafƒ±ndan arama àßalƒ±≈ümasƒ± ba≈ülatƒ±ldƒ±. | Mahalle yakƒ±nlarƒ±ndaki kƒ±rsalda hayvan sulama amaàßlƒ± yapƒ±lan yapay bir gà∂lette, Arslan'ƒ±n cans…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Yeni haftada veri gàºndemi yoƒüun.

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Yeni màºfredatta matematik derslerinde 'algoritma-bili≈üim' odakta olacak. Màºfredat taslaƒüƒ±ndan derlenen ve alan uzmanlarƒ±ndan alƒ±nan bilgiye gà∂re, Türkiye Yàºzyƒ±lƒ± Maarif Modeli'nde, matematik alan becerileri ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise dàºzeyini kapsayan ve sàºreàß bile≈üenleri ile modellenebilen beceriler dikkate alƒ±narak belirlendi.Programƒ±n benimsediƒüi beceri odaklƒ±, anlam ve ihtiyaàß temelli yakla≈üƒ±mƒ±n matematiƒüin korkulan deƒüil sevilen, ezberlen…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). ABD'de 2024'àºn ilk iflasƒ±: Republic First Bank kapƒ±larƒ±nƒ± kapattƒ±. FDIC'den yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamada, kayyum atanan Republic First Bank'ƒ±n Pennsylvania Bankacƒ±lƒ±k ve Menkul Kƒ±ymetler Dairesi tarafƒ±ndan kapatƒ±ldƒ±ƒüƒ± bildirildi.Aà߃±klamada, mevduat sahiplerinin korunmasƒ± amacƒ±yla FDIC'nin Fulton Bank ile mevduatlarƒ±n neredeyse tamamƒ±nƒ±n ve Republic First Bank'ƒ±n varlƒ±klarƒ±nƒ±n bàºyàºk à∂là&szlig…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Genel elektrik kesintisi iddialarƒ±na Dicle Elektrik'ten yanƒ±t: ƒ∞ddialar geràßek dƒ±≈üƒ± elektrik daƒüƒ±tƒ±m hizmetimiz kesintisiz devam ediyor. Yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamada; "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± ve Enerji Piyasasƒ± Dàºzenleme Kurumu (EPDK) regàºlasyonlarƒ±na tabii bir gà∂revli elektrik daƒüƒ±tƒ±m ≈üirketi olarak Gàºneydoƒüu Anadolu Bà∂lgesi'nde bulunan 6 ilde bà∂lgemize deƒüer katan àßalƒ±≈ümalara imza atƒ±yoruz. Bazƒ± haberlerde ve sosyal medya mecralarƒ±nda ≈üir…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). X'in Filistin hazƒ±msƒ±zlƒ±ƒüƒ±: Mandela'nƒ±n hesabƒ± 'àñzgàºrlàºk Filosu'na destek aà߃±klamalarƒ±ndan sonra askƒ±ya alƒ±ndƒ±. Gazze'ye insani yardƒ±m gà∂tàºrmek ve ƒ∞srail ablukasƒ±nƒ± kƒ±rmak amacƒ±yla yola à߃±kmak iàßin hazƒ±rlƒ±k yapan Uluslararasƒ± àñzgàºrlàºk Filosu'na desteƒüini aà߃±klayan Gàºney Afrika Ulusal Meclisi Milletvekili Mandela'nƒ±n hesabƒ±, sosyal medya platformu X tarafƒ±ndan askƒ±ya alƒ±ndƒ±.Mandela, Parlamenterler Arasƒ± Kudàºs Platformu'n…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). 25 start-up 5 milyon $ yatƒ±rƒ±m aldƒ±. Yeni fikirlere à∂ncຠolmak amacƒ±yla 2017 yƒ±lƒ±nda hizmete alƒ±nan Lonca Giri≈üimcilik Merkezi'nde 9'uncu dà∂nem sona erdi. 6 aylƒ±k eƒüitim sàºrecini ba≈üarƒ±yla tamamlayan start-up'lar ƒ∞stanbul'da dàºzenlenen etkinlikte yatƒ±rƒ±mcƒ±lara projelerini tanƒ±ttƒ±. Kuveyt Tàºrk Dijital Bankacƒ±lƒ±k Grup Màºdàºrຠve Lonca Yà∂netim Komitesi àúyesi Dr. Okan Acar, 2…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Rishi Sunak'tan Kral Charles yorumu: Harika bir haber. Buckingham Sarayƒ± dàºn yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± aà߃±klamada, Kral Charles'a ≈ûubat ayƒ±nda kanser te≈ühisi konulmasƒ±ndan sonra tedavi sàºreci nedeniyle ara verdiƒüi kamu gà∂revlerine geri dà∂neceƒüini aà߃±kladƒ±. | Aà߃±klamada, "Kral Charles, kƒ±sa bir sàºre à∂nce konulan kanser te≈ühisinden sonra geàßirdiƒüi tedavi ve iyile≈üme dà∂neminin ardƒ±ndan k…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Trabzon Port en iyi i≈üverenler arasƒ±nda. ≈ûirket, geàßtiƒüimiz yƒ±l da 'Avrupa'nƒ±n En ƒ∞yi ƒ∞≈üvereni' seàßilmi≈üti. àñdàºlຠdeƒüerlendiren Trabzon Port Genel MàºdàºrຠEmin Bilgin, "Modernizasyonun, gàºvenilirliƒüin, ekip olmanƒ±n ve birlikte bàºyàºmenin deƒüerini bilen; geràßek yatƒ±rƒ±mƒ±n insana olduƒüunun farkƒ±ndalƒ±ƒüƒ±yla àßalƒ±≈üm…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Meteorolojiden ƒ∞àß Anadolu ve Batƒ± Karadeniz iàßin kuvvetli yaƒüƒ±≈ü uyarƒ±sƒ±. Meteoroloji Genel Màºdàºrl຃üàºnden yapƒ±lan son

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Iraklƒ± àºnlຠTikTok fenomeni Om Fahad à∂ldàºràºldàº: Bakanlƒ±k katiller iàßin à∂zel bir operasyon ekibi kurdu. Irak ƒ∞àßi≈üleri Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±, dàºn gece saatlerinde yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± aà߃±klamada "ƒ∞àßi≈üleri Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±, ba≈ükent Baƒüdat'ƒ±n Zayouna bà∂lgesinde sosyal medyada tanƒ±nan bir kadƒ±nƒ±n kimliƒüi belirsiz ki≈üiler tarafƒ±ndan à∂ldàºràºlmesi olayƒ±nƒ±n aydƒ±nlatƒ±lmasƒ…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Bakan I≈üƒ±khan'dan asgari àºcret aà߃±klamasƒ±: Ara zam gàºndemde mi? àáalƒ±≈üma ve Sosyal Gàºvenlik Bakanƒ± Vedat I≈üƒ±khan, bir televizyon programƒ±na konuk olarak gàºndeme ili≈ükin aà߃±klamalarda bulundu. | Asgari àºcrete yƒ±lda bir kez zam yapƒ±lacaƒüƒ±nƒ± vurgulayan Bakan I≈üƒ±khan, ≈üà∂yle konu≈ütu: | "Asgari àºcreti hàºkàºmet belirlemez. Asgari àúcret Tespit Komisyonu belirler. Biz Bakanlƒ±k olarak i≈üà&s…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan'dan saldƒ±rƒ±ya uƒürayan à∂ƒüretmene telefon.

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Fƒ±rat Kalkanƒ± bà∂lgesinde 3 PKK/YPG'li terà∂rist etkisiz hale getirildi.

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Bakan ≈ûim≈üek'ten 'KDV' aà߃±klamasƒ±: Doƒüru belgelendirme iàßin yapƒ±ldƒ±. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanƒ± Mehmet ≈ûim≈üek'in sosyal medya hesabƒ±ndan yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± aà߃±klama ≈üà∂yle; | KDV artƒ±≈üƒ± yapƒ±lmadƒ±! | ƒ∞≈ületmelerin vatanda≈ütan aldƒ±ƒüƒ± KDV'nin doƒüru belgelendirilmesi iàßin dàºzenleme yapƒ±ldƒ±. | Bu konuda hassasiyet gà∂steren ve bizlere bilgi veren vatanda≈ülarƒ±m&fnof…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). ƒ∞Yƒ∞ Parti'de kurultay gàºnàº! Ak≈üener veda konu≈ümasƒ± yaptƒ±: àúzerime dàº≈üen her ≈üeyi yapmƒ±≈ü olmanƒ±n huzuruyla son kez kar≈üƒ±nƒ±zdayƒ±m. ƒ∞Yƒ∞ Partinin 5. OlaƒüanàºstຠKurultayƒ± ba≈üladƒ±. | Delegeler, ATO Congresium'daki kurultayƒ±n yapƒ±ldƒ±ƒüƒ± salonda yerini aldƒ±. ƒ∞Yƒ∞ Parti Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± Meral Ak≈üener de saat 11.50'de salona geldi. | Kurultayda, genel ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüa aday olan Grup Ba≈ükanƒ± Koray Aydƒ±n, salona geli≈üinde "ƒ∞Yƒ∞'ler kol k…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Mahkemeden emsal olacak karar: E≈üine kilolu diyen kadƒ±na kà∂tຠhaber. Kocasƒ±na kilolu olduƒüu iàßin kàºàßàºk dàº≈üàºràºcຠifadeler kullandƒ±ƒüƒ±na kanaat getirilen kadƒ±n, bo≈üanma davasƒ±nƒ± gà∂ren mahkeme tarafƒ±ndan 5 bin lira manevi tazminat à∂demeye mahkum edildi. | Ankara'da ya≈üayan eden M.S.A. adlƒ± adam, 2019'da avukatƒ± aracƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±yla e≈üi V.A'ya bo≈üanma davasƒ± aàßtƒ&…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Sahte hesaplar if≈üa edilecek. Seàßim muhasebesini sàºrdàºren AK Parti, sosyal medyayƒ± da gàºndemine aldƒ±. AK Partili gà∂ràºnàºp sà∂ylem ve payla≈üƒ±mlarƒ±yla partiye zarar veren hesaplar mercek altƒ±na alƒ±nacak. AK Parti kaynaklarƒ± "Normal ≈üartlar altƒ±nda sahte hesap àºzerinden partiye verilen zararlarƒ±n à∂nàºne geàßilecek. Dezenformasyonla màºcadele à∂n planda tutulacak" dedi. | ANALƒ∞Z DEVAM EDƒ∞YOR: AK Par…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Yepyeni 100 filmlik tavsiye listesi. Sinema gàºndemini takip etmek ya da iyi bir sinefil (iyi film izleyen) olmak iàßin ilk ≈üart film izlemek olsa gerek. Sinema tarihine baktƒ±ƒüƒ±mƒ±zda izlenmesi gereken binlerce filmden sà∂z etmek màºmkàºn. Her yƒ±l dàºnyada 7-8 bin film yapƒ±ldƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± dàº≈üàºnàºrsek sinema ilgililerinin i≈üinin hayli zor olduƒüunu sà∂yleyebiliriz.Sinema sayfasƒ± yapmanƒ±n gereklerinden biri de fil…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Zehir tacirlerine yà∂nelik 42 ƒ∞lde 'NARKOàáELƒ∞K' darbesi: 321 sokak satƒ±cƒ±sƒ± yakalandƒ±. ƒ∞stanbul, Konya, ≈ûanlƒ±urfa, Manisa, Samsun, Elazƒ±ƒü, Gaziantep, Sakarya, Denizli, Adana, Osmaniye, Sivas, Ankara, Van, Bitlis, Erzurum, ƒ∞zmir, Mersin, Bingà∂l, Kƒ±rklareli, Tekirdaƒü, Kahramanmara≈ü, Isparta, Malatya, àáorum, Diyarbakƒ±r, Balƒ±kesir, Adƒ±yaman, Kƒ±r≈üehir, Ordu, Antalya, Aydƒ±n, Mu≈ü, Trabzon, Muƒüla, Kƒ±rƒ±kkale, Kàºtahya, Kayseri, Bursa, Afyonkarahisar, I&fnof…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). ABD'de raydan à߃±kan yàºk treni alev aldƒ±. ABD'nin Arizona eyaletine baƒülƒ± Lupton yakƒ±nlarƒ±nda benzin ve propan ta≈üƒ±yan bir yàºk treni raydan à߃±karak alev aldƒ±. Bà∂lgeye polis ve itfaiye ekipleri sevk edildi. | New Mexico Eyalet Polisi ve Arizona Kamu Gàºvenliƒüi Departmanƒ±, Interstate 40 otoyolunun her iki yà∂nde trafiƒüe kapatƒ±ldƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ±, sàºràºcàºlerin otoyoldan alternatif rotalara yà∂nlendirildiƒüini duy…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Sanatla geàßen 60 yƒ±l: Usta ressam Devrim Erbil'i anlatan belgeselin galasƒ± yapƒ±ldƒ±. àáok boyutlu bakƒ±≈ü aà߃±sƒ±yla, renklere kattƒ±ƒüƒ± derinlikle geàßmi≈üi ve geleceƒüi bulu≈üturarak Tàºrk resim sanatƒ±na dàºnya àßapƒ±nda yeni bir àºn kazandƒ±ran duayen ressam Devrim Erbil'in hayatƒ± belgesel oldu.Erbil'in 60 yƒ±llƒ±k sanat yolculuƒüunu anlatan "Devrim" belgeselinin galasƒ± àßok sayƒ±da davetlinin katƒ±lƒ±m&f…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Sakarya'da à∂ƒürencileri ta≈üƒ±yan midibàºs ≈üarampole devrildi: àáok sayƒ±da yaralƒ± var. Sakarya'nƒ±n Pamukova ilàßesinde àºniversite à∂ƒürencilerini ta≈üƒ±yan midibàºsàºn ≈üarampole devrilmesi sonucu 12 ki≈üi yaralandƒ±.Doƒüa yàºràºyàº≈üຠiàßin ilàßeye giden àºniversite à∂ƒürencilerini ta≈üƒ±yan, sàºràºcàºsàºnàºn ismi à∂ƒürenilemeyen 54 S 0579 plakalƒ± midibàºs, Eskiyayla mevkisinde freninin bo≈üalmasƒ± sonucu virajƒ&…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Mevsimlik tarƒ±m i≈üàßileri iàßin be≈ü à∂nemli adƒ±m: àáalƒ±≈üma ko≈üullarƒ± iyile≈ütirilecek. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan tarafƒ±ndan imzalanarak Resmi Gazete'de yayƒ±mlanan 'Mevsimlik Tarƒ±m ƒ∞≈üàßileri ile ƒ∞lgili 2024/5 Sayƒ±lƒ± Cumhurba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Genelgesi' ile mevsimlik tarƒ±m i≈üàßilerinin àßalƒ±≈üma ko≈üullarƒ±nƒ±n iyile≈ütirilmesine yà∂nelik yeni dàºzenlemeler getirildi. | Genelge kapsamƒ&plusmn…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Dàºnya Saƒülƒ±k àñrgàºtàº: Haiti saƒülƒ±k sistemi àßà∂kàº≈üàºn e≈üiƒüinde. Dàºnya Saƒülƒ±k àñrgàºtຠGenel Direktà∂rຠTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, sosyal medya hesabƒ± X'ten, Haiti'deki ≈üiddet olaylarƒ±nƒ±n saƒülƒ±k sistemi àºzerindeki etkisine yà∂nelik aà߃±klamalarda bulundu. | Silahlƒ± àßetelerin saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ± dolayƒ±sƒ±yla Haiti'deki saƒülƒ±k sisteminin àßà∂kàº≈üàºn e≈üiƒüinde oldu&…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Rusya'dan yatƒ±rƒ±mlara misilleme: Ariston ve Bosch'un yà∂netimi Gazprom'a devredildi. Rusya Devlet Ba≈ükanƒ± Vladimir Putin, Avrupalƒ± àºreticilerine ait fabrikalarƒ±n yà∂netiminin Gazprom'a devredilmesini à∂ngà∂ren bir kararname imzaladƒ±. | Buna gà∂re, àºlkedeki ƒ∞talyan Ariston ve Alman Bosch'a ait varlƒ±klarƒ±n yà∂netimi geàßici olarak Gazprom grubuna ait JSC Gazprom Household Systems'e devredildi. | Rusya'da daha à∂nce de bazƒ± Batƒ±lƒ± ≈üirketlerin yà∂netimleri, Batƒ±lƒ± àºl…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Lokanta ve kafelerdeki yiyecek ve iàßecekler iàßin KDV dàºzenlemesi: 1 Mayƒ±s'tan itibaren uygulanacak. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±'nƒ±n Katma Deƒüer Vergisi (KDV) Genel Uygulama Tebliƒüi'nde yer alan ibarelerde deƒüi≈üiklik yapƒ±lmasƒ±na dair tebliƒü, Resmi Gazete'de yayƒ±mlandƒ±. | Buna gà∂re; yiyecek- iàßecek satƒ±≈üƒ± yapan i≈ületmelerde geàßerli olan yàºzde 8 KDV oranƒ± yàºzde 10'a, yàºzde 18 olan KDV oranƒ± ise yàºzde 20'ye yàºkseltildi. | Yapƒ&plusm…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Kƒ±zƒ±ldeniz aà߃±klarƒ±nda bir gemiye daha fàºze saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±. UKMTO'nun X sosyal medya hesabƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan yazƒ±lƒ± aà߃±klamada, bir geminin, Kƒ±zƒ±ldeniz'de Meha'ya 14 mil uzaklƒ±kta 2 saldƒ±rƒ±ya uƒüradƒ±ƒüƒ± kaydedildi. | ƒ∞lk saldƒ±rƒ±nƒ±n gemi yakƒ±nlarƒ±nda geràßekle≈ütiƒüi, 2 fàºzeyle geràßekle≈üen ikinci saldƒ±rƒ±da ise gemide hasar olu≈ütu&fnof…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Erzincan'da 4.1 bàºyàºkl຃üàºnde deprem.

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Yedi gà∂zde turizm bà∂lgesini hedef aldƒ±lar! Kiralƒ±k villalar àºzerinden 500 milyon liralƒ±k vurgun: 48 ≈üàºpheli gà∂zaltƒ±nda. Ka≈ü Cumhuriyet Ba≈üsavcƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ± ve Jandarma Genel Komutanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Siber Suàßlarla Màºcadele Daire Ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± koordinesinde Antalya ƒ∞l Jandarma Komutanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Siber Suàßlarla Màºcadele ≈ûube Màºdàºrl຃üàºnce yapƒ±lan àßalƒ±≈ümalar sonucu Antalya merkezli Adana, Balƒ±kesir, Batman, Hatay, ƒ∞sta…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Yaƒüƒ±≈ülƒ± hava geliyor. Meteoroloji Genel Màºdàºrl຃üຠtarafƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan son tahminlere gà∂re bugàºn Gà∂k gàºràºltàºlຠsaƒüanak, Karadeniz Bà∂lgesi'nin iàß kesimleri, ƒ∞àß Anadolu, Doƒüu Anadolu'nun kuzey ve doƒüusu, Gàºneydoƒüu Anadolu'nun batƒ±sƒ± ile Orta ve Doƒüu Akdeniz'in iàß kesimlerinde etkili olacak. | Gà∂k gàºràºltàºlຠsaƒüanak yarƒ±n yurdun iàß, kuzey ve kuzeybatƒ…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Olaƒüanàºstຠkurultayda ƒ∞Yƒ∞ Parti'nin yeni genel ba≈ükanƒ± belli oluyor: Seàßim àºàßàºncຠtura kaldƒ± bir aday yarƒ±≈ütan àßekildi.

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Elektrikli olmazsa hibrit oto verelim. àáin'in en bàºyàºk otomobil gà∂sterimini yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± 18. Pekin Uluslararasƒ± Otomobil Fuarƒ± kapƒ±larƒ±nƒ± ziyaretàßilere aàßtƒ±. Yeni ≈ûafak olarak katƒ±ldƒ±ƒüƒ±mƒ±z fuarda 220 bin metrekare alanda binden fazla otomobil sergilenirken, 300'e yakƒ±n elektrikli ve hibrit model tanƒ±tƒ±mƒ± geràßekle≈ütirildi. Fuarda neredeyse iàßten yanmal&f…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). IBAN'ƒ±nƒ± kiralayana hapis cezasƒ±. Ticaret Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±, IBAN kiralama ilanlarƒ±na kar≈üƒ± vatanda≈ülarƒ± uyardƒ±. IBAN kiralama ilanlarƒ± ba≈üta olmak àºzere sosyal màºhendislik dolandƒ±rƒ±cƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±na kar≈üƒ± bakanlƒ±k, "Bir banka hesabƒ±nƒ±n maddi menfaat kar≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nda ba≈üka ki≈üiler tarafƒ&plusm…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± Yƒ±lmaz: Kamu tasarruflarƒ±nƒ±n àßok àßok à∂nemli olduƒüunu dàº≈üàºnàºyoruz. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± Cevdet Yƒ±lmaz, Calara≈üi Bà∂lgesi'ndeki Dragalina'da Karadeniz-Podi»ôor Doƒüal Gaz Boru Hattƒ± Projesi Tà∂reni'nin ardƒ±ndan gazetecilere, kamuda tasarrufa yà∂nelik àßalƒ±≈ümalara ili≈ükin aà߃±klamada bulundu.Kamudaki tasarrufa ili≈ükin Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ±n yaptƒ±ƒüƒ±, àße&asy…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). àñzbek yeniden aday. Ba≈ükan àñzbek, sarƒ±-kƒ±rmƒ±zƒ±lƒ± kulàºbàºn Làºtfi Kƒ±rdar Uluslararasƒ± Kongre ve Sergi Sarayƒ± Anadolu Oditoryumu'nda dàºzenlenen yƒ±llƒ±k olaƒüan bàºtàße toplantƒ±sƒ±nda aà߃±klamalarda bulundu. | Faaliyetlerini anlatan àñzbek, "Cumhuriyet'in 100. yƒ±lƒ±nda Galatasaray KulàºbຠBa≈ükanƒ± olarak gà∂rev yapmaktan bàºyà&o…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Yasa dƒ±≈üƒ± bahis operasyonu: 450 milyon TL para trafiƒüi tespit edildi. Alƒ±nan bilgiye gà∂re, ƒ∞l Emniyet Màºdàºrl຃üຠSiber Suàßlarla Màºcadele ≈ûubesi ekipleri 7258 Sayƒ±lƒ± Kanun kapsamƒ±nda yasa dƒ±≈üƒ± bahis sitelerinde para nakline aracƒ±lƒ±k edenle yà∂nelik àßalƒ±≈üma yaptƒ±. | Ekiplerin yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± àßalƒ±≈ümada 450 milyon TL para transferi olan 35 ≈üàºpheli belirlendi. Belirlene…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). DSàñ: Ku≈ü gribi riski dàº≈üàºk. DSàñ'den yapƒ±lan yazƒ±lƒ± aà߃±klamada, enfekte ku≈ülarla, hayvanlarla ve kirli alanlarla temasta bulunanlarƒ±n viràºse yakalanma riskinin "dàº≈üàºk ila orta dàºzeyde" olduƒüu, daha fazla bilgi edinilmesi halinde risk deƒüerlendirmesinin deƒüi≈üebileceƒüi belirtildi. | Aà߃±klamada, viràºsàºn sàºtte tespit edildiƒüi ve bula≈üƒ±cƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±n&…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Fenerbahàße – Be≈üikta≈ü | canlƒ± skor – canlƒ± sonuàß. Fenerbahàße, Trendyol Sàºper Lig 34. hafta kar≈üƒ±la≈ümasƒ±nda sahasƒ±nda Be≈üikta≈ü'ƒ± konuk ediyor. | Saat 19.00'da ba≈ülayan kar≈üƒ±la≈üma BeIN Sports 1 ekranlarƒ±ndan naklen yayƒ±nlanƒ±yor. Màºcadeleyi hakem Volkan Bayarslan yà∂netiyor.

| Our Correspondent | (2024-04-27). PM to leave for Saudi Arabia today for special WEF meeting. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will depart on a two-day visit to Saudi Arabia today, to attend a World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting on global collaboration, growth, and energy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed. | HRH Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Professor Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum extended the invitation to Shehbaz. | The prime minister will be accompanied by a high-level delegation including, Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar and Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb. | T…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic in Rochester team ranked among 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' by Newsweek. The Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 8 by Newsweek in its 2024 list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics." Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 8 in the nation by Newsweek in its 2024 list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics." Mayo is one of 125 top fertility clinics in the U.S. to receive the honor. The recently released rankings are based on survey results from physicians and other fertility medicine professionals,…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Home-hero Marquez seizes pole at Spanish GP.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Healthcare innovators vie for top prize at Walleye Tank. The house was full for the March 15 Walleye Tank competition – Photo courtesy of Jeff Newman On March 15, in an auditorium packed with colleagues, students and supporters, 13 innovators gathered on the University of Minnesota campus for the 2024 Walleye Tank Spring Opener. With adrenaline-fueled pitches, the contestants took the stage, aiming to capture the attention of a panel of judges and secure funding for their innovations. From a care coordination platform to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Inspired by her mother, career, transplant nurse altruistically becomes organ donor. Stephanie Donelan recovers following kidney donation surgery Each April, the country celebrates Donate Life Month, an observance to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation, celebrating donors' incredible generosity and inspiring others to consider becoming organ donors. It is also a time to celebrate the unique contributions transplant nurses make to the lives of their patients. Inspired by her work and her mother, Stephanie Donelan, a post-liver transplant coordinator at Mayo Clinic in Florida,…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). North Korea accuses US of politicising human rights issues.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Global consortium to study Pick's disease, rare form of early-onset dementia. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Pick's disease, a neurodegenerative disease of unknown genetic origin, is a rare type of frontotemporal dementia that affects people under the age of 65. The condition causes changes in personality, behavior and sometimes language impairment. In patients with the disease, tau proteins build up and form abnormal clumps called Pick bodies, which restrict nutrients to the brain and cause neurodegeneration. The only way to diagnose the disease is by looking at brain…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Busting plant-based diet myths. Many people eat a plant-based diet for health benefits and cultural and religious beliefs, while others just enjoy the savory taste of fruits and vegetables. However, there are some people who shy away from a plant-based diet because of misconceptions. Dr. Christine Nguyen, a Mayo Clinic family physician, talks about myths surrounding plant-based diets. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (: 58) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please… (2024-04-27). China, U.S. launching new 10-year giant panda conservation partnership. The China Wildlife Conservation Association and the San Diego Zoo in the U.S. have recently signed an agreement for giant panda conservation, selecting a pair of giant pandas to be sent to the San Diego Zoo.

The Independent (2024-04-27). Leicester City return to Premier League. LONDON, UK| Xinhua | Leicester City were promoted back to the Premier League from the Championship (second division) at the first attempt on Friday, without needing to kick a ball on Friday night, after Queens Park Rangers beat Leeds United 4-0. The result means that Leicester with 74 points are four points ahead of Leeds, …

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-27). 'Real Housewives' Star Garcelle Beauvais Joins the Fan Club for Meghan Markle's Jam. Meghan Markle's American Riviera Orchard jam has won over another celebrity fan: 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' star Garcelle Beauvais. The actress recently shared a photo of her personalised jar of strawberry jam on Instagram, captioned "Sweetness." | Beauvais' post marks the first time a 'Real Housewives' star has publicly acknowledged receiving the coveted jam. Interestingly, Meghan has been a vocal fan of the 'Housewives' franchise, even joking with Andy Cohen about her failed attempts to appear on 'Watch What Happens Live' before becoming a royal. | Meghan's connection to the show led to rumours of he…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Treatment and research of glioblastoma. Considered the most aggressive type of brain cancer, glioblastoma grows rapidly, destroying healthy tissue. Globally, approximately 300,000 people are diagnosed each year with glioblastoma. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 05) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Glioblastoma is a type of cancer affecting glial cells, which connect nerve cells and support brain function. "It tends to be a… (2024-04-27). Were Australian weapons used in Saudi atrocities on Yemen border? (2024-04-27). New law protects academic integrity. Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a law on academic degrees, aiming to ensure their quality and standardize the process of conferment, while protecting the legitimate rights of degree applicants.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). 'A Bluff': US Tries to Cut Ties Between China & Russia, Spearhead Economic Decisions for China. Xi said the two countries "should be partners rather than adversaries", and recognized this year as the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the US and China. Xi added that the world is "big enough" to accommodate "the simultaneous development and prosperity of both China and the US".

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Man Utd must bolster support for Garnacho and Mainoo, says Fernandes. (2024-04-27). Comicomment: 'Overcapacity' accusation, another example of economic bullying. Some Western countries have lately accused China of "overcapacity." The " overcapacity rhetoric" seems to be an economic concept, but behind it is the intention to curb and suppress China's industrial development, and to seek a more favorable competitive position and market advantage for the United States. It is another example of U.S. economic coercion and bullying, aligning with its broader hegemonic ambitions.

Andrew Green (2024-04-27). Obituary] Tobias Welte. Specialist in pulmonology, infectious disease, and internal medicine. Born on July 7, 1959 in Hanover, Germany, he died on March 10, 2024 in Hanover aged 64 years.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Know the signs of irritable bowel syndrome. April is IBS Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. Research suggests that about 12% of people in the U.S. have irritable bowel syndrome, and it's more common among women than men and in people younger than 50, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition that affects the large intestine. Even though the digestive…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Reasons to be a living kidney donor. Nearly 90,000 people in the U.S. are on the waiting list for kidney transplant, according to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. Finding a donor kidney that is compatible and matches the right blood and tissue types can be the biggest challenge, especially when the donor pool isn't as large as the number of people who need a transplant. Dr. Naim Issa, a Mayo Clinic transplant nephrologist, says there are some common myths regarding living… (2024-04-27). George Floyd-like incident: Black man dies as Ohio cop kneels on his neck. George Floyd-like incident: The Ohio Police have released body camera footage of a black man who died after repeatedly telling officers that "I can't breathe" as they pinned him down to arrest him, according to WKYC. The incident has stirred the memories of the killing of George Floyd. | The Canton Police Department released a video on Wednesday depicting the death of Frank E. Tyson, a 53-year-old East Canton resident.The video shows officers arriving at the scene, confronting Tyson and attempting to take him into custody. The video shows the officers struggling to arrest Tyson before one of them restrained him…

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-27). Harvey Weinstein back in Rikers Island following overturned conviction. Harvey Weinstein, once a powerful Hollywood mogul, is back behind bars at Rikers Island following the overturning of his landmark rape conviction. Weinstein's spokesperson confirmed to the New York Post that he is being held in a special unit at Rikers' West Facility, designed for inmates with medical needs. | "We are grateful for how smoothly [the NYC Department of Corrections and NYC H+H/Correctional Health Services] handled the return to Rikers," spokesperson Juda Engelmayer said. "At the same time, we are cautiously optimistic and are prepared to go to trial, if it comes to that." | Engelmayer expressed co… (2024-04-27). Is Labor moving to weaken anti-discrimination laws?

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-27). Ed Kelce responds to claims that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce will launch 'apocalypse'. Ed Kelce has humorously responded to claims circulating on Instagram regarding his son Travis Kelce's relationship with Taylor Swift. | According to a post shared by the Instagram account ifintersectionalfeminism, the latest outrageous rumor suggests a link between Travis and Taylor's relationship and a televangelist from Arkansas, alleging that Satan is somehow involved and is orchestrating the couple to parent the "antichrist" in order to "launch the apocalyptic thousand-year war." | While the identity of the alleged televangelist remains unknown, the ifintersectionalfeminism account questioned, "Must she do…

Chun-Kang Liao (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis: the NATTINA trial. The publication by Janet Wilson and colleagues1 captivated my attention. This pioneering randomised controlled trial enhances our comprehension as otolaryngologists, offering crucial evidence for tonsillectomy's efficacy in adults with recurrent tonsillitis.2…

| AFP | (2024-04-27). Palestinian athletes to be invited to Paris Olympics: Bach. Between six and eight Palestinian athletes are expected to compete at the Paris Olympics, with some set to be invited by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) even if they fail to qualify, its head Thomas Bach said. | Bach told AFP on Friday that qualification events for the Paris Games, which start on July 26, were ongoing for a number of sports. | "But we have made the clear commitment that even if no (Palestinian) athlete would qualify on the field of play … then the NOC (National Olympic Committee) of Palestine would benefit from invitations, like other national Olympic Committees who do not have a q…

Dan La Botz (2024-04-27). Auto Workers Union Wins Historic Victory at VW in Tennessee. "Until now, the South has been a bastion of bosses, of non-union open shops, where workers had no vote and no voice in their workplaces. If this victory leads to others, as it is expected to, it will change completely the balance of forces between the corporations and the working class in America." | – | / |

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Taiwan reports Chinese military activity after Blinken leaves Beijing. Taiwan said that it detected 22 Chinese military aircraft, 12 of which had crossed the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Jewish Student Protester Shatters Myth of Antisemitic Campus Demonstrations. "I don't think students are afraid anymore," said the undergraduate at New York University as demonstrators are defamed in mainstream media and threatened by police and administrators.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Withdrawal From Chad and Niger Foreshadows Collapse of US Hegemony. US Special Operations forces will withdraw from Chad in the coming days in response to the Sahel nation's questioning of the legality of the US military presence in the region. The move comes after US troops were forced out of Niger.

Altaf Musani (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Health equity can contribute to cohesive and peaceful societies. The Director for Health Emergency Interventions of WHO congratulates Valerie Percival and colleagues of The Lancet Commission on peaceful societies through health equity and gender equality on the launch of their important and timely publication.1… (2024-04-27). China, U.S. must decide the future path of ties, Wang tells Blinken. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday that China and the United States are facing a major question of whether pursuing the stable development of bilateral ties on a forward-looking path or repeating the downward spiral. (2024-04-27). China plans mission to bring Martian soil to Earth. China is likely to become the first country to bring Martian soil back to Earth in an ambitious science and engineering endeavor, according to a top space scientist. (2024-04-27). From ANZAC to AUKUS: More than a century of carnage and cowardice.

Christopher R Jones, Rebecca L Guy, Mariyam Mirfenderesky, Colin S Brown, Theresa Lamagni (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis: the NATTINA trial. The surge in scarlet fever and invasive group A streptococcal infection in England during winter, 2022—23,1 has stimulated the consideration of optimal sore throat management, as point-of-care tests for diagnosis are not routinely used. Clinical prediction scores can identify patients who are most likely to benefit from antibiotics; however, balance is required between optimising clinical outcome, antimicrobial stewardship, cost-effectiveness, and reducing transmission.2,3 Ideally, interventions should be appraised on these wider public health merits. (2024-04-27). Scholar: U.S. claims of 'China's overcapacity' baseless. Recent U.S. claims of "China's overcapacity" in the solar, electric vehicles (EVs), and lithium-ion battery sectors are baseless, an expert said in an interview with China News Network.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-27). Prince Harry honours wounded warrior Elizabeth Marks with prestigious award. Prince Harry, a passionate advocate for the armed forces community, has recognized the extraordinary achievements of Sergeant First Class Elizabeth Marks with the Military Times Soldier of the Year Award. In a heartfelt virtual address, the Duke of Sussex praised Marks as a "beacon of inspiration." | Harry first met Marks, a U.S. Army combat medic, at the 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando, where she won multiple gold medals in swimming. "To me, she epitomizes the courage, resilience, and determination represented across our service community," Harry said. | Marks' journey has been marked by challenges. Despite se… (2024-04-27). Data security in focus for safe AI use. As generative artificial intelligence technology is expected to be quickly applied to various industries, greater efforts are required to ensure the safe and responsible use of AI. (2024-04-27). Senior official reiterates pledge to safeguard IP. A senior official on Friday reiterated the country's commitment to protecting the intellectual property rights of private and foreign enterprises operating in China as part of a broader effort to create a pro-business environment and promote innovation-driven growth. (2024-04-27). Customs duties crucial for openness. The implementation of the law on customs duties is crucial for advancing high-level international openness, and fostering a market-driven and globally oriented business environment in China, said the country's top legislature. (2024-04-27). Xi meets U.S. secretary of state. Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing on Friday.

Bill McAuley (2024-04-27). Yarra River: Magical 'mist-ery' tour.

(2024-04-27). Taliban detain 3 Afghan radio journalists for playing music, talking to female callers. (2024-04-27). China Anti-Doping Agency releases statement following WADAl's launch of compliance audit. China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) issued a statement on Friday, following the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)'s launch of a compliance audit on Thursday. (2024-04-27). Dutton, Zionists and far right exploit stabbings to incite racism, Islamophobia. (2024-04-27). George Floyd-like incident: Black man dies as Ohio cop kneels on his neck. George Floyd-like incident: The Ohio Police have released body camera footage of a black man who died after repeatedly telling officers that "I can't breathe" as they pinned him down to arrest him, according to WKYC. The incident has stirred the memories of the killing of George Floyd. | The Canton Police Department released a video on Wednesday depicting the death of Frank E. Tyson, a 53-year-old East Canton resident.The video shows officers arriving at the scene, confronting Tyson and attempting to take him into custody. The video shows the officers struggling to arrest Tyson before one of them restrained him…

| AFP | (2024-04-27). Can't imagine tennis without Nadal: Alcaraz. Carlos Alcaraz admitted Friday that it is impossible to "imagine tennis without Rafa" as he hailed superstar compatriot Rafael Nadal who is closing in on the end of his career. | Nadal, a 22-time Grand Slam champion, will be 38 in June and has made just a handful of appearances since January 2023 due mostly to a hip injury. | "I don't want to imagine it yet. Like any Rafa fan, like any tennis fan, no one wants to imagine the tour without Rafa," said 20-year-old Alcaraz after making the third round of the Madrid Open where he is the defending champion. | "Personally, I want to make the most of Rafa, every time… (2024-04-27). NEVs give the lie to 'overcapacity'. The last time Tan Siyuan, 24, a freelance business manager who also assists in his family business of industrial equipment in Shanghai, found himself lining up for hours was to lay his hands on the then latest iPhone X model.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). What to expect from the new Planet of the Apes movie premiering in May. The latest movie in the long-running sci-fi franchise, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, is set several generations after the events of the 2017 film, War for the Planet of the Apes, and follows a young ape named Noa, played by 25-year-old Owen Teague.

The Independent (2024-04-27). UN treaty on plastic pollution gains momentum. Ottawa, Canada | THE INDEPENDENT | Negotiators from about 175 countries are meeting in the Canadian Capital Ottawa to forge an international treaty to regulate plastics. The conference in Canada is the fourth in the round of negotiations since the governments backed by scientific evidence agreed to develop an international treaty to clean up plastic pollution that …

(2024-04-27). European Parliament calls for repeal of Hong Kong security laws. (2024-04-27). Shanghai greets eager visitors from luxury cruise liner. Shanghai welcomed the largest number of travelers on a single cruise trip, as Royal Caribbean's Spectrum of the Seas arrived at Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal on Friday morning, according to official data.

The Independent (2024-04-27). Three massive games this weekend to help decide Premier League title. LONDON, UK | Xinhua | Three decisive matches this weekend — one of them the biggest derby in London — will go a long way toward deciding this season's Premier League title, and perhaps also the scramble to avoid relegation. The first game is on Saturday lunchtime when Jurgen Klopp's tired Liverpool side travels to …

| AFP | (2024-04-27). Liverpool reach agreement for Slot to become new manager. Liverpool reached an agreement with Feyenoord on Friday for Arne Slot to succeed Jurgen Klopp as manager, British media reported. | The Press Association said that a compensation package for the 45-year-old, who had two years left on his contract, has now been agreed. | The BBC claimed that the deal is worth up to £9.4 million (10.9 million euros). | Slot had said Thursday that he was "confident" of landing the Anfield job. | "I would like to go to Liverpool. Now I'm waiting to see whether the clubs reach an agreement. I'm very confident in that," he told reporters. | Slot moved to Feyenoord in 2021 afte…

Susan Jaffe (2024-04-27). World Report] 10 years on: the legacy of the Flint water crisis. The exposure of residents to lead in drinking water caused a national outcry, prompting requirements to update infrastructure and tighten water quality standards. Susan Jaffe reports.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). DEA Drug Take Back Day at Mayo Clinic in Florida. Saturday, April 27, is the next Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Staff, patients and community members are encouraged to attend a local event and drop off unused and expired drugs. Mayo Clinic in Florida is hosting a drop-off site in cooperation with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office: Date: April 27 Time: 10 a.m.—2 p.m. Drop-Off Site: Mayo Clinic, Davis Building, drive-thru entrance off Mayo Blvd. There will be pharmacists and other… (2024-04-27). Digital payment services in Hong Kong expanded. The International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu kicked off on Friday in Chengdu, Sichuan province, bringing the beauty and wonder of plants and flowers to millions.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Using lasers on the brain to treat seizures. For roughly a third of people with epilepsy, medication does not control their seizures. Depending on where those seizures originate in the brain, laser therapy can be an option for adults and children. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 58) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. It's treatment for epileptic seizures that uses a laser on the brain. "LITT is… (2024-04-27). Video: UniMelb solidarity encampment begins on ANZAC day. (2024-04-27). China hopes U.S. can view China's development in positive light: Xi. Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that China is happy to see a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States, and hopes the United States can also look at China's development in a positive light. (2024-04-27). 'Dil hai Hindustani': This is how Indian heart transforms Pakistani teen's life in Chennai. 'Dil hai Hindustani': In a heartwarming tale of cross-border compassion, 19-year-old Pakistani woman from Pakistan's Karachi battling a severe heart ailment found a lifeline across the border in Delhi and the benevolence of Chennai's MGM Healthcare. Nineteen-year-old Ayesha Rashan had endured a decade-long struggle with heart disease. Her quest for treatment led her to India in 2014, where she underwent a heart pump implantation to support her failing heart. However, this intervention proved insufficient over time, necessitating a heart transplant to secure her survival.The Rashan family sought expert consultati…

Brais Fernandez, Dave Kellaway (2024-04-27). Remembering the Carnation revolution. This week sees the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese "Carnation" Revolution that erupted in 1974 and was finally tamed in 1976 with the election of a government led by Soares from the Socialist Party(SP). The moderate SP consolidated many reforms won in the previous two years but also restored the capitalist order. | – | / | (2024-04-27). China's gold consumption rises 5.94% in Q1. China's gold consumption rose 5.94 percent in the first quarter of 2024 from a year earlier, thanks to surging demand for safe havens, China Gold Association said on Friday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Case of Frenemies . Taiwan regional authorities has also signed billions in contracts with the US for latest-generation F-16V fighter jets, M1 Abrams main battle tanks, and the HIMARS rocket system. (2024-04-27). After petitioning, Katoomba Library subscribes to Green Left.

Haironesah Domado (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Health equity and gender equality in conflict environments. With a high level of interest, I read The Lancet Commission on peaceful societies through health equity and gender equality by Valerie Percival and colleagues.1 The Commission's report admirably illuminates the transformative potential of health equity and gender equality in shaping peaceful societies. The emphasis on the intersectionality of health equity and gender equality brings to the fore the essence of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security.2 The findings seem to also align with Hudson's analysis in her work.

| Anadolu Agency | (2024-04-27). Bangladesh reels under longest heat wave in 76 years. Bangladesh experienced its longest heat wave in recorded history this April with forecasts showing no improvement for the rest of the month, according to meteorologists. | Md. Bazlur Rashid, a meteorologist at the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, told Anadolu that heat waves swept across the entire country for 27 days straight until Saturday. | "According to the data available since 1948, this month (April) has already seen records of heat wave days in a single year," he added. | This year, for the first time, nearly 75% of the country has experienced continuous heat waves. | The closest example of such e…

Cassia Roth (2024-04-27). Perspectives] Making pregnant bodies whole: a historical perspective. In 1987, medical anthropologist Emily Martin published her groundbreaking book The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction, in which she grounded the female experience of reproduction within the historical sociocultural processes structuring women's embodiment in the USA during the 20th century. Martin focused on capitalism's influence on medicine, arguing that it shaped how the medical profession defined reproduction, and, in turn, how women understood their bodies. She argued that medical texts typically treated female reproduction as production, successful when reaching its "goal" (eg, pregnancy…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Nadal excited by prospect of partnering Alcaraz at Paris Olympics.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Arteta receives Wenger's advice on fine margins in title run-in. (2024-04-27). Xi exchanges congratulations with Tanzanian President Hassan over 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday exchanged congratulations with Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan over the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties.

| Reuters | (2024-04-27). Abbas, international leaders to hold Gaza talks in Riyadh this week. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and several international officials will be in Riyadh this week for talks aimed at pushing for a peace agreement in Gaza to be held on the sidelines of a World Economic Forum meeting, the WEF's president said on Saturday. | "We do have the key players now in Riyadh and hopefully the discussions can lead into a process towards reconciliation and peace," Børge Brende said at a news conference in Riyadh, adding that Gaza's humanitarian crisis would be on the agenda. | US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will attend the meetings alongside regional leaders including Qatar…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Iran to Release Crew of Detained MSC Aries Ship – Foreign Minister. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The crew of the Portuguese-flagged container ship MSC Aries, recently detained by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, will be released, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on Saturday. (2024-04-27). China hopes U.S. can view China's development in positive light: Xi. Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that China is happy to see a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States, and hopes the United States can also look at China's development in a positive light.

Nin-Chieh Hsu, Chia-Hao Hsu (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis: the NATTINA trial. We read the NATTINA study by Janet A Wilson and colleagues,1 which supports the immediate tonsillectomy approach for adults with recurrent acute tonsillitis. Although we acknowledge that Wilson and colleagues have provided a comprehensive explanation of the study's limitations, several concerns remain. First, the study enrolled patients between May, 2015, and April, 2018, with the primary outcome being the number of sore throat days observed over a 24-month period. However, some participants might have experienced the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic during the early months of 2020.

The Lancet (2024-04-27). Editorial] Assisted dying needs a thoughtful and engaged dialogue. "It's simple and humane". Such was Emmanuel Macron's explanation of the title of France's new Aid in Dying bill, which aims to make it legal for adults with terminal illness to take lethal medication prescribed by a doctor. The wish to respect patient choice and alleviate suffering when all other options are exhausted is understandable, but the suggestion that anything related to assisted dying is simple is sorely misplaced.

Iain Bruce, Leonadis Iza, Martí­n Mosquera (2024-04-27). Ecuador: Indigenous Resistance and Political Challenges — an interview with Leonidas Iza. (2024-04-27). Better biz climate prioritized. China will continue to ramp up efforts to optimize the business environment in a bid to further boost confidence and stimulate market vitality, the State Council, the country's Cabinet, said on Friday.

Gauche anticapitaliste (2024-04-27). Philippe Poutou to be candidate in Belgium for "Anticapitalistes" list in European elections.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-27). O.J. Simpson's cause of death revealed two weeks after passing. According to his longtime lawyer, Malcolm LaVergne, the former Hall of Fame football player and acquitted murderer, died from metastatic prostate cancer, as confirmed to People magazine on April 26. | Simpson's family announced his death on X (formerly Twitter) on April 11, one day after he passed away at the age of 76. | Simpson had been battling cancer since announcing in May 2023 that he had the disease. | "I was pretty certain it was prostate cancer; ultimately, that was the cause," LaVergne said. | "He thought he had beaten it," LaVergne added. "I thought this was done, but you know how cancers go. They c… (2024-04-27). Ending violence against women will take more than a cultural shift.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-27). 'The Vow' true story: What happened after the movie ended. The romantic drama 'The Vow', starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum, chronicles the struggle of a couple rebuilding their love after a devastating car accident leaves Paige (McAdams) with severe memory loss. While the film offers a glimmer of hope, the real story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, upon which it is loosely based, took a far more tragic turn. | Though 'The Vow' fictionalised certain elements, the Carpenters' story is similarly marked by a traumatic brain injury that erased Krickitt's memories of her marriage. Unlike the film, the real-life couple faced further challenges, including infidelity,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Prescribing nature for mental, physical health. Editor's note: Earth Day is Monday, April 22 Eating right and exercising are important ways to stay mentally and physically healthy. And instead of getting off the couch and hopping on a treadmill, you might want to consider going outdoors and reaping the health benefits of being in nature. And don't be surprised at your next doctor's visit when you get a prescription for parks instead of pills. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: …

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). New York returns 30 pillaged relics to Cambodia, Indonesia.

Richard Horton (2024-04-27). Comment] Offline: It is time to take cancer more seriously. The Lancet has published two Commissions in 2024 addressing the commonest cancers among men and women: prostate cancer (led by Nicholas James) and breast cancer (led by Charlotte Coles). As we were preparing these Commissions for publication, we considered writing an editorial linking the two cancers. But we hesitated. Surely these conditions are distinguished by their differences, not their similarities. Breast cancer is preventable. No such possibilities exist for prostate cancer. As our Commission on Prostate Cancer concluded: "The projected rise in prostate cancer cases cannot be prevented by lifestyle change… (2024-04-27). Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday afternoon.

Roopa Farooki (2024-04-27). Perspectives] If we see it, we can be it: a diverse representation of doctors in children's books. The books we read as children are the stories that make us what we are. These are the books that shape our identities, inspire our journeys, and evoke our ambitions. An influential lecturer during my time in medical school suggested that one of the best things anyone can do for a child's long-term physical and mental health, is read to them regularly.

| Reuters | (2024-04-27). US food regulator gathering information on Indian spices after alleged contamination. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is gathering information on products of Indian spice makers MDH and Everest after Hong Kong halted sales of some of their products for allegedly containing high levels of a cancer-causing pesticide. | "The FDA is aware of the reports and is gathering additional information about the situation," an FDA spokesperson told Reuters on Friday. | Hong Kong this month suspended sales of three MDH spice blends and an Everest spice mix for fish curries. Singapore ordered a recall of the Everest spice mix as well, saying it contains high levels of ethylene oxide, which is unfit f…

(2024-04-27). Belarus takes more than 20 'extremist' news websites offline.

Belinda Jones (2024-04-27). Scott Morrison reveals health issues on eve of book launch.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). North African Countries Expel Western Military Presence. Chad, Niger, and other countries throughout the continent are increasingly questioning and rejecting the influence of Europe and the United States.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: How to cope with irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can significantly disrupt a person's daily life. Some people suffer in silence because of painful stomach cramps, diarrhea and constipation. These symptoms can significantly affect a person's quality of life. April 19 is World IBS Day, intended to raise awareness about IBS, which affects the stomach and intestines, also called the gastrointestinal tract. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…

The Independent (2024-04-27). Luwero security committee backs joint operations against burglars. Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Police and Uganda People's Defense Forces are set to launch joint operations to crack down on rampant burglaries in Luwero district. At least five houses or offices are broken into and items stolen. In the latest incident, burglars broke into Luwero district headquarters and stole computers after vandalizing the …

The Independent (2024-04-27). Engineer of Kiruddu Hospital remanded over theft of mattresses. Wakiso, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Kiruddu National Referral Hospital Biomedical Engineer, Darlington Tumukugize was on Friday remanded to Luzira prison on charges of theft of eight mattresses and other valuables. Tumukugize was on Friday evening arraigned before the Court presided over by Grade One Magistrate Patience Lorna Mukundane. He was charged with two counts: possessing …

(2024-04-27). CPJ recognizes vital role of free press on democracy ahead of White House Correspondents' Association's annual dinner.

Christian Popescu, Jamela Al Raiby, Saverio Bellizzi (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Cancer among women and girls in Syrian refugee populations. The Lancet Commission on women, power, and cancer makes it clear that when it comes to cancer, women and girls must be considered vulnerable.1 Using data on Syrian refugees, we would like to highlight the specific vulnerabilities of a subgroup of women and girls—namely, those who left their homes as migrants and refugees.

The Independent (2024-04-27). Uganda's weather service: One step forward, three steps back. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament's decision to revert Uganda Meteorology Authority (UNMA) to the department at the Ministry of Water and Environment has drawn mixed reactions. Uganda Meteorology Authority will no longer be semi-autonomous once President Museveni assents to the Bill seeking to merge or rationalize government Authorities and Departments. Some environmentalists and users …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: The vital role of phlebotomists in blood collection. Phlebotomy technicians collect blood from patients and prepare the samples for testing. Most work in hospitals and clinics, but some collect blood for donation purposes. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Fiona Craig, who oversees the Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Department at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, discusses the vital role phlebotomists play in blood collection. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 09) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

Paul Adepoju (2024-04-27). World Report] Moderna stalls on African vaccine manufacturing plans. Moderna's decision has been criticised by the Africa CDC, with experts urging countries to invest domestically. Paul Adepoju reports. (2024-04-27). Spend on climate and housing not war, activists say. (2024-04-27). Mutual progress key for relationship. President Xi Jinping has urged the United States to look at China's development positively and refrain from creating small blocs to instigate confrontation. (2024-04-27). Travel to and from China rise during the May Day holiday. The daily average number of entries and exits at national ports during this year's May Day holiday, which falls from May 1 to May 5, is expected to reach 1.76 million, a 40.5 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

Maryelle Budry (2024-04-27). Historic victory for the "Aînées pour le climat" "They accused Switzerland, with evidence to back up their accusations, of failing to take care of their health and well-being in the face of increasingly worrying heatwaves, and of failing to take steps to achieve the target set for 2030 by the Paris Agreement in 2015." | – | / |

The Independent (2024-04-27). China helps Uganda fight malaria as global funding shrinks. KAMPALA, Uganda | Xinhua | For Milly Nakazzi, an assistant nursing officer at Uganda's Kiruddu National Referral Hospital, the fact that at least six of every 10 patients she treats have malaria is business as usual. "The malaria rate is actually very high, not only here at Kiruddu but also at other health facilities across …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Mayo Clinic RegenBio Summit 2024 registration opens, keynotes announced. Gene editing, gene therapy and tissue engineering are emerging regenerative biotherapies that are on the cusp of transforming medical care. RegenBio Summit: Transforming Next-Gen Biotherapeutics 2024, will focus on accelerating technologies from concept to reality for patients in need of new healing options. Register now to join physicians, scientists, general healthcare staff, industry leaders and students from Dec. 9 to 11 at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Regenerative biotherapies…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Iraqi Authorities Launch Investigation Into Attack on Gas Field. DOHA (Sputnik) – The Iraqi authorities have created a commission to investigate a drone attack on the Khor Mor gas field in Iraqi Kurdistan, which killed two people on Friday evening, according to a statement from the Iraqi security forces obtained by Sputnik.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Philippines denies deal with China over disputed South China Sea shoal. A spokesperson at China's embassy in Manila said on Apr 18 that the Philippines and China had agreed early this year to a "new model" in managing tensions at the Second Thomas Shoal, something Manila rejects.

| Shahabullah Yusufzai | (2024-04-27). TTP Malakand chapter commander killed in Afghanistan. Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Malakand chapter commander Talha Swati was killed in the Asadabad area of Afghanistan's Kunar province, sources confirmed on Saturday. | Swati — associated with the Fazal Ullah group belonged to Swat. He was gunned down in broad daylight after Friday prayers. | The TTP commander was linked to the intelligence group and worked as intelligence chief in Barikot area. | As per reports, the slain terrorist was reporting on Jammat Ul Ahrar activities to South District Taliban, Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), and his close aide Noor Wali Mehsud. | There were conflicting r… (2024-04-27). Horticultural expo kicks off in Chengdu. The International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu kicked off on Friday in Chengdu, Sichuan province, bringing the beauty and wonder of plants and flowers to millions.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Gaia Series 36: Can Japan's Hot Spring Inns Be Protected? Japan's onsen ryokans blend tradition with innovation to navigate modern challenges, highlighting its cultural significance and community efforts for preservation.

(2024-04-27). Texas police detain, charge FOX 7 Austin journalist covering pro-Palestinian protest.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). 4 types of head and neck cancers. April is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about four types of cancer that affect these areas of the body. Head and neck cancers account for nearly 4% of all cancers in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Institute. These cancers are more than twice as common among men as women, and are diagnosed more often among people over 50. Among the many types of head…

(2024-04-27). Chilean journalists Daniel Labbé and Josefa Barraza face criminal charges.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). 'Like a hobby': Private driving instructors rue sunset industry that has quirky students, comfortable salaries. Singapore has just 305 private driving instructors now, compared with the 1980s when there were thousands of them. (2024-04-27). US car accident: 3 Gujrati women killed as speeding SUV flies 20 feet over bridge, crashes into trees. US car accident: In a horrific, dreadful and spine-chilling incident, three Indian-origin women from Gujarat killed in a US car crash. Three Indian Gujarti women identified as Rekhaben Patel, Sangitaben Patel, and Manishaben Patel, tragically lost their lives in a devastating car accident in the United States as their heir SUV veered off the road, crossing all lanes of traffic, and careened over a bridge, soaring at least 20 feet into the air before crashing into trees on the opposite sideThe harrowing incident unfolded in Greenville County, South Carolina traveling northbound on I-85. Chief Deputy Coroner Mike… (2024-04-27). Chinese foreign minister receives written interview with Al Jazeera Media Network. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, received a written interview with Al Jazeera Media Network recently.

Dave Kellaway (2024-04-27). Meloni's government censors anti fascism. The controversy surrounding a historian's attempt to give a minute's monologue on the meaning of Italy's National Liberation Day, 25 April. | – | / |

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Girls' Generation's Hyoyeon and other K-pop idols detained in Bali for allegedly filming without permits. The cast and crew of Pick Me Trip in Bali, which includes Girls' Generation's Hyoyeon, Apink's Bomi, Secret Number's Dita and ex-I.O.I member Nayoung, reportedly had their passports confiscated and won't be able to return to South Korea until next week, at the earliest.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Esophageal cancer — know the signs and reduce your risk. April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month, which makes this good time to learn the signs of esophageal cancer and what you can do to reduce your risk. Approximately 21,560 new cases of esophageal cancer ‚Äï 17,030 in men and 4,530 in women ‚Äï will be diagnosed in the U.S. this year, and 16,120 people ‚Äï 12,920 men and 3,200 women ‚Äï will die from the disease, according to the American Cancer Society. Esophageal cancer usually begins in the cells…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Facade of Diplomacy Masks US Efforts to 'Smear, Isolate, Suppress' China. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's second visit to China in less than a year this week signifies the importance the Biden administration places on Sino-US relations in addressing various global challenges, according to Chinese commentator Anna Ge.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-27). Terrifying Tornadoes Rip Across US Midwest With No Sign of Easing. The storms are created from hot, moist air coming from the Gulf of Mexico that is flowing into the central US, creating the perfect atmosphere for disastrous storms.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). England's Bairstow makes case for T20 World Cup inclusion with IPL ton.

Guan-Jiang Huang, Xue-Sen Yang, Na Tang, Biao-Qing Lu (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis: the NATTINA trial. We read with great interest the Article by Janet A Wilson and colleagues.1 The authors concluded that immediate tonsillectomy is more effective and cost-effective than conservative management in adults with recurrent acute tonsillitis.

Laure Horlait (2024-04-27). The Anticapitalist Left presents a list for the European elections with Philippe Poutou. The Gauche anticapitaliste, Belgian section of the Fourth International, is putting together its own list for the European elections on 9 June. After a long and difficult road and a campaign to gather signatures, the Belgian comrades are taking to the electoral field for the first time in ten years under the name Anticapitalists. | – | / |

Ed Holt (2024-04-27). World Report] Aid groups call for help for migrants in Belarus. Civil society has been limited by President Alexander Lukashenko, leaving few organisations to provide health care for migrants at the Belarus—EU border. Ed Holt reports.

Franco Turigliatto (2024-04-27). A year and a half of right-wing rule. "Two symbolic dates of struggle for the workers' movement, 25 April, the anniversary of the defeat of fascism, and 1 May, are very close together. The perspective must be that of a new season of struggle, of a revival of the workers' movement." | – | / |

James O'Hara, Catriona Douglas, Steven Powell, Janet Wilson (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis: the NATTINA trial — Authors' reply. We welcome the enthusiasm of fellow researchers to explore other aspects of recurrent tonsil disease in adults and comment on our Article.1 Christopher R Jones and colleagues highlight the putative association between tonsillectomy rates, tonsillitis admission, and invasive group A streptococcus incidence in children.2 It is impossible for us to suggest how improved and timely access to tonsillectomy could affect societal levels of invasive group A streptococcus but the trends in tonsillectomy rates are clear.

Mat Ward (2024-04-27). 10 surprisingly good new protest albums you've got to hear. Mat Ward looks back at April's political news and the best new protest music that related to it.

John Longhurst (2024-04-27). Setting the story straight.

| Entertainment Desk | (2024-04-27). People are making my life miserable: Aiman Khan 'doppelganger' not happy with comparisons. Social media content creator Mona Liza has gone viral for her seemingly uncanny resemblance to actor Aiman Khan. However, whilst many would be flattered at their face being compared to the touched-up photographs of celebrities, the same cannot be said of Mona, who has been at the centre of a doppelganger storm ever since the photos went public. | As photos of Mona dancing at a wedding spread like wildfire across social media, comparisons and criticisms alike flew in thick and fast. For those assuming that the influencer had deliberately attempted to copy the Ishq Tamasha star, Mona had a fiery comeback ready o…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-27). Spurs boss Postecoglou not motivated by disrupting Arsenal's title bid.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). In case you missed it: This week's Top 5 stories on social media. Check out a few of the most popular News Network stories on @mayoclinic social media this past week. Mayo Clinic Minute: Reasons to be a living kidney donor In the U.S., almost 90,000 people are awaiting kidney transplants. Matching the right blood and tissue types to find a compatible donor kidney can be challenging, particularly when the donor pool is smaller than the number of people in need of a transplant. 4 types of head…

(2024-04-27). Brazilian court upholds conviction of killers of journalist Valério Luiz de Oliveira. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

Daniel Marchalik, Diane Rehm (2024-04-27). Perspectives] On not cutting corners. For want of a nail, the ancient proverb goes, the shoe was lost. It has long been observed that the smallest oversights can have downstream effects. Indeed, all of life is a series of actions and consequences—a truth that serves a guiding principle of Abraham Verghese's 2009 novel Cutting for Stone. As a physician and writer born in Ethiopia to parents of Indian descent, Verghese's fiction draws on his personal, cultural, and professional experiences. His literary writing often features intricate medical passages that explore the complexities of both illness and its management, as well as explorations of po…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). What do you know about malaria? Editors note: World Malaria Day will be observed Thursday, April 25. Malaria is caused by a single-celled parasite of the genus Plasmodium. The parasite is transmitted to humans most commonly through mosquito bites. The malaria parasites enter the bloodstream and travel to the liver. When the parasites mature, they leave the liver and infect red blood cells. This is when people typically develop malaria symptoms. Because the parasites that cause malaria affect red blood cells, people also can be infected…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-27). Teamwork and a new nickname inspire patient through pancreatic cancer treatment. Dick Whetstone is working toward renewing his pilot's license after pancreatic cancer nearly took away his passion. When Walter "Dick" Whetstone leaves his home in central South Carolina, he's usually wearing a paw print or, at the least, his school colors of orange and purple. The proud Clemson University alumnus didn't realize that what he wore to an appointment would earn him a nickname and a chance to help others. In late 2020, Dick began… (2024-04-27). Video: Sydney University students occupy campus for Palestine.

Amalia Martinez, Cyrille Delpierre, Pascale Grosclaude, Sébastien Lamy (2024-04-27). Correspondence] Integrating gender into cancer research. As cancer epidemiologists, we support the recommendations of The Lancet Commission on women, power, and cancer,1 which emphasised favourable structural contexts, routine data collection, and the prioritisation of research. Regularly collecting data on sex, gender, and socioeconomic factors in cancer statistics is essential for understanding health inequalities among populations. Providing these indicators enables health-care practitioners to personalise health care according to the specific needs of these populations.

Katherine Li (2024-04-27). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Flying The Fairer Skies. Good things are happening! Airline companies finally face a reckoning over unfair and deceptive practices, and noncompete agreements are set to become a thing of the past. Moreover, public land use just underwent a seismic shift in favor of conservation and sustainability, and the Biden administration passed sweeping new rules to curb oil and gas drilling.Fairer Skies For Air Travelers: Big moves are underway to safeguard air travelers' consumer rights, thanks in part to The Lever's accountability journalism. Over the past two weeks, U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg finally launched new regula…

Jaime Pastor , Pierre Rousset (2024-04-27). Global crisis, conflict and war: what internationalism for the 21st century?

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-27). Nicaragua condena genocidio contra Palestina en Consejo de Seguridad. El representante nicaragüense insistió en que el Consejo de Seguridad no debe continuar postergando su responsabilidad histórica pendiente sobre Palestina, y exigió "la Paz y Seguridad en el Oriente Medio".

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2024-04-27). Asciende a 34.388 la cifra de palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. Los soldados, fuertemente armados, impidieron que las ambulancias llegaran a la zona para recuperar los cadáveres de los dos jóvenes asesinados.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-27). Hamás anuncia que estudiará contrapropuesta israelí de tregua. Hamás aseguró el viernes que estaba abierto a cualquier propuesta en la que se tenga en cuenta las necesidades y derechos de la población gazatí.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-27). Israel asesinó a 51 palestinos en menos de 24 horas en Gaza. Los equipos de rescate enfrentan dificultades para llegar a las víctimas atrapadas bajo los escombros, ya que las fuerzas israelíes obstruyen el movimiento de ambulancias y equipos de defensa civil.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Altamente valorada por pueblo de Gambia ayuda médica cubana. Altamente valorada y respetada es la labor que desempeñan los médicos cubanos en Gambia, que desde hace casi 30 años recibe la ayuda solidaria que en materia de salud brinda Cuba a numerosos países del mundo y que ha sido reconocida por gobiernos, pueblos y organismos internacionales.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Transición política en Haití en medio de la devastación por violencia. La comunidad internacional espera que la dimisión del cuestionado primer ministro Ariel Henry y la toma de posesión de un Consejo de Transición permitan cesar la violencia en Haití, azolado por una crisis humanitaria.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Ciudad de Valdivia acogerá encuentro de solidaridad con Cuba en Chile (+Fotos). Santiago de Chile, 27 abr (RHC) La ciudad de Valdivia, en el sur de Chile, acogerá el XXVII Encuentro Nacional de Solidaridad con Cuba, al que están convocados delegados de todo el país, informaron sus organizadores.

teleSUR, rzr (2024-04-27). Senado mexicano prohíbe terapias de conversión de sexual. El texto estipula que será sancionado quien realice, imparta, aplique, obligue o financie cualquier tipo de tratamiento, o terapia de conversión sexual.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-27). México tacha de injerencista política de EE.UU. hacia la región. López Obrador se preguntó: "¿No les parece anacrónico el que ellos (…) se apropien del derecho de calificar la conducta de países independientes y soberanos?".

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-27). Universitarios protestan a favor de Palestina en París, Francia. Los hechos ocurren luego de que se llevaran a cabo en estas últimas jornadas protestas en universidades de países como Australia y Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-27). Indepaz denuncia asesinato de líder social en Meta, Colombia. Según el ente, con este asesinato, suman ya 54 los líderes asesinados en lo que va de año.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-27). Mueren ocho personas al caer un helicóptero militar en Ecuador. El Ejército ecuatoriano precisó que el rescate de los cuerpos se realizará el sábado debido a las condiciones climáticas en la zona selvática.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-27). Rusia expresa apoyo a Bolivia para unirse al grupo Brics. En relación con el tema del litio, la canciller boliviana Celinda Sosa expresó que Bolivia espera ser socia con Rusia, para generar impactos para ambos países.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-27). Arrestan a manifestantes pro Palestina en Universidad de Indiana, EE.UU. Denuncian que la Policía utilizó fuerza física para poner fin a una protesta que tuvo carácter pacífico.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-27). Suspenden voto electrónico en las elecciones de Panamá. La suspensión del voto electrónico afecta a 20 mesas que habían sido instaladas en el Centro de Convenciones Atlántico Pacífico (Atlapa) para los comicios del próximo 5 de mayo.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-27). Sindicatos en Ecuador marcharán el 1 de Mayo en rechazo a Noboa. La movilización, que contará con un tinte especial, celebrará el triunfo del No en las preguntas sobre trabajo por horas y arbitraje internacional en la reciente consulta popular.

teleSUR, ahf, SH (2024-04-27). Vigilan volcán ante posible erupción en Costa Rica. El reporte del 25 de abril del Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico costarricense señala que las energías sísmicas registradas en el volcán son las más altas de los últimos 5 años.

teleSUR, odr -YSM (2024-04-27). Presidente de Brasil inaugura fábrica para producir insulina. El mandatario informó que el Estado adquirirá la mayor parte de la producción para, de forma gratuita, distribuirlo en el sistema de salud.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-04-27). Policía salvadoreña arresta a comisionado presidencial. La Fiscalía salvadoreña informó que la detención de Christian Flores Sandoval es el inicio de una investigación, para deducir otros delitos de corrupción.

teleSUR, rzr (2024-04-27). Aumenta la cifra de muertos y desplazados por lluvias en Kenia. El vicepresidente keniano anunció que el Ejecutivo desplegó un equipo de emergencia para atender a las víctimas de las lluvias.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-27). Bolivia alerta de peligro en la región si Argentina se asocia a la OTAN. Luis Arce advirtió que Bolivia defenderá su soberanía y sus recursos naturales, por lo que estarán atentos ante cualquier situación.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-27). Tarifa de peaje aumenta un 200 por ciento en Argentina. Las asociaciones de usuarios han denunciado que en el último año y medio los peajes han acumulado un aumento del 800 por ciento. (2024-04-27). ƒ∞srail ordusu, Beyt Lahiya'daki su kuyularƒ±nƒ±n yàºzde 70'ini tahrip etti. ƒ∞srail ordusunun, Gazze ≈ûeridi'nin kuzeyindeki Beyt Lahiya'da su kuyularƒ±nƒ±n yàºzde 70'ini tahrip ettiƒüi belirtildi.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). En todas las causas justas, Cuba del lado correcto. La griega Georgia Kalampoka vino con su hija Alejandra Valoi a participar de las actividades por el 1ro. de Mayo en Cuba, y para ambas constituye un anhelo hecho realidad.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-04-27). Socialistas españoles ratifican su apoyo a Pedro Sánchez. Mientras el PSOE celebra una reunión extraordinaria del Comité Federal, militantes de agrupaciones socialistas se concentran en las afueras de la sede del Partido en Ferraz, Madrid.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-27). CIDH pide levantamiento de sanciones contra Venezuela. El ente tomó nota de los hallazgos de la relatora especial de la ONU, Alena Douhan, durante su visita al país en 2021.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-27). Cuba convoca a Residencia de Creación y Producción de Documentales. La Residencia tiene como propósitos conocer y explorar la producción y realización de Documentales de Creación, con la temática del ser humano, su entorno y las relaciones sociales y naturales.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-27). China advierte a EE.UU. del deterioro de relaciones bilaterales. Beijing instó a Washington a no cruzar las líneas rojas de China en cuestiones relacionadas con su soberanía, intereses de seguridad y desarrollo.

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Perrier maden suyunda dƒ±≈ükƒ± kaynaklƒ± bakteri tespit edildi: ƒ∞ki milyon ≈üi≈üe imha edildi. Fransa'nƒ±n gàºneyindeki Gard'da bulunan bir kuyuda dƒ±≈ükƒ± kaynaklƒ± bakterilerin tespit edilmesi sonucu, Nestle grubuna baƒülƒ± Perrier markasƒ±na ait iki milyon ≈üi≈üe su imha edilme kararƒ± alƒ±ndƒ±. Bu durumun, Mart ayƒ±nda Fransa'nƒ±n gàºneydoƒüusunu etkileyen Monica fƒ±rtƒ±nasƒ±nƒ±n ardƒ±ndan ya≈üanan ≈üiddetli yaƒüƒ&p…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). Marmara Denizi'nde bulunan cesedin 'BATUHAN A' gemisi màºrettebatƒ± Ahmet Atav'a ait olduƒüu belirlendi. Bursa'nƒ±n Karacabey ilàßesi Kur≈üunlu Mahallesi aà߃±klarƒ±nda 2 gàºn à∂nce balƒ±kà߃±lar, su yàºzeyine à߃±kmƒ±≈ü 1 ceset buldu. | Sahil Gàºvenlik Gàºney Marmara Grup Komutanlƒ±ƒüƒ± ekiplerinin sudan à߃±kardƒ±ƒüƒ± cesedin àºst aramasƒ±nda, 73 gàºn à∂nce batan 'BATUHAN A' gemisinin kayƒ±p màºrettebatƒ±ndan Ahmet Atav'a…

yenisafak (2024-04-27). ƒ∞stanbul'da su birikintisine dàº≈üen àßocuk hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybetti. Kàºàßàºkàßekmece ƒ∞làße Emniyet Màºdàºrl຃üຠekipleri, Fatih Mahallesi'ndeki Menek≈üe Sahil Parkƒ± iàßerisinde yapƒ±lan kazƒ± àßalƒ±≈ümasƒ±nda olu≈üan su birikintisine bir ki≈üinin dàº≈üerek boƒüulduƒüu ihbarƒ± sonrasƒ± olay yerine gitti.Ekipler, yaptƒ±klarƒ± incelemede, parkƒ±n bazƒ± bà∂làºmlerinin kazƒ&plus…

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-04-27). Productores agropecuarios argentinos rechazan medidas de Milei. La manifestación, convocada por la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), cubrió más de 20 cuadras con una caravana de tractores y camionetas.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, JGN (2024-04-27). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. La OMS ha alertado sobre la grave situación sanitaria en Gaza y la falta de recursos para atender a la población afectada por los ataques israelíes.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-27). Ascienden a 34.365 los palestinos asesinados por asedio israelí contra Gaza. La ofensiva militar de Israel sobre Gaza desde el 7 de octubre pasado ha provocado hasta el momento 34.365 muertes, la mayoría de ellas niños y mujeres, y 77.368 heridos.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Acogerá Cuba Congreso Internacional sobre Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional. La Habana, 27 abr (RHC) Los días 29 y 30 de este mes, La Habana acogerá el II Congreso Internacional sobre los desequilibrios del mundo, las urgencias de paz y desarrollo y la necesidad de un Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional -NOEI-, convocado por la Internacional Progresista y la Asociación Nacional de Economistas y Contadores de Cuba.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Experto de Cuba examina impacto de medios digitales en turismo. La Habana, 27 abr (RHC) El investigador y catedrático cubano José Luis Perelló analizó este sábado el impacto en la industria turística de los medios digitales, en particular en Latinoamérica.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-04-27). Sierra de la Gran Piedra declarada segundo geoparque de Cuba. La Habana, 27 abr (RHC) La zona de la Sierra de la Gran Piedra, las Alturas de Santa María de Loreto y parte de las Terrazas Costeras de Mar Verde-Baconao fue declarada como el segundo Geoparque Nacional de Cuba.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-04-27). Estudiantes en Teherán apoyan marchas en EE.UU. a favor de Gaza. Estudiantes y profesores de la Universidad de Teherán se han congregado este sábado para expresar solidaridad con el levantamiento de los universitarios en EE.UU.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-27). Llama Olímpica continúa rumbo a Francia y se despide de Grecia. En la jornada de mañana, la antorcha se encaminará hacia Marsella, Francia en el velero Belem.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-27). EE.UU. impide participación de Venezuela en asamblea deportiva. Washington niega acreditación y acceso al representante designado por Caracas para asistir a la asamblea general del CADE.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-27). Piden liberación de líder indígena preso por el régimen de El Salvador. Fespad insistió a la Policía Nacional y a Centros Penales a cumplir con la orden judicial y liberar a Morales sin riesgo de ser nuevamente detenido y criminalizado.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-27). Miles de personas se manifestaron en apoyo a Palestina en Yemen. Los manifestantes entonaron el lema "Con Gaza, la dignidad… movilización y alerta".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-27). Elevan a 18 las provincias dominicanas en alerta amarilla por vaguada. Algunas provincias en alerta amarilla son Santiago, La Vega, Monseñor Nouel, San José de Ocoa, Hato Mayor, San Pedro de Macorís, Santiago Rodríguez, Espaillat, María Trinidad Sánchez y Santo Domingo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-27). Universitarios pro-palestinos realizan sentada en Melbourne, Australia. Los organizadores de la sentada alentaron a los manifestantes a llevar tiendas de campaña, sacos de dormir y mantas al jardín sur del campus principal para la protesta.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-04-27). Terremoto de magnitud 6.9 sacude Japón; no hay alerta de tsunami. El temblor también se sintió en las prefecturas de Miyagi y Fukushima, en el noreste de Japón, así como en las prefecturas de Ibaraki, Chiba y Saitama, cerca de Tokio.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-27). Lamentan deceso de diez personas por incendio en pensión de Brasil. Según las autoridades, el siniestro se propagó muy rápido porque el lugar no contaba con un plan de extinción y las habitaciones estaban muy cerca unas de otras.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-27). Estudiantes se manifiestan en solidaridad con Palestina en Universidad George Washington de EE.UU. La administración de la universidad ha amenazado a los estudiantes con ser expulsados del área si continúan las protestas.

teleSUR odr (2024-04-27). Concluye Campamento Tierra Libre 2024 en Brasil. Durante la última jornada, el debate abogó por la unión de los pueblos indígenas del mundo para combatir la crisis climática.

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-27). Manifestaciones propalestinas se extienden a 60 universidades de EE.UU. Desde el inicio de las manifestaciones en varias universidades de EE.UU. alrededor de 500 personas han sido ya detenidas por parte de las fuerzas policiales.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-27). Piden liberación de líder indígena preso por el régimen de El Salvador.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-27). Ascienden a 38 los muertos por naufragio en Yibuti. Otro trágico accidente ocurrió el pasado 9 de abril dejando también 38 migrantes muertos.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-04-27). Uruguay supera los 800 casos de dengue tras nuevos contagios. Hasta el momento han fallecido tres personas en la nación a causa de las complicaciones asociadas a la enfermedad fallecieron con dengue.

CADTM International (2024-04-27). The CADTM Denounces the Lack of Action on Climate Change and the Neoliberal Approach of the Bretton Woods Institutions.

Kai Koddenbrock (2024-04-27). CFA franc: conditions are ripe for replacement of the west African currency rooted in colonialism. At no point in history has the CFA franc — the name of a colonial currency used in west and central African countries belonging to the franc zone — been closer to its demise.
| Senegal has overwhelmingly voted for leftwing Pastef candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye (and his former party leader Ousmane Sonko) while the coup governments in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have been talking about leaving the CFA franc for some time.
| Senegal under outgoing president Macky Sall was a pillar of the (…) | – | /…

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-27). The debt trap.

Vincent Noirhomme (2024-04-27). The CADTM will stand up for a social, ecological, feminist and antiracist Europe in Marseilles.

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-04-27). "The Olympic flame, a wonderful idea from Dr. Goebbels"!

Michael Roberts (2024-04-27). Further thoughts on the economics of imperialism.

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-27). Are the BRICS and their New Development Bank offering alternatives to the World Bank, the IMF and the policies promoted by the traditional imperialist powers?

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-27). The World Bank saw the debt crisis looming.

Michael Roberts (2024-04-27). India: Modi and the rise of the billionaire Raj. A general election in India starts today. 970m Indians, more than 10% of the world's population, will head to the polls in what will be the largest election in history for the Lok Sabha (House of the People) parliamentary elections. The poll will spread across India and take up to 4 June to complete. Opinion polls suggest that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and his coalition will win a third successive 5-year term, and win by (…) | – | / |

Collective (2024-04-27). Kathmandu Statement to End Austerity.

newarab (2024-04-27). Premature Gaza baby rescued from her dead mother's womb dies. A baby saved from her dying mother's womb in the war-battered Sabreen al-Rouh was the only surviving member of her immediate family after she was delivered by Caesarean section while her mother lay fatally wounded from an Israeli air strike at the weekend. | Sabreen's second name means "soul" in Arabic. | The Emirati hospital in the southern Gaza city of Rafah said the premature baby died on Thursday "despite efforts by the neonatal unit staff" to kee…

newarab (2024-04-27). 202 days on: All of Gaza is a mass grave, and Rafah is next. Earlier this year, during the Israeli army's siege of Al-Shifa, The Israeli army forced the children, along with around 200 to 300 other patients, to stay together in one hospital section, with no medical care, limited food or water for…

newarab (2024-04-27). Gaza aid flotilla launch delayed by 'Israeli tactics'. A flotilla of Pro-Palestinian The

newarab (2024-04-27). UK slaps fresh sanctions on Iran after Israel attack. The Tehran launched its first direct military assault on Israeli territory nearly two weeks after a 1 April Israeli strike that killed seven member…

newarab (2024-04-27). Germany president's Gaza roundtable without any Palestinians. The event titled 'How do we talk about the war in the Middle East?' will see Germany's president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, discussing the topic with Meron Mendel, director of the Anne Frank Educational Centre, journalist and podcaster Tilo Jung and Melody Sucharewicz, a political advisor and expert on German-Israeli relations. | However, many critics have noticed the absence of Palestini…

newarab (2024-04-27). Gaza: Hamas 'studying' latest Israel truce proposal. Hamas said it was studying the latest Israeli counterproposal regarding a The signs of fresh truce talks came alongside ongoing Israeli preparations for an invasion of the Gaza Strip's southern city of

newarab (2024-04-27). Ben-Gvir visits Al Aqsa amid settler raids during Passover. Israeli National Security Minister Ben-Gvir's visit coincided with illegal settlers forcing their way into the mosq…

newarab (2024-04-27). Aid groups in Gaza targeted by Israel despite coordination. The NYT obtained and examined visual evidence and internal communications on six aid group operations that were hit by

newarab (2024-04-27). Lebanon: Two Jamaa Islamiya members killed by Israeli strike. Two senior commanders from a The group said in a statement that Mosab Saeed Khalaf and Bilal Mohammed Khalaf "died while carrying out their tasks… in a Zionist strike in the It…

newarab (2024-04-27). Gaza baby rescued from dead mother's womb dies. A baby girl who was delivered from her dying mother's womb in a The baby had been named Sabreen al-Rouh. The second name means "soul" in Arabic. | Her mother, Sabreen al-Sakani (al-Sheikh), was seriously injured when the Israeli strike hit the family home in

newarab (2024-04-27). Far-right Israeli minister Ben-Gvir involved in car accident. Israel's hardline national security minister Video aired on Israeli media showed the car Ben-Gvir was travelling in had flipped over. | Police commissioner Kobi Shabtai told reporters two other people were injured in the incident. | "Minister Ben-Gvir feels good, is conscious, and will continue to receive medical treatment at Assaf HaRofeh Hospital," his office said. | Ben-G…

newarab (2024-04-27). Egypt delegation in Israel proposes 'prolonged' Gaza truce.

newarab (2024-04-27). US pro-Palestine student protests face heavy police response.

newarab (2024-04-27). MENA Sports Wrap: Morocco reign supreme in Africa futsal cup.

newarab (2024-04-27). Gaza: two children die 'due to heat' as hot weather arrives. High temperatures are bringing further dangers for Gaza's Some 1.2 million Palestinians are currently sheltering in plastic tents in and around the southern city of

newarab (2024-04-27). Trump compares US protests to 2017 white nationalist rally. Trump, the Republican candidate for president in the November el…

newarab (2024-04-27). Children among dead bodies found in Gaza hospital mass grave.

newarab (2024-04-27). Saudi Arabia hosts first ever Arabic opera. The 'Zarqa Al Yamama' opera premiered in Riyadh last night, performed by acclaimed British opera singer Dame Sarah Connolly. She leads the prin…

newarab (2024-04-27). Alam: A Palestinian teenager's love and political awakening.

newarab (2024-04-27). Gaza protesters interrupt Nancy Pelosi at Oxford University. Former US House Speaker

newarab (2024-04-27). Columbia-style Gaza student protest at Paris' Sciences Po.

newarab (2024-04-27). Saudi oil giant Aramco agrees major FIFA sponsorship deal. The deal is the latest high-profile investment in global sports for Saudi Arabia who have already been confirmed as the only bid for the 2034 World Cup. | In a joint statement it was confirmed Aramco would become FIFA's Major Worldwide Partner exclusive in the energy category. | T…

newarab (2024-04-27). Flydubai under fire over promoting tourism in Tel Aviv.

newarab (2024-04-27). US issues further sanctions on Iran, targets drones. The The US Treasury…

newarab (2024-04-27). Kurdish officials hand over women and children to Tajikistan. Kurdish-led authorities in northeastern The 17 women and 33 children, all citizens of Tajikistan, were handed over to a delegation headed by the Tajik ambassador to Kuwait, Zubaydullo Zubaydzoda, Syrian Kurdish officials said. | After the Islamic State…

newarab (2024-04-27). Bernie Sanders rebuts Netanyahu over US student protests.

newarab (2024-04-27). Mass casualties feared as RSF encircles Sudan's Al-Fashir. The capital of the Sudanese state Sudanese activists and international researchers warned on Thursday that the city of

newarab (2024-04-27). Pro-Palestine murals in London removed by council.

newarab (2024-04-27). Student protests: From Vietnam to Palestine. The recent Whether pushing back against international conflicts or fighting for social justice on their turf, student activists have consistently been at the forefront of societal transformation. | The Vietnam Era: A turning point in student activism: | Let's rew…

newarab (2024-04-27). Lebanon steps up repression of Syrians: HRW. The rights organisation documented the deportation of a Syrian army defector and an opposition activist by the Lebanese Army and General Security Directo…

newarab (2024-04-27). Inside Columbia's pro-Palestinian student encampment. Less than two weeks into Upon arriving at the subway stop for the university on Thursday, there is a clear level of elevated security, with yellow police tape and what appears to be additional security measures around campus. | At the same time, on a warm spring day, the street outside the university gat…

Kurit-Lagting (2024-04-26). Writers' Group Presents 'Poems in Print' Exhibit: A Celebration of Local Poetry at Kapihan Café, Legazpi City. Legazpi, Albay— Rhymes of PEG, a community of writers and artists, is set to hold a "Poems in Print" Exhibit at Kapihan Café in Legazpi City, Albay from April 27 to May 11, 2024. | Featuring poetry pieces by local writers, the exhibit aims to celebrate poetry just in time for National Poetry Month, which occurs every April. It also aims to showcase and highlight the works of poets, regardless of their native language, and to present them together in an exhibit for many people to read and appreciate. It's like achieving the best of both worlds when art meets poetry and combines them into one masterpiece.

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2024-04-26: News Headlines

Daniel Warner (2024-04-26). Student Protests are Part of an Endless But Positive Tug of War. The recent presence of police on the campus of Columbia University to stop pro- Palestinian protesters is reminiscent of turbulence on the same campus in 1968. While the past and present issues of contestation at Columbia are different, the issues of free speech and student activism reflect an ongoing tension between students and universities in

Palestine Legal (2024-04-26). Columbia Students File Civil Rights Complaint After NYPD Arrests, National Guard Threat. April 25, New York, NY — Today, Palestine Legal filed a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR), demanding an investigation into Columbia University's discriminatory treatment of Palestinian students and their allies, including by inviting NYPD officers in riot gear — for the first time in decades — to arrest over a hundred students peacefully protesting Israel's genocide last week.

Natalia Marques (2024-04-26). Students stand with Palestine, Palestine stands with students. "We, the students of Gaza, salute the students of Columbia University, Yale University, New York University, Rutgers University, the University of Michigan, and dozens of universities across the United States who are rising up in solidarity with Gaza and to put an end to the Zionist-US genocide against our people in Gaza," wrote the Student Frameworks Secretariat, composed of a variety of student organizations part of larger resistance groups and left parties—including but not limited to the Islamic Resistance Movement, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Islamic Jihad Movement in Pale…

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-26). Gaza Freedom Flotilla delayed by Israel.

Colonel Ann Wright, Popular Resistance. (2024-04-26). Gaza Flotilla Sails While Blinken Attempts To Take Focus Off Genocide. While I am in Istanbul, Türkiye with hundreds of international participants from 40 countries who are attempting to sail in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla to break the illegal Israeli naval blockade of Gaza and bring food and medicine to starving Palestinians in Gaza, the survivors of the Israeli/US genocide of Gaza, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is brazeningly attempting to divert world attention from U.S. complicity in the genocide of Gaza to China's human rights issues. | Hundreds of thousands of university students in the United States are defying the Biden administration's blatant attempt to divert…

Seraj Assi (2024-04-26). Mass Graves in Khan Yunis Reveal Unspeakable Horror of US-Backed Gaza Invasion. Palestinians in Khan Yunis have continued to unearth dead bodies in what is believed to be the largest mass grave in Gaza's history, first discovered at Nasser Hospital last Saturday. The discovery comes two weeks after the Israeli military withdrew its troops from the southern city on April 7 after a three-month siege, leaving utter destruction in their wake. The massacre site is teeming with… |

Ramzy Baroud (2024-04-26). How Jewish Extremists Became the New Face of Israel. If Meir Kahane were still alive, he would have been proud of his followers. The ideology of the once marginalized and loathed extremist rabbi is now the backbone of Israeli politics.

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-26). Quashing University Protests And Banning TikTok To Make The Kids Love Israel.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-26). Empire Managers Say Russia, China And Iran Are Tricking Students Into Opposing Genocide. It is a very dark kind of hilarious to see imperial spinmeisters falling all over themselves trying to spin the campus protests as a product of imaginary foreign interference even as police launch violent crackdowns on those very same protesters across the United States to advance the interests of a foreign government.

Ceasefire Postcards (2024-04-26). Saturday 4/27: Ceasefire Postcards Pop-Up. Heyma Yemeni Coffee, 1122 University Ave, Berkeley, CA…

Bharat Dogra (2024-04-26). To Give Peace A Chance, Should Russia Consider A Unilateral Ceasefire?

Peter Byrne (2024-04-26). The Quality of Mercy in Petaluma: A Case Study. How a Jewish-supported civic resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza was killed The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes: —William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, 1596 Since October, the

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2024-04-26). Psyops Regarding 1994 Rwanda Genocide Continues With 30th Anniversary Commemoration. Rwandan regime and Western intelligence agencies and their media and academic assets have spread disinformation for three decades On April 7, Rwandan President Paul Kagame commemorated the 30th anniversary of the 1994 Rwandan genocide by lighting a flame in honor of the victims in front of foreign dignitaries, and giving a speech in which he …

Bruce Lerro (2024-04-26). Neocon Realists and Global Neoliberals Dead on Arrival. Orientation Who are Neocons and Neoliberals today? In the collapsing Mordor society of today we have two contending foreign policy theoretical tendencies, the Neocon realists and the Neoliberal globalists. The Neocon realists are represented by people like Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland, Steve Bannon and other war hawks who go back to the Bush Years (Rumsfeld, …

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2024-04-26). News highlights for week 29 of Israel's genocide in Gaza. Mass graves uncovered at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, accelerated Israeli settler and army violence in West Bank.

Ahmed Abu Artema (2024-04-26). Gaza's new and terrifying reality. The world bears witness to Israel's crimes.

Rakan Abed (2024-04-26). Genocide triggers ecological disaster. People are burning furniture and clothes to warm water, cook food or heat baby milk.

Razan Abu Salem (2024-04-26). Raise our voices for Refaat Alareer and Shymaa, his beloved daughter. Poet never had a chance to see his grandson.

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (2024-04-26). Sam on Students for Justice in Palestine, Sally Dworak-Fisher on Delivery Workers.

marketing (2024-04-26). Gaza War: 'No Evidence' Of Hamas Infiltration Of UN Aid Agency, Says Report But US And UK Dither On Funding While Famine Takes Hold #Gaza #War: #Evidence' #Hamas #Infiltration #Agency, #Report #Dither #Funding #While #Famine #Takes #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Germany has become the latest country to resume its funding to Unrwa , the United Nations agency that provides essential relief services to nearly 6 million Palestinian …

teleSUR (2024-04-26). Pro-Palestine Students Are Attacked by French Police. On Thursday night, the Parisian police raided the Sciences Po University to evict students who were expressing their rejection of the genocide that Israel is carrying out in the Gaza Strip. | RELATED: | Previously, the authorities of the Sciences Po University had requested police intervention to dissolve the protest on the Paris central campus. The student union described the decision of the university authorities to call the Police as a "shocki…

Angela (2024-04-26). Saturday 5/4: Webinar: Challenging Christian Silence Regarding the Gaza Genocide. Zoom |…

RUSFJPA (2024-04-26). Rice Univesity: Let students vote on divesting from Israeli apartheid. Alumni of Rice University Students for Justice in Palestine are condemning the university for suppressing a campus vote on divesting from the Gaza genocide. (2024-04-26). Protesters call out Quickstep for supporting the IDF's genocide.

thecommunists (2024-04-26). Naomi Klein: We need an exodus from zionism. The following speech was delivered in New York City to an Emergency Seder in the Streets, marking the jewish Passover holiday in the context of the Gaza genocide. We reproduce it here as an important indicator of the increasing disgust felt by growing numbers of jewish people at the zionisation of Judaism; at the cooptation …

National Lawyers Guild (2024-04-26). NLG Condemns Attacks on Gaza Solidarity Encampments. April 25th, 2024 – The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) unequivocally condemns the ongoing repression of pro-Palestinian activism taking place on university campuses across the country. The NLG is firm in its support for a free Palestine, and is against Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza and occupation of the West Bank. The violent and unprovoked attacks by police on student encampments at Columbia, Yale, NYU, University of Southern California, Emory, University of Texas, and other universities exhibit a dangerous overreach against students' 1st Amendment rights and further illustrates our country's spiral into a surv…

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (2024-04-26). On Record: The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal's 2013 Indictment of the State of Israel on Charges of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, Genocide.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-04-26). Empire Managers Say Russia, China And Iran Are Tricking Students Into Opposing Genocide. Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | Empire managers and propagandists are losing their minds about student protests against the genocide in Gaza on university campuses, so naturally we're seeing a mad push to frame this as the result of interference by Russia, China, Iran and Hamas. These demented conspiracies of foreign influence come even as Israel's prime minister openly calls for the US government to quash the university protests by any means necessary. | In

Michael Arria (2024-04-26). 'It's important to use these platforms to speak out about the genocide': a Yale student organizer on the school's encampment protest. A Yale graduate student and campus organizer talks to Mondoweiss about the school's encampment protest and the school's connection to Israel's genocide.

Staff (2024-04-26). Dennis Kucinich on the bleak 2024 elections and how elites broke our democracy. The presidential election in November looks set to pit Donald Trump, who will most likely dismantle what is left of our decayed democracy, against Joe Biden, who is a full partner in the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza. "This is the paradox that we're faced with," says former Representative (and current candidate to represent …

Daniel Beaumont (2024-04-26). The Big Bang: Israel's Path to Self-Destruction. In striking at the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1 Bibi Netanyahu has made himself an April Fool. Israel has been bombing Syria for years with no provocation or retaliation by Syria. For years it has bombed its airports which disrupted humanitarian aid to Syria's civilian population who were suffering in its long civil war. Iran responded to the Israeli strike on its Damascus consulate by asking its allies, the Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and Hamas in Gaza, to refrain from their retaliatory strikes on Israel and let Iran make a military retaliation by itself. This was to ensure that Israel…

TASS (2024-04-26). Houthis say they attacked MSC Darwin vessel in Gulf of Aden. The Houthis also confirmed that the movement will "continue its military operations, impeding the navigation of Israeli vessels in the Red Sea, the Arab Sea and the Indian Ocean"

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US & UK Reduced Naval Presence in Red Sea – Houthi Leader. DOHA (Sputnik) – The United States and the United Kingdom have scaled down their naval presence in the Red Sea despite lack of abatement in the intensity of attacks carried out by Yemen's Houthis rebels on Israeli-linked ships, the rebel movement's leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, said on Thursday.

infobrics (2024-04-26). US should send European troops (not NATO) to Ukraine, say some within US establishment. The last years have largely been about the proxification of conflicts, be it by employing irregular forces as "proxies" or by trying to do so with allied sovereign nations. Proxifying Europe itself would be a long shot, though – moreover, NATO's article 5 is still binding.

infobrics (2024-04-26). US trying to kill Russian troops with AI, but Moscow's electronic warfare is in the way. According to their own admission, Russian EW systems have effectively turned US drones into plastic junk. Worse yet for the Pentagon, the grossly overhyped HIMARS is often jammed, with its rockets and missiles rendered useless. The US and NATO are trying to figure out how Moscow is achieving this, so they could "one day use it against the Russian military directly", but what their planners have managed to gather so far is that Russia's EW edge is forcing the political West to revert to "the brutality of old-fashioned trench warfare, the results of which are rarely what Pentagon planners expect".

infobrics (2024-04-26). BRICS Is Winning the New Space Race. The geopolitical landscape of space exploration is witnessing a burgeoning alliance within the BRICS consortium. Notably, nations such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Ethiopia are in talks to support collaborative lunar ventures spearheaded by China and Russia, potentially accelerating their position in the extraterrestrial exploration domain…

infobrics (2024-04-26). Russia Builds New Asia Trade Routes to Weaken Sanctions Over War. Rail and shipping to link European Russia to India via Iran…

infobrics (2024-04-26). NATO-based terrorists launch foiled attack on Belarus during important political event. The case shows very clearly how dangerous are the Belarussian expatriate terrorists trained and backed by NATO countries.

infobrics (2024-04-26). More than half of Americans criticise financing $61 billion to Ukraine. The Ukrainian military has suffered half a million personnel losses.

infobrics (2024-04-26). Sergey Ryabkov: BRICS Moves Forward, Creating Important Precedent. Five new countries — Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia — joined BRICS on 1 January 2024. How has the enlargement of the association affected the concept of the Russian Chairmanship this year?>

marketing (2024-04-26). Think You'll Never Retire? Here Are Four Things Young People Can Do To Prepare #Think #You'll #Retire? #Four #Things #Young #People #Prepare #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Retirement planning sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry, especially when you're in your 20s. But it's actually the key to unlocking your future freedom. The … (2024-04-26). U.S. campus protests of Gaza war lead to hundreds of arrests. Protests on U.S. college campuses over the Israel-Hamas war continued on Thursday, as one prominent university announced it would cancel its main graduation ceremony as a result.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US Will Not Sanction IDF Units Despite Human Rights Violations – Reports. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The Biden administration has decided against cutting off military aid for three military battalions with the Israel Defense Forces, despite determining that they committed "gross human rights violations" against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, ABC News reported on Friday.

Jason Ditz (2024-04-26). Two Lebanese Killed in Israeli Drone Strike on Car in East Lebanon. Violence continues to rage on the Israel-Lebanon border on Friday with three killed. An Israeli drone strike near the village of Maydoun in eastern Lebanon killed two. This followed an earlier Hezbollah attack near Mt. Dov in which a civilian was killed. The Israeli military reported that one of those killed near Maydoun was Musab …

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-26). Israeli Forces Preparing for US Pier in Gaza Come Under Attack.

marketing (2024-04-26). 'Polite Littering' Is A Rubbish Problem Here's Why The British Approach To Tackling Clean Ups Is Not Working #'Polite #Littering' #Rubbish #Problem #Here's #British #Approach #Tackling #Clean #Working #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Since moving to London almost a decade ago, I've always been struck by the drink tins, sandwich packs and free newspapers draped on and wedged in every nook and cranny …

Elijah Magnier (2024-04-26). SUNDAY WIRE: 'A New Middle East?' w/Elijah Magnier @ejmalrai. An earnest discussion (recorded on Friday April 12th) with veteran journalist Elijah Magnier, about this week's historic escalation between Iran and Israel, as well as Israel and Washington's war on the Gaza and the Palestinian people, and what will eventually happen the controversial European colonial settler project. All this and more…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-26). 'A Productive Language': On Western Intellectual Paradigms and Refaat al-Areer. Ameed Faleh On the 6th of December 2023, Refaat Al-Areer was assassinated along with his brother, sister, and their children by an Israeli airstrike. Before his murder, Refaat had been contacted by an Israeli intelligence officer threatening to kill him. A literature professor at the Islamic University of Gaza and a refugee living in the al-Shuja'iyya…

Staff (2024-04-26). Israel to begin 'soon' evacuating civilians in Rafah. Jerusalem : Israel is expected to "soon" begin evacuating civilians from Rafah ahead of a planned ground attack on Gaza's southernmost city, a state-owned media outlet has reported. The planned evacuation will start "soon", pending final approval by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Xinhua news agency reported, citing the Israeli Kan TV report. Earlier on Thursday, …

Bernie Sanders (2024-04-26). No, Mr. Netanyahu, It's Not Anti-Semitic to Criticize the Israeli Government's War. No, Mr. Netanyahu. It is not antisemitic or pro-Hamas to point out that in a little over six months your extremist government has killed 34,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 77,000 people — seventy percent of whom are women and children. It is not antisemitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more

TASS (2024-04-26). Israel Defense Forces delivers more strikes on Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanon. Apart from that, IDF fighter jets delivered strikes on Hezbollah infrastructure in the area of Kfarchouba in southern Lebanon and in Markaba…

TASS (2024-04-26). Top Chinese diplomat says two states only solution to Middle East situation. "The catastrophe in Gaza proves once again that the inability of the Palestinian people to implement their legitimate national rights is the root of the Palestinian-Israeli contradictions and the essence of the Middle East issue," Wang Yi stressed…

Medea Benjamin (2024-04-26). We're Ready and Willing to Break the Israeli Blockade of Gaza. I'm on a ship in Istanbul with hundreds of other activists from thirty-two countries, going through intense training for when, or if, we sail to deliver aid to Gaza.

marketing (2024-04-26). Waste Pickers Play A Key Role In The Fight Against Plastic Pollution Insights From South Africa Into How Their Voices Can Be Heard #Waste #Pickers #Play #Role #Fight #Plastic #Pollution #Insights #South #Africa #Into #Their #Heard #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Our addiction to plastics is trashing the planet, exacerbating global heating and threatening our very survival. Since 2022, the UN has been convening negotiations on a …

Qassam Muaddi, Mondoweiss. (2024-04-26). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 202: Hundreds Of New Bodies In Mass Graves. The Gaza-based Palestinian health ministry announced that 208 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli strikes since Monday, while 313 others were wounded. | Meanwhile, in the northern Gaza Strip, Israeli forces continued to shell the al-Zeitoun neighborhood and other areas in Gaza city. | In the central Gaza Strip, Israeli air strikes targeted the Wadi Gaza bridge area, killing at least four Palestinians on Wednesday. More Israeli strikes targeted the north of Nuseirat, al-Maghazi, and the east of al-Bureij refugee camp.

Kyle Anzalone (2024-04-26). US Won't Sanction Israeli Military Units That Committed 'Gross Human Rights Violations'. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent a letter to House Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson explaining that three Israeli military units found to have committed "gross human rights violations" will not be prevented from obtaining US weapons. Last week, Axios reported that the State Department had elected to blacklist a single Israeli military battalion that was …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-26). Why Human Agency is Still Central to Israel's AI-Powered Warfare. Sophia Goodfriend Israeli soldiers from the 8717 Battalion of the Givati Brigade operating in Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip, December 28, 2023. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) The destruction that Israel has ravaged upon Gaza evokes an analog era of warfare. Craters swallow residential complexes, whole streets have been reduced to rubble, and clouds of dust block…

marketing (2024-04-26). Focus On Rwanda's Safety Is A Distraction From The Dangerous Conditions For Asylum Seekers In The UK #Focus #Rwanda's #Safety #Distraction #Dangerous #Conditions #Asylum #Seekers #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Five months ago, the UK's Supreme Court ruled that the plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda was unlawful . The court found the African country was unsafe under …

marketing (2024-04-26). Frank Field: A Labour MP Who Dedicated His Life To Fighting Poverty And Epitomised The Politics Of Character #Frank #Field: #Labour #Dedicated #Life #Fighting #Poverty #Epitomised #Politics #Character #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) In polarising political times, the death of Frank Field at the age of 81 seems to speak to the death of a certain kind of politician. Gracious, impeccably polite, …

Staff (2024-04-26). Atlanta Police Violently Arrest Emory Students & Faculty to Clear Gaza Solidarity Encampment. As a wave of student protests against Israel's war on Gaza continues to spread from coast to coast, schools and law enforcement have responded with increasing brutality to campus encampments. One of the most violent police crackdowns took place at Emory University in Atlanta on Thursday, when local and state police swept onto the campus just hours after students had set up tents on the quad in protest against Israel's war on Gaza as well as the planned police training center known as Cop City. Police used tear gas and stun guns to break up the encampment as they wrestled people to the ground, and are…

marketing (2024-04-26). Liz Truss's Lessons On How Not To Be A Prime Minister #Truss's #Lessons #Prime #Minister #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) All prime ministerial memoirs are about shaping legacies. History will be kind to me, Churchill is alleged to have said before writing his own six-volume history. For I …

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-04-26). Syrian Foreign Minister condemns Israel crimes and US complicity. Damascus, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Faisal al-Mekdad, stated that the escalation of Israeli crimes and aggression would not have been possible if it were not for the silence of the United Nations and the support of the United States to Israel.

marketing (2024-04-26). South Africa's Constitution Was Set Up As The Bedrock Of Its Democracy: It's Been Challenged Over Last 30 Years, But Has Held Firm #South #Africa's #Constitution #Bedrock #Democracy: #It's #Been #Challenged #Last #Years, #Held #Firm #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) There was a moment during the state capture years of South African president Jacob Zuma's term in office (2009 to 2018 ) when the veil finally slipped. There had been …

marketing (2024-04-26). Kenyan Doctors' Strike: The Government Keeps Failing To Hold Up Its End Of The Bargain #Kenyan #Doctors' #Strike: #Government #Keeps #Failing #Bargain #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) At least 4,000 doctors are employed in Kenya's public healthcare sector. Almost all of them went on strike on 14 March 2024, demanding the implementation of a labour …

marketing (2024-04-26). A Coral-Bleaching Event Is Devastating Reefs Globally " Threatening Tiny Creatures Whose Beauty And Biology Have Shaped Human Cultures For Centuries #Coral-Bleaching #Event #Devastating #Reefs #Globally #Threatening #Tiny #Creatures #Whose #Beauty #Biology #Have #Shaped #Human #Cultures #Centuries #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) The world's corals have reached a grim milestone, with scientists across the world confirming the fourth global bleaching event on record.In April 2024, the National …

marketing (2024-04-26). Under The Influence And Under Arrest " What Happens If You're Drunk In The Interrogation Room? #Under #Influence #Under #Arrest #What #Happens #You're #Drunk #Interrogation #Room? #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Imagine it's Friday night. You're enjoying happy hour with friends after a long week. You're relaxed, having indulged in several of your preferred adult beverages. Now …

Rania Khalek (2024-04-26). 'Hello, My Enemies!': Why Israel Is So Afraid of Hezbollah w/ Journalist Ali Mortada. Hezbollah, the Lebanese resistance forces, have been fiercely confronting the Israeli army along its southern border in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance since the onset of the Gaza war. | Ali Mortada, a South Lebanon-based journalist and host for Al-Mayadeen network, joins the show to give insight into the view of the war from the front line. | "I do the 'Hello, My Enemies' videos because they have been trying to kill us for 76 years now and we are still here and we are still fighting"

MEE correspondent (2024-04-26). Gaza boycott: Calls for Egypt's Al Ahly to end Coca-Cola contract over alleged Israel links. Gaza boycott: Calls for Egypt's Al Ahly to end Coca-Cola contract over alleged Israel links | Al Ahly SC faces a boycott campaign after a senior official called on fans to buy club merchandise with Coca-Cola brand | | Fans of Al Al Ahly raise the Palestinian flag during the…

M. Reza Behnam (2024-04-26). Manipulation Politics: Israeli Gaslighting in the United States. The Middle East will not be the same in the wake of 7 October 2023. More was breached on that day than the prison wall that Palestinian fighters burst through. The fantasy Israel has staged-managed, and the United States has parroted, for over seven decades has finally seen the light of day. The global community can no

marketing (2024-04-26). Philadelphia Has A Lot More Deadly Shootings Than Expected For A Big City " And NYC Is Much Safer, New Study Says #Philadelphia #More #Deadly #Shootings #Than #Expected #City #Much #Safer, #Study #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Recent high-profile mass shootings at SEPTA bus stations have left Philadelphia commuters on high alert . Two gunmen opened fire at a bus stop in the Ogontz neighborhood …

TASS (2024-04-26). Pelosi's remarks about US protesters undemocratic, Russian diplomat says. On April 25, US police said at least 127 people were arrested during large-scale protests on American university campuses against Israeli actions in the Palestinian enclave…

teleSUR (2024-04-26). Israeli Bombings Kill 51 Palestinians in Gaza. Over the past 24 hours, Israeli occupation forces bombed the cities of Gaza and Rafah, resulting in the deaths of 51 Palestinians and injuring 75 others. | RELATED: | On Thursday night, Israeli fighter jets bombed a house belonging to the Al Shawa family in Gaza City's Al Rimal neighborhood. Rescue teams managed to recover the bodies of three victims, including a child and a woman, from the rubble, as reported by the WAFA. | T…

Staff (2024-04-26). Israel to begin 'soon' evacuating civilians in Rafah. Jerusalem : Israel is expected to "soon" begin evacuating civilians from Rafah ahead of a planned ground attack on Gaza's southernmost city, a state-owned media outlet has reported. The planned evacuation will start "soon", pending final approval by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Xinhua news agency reported, citing the Israeli Kan TV report. Earlier on Thursday, …

TASS (2024-04-26). Fatah accuses Hamas of actions that led to Israeli control of Gaza — report. Fatah also said Hamas is currently seeking to become part of the Palestine Liberation Organization, but is doing this "only to preserve itself and survive" (2024-04-26). Campus rallies erupt across U.S. over Gaza. Multiple universities across the United States have erupted in protests against the escalation of the Palestine-Israel conflict.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Pro-Palestine Student Protest in Washington Continues Despite Demands to Remove Camp. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Dozens of students are still camped out at the George Washington University (GWU) in the US capital to protest against Israeli military actions in Gaza, despite demands by officials to disperse, a Sputnik correspondent reported on Friday.

Staff (2024-04-26). Headlines for April 26, 2024. USC Cancels Commencement Ceremony Amid Mounting Campus Unrest, Police Crackdown on Emory and Other Schools Won't Deter Students Protesting for Palestinian Rights, Rafah Under Incessant Israeli Attacks Ahead of Anticipated Ground Invasion, New York Court Overturns Harvey Weinstein's 2020 Rape Conviction, SCOTUS Hears Arguments in Trump Presidential Immunity Case, Though Resolution Could Come After Nov., David Pecker Testifies He Helped "Kill" Stories That Could Damage Trump Campaign, HRW Finds U.S.-Trained Forces in Burkina Faso "Summarily Executed" 223 People, Haiti's Une…

TASS (2024-04-26). Israel eliminates one of al-Jamaa al-Islamiya commanders in Lebanon — IDF. The strike was conducted by Israel Air Force's aircraft in the area of Meidoun in Lebanon…

Fran Shor (2024-04-26). The Fierce Urgency of Now. As more campuses join the protests against Israel's continuing engagement in war crimes in Gaza, one common thread runs through the student demands — divest from supplying the Netanyahu government and the IDF with weapons of mass destruction. What compels many of these youthful demonstrators to occupy the public spaces and offices of their universities

marketing (2024-04-26). What Is Childhood Dementia? And How Could New Research Help? #What #Childhood #Dementia? #Research #Help? #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Childhood and dementia are two words we wish we didn't have to use together. But sadly, around 1,400 Australian children and young people live with currently …

marketing (2024-04-26). Pedro Sanchez's 'Letter To The Citizens' Of Spain Assessed By A Political Communications Expert #Pedro #Sanchez's #'Letter #Citizens' #Spain #Assessed #Political #Communications #Expert #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) In the era of social media and 24 hour news cycles, people expect instant, up to the minute information. However, Spanish prime minister Pedro Sa nchez chose to announce … (2024-04-26). Socialist Alliance: End the hypocrisy on Iran; stop Israel's war on Palestine.

Mohamed Mandour (2024-04-26). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Since the Israel-Gaza war began on October 7, journalists and media across the region have faced a hostile environment that has made reporting on the war exceptionally challenging. In addition to documenting the growing tally of journalists killed and injured, CPJ's research has found multiple kinds of incidents of journalists being targeted while carrying out…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russia sparing no effort to settle Palestinian-Israeli conflict — UN envoy. According to Vasily Nebenzya, unlike many other countries, Russia can "speak openly about what is going on" and "this is highly assesses not only by Arab and Muslim countries but also in the world"

Michael Carmichael (2024-04-26). Moredechai Vanunu and Israel's Plans to Wage Nuclear War on Iran: History of Israel's Nuclear Arsenal. This incisive article by Michael Carmichael first published on January 15, 2007 provides a historical focus on Israel's nuclear weapons program. | *** | In 1986, an Israeli civil servant who worked in the state-owned nuclear industry flew to London where he …

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Israel Has Timeline for Rafah Operation, Will Not Allow Hamas to 'Drag Its Feet' – Reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Israel has a clear timeline for carrying out an operation in the Gaza Strip's southernmost city of Rafah and it will not allow Palestinian movement Hamas to conduct "another round of pointless talks for the purpose of fraud," the Axios news portal reported on Friday, citing senior Israeli officials.

TASS (2024-04-26). Israel ready to accept release of fewer than 40 hostages in deal's first phase — newspaper. According to the report, Israel is willing to acceprt the release of women, men over 50 years old and those seriously ill…

marketing (2024-04-26). Humza Yousaf Is Fighting For His Political Life But Here's Why You Shouldn't Expect A Snap Election In Scotland #Humza #Yousaf #Fighting #Political #Life #Here's #Shouldn't #Expect #Snap #Election #Scotland #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Humza Yousaf, Scotland's first minister, has suddenly terminated the Bute House agreement, the pact between the Scottish National Party and the Scottish Greens, which …

Editor (2024-04-26). From World War II to Gaza: U.S. Labour opposition to war and fascism. To understand the growing support within union ranks for an end to unconditional U.S. military and financial support for Israel in its conduct of a brutal war, it is important to look back at the legacy to which the UAW statements refer.

Amy Goodman (2024-04-26). Police Violently Crack Down on Emory University's Gaza Solidarity Encampment. As a wave of student protests against Israel's war on Gaza continues to spread from coast to coast, schools and law enforcement have responded with increasing brutality to campus encampments. One of the most violent police crackdowns took place at Emory University in Atlanta on Thursday, when local and state police swept onto the campus just hours after students had set up tents on the quad in… |

marketing (2024-04-26). Species Living Closely Together In Symbiosis Is Far Older And Way More Common Than You Might Think #Species #Living #Closely #Together #Symbiosis #Older #More #Common #Than #Might #Think #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Once known only to those studying biology, the word symbiosis is now widely used. Symbiosis is the intimate relationship of different species living together. It's much …

marketing (2024-04-26). How Maps Are Used And Abused In Times Of Conflict #Maps #Used #Abused #Times #Conflict #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Maps, although seemingly objective representations of the world, hold immense power. They shape our understanding of space, navigate our journeys and define political …

MEE staff (2024-04-26). US State Department Arabic spokesperson resigns over Gaza policy. US State Department Arabic spokesperson resigns over Gaza policy | Hala Rharrit is the third State Department official to step down over Washington's support for Israel's war | | Hala Rharrit, Arabic language spokesperson for the State Department, has quit in protest (United States Department of St…

marketing (2024-04-26). Why Does It Feel So Cold In The UK Right Now And When Will It Warm Up? #Does #Feel #Cold #Right #When #Warm #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) It looks like spring, but it doesn't feel anything like it. The trees have green leaves, the flowers are blooming, yet it's hard to believe that next week is May, …

TASS (2024-04-26). Russian diplomat accuses US of coordinating Ukraine's terrorist attacks. Earlier, US President Joe Biden signed a package of bills approved by Congress, which total some $95 bln and include about $61 bln to help Ukraine and $26 bln to support Israel…

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-26). Israeli Forces Preparing for US Pier in Gaza Come Under Attack. Mortar rounds were fired at Israeli forces making preparations for a US-built pier in Gaza on Wednesday, highlighting the danger of the project to the US troops that are involved. US officials blamed the attack on "Gaza-based militants" and said no American equipment was damaged. The attack came as US forces started construction of the …

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-04-26). Day Three of UCB Gaza Support Encampment. Campus protests against Israeli war crimes explode nationwide and in other countries. The UCB Gaza support encampment grows and settles in.

MEE staff (2024-04-26). Israel's Smotrich urges 'complete destruction' of Gaza instead of truce talks. Israel's Smotrich urges 'complete destruction' of Gaza instead of truce talks | Far-right minister condemns indirect negotiations with Hamas and calls for their assassination across the globe | | Israel's far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, enters the Old City of Jerusalem during the Isra… (2024-04-26). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. Editor's notes: The list below is CPJ's most recent and preliminary account of journalist deaths in the war. Our database will not include all of these casualties until we have completed further investigations into the circumstances surrounding them. For more information, read our FAQ. The Israel-Gaza war has taken a severe toll on journalists since…

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-26). Israel's Retaliatory Strike Proves Iran Has Won: SCOTT RITTER.

marketing (2024-04-26). We're All Feeling The Collective Grief And Trauma Of Violence Against Women But This Is The Progress We Have Made So Far #We're #Feeling #Collective #Grief #Trauma #Violence #Women #This #Progress #Have #Made #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) It has been a particularly distressing start to the year. There is little that can ease the current grief of individuals, families and communities who have needlessly …

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Israel Has Carried Out Deadly Strikes in Gaza That It Marked as Safe Zones – Reports. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Israel has carried out deadly strikes in areas of Gaza that it marked as safe zones for Palestinian civilians, NBC News reported, citing an investigation it conducted on this matter.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-26). European Commission approved 68 million euros for the Gaza Strip. Brussels, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The European Commission announced the approval of an additional 68 million euros in humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip in view of the deterioration of that Palestinian enclave, after more than six months of Israeli military operation.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-26). How and Why Is Israel Trying To Downplay Havoc Wreaked by Iranian Missiles. By Ivan Kesic — Apr 17, 2024 | In the early hours of April 14, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) carried out the retaliatory 'Operation True Promise', which targeted military sites in the occupied territories with drones and missiles, the success of which the Zionist regime has sought to downplay. | The multi-pronged and hugely successful operation was carried out in retaliation for an attack by Israel on Iran's diplomatic premises in the Syrian capital of Damascus on April 1. | The Israeli missile attack on Iran's diplomatic facilities in Syria resulted in the martyrdom of Brigadier General Mohamma…

marketing (2024-04-26). Jobseekers Get About $345 Less Than Pensioners Each Fortnight. This Gap Is Hurting, And Is Set To Widen Without Change #Jobseekers #About #$345 #Less #Than #Pensioners #Each #Fortnight. #This #Hurting, #Widen #Without #Change #USA #Russia #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) The government's Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee has just published its second report . It was set up by Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Minister for Social Services …

Sania Mahyou (2024-04-26). Inside the first French university encampment for Palestine at Sciences Po Paris. On Wednesday evening, students at Sciences Po Paris established the first university encampment for Palestine in France, before being forcibly removed by riot police. The students promise the movement will continue.

Palestinian Educational Collective (2024-04-26). Youth, students, and university workers in Palestine: we stand with our comrades in the campus movement! Together, we are collectively making history as we fortify our long tradition of resistance against injustice and fight for a liberated future in Palestine and beyond.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-26). Hamas Says Rafah Brigades Have a Surprise in Store. Ali Baraka, the head of Hamas' Foreign Relations Department, underscores that while the Rafah Brigades have refrained from direct involvement, they have diligently upheld their equipment and capabilities. | The Rafah brigades have not yet been involved in the ongoing war, however, they are prepared for a potential confrontation, Ali Baraka, the head of Hamas' Foreign Relations Department, told Al Mayadeen Net on Wednesday. | Baraka emphasized that despite them still not having participated, the Rafah Brigades have maintained their equipment and capabilities, leveraging experience gained from previous battles. | H…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-26). Russia Freezes Assets of Largest US Bank. A court ruling supported the lawsuit filed by state bank VTB, which seeks to recover funds blocked under Western sanctions | A St. Petersburg court ordered the freezing of funds owned by US banking giant JPMorgan Chase in Russia on Wednesday. The ruling was made in favor of the country's second-largest lender VTB, which ha filed a lawsuit seeking to recover $439.5 million that is blocked abroad under US-led sanctions. | VTB sued JPMorgan and its subsidiaries in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region on April 17, court filings showed on Monday. The order targeted funds in JPMorgan's Russian a…

scorinoco (2024-04-26). Venezuela: 10 Candidates Will Compete in July 28 Presidential Elections. After the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela extended for 72 hours—from April 20 to April 23—the time period for modification of presidential candidacies, some aspirants withdrew while their political parties declared their support for some other candidate. Consequently, the number of candidates reduced from 13 to 10. The CNE is soon expected to make announcements in this regard, with the final list of candidates for the July 28 presidential elections. | Candidates who withdrew | The first aspirant to withdraw was Manuel Rosales, current governor of the state of Zulia, who had been register…

Staff (2024-04-26). EMTRASUR Case: International Civil Aviation Organization Accepts Venezuela's Lawsuit Against Argentina. The secretary general of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Juan Carlos Salazar Gómez, has announced that the body had accepted the lawsuit filed by Venezuela against Argentina for serious violations of international law, which allowed the US government to carry out the theft and subsequent scrapping of a aircraft that legitimately belonged to the Venezuelan people. Venezuela has condemned these violations and the illegal unilateral restrictive measures enabling them on multiple occasions. | In a memorandum sent to the members of the ICAO Council on Thursday, April 25, Salazar noted that the la…

Travis Ross (2024-04-26). A Soft-Power Haitian 'Control Body' Is Proposed To Exert 'Influence' in the US — Guided Transition.

scorinoco (2024-04-26). US Sanctions Force Cuba's National Airline to Cancel Flights to Argentina. The Cuban national airline, Cubana de Aviación, cancelled its flights to Buenos Aires CU360/CU361 that were scheduled for last Tuesday and Wednesday, after aviation fuel suppliers in Argentina announced they will refuse to provide service to the airline. The Argentine suppliers cited the provisions of the sanctions, that is the unilateral coercive measures, imposed by the United States against Cuba. | This measure has affected other airlines contracted by Cubana de Aviación, preventing them from fulfilling their commitments to passengers. Although the flights were approved by the National Civil Aviation Administr…

Ana Perdigón (2024-04-26). Comptroller General of Venezuela Disqualifies 5 Politicians From Holding Public Office. The Office of the Comptroller General of Venezuela has disqualified five politicians from holding public office. | On Tuesday, April 24, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic announced that four of the five disqualified politicians will not be able to run for public office for the next 15 years, that is, until 2039. | These politicians include the mayor of the municipality of El Hatillo (Miranda state), Elías Sayegh; the mayor of the municipality of Los Salias (Miranda state), José Antonio Fernández López; former National Assembly deputy for the Justice First party, Tomás Guanipa; and former deput…

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-26). EMTRASUR Case: International Civil Aviation Organization Accepts Venezuela's Lawsuit Against Argentina.

Lawrence Wittner (2024-04-26). The Forgotten Element in Averting Nuclear Catastrophe. What will it take to end the nuclear nightmare that has gripped the world since the atomic bombings of 1945? For a time, that nightmare seemed to have abated for, in response to massive popular resistance to the prospect of nuclear war, governments turned to signing nuclear arms control and disarmament agreements. Even previously hawkish

Jacqueline Luqman, Black Agenda Report. (2024-04-26). Colleges And Universities Collaborate With The State To Silence Protests. As we have seen over the past few months, colleges and universities across the United States have shown a dangerous willingness to punish their students for speaking out for Justice for Palestine on their campuses. The very institutions that claim to be the centers of intellectual rigor, freedom of thought and expression, and developers of critical thinking skills for America's post-secondary school development, even claiming to be the groomers and shapers of America's future generations of leaders, are today the institutions that call the police on student protesters.

Editor (2024-04-26). Patrick Lawrence: The Impotence of Antony Blinken. By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost Antony Blinken is now in China for his second such journey as secretary of state and his third encounter with senior Chinese officials: This is our news as April marches toward May. I have to say, it is a stranger state of affairs than I can figure when …

Nicky Reid (2024-04-26). The Last Thing Haiti Needs is Your Liberal Guilt. "We are free today because we are the stronger; we will be slaves again when the government becomes the stronger." -Toussaint Louverture "The rich are only defeated when running for their lives." -C.L.R. James, The Black Jacobins Dilapidated tent cities packed like plastic tarpaulin sardine cans with starving women and children… Cracked streets strewn with

teleSUR (2024-04-26). Sweden to Send Troops to Latvia as NATO Member. On Thursday, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that Sweden has finalized its integration into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and will send a reduced battalion to Latvia early next year. | RELATED: | A declaration would be signed Thursday afternoon to finalize Sweden's military integration into NATO, Kristersson said at a joint press conference with Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina. | He said h…

teleSUR (2024-04-26). Skilled Labor Situation in German Healthcare Remains Tense. On Thursday, the Expert Council Health and Care (SVR) published a report showing that the skilled labor situation in the German healthcare system remains tense, although the number of doctors, nurses, and medical assistants has gone up in recent years. | RELATED: | "In an international comparison, the German healthcare system has a relatively large number of employees in relation to the population. Nevertheless, th…

teleSUR (2024-04-26). Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Shocked the World 38 Years Ago. On April 26, 1986, human error and design flaws caused the largest nuclear disaster the world has ever seen. | RELATED: | In Ukraine, the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear plant released large quantities of radioactive material, causing tens of thousands of deaths, incalculable economic damage, and an environmental disaster that will last for centuries. | "Until the mid-1980s, few people knew that there was an im…

teleSUR (2024-04-26). Russian Cosmonauts Complete Spacewalk Ahead of Schedule. On Thursday, Russia's state space corporation Roscosmos said that cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub completed their spacewalk tasks ahead of schedule, returning to the International Space Station (ISS) two hours earlier than planned. | RELATED: | Their spacewalk lasted 4 hours and 36 minutes. During the spacewalk, Kononenko and Chub brought the radar of the Napor-miniRSA experiment into working condition. | They installed equ…

teleSUR (2024-04-26). High US Fiscal Deficit Poses Risks to Global Economy. With the U.S. government showing no sign of containing its spending in an election year, economists and observers have warned that high U.S. deficit poses risks to the U.S. and global economy. | RELATED: | First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Gita Gopinath said that while high deficits are supporting growth in the United States and globally, there is a downside. | "Along with that growth, you're gettin…

teleSUR (2024-04-26). President Maduro Orders Financing 4,500 Development Projects. On Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro ordered the approval of funding to begin implementing 4,500 development projects that were prioritized during the consultation held on April 21. | RELATED: | "We cannot delay for even a second, and the resources must reach the communities immediately to start the 4,500 projects," he said. "I trust in the power of the communities and the…

Olivia Rosane (2024-04-26). Alabama House Passes Bill That Could Be Used to Criminalize Librarians. The Alabama House of Representatives voted 72-28 on Thursday in favor of a bill that would apply the state's criminal obscenity laws to public libraries, public school libraries, and the people who work there. Critics, including the Alabama Library Association, have warned that the bill could see librarians jailed and argued that it violates the First Amendment. "This is a pig," Rep. |

Nicole Karlis (2024-04-26). Infectious Disease Experts Warn Bird Flu Outbreak Bigger Than Previously Thought. For weeks, the dairy industry has been gripped by a highly contagious virus that is threatening to only get worse. Federal regulators announced this week that samples of pasteurized milk tested positive for H5N1, the strain of bird flu that has jumped from poultry to cows with one recent infection in an American. At the moment, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that the country's… |

Erin Reed (2024-04-26). 4 States Tell Schools to Ignore New Title IX Rules That Protect LGBTQ Students. On Friday, the Biden administration released its final Title IX rules, which include protections for LGBTQ+ students by clarifying that Title IX forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The rule change could have a significant impact as it would supersede bathroom bans and other discriminatory policies that have become increasingly common in Republican states within… |

Chris Walker (2024-04-26). Poll Shows Majority of Americans Would Back Federal Abortion Rights Protections. A new poll demonstrates that, in this pivotal election year, abortion rights could play a key role in determining who will win the White House and control of Congress. Several states across the country are set to hold referenda regarding abortion rights and access to the procedure. Those elections will have tremendous consequences for the states themselves, but could also motivate more supporters… |

Zane McNeill (2024-04-26). Maryland Governor Signs "Freedom to Read Act" Into Law. On Thursday, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) enacted HB 0785, known as the Freedom to Read Act, into law, prohibiting libraries that receive state funding from banning books. "Schools should be working to build inclusive environments that reflect the diversity of their student body and community. It is especially critical that state leaders like Governor Moore rise up for policies that foster… |

Sasha Abramsky (2024-04-26). Is Trump Tithing or Conning His Voters? Either Way, He Aims to Cover Legal Fees. Donald Trump's first criminal trial is underway and three others are in the pipeline. The former president has more than half a billion dollars in civil penalties already accrued against him for both defaming E. Jean Carroll (whom a civil court previously found him liable for sexually assaulting) and for corrupt business practices. As a result, the GOP presidential candidate is facing huge legal… |

Chris Walker (2024-04-26). David Pecker Testifies That Trump Thanked Him for Suppressing Salacious Stories. David Pecker, the former publisher of The National Enquirer, testified on Thursday in the New York trial against former President Donald Trump, providing damning details of the scheme to "catch and kill" negative news stories for the then-GOP nominee for president in the runup to the 2016 election. The Manhattan District Attorney's office alleges that Trump and his then-fixer lawyer Michael Cohen… |

Jake Johnson (2024-04-26). WSJ Reports Trump Allies Drafting Plan to Give Him Control Over Fed If Reelected. Right-wing allies of former U.S. President Donald Trump are reportedly crafting a plan to give the executive branch control over Federal Reserve policy decisions, an effort that comes as the presumptive GOP nominee continues to signal his authoritarian intentions for a potential second term. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that former Trump administration officials and other supporters… |

A Guest Author (2024-04-26). Strike for Palestine May Day and Nakba Day. Call to action from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions — Gaza: This May Day and Nakba Day [May 15], we, the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions — Gaza, urgently appeal to our brothers and sisters in the international trade union movement to take a stand in solidarity . . . |

A Guest Author (2024-04-26). A call to 'Escalate for Gaza'. The following call was issued on on April 24, 2024. ESCALATE FOR GAZA. • Prioritize unity, encampment growth and continued disruption • The line between students and non-students must be blurred and ignored • No one person or organization can represent an entire encampment • Negotiations will lead us . . . | (2024-04-26). Mescid-i Aksa ƒ∞mam Hatibi Sabri'den Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan'ƒ±n Filistin vurgusuna à∂vgàº. Mescid-i Aksa ƒ∞mam Hatibi ve eski Kudàºs ve Filistin Màºftàºsຠ≈ûeyh ƒ∞krime Sabri, Parlamenterler Arasƒ± Kudàºs Platformu 5. Konferansƒ±'nda yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± konu≈üma nedeniyle Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan'dan à∂vgàºyle sà∂z etti. (2024-04-26). Kanada'da kefiye takan milletvekilinin meclis oturumundan à߃±kmasƒ± istendi. anada'nƒ±n Ontario Eyaleti meclis àºyelerinden Sarah Jama'nƒ±n, Filistin ile dayanƒ±≈üma amacƒ±yla giydiƒüi kefiye nedeniyle meclis oturumundan à߃±kmasƒ± istenirken, komisyon àßalƒ±≈ümalarƒ±na katƒ±lmasƒ±na da izin verilmedi. (2024-04-26). ABD, Gazze'nin kuzeyine 25 binden fazla à∂ƒüàºne denk gelen insani yardƒ±mƒ± havadan indirdi. ABD Merkez Kuvvetler Komutanlƒ±ƒüƒ± (CENTCOM), Gazze'nin kuzeyine 25 binden fazla à∂ƒüàºne denk gelen insani yardƒ±mƒ± havadan indirdiklerini duyurdu. (2024-04-26). Bayraktar: Tàºrk-Yunan Enerji Forumu'nun yeni fƒ±rsatlar dà∂neminin ba≈ülangƒ±cƒ± olmasƒ±nƒ± umuyorum. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanƒ± Alparslan Bayraktar, Tàºrk-Yunan Enerji Forumu'nun iki àºlke arasƒ±nda enerji alanƒ±nda yeni fƒ±rsatlar dà∂neminin ba≈ülangƒ±cƒ± olmasƒ± temennisinde bulundu. (2024-04-26). àáernobil nàºkleer felaketi, 38. yƒ±lƒ±nda Rusya-Ukrayna Sava≈üƒ±'nƒ±n gà∂lgesinde hatƒ±rlanƒ±yor. àáernobil Nàºkleer Santrali'nde meydana gelen dàºnyanƒ±n en bàºyàºk nàºkleer faciasƒ±, 38. yƒ±lƒ±nda Rusya-Ukrayna Sava≈üƒ±'nƒ±n gà∂lgesinde sonuàßlarƒ±yla hatƒ±rlanƒ±yor. (2024-04-26). ƒ∞stiklal Caddesi'ndeki terà∂r saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ± davasƒ±nda karar. (2024-04-26). "Atatàºrk II" filmi 24 Mayƒ±s'a kadar seyirciyle bulu≈üacak. Milli Màºcadele sàºrecinin 1915-1919 yƒ±llarƒ±nƒ± konu edinen "Atatàºrk II" filmi, 24 Mayƒ±s'a kadar sinemaseverlerle bulu≈ümaya devam edecek. (2024-04-26). ƒ∞srail ordusu Làºbnan'a hava saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±nda Cemaat el-ƒ∞slami liderini à∂ldàºrd຃üàºnຠaà߃±kladƒ±. ƒ∞srail ordusu, Làºbnan'ƒ±n Beka Vadisi bà∂lgesine dàºzenlediƒüi hava saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±nda Cemaat el-ƒ∞slami lideri Musab Halaf'ƒ± à∂ldàºrd຃üàºnຠileri sàºrdàº. (2024-04-26). Depremde 72 ki≈üinin à∂ld຃üຠƒ∞sias Oteli'ne ili≈ükin davaya devam edildi. Adƒ±yaman'da, Kahramanmara≈ü merkezli 6 ≈ûubat 2023'teki depremlerde yƒ±kƒ±lan, 72 ki≈üinin hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybettiƒüi ƒ∞sias Oteli'ne ili≈ükin 3'ຠtutuklu 11 sanƒ±ƒüƒ±n yargƒ±lanmasƒ±na devam edildi. (2024-04-26). Toyota, 2023 mali yƒ±lƒ± iàßin 10,1 milyonluk araàß àºretim hedefini yakalayamadƒ±. Toyota Motor, 2023 mali yƒ±lƒ± araàß àºretiminin yàºzde 9,2 artƒ±≈üla 9,97 milyona yàºkseldiƒüini bildirdi. (2024-04-26). Fenerbahàße, Sàºper Lig'de yarƒ±n derbide Be≈üikta≈ü'ƒ± aƒüƒ±rlayacak. Fenerbahàße, yarƒ±n Trendyol Sàºper Lig'in 34. haftasƒ±ndaki derbi màºsabakasƒ±nda sahasƒ±nda Be≈üikta≈ü ile kar≈üƒ± kar≈üƒ±ya gelecek. (2024-04-26). Futbolda haftanƒ±n programƒ±. Futbolda Trendyol Sàºper Lig'de 34, Trendyol 1. Lig'de 32. hafta kar≈üƒ±la≈ümalarƒ± oynanacak. TFF 2. Lig 37, TFF 3. Lig 30, Turkcell Kadƒ±n Futbol Sàºper Ligi ise 29. hafta màºcadelelerine sahne olacak. (2024-04-26). Borsa ƒ∞stanbul'da gong Rà∂nesans Gayrimenkul Yatƒ±rƒ±m iàßin àßaldƒ±. Rà∂nesans Gayrimenkul Yatƒ±rƒ±m, bugàºn dàºzenlenen gong tà∂reninin ardƒ±ndan Borsa ƒ∞stanbul'da i≈ülem gà∂rmeye ba≈üladƒ±. (2024-04-26). AA'nƒ±n "Kanƒ±t" belgeselinin gà∂sterimi Londra'da yapƒ±ldƒ±. Anadolu Ajansƒ± (AA) tarafƒ±ndan hazƒ±rlanan, ƒ∞srail'in Gazze'de i≈ülediƒüi sava≈ü suàßlarƒ±nƒ± tàºm aà߃±klƒ±ƒüƒ±yla ortaya koyan "Kanƒ±t" belgeseli Londra'da gà∂sterildi. (2024-04-26). Borsa gàºne yàºkseli≈üle ba≈üladƒ±. Borsa ƒ∞stanbul'da BIST 100 endeksi, gàºne yàºzde 0,48 yàºkseli≈üle 9.763,37 puandan ba≈üladƒ±. (2024-04-26). Artan yaƒüƒ±≈ülar Van Gà∂lຠHavzasƒ±'ndaki yaban hayatƒ± ve ku≈ü popàºlasyonunu canlandƒ±racak. Son zamanlarƒ±n en yaƒüƒ±≈ülƒ± kƒ±≈ü ve ilkbahar mevsiminin ya≈üandƒ±ƒüƒ± Van Gà∂lຠHavzasƒ±'nda, sulak alanlardaki canlanma yaban hayatƒ±na ve ku≈ü popàºlasyonuna olumlu yansƒ±yacak. (2024-04-26). Tanık- The Witness. (2024-04-26). YTU Startup House tarafƒ±ndan Londra ofisi faaliyete geàßirildi. Birle≈üik Krallƒ±k ƒ∞stanbul Ba≈ükonsolosu Kenan Poleo, "ƒ∞ngiltere'de varlƒ±k gà∂stermeye karar veren Tàºrk teknoloji ≈üirketlerinin yalnƒ±zca ofis kurmadƒ±klarƒ±nƒ±n, i≈übirliƒüi tohumlarƒ± ektiklerinin farkƒ±ndayƒ±z." dedi. (2024-04-26). Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Sà∂zcàºsຠKeàßeli, Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan'ƒ±n ABD ziyaretinin ertelendiƒüini bildirdi. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan'ƒ±n 9 Mayƒ±s'ta ABD'ye yapmasƒ± planlanan ziyareti ertelendi. (2024-04-26). àáorum'da 150 yƒ±llƒ±k redif kƒ±≈ülasƒ± restore edilerek kàºltàºr merkezine dà∂nàº≈ütàºràºldàº. àáorum'un ƒ∞skilip ilàßesinde, Osmanlƒ± dà∂neminde askerlerin toplanma, eƒüitim ve sevk merkezi olarak kullanƒ±lan yakla≈üƒ±k 150 yƒ±llƒ±k redif kƒ±≈ülasƒ±nƒ±n restorasyonu tamamlandƒ±. (2024-04-26). Tokat'ta deprem nedeniyle evi aƒüƒ±r hasar gà∂renlere konteyner verilecek. Tokat Valisi Numan Hatipoƒülu, Sulusaray ilàßesinde meydana gelen depremler sonrasƒ± evi aƒüƒ±r hasarlƒ± olanlara konteyner verileceƒüini sà∂yledi. (2024-04-26). ABD Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Orta Doƒüu Sà∂zcàºsຠRharrit, àºlkesinin Gazze politikasƒ±na tepki olarak istifa etti. (2024-04-26). ABD'de yeni bir George Floyd vakasƒ±. ABD'nin Ohio eyaletinde polisin gà∂zaltƒ±na alƒ±rken ≈üiddet uyguladƒ±ƒüƒ± Frank Tyson'ƒ±n (53), elleri arkadan kelepàßeliyken polisin boynuna bastƒ±rmasƒ± nedeniyle nefessiz kalarak à∂ld຃üຠortaya à߃±ktƒ±. (2024-04-26). Tàºrk Kƒ±zƒ±lay, yaz aylarƒ±nda dàº≈üen kan stokunu baƒüƒ±≈ü kampanyasƒ±yla artƒ±racak. Adana'da yaz aylarƒ±nda dàº≈üen kan stokunun ihtiyaàß seviyesinde tutulmasƒ± amacƒ±yla Tàºrk Kƒ±zƒ±lay tarafƒ±ndan "Birbirimize candan baƒülƒ±yƒ±z Adana" temasƒ±yla kan baƒüƒ±≈üƒ± kampanyasƒ± dàºzenlenecek. (2024-04-26). AA Genel MàºdàºrຠKaragà∂z: Ortaya à߃±kardƒ±ƒüƒ±mƒ±z deliller, sava≈ü suàßu niteliƒüindeki gà∂rseller. Anadolu Ajansƒ± Genel MàºdàºrຠSerdar Karagà∂z, AA'nƒ±n ƒ∞srail'in Gazze'de i≈ülediƒüi sava≈ü suàßlarƒ±nƒ± tàºm aà߃±klƒ±ƒüƒ±yla ortaya koyan "Kanƒ±t" belgeselinin à∂nemine i≈üaret ederek, Ajansƒ±n bà∂lgede olup bitenleri kayƒ±t altƒ±na aldƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± sà∂yledi. (2024-04-26). Yemen'de Filistin halkƒ±na destek gà∂sterisi dàºzenlendi. Yemen'de on binlerce ki≈üinin katƒ±lƒ±mƒ±yla ƒ∞srail'in i≈ügal ve saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±na maruz kalan Gazze ≈ûeridi'ndeki Filistinlilerle dayanƒ±≈üma gà∂sterileri geràßekle≈ütirildi. (2024-04-26). 36 bin sà∂zle≈ümeli saƒülƒ±k personeli istihdamƒ±na ili≈ükin Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± kararƒ± Resmi Gazete'de. Sà∂zle≈ümeli 36 bin saƒülƒ±k personeli istihdamƒ± kapsamƒ±ndaki saƒülƒ±k birimlerinin yeniden belirlenmesine ili≈ükin Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan imzalƒ± karar Resmi Gazete'de yayƒ±mlandƒ±. (2024-04-26). Fransƒ±z àºniversitesi Sciences Po'da à∂ƒürenciler Filistin'e destek gà∂sterilerini sàºrdàºràºyor. Fransa'nƒ±n à∂nde gelen àºniversitelerinden Sciences Po'da à∂ƒürenciler, ƒ∞srail saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±nƒ±n sàºrd຃üຠGazze'deki durumu protesto etmek ve Filistin ile dayanƒ±≈üma mesajƒ± vermek iàßin gà∂sterilerine devam ediyor. (2024-04-26). ƒ∞srailli bakan Smotrich, Hamas liderlerine suikast ve Gazze'nin yok edilmesi àßaƒürƒ±sƒ±nda bulundu. ƒ∞srail'in a≈üƒ±rƒ± saƒücƒ± Maliye Bakanƒ± Bezalel Smotrich, ƒ∞srail'in dƒ±≈ü istihbarat te≈ükilatƒ± Mossad'a Hamas hareketinin liderlerine suikast dàºzenlemesi ve Gazze ≈ûeridi'ni tamamen yok etmesi àßaƒürƒ±sƒ± yaptƒ±. (2024-04-26). Ukrayna'nƒ±n Ankara Bàºyàºkelàßisi Bodnar, basƒ±n mensuplarƒ±yla bir araya geldi. Ukrayna'nƒ±n Ankara Bàºyàºkelàßisi Vasyl Bodnar, Türkiye-Ukrayna ili≈ükilerine yà∂nelik, "ƒ∞kili ili≈ükilerimizin bu gàºzel seyrinin temelinde Ukrayna ve Türkiye Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± arasƒ±ndaki samimi ve gàºvene dayalƒ± dostluk yer alƒ±yor." dedi. (2024-04-26). Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Yeni Zelanda Başbakan Yardımcısı Peters'ı kabul etti. (2024-04-26). Ayhan Bora Kaplan suàß à∂rgàºtຠdavasƒ±nda 8 sanƒ±ƒüa tahliye. Ayhan Bora Kaplan suàß à∂rgàºtàºne ili≈ükin 61 sanƒ±ƒüƒ±n yargƒ±landƒ±ƒüƒ± davada, 28 tutuklu sanƒ±ktan 8'inin adli kontrol ≈üartƒ±yla tahliyesine karar verildi. (2024-04-26). Prix Pictet'in 10. edisyonu "Human" Arter'de aà߃±ldƒ±. Dàºnyanƒ±n à∂nde gelen fotoƒüraf ve sàºrdàºràºlebilirlik à∂dàºlຠPrix Pictet'in 10. edisyonu "Human", Arter'de sanatseverlerle bulu≈ütu. (2024-04-26). AB'den Filistin'e 68 milyon avroluk insani yardƒ±m. Avrupa Birliƒüi (AB), Filistin'e insani yardƒ±mlar kapsamƒ±nda 68 milyon avro gà∂nderildiƒüini duyurdu. (2024-04-26). '≈ûampiyonluk yarƒ±≈üƒ± iàßerisinde en kritik maàßlardan biriydi'. Galatasaray Teknik Direktà∂rຠOkan Buruk, Trendyol Sàºper Lig'de Yukatel Adana Demirspor'u 3-0 yenerek ≈üampiyonluk yarƒ±≈üƒ± iàßerisinde en kritik maàßlardan birini bitirmenin ve 7 puan à∂ne geàßmenin sevincini ya≈üadƒ±klarƒ±nƒ± sà∂yledi. (2024-04-26). àáalƒ±≈üanlar "Yƒ±lƒ±n En ƒ∞yi ƒ∞≈üverenleri"ni belirledi. Great Place To Work, 2024'te Türkiye'de "Yƒ±lƒ±n En ƒ∞yi ƒ∞≈üverenleri Listesi"ni aà߃±kladƒ±. (2024-04-26). Blinken, Refah'a olasƒ± kara saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±nƒ± gà∂ràº≈ümek iàßin gelecek hafta ƒ∞srail'e geliyor. ABD Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Antony Blinken'ƒ±n ƒ∞srail ordusunun Refah'a olasƒ± kara saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ± ve Hamas ile Tel Aviv arasƒ±nda esir takasƒ± mutabakatƒ±nƒ± gà∂ràº≈ümek iàßin gelecek hafta ƒ∞srail'e geleceƒüi bildirildi. (2024-04-26). Sàºleymaniye'deki Kormor Gaz Tesisine dàºzenlenen saldƒ±rƒ±da 4 Yemenli àßalƒ±≈üan à∂ldàº. Irak'ƒ±n Sàºleymaniye kentinde bulunan Kormor Gaz Tesisine yapƒ±lan insansƒ±z hava aracƒ± (ƒ∞HA) saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±nda 4 Yemenli àßalƒ±≈üanƒ±n à∂ld຃üຠbelirtildi. (2024-04-26). Filistin'e destek gà∂sterilerinin sàºrd຃üຠGàºney California àúniversitesinde mezuniyet tà∂reni iptal edildi. ABD'de àºlke genelindeki àºniversite kampàºslerine yayƒ±lan "ƒ∞srail'in Gazze'ye saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±na tepki" eylemleri sàºrerken Los Angeles'taki Gàºney California àúniversitesinde (USC) ana mezuniyet tà∂reni iptal edildi. (2024-04-26). Premier Lig'de Manchester City, Brighton'ı 4-0 yendi. İngiltere Premier Lig'de Manchester City, deplasmanda Brighton Hove Albion'ı 4-0 mağlup etti. (2024-04-26). Kàºresel piyasalar karƒ±≈üƒ±k seyrediyor. Kàºresel piyasalar, ABD'de dàºn aà߃±klanan verilerden alƒ±nan sinyallerin àºlkede enflasyonla màºcadelenin beklenenden uzun sàºrebileceƒüine i≈üaret etmesiyle karƒ±≈üƒ±k bir seyir izliyor. (2024-04-26). Kamikaze ƒ∞HA DELƒ∞ ihracat hedefine ilerliyor. Tàºrk savunma sanayisi bàºnyesinde geli≈ütirilen kamikaze insansƒ±z hava araàßlarƒ±ndan (ƒ∞HA) DELƒ∞'ye yurt dƒ±≈üƒ± kullanƒ±cƒ±lardan gà∂sterilen ilginin bu yƒ±l ihracat ba≈üarƒ±sƒ±na dà∂nàº≈ütàºràºlmesi hedefleniyor. (2024-04-26). Blinken, àáin'in ABD seàßimlerini etkilemeye àßalƒ±≈ütƒ±ƒüƒ±na dair kanƒ±tlar gà∂rdàºklerini sà∂yledi. ABD Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Anthony Blinken, àáin'in yakla≈üan ABD seàßimlerini "etkileme ve muhtemelen seàßimlere màºdahale etme" giri≈üimlerine dair kanƒ±tlar gà∂rdàºklerini sà∂yledi. (2024-04-26). Sonar ƒ∞stanbul 2024 sanatseverle bulu≈ütu. Màºzikseverleri màºzik, yaratƒ±cƒ±lƒ±k ve teknoloji ekseninde birle≈ütiren Sonar ƒ∞stanbul 2024, Zorlu PSM'de ba≈üladƒ±. (2024-04-26). Belàßika, Ukrayna'ya F-16 sava≈ü uàßaklarƒ± gà∂nderecek. Belàßika Ba≈übakanƒ± Alexander De Croo, Ukrayna'ya F-16 sava≈ü uàßaklarƒ±nƒ± yƒ±l bitmeden gà∂ndereceklerini duyurdu. (2024-04-26). Hatayspor, Sàºper Lig'de yarƒ±n Ba≈üak≈üehir'i konuk edecek. Ataka≈ü Hatayspor, Trendyol Sàºper Lig'in 34. haftasƒ±nda yarƒ±n Mersin'de RAMS Ba≈üak≈üehir ile kar≈üƒ±la≈üacak. (2024-04-26). Sulusaray'da depremlerin ardƒ±ndan tarihi caminin giri≈üi ortaya à߃±ktƒ±. Tokat'ƒ±n Sulusaray ilàßesinde ya≈üanan depremlerin ardƒ±ndan kà∂yde kullanƒ±lmayan tarihi caminin giri≈üi ortaya à߃±ktƒ±. (2024-04-26). Terà∂rle màºcadelenin gà∂klerdeki kahramanlarƒ± "àßelik kanatlar" Diyarbakƒ±r Jandarma Hava Grup Komutanlƒ±ƒüƒ±nda gà∂revli pilotlar, Sikorsky S-70, T-129 Atak, Mil Mi-17 helikopterlerle terà∂rle màºcadelenin yanƒ± sƒ±ra àºlkede meydana gelen yangƒ±n, deprem ve sel gibi doƒüal afetlerde de hizmet veriyor. (2024-04-26). àáanakkale Boƒüazƒ±'nda yangƒ±n à߃±kan kuru yàºk gemisi demir bà∂lgesinde bekletiliyor. Mƒ±sƒ±r'dan Bulgaristan'a seyir halinde olan Barbados bayraklƒ± gemide, àáanakkale Boƒüazƒ±'nda makine dairesinde à߃±kan yangƒ±nƒ±n sà∂ndàºràºlmesinin ardƒ±ndan àßekildiƒüi Karanlƒ±k Liman Demir Bà∂lgesi'nde sà∂rvey (sefere uygunluk kontrolàº) i≈ülemi yapƒ±lacak. (2024-04-26). F1 pilotu Hulkenberg, à∂nce Sauber, sonra Audi iàßin yarƒ±≈üacak. Formula 1'de sezon sonunda Haas'tan ayrƒ±lacak Alman pilot Nico Hulkenberg, gelecek sezon Sauber, takƒ±mƒ±n devredilmesinin ardƒ±ndan Audi ile yarƒ±≈üacak. (2024-04-26). ABD'den Ukrayna'ya 6 milyar dolarlƒ±k yeni ek askeri yardƒ±m. ABD Savunma Bakanƒ± Lloyd Austin, Ukrayna'ya uzun dà∂nemde 6 milyar dolar deƒüerinde yeni bir ek askeri yardƒ±m paketi saƒülanacaƒüƒ±nƒ± bildirdi. (2024-04-26). Panathinaikos AKTOR ba≈üantrenà∂rຠAtaman: Tàºrk vatanda≈üƒ±yƒ±m. Bana hiàßbir ≈üey yapamazsƒ±nƒ±z. THY Avrupa Ligi play-off àßeyrek final serisinde ƒ∞srail temsilcisi Maccabi Playtika'yƒ± maƒülup eden Yunanistan ekibi Panathinaikos AKTOR'da Tàºrk ba≈üantrenà∂r Ergin Ataman, rakibin teknik ekibinden birisinin tehdit dolu sà∂zlerine maruz kaldƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± sà∂yledi. (2024-04-26). ƒ∞ngiltere Kralƒ± 3. Charles, kanser tedavisinin ardƒ±ndan gà∂revine geri dà∂nàºyor. Buckingham Sarayƒ±, ƒ∞ngiltere Kralƒ± 3. Charles'ƒ±n gà∂rd຃üຠkanser tedavisinin ardƒ±ndan gelecek hafta gà∂revine geri dà∂neceƒüini duyurdu. (2024-04-26). AA'nƒ±n Kanƒ±t belgeselinin lansmanƒ± ƒ∞ngiltere Parlamentosu'nda yapƒ±ldƒ±. Anadolu Ajansƒ±nƒ±n (AA) ƒ∞srail'in Gazze'de i≈ülediƒüi sava≈ü suàßlarƒ±nƒ± tàºm aà߃±klƒ±ƒüƒ±yla ortaya koyan "Kanƒ±t" belgeselinin lansmanƒ±, ƒ∞ngiltere Parlamentosu'nun ev sahipliƒüinde yapƒ±ldƒ±. (2024-04-26). Bakan ≈ûim≈üek: Kamuda tasarruf àßalƒ±≈ümasƒ±nƒ± nihai noktaya getirdik. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanƒ± Mehmet ≈ûim≈üek, kamuda tasarruf àßalƒ±≈ümasƒ±nƒ± nihai noktaya getirdiklerini, tasarruf ve harcama kontrolàºnຠyƒ±lƒ±n ikinci yarƒ±sƒ±nda gàºàßlຠ≈üekilde devreye alacaklarƒ±nƒ± bildirdi. (2024-04-26). ƒ∞lkokul à∂ƒürencilerinin bilime merakƒ± àºniversitelilerin etkinlikleriyle artƒ±rƒ±lƒ±yor. Gebze Teknik àúniversitesince hayata geàßirilen projeyle àßocuklara bilimsel konular eƒülenceli ≈üekilde anlatƒ±larak bilim okuryazarlƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ±n artƒ±rƒ±lmasƒ± amaàßlanƒ±yor. (2024-04-26). Microsoft, Alphabet ve Intel ocak-mart dà∂nemi bilanàßolarƒ±nƒ± aà߃±kladƒ±. ABD'li teknoloji ≈üirketlerinden Microsoft, Alphabet ve Intel'in gelirleri ocak-mart dà∂neminde yàºkseldi. (2024-04-26). "Mahzen-32" operasyonlarƒ±yla eleba≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± Hakkƒ± Saral'ƒ±n yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± organize suàß à∂rgàºtຠàßà∂kertildi. ƒ∞àßi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Ali Yerlikaya, Bursa merkezli 7 ilde dàºzenlenen "Mahzen-32" operasyonlarƒ±nda eleba≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± Hakkƒ± Saral'ƒ±n yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± organize suàß à∂rgàºtàºnàºn àßà∂kertildiƒüini bildirdi. (2024-04-26). 'Katliam siyasetinin àºyeleri tarafƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan seviyesiz aà߃±klamalar yok hàºkmàºndedir'. AK Parti Sà∂zcàºsຠàáelik, "ƒ∞srail Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ±, Sayƒ±n Cumhurba≈ükanƒ±'mƒ±zƒ± ve Türkiye'yi seviyesiz bir ≈üekilde hedef alan aà߃±klamalarƒ±na devam etmi≈ü. Katliam siyasetinin àºyeleri tarafƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan bu seviyesiz aà߃±klamalar yok hàºkmàºndedir." dedi. (2024-04-26). TBMM Ba≈ükanƒ± Kurtulmu≈ü, Bolivya Senato Ba≈ükanƒ± Rodriguez ile gà∂ràº≈ütàº. TBMM Ba≈ükanƒ± Numan Kurtulmu≈ü, Parlamenterler Arasƒ± Kudàºs Platformu 5. Konferansƒ± dolayƒ±sƒ±yla ƒ∞stanbul'da bulunan Bolivya Senato Ba≈ükanƒ± Andronico Rodriguez ile bir araya geldi. (2024-04-26). Lider Galatasaray'dan "Rekorlar gecesi"nde ≈üampiyonluk yolunda kritik galibiyet. Trendyol Sàºper Lig'in 34. haftasƒ±nda Galatasaray, Yukatel Adana Demirspor'u 3-0 yendi. (2024-04-26). NBA play-off'larında Nuggets, Lakers'ı yenerek seriyi 3-0 yaptı. Amerikan Basketbol Ligi (NBA) play-off ilk turunda Denver Nuggets, Los Angeles Lakers'ı 112-105 yenerek seriyi 3-0'a getirdi. (2024-04-26). Ticaret Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± IBAN kiralama ilanlarƒ±na kar≈üƒ± vatanda≈ülarƒ± uyardƒ±. Ticaret Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±, "Bir banka hesabƒ±nƒ±n maddi menfaat kar≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nda ba≈üka ki≈üiler tarafƒ±ndan kullanƒ±lmasƒ±na izin vermek, Suàß Gelirlerinin Aklanmasƒ±nƒ±n àñnlenmesi Kanunu'na gà∂re suàß te≈ükil ediyor." uyarƒ±sƒ±nda bulundu. (2024-04-26). Ankara'da "gàºvenilir gƒ±da" operasyonu. Ankara ƒ∞l Tarƒ±m ve Orman Màºdàºrl຃üຠekiplerince Mamak ilàßesinde dàºzenlenen operasyonda tàºketime uygun olmayan yakla≈üƒ±k 9 ton sàºt ve ≈üarkàºteri àºràºnàºne el konuldu. (2024-04-26). Romanya Cumhurbaşkanı Iohannis, Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Yılmaz'ı kabul etti. Romanya Cumhurbaşkanı Klaus Iohannis, Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Cevdet Yılmaz'ı kabul etti. (2024-04-26). ƒ∞srail ordusu Batƒ± ≈ûeria'daki Balata Màºlteci Kampƒ±'na baskƒ±n dàºzenledi. ƒ∞srail ordusu, i≈ügal altƒ±ndaki Batƒ± ≈ûeria'nƒ±n Nablus kentinde bulunan Balata Màºlteci Kampƒ±'na baskƒ±n dàºzenleyerek bir evi ku≈üattƒ±. (2024-04-26). Japonya Uluslararasƒ± ƒ∞≈übirliƒüi Ajansƒ± ile deprem bà∂lgeleri iàßin kredi anla≈ümasƒ± imzalandƒ±. Japonya Uluslararasƒ± ƒ∞≈übirliƒüi Ajansƒ± (JICA) ile Türkiye arasƒ±nda depremden etkilenen bà∂lgelerin yeniden yapƒ±landƒ±rƒ±lmasƒ±nda kullanƒ±lmak àºzere 60 milyar Japon yeni tutarƒ±nda kredi anla≈ümasƒ± imzalandƒ±. (2024-04-26). àáiftàßilere 4,4 milyar lira tarƒ±msal destekleme à∂demesi bugàºn yapƒ±lacak. Bakan Yumaklƒ±, 4 milyar 435 milyon 821 bin liralƒ±k tarƒ±msal destekleme à∂demesini bugàºn àßiftàßilerin hesaplarƒ±na aktaracaklarƒ±nƒ± bildirdi. (2024-04-26). Holokost'tan kurtulan Amerikalƒ± Yahudi aktivist: Gazze gà∂sterilerine katƒ±lan à∂ƒürenciler kahraman. ABD'de àºniversitelerde yayƒ±lan Gazze'ye destek gà∂sterilerine katƒ±lan Marione Ingram, ƒ∞srail'i protesto eden à∂ƒürencileri "kahraman" olarak nitelerken "Holokost'tan kurtulmu≈ü birisiyim. ƒ∞srail'in kom≈üularƒ±nƒ± bombalamayƒ± sonlandƒ±rmasƒ±nƒ± istiyorum" dedi.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-04-26). Warring Against Encryption: Australia is Coming for Your Communications. On April 16, Australia's eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, issued with authoritarian glee legal notices to X Corp and Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, to remove material within 24 hours depicting what her office declared to be "gratuitous or offensive violence with a high degree of impact and detail". The relevant material featured a livestreamed

Staff (2024-04-26). Win Without War Condemns Militarized Response to Protests. Win Without War Executive Director Sara Haghdoosti released the following statement responding to scenes of police violence at university protests: "The use of state violence against peaceful protestors is unacceptable. Police batons deployed against students calling for peace in Gaza are not a source of safety on campus, nor are they a bulwark against antisemitism. They …

Jack Rasmus (2024-04-26). Ukraine War Funding and Failed Russian Sanctions. This past weekend, April 20, 2024 the US House of Representatives passed a bill to provide Ukraine with another $61 billion in aid. Then the meassure quickly passed the Senate and was signed into law by Biden within days. The funds, however, will make little difference to the outcome of the war on the ground

Laurel Sutherlin (2024-04-26). How Banks and Investors are Fueling a Biodiversity Crisis. In a global context where tropical rainforests play a critical role in biodiversity conservation and climate regulation, these ecosystems are severely threatened by expanding agribusiness and logging activities. This poses significant risks to the environment, wildlife, and communities dependent on rainforests. Against the backdrop of escalating climate change impacts, urgent action is needed to prevent the collapse

Gray Brechin (2024-04-26). The Oppenheimer Omission.

John Feffer (2024-04-26). Haiti Today, America Tomorrow? Haiti has descended into chaos. It's had no president or parliament — and no elections either —for eight long years. Its unelected prime minister Ariel Henry resigned recently when gang violence at the airport in Port-au-Prince made it impossible for him to return to the country after a trip to Guyana. Haiti is the poorest

Eric Elliot, Grant Inskeep (2024-04-26). Manufacturing Consent in the 21st Century. Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman wrote Manufacturing Consent in the late 1980s to describe the structural forces which cause an otherwise free media—one lacking government censorship, fear of prison for journalists (aside from those sharing designated government secrets), and staffed with people who genuinely see themselves as holding power accountable—can nonetheless produce systematic propaganda, with a highly

Henry Giroux (2024-04-26). Poisoning the American Mind: Higher Education in the Age of the New McCarthyism.

Alfred de Zayas (2024-04-26). International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace. On 24 April 2024, a well-attended conference took place at the United Nations Office in Geneva to commemorate International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, a tradition that goes back to the adoption by the UN General Assembly of Resolution 73/127, which reaffirms the UN Charter and the purposes and principles of the UN,

Eve Ottenberg (2024-04-26). The U.S. Economy is Not What It's Cracked Up To Be. How will Biden conceal the inflation rampaging throughout his term? The latest scheme appears to be draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the last drop. It's already down to 17 percent, because Biden opened the spigot when his idiotic sanctions on Russian energy back in 2022 boosted prices at the pump into the stratosphere, always a terrifying development for homo politicus. Biden tamed gas prices by emptying most of the SPR. Now he may finish it off, because no, he can't have gas prices rising before the election, not they way they did back two summers ago, when filling your tank cost almost as much as a n…

Leeann Hall (2024-04-26). Fund Mass Transit, Not Highways. In cities and in rural areas, in red states and blue states, most residents want cleaner and more connected communities. Public transit — including trains, buses, and dial-a-ride services — and accessible walking and bike routes give us healthy, clean, and affordable ways for everyone to get where they need to go. But for too

Jeffrey St. Clair (2024-04-26). The Accused is a Tramp: How the Slut-Shaming of Brenda Andrew Put Her on Death Row. In the state's closing arguments jurors were treated to the spectacle of the prosecutor in Brenda's case, Gayland Gieger, hauling a suitcase toward the jury box, from which he extracted a pair of her thong panties, which he waved in front of them, saying, to audible gasps in the courtroom: "This [dangling a pink thong] is what we found in [the suitcase]. It's been introduced into evidence. The grieving widow packs this [brandishing a red thong] to run off with her boyfriend. The grieving widow packs this [pulling out a black thong] to go sleep in a hotel room with her children and her boyfriend. The grieving wido…

Melvin Goodman (2024-04-26). The Years 1968 And 2024: Will History Repeat Itself? In the summer of 1968, I was assigned to the Central Intelligence Agency's task force on the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. The task force met around the clock in the CIA operations center, which was outfitted with myriad television screens. Most of these screens were showing the Soviet invasion. But several screens were devoted to the violence and mayhem on the streets of Chicago, where Mayor Richard Daley's police force was pummeling young people holding a protest rally against the Vietnam War. The chaos and the violence, which a federal commission labeled a "police riot," played a key role in Richard Nixon…

Cesar Chelala (2024-04-26). Honoring the Enemy. In these times of so much civil strife, internecine wars, and racial and political intolerance, it is good to remember an episode involving Turkey, Australia and New Zealand. It shows the power of words to console the grieving and to bring closure to a painful history. Usually in April, Turks, as well as people from

Robert Hunziker (2024-04-26). Ocean Heat Pummels the Great Barrier Reef, Again. It's never been so bad. The Great Barrier Reef, which is one of nature's most iconic mosaics of biodiversity, is on the ropes because of extreme global warming. Coral bleaching at the World Heritage-listed reef is "experiencing its worst mass bleaching event on record." (Source: Australia's Great Barrier Reef is 'Transforming' from Repeated Coral Bleaching,

Patrick Mazza (2024-04-26). Moving to Universal Health Care, Beginning in the States. One of the greatest systemic failures in the U.S. is healthcare. Even after the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act: + 26 million Americans, or 7.9% of the population, still lack health insurance. + 51% of working age adults have difficulties affording health insurance. + 38% of working age adults delayed or skipped needed

Harvey Wasserman (2024-04-26). Nuclear Power's Lethal, Larcenous End Game. For the first time since 1954, no large new atomic reactors are under construction or on order in the United States. On March 1, 2024, Vogtle Unit 4 connected to the Georgia grid …years behind schedule and billions over budget. Once hyped as "too cheap to meter," America's last large light-water reactor thus forever froze

John Laforge (2024-04-26). US Nuclear Weapons in Europe Violate Treaty Law. The US Air Force practice of deploying nuclear weapons on military bases in other countries — and training foreign pilots to attack third countries with H-bombs — is called 'nuclear sharing' or 'forward basing.' The system has been repeatedly condemned in recent years by lawyer's groups, international law experts, UN delegates, civil society, and foreign

Helen H. Abraha (2024-04-26). Restaurant Workers Deserve a Living Wage, Too. Growing up, I looked up to my father and aunt, who began restaurant industry careers after immigrating from Eritrea in the 1970s. When I started working, a restaurant job was a natural choice. While I took great pride in my work, I struggled with the conditions. I was often on my feet for 10-12 hour

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-26). Netanyahu calls for crackdown on pro-Palestine protesters in the U.S. Echoing President Biden, Netanyahu labeled the demonstrations 'antisemitic'.

Staff (2024-04-26). "The Supreme Court Is a Product of Minority Rule": Author Ari Berman on America's Undemocratic System. We speak with journalist and author Ari Berman about his new book, Minority Rule, which details how the United States has since its founding privileged the rights and interests of a small elite over the needs of the majority. He outlines how, for the first time in U.S. history, five of six conservative justices on the Supreme Court were appointed by Republican presidents who lost the popular vote, and confirmed by senators elected by a minority of Americans. Berman says the court's makeup is the product of two skewed institutions: how we elect our presidents through the Electoral College and how we appoint…

Democracy Now! (2024-04-26). Democracy Now! 2024-04-26 Friday. Headlines for April 26, 2024; Atlanta Police Violently Arrest Emory Students & Faculty to Clear Gaza Solidarity Encampment; "People Are Going to Die": Supreme Court Case on Idaho Abortion Ban Threatens ER Care Across U.S.; "The Supreme Court Is a Product of Minority Rule": Author Ari Berman on America's Undemocratic System | Headlines for April 26, 2024; Atlanta Police Violently Arrest Emory Students & Faculty to Clear Gaza Solidarity Encampment; "People Are Going to Die": Supreme Court Case on Idaho Abortion Ban Threatens ER Care Across U.S.; "The Supreme Court Is a…

Staff (2024-04-26). "People Are Going to Die": Supreme Court Case on Idaho Abortion Ban Threatens ER Care Across U.S. The Supreme Court heard arguments this week about the legality of Idaho's near-total abortion ban, which criminalizes the procedure in all circumstances unless the life of the parent is at risk. It's the first such case to reach the high court since the conservative majority overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. A key issue is whether a state ban can take precedence over the federal right to receive emergency care, including an abortion. The Biden administration argued that Idaho's law violates the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, or EMTALA. If the justices side with Idaho, it could h…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-26). Doctors do more harm than good. We now spend more on health care and the medical profession is better equipped than ever before. It is true, of course, that doctors save thousands of lives. However, iatrogenic disease — …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-26). Burkina Faso: UN is tracking and controlling refugees' cash and relief aid using digital IDs. Millions of people in Burkina Faso have been displaced due to ongoing and escalating violence. In a move to address the humanitarian crisis, ECOWAS is ramping up efforts to collect data. It's …

The Exposé (2024-04-26). The Sinister Web Untangled: CIA & Rockefeller's Secret Agenda Revealed in the Shocking 2025 Depopulation Report by Deagel. In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-26). Caffeine has many health benefits; including reducing the risk of common cancers. Studies have shown the benefits of moderate amounts of caffeine. Caffeine increases energy availability and expenditure, decreases fatigue, increases cognitive and motor performance, and increases the ability to solve problems. There are … (2024-04-26). Is Donald Trump sad amid hush money trial. Trump seen golfing alone Bedminster Golf Club… (2024-04-26). Donald Trump cares more about Melania's birthday than hush money trial. Former US president pens birthday wish to former first lady… (2024-04-26). US Supreme Court justices lean towards some level of immunity in Trump case. SC justices signal support for US presidents having some level of protection from criminal charges for certain acts taken in office… (2024-04-26). US Supreme Court justices lean toward some level of immunity in Trump case. SC justices signal support for US presidents having some level of protection from criminal charges for certain acts taken in office… (2024-04-26). Bad news for Musk as Tesla to be probed over car safety issues. US auto industry safety regulators announces to investigate electric vehicle manufacturing company… (2024-04-26). Rahul Gandhi in the fray as India begins voting in 2nd phase of giant election. With religious hatred at its peak, India began voting on Friday in the second phase of the world's biggest election… (2024-04-26). Elon Musk beats Mark Zuckerberg as richest man, again. Tesla CEO is richer than Meta owner once again…

Philip Giraldi (2024-04-26). Students Are Taking the Lead in Denouncing Gaza Atrocities.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2024-04-26). Latvia Advances Russophobic Policies. Suppresses the Russian Language.

Global Research News (2024-04-26). Selected Articles: Russia's "Fourteen Points" for a European Security Policy: Why Was Moscow's 2009 Proposal Rejected? By In 2009, Russian President Medvedev (President from May 7th, 2008 to May 7th, …

≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá (2024-04-26). Never Forget! 1999—2024. "From Aggression to a New, Fairer World Order". Belgrade International Conference.

Belgrade Forum (2024-04-26). Not to Forget US-NATO Armed Aggression. 1999 — 2024. The Belgrade Declaration.

Dr. Joe Wang (2024-04-26). Excess Deaths in Japan Hit 115,000 Following Third COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why.

Global Research News (2024-04-26). This Week's Most Popular Articles. Felicity Arbuthnot, April 23, 2024 | Matthew Ehret-Kump, April 20, 20…

Bharat Dogra (2024-04-26). How and When the Ukraine Conflict May Involve a Direct Confrontation Between Russia and NATO, Possibly a Nuclear One.

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2024-04-26). Russia's "Fourteen Points" for a European Security Policy: Why Was Moscow's 2009 Proposal Rejected?

aaliyeva (2024-04-26). Azerbaijan: Joy turns into mourning as landmine claims lives.

ICRC (2024-04-26). Azerbaijan: Joy turns into mourning as landmine claims lives.

Free Palestine! (2024-04-26). Friday 4/26: Solidarity Seder. Quarry Plaza, UC Santa Cruz…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-04-26). ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 25.04.2024. ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 25.04.2024 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…

Angela (2024-04-26). Saturday 4/27: San Diego Peace Vigil for Palestine. Entry to Ocean Beach | Sunset Cliffs Blvd and W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego, CA…

Angela (2024-04-26). Sunday 4/28: Monterey Protest for Palestine. Windows on the Bay Park, Del Monte Beach | Monterey, CA…

Mega Mouth Rebels (2024-04-26). Saturday 5/4: Let Gaza Live! One Ferry Plaza, San Francisco, CA…

StopCopCampus (2024-04-26). No Cop Campus in the Bay – No Cop City Anywhere! Help Stop Cop Campus, Become Informed, Get Informed!

Occupy 4 Palestine (2024-04-26). Stanford Launches Gaza Solidarity Encampment. On Thursday afternoon, Students at Stanford University launched an encampment at White Plaza in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Later on Thursday evening, student organizers issued a call to all Bay Area residents to come to White Plaza for support.

Angela (2024-04-26). Sunday 4/28: Webinar: Update from the West Bank: How the Occupation has Intensified Since October 7th. Online |…

Angela (2024-04-26). Saturday 4/27: Free virtual screening of the film "The Edge of Death – In the Face of Adversity" Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2024-04-26). Sunday 4/28: Palo Alto Vigil for the Children of Gaza. Corner of Town & Country Village | 855 El Camino Real | Palo Alto, CA…

Code Pink (2024-04-26). Sunday 5/12: Golden Gate Protest for Palestine. Welcome Center, Golden Gate Bridge Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94129…

Angela (2024-04-26). Sunday 4/28: Santa Rosa Protest for Palestine. Courthouse Square | Santa Rosa, CA…

Occupy Cal Poly Humboldt (2024-04-26). Thursday 4/25: Cops Off Campus! Siemens Hall, Cal Poly Humboldt…

Emerald Cup (2024-04-26). Saturday 8/17: Emerald Cup 20th Anniversary Celebration. Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts | 10 10th Street, Oakland, CA 94607…

Stanford Against Apartheid in Palestine (2024-04-26). Thursday 4/25: Stanford University: Take Back Admit Weekend.

Occupy Cal Poly Humboldt (2024-04-26). A Message from Occupiers.

American Indian Resource Center at UCSC (2024-04-26). Saturday 4/27: Indigefest. Quarry Amphitheater, UC Santa Cruz…

SAM (2024-04-26). Some People Have All the Luck.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-26). Gaza, Hezbollah and the Decline of Zionism. Interview With Asad Abukhalil Richard Medhurst…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-26). Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare. Stavroula Pabst Stavroula Pabst explores the race to apply emerging neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), in times of both war and peace, expanding conflicts into a new domain — the brain — while perhaps forever changing humans' relationship with machines. Billionaire Elon Musk's brain-computer interface (BCI) company Neuralink made headlines earlier this year for inserting its first brain…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-26). Abu-Obeida's Multi-Layered Message: Gaza's Resistance Could Be Transformative for the Arab World. Abdel Bari Atwan Millions of people around the world eagerly await the occasional televised appearances of Abu-Obaida, the official spokesman of Hamas' military wing the Izzedin al-Qassam Brigades. There are several reasons for this. His speeches are short and to-the-point. He conveys morale-raising good news about the resistance's achievements in confronting the occupation. And he…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-26). Debt From Above: The Carbon Credit Coup. Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin Latin America is quietly being forced into a carbon market scheme through regional contractual obligations — enforced by the satellites of a US intelligence-linked firm — which seeks to create an inter-continental "smart grid," erode national and local sovereignty, and link carbon-based life to the debt-based monetary system via a…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-04-26). Kwame Nkrumah Today. Yao Graham Arrival of President Kwama Nkrumah, to the Non-Alignment Movement conference, Belgrade 1961. Image credit the Historical Archives of Belgrade New documents looking at British and American involvement in overthrowing Kwame Nkrumah give us pause to reflect on his legacy, and its resonances today. One of the most important dates for the Ghanaian left…

marketing (2024-04-26). Artificial Sweetener Could Harm Your Gut And The Microbes That Live There New Study #Artificial #Sweetener #Harm #Your #Microbes #That #Live #Study #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic. (MENAFN – The Conversation) An artificial sweetener called neotame can cause significant harm to the gut, my colleagues and I discovered . It does this harm in two ways. One, by breaking down the …

marketing (2024-04-26). Tiktok Users Claim Freezing Bread Can Make It Healthier Here's What The Science Actually Says #Tiktok #Users #Claim #Freezing #Bread #Make #Healthier #Here's #What #Science #Actually #Vaccines #Pills #Doctor #Hospital #Pandemic. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Several recent TikToks have claimed that freezing bread actually makes it healthier. Some of these mention there's research which backs up the claims. But is this food …

marketing (2024-04-26). A New Dash For Copper Is Underway – How Will It Play Out? Expert Q&A #Dash #Copper #Underway #Play #Out? #Expert #Gold #Silver #Diamonds #Copper #Aluminum. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Copper is in the headlines after Australian mining giant BHP made a bid for UK-based rival Anglo American, valuing the company at US$39 billion ( 31 billion). Together, …

marketing (2024-04-26). Trust In The Shadows: How Loyalty Fuels Illicit Economic Transactions #Trust #Shadows: #Loyalty #Fuels #Illicit #Economic #Transactions #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession. (MENAFN – The Conversation) When you think about economic activities that society tends to frown on like offering bribes, paying for the services of a sex worker or even selling human organs …

marketing (2024-04-26). Purple Hibiscus: Ibrahim Mahama's Barbican Installation Wraps The Brutalist Building In Bright Cloth And Reveals A Hidden History #Purple #Hibiscus: #Ibrahim #Mahama's #Barbican #Installation #Wraps #Brutalist #Building #Bright #Cloth #Reveals #Hidden #History #School #University #Collage #Teach #Student. (MENAFN – The Conversation) The Barbican recently unveiled Purple Hibiscus , a new textile installation by Ghanaian artist, Ibrahim Mahama . Named after Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 's …

marketing (2024-04-26). College Administrators Are Falling Into A Tried And True Trap Laid By The Right #College #Administrators #Falling #Into #Tried #True #Trap #Laid #Right #School #University #Collage #Teach #Student. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Interrogations of university leaders spearheaded by conservative congressional representatives. Calls from right-wing senators for troops to intervene in campus …

marketing (2024-04-26). Cybersecurity Researchers Spotlight A New Ransomware Threat Be Careful Where You Upload Files #Cybersecurity #Researchers #Spotlight #Ransomware #Threat #Careful #Where #Upload #Files #Cinema #Music #Movie #Disney #Netflix. (MENAFN – The Conversation) You probably know better than to click on links that download unknown files onto your computer. It turns out that uploading files can get you into trouble, too.Today's …

marketing (2024-04-26). Why Is China Risking US Sanctions By Arming Russia? Survival #China #Risking #Sanctions #Arming #Russia? #Survival #Apple #Samsung #Google #AI #Chat #GPT #Cyber #Security. (MENAFN – The Conversation) US secretary of state Antony Blinken fired a warning salvo towards China during a G7 foreign ministers' meeting on the Italian island of Capri on April 20. The US's top …

marketing (2024-04-26). Five Books By Maryse Conde To Introduce You To The Award-Winning Guadeloupian Writer #Five #Books #Maryse #Conde #Introduce #Award-Winning #Guadeloupian #Writer #School #University #Collage #Teach #Student. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Guadeloupian writer Maryse Conde , who has died aged 90, left a body of work which includes many deeply nuanced and wide-ranging responses to the centuries of often …

Staff (2024-04-26). Don't be swayed by diversionary tactics, come out and vote to protect democracy: Kharge to voters. NEW DELHI : As polling for the second phase of Lok Sabha elections began, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday urged voters to come out and vote to protect democracy from the clutches of dictatorship. In a fervent appeal to voters, he said this is not an ordinary election and they should not be swayed …

Staff (2024-04-26). Salman Khan house firing: Mumbai court extends 2 accused's police custody till April 29. Mumbai : The Mumbai Esplanade Court on Thursday extended the police custody of the accused duo in the Salman Khan house firing case by four days till April 29. The two accused, Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21), both from Bihar and allegedly members of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, were produced before the Additional …

Staff (2024-04-26). No Modi wave in Karnataka but one in favour of Congress govt: Siddaramaiah. Mysuru : Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday said there is "no Modi wave" in Karnataka but there is one in favour of Congress government's guarantee schemes, as he claimed his party will win about 20 out of total 28 Lok Sabha polls in the state. He was speaking to reporters after casting his vote …

Staff (2024-04-26). No Modi wave in Karnataka but one in favour of Congress govt: Siddaramaiah. Mysuru : Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday said there is "no Modi wave" in Karnataka but there is one in favour of Congress government's guarantee schemes, as he claimed his party will win about 20 out of total 28 Lok Sabha polls in the state. He was speaking to reporters after casting his vote …

Staff (2024-04-26). Salman Khan house firing: Mumbai court extends 2 accused's police custody till April 29. Mumbai : The Mumbai Esplanade Court on Thursday extended the police custody of the accused duo in the Salman Khan house firing case by four days till April 29. The two accused, Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21), both from Bihar and allegedly members of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, were produced before the Additional …

Staff (2024-04-26). SC dismisses pleas seeking mandatory EVM-VVPAT tally. NEW DELHI : The Supreme Court on Friday dismissed a batch of petitions seeking mandatory cross-verification of the votes cast in Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) with Voter-Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) slips. However, a bench headed by Justice Sanjiv Khanna asked the Election Commission of India to examine the suggestion if the VVPAT slips may, …

Staff (2024-04-26). Don't be swayed by diversionary tactics, come out and vote to protect democracy: Kharge to voters. NEW DELHI : As polling for the second phase of Lok Sabha elections began, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday urged voters to come out and vote to protect democracy from the clutches of dictatorship. In a fervent appeal to voters, he said this is not an ordinary election and they should not be swayed …

Alexis Sterling (2024-04-26). Supreme urgency tests Trump's claim to immunity amid election countdown. Legal experts and democracy advocates push for a swift Supreme Court decision on Trump's immunity claims, highlighting potential consequences for presidential accountability.

Alexandra Jacobo (2024-04-26). Climate confrontation: Over 50 arrested as activists target Citigroup's climate policies. Protesters descend on Citigroup's Manhattan HQ, igniting a 'Summer of Heat' against banks fueling fossil fuel projects and escalating the climate crisis.

Reynard Loki (2024-04-26). Should harming mother Earth be a crime? The case for ecocide. The destruction of nature might one day become a criminal offense adjudicated by the International Criminal Court.

Alexis Sterling (2024-04-26). Trump allies draft plans to seize control over Federal Reserve amid election campaign. Emerging reports reveal a secretive push by Trump supporters to curtail the Federal Reserve's autonomy, threatening the independence of U.S. monetary policy.

Will Porter (2024-04-26). Pentagon Unveils $6 Billion Arms Package for Ukraine. The US military has announced a $6 billion weapons transfer to Ukraine, including additional ammunition for the Patriot air defense platform, artillery rounds, drones, and other gear. The aid marks Washington's largest arms package to Kiev since the conflict with Russia erupted in 2022. The Pentagon outlined the latest military transfer on Friday, hailing the …

Kyle Anzalone (2024-04-26). Blinken Concludes China Visit by Treatening Economic War. Secretary of State Antony Blinken ended his three-day trip to China by instructing Beijing to end exports that help Russia's industrial sector or face US sanctions and tariffs. In China, Blinken met with People's Republic of China (PRC) President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. During his prepared remarks, Blinken explained that the US …

Kyle Anzalone (2024-04-26). Blinken Concludes China Visit by Threatening Economic War. Secretary of State Antony Blinken ended his three-day trip to China by instructing Beijing to end exports that help Russia's industrial sector or face US sanctions and tariffs. In China, Blinken met with People's Republic of China (PRC) President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. During his prepared remarks, Blinken explained that the US …

Peoples Health Dispatch (2024-04-26). Colombia to make HIV treatment more accessible through compulsory licensing.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-26). Lebanon studies French initiative for security in the South. The top executive figure emphasized the issue of not implementing any proposal outside the framework of the application of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, the Lebanese government's X account disclosed. | According to Mikati, talks with French President Emmanuel Macron on his visit to Paris last week included the presidential elections, hostility in the south, the file of displaced Syrians and assistance to the army. | This Sunday, the head of the Lebanese government will receive the French foreign minister, Stéphane Séjourné, to follow up on Paris' proposals centered on the power vacuum in the presidency and…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-04-26). Kenyan Government confirms willingness to send troops to Haiti. Nairobi, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The Kenyan Government has reportedly confirmed its willingness to send troops to Haiti following the inauguration of the Transitional Presidential Council in the Caribbean nation.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-04-26). Russian foreign minister to meet with Bolivian counterpart in Moscow. Moscow, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet with his Bolivian counterpart, Celinda Sosa, on Friday in Moscow, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova announced.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-04-26). Greece declined to send anti-aircraft systems to Ukraine. Athens, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Greece's Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, today stressed his country's refusal to deliver Patriot S-300 anti-aircraft defense systems to Ukraine, in the face of pressure from NATO and the European Union (EU).

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-04-26). Russia calls on the US to study a future proposal on weapons in space. Moscow, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov suggested that the United States impartially examine the alternative version of a resolution on weapons in space that Russia will soon present to the UN Security Council.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-04-26). Bolivia and Russia to review bilateral agenda. La Paz, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The official visit of the Foreign Minister of Bolivia, Celinda Sosa, to Russia, leads to a review of the bilateral agenda, as confirmed by the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-04-26). Chief of Chilean Carabineros to be charged. Santiago de Chile, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The General Director of the Chilean Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, will leave office possibly next week before being charged with human rights violations during the 2019 social protests.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-04-26). BRICS Security Chiefs to meet in Russia in September. Moscow, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The High Representatives for Security Affairs of the BRICS member countries will meet in September in Saint Petersburg, Russia, said the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-04-26). International Poetry Festival opens in Argentina. Buenos Aires, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Creators from several countries are participating in the 17th International Poetry Festival that opens in Argentina on Friday as part of the 48th edition of the Buenos Aires Book Fair.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-04-26). International Construction Fair ends in Cuba. Havana, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The 14th edition of the International Construction Fair, Fecons 2024, ends in Cuba on Friday, in which more than 100 exhibiting companies participated, with Russia as a guest of honor.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-26). Cuba Unica at professional tourism fair in Macao, China. Beijing, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuba will promote its Cuba Unica campaign at the 12th Macao International Travel Exhibition (Industry) (MITE), a professional tourism fair that will run until April 28.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-04-26). Chinese president rejects competition between China and the US. Beijing, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the United States to seek common interests, respect differences, and not compete during a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-04-26). Cuba greets Tanzania on 60 years united with Zanzibar and Tanganyika. Havana, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) congratulated on Friday the people and Government of Tanzania on the 60th anniversary of the union of Zanzibar and Tanganyika.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-04-26). Chinese FM says US must not interfere in China's affairs. Beijing, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Washington must not interfere in China's internal affairs or contain its development.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-26). VCP accepts resignation of Parliament chairman Vuong Dinh Hue. Hanoi, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (VCP) today accepted the resignation from office and work of the member of the Political Bureau and chairman of the National Assembly (Parliament), Vuong Dinh Hue.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-26). New economic businesses attend exhibition in Cuban province. Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MIPYME) Laminados Concepción is one of the new entrepreneurs attending the first Provincial Exposition, ExpoYayabo 2024, which is still open here today.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-04-26). Detained Russian deputy defense minister might face new charges. Moscow, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Russia's Investigative Committee informed on Friday that the involvement of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, who was arrested on a bribery case, is being investigated in other possible crimes for which he might be charged.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-04-26). NATO considers insufficient arms supply to Ukraine. Brussels, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Despite warnings from Russia about the counterproductive nature of rearming Ukraine, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, considered arms supplies insufficient.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-26). In 2023, 11,000 people died in Italy due to hospital infections. Rome, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Some 11 thousand people lost their lives in Italy in 2023 due to hospital infections, a high figure that indicates the importance of strengthening national programs to address this serious problem, a statement said.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-26). Kafka with cuban coffee in the Month of Europe in Cuba. Havana, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) As part of the activities of the Month of Europe in Cuba, next April 30, the activity Kafé with Kafka, dedicated to the centenary of the death of the famous Czech writer, Franz Kafka, will be held in this capital.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-04-26). Chinese and French armies set up dialogue mechanism for cooperation. Beijing, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The armies of China and France have established a dialogue mechanism for naval and air cooperation, the Ministry of Defense announced on Friday.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-26). DPRK leader supervises multiple rocket launcher tests. Pyongyang, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Workers' Party General Secretary and Chairman of the State Affairs Committee, Kim Jong Un, supervised the launching of 240-millimeter projectiles using a multiple rocket launcher made in a new modern factory.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-26). Suspect in the attack in Türkiye receives seven life sentences. Ankara, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The Justice of Türkiye sentenced to seven life sentences the main suspect of the attack that took place in November 2022, in the city of Istanbul with a toll of six dead and almost a hundred wounded.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-04-26). Another police officer commits suicide in Uruguay. Montevideo, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Suicide claimed another life in the Uruguayan Police, where a policeman from the department of Canelones took his own life, it was announced on Friday.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-26). Russia and Iran review situation in the Middle East. Moscow, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov expressed his serious concern over the escalation of tension in the Middle East at a meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Ali Bagheri Kani, the Foreign Ministry reported on Friday.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-26). Petro denies norm to ask Venezuelans for passport in Colombia. Bogota, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Friday denied information published local media saying that the government is considering asking Venezuelan migrants for updated passports to enter the country.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-04-26). Bolivian university students know about the real Venezuelan elections. La Paz, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The electoral reality that Venezuela is living today was exposed by the ambassador of that country in Bolivia, César Trómpiz, in a master conference before students and professors of the Universidad Unión Bolivariana.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-26). Venezuelan Film Festival closes in India. Caracas, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) The second edition of the Venezuelan Film Festival in Calcutta closes in that Indian city, after four days of cinematographic exhibition that started with the screening of the film Blindado, by Carlos Malavé.

GAIA (2024-04-26). CSOs Denounce ADB's Draft Safeguards Policy, Call for Immediate Revisions. The draft ESF, aimed at updating ADB's safeguards policies, is being met with opposition from civil society groups due to a wide range of critical shortcomings, including: | Lack of Clear Lines of Accountability | Lack of Clarity Related to the Stakeholder Engagement | Lack of Human Rights Approach | Weakened Environmental and Social Protections | Gender Consideration Dilution | Climate Change standards that fail to stand up to climate science | Opaque Financial Intermediary Lending | In light of these grave concerns, the NGO Forum on ADB and the Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) together wit…

Kurit-Lagting (2024-04-26). Writers' Group Presents 'Poems in Print' Exhibit: A Celebration of Local Poetry at Kapihan Café, Legazpi City. Legazpi, Albay— Rhymes of PEG, a community of writers and artists, is set to hold a "Poems in Print" Exhibit at Kapihan Café in Legazpi City, Albay from April 27 to May 11, 2024. | Featuring poetry pieces by local writers, the exhibit aims to celebrate poetry just in time for National Poetry Month, which occurs every April. It also aims to showcase and highlight the works of poets, regardless of their native language, and to present them together in an exhibit for many people to read and appreciate. It's like achieving the best of both worlds when art meets poetry and combines them into one masterpiece.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Estados Unidos retorna a Cuba migrantes irregulares por vía aérea. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) Autoridades de Estados Unidos retornaron la víspera a 47 ciudadanos cubanos por el aeropuerto internacional José Martí, informó el Ministerio del Interior (Minint).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Foro Permanente de comunidades indígenas cierra jornadas en ONU. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) El Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU cerrará hoy sus jornadas dedicadas a exigir el derecho a la libre determinación de esas comunidades con énfasis en las voces de los más jóvenes.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Están asegurados los productos de la canasta familiar normada de mayo. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) El Consejo Nacional de Distribución del Ministerio de Comercio Interior (Mincin) evaluó, recientemente, la distribución de los productos de la canasta familiar normada correspondiente al mes de mayo, así como los atrasos existentes.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Jefe de Carabineros de Chile al banquillo de los acusados. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) El director de Carabineros de Chile, Ricardo Yáñez, dejará el cargo posiblemente la próxima semana, antes de ser imputado por violaciones de derechos humanos durante el estallido social de 2019, según informaciones publicadas hoy.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-04-26). Levantan suspensión a pesista cubana Marifélix Sarría. La Habana, 26 abr (JIT).- El panel de Audiencias de Centro Caribe Sports levantó la suspensión provisional a la pesista cubana Marifélix Sarría Ruiz. La medida permanecía vigente desde el pasado agosto.

Maria Calvo (2024-04-26). Autoridades cubanas saludaron próxima celebración del Primero de Mayo. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) Autoridades cubanas saludaron a través de la red social X, las celebraciones por el el venidero 1 de Mayo, Día Internacional de los Trabajadores.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-04-26). Bronce para kayacísta cubana Daylen Rodríguez en Sarasota. La Habana, 26 abr (ACN) La kayacísta cubana Daylen Rodríguez ganó la medalla de bronce en el monoplaza (K1) a 500 metros, en la final directa del Campeonato Panamericano de Canotaje de velocidad, con sede en la ciudad estadounidense de Sarasota, Florida.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Agrupación de teatro infantil cubana inaugura festival en Turquía. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) El grupo cubano La Colmenita inauguró el Festival Internacional de Teatro Infantil "Little Ladies, Little Gentlemen" (Pequeñas Damas, Pequeños Caballeros), en la capital turca.

Center for Excellence in Disaster Management, Humanitarian Assistance (2024-04-26). Disaster Management Reference Handbook – Lao PDR (May 2024). Country: Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) | Source: Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance | Please refer to the attached file. | Executive Summary | The Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR) is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in Southeast Asia, with the majority of the population comprised of ethnic Lao people alongside many other minority groups who reside predominantly in the foothills and mountains. While Lao PDR still faces relatively high poverty rates, it has made incredible strides in poverty reduction since the socialist state instituted economi…

International Federation of Red Cross, Red Crescent Societies (2024-04-26). Kenya, Africa | Floods 2023 Operation Update (MDRKE058) (26/04/2024). Country: Kenya | Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies | Please refer to the attached file. | To date, this Emergency Appeal, which seeks CHF18,000,000 Federation Wide is 16% funded. Further funding contributions are needed to enable the Kenya Red Cross Society, with support from IFRC, to continue with the response efforts by providing humanitarian assistance and protecting the people affected by the floods. | A. SITUATION ANALYSIS | Communities in Kenya are once again facing heavy rains and devasting floods. Since mid-March it is reported that at least 38 people have died…

Centers for Disease Control, Prevention (2024-04-26). DR Congo: The President's Malaria Initiative – 18th Annual Report to Congress (April 2024). Countries: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cà¥te d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lao People's Democratic Republic (the), Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America, Zambia, Zimbabwe | Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Agency for International Development | Please refer to the attached file. | Driving Progress in the Fight to End Malaria | For Immediate Release | Office of Press…

noreply (2024-04-26). How To Put It In Simpler Terms…

noreply (2024-04-26). Larry At The UN Security Council… Nord Stream-2 investigation.

noreply (2024-04-26). About The Ark…

noreply (2024-04-26). And What Did They Expect?

TASS (2024-04-26). Scholz asks allies to find additional air defense capabilities for Ukraine. Germany is the second largest arms supplier to Ukraine after the US…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russia's football chief Dyukov rules out Russia-Paraguay friendly match until 2026. The Russian national football team was scheduled to play a friendly football match against Paraguay on March 25, but the game was called off following a deadly terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow Region…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russian gas production to gain 4.6% in 2024 — Economy Ministry. Pipeline gas exports are forecast to edge up by 7% to 108 bln cubic meters…

TASS (2024-04-26). Space station's orbit raised by 1 km — Roscosmos. According to preliminary information, the average altitude of the orbital outpost was increased to 414.8 km above the Earth's surface…

TASS (2024-04-26). Charles III to return to public duties soon — Buckingham Palace. The king, 75, and queen will host their majesties the emperor and empress of Japan for a state visit in June, according to the palace…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russia may cut oil production by 1.2% in 2024 — Economy Ministry. The Russian oil export prices is expected in the base case at the level of $65 per barrel in 2024-2027…

TASS (2024-04-26). International cooperation needed to investigate Nord Stream incidents — Russian diplomat. According to Nebenzya, the real goal of the West, which is seeking to persuade the world of the futility of international efforts, is "to keep on telling the tale of lost time" as long as possible in a hope that "international community will forget about this terrorist attack"

TASS (2024-04-26). Top Chinese diplomat calls for creating conditions for talks on Ukraine. Wang Yi also called for "resolutely opposing attempts to take advantage of the chaos and add fuel to the fire"

TASS (2024-04-26). DPRK supports Russia in defending sovereignty, security — ambassador. The North Korean ambassador Sin Hong Chol praised the "sincere and excellent friendly relations" between Russian President Vladimir Putin and DPRK leader Kim Jong Un…

TASS (2024-04-26). Terrorist attacks occur in Iran, Russia due to US support for terrorism — Iran's top brass. According to the news agency Tasnim, when speaking about NATO eastward expansion, Mohammad Reza Ashtiani emphasized that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states should utilize the SCO potential in order to neutralize common threats…

TASS (2024-04-26). Dollar grows to 92.19 rubles, euro declines to 98.49 rubles on Moscow Exchange. Yuan rate increased by 1.8 kopecks, to 12.67 rubles…

TASS (2024-04-26). Sberbank posts 11% rise in Q1 net profit under IFRS to $4.3 bln. Net interest income rose by 24.4% in the reporting period year-on-year to $7.5 bln on the back of increasing volume of working assets…

TASS (2024-04-26). North Korea tests multiple rocket launchers produced at new defense enterprise. Country's leader Kim Jong Un said the systems feature advanced technologies and "will contribute to strategic changes in the process of strengthening the artillery forces."

TASS (2024-04-26). US government prepares to sign $6-bln contract for arms deliveries to Ukraine — Politico. According to the article, the United States "is putting the finishing touches" on one of its largest Ukraine military aid packages to date, which may be announced on Friday…

TASS (2024-04-26). Athens hold official hand-over ceremony of 2024 Olympic Flame to France. "Exactly three months before the Olympic Games begin, the Olympic flame has been handed over, transitioning from its Greek origins to the French stage, signifying the next chapter in its journey towards Paris," the statement reads…

TASS (2024-04-26). Swiss conference on Ukraine undermines European security — Russian diplomat. In Maxim Buyakevich words, neither the talks nor their outcome can change the existing political and territorial realities…

TASS (2024-04-26). US-led coalition's aircraft violate Syrian airspace eight times in past day. Acording to Yury Popov, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, apart from that, in his words, four violations of the deconfliction protocols of December 9, 2019…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russian stocks up as Friday trading opens. The dollar exchange rate was up by 0.07% at 92 rubles on Moscow Exchange, while the euro was up by 0.05% at 98.71 rubles…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russian aerospace forces hit two terrorists base in Syria's Homs governorate. Yury Popov, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, also said that one shelling attack on the positions of government forces was reported in the Idlid de-escalation zone from positions of the Jabhat al-Nusra…

TASS (2024-04-26). Over 2,000 residential buildings remain flooded in Russia's Kurgan Region. The regional weather watchdog said that the water level in the Tobol River in the city of Kurgan dropped by 14 cm to 906 cm in the past day…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russian Central Bank's key rate to total 13% as of end-2024, GDP to grow by 2.8% — Sber. Taras Skvortsov said that the lender would consider the possibility of the financial projections upgrade following the results of Q1 2024…

TASS (2024-04-26). Istanbul accords could have stopped hostilities in Ukraine — German newspaper. The deal still looks advantageous even after two years of war, Welt am Sonntag said…

TASS (2024-04-26). Ship receives damage in missile attack off Yemeni coast — UKMTO. The Master has reported two attacks…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russian Economy Ministry expects trade balance surplus to decline. Exports of goods are expected to drop to $419.7 bln this year. Imports are forecast to grow to $315.7 bln in 2024…

TASS (2024-04-26). Miguel Salgado's 'Shame' wins main prize at Moscow International Film Festival. The film is focused on two teenagers Pedro and Lucio, who are forced to fight each other to the death in order to survive after being abducted…

TASS (2024-04-26). Russian foreign minister to meet with Bolivian counterpart in Moscow. The top diplomats are to discuss bilateral ties, political dialogue, ways of broadening cooperation in various sectors and improving the legislative and contractual framework…

TASS (2024-04-26). Another Chernobyl looms as Ukraine continues to attack ZNPP, former Ukrainian PM warns. "The Kiev regime is destroying nuclear facilities without thinking about the consequences as it is endangering the safe and stable operation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants and increasing the risk of a disaster," Nikolay Azarov stressed…

TASS (2024-04-26). Negative trends still on rise in US-China relations — top Chinese diplomat. The United States should not cross the red lines with regard to China's sovereignty and security, Wang Yi added…

TASS (2024-04-26). Insurers refuse to pay compensation for Nord Stream — Russian envoy to UN. Vasily Nebenzya stressed that insurers conclude on their own that the "explosion at the gas pipelines was made using an explosive devices, willfully and due to political motives," thereby confirming its terroristic nature…

TASS (2024-04-26). Winners of 46th Moscow International Film Festival to be announced. The jury deciding on the top award, the Golden St. George, is chaired by Icelandic director Fridrik Thor Fridriksson…

TASS (2024-04-26). Senior security official points to rising tensions on Belarus' western border. Tensions "have reached a peak where the slightest imbalance can lead either to a serious, high-profile and large-scale provocation or a conflict," Pavel Muraveiko stressed…

TASS (2024-04-26). Moscow Zoo gifts animals to North Korea — news agency. Earlier, a delegation from the Moscow Zoo headed by its head Svetlana Akulova arrived in Pyongyang on April 22…

TASS (2024-04-26). Cosmonauts complete spacewalk two hours ahead of schedule. The cosmonauts fulfilled their tasks way faster than planned, spending four hours and 36 minutes in space…

TASS (2024-04-26). Venezuelan foreign ministry, Russian embassy hold joint conference in Caracas. The event brought together almost 200 diplomats, foreign ministry staffers and experts in international relations…

TASS (2024-04-26). FSB nabs Neo-Nazi group members in Volgograd Region plotting high-profile terror act. During the questioning, the detainees gave confessionary evidence that sharing the ideas of racial and religious supremacy, they established contact with the ringleaders of the pro-Ukrainian terrorist organization…

TASS (2024-04-26). Erdogan moves back from May 9 his trip to US — report. The report hasn't been officially confirmed…

TASS (2024-04-26). Big businesses' investments in Murmansk Region 5 times up since 2020. The regional authorities have signed eight cooperation agreements with big businesses on development of urban areas, Governor Andrey Chibis noted…

TASS (2024-04-26). US-oriented structures try to reformat security system in Asia-Pacific region. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu underlined that this is being done by strengthening "military-political structures such as QUAD, AUKUS and the US-Japan-Philippines triad"

TASS (2024-04-26). West reluctant to punish those responsible for Nord Stream blasts — Russian diplomat. According to Vasily Nebenzya, the situation is as though a year-long probe into a murder yielded a conclusion that "the victim was murdered"

tvbrics (2024-04-26). Egypt and African Development Bank finilise programme to strengthen country's entrepreneurial ecosystem. Egypt expands cooperation opportunities‚Å…

tvbrics (2024-04-26). Egyptian ministers Meet with President El-Sisi to support the state's goal of strengthening the country's industry. The outcome of their meeting is a proposal to integrate finance into the transport system…

tvbrics (2024-04-26). 6-cylinder engine is developed in Iran. More than 40 scientists have participated in the development…

tvbrics (2024-04-26). South Africa's foreign minister says further BRICS expansion should be well thought out. She outlined the advantages and main objectives of the association…

tvbrics (2024-04-26). Brazil's national food basket to consist of 15 zero-taxed products. The government said that fresh or "minimally processed" foods have been used as the basis for determining the national basic food basket…

tvbrics (2024-04-26). Bolivia wants to join BRICS. Russia, as the chairing country of BRICS this year, supports Bolivia's aspirations…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Ukraine Plotting Chemical Weapons Provocation Amid Battlefield Failures — Russia's OPCW Envoy. Igor Kirillov, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops of the Russian Armed Forces, earlier said that Moscow had recorded a whole array of cases of Ukrainian troops using US chemical munitions during the special military operation.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Ukraine's Military Casualties in Donetsk Area Reach Up to 430 – MoD. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Ukrainian armed forces have suffered up to 430 military casualties near several settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in the past 24 hours, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said on Friday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). New US $6Bln Aid for Ukraine Includes Munitions for NASAMS, Patriot, HIMARS. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States' newly announced $6 billion security package for Ukraine includes additional munitions for NASAMS, Patriot, and HIMARS systems, the Pentagon said Friday in a release.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Prolonged Conflict Not in Country's Interest – Ukrainian Analyst. Polling shows increasing numbers of Ukrainians are unwilling to join the country's faltering military effort and oppose attempts to draft more fighters.

Taras Bilous (2024-04-26). "If we didn't join the armed forces, the left in Ukraine would cease to exist," says Taras Bilous. "If I were to give some general advice, I would recommend paying less attention to which abstract position is correct, and focusing more on practical action to help us climb out of the hole we are in." | – | / |

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Ciao, Abrams: Ukraine Sidelines US-Made M1A1 Tanks Due to Russian Drones. Russian forces have already destroyed five of the 31 American-made M1 Abrams tanks that the Pentagon sent to Ukraine last year as part of US military aid that Moscow has repeatedly warned would only prolong the Ukraine conflict.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Great Place to Send US Money To: Another Top Ukrainian Official Busted on Suspicion of Corruption. The country already notorious for its rampant corruption has recently been rocked by yet another scandal involving a top Ukrainian government official.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). French Servicemen Promised Big Money for Fighting in Ukraine – Ex-Intel Officer. PARIS (Sputnik) – French servicemen are being promised a golden parachute for participating in fictitious "resignations" to fight in Ukraine said Nicolas Cinquini, a veteran of France's counter-terrorism intelligence service, to Sputnik.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). NATO Troops Don't Want to Die: Poland and Lithuania to Repatriate Ukrainian Draft Dodgers. The two countries have signaled they will help the Kiev regime to bring potential draft dodgers home. Earlier, the countries appeared reluctant to extradite conscript-aged Ukrainian men.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US Cluster Munition Coalition Slams US Decision to Transfer New Batch of Munitions to Ukraine. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The US Cluster Munition Coalition said it was shocked by Washington's decision to transfer its cluster munitions to Ukraine for the fifth time, citing the long-term humanitarian consequences such weapons could have.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). A Bridge Too Far? Latest Batch of US Weapons Not Reaching Ukraine Anytime Soon. Having already wasted over $100 billion of US taxpayers' money on weapon shipments for Ukraine, the Biden administration now moves to spend a few billion more to fan the flames of the Ukrainian conflict.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US Military Leaders Decline to Comment on Reports Kiev Moved Abrams Tanks From Frontlines. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Charles Brown on Friday declined to comment on reports that the Ukrainian armed forces moved Abrams tanks from the frontlines due to threats from Russian drones.

Editor (2024-04-26). Ukraine war funding and failed Russian sanctions. Russia is extremely unlikely to fall a third time for a Biden/NATO request to 'freeze' military operations and negotiate again.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Greece rules out air defence systems to Ukraine, prime minister says.

Vijay Prashad (2024-04-26). How Africa's national liberation struggles brought democracy to Europe: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2024). African liberation struggles not only won independence in their own countries; they also defeated Estado Novo colonialism, which spurred the Carnation Revolution 50 years ago.

WSWS (2024-04-26). Germany's Green Party vice-chancellor appoints himself "defence industry minister" The Green politician knows what he's talking about. The last time there was a defence industry minister was under Hitler.

WSWS (2024-04-26). UPS stock price and earnings beat market Q1 expectations as the attack on jobs accelerates. Better than expected profits are the result of a $3 billion cost cutting plan that will reduce UPS's "dependency on labor"

WSWS (2024-04-26). Higher for longer interest rates hit the global economy. Apart from the US, where there are mounting concerns over the levels of government debt, major industrial countries are in grip of a marked economic slowdown.

WSWS (2024-04-26). New York appeals court overturns producer Harvey Weinstein's 2020 conviction, orders new trial. The 2020 conviction of former film producer Harvey Weinstein was thrown out on Thursday by the New York Court of Appeals, which found that he had been denied the right to a fair trial.

WSWS (2024-04-26). Interest in rank-and-file fightback at Royal Mail: Belfast, London, West Yorkshire. "Managers are manipulative, intimidating and specifically target new starters who might feel their job is at risk."

WSWS (2024-04-26). New Zealand: Court action continues over Pike River mine disaster. Families of some of the 29 workers killed in the 2010 coal mine disaster are continuing their fight for answers about why authorities dropped charges against Pike River Coal chief executive Peter Whittall over the extremely dangerous conditions in the mine.

WSWS (2024-04-26). Survivors and families of the victims of Manchester Arena bombing to sue MI5. This is the first case of its kind against the intelligence service and threatens to unravel a massive state cover-up.

WSWS (2024-04-26). The WHO updates its terminology for pathogens that transmit through the air. The World Health Organization published a consensus statement on airborne pathogens, finally aligning the WHO with scientists who presented evidence of this early in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, but with no guidance on what measures should now be taken on the pandemic.

WSWS (2024-04-26). Contract for 7,300 Daimler Truck workers in US set to expire tonight as UAW maneuvers to block all out fight. As the April 26 midnight strike deadline for 7,300 Daimler Truck workers approaches, the UAW apparatus headed by President Shawn Fain is maneuvering to block an all-out fight.

WSWS (2024-04-26). Supreme Court hearing on Trump immunity claim debates how far US president can go in committing crimes. Both the attorney for Trump and the Department of Justice representative agreed that the president must have broad immunity from prosecution for actions taken in his capacity as commander-in-chief.

WSWS (2024-04-26). May Day 2024: Build a socialist movement of workers and youth to stop World War III, fascism and dictatorship! On Saturday, May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International will hold an online rally to celebrate May Day. This year's rally is of exceptional importance.

yenisafak (2024-04-26). Bizim Yaƒü ve SuperFresh'ten herkes iàßin eri≈üilebilir mutfak deneyimi. Türkiye'nin taze dondurulmu≈ü gƒ±da ve yaƒü pazarƒ±nƒ±n lider ≈üirketi Kerevita≈ü markalarƒ±ndan Bizim Yaƒü ve SuperFresh, gà∂rme engelli bireyler iàßin yapay zeka destekli àßà∂zàºmler àºreten BlindLook ile yeni bir i≈ü birliƒüine ba≈üladƒ±. Bu i≈ü birliƒüi kapsamƒ±nda Bizim Yaƒü'ƒ±n YouTube'da yakla≈üƒ±k 600 bin aboneye sahip olan "Hamur Bizim ƒ∞…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). ABD'de à∂ƒürenciler protestolarƒ±n fitilini ate≈üledi: Her geàßen saat yeni okullar ekleniyor. ABD'nin New York kentindeki Columbia àúniversitesi yà∂netimi ile à∂ƒürenciler arasƒ±nda Gazze protestosu gerginliƒüi devam ederken, ƒ∞srail'in saldƒ±rƒ±larƒ±na kar≈üƒ± à∂ƒürenci protestolarƒ±, diƒüer àºniversitelerde de yayƒ±ldƒ±. | Northwestern àúniversitesi: | Northwestern àúniversitesi à∂ƒürencileri Filistin i≈ügalini ve Gazze'deki soykƒ±rƒ±mƒ± p…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). Bakan ≈ûim≈üek'in talimatƒ± ile 500 makam aracƒ± satƒ±≈üa à߃±karƒ±ldƒ±. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Yardƒ±mcƒ±sƒ± Cevdet Yƒ±lmaz, Hazine ve Maliye Bakanƒ± Mehmet ≈ûim≈üek ile Cumhurba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Strateji ve Bàºtàße Ba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ±'nƒ±n koordinasyonunda ba≈ülatƒ±lan kamudaki yeni tasarruf tedbirleri, makam araàßlarƒ±nƒ±n tasfiye edilmesi ile ba≈ülƒ±yor. Edinilen bilgilere gà∂re, kamu kurumlarƒ&plu…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). MàúSƒ∞AD INVEST Tàºrk cumhuriyetleri arasƒ±ndaki yatƒ±rƒ±ma à∂ncàºlàºk ediyor. Màºstakil Sanayici ve ƒ∞≈üadamlarƒ± Derneƒüi (MàúSƒ∞AD), MàúSƒ∞AD INVEST olu≈üumuyla birlikte yeni dƒ±≈ü yatƒ±rƒ±mlara à∂ncàºlàºk ve rehberlik edecek olan yatƒ±rƒ±m fƒ±rsatlarƒ±nƒ±n ikinci bàºyàºk toplantƒ±sƒ±nƒ± Tàºrk Cumhuriyetleri temasƒ±yla geràßekle≈ütirdi. | MàúSƒ∞AD Genel Ba≈ükanƒ…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). Bakan Yumaklƒ±'dan àßiftàßilere màºjde: 4,4 milyar tutarƒ±nda destek à∂demeleri ba≈üladƒ±. Tarƒ±msal desteklemeler kapsamƒ±nda 4 milyar 435 bin 821 lira tutarƒ±nda à∂deme, àßiftàßilerin hesabƒ±na aktarƒ±lƒ±yor. | Tarƒ±m ve Orman Bakanƒ± ƒ∞brahim Yumaklƒ±, sosyal medya hesabƒ±ndan yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± aà߃±klamada, "àúreticilerimize ve àßiftàßilerimize desteklerimiz devam ediyor. Toplamda 4 milyar 435 milyon 821 bin lira tarƒ±msal destekleme à∂demesini àßiftàßilerimizin…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). ƒ∞stanbullular dikkat! Pazar gàºnຠbu yollar trafiƒüe kapalƒ± olacak: ƒ∞≈üte alternatif gàºzargâhlar. ƒ∞stanbul Valiliƒüi'nden yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamada pazar gàºnຠdàºzenlenecek 19. ƒ∞stanbul Yarƒ± Maratonu iàßin bazƒ± yollarƒ±n trafiƒüe kapatƒ±lacaƒüƒ± ve alternatif gàºzergahlarƒ±n olu≈üturulduƒüu belirtildi. | ƒ∞≈üte saat 02.00'dan etkinlik sonuna kadar kapatƒ±lacak yollarSahil Kenndy Caddesi Gàºney Yol Samatya varyant ile Yenikapƒ± etkinlik alanƒ± aras&…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). ƒ∞≈ügalci ƒ∞srail Batƒ± ≈ûeria'da màºlteci kampƒ±na baskƒ±n dàºzenledi. ƒ∞srail ordusu askeri araàßlarla Huvvara kontrol noktasƒ±ndan girerek Balata Màºlteci Kampƒ±'na baskƒ±n dàºzenledi. | Kamptaki bir evi ku≈üatan ƒ∞srail askerleri ile baskƒ±na kar≈üƒ± à߃±kan Filistinliler arasƒ±nda àßatƒ±≈üma à߃±ktƒ±. | ƒ∞srail ordusunun gàºnàºn ilk saatlerinden bu yana i≈ügal altƒ±ndaki Batƒ± ≈ûeria'nƒ±n à&szli…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). ƒ∞leti≈üim Ba≈ükanƒ± Altun: Filistin davasƒ±nda yerimiz hakikatin yanƒ±. Cumhurba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± ƒ∞leti≈üim Ba≈ükanƒ± Fahrettin Altun, ƒ∞stanbul'da bir otelde dàºzenlenen TRT ƒ∞spanyolca Konu≈üulan àúlkeler 1. Yayƒ±ncƒ±lƒ±k Zirvesi ve TRT ƒ∞spanyolcanƒ±n tanƒ±tƒ±m programƒ±nda yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± konu≈ümada, zirvenin, Uluslararasƒ± Gazetecilik àáalƒ±≈ütayƒ± ile dàºn ba…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). Areda Piar'dan algƒ± ara≈ütƒ±rmasƒ±: Tàºrk halkƒ±nƒ±n yàºzde 82,1'ine gà∂re kafe ve restoran i≈ületmecileri fƒ±rsatà߃±lƒ±k yapƒ±yor! Areda Piar ara≈ütƒ±rma ≈üirketi, Türkiye genelinde 1.100 ki≈üinin katƒ±lƒ±mƒ±yla Kafe ve Restoran Fiyatlarƒ± Algƒ± Ara≈ütƒ±rmasƒ± geràßekle≈ütirdi. | Tàºrk halkƒ± kafe ve restoranlarda àßay / kahve iàßip sosyalle≈üiyor: Areda Piar ara≈ütƒ±rma ≈üirketi, Türkiye genelinde 1.100 ki≈üiyle geràßekle≈ütirdiƒüi ara≈ütƒ&plus…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). Dolandƒ±rƒ±cƒ±larƒ±n IBAN kiralama oyununa dikkat! Ticaret Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± harekete geàßti. Ticaret Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamada, dolandƒ±rƒ±cƒ±larƒ±n, àße≈üitli platformlar àºzerinden tàºketicilere ula≈üarak, "banka hesabƒ±nƒ±n kiralanmasƒ± ya da kullandƒ±rƒ±lmasƒ± kar≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nda yàºksek kazanàß" vaadiyle yasa dƒ±≈üƒ± kanallardan edinilen paranƒ±n transferini…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). ƒ∞stiklal Caddesi'ndeki terà∂r saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ± davasƒ±nda karar: Ahlam Albashƒ±r 7 kez aƒüƒ±rla≈ütƒ±rƒ±lmƒ±≈ü màºebbet ile bin 794 yƒ±l hapis cezasƒ±na àßarptƒ±rƒ±ldƒ±. ƒ∞stanbul ƒ∞stiklal Caddesi'nde meydana gelen bombalƒ± terà∂r saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±na ili≈ükin aralarƒ±nda bombayƒ± bƒ±rakan Ahlam Albashir'in de bulunduƒüu 36 sanƒ±ƒüƒ±n yargƒ±landƒ±ƒüƒ± davada karar à߃±ktƒ±. Mahkeme, sanƒ±k Albashir'in 7 kez aƒüƒ±rla≈ütƒ±rƒ±lmƒ±≈ü màºebbet ile bin 794 y…

yenisafak (2024-04-26). Bakan Bayraktar: Elektrikte yerli ve yenilenebilir kaynaklarƒ±n payƒ± artƒ±yor. Bayraktar, sosyal medya platformu X'te yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± payla≈üƒ±mda, "Elektrik àºretiminde yerli ve yenilenebilir kaynaklarƒ±n payƒ±nƒ± artƒ±rarak ekonomimizi gàºàßlendirmeye devam ediyoruz." ifadesini kullandƒ±. | Bayraktar'ƒ±n payla≈ütƒ±ƒüƒ± infografikte, Mart 2023'te elektrik àºretiminin yàºzde 35,7'sinin yenilenebilir enerjiden kar≈üƒ±landƒ±ƒüƒ± belirtilirken ge…

NEOB (2024-04-26). Stage 2 load shedding anticipated for winter 2024. Stage 2 load shedding anticipated for winter 2024 | Eskom anticipates that load shedding will likely be "maintained within Stage 2" this winter period. | This is according to the power utility's Group Chief Executive Dan Marokane, who was speaking during the State of the System and Winter Outlook media briefing held at Megawatt Park on Friday. | He said the forecast was made on the anticipation of the Unplanned Capacity Loss Factor (UCLF) reaching 14 000MW during winter — down from the anticipated 15 000MW during the same period last year. | The UCLF is the rate at which generating units breakdown and do no… (2024-04-26). Xi meets U.S. secretary of state. Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing on Friday. (2024-04-26). China hopes U.S. can view China's development in positive light: Xi. Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that China is happy to see a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States, and hopes the United States can also look at China's development in a positive light. (2024-04-26). China, U.S. must decide the future path of ties, Wang tells Blinken. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday that China and the United States are facing a major question of whether pursuing the stable development of bilateral ties on a forward-looking path or repeating the downward spiral. (2024-04-26). U.S. household food insecurity a symptom of systemic social inequality: Australian expert. This data is symptomatic of a social settlement that is not meeting the basic expectations of a large proportion of people. The effects are multifarious, including spillover into the global sphere where domestic imbalances play out in attacks on other countries' trade relations and productive capacities, according to Wariwick Powell. (2024-04-26). Chinese Defense Minister holds talks with Kazakhstan president. Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun met with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in Astana on Thursday.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-26). Jay Mazini sentenced for $8M Crypto fraud scheme. Jebara Igbara, also known as "Jay Mazini" on social media, has been sentenced to seven years in prison for committing wire fraud, wire fraud conspiracy, and money laundering. | The sentence was handed down by U.S. District Judge Frederic Block in a recent hearing at the Brooklyn federal court. | Igbara had admitted to deceiving members of the Muslim community out of $8 million, which he used to live a luxurious lifestyle, buying expensive cars and gambling excessively. | Igbara took advantage of the economic difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by using his connections in the Muslim community to ask fo… (2024-04-26). Chang'e 7 to carry foreign payloads. China's Chang'e 7 robotic mission will carry six science payloads built by foreign scientists to the moon's south pole, according to the China National Space Administration.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Familiar foes France and England battle for Six Nations title. (2024-04-26). World's first cable-stayed bridge in alpine canyon landscape. The 1,260-meter-long bridge is the world's first alpine canyon landscape cable-stayed bridge with sightseeing glass walkway and panoramic sightseeing elevator.

The Independent (2024-04-26). REPORT: Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and DRC are electoral autocracies. Gothenburg, Sweden | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda is on a long list of autocratic countries in the world, according to the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute's eighth annual Democracy Report 2024. The report says the world is almost evenly divided between 91 democracies and 88 autocracies. Nevertheless, 71% of the world's population — 5.7 billion …

Dick Nichols (2024-04-26). Spanish Basque Country election: Change looming under the surface. In the Spanish Basque Country (Euskadi), all signs point to a difficult life for the incoming Basque Nationalist-Socialist Party of Euskadi regional government, following the April 21 election, reports Dick Nichols. (2024-04-26). China's gold consumption rises 5.94% in Q1. China's gold consumption rose 5.94 percent in the first quarter of 2024 from a year earlier, thanks to surging demand for safe havens, China Gold Association said on Friday. (2024-04-26). Türkiye Sigorta ve Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik'ten rekor kar. ≈ûirketten yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamaya gà∂re, Türkiye Sigorta, ocak-mart dà∂neminde geàßen yƒ±lƒ±n aynƒ± dà∂nemine kƒ±yasla karƒ±nƒ± 6,5 kat artƒ±rarak yakla≈üƒ±k 3,53 milyar kar elde etti. Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik ise yakla≈üƒ±k 2,44 milyar lira ile àßeyrek bazƒ±nda rekor kƒ±rdƒ±. | ≈ûirketler, yƒ±lƒ±n ilk àßeyreƒüinde geà&szli…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). American Coleman believes Bolt's 100m record could fall soon.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). International Investigation Into Nord Stream Terror Attack Needed – Russian UN Envoy. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – An international probe into the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines is necessary to find out the truth, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia said on Friday.

The Independent (2024-04-26). NRM manifesto implementation at 35%. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The NRM Manifesto Implementation Unit has indicated that the party has so far fulfilled 35 percent of its 2021-26 commitments to Ugandans. The Unit released its half-term internal performance review audit report for three financial years, 2021/22, 2022/23 and the running one 2023/24. According to the report, the performance … (2024-04-26). China likely to become 1st to bring Martian soil back to Earth. China likely to become 1st to bring Martian soil back to Earth in Tianwen 3 science and engineering endeavor, top space scientist said.

Brais Fernandez, Dave Kellaway (2024-04-26). Remembering the Carnation revolution. This week sees the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese "Carnation" Revolution that erupted in 1974 and was finally tamed in 1976 with the election of a government led by Soares from the Socialist Party(SP). The moderate SP consolidated many reforms won in the previous two years but also restored the capitalist order. | – | / |

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US Sows Chaos in Asia-Pacific, Foments Serious Problems in the Region. US State Secretary Antony Blinken's recent visit to China came amid a rather turbulent period in US-Chinese relations as Washington seems keen to antagonize Beijing.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Hulkenberg to race for Sauber and Audi in F1 from 2025.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Hong Kong March home prices up 1.1%, first rise in nearly a year. (2024-04-26). Beijing courts handled around 69,000 IP-related cases last year. Beijing courts solved a large number of intellectual property cases last year, including those related to new technologies and emerging businesses, with harsher punishment against IP violators.

| AFP | (2024-04-26). Victor Boniface: Leverkusen boss Alonso makes you 'up your game'. Bayer Leverkusen and Nigeria striker Victor Boniface said Xabi Alonso has a particular advantage over other coaches on the training pitch. | "Imagine you're training and your coach is doing better than you," Boniface told AFP in an interview. | "Then you want to step up your game. | "For him to be involved in training gives us a boost," Boniface said of Alonso, who "has won everything that can be won in football". | "Sometimes he tells me of players he played with, with similar abilities to me. He tries to improve me in my weakest areas." | Leverkusen host third-placed Stuttgart on Saturday knowing they are fo…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Instant View: Bank of Japan keeps rates steady, tweaks JGB buying plan.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). 67 arrested during drug raids in Singapore, including 16-year-old girl. The drugs seized have an estimated street value of about S$62,000 (US$45,600).

Staff (2024-04-26). Northeastern Uni. students pushed back Boston police after they encircled their Gaza encampment.

Maryelle Budry (2024-04-26). Historic victory for the "Aînées pour le climat" "They accused Switzerland, with evidence to back up their accusations, of failing to take care of their health and well-being in the face of increasingly worrying heatwaves, and of failing to take steps to achieve the target set for 2030 by the Paris Agreement in 2015." | – | / |

Abdullah Jallow (2024-04-26). 7] The Ascent and Decline of The Ottoman Empire- [The birth of a future outstanding leader during the chaos brought on by the Mongol invasions]. In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. The Ottomans originated from a Turkmen tribe residing in Kurdistan during the early seventh century after Hijrah, which aligns with the thirteenth century CE. They turned to herding following the Mongolian invasion under Genghis Khan in Iraq and parts of East Asia Minor. …

nosihle (2024-04-26). Nine sentenced to a cumulative 10 939 years. Nine sentenced to a cumulative 10 939 years | The sentencing of nine people for a cumulative of 10 939 years for committing various crimes including money laundering, fraud and forgery, has been welcomed by National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI), Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya. | The sentence was handed down at the South Gauteng High Court for 391 counts of money laundering, fraud, forgery, uttering, assisting another to benefit from unlawful activities and acquisition, possession or use of proceeds of unlawful activities. | They also contravened legislation in relation to bir…

Dave Kellaway (2024-04-26). Meloni's government censors anti fascism. The controversy surrounding a historian's attempt to give a minute's monologue on the meaning of Italy's National Liberation Day, 25 April. | – | / |

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Denso to sell off cross-shareholdings and use proceeds on M&A.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). White House Officials Made Failed Attempt to Remove Press Secretary – Reports. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — White House officials made a failed attempt to remove Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre from her position, the New York Post said on Friday, citing its own sources. (2024-04-26). Türkiye'den àºàß ayda 2,5 milyar dolarlƒ±k otomobil ihracatƒ±. Türkiye'den yƒ±lƒ±n ilk àßeyreƒüinde 73 àºlke, à∂zerk ve serbest bà∂lgeye 2,5 milyar dolarƒ±n àºzerinde binek otomobil ihracatƒ± yapƒ±ldƒ±. | AA muhabirinin, Uludaƒü Otomotiv Endàºstrisi ƒ∞hracatà߃±larƒ± Birliƒüi verilerinden yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± derlemeye gà∂re, otomotiv endàºstrisinin Ocak-Mart 2024'teki 9 milyar 132 milyon 431 bin dolarlƒ±k dƒ±≈ü satƒ±m&…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Rat map: Tracking the rodent infestation in Singapore.

The Independent (2024-04-26). Nawangwe renews call for Govt sponsorship of PhD students. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Makerere University dons have renewed calls for government to provide scholarships for PhD (Doctor of Philsophy) students. This was during the opening day of the annual forum for graduate research and policy dialogue held at Makerere University's Yusuf Lule Teaching Facility on Thursday. Makerere is organizing the two-day event …

Staff (2024-04-26). New Lawsuits Target Universities As Palestinian Protests Ramp Up. via WEAR-TV: PENSACOLA, Fla. — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says there's zero-tolerance for hatred against Jewish people. The governor addressed the campus protests on Wednesday, saying students and administrators at Florida colleges and universities will be expelled for pro-Palestinian demonstrations that cause violence or spark hate speech. Pensacola Attorney Mike Papantonio says he and other …

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Majority of Global South States Understand Threats Posed by NATO – Lavrov. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The majority of the Global South states are aware of the potential threats posed by NATO, as the organization continues to build up its infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

Gabisile (2024-04-26). Mjwara's departure bittersweet, says Minister Nzimande. Mjwara's departure bittersweet, says Minister Nzimande | Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Professor Blade Nzimande, has described Dr Phil Mjwara's farewell as bittersweet for both the department and the country's science community.
| The Department of Science and Technology (DSI) hosted a farewell for Mjwara, the longest-serving DG in the country, recently.
| After serving for 18 years as DG, Mjwara has been praised for his significant contributions to the department and the country.
| Mjwara, whose last day in office was on 28 March, was praised for his visio…

Gauche anticapitaliste (2024-04-26). Philippe Poutou to be candidate in Belgium for "Anticapitalistes" list in European elections.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). India election: Modi eyes gains in southern states to secure goal of 400-seat majority. The southern states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Telangana have mostly resisted the Modi appeal.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Germany Creates a 'Veteran's Day' to Honor Those Who Fought in the Bundeswehr, Breaking Taboo. In 2008, the country introduced a new military decoration for bravery, which gave troops the honor for the first time since World War II, and in 2009 a memorial to soldiers who died while serving in the Bundeswehr was built at the Defense Ministry. Yet a holiday such as this has not occurred since its creation. (2024-04-26). Pakistan optimistic about the completion of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline amid US warnings. Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project: Amid warnings from the US, Pakistan's Defence Minister Khawaja Asif expressed optimism regarding the completion of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project. He emphasised the need for regional stakeholders to unite amidst growing interference from major powers like the European Union and the United States. Asif highlighted the recent visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Pakistan as a significant development, particularly in the context of the stalled pipeline project due to geopolitical tensions and international sanctions.Despite US advice against engaging in business de…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Blinken Promises to 'Ensure Transatlantic Security' to Counter Chinese Support For Russia. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – If China does not take measures to ensure transatlantic security, the United States will, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday, commenting on China's alleged assistance to Russia.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Selena Gomez on social media: 'I find it frustrating'. The actress-singer has over 400 million followers on Instagram.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Du Plessis to sleep better after Bengaluru end losing streak. (2024-04-26). China's renewables tech cuts costs. China's large-scale production of solar panels and electric vehicles has not only lowered costs but has also made green technology more accessible globally, industry insiders said.

Jaime Pastor , Pierre Rousset (2024-04-26). Global crisis, conflict and war: what internationalism for the 21st century?

Iain Bruce, Leonadis Iza, Martí­n Mosquera (2024-04-26). Ecuador: Indigenous Resistance and Political Challenges — an interview with Leonidas Iza. (2024-04-26). Water burst kills three, injures 2 in Jiangxi. Three people were killed and two others injured in an accident on Wednesday at Longxin Mining Co in Yudu county, East China's Jiangxi province, said local authorities late on Thursday. (2024-04-26). Procuratorates to strengthen IP protection. Procuratorial authorities will strengthen the legal protection of intellectual property rights and promote the construction of an integrated protection framework for intellectual property.

Abdullah Jallow (2024-04-26). 1] Reminder to clueless Muslim -who seek votes — regarding the great danger associated with pursuing leadership. In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. Abdur-Rahman Bin Samurah [may Allah be pleased with him] narrated that the Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, "O Abdur-Rahman! Do not seek to be a ruler, for if you are given authority on your demand, you will be … (2024-04-26). Four swivel bridges rotate into place in Sichuan. The 76,000-metric ton bridges were successfully rotated to their targeted position after 66 minutes on Thursday.

columbiaspectator (2024-04-26). Columbia College overwhelmingly passes divestment referendum. Columbia Elections Board announced that Columbia College has passed a divestment referendum by a large margin.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-26). Millie Bobby Brown's latest "ick" about fiancé sparks online speculation. Millie Bobby Brown has recently revealed that her fiancé Jake Bongiovi's nosebleed gave her the "ick." | In an interview with BBC Radio 1 that went viral on TikTok, the "Stranger Things" actor — who is all too familiar with nosebleeds — revealed that her fiancé got a nosebleed on their flight. | Millie Bobby Brown as "Eleven" in "Stranger Thing" (Courtesy: Netflix) | She proceeded to explain why she "got the ick," "One, because he just got a nosebleed at the most inconvenient time. We just landed. The seat belt sign was still on. He's doing an Eleven. I'm like, 'Calm down.'" | She then…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Handbags and China demand boost sales at Hermes. Maker of Birkin bags beats expectations with strong demand for leather goods and jewellery as it defies luxury slump.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Vietnam delays launch of new stock trading system. (2024-04-26). Video: Socialist councillor Sue Bolton — 'This is the beginning of the end of the occupation of Palestine'.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Swedish FA not considering VAR after clubs raise objections.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Threats Against Campus Pro-Palestine Demonstrators Echo Deadly Violence of Kent State. As demonstrations spread across US college campuses, so too have threats from officials and prominent politicians.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Putin Speaks at Russian Council of Legislators in Saint Petersburg. Meetings of the Council of Legislators of Russia are held annually in the Tauride Palace and are dedicated to the Day of Russian Parliamentarism in the presence of the President of Russia.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Embiid's 50 points propel Sixers over Knicks, Magic rout Cavs.

| AFP | (2024-04-26). Fernandez to miss rest of season after groin surgery. Chelsea midfielder Enzo Fernandez will miss the rest of the season after surgery on a groin injury on Thursday. | Fernandez has been suffering for several weeks with a hernia and struggled to make an impact during Tuesday's 5-0 thrashing at Arsenal. | The 23-year-old Argentina star will be absent for Chelsea's last six league games and it remains to be seen if he can recover in time for the Copa America in June. | Fernandez, a World Cup winner in 2022, is the latest Chelsea player to be hit with an injury setback in a dismal season for the Premier League club. | At times, Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino has h…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Russia's Yandex reports Q1 revenue rise as market awaits spin-off news.

Anand Naidoo (2024-04-26). The Heat: 30 Years of Democracy.

SAM (2024-04-26). Students On The Front Line For A Free Palestine. RICHARD (RJ) ESKOW | THE ZERO HOUR REPORT…

Judy Haiven (2024-04-26). The Budget and the Canadian Housing Market: Another Ruined Dinner Party. Chrystia Freeland put on her best smile to introduce two new bonbons she hopes will sweeten the lives of Canada's first-time home buyers. | On 11 April, Canada's deputy prime minister and minister of finance, announced that first time buyers could

Mike Ervin (2024-04-26). Disney's Line-Cutting Policy Sent Us Backward. Disney instituted a system in which visitors with a disability didn't have to wait in line so long. Then the company changed it, making it harder for wheelchair users to enjoy its parks. (2024-04-26). New York: 42-year-old Indian-origin man shot dead by San Antonio police. New York: In a tragic and unfortunate incident, 42-year-old Indian-origin man Sachin Sahoo was shot dead by San Antonio police in connection with an aggravated assault case. Hailing from Uttar Pradesh, Sahoo was shot and killed by officer Tyler Turner on April 21 after he struck two officers with his vehicle while attempting to evade arrest. As per the reports, just before 6.30 pm on April 21, officers arrived at a home in Cheviot Heights in San Antonio for a report about aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. | They found a 51-year-old woman who had been intentionally struck by a vehicle, allegedly driven by…

Laure Horlait (2024-04-26). The Anticapitalist Left presents a list for the European elections with Philippe Poutou. The Gauche anticapitaliste, Belgian section of the Fourth International, is putting together its own list for the European elections on 9 June. After a long and difficult road and a campaign to gather signatures, the Belgian comrades are taking to the electoral field for the first time in ten years under the name Anticapitalists. | – | / | (2024-04-26). Domestic brands make steady march overseas. Domestic brands with unique features and high-quality attributes have been accelerating their pace of going global, and the trend has shifted from low-priced competition to branding development, and increasing applications of digital technologies.

Editor (2024-04-26). Portugal's forgotten revolution. The 'carnation revolution' saw soldiers, workers and communities join forces to overthrow fascism and challenge capitalist power. Peter Robinson traces events from April 1974.

GABIK (2024-04-26). Lesotho Highlands Tunnel closure will not affect water availability. Lesotho Highlands Tunnel closure will not affect water availability | Water and Sanitation Director-General, Dr Sean Phillips, has assured Gauteng residents that the planned closure of the Lesotho Highlands Water Tunnel for six months will not affect water supply to Rand Water and the availability of raw water. | Phillips was briefing the media in Pretoria on Friday on the planned maintenance work on transfer and delivery tunnels of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP), which is scheduled to start from 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025. | The tunnel system includes a transfer tunnel, linking Katse Dam with Mu…

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-26). Sophia Bush comes out as queer, announces relationship with US football star Ashlyn Harris.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Singapore's economy boosted by Taylor Swift, Coldplay shows; over half of concertgoers 'likely' from overseas. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) noted estimates by private-sector analysts indicating the concerts could have generated tourism receipts of up to S$450 million.

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-26). FBI Violated Your Rights An Unbelievable Amount According To Gov't Docs!

The Independent (2024-04-26). Man who whipped elderly woman in Arua arrested. Arua, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Police in Arua city have in their custody a 51-year-old man who was captured on social media flogging an elderly woman at Manibe Trading Center along Arua-Koboko road. Twalibu Avutia, a resident of Baruku cell, Baza ward, Arua central Division was on Wednesday captured on a phone camera whipping …

The Independent (2024-04-26). Ugandan military court frees 32 Kenyans jailed for illegal possession of firearms. KAMPALA, Uganda | Xinhua | A Ugandan military court has ordered the release of 32 Kenyan nationals who were previously sentenced to 20 years in prison for illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. The decision by the General Court Martial (GCM), which convened late Wednesday, overturned an earlier ruling by a lower court. The GCM …

Bill Blum (2024-04-26). Could a Single Word Save the January 6 Insurrectionists and Donald Trump? Prosecuting either may rest on the Supreme Court's interpretation of the word 'otherwise.'

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Strange Spring Weather Leaves Athens in Mars-Like Clouds of Dust. The storm also brought "freak" weather to Finland, with heavier-than-usual snow bringing public transport to a standstill.

The Independent (2024-04-26). Uganda to celebrate World Veterinary Day in Rakai. Rakai, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Week-long activities to mark World Veterinary Day (WVD) 2024 in Uganda climax today April 26 in Rakai with celebrations organised by the Uganda Veterinary Association (UVA) in partnership with Ministry of Agriculture and Animal industry and fisheries (MAAIF), and the Food and Agriculture organisation FAO. The World Veterinary Association (WVA) …

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). K-pop giant HYBE shares take another hit as dispute with NewJeans label drags on. (2024-04-26). From ANZAC to AUKUS: More than a century of carnage and cowardice. (2024-04-26). Were Australian weapons used in Saudi atrocities on Yemen border? (2024-04-26). Indian woman arrested, barred from Princeton University over pro-Palestine protests on campus. An Indian-origin woman hailing from Coimbatore and raised in Columbus, one of two students at the esteemed Princeton University who have been arrested and banned from campus for organising pro-Palestine demonstrations.Achinthya Sivalingan has been barred from campus and is subject to disciplinary measures, according to a university spokesperson.The incident unfolded as protesters erected tents for a student-led pro-Palestine encampment in McCosh Courtyard around 7 a.m. on April 25th. Following warnings from university officials, two Princeton students were apprehended. Despite the arrests, the remaining proteste…

Bill Blum (2024-04-26). Could a Single Word Save the January 6 Insurrectionists and Donald Trump? Prosecuting either may rest on the Supreme Court's interpretation of the word 'otherwise.'

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Private home prices rose at slower pace of 1.4% in first quarter of 2024.

Editor at NewsOne (2024-04-26). Crystal Mason Update: Texas DA Moves To Reverse Black Woman's Recently Overturned Voting Fraud Conviction. (2024-04-26). China successfully launches Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceship. Shenzhou-18 is the 32nd flight mission of China's manned space program, the third crewed mission during the application and development stage of China's space station and the 518th flight mission of China's Long March series rockets.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Trump ready to renew conservative alliance with Hungary's Orban.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US Hiring Cameramen With Combat Experience to Work in Russia. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – An unnamed company in the United States is seeking cameramen with military combat experience for work in Russia to cover unspecified "operations," Sputnik learned. (2024-04-26). Biden's proposed tariffs on Chinese steel criticized. U.S. President Joe Biden has proposed tripling tariffs on steel products from China, a further protectionist move that experts called a "nothingburger" and "show biz".

Franco Turigliatto (2024-04-26). A year and a half of right-wing rule. "Two symbolic dates of struggle for the workers' movement, 25 April, the anniversary of the defeat of fascism, and 1 May, are very close together. The perspective must be that of a new season of struggle, of a revival of the workers' movement." | – | / | (2024-04-26). China-Spain giant panda cooperation contributes to biodiversity conservation: spokesperson. Two giant pandas, Jin Xi and Zhu Yu, will depart from the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan Province on April 29 to begin their 10-year stay at Madrid Zoo in Spain, continuing the 40-year "panda friendship" between the two countries, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Thursday.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Embiid's 50 points propel Sixers over Knicks, Magic rout Cavs.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US Should Stop Interfering in China's Domestic Affairs – Chinese Foreign Minister. BEIJING (Sputnik) – The United States should not interfere in China's domestic affairs or suppress its development, nor should it cross China's "red lines," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday at a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-26). ALICE member Kim So Hee announces retirement from K-Pop, marrying fiance 15 years older than her. ALICE member Kim So Hee is stepping away from the spotlight to begin a new chapter in her life. | The 24-year-old singer is set to marry a non-celebrity businessman 15 years her senior, according to an exclusive media report on April 26. The couple, who have been dating for a year, plan to register their marriage next month followed by an intimate ceremony with close friends and family. | This news also marks So Hee's departure from the K-Pop industry. Her exclusive contract with IOK Company, ALICE's current management, expires next month and she has chosen not to renew it. | "It's true that Kim So Hee is plan… (2024-04-26). Blooming flowers decorate Sayram Lake in Xinjiang. Blooming flowers along the shore of the Sayram Lake, adding colors to the alpine lake in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Bilal Cleland (2024-04-26). Australia too soft on war criminals.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). BOJ keeps rates steady, projects inflation staying near 2% in coming years.

Editor (2024-04-26). Protect the Arctic Region: Already threatened Arctic ecology can be devastated further by rapid militarization. The Arctic region is warming at twice the global rate, leading to rapid melting of ice—some have even predicted ice-free summers by year 2034.

The Independent (2024-04-26). One Health approach is the way to go. Veterinarians as Essential Health Workers COMMENT | Dr Jesse Mukisa Mutesasira | In a lay man's language, One health is an approach where many cats chase one rat. The cats consist of a collection of different professionals working under one team to achieve the same set target or solution towards societal health challenges (rat), or …

Bilal Cleland (2024-04-26). Australia acting too soft on war criminals. (2024-04-26). Private firm working on new liquid-fuel rocket. Orienspace, a private space company that makes the world's mightiest solid-propellant carrier rocket, has begun to develop a new, liquid-fuel model, according to the new type's chief designer.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-26). Emma Stone wants to be called by her real name, Emily. Oscar-winning actress Emma Stone is sharing how she adopted a new name to launch her screen career and why she still prefers using her real name whenever possible. | In a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Stone and her co-star on The Curse, Nathan Fielder, discussed the name she was given and the one she uses professionally. | "I'd like to say something," Fielder said in the interview. "Her name's Emily, but she goes by Emma professionally. | So when there's people that don't know her, I end up saying Emma. But I'm going to just say Emily from here on." | Stone mentioned that she still goes by Emil…

Bruce C.T. Wright (2024-04-26). Justice For George Floyd Timeline: Witness Who Tried To Stop Murder Wins $150K Settlement. Source: Stephen Maturen / Getty | UPDATED: 4: 15 p.m. ET, April 26, 2024 | An eyewitness who tried to help prevent George Floyd's murder has settled a lawsuit with the city of Minneapolis after police assaulted him during the 2020 incident. | On Thursday, the Minneapolis City Council agreed to pay Donald Williams a $150,000 settlement, approving the money without much discussion, Williams, who sued the city last year, alleged his encounter with police caused post-traumatic stres… (2024-04-26). Scholar: U.S. claims of 'China's overcapacity' baseless. Recent U.S. claims of "China's overcapacity" in the solar, electric vehicles (EVs), and lithium-ion battery sectors are baseless, an expert said in an interview with China News Network.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Hiring freeze, reluctance to work at small firms: Young South Koreans' difficulties in getting a job. An estimated 248,000 South Koreans in their 20s are jobless as of March this year, according to the country's national statistical office.

krish-rad_ind (2024-04-26). Some People Will Never Get It: JOHN PERKINS, Economic Hitman.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US, France to Send Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carriers to Souda Base in Greece – Reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The United States and France are expected to deploy nuclear-powered aircraft carriers at the Souda naval base located on the Greek island of Crete in the next few days, Greek media reported on Friday.

Arjun Singh (2024-04-26). LEVER TIME: Amazon Is Eating The Economy.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Global Nuclear Risks Seriously Increased Due to Destructive Policy of West – Moscow. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The amount of nuclear risks in the world have seriously increased due to the destructive policy of the West, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

| Pop Culture & Art | (2024-04-26). Asmongold calls Kaceytron "fat" in response to allegations of neglecting his late mother. Twitch star Zack "Asmongold" has responded to fellow streamer, Kacey "Kaceytron," after she stated in a livestream that his lifestyle was neglectful to his "sick" mother, who passed away in 2021 after suffering from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). | The drama began after Kaceytron liked a social media post suggesting Asmongold's messy living conditions contributed to his mother's death, prompting controversy amidst the streamer community. | According to Sportskeeda, Kacey addressed the controversy in her livestream, "Yes I did like that tweet. It says, 'Thankfully xQc's lifestyle hasn't led direc…

GABIK (2024-04-26). Mchunu to visit uThukela District. Mchunu to visit uThukela District | Water and Sanitation Minister Senzo Mchunu will next week visit uThukela District in Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal, to inspect water infrastructure in the area and engage community members on water and sanitation issues. | The two-day visit, which will take place on 29 — 30 April 2024, is part of the ongoing and concerted efforts by the Water and Sanitation Ministry to build new water infrastructure and assess the existing one to ensure that it meets the needs and demands of the communities it services. | Mchunu, joined by representatives from KZN Provincial and Local Governme… (2024-04-26). China hopes U.S. can view China's development in positive light: Xi. Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that China is happy to see a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States, and hopes the United States can also look at China's development in a positive light.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Analysis:Tesla's plan for affordable cars takes page from Detroit rivals. (2024-04-26). Chinese FM meets Blinken. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday in Beijing.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). PM Lee to meet Indonesia President Jokowi in Bogor for leaders' retreat on Apr 29. This will be the seventh and final leaders' retreat between Mr Lee and President Widodo. (2024-04-26). Xi exchanges congratulations with Tanzanian President Hassan over 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday exchanged congratulations with Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan over the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Team Trump Seeks to Stop De-Dollarization With New Sanctions Crusade. Former US President Donald Trump's economic aides are considering imposing penalties on nations moving away from the greenback if the Republican frontrunner wins the upcoming elections, according to Bloomberg.

NEOB (2024-04-26). Former athletics boss pays back the money. Former athletics boss pays back the money | Former Athletics South Africa Acting CEO, Terrence Magogodela, has paid back ill-gotten gains he unduly gained from the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) grant funding for a sports facility development. | According to the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), Magogodela agreed to pay back some R388 733,05 after it was found that he signed a funding application to construct athletics tracks in the Northern Cape but used the money to buy property. | "On the form, he indicated that he was the project coordinator for Inqaba Yokulinda, but he was neither the project coordinato…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). US to Reposition Some Troops From Chad as Part of Cooperation Review – Pentagon. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) is planning to reposition some of its forces from Chad as part of an ongoing review of security cooperation with the country, Pentagon Press Secretary Patrick Ryder said on Thursday.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Brazil great Marta to retire from international football at end of year. (2024-04-26). Uzmanlar aà߃±kladƒ±: Türkiye'yi yine kavurucu bir yaz bekliyor. Kàºresel ƒ±sƒ±nmanƒ±n da etkisiyle ya≈üanan yàºksek hava sƒ±caklƒ±klarƒ±, bu yƒ±l marttan itibaren etkili olmaya ba≈üladƒ±. Martta bazƒ± gàºnlerde biràßok ilde hava sƒ±caklƒ±klarƒ± 30'lu dereceleri gà∂rdàº.Boƒüaziàßi àúniversitesi ƒ∞klim Deƒüi≈üikliƒüi ve Politikalarƒ± Uygulama ve Ara≈ütƒ±rma Merkezi Yà∂netim Kurulu…

Arlene Getz (2024-04-26). Brazilian court upholds conviction of killers of journalist Valério Luiz de Oliveira. Sà£o Paulo, April 26, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomed a Brazilian court's decision on Tuesday to uphold the conviction of four men for the 2012 murder of journalist Valério Luiz de Oliveira. Oliveira was shot dead by an unidentified gunman on a motorcycle while leaving his offices at Rádio Jornal 820 AM, where he…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Chelsea's Fernandez to miss rest of season after having groin surgery.

The Independent (2024-04-26). Traffic paralysed in Jinja as trucks plunge in deep potholes. Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Business came to a standstill in sections of Jinja city's industrial area after five trucks got stuck at different points along Factory Street, in Masese ward, in the southern division. This follows heavy rains, which filled up giant existing potholes, that drivers accidently drove into. The trucks, which reportedly … (2024-04-26). After petitioning, Katoomba Library subscribes to Green Left. (2024-04-26). Mt. Qomolangma welcomes advanced 5G network. China Mobile launched its first 5G-A (5G Advanced) station on Mount Qomolangma, providing stronger support for tourism, mountaineering, scientific research and environment protection in the area, according to the company in southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region on Wednesday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Majority of Americans View Illegal Migration as Crisis, With Many Blaming Biden – Poll. Nearly 7.3 million migrants have crossed the US southern border illegally since President Joe Biden took office in 2021, a number that shows no signs of abating.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). AfD Popularity Continues to Ride in Second Place as Crack Downs on Accused Espionage Cases Begin. A poll released just two weeks ago showed the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) as the most favorable party with 31% of prospective voters indicating that they would vote for them. However, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) came in second place with 18% according to the Statista poll. (2024-04-26). CATL unveils super-long range EV battery. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd, the world's largest vehicle battery maker, unveiled its upgraded fast-charging, super-long range electric vehicle battery at the 2024 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition on Thursday.

Dan La Botz (2024-04-26). Auto Workers Union Wins Historic Victory at VW in Tennessee. "Until now, the South has been a bastion of bosses, of non-union open shops, where workers had no vote and no voice in their workplaces. If this victory leads to others, as it is expected to, it will change completely the balance of forces between the corporations and the working class in America." | – | / | (2024-04-26). Chengdu to stage 'green' horticultural exhibition. The International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu, scheduled to open on Friday in the capital of Sichuan province, fully incorporates a green and low-carbon approach, an expo official said. (2024-04-26). Pakistan seeks reset of ties in the Middle East. The latest visits of senior officials from Iran and Saudi Arabia show the further strengthening of bilateral relations between Pakistan and countries in the Arabian Peninsula and the wider Middle East to seek solutions to common challenges, experts say.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Russia, Europe Will Not Be Able to Build Relations as Before – Kremlin. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia and Europe will no longer be able to build relations as before, and Moscow will take into account the existing experience, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

John Green (2024-04-26). Portugal: Fifty Years Since the Carnation Revolution. John Green on the fiftieth anniversary of Portugal's Carnation Revolution.

Chris Slee (2024-04-26). United States reimposes oil sanctions on Venezuela. The United States government has reimposed sanctions on Venezuela's oil and gas industry, to further strangle the economy in the lead up to the July 28 elections, reports Chris Slee.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). Biden Administration Changes President's Walking Routine to Hide Stiff Gait – Reports. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – President Joe Biden has stopped walking by himself to the Marine One presidential helicopter and is now surrounded by aides in what appears to be an attempt by the administration to distract the US public from his unsteady gait, Axios reported on Friday.

Independent Australia (2024-04-26). Delusional Grubisa won't stop misleading her "students" (2024-04-26). Is Labor moving to weaken anti-discrimination laws?

Jesse Fairbanks (2024-04-26). Forced Treatment and Criminalization Won't End Homelessness. If the Supreme Court rules against the right of people to sleep outdoors, it would only make homelessness harder to prevent. (2024-04-26). Travel to and from China rise during the May Day holiday. The daily average number of entries and exits at national ports during this year's May Day holiday, which falls from May 1 to May 5, is expected to reach 1.76 million, a 40.5 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-26). How Russian Nuclear Umbrella Shields Belarus From NATO and Minions. Minsk is concerned about emerging security threats while Belarus' new military doctrine describes the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons as key to strategic deterrence amid growing geopolitical instability. (2024-04-26). Ending violence against women will take more than a cultural shift.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Son demands Spurs step up against Arsenal after Newcastle thrashing. (2024-04-26). Instagram video sparks online hostility for Indian student in Canada. PTC News Desk: In recent days, Mehul Prajapati, a 26-year-old student at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada, has found himself at the center of a whirlwind of online controversy, resulting in the closure of all his social media accounts. The catalyst for this storm was a seemingly innocuous Instagram video in which Prajapati offered advice to fellow university students on how to make the most of local food banks. Little did he know that this act of goodwill would thrust him into a maelstrom of misinformation and social media outrage. (2024-04-26). 'Supply chain diplomacy' suggested for U.S., China. The interconnected supply chains between the United States and China have contributed significantly to reducing inflation, and it's time to collaborate transparently on shaping future supply chains, said experts at a seminar. (2024-04-26). People in Tangshan welcome destroyer named after the city. People from Tangshan in Hebei province were filled with pride and excitement after the Chinese destroyer named after the city docked for the first time at its port. (2024-04-26). Dutton, Zionists and far right exploit stabbings to incite racism, Islamophobia.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Prabowo's two rival parties likely to join his grand coalition days after official president declaration. The National Democratic Party (Nasdem) and the National Awakening Party (PKB), who backed Mr Prabowo's opponents in the election run-up, could give the new president-elect a near-supermajority support in parliament.

Bilal G. Morris (2024-04-26). Autopsy Reveals Dexter Reed Was Shot 13 Times After Traffic Stop Turned 'Brutally Violent'. Dexter Reed was shot and killed by Chicago police last month after they allegedly pulled him over for failing to wear a seatbelt.

| AFP | (2024-04-26). Swiatek, Gauff through in Madrid Open as Osaka falls. World number one Iga Swiatek beat Wang Xiyu 6-1, 6-4 to reach the third round of the Madrid Open on Thursday as she bids to win the competition for the first time. | Earlier Coco Gauff sailed through to the third round with a 6-0, 6-0 thumping of Arantxa Rus, while Liudmila Samsonova ousted Naomi Osaka in three sets. | Runner-up last year, Swiatek bounced back from her semi-final defeat by Elena Rybakina in Stuttgart with a largely comfortable straight sets victory. | The Pole, a four-time Grand Slam winner and an expert on clay, wobbled in the second set as Wang won three games in a row but recovered to trium…

Ryan Black (2024-04-26). Nuclear Power's Lethal, Larcenous End Game. HARVEY WASSERMAN | COUNTERPUNCH…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Tunisia's Echargui gets chance to realise Olympic dream. (2024-04-26). Burkina Faso's media regulator suspends BBC Africa and Voice of America. Dakar, 26 April 2024— The Burkinabe authorities should immediately lift the suspension of BBC Africa and Voice of America, and reverse the directive seeking to control local outlets' coverage, said the Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday. On Thursday, the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), Burkina Faso's media regulator, suspended the British government-funded BBC Afrique…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Shein to face tougher online content rules as EU designates it as very large online platform.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Revised salary scheme for civil servants in Malaysia to be 'best' ever, says PM Anwar. (2024-04-26). High starting salaries bring cheer for job hunters. Finance related jobs were the most sought after in the first quarter of the year thanks to the hefty salaries on offer, while the services sector witnessed a huge jump in starting pay during the same period.

The Independent (2024-04-26). Seven animal diseases that are a threat to Public Health. COMMENT | By Dr. Isabel Mweheire | Veterinary doctors, also known as Veterinarians or Veterinary surgeons are trained to detect, diagnose, treat, prevent and control diseases in animals. In so doing, they have a duty to prevent the human population from acquiring some diseases that can come from animals. There are many diseases that humans …

channelnewsasia (2024-04-26). Shoigu says Russia and allies should step up military exercises in Asia.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-04-26). Colombia suspends guerrilla arrest warrants ahead of peace talks. Colombia's chief prosecutor suspended the arrest warrants of nine commanders of the Segunda Marquetalia guerrilla group on Thursday. The move came a day after President Gustavo Petro granted the group… (2024-04-26). Bans on dormitory bed curtains spark online debate. Bans on students using bed curtains imposed by some universities have sparked fierce debate online, with many students urging universities to not over-manage their personal lives. (2024-04-26). Spend on climate and housing not war, activists say.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). La Franja de Gaza continúa bajo fuego israelí. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) La agresión israelí contra la Franja de Gaza entró hoy en su jornada 203 con nuevos bombardeos que causaron muertos y heridos a lo largo y ancho de ese territorio.

teleSUR, idg (2024-04-26). Suman más de 34.300 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. El Ministerio de Salud Palestino en Gaza informó que la ocupación israelí cometió en esta jornada cinco masacres contra familias en la Franja de Gaza, 43 personas muertas y 64 heridos.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-26). Rusia denuncia en ONU que ataques de Israel obstaculizan ayuda en Gaza. Nebenzia resaltó la necesidad de un "nuevo mecanismo" por parte de Naciones Unidas para hacer llegar la ayuda a Gaza y así lograr un mejor panorama en la región.

Natalia Marques (2024-04-26). El movimiento estudiantil por Palestina intensifica su lucha con una oleada de protestas universitarias. Después de que los estudiantes de Columbia pusieran en marcha su Campamento de Solidaridad con Gaza, estudiantes de todo Estados Unidos se unieron al llamado de solidaridad con Palestina…

María Candela (2024-04-26). Valoran de excelente Asamblea Provincial de la UNEAC en Cienfuegos (+Foto y Audio). Cienfuegos, 25 abr (RHC) En el máximo líder de la Revolución Cubana, Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro Ruz habrá que pensar siempre, en su diálogo necesario y oportuno con los creadores expresó Armando Carranza Valladares, Primer Secretario del Comité Provincial del Partido Comunista de Cuba en Cienfuegos.

Maria Calvo (2024-04-26). Conversan Cuba y la Unión Europea sobre temas de interés mutuo. En 2016 Cuba y la Unión Europea suscribieron el Acuerdo de Diálogo Político y Cooperación, que puso fin a la llamada Posición Común, una conducta discriminatoria e injerencista dictada por Estados Unidos y puesta en marcha contra la nación caribeña en la década del 90 del siglo pasado.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). ´No aflojar ni en las curvas ª. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) Pareciera que la vida se empeña en subirle la varilla de los retos al movimiento obrero cubano ante cada nuevo primer día de mayo. Y pareciera que, en cubanísima respuesta, este movimiento se empeña en saltarla y continuar… sin miedo alguno.

Maria Calvo (2024-04-26). Cuba y Vietnam festejan abril de victorias en Ciudad Ho Chi Minh. Hanoi, 26 abr (RHC) El consulado general de Cuba en Vietnam, junto a la Unión de Organizaciones de Amistad (HUFO) y la Organización de Amistad Vietnam-Cuba de la sureña Ciudad Ho Chi Minh, convocaron a festejar un abril de victorias que ambos pueblos rememoran hoy con orgullo.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-26). Acusan a Bayer de daños a medioambiente y la vida en Suramérica. Consideraron que el modelo de agronegocio de esa multinacional provoca inseguridad alimentaria, escasez de agua, deforestación extrema y conflictos por la tierra.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-26). Capital tailandesa emite alerta por ola de calor. Según el Ministerio de Salud de Tailandia, en lo que va de año las olas de calor han causado la muerte de 30 personas, frente a las 37 registradas en 2023.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-26). OACI acepta demanda de Venezuela contra Argentina por secuestro de aeronave de Emtrasur. Venezuela denuncia que Argentina cometió violaciones del Convenio de Chicago al aplicar medidas restrictivas unilaterales ilegales en su contra.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-26). Admiten falsedad en acusación contra entorno de Pedro Sánchez. Fiscalía de España apela la apertura de una investigación Begoña Gómez, esposa de Pedro Sánchez, y pide que se archive la causa.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-26). Acusan a aliados de Trump de intentar revertir su derrota en EE.UU. Acusan a funcionarios por pretender presuntamente que el expresidente de Estados Unidos fuera "el ganador" en las elecciones de 2020.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-26). Reprimen protesta universitaria a favor de Palestina en Atlanta. La irrupción de las fuerzas policiales desencadenó una serie de enfrentamientos, que terminó con el arresto de numerosos jóvenes y profesores.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-26). Asume Consejo de Transición haitiano con nuevo primer ministro. No obstante, se espera que el Consejo de Transición nombre un nuevo Gobierno en las próximas horas.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-26). Maestros dominicanos anuncian nuevos paros ante inacción de Gobierno. Exigen que autoridades cumplan acuerdos firmados en 2023 para mejorar condiciones laborales y brindar una educación de calidad.

teleSUR, idg, DRL (2024-04-26). López Obrador tacha de hipócrita informe de EE.UU. sobre DD.HH. Recordó que la doble moral del Gobierno de Washington se evidencia en los miles de millones de dólares que envía a Gaza y Ucrania.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-26). Realizan múltiples marchas en el mundo en solidaridad con Palestina. Durante la marcha los participantes conformados por sindicatos de base, centros sociales , ondearon banderas palestinas, y pancartas que refieren "Genocidio fuera de la historia – Con la resistencia palestina".

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-04-26). Policía francesa reprime a estudiantes defensores de Palestina. Medios locales refirieron que los activistas denunciaron que fueron "sacados" a la fuerza por más de 50 miembros de la policía.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-26). Registran 155 muertos por inundaciones en Tanzania. El primer ministro del país, Kassim Majaliwa, ha solicitado el traslado de los que habitan las zonas bajas hacia territorios que no estén expuestos a riesgos de inundación. (2024-04-26). Su àºràºnleri ihracatƒ±nda hedef 2 milyar dolarƒ± geàßmek. Su àºràºnleri alanƒ±nda 2023 yƒ±lƒ±nda 500 bin tonun àºzerindeki àºretimi ile Avrupa Birliƒüi àºlkeleri arasƒ±nda à∂n sƒ±ralarda yer alan Türkiye'nin 2024 yƒ±lƒ± ihracatƒ±nƒ±n 2 milyar dolarƒ± a≈ümasƒ± hedefleniyor.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Finaliza feria internacional de la construcción en Cuba. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) Cuba finalizará hoy su XIV Feria Internacional de la Construcción (Fecons 2024), con la participación de más de un centenar de empresas expositoras y la presencia de Rusia como país invitado de honor.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Festival Un puente hacia La Habana, pretexto para unir pueblos. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) El Festival Un puente hacia La Habana comienza hoy su edición XII y estará dedicado a los más de cinco siglos de fundada esta capital.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-04-26). Cancilleres de EE.UU. y China celebran una reunión en Beijing. Durante su visita, Blinken mantuvo también conversaciones con el presidente chino Xi Jinping.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-26). Presidente de Venezuela ordena iniciar proyectos votados en Consulta Popular Nacional. El jefe de Estado venezolano ratificó su confianza en el poder de base de las comunas y los consejos comunales.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-04-26). Cuba condena en la ONU la impunidad de Israel contra Palestina. La vicecanciller, en representación de Cuba, insistió en la necesidad de una tregua inmediata y duradera en los territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, idg, DRL (2024-04-26). Liga àÅrabe deplora veto de EE.UU. contra Palestina en la ONU. Israel se opone a la creación y reconocimiento de un Estado palestino y los diferentes gobiernos israelíes continúan la colonización sus territorios.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, JGN (2024-04-26). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. La OMS ha alertado sobre la grave situación sanitaria en Gaza y la falta de recursos para atender a la población afectada por los ataques israelíes.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-04-26). Colombia pide investigar presuntos crímenes de guerra de Israel en Palestina. Los videos y fotografías de las víctimas mostraron signos claros de tortura en sus cuerpos. Además, las víctimas fueron atadas con grilletes de plástico.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Perugorría en escena con nuevos proyectos de cine. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) El cineasta cubano Jorge Perugorría, Premio Nacional de Cine 2024, ocupa hoy sus días liderando el Festival Internacional de Cine y Medio Ambiente del Caribe Isla Verde, pero sigue actuando…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-04-26). Cuba y el desafío de salir adelante con sus propios esfuerzos. La Habana, 26 abr (RHC) Cuba continúa hoy con el reto de salir adelante con sus propios esfuerzos, en un escenario adverso debido al recrudecimiento del bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra la isla y la crisis económica internacional.

María Candela (2024-04-26). Recibieron en Cienfuegos a XVII Brigada Internacional Primero de Mayo de Trabajo Voluntario y Solidaridad con Cuba (+Fotos). Cienfuegos, 26 abr (RHC) La XVII Brigada Internacional Primero de Mayo de Trabajo Voluntario y Solidaridad con Cuba fue recibida en el Parque José Martí, de esta ciudad.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-26). Reportan ataque ucraniano contra la ciudad rusa de Tokmak. El acto terrorista ha dejado al menos tres muertos y heridos aún "no contabilizados" por las autoridades rusas.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-04-26). Con críticas a Milei, abre Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires. "Concurrir a la feria, este año, representa un acto de rebeldía y de resistencia", mencionó el escritor Vaccaro.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2024-04-26). Nueva misión tripulada china Tiangong avanza con éxito. La nave despegó desde centro de lanzamiento de Jiuquan, en el noroeste de China, a las 20: 59 (hora de China) y fue lanzada en el cohete Larga Marcha 2F.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-26). Relatora de ONU exige el fin de las exportaciones de armas a Israel. La Relatora de la ONU subrayó la urgencia de hacer responsable a Israel por los crueles crímenes en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-26). Avanza Campamento Tierra Libre 2024 en Brasil. Este año estará guiado por el tema "Nuestro Marco es Ancestral: Siempre estuvimos aquí".

teleSUR, idg, DRL (2024-04-26). Fiscalía de Perú amplía la investigación contra Dina Boluarte. Dina Boluarte tiene abierta otra investigación por el aprovechamiento indebido de un cargo cuando era ministra de Desarrollo de Inclusión Social.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-26). Alertan sobre enfermedades infecciosas entre desplazados de Gaza. Bashar Murad abordó el deterioro de las condiciones de salud de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-26). Mantienen 27 provincias dominicanas en alerta por vaguada. El COE aumentó las provincias en alerta debido a la humedad e inestabilidad proporcionada por la vaguada.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-26). Venezuela presenta plan de auditoría para elecciones presidenciales. "Ustedes tienen la cadena de confianza, tienen el rol de asesorar a sus organizaciones políticas", refirió Carlos Quintero.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-04-26). Fiscalía ecuatoriana desecha denuncia contra diplomático mexicano. Según la página de consultas de la Fiscalía de Ecuador, el abogado Milton Castillo, quien fue candidato a la alcaldía de Quito, presentó la denuncia el 16 de abril.

Kai Koddenbrock (2024-04-26). CFA franc: conditions are ripe for replacement of the west African currency rooted in colonialism. At no point in history has the CFA franc — the name of a colonial currency used in west and central African countries belonging to the franc zone — been closer to its demise.
| Senegal has overwhelmingly voted for leftwing Pastef candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye (and his former party leader Ousmane Sonko) while the coup governments in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have been talking about leaving the CFA franc for some time.
| Senegal under outgoing president Macky Sall was a pillar of the (…) | – | /…

Fátima Martín (2024-04-26). Geopolitical conflicts could exacerbate the new international debt crisis, which has already reached the record level of $313,000 billion, according to the IIF.

Collective (2024-04-26). Kathmandu Statement to End Austerity.

Michael Roberts (2024-04-26). Further thoughts on the economics of imperialism.

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-26). Are the BRICS and their New Development Bank offering alternatives to the World Bank, the IMF and the policies promoted by the traditional imperialist powers?

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-26). The World Bank saw the debt crisis looming.

CADTM International (2024-04-26). The CADTM Denounces the Lack of Action on Climate Change and the Neoliberal Approach of the Bretton Woods Institutions.

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-26). The debt trap.

newarab (2024-04-26). Nelson Mandela's grandson to join Gaza flotilla. A The

newarab (2024-04-26). Gaza aid flotilla launch delayed by 'Israeli tactics'. A flotilla of Pro-Palestinian The

newarab (2024-04-26). The New Arab Weekly: Israel attacks and Columbia protests.

newarab (2024-04-26). UK slaps fresh sanctions on Iran after Israel attack. The Tehran launched its first direct military assault on Israeli territory nearly two weeks after a 1 April Israeli strike that killed seven member…

newarab (2024-04-26). Belgium summons Israeli ambassador over aid worker's killing. "Bombing civilian areas and populations is contrary to international law. I will summon the Israeli ambassador to condemn this unacceptable act and demand an explanation," Forei…

newarab (2024-04-26). Northern Gaza heading towards famine as Israel bombs Rafah.

newarab (2024-04-26). Gaza baby rescued from dead mother's womb dies. A baby girl who was delivered from her dying mother's womb in a The baby had been named Sabreen al-Rouh. The second name means "soul" in Arabic. | Her mother, Sabreen al-Sakani (al-Sheikh), was seriously injured when the Israeli strike hit the family home in

newarab (2024-04-26). Ex-US official: Israeli military gets 'special treatment'. A former senior US official who until recently helped oversee human-rights compliance by foreign militaries receiving American military assistance said on Wednesday that he repeatedly observed Israel The allegation comes as the Biden administration faces intense pressure over…

newarab (2024-04-26). Iran and Israel Step Out of the Shadow War. Tensions across the Middle East, recently rose to worrying highs. | It started on 1 April, when Israel launched an attack on Iran's consulate building in the Syria capital of Damascus. Iran responded to this by firing hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel. In turn, Israel conducted strikes in Iran. | Voices from abroad, desperately called for calm, as fears grew that the region was about to be plunged into a regional conflict. | This week on The New Arab Voice, we look at the recent Iranian strike against Israel and Israel's response. | What did Iran hope to achieve, and were they successful? Why did Arab…

newarab (2024-04-26). Egypt delegation in Israel proposes 'prolonged' Gaza truce.

newarab (2024-04-26). Far-right Israeli minister Ben-Gvir involved in car accident. Israel's hardline national security minister Video aired on Israeli media showed the car Ben-Gvir was travelling in had flipped over. | Police commissioner Kobi Shabtai told reporters two other people were injured in the incident. | "Minister Ben-Gvir feels good, is conscious, and will continue to receive medical treatment at Assaf HaRofeh Hospital," his office said. | Ben-G…

newarab (2024-04-26). 202 days on: All of Gaza is a mass grave, and Rafah is next. Earlier this year, during the Israeli army's siege of Al-Shifa, The Israeli army forced the children, along with around 200 to 300 other patients, to stay together in one hospital section, with no medical care, limited food or water for…

newarab (2024-04-26). Ben-Gvir visits Al Aqsa amid settler raids during Passover. Israeli National Security Minister Ben-Gvir's visit coincided with illegal settlers forcing their way into the mosq…

newarab (2024-04-26). Rafah invasion plan awaits Israel government green light. Rafah has been transformed into the "largest displacement camp on earth" after

newarab (2024-04-26). Aid groups in Gaza targeted by Israel despite coordination. The NYT obtained and examined visual evidence and internal communications on six aid group operations that were hit by

newarab (2024-04-26). Premature Gaza baby rescued from her dead mother's womb dies. A baby saved from her dying mother's womb in the war-battered Sabreen al-Rouh was the only surviving member of her immediate family after she was delivered by Caesarean section while her mother lay fatally wounded from an Israeli air strike at the weekend. | Sabreen's second name means "soul" in Arabic. | The Emirati hospital in the southern Gaza city of Rafah said the premature baby died on Thursday "despite efforts by the neonatal unit staff" to kee…

newarab (2024-04-26). Germany president's Gaza roundtable without any Palestinians. The event titled 'How do we talk about the war in the Middle East?' will see Germany's president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, discussing the topic with Meron Mendel, director of the Anne Frank Educational Centre, journalist and podcaster Tilo Jung and Melody Sucharewicz, a political advisor and expert on German-Israeli relations. | However, many critics have noticed the absence of Palestini…

newarab (2024-04-26). Alam: A Palestinian teenager's love and political awakening.

newarab (2024-04-26). Student protests: From Vietnam to Palestine. The recent Whether pushing back against international conflicts or fighting for social justice on their turf, student activists have consistently been at the forefront of societal transformation. | The Vietnam Era: A turning point in student activism: | Let's rewind to the…

newarab (2024-04-26). Columbia-style Gaza student protest at Paris' Sciences Po.

newarab (2024-04-26). Saudi oil giant Aramco agrees major FIFA sponsorship deal. The deal is the latest high-profile investment in global sports for Saudi Arabia who have already been confirmed as the only bid for the 2034 World Cup. | In a joint statement it was confirmed Aramco would become FIFA's Major Worldwide Partner exclusive in the energy category. | T…

newarab (2024-04-26). MENA Sports Wrap: Morocco reign supreme in Africa futsal cup.

newarab (2024-04-26). Saudi Arabia hosts first ever Arabic opera. The 'Zarqa Al Yamama' opera premiered in Riyadh last night, performed by acclaimed British opera singer Dame Sarah Connolly. She leads the prin…

newarab (2024-04-26). Morocco's opposition accuses tycoon PM of election fraud. "We express our condemnation and denunciation of the shameful and undemocratic practices carried out by the party of the head of government, who has openly disregarded the laws by buying loy…

newarab (2024-04-26). Lebanon steps up repression of Syrians: HRW. The rights organisation documented the deportation of a Syrian army defector and an opposition activist by the Lebanese Army and General Security Directo…

newarab (2024-04-26). Kurdish officials hand over women and children to Tajikistan. Kurdish-led authorities in northeastern The 17 women and 33 children, all citizens of Tajikistan, were handed over to a delegation headed by the Tajik ambassador to Kuwait, Zubaydullo Zubaydzoda, Syrian Kurdish officials said. | After the Islamic State…

newarab (2024-04-26). Student protests: From Vietnam to Palestine. The recent Whether pushing back against international conflicts or fighting for social justice on their turf, student activists have consistently been at the forefront of societal transformation. | The Vietnam Era: A turning point in student activism: | Let's rew…

newarab (2024-04-26). Children among dead bodies found in Gaza hospital mass grave.

newarab (2024-04-26). UAE report illness linked to contaminated water after floods. A small number of people in the The statement, carried by the state news agency late on Wednesday, did not say exactly how many people had been affected or what exactly they were treated for. | There have been "a very limited number of cases that showed some symptoms of being affected by the mixed water" and they received hospital treatment, the ministry said. | It did not say what the water had been contaminated wit…

newarab (2024-04-26). US issues further sanctions on Iran, targets drones. The The US Treasury…

newarab (2024-04-26). US State Department Arabic spokesperson resigns in opposition to Gaza policy. The Arabic-language spokesperson of the Hala Rharrit was also the Dubai Regional Media Hub's deputy director and joined the State Department almost two decades ago as a political and human rights officer, the department's w…

newarab (2024-04-26). Tunisian sex ed flyers mentioning homosexuality removed from book fair. Booklets intended for The fair's director, Mohamed Salah Kadri, told AFP that the sex education pamphlets had been withdrawn by representatives of the

newarab (2024-04-26). Mass casualties feared as RSF encircles Sudan's Al-Fashir. The capital of the Sudanese state Sudanese activists and international researchers warned on Thursday that the city of

newarab (2024-04-26). Saudi king leaves hospital after 'routine' tests: statement.

newarab (2024-04-26). The long shadow of US and UK torture in the Middle East.

newarab (2024-04-26). US military starts building Gaza aid pier. The The small coastal territory has been devastated by more than six months of brutal

newarab (2024-04-26). Flydubai under fire over promoting tourism in Tel Aviv.

newarab (2024-04-26). Bernie Sanders rebuts Netanyahu over US student protests.

newarab (2024-04-26). US pro-Palestine student protests face heavy police response.

newarab (2024-04-26). Trump compares US protests to 2017 white nationalist rally. Trump, the Republican candidate for president in the November el…

newarab (2024-04-26). Turkey seeks special protection label for doner kebabs. If accepted, doner kebabs would join other European favourites like Neapolitan pizza and Spanish jamon serrano. | Doner kebabs, a classic meat dish, consist of thinly sliced cutlets from beef, lamb, or chicken, rotating on a stainless steel skewer over a fire, cooking t…

newarab (2024-04-26). As UN envoy resigns, what next for Libya's frozen conflict?

Larry Johnson (2024-04-26). My Speech to the UNSC Regarding Nord StReam — Updated With Video. I received an invitation earlier this week to address the United Nation's Security Council at 10: 00 am on Friday. I am posting this in advance of my appearance. Here is my presentation. You can watch it live on YouTube. | Thank you, Mr. President. My compliments to the distinguished members of the Security Council. My name is Larry Johnson. I am here today to speak in support of Russia's desire to have the United Nation's Security Council conduct an open and comprehensive investigation of the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline in September 2022. | I am here at my own expense, without compensation for m…

2024-04-26 23:13:54 | 23:13 EST | tr | 691 | 0 | 4 | 732 | 0 

2024-04-13: News Headlines

Ramsey Telhami, Mondoweiss. (2024-04-13). I Resigned From World Central Kitchen. At the time I resigned in early March, I was the only staff member of Palestinian descent at World Central Kitchen (WCK).1 I resigned in protest of extensive, unexplained censorship regarding Gaza at the organization. WCK leadership is taking a stand six months too late, only after 7 of its personnel were killed. | World Central Kitchen is a food relief NGO, founded by celebrity chef José Andrés in response to 2010's disastrous earthquake in Haiti. While the vast majority of the organization's work is in response to natural disasters, WCK had made exceptions, including feeding the National Guard and law enforceme…

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, EcoWatch. (2024-04-13). United Nations: We Have 'Two Years To Save The World' From Climate Crisis. We are running out of time to take action on climate change, says Simon Stiell, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | In a speech titled "Two Years to Save the World," Stiell emphasized that governments, development banks and business leaders must take steps to avert much more serious impacts of the climate crisis within that time frame, reported Reuters. | "For those who say that climate change is only one of many priorities, like ending poverty, ending hunger, ending pandemics, or improving education, I simply say this…

Ursula Fuentes Rivera, Morning Star. (2024-04-13). Chile On Strike: Worker Anger Spills Over. The diagnosis that emerged at the congress of the CUT, held in January, is that in Chile there is a political alliance between a right wing and a business sector that does not allow the reforms that Chile needs to move forward and a government that, in the face of this blackmail, gives in, because it has been, in political terms, far more centrist or even right wing than anybody expected. | During our congress, we elaborated a strategy designed to break this political stalemate and the "national active strike" today is part of this mould-breaking in which the CUT has an important role to play. | We have reached a…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-04-13). The Premises Of The Diplomatic Mission Shall Be Inviolable. We live in dishonest times, where certainties have crumbled, and malevolence stalks the landscape. There is Gaza, of course. Gaza above all else is on our minds. Over 33,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel since 7 October, with more than 7,000 people missing (5,000 of them children). The Israeli government has brutally disregarded the global public opinion mounted against them. Billions of people are outraged by the stark fact of their violence and yet we are unable to force a ceasefire from an army that has decided to raze an entire people.

People's Dispatch. (2024-04-13). US Officials Brazenly Deny Genocide. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was pressed by Senator Tom Cotton during a recent Senate Armed Services Committee meeting, on whether Israeli actions in Gaza constitute a genocide. | "We don't have any evidence of genocide being created," Austin responded, who recently met with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (the same Israeli official who called Gazans "human animals" in October), as Gallant came knocking on the US's door to ask for more weapons. The United States has sent tens of thousands of weapons to Israel since October, with Israel being the largest recipient of US military aid for decades.

Aysha Khan, Next City. (2024-04-13). St. Louis' Turn-Of-The-Century Transit Renaissance. Heartland Urbanist, Columbus-based organizer Matt Caffrey digs into the story behind St. Louis's light metro system. In the mid-1980s, while many other transit agencies were moving toward developing trams — slow street-running light rail — St. Louis made the bold choice to build a light rail system on dedicated right of way. | Opened in 1993, it's now a 46-mile light rail system with two lines and 6.7 million riders in 2022. It's also, he explains, a massive driver of private investment. Part of the reason why residents and visitors are able to take advantage of this system was local organizers with a…

Dana Floberg, Morgan Duckett, Scheer Post. (2024-04-13). The Slow Death Of A Prison Profiteer. Last week, the nation's largest prison and jail telecom corporation, Securus, effectively defaulted on more than a billion dollars of debt. After decades of preying on incarcerated people and their loved ones with exploitative call rates and other predatory practices that have driven millions of families into debt, Securus is being crushed under the weight of its own. In March, the company's creditors gave the corporation an eight-month extension to pay up, urging its sale to a new owner to stave off an otherwise imminent bankruptcy.

Joe Lauria, Consortium News. (2024-04-13). How Britain Would Be Obliged To Free Julian Assange. President Joe Biden's remark on Wednesday that his administration is considering ending the prosecution of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange appears based on a calculation that the U.S. could lose in court on Assange's appeal against Britain's order to extradite him. | The High Court of England and Wales in its ruling last month has given the United States until Tuesday to assure Assange will not face the death penalty or the court would have no choice but to follow the law and free Assange. | The two-judge panel also ruled the U.S. must provide a First Amendment guarantee equivalent to Article 10 of the Europea…

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2024-04-13). Mercedes Tries To Punch Down Alabama Union Momentum. Workers at Mercedes-Benz in Alabama were forced to attend 20-minute anti-union meetings with the company's top management today. | Recordings obtained by Labor Notes show top management dangled carrots and put on a contrite-boss act, promising to do better. | Workers filed with the National Labor Relations Board on April 5 for the first-ever election to unionize the 5,200 people who work at the plant. | Mercedes claims to be neutral in the election, but it's also listed as a supporter of the Business Council of Alabama's anti-union website, Alabama Strong. The Auto Workers (UAW) has filed multiple unfair labor pr…

Kim Ives, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-04-13). Revolution's Human Costs And Unintended Consequences. On the night of August 21, 1791, the enslaved men and women of the French colony of Saint Domingue, then the richest in the Western Hemisphere, rose up in fury. | They had been kidnapped from Africa, survived the deadly "middle passage," seen their families separated, enslaved under inhuman conditions, worked around the clock, tortured, raped, abused, and humiliated. | When the day of reckoning came, three centuries of anger erupted in a geyser of violence. | The rampaging slaves burned the plantations and homes of their European enslavers.

Ceasefire Postcards (2024-04-13). Sunday 4/14: Ceasefire Postcards to Congress Pop-Up. Heyma Yemeni Coffee at 1122 University Ave in Berkeley…

lise minerva luxx (2024-04-13). Palestine Action proves the power of tenacity. Elbit UK has already lost two government contracts even as the political environment grows more hostile to pro-Palestine activism.

WSWS (2024-04-13). Australian actors condemn Gaza genocide, oppose Zionist crackdown on free speech. The pro-Israeli campaign of lies and intimidation has its limits, as evidenced by the principled and courageous statements of world-renowned actors Hugo Weaving and Miriam Margolyes.

Joe Lombardo (2024-04-13). UNAC conference draws hundreds to oppose genocide in Gaza and a hybrid war against China — Focus on building unity in action. The United National Antiwar Coalition released the following news release on April 8 which has been lightly edited. Over 400 antiwar, anti-imperialist and Palestine solidarity activists convened in St. Paul, Minnesota, on April 5, 6 and 7, in the first major conference of the U.S. antiwar movement since before the . . . |

WSWS (2024-04-13). Berlin police raid and shut down anti-genocide conference. On Friday afternoon, Berlin witnessed scenes reminiscent of the era of the Nazi regime. Hundreds of police officers terrorised a Palestine Congress, which was directed against the Israeli genocide in Gaza, eventually banning it altogether.

Mohammad Saleh (2024-04-13). Ghassan Abu Sittah accuses Germany of 'genocide complicity' after being refused entry. Ghassan Abu Sittah accuses Germany of 'genocide complicity' after being refused entry | The British-Palestinian surgeon speaks to MEE after being denied role in Palestine conference, which was shut down by police | | British-Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sittah at an emergency prot…

Cynthia Papermaster (2024-04-13). Monday 4/15: No Taxes for War and Genocide! Nationwide Economic Blockade. Gather at UN Plaza, Market St. and Hyde St.; Parade to the IRS, 450 Golden Gate Ave.

WSWS (2024-04-13). Spain's PSOE-Sumar government feigns sympathy with Gaza, calling for Palestinian statehood. This proposal on Palestinian statehood is an empty gesture with no practical implications, as the Israeli genocide in Gaza can only be stopped by opposing NATO's backing for Israel.

Editor (2024-04-13). Apr 13, 2024. Daniil Trifonov — Bach: Cantata BWV 147: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Imagine No War, by A.J. Smuskiewicz Getting Gaza Right Is The Absolute Bare Minimum Requirement, by Caitlin Johnstone Israel is Losing the War and the IDF Won't Survive Iran's Retaliation | Scott Ritter (Video) Israel in despair over possible Iranian retaliation, by Lucas Leiroz 'Utterly Insane Strategy' — Why Friedman Thinks Gaza War is 'Unwinnable' for Israel — Pal Chronicle Israel Humiliated, Iraq, Lebanon Down Ships, Ports, and IDF Drones — Danny Haiphong (Video) Day 189: Israel and U.S. brace…

WSWS (2024-04-13). Biden gives Israel "ironclad" backing against Iranian retaliatory strike. Biden's "ironclad" guarantee amounts to a blank cheque to the Israeli regime to carry out illegal acts of aggression anywhere in the Middle East, including on Iran.

| Namemohamed Mandour (2024-04-13). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour (2024-04-13). Israel-Iran conflict: Israel braces for possible Iranian attack in retaliation for Damascus embassy killing. PTC Web Desk: Israel is preparing for a potential direct attack from Iran in retaliation for the recent killing of a senior officer in Iran's embassy in Damascus. US intelligence reports suggest the retaliation could occur as early as Sunday, sparking concerns about a possible regional conflict. | US President Joe Biden has warned Israel about the possibility of an Iranian strike, urging the clerical state to re…

| Namearlene Getz (2024-04-13). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

Fayha Shalash (2024-04-13). Several Palestinians wounded as Israeli settlers renew attacks on West Bank. Several Palestinians wounded as Israeli settlers renew attacks on West Bank | The attacks come a day after hundreds of settlers stormed al-Mughayyir village, killing one Palestinian and wounding 25 others | | A Palestinian man inspects the damage to a house after Israeli settlers attack…

| Name (2024-04-13). CPJ seeks probe of Israeli attack on TV journalists wearing press insignia.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-04-13). China's Unfair 'Overcapacity'. By Michael Roberts — Apr 11, 2024 | The recent nonsense issued by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on China's 'overcapacity' and 'unfair subsidies' to its industries is particularly pathetic. Indeed, let me quote Bertran…

Adam Wetzstein (2024-04-13). Milei's policies push Argentina to the brink. Four months after Javier Milei's inauguration as president, Argentina's crisis of leadership has worsened, with the working class suffering the worst poverty rate in 20 years. Fed up by decades of government that failed working people, some of the public fell for Milei's anti-establishment theatrics while on the campaign trail . . . |

A Guest Author (2024-04-13). Congratulations on Workers World's 65th anniversary. On the request of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, the permanent representative of Korea to the United Nations, Ambassador Kim Song, sent the following letter to Workers World Party on the occasion of its 65th anniversary: |

A Guest Author (2024-04-13). On International Workers' Day: Urgent appeal from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions. The call below was issued in March by the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions. Brothers and Sisters of unions and other labor organizations in the United States of America: In the midst of pain and blood, in the displacement camps, amidst the rubble and the ruins of our . . . |

Princess Harmony (2024-04-13). Stop attacks on harm reduction in Idaho! Harm reduction is exactly that: a reduction of the harm that can potentially be caused by drug use. For some, harm reduction includes trip sitting — having a sober friend watch over them, either in person or through emergency hotlines such as Never Use Alone, while they use drugs. For . . . |

Anjoulie Woodhead (2024-04-13). Global Economic Losses Since Dawn of Pandemic Hit $3.3 Trillion. Since 2020, the global economy lost $3.3 trillion.

ajay tallam (2024-04-13). Friday 4/12: HUM Spring: A Weekend of Song, Connection, & Regeneration. tbd watsonville…

Oceana (2024-04-13). Gray Whale Severely Entangled in Gillnet Fishing Gear off California. Oceana Urges State Legislature to Pass Assembly Bill 2220 to Address These Entanglements…

Center for Biological Diversity (2024-04-13). California Senate Declares 'Year of the California Grizzly Bear'. 2024 Marks Centennial of Last Sighting of State's Official Animal…

ECOS (2024-04-13). Sunday 4/21: Sacramento Earth Day Festival 2024. Southside Park | 700 T Street | Sacramento, CA | Peaceful, Family-Friendly Event…

Angela (2024-04-13). Sunday 4/14: Monterey Protest for Palestine. Windows on the Bay Park, Del Monte Beach | Monterey, CA…

Revolution Books (2024-04-13). Thursday 4/18: ACTUALLY? REVOLUTION IS POSSIBLE! And If This Revolution Isn't Made Soon,Humanity Is Fxxd! Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Brava Theater Center (2024-04-13). Thursday 5/16: Chicanisima! Opera tribute celebrating the life of Olga Talamante. Brava Theater Center | 2781 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Angela (2024-04-13). Tuesday 4/16: Virtual Event: No War With Iran: Codepink Congress Capitol Calling Party. Zoom |…

MFOLMDA (2024-04-13). Wednesday 4/10: SF Rally Against Gun Violence: CA Voters Passed Gun Safety Law SB2 & It Must Stay! San Francisco City Hall | 1 Carlton B Goodlett Pl | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2024-04-13). Reclaiming our "Stolen Legacy" this 24th Annual Folsom Juneteenth Celebration. In 2000, Joe Louis Moore led the way to establish public Folsom Juneteenth events that were chosen by the National Park Service to be included in their National Underground Railroad Project, one of only two projects in California to be selected for that honor. It is past time to reclaim our "Stolen Legacy" and restore our authentic Golden Legacy. An ongoing David vs. Goliath battle…

A Radical Guide (2024-04-13). Disabled Communists and Anarchists: Disability Action Research Kollective. In January, we posted a Call for Submissions for a project inviting volunteers to write and submit a short, single-paragraph biography about radicals with disabilities. That project is still underway, and the creator of the call has shared the first product, Disabled Communists and Anarchists: Disability Action Research Kollective, and this note is below.

Production Assistant Sparkles (2024-04-13). Minnesota Sup. Ct. "Streaming Live" Apr. 16, 2024 Marijuana Party Presidential Candidate. Presidential Candidate for the Legal Marijuana Now political party of Minnesota may be removed from the 2024 election ballot along with the entire party. Minnesota Supreme Court Hearing Streaming Live April 16, 2024 |…

Angela (2024-04-13). Sunday 4/14: Palo Alto Vigil for the Children of Gaza. Corner of Town & Country Village | 855 El Camino Real | Palo Alto, CA…

Lynda Carson (2024-04-13). KPFA radio to celebrate 75th anniversary. Vintage Poster Of The KPFA – Pacifica Struggle In 1999 That Is On The Wall Of My Apartment:…

Angela (2024-04-13). Saturday 4/13: San Diego Peace Vigil for Palestine. Entry to Ocean Beach | Sunset Cliffs Blvd and W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego, CA…

Kepler Books (2024-04-13). Wednesday 5/29: "Undue Burden": Book talk on Abortion in Post-Roe America w/ author Shefali Luthra. Kepler Books | 1010 El Camino Real #100 | Menlo Park, CA 94025 | Or join online via Zoom…

Regeneration-Pájaro Valley Climate Action (2024-04-13). Wednesday 5/8: Pajaro PhotoVoice Exhibition. 112 East Beach Street, Watsonville…

California Writers Club, Berkeley (2024-04-13). Sunday 4/21: Poets on Earth: An Earth Day Write-In and Open Mic. California Writers Circle (formerly Fire Circle) | 3540 Sanborn Drive | Oakland, CA 94602…

Angela (2024-04-13). Sunday 4/14: Santa Rosa Protest for Palestine. Courthouse Square | Santa Rosa, CA…

Brenda Norrell (2024-04-13). Australian Lithium Company and Navajo Enterprise Plan to Mine Hualapai Ceremonial Site. Australia's Arizona Lithium plans to mine lithium in Hualapai's ceremonial place, and a Navajo Nation enterprise signed an agreement in March to operate the lithium mine for the Australian company. This includes securing the permits, drilling, and poisoning the water, in violation of federal laws, at Hualapai's sacred spring, where Hualapai have offered their prayers since time immemorial.

Phyllis Bennis, Jacksocn Lears, Jeffrey Sachs (2024-04-13). Roundtable on Current U.S. Foreign Policy: Militarism Unhinged. I invited three insightful analysts of present-day U.S. foreign policy to share their thoughts in a roundtable discussion. Here are excerpts from Phyllis Bennis, Jackson Lears and Jeffrey Sachs. | — Norman Solomon…

Angela (2024-04-13). Wednesday 4/17: Webinar: On the Ground in Gaza: Live Report Back from Eyewitness Palestine. Online (Registration link is below)…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-04-13). Bill Gates and the UN impose their digital IDs on Sierra Leoneans. The West African nation of Sierra Leone is at full throttle with its digital transformation efforts, and its MOSIP-based foundational identity system is the nucleus of this project. The Modular Open Source …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-04-13). Video: Neoliberal Shock Treatment, Chile, Argentina and The Aftermath: "Deadly Macro-Economic Reforms". Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett.

midwesternmarx (2024-04-13). The Integral Crisis in the U.S. and the Purity Fetish By: Carlos L. Garrido. Lecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico The United States tells the world and its citizens that it is the greatest country on the planet, where freedom and democracy reign, and where there is an American dream that gives everyone the opportunity to live flourishing "middle class" lives with white-fenced houses and two cars. For the American working masses, however, as the great critical comedian George Carlin noted, "it's called the American dream because you have to be a …

midwesternmarx (2024-04-13). Why We Must Inherit the Third American Revolution By: Jeremiah Kim. On what basis do we call the Civil Rights Movement a revolution? And will there be one to follow?The year is 2024. America is today engulfed in its greatest political crisis perhaps since the Civil War. The blatant hypocrisy and contempt shown by our elites, decades of deindustrialization, neglect, and downward economic mobility, cities and towns overrun by deaths of despair, and America's most recent proxy wars in Gaza and Ukraine have, in unprecedented fashion, driven Americans aw …

midwesternmarx (2024-04-13). Islamic Socialism: A Globally Suppressed Islamic Resistance Movement By: Islamic Socialism (ML). ​From 1917 Russia to Today; The multiple movements, defining the ideology, and how the movement has been attacked by Wahhabism & the CIA First Mention of Islamic Socialism: Islamic Socialism started officially in the early 1900's Russia during the time of increasing hostility towards the Tsar; and not for no reason either. Many Muslims of Russia and lands Russia imperialized was constantly being attacked by the Tsar and Church under the orders of the Tsar. The object …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-13). Fires in El Salvador destroyed 2,000 hectares. The figure might be minimal for a large country but El Salvador has a territorial extension of 21,041 square kilometers only and a big population density. | Fire Department General Director Baltazar Solano said that the number of fires in recent months exceeded those reported in 2023. | In an interview on local television, Solano explained that between January and March 2024, more than 2,300 fires have been reported, and most of them have been forest, brush and agricultural fires. | He added that compared with 2023, there is an increase of more than 400 fires, and warned that these fires not only affect the land…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-13). Sexual violence plagues the female segment in Port-au-Prince. In Croix-des-Bouquets, Bel-Air, La Saline, Pernier and Ganthier, at least 74 women and girls were victims of this practice, including their rape by several members of a criminal gang, according to a report from the Haitian National Human Rights Network. | Previously, the Departmental Initiative against Trafficking and Child Trafficking in Haiti (Idette) called for the creation of a multi-sectoral mechanism that can protect women and children amid the insecurity that exists in Haiti. | The organization recommended finding ways to take care of the survivors of abuse, creating a unit for women and children at risk…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-04-13). Link found between microplastics and heart diseases. London, Apr 13 (Prensa Latina) The accumulation of tiny plastic particles in blood vessels is now linked to an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and deaths, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Robert Hunziker (2024-04-13). Uncharted Territory Dead Ahead. When America's leading authority on the climate system Gavin Schmidt of NASA throws his hands up in the air, exclaiming, we've got a knowledge gap for the first time since satellites started tuning into the planet's climate system, what does this imply about future conditions for the planet? | Gavin Schmidt, Director, Goddard Institute for Space Studies: "In general, the 2023 temperature anomaly has come out of the blue, revealing an unprecedented knowledge gap perhaps for the first time since about 40 years ago, when satellite data began offering modelers an unparalleled, real-time view of Earth's climate system…

tvbrics (2024-04-13). Russian scientists develop new medicine. It is an antibacterial drug for the treatment of complicated infections…

tvbrics (2024-04-13). Number of applications for 2024 Bolsa Atleta programme exceeds 9,000. The programme is open to pregnant women, deaf athletes and assistants of Paralympic athletes…

The Independent (2024-04-13). Ukraine opens embassy in Cote d'Ivoire. ABIDJAN | Xinhua | Ukraine on Thursday inaugurated an embassy in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, in an attempt to expand its diplomatic presence in Africa. "The opening of the embassy in Cote d'Ivoire, a country rightly considered one of the leaders in the West African region, is explained above all by our desire to intensify global …

| Name (2024-04-13). Ukrainian military attempts to intimidate journalist Yevhen Shulhat, reports say.

WSWS (2024-04-13). Cornel West selects Black Lives Matter promoter Melina Abdullah as running mate. The selection of Melina Abdullah as running mate signals a decision by West to emphasize racial divisions rather than class conflict.

WSWS (2024-04-13). UAW President Fain at the White House dinner: The corporatist alliance for World War III. The role of the bureaucracy in the plans for war are to discipline the working class on the "home front," to ensure the continued production and deployment of military equipment and to prevent opposition from workers both to the war itself and the demands for their "sacrifice," which will inevitably accompany it.

WSWS (2024-04-13). President of Germany's Kiel Institute proposes financing war rearmament using the Nazi model. As well as massive cuts in social programmes, the president of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy is proposing an annual special fund of €150 billion for the military, financed through credit. Just as under the Nazis, such massive credits can only be repaid through the booty of imperialist wars of conquest.

WSWS (2024-04-13). US House passes bipartisan 2-year reauthorization of Section 702 warrantless surveillance. A bipartisan 2-1 majority of the House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday reauthorizing and strengthening the power of the intelligence state to spy on the public contained in Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

WSWS (2024-04-13). Ann Arbor board approves layoffs and budget cuts over mass opposition. The Ann Arbor School Board voted 4-3 to impose cuts in the face of heated opposition from an overflow crowd at the meeting.

WSWS (2024-04-13). Stellantis cuts another 200 supplemental workers in Detroit as auto layoffs continue. The laid-off workers sequenced parts for Stellantis assembly plants in Detroit.

WSWS (2024-04-13). Emergency room workers threaten strike at Ascension St. John Hospital in Detroit. The 43 members of the newly formed Greater Detroit Association of Emergency Physicians union are contracted by Ascension St. John Hospital but employed by a private equity-funded staffing company called TeamHealth.

WSWS (2024-04-13). New Zealand strengthens military alliance with US. New Zealand's foreign and defence ministers visited Washington this week to reinforce their support for the US military build-up against China and the US-NATO war against Russia.

WSWS (2024-04-13). Woody Allen's Coup de Chance: The "wonderfully wealthy" businessman as a sociopath. The newest film by Woody Allen had to be made in France because the US movie industry has essentially excluded the veteran writer-director.

WSWS (2024-04-13). Australian union cancels strike by airport firefighters, announces sell-out deal. A four-hour strike by 800 airport firefighters has been called off by the United Firefighters Union of Australia, on the basis of an "in-principle agreement" that will impose further cuts to real wages.

Jonathan Cavanagh, Juliet Spiller, D Robin Taylor (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Assisted dying, moral distress, and conscientious objection. The proposed Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill poses a major challenge for decision making in seriously ill patients and for staff wellbeing.

David Kowalski (2024-04-13). Alice and Blondie save Pandemonium amid online outrage.

Geoff Watts (2024-04-13). Obituary] C Norman Coleman. Radiation oncologist and government adviser. Born in Brooklyn, NY, USA, on Jan 24, 1945 he died of an aggressive sarcoma in Washington, DC, USA, on March 1, 2024 aged 79 years.

Bill McAuley (2024-04-13). If you think you know where this is… think again.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). In case you missed it: This week's Top 5 stories on social media. Check out a few of the most popular News Network stories on @mayoclinic social media this past week. Study documents safety, improvements from stem cell therapy after spinal cord injury A recent Mayo Clinic study indicates that stem cells obtained from the fat tissue of patients are both safe and could enhance sensation and movement following traumatic spinal cord injuries. These findings provide valuable insights into the potential of cell therapy for people dealing with…

David S Jones (2024-04-13). Perspectives] Still seeking health in the greenhouse. It seems fitting that The Lancet, a medical journal that was founded in the country that pioneered coal-powered industrialisation, would be the first to warn about the health effects of climate change. On April 15, 1989 The Lancet published an unsigned editorial, "Health in the Greenhouse". Its message was clear: "Action to combat global warming must not be allowed to await the results of further research. Remedial measures are needed now. Already this decade has produced six of the warmest years this century." Exactly the same warning could be written today.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Tech neck is a pain in more than just the neck. The typical average adult head weighs approximately 10-12 pounds. But did you know that bending it forward at a 45-degree angle to look at a cellphone or tablet can dramatically increase your chances to have "tech neck?" "That's like having an 8-pound bowling ball as your head. Then you have 72 pounds at your elbow and 96 pounds on your shoulder," says Brian Langenhorst, industrial and ergonomics specialist at Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse. "I probably…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). CAR-T cell therapy helps man continue community advocacy. Sylvester Pinckney Sylvester Pinckney is someone who knows a lot about teamwork. He was a star football player in high school and college; he and his wife, Sabrina, have raised a family together; and for more than 20 years, he has worked to promote the well-being of children throughout his community. When Sylvester was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma in 2016, he knew he would have a team supporting him. "When you have the opportunity to…

Bing-Syuan Zeng, Ping-Tao Tseng, Chih-Sung Liang (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Over-diagnosis of psychiatric disorders. In their Perspectives piece, Cristian Montenegro1 highlights that international and national funding agencies might influence the definition of participation and community engagement in mental health research in a continuous cycle. To date, clinical practices adhere to a validated diagnostic process, and the treatment approach can vary depending on alterations in the diagnosed condition. An important illustration of this is the transition from a diagnosis of unipolar depression to bipolar depression, which necessitates a distinct therapeutic strategy.

Nathan Hodson (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Let people being executed choose whether a doctor is present. The death penalty is ineffective and unjust. If readers of the Lancet Editorial1 could halt all executions, they would most likely be persuaded to do so. However, the Editorial argued not just against executions, but against medical presence at executions. Although the four principles of medical ethics were cited, this analytical approach contradicts the conclusions of the Editorial. (2024-04-13). Four Indians get 122 years in jail for brutal murder of 23-year-old delivery driver in UK. PTC Web Desk: In the UK, four Indian-origin men have been sentenced to a total of 122 years in prison for the murder of Aurman Singh, a 23-year-old delivery driver of Indian origin. The brutal attack, | Four Indians get 122 years in jail for brutal murder of 23-year-old delivery driver in UK…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic study finds active workstations may improve cognitive performance. ROCHESTER, Minn. — A recent Mayo Clinic study suggests that active workstations incorporating a walking pad, bike, stepper and/or standing desk are successful strategies for reducing sedentary time and improving mental cognition at work without reducing job performance. Extended sedentary behavior, whether at work or home, increases a person's risk of preventable chronic diseases. "Our findings suggest that it is feasible to blend movement with office work that previously would have been done during long… (2024-04-13). Pakistan: Historic Hindu temple demolished near Pakistan-Afghanistan border for commercial complex. PTC Web Desk: A historical Hindu temple near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, known as the 'Khyber Temple', has been demolished in the Khyber district's Landi Kotal Bazaar, raising concerns among Hindu groups and cultural preservation advocates. The site, which had been closed since 1947 when the original Hindu occupants migrated to India, is now being used for constructing a commercial complex.The temple had slowly deteriorated over the years and was being dismantled brick by brick. The construction work at the site began around 10 to 15 days ago. Officials from various administrative departments have either de…

The Lancet (2024-04-13). Editorial] India's elections: why data and transparency matter. Later this month, Indians will head to the polls in what will be the largest election in history. 970 million people, more than 10% of the world population, will vote in the 2024 Lok Sabha (House of the People) parliamentary elections between April 19 and June 4. Opinion polls suggest that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, and his coalition will win a third successive 5-year term. Under Modi's leadership, India has seen a remarkable, albeit unequal, economic boom.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic Minute: Advances in treating kidney cancer. Kidney cancer is one the most common cancers in the U.S., with over 81,000 new diagnoses in 2023 alone. Mayo Clinic sees a high volume of kidney cancer cases and is among the most experienced institutions in treating kidney tumors. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Aaron Potretzke, a Mayo Clinic urologist, explains how advances in diagnostics and treatment have made kidney cancer more treatable than ever before. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: …

Michelle Fernandez, Adriano Massuda, Renato Tasca (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Reaffirming primary health care's vital role. In an Offline1 criticising the slow progress in achieving universal health coverage (UHC) worldwide, Richard Horton pointed out that primary health care is not enough to face the demands of the new health landscape. Although we agree with this statement, Horton's narrow perspective of the role of primary health care in health systems, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries, is concerning. In Latin America, primary health care expanded in several countries following health system reforms in the 1990s, but this expansion is still an ongoing process.

The Independent (2024-04-13). Parliament approves salary enhancement for UPDF officers. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | In a significant move aimed at boosting the welfare of Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) officers, Parliament has approved a Shs962.23 billion for the enhancement of their salaries. This decision was presented by Wilson Kajwengye, the Chairperson of the Defence Committee of Parliament as the House considered the defence ministerial …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic, Terasaki Institute launch collaboration for transplant innovation. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Mayo Clinic and Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation announced today a research collaboration centered on improving organ transplant outcomes. Beginning in April, Mayo Clinic biomedical researchers and Terasaki Institute scientists will work together on two core areas: real-time monitoring of donated organ health from procurement to transplant surgery and developing predictive technologies to determine which transplant recipients have a higher likelihood of rejection. That will be done by creating prognostic signatures and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Organ donation: Don't let these myths confuse you. Over 100,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ transplant. Unfortunately, many may never get the call saying that a suitable donor organ — and a second chance at life — has been found. It's estimated that more than 15 people die every day in the U.S. because of the lack of donor organs. It can be hard to think about what's going to happen to your body after you die, let alone…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic Minute: Essential tips to ensure safe sleep for infants. The risk for sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, is highest in the first year of life. SIDS often happens during sleep, which is why knowing and practicing safe sleep is so important. A recent study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics reveals that some mothers are aware of safe sleep guidelines for infants, but they regularly engage in nonrecommended practices with the goal of improving their own and their baby's sleep. In this…

| Name (2024-04-13). Mali's media regulator bans outlets from covering political groups.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Unleashing CAR-T cell therapy to destroy solid tumors in thyroid cancer. Mayo Clinic researchers will jump four hurdles to apply chimeric antigen receptor-T cell therapy (CAR-T cell therapy) to solid tumors in thyroid cancer. This regenerative immunotherapy has shown promising results in blood cancers, and new research is focused on using this treatment on more types of malignancies. "CAR-T cell therapy is unlike other therapeutics," says Saad Kenderian, M.B., Ch.B., a hematologist and cancer researcher. "Other therapies may slow down cancer. CAR-T cell therapy has shown…

Himmatrao Saluba Bawaskar, Gargi H Sapkal, Pramodini Himmatrao Bawaskar (2024-04-13). Correspondence] The complexities of mental health in rural India. Depression is often taken as a fact of life. Relentless competition, stressful work lives, and additional responsibilities aggravate mental health circumstances for young people. Many parents also impose their interests and passions onto their children, causing them to neglect their own passions.1 Between 2017 and 2023, 23 students died by suicide at Kota, a popular education hub for examination preparation and pre-entrance examinations in Rajasthan, India, due to low examination grades.2 Poor mental health and suicide elsewhere in the world have been detailed in the literature.

Arthur Bassas (2024-04-13). It Happened at the UN: Week Ending April 12.

Tamara Lucas (2024-04-13). Perspectives] Shakuntala Thilsted: shifting our approach to food systems. Food scientist Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, Director for Nutrition, Health and Food Security Impact Area Platform for the agricultural research group CGIAR, is best known for pioneering whole-system approaches in food studies that have shaped how food systems are studied. At WorldFish, a CGIAR centre, she has led research and innovations in aquatic foods systems that influence multiple organisations and committees, providing thought leadership and shaping high-level conversations in transformation of food systems.

John Zarocostas (2024-04-13). World Report] IHR talks advance ahead of key deadline. However, revisions to the International Health Regulations concerning equitable access and financial assistance are linked to troubled parallel talks on a pandemic accord. By John Zarocostas.

Erin K Ferenchick, Sankha Randenikumara, Christopher Dowrick, Christos Lionis, Cindy L K Lam, Larry A Green, Bonnie Jortberg (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Bold action and collaboration for health for all. We read Richard Horton's Offline1 with a feeling of trepidation. Of course, primary care is not enough but it is essential, and it is in crisis. At a time when headlines are drawing attention to issues of poor access to care, ineffective delivery models, and worsening health workforce shortages, we more than ever need strong leadership and bold action committed to strengthening primary care. We agree that no one should be left behind, but fundamentally this principle means ensuring a strong foundation for the delivery of health promotion, prevention, and treatment.

The Independent (2024-04-13). Parliament delays allocation of Shs200 billion for UNRA staff. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament has rejected and re-allocated Shs200 billion budgeted to compensate Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) staff that will be affected by rationalisation. The funds have now been earmarked for debt repayment. This decision came amidst deliberations led by Dan Atwijukire, the Chairperson of the Committee on Physical Infrastructure, during the …

Paul Webster (2024-04-13). World Report] FDA escalates enforcement against vapes. Penalties for retailers and manufacturers are part of the agency's efforts to tackle unregulated vapes. By Paul Webster.

| Namearlene Getz (2024-04-13). Togolese authorities release journalist Apollinaire Mewenemesse with conditions. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic Minute: How often should you wash your hair? To shampoo or not to shampoo? That might be your question each time you head into the shower. Dr. Dawn Davis, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, says, when it comes to the scalp and the hair, there's a new trend online where shampooing less is preferred. Here's what she would like you to consider when it comes time to washing your hair. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 05) is in the downloads at…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). New study finds triple-negative breast cancer tumors with an increase in immune cells have lower risk of recurrence after surgery. ROCHESTER, Minn. — A new multicenter, international study suggests that people who have early-stage triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and high levels of immune cells within their tumors may have a lower risk of recurrence and better survival rates even when not treated with chemotherapy. The study was published today in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA). TNBC is a breast cancer subtype that does not respond to drugs that target the estrogen receptor or…

Gijs Walraven, Harrison Chuwa, Alain Fourquet, Paschal Rugajjo (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Primary health care and the Tanzania Comprehensive Cancer Project. In his Offline,1 Richard Horton argues that "the global health community's emotional attachment to the 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata, which codified a commitment to primary healthcare, is stifling" efforts to realise universal health coverage and hinders the inclusion of hospital-based services and specialist health care to address more complex health problems, such as cancer care in sub-Saharan Africa.1…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Could CAR-T cell therapy improve kidney transplants? Chimeric antigen receptor-T cell therapy (CAR-T cell therapy) could provide a revolutionary approach to organ transplantation for patients who are hard to match and susceptible to rejection, Mayo Clinic researchers discovered. Their pioneering research focuses on using CAR-T cells derived from the patient's own immune system to prevent rejection of donated organs. Sensitized patients are those who have high levels of antibodies that cause their immune systems to react negatively to potential donor organs. These…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is pink eye? Pink eye is extremely common in kids. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, public schoolchildren in the U.S. miss 3 million school days each year because of pink eye. Dr. Tina Ardon, a Mayo Clinic family physician, explains what you should know about this contagious condition. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network."…

Belinda Jones (2024-04-13). Peter Dutton goes from bad to worse with new Port Arthur low.

Pierre-Franàßois Pradat, Sara Piazza, Claire Fourcade, Pierre-Franàßois Perrigault (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Exceptional euthanasia: a theoretical construct or medical necessity? In France, the medical community is deeply engaged in a pivotal debate surrounding a draft bill that is set to be presented to the Presidential Cabinet for legalising active assistance in dying.1 The heart of this debate centres around the proposed addition within the bill of exceptional euthanasia, where the lethal drug is directly administered by a medical professional, alongside assisted suicide, where the individuals self-administer the lethal medication provided by a health-care professional; this addition is aimed at ensuring equal access to active assistance in dying for individuals with motor disabilities…

| Namecpj Middle East, North Africa Program (2024-04-13). One year into Sudan's civil war, its media faces grave threats. CPJ Middle East and North Africa program

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Protect those eyes on the sky. On April 8, a solar eclipse — when the moon blocks the sun — will be visible in North America as the sun crosses Mexico, the U.S. and Canada. A total eclipse will occur in certain locations in the U.S., and a partial eclipse will be visible in other areas of the country, including Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. While the eclipse is a momentous occasion, it's something eye experts say you need to enjoy safely…. (2024-04-13). FBI announces $250,000 reward for info on one of most wanted fugitive – Gujarat's Chetanbhai Patel.

Thomas Ungar, Stephanie Knaak (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Structural stigma in mental illness. The Lancet Commission on Ending Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health1 emphasises the need to address structural stigma in our health-care systems and frames it as a concern for health-care equity: "health and care services should be provided […] regardless of health condition […] equitably to people with physical health conditions and mental health conditions".

Richard Horton (2024-04-13). Comment] Offline: A mirage of progress for health and democracy. "Hong Kong parliament passes draconian law to crack down on dissent." "Macron feels force of Kremlin's fake news machine." News headlines suggest democracy is under threat. And so it is. Last month, the Bertelsmann Stiftung Transformation Index (BTI) recorded a further decline (between February, 2021, and January, 2023) in the quality of democracy across 137 countries. Only 63 nations were classified as democracies. The majority were labelled autocracies—covering 4 billion people. The BTI deploys words such as "gloomy", "gradual erosion", and "a new nadir".

| Name (2024-04-13). North Macedonia police arrest journalist Furkan Saliu at soccer match.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). New heated drug baths provide hope for patients with stomach cancer. Mayo Clinic researchers used a new approach to chemotherapy to more than double the typical survival rate for patients with stomach cancer and peritoneal metastasis, which is cancer that has spread to the lining of the abdominal cavity.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic virologist offers perspective on avian influenza, bird flu, outbreak. Health officials around the globe, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, are monitoring the ongoing avian influenza outbreak. Also known as bird flu, the highly contagious viral disease typically spreads among birds, but can also infect livestock and, in rare cases, humans. "Avian influenza is very common among migratory birds such as waterfowl," says Dr. Matthew Binnicker, director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic. He adds that human infection is rare,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic Minute: Dermatologist explains light therapy for skin. Dermatologists advise their patients to avoid harmful ultraviolet light, which can cause skin damage, photoaging and skin cancer. But they also may prescribe light therapy to treat certain skin conditions. Light therapy is a treatment that uses different wavelengths of light to treat various skin conditions. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Dawn Davis, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, explains the different types of light therapy, what they treat, and if over-the-counter light therapy devices are…

| Namearlene Getz (2024-04-13). Argentine journalist gets death threats after reporting on illegal medication sales. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

Katherine Li (2024-04-13). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Protecting The Youngest Workers. Good things are happening! States are taking action against abusive child labor, and First Amendment protections could prevail in the WikiLeaks case. Also, retirement funds will now be in safer hands, disadvantaged communities join the clean energy revolution, and transgender people could soon score safer workplaces.States Act To Protect Their Youngest Workers: At least a dozen states are proposing more stringent laws to protect their youngest workers this year, in response to surging child labor violations and a coordinated effort to roll back child labor protections.Since the pandemic's onset, employers…

Anirban Maitra, Eric J Topol (2024-04-13). Perspectives] Early detection of pancreatic cancer and AI risk partitioning. Pancreatic cancer is on the rise globally, and usually presents at advanced metastatic stages, inoperable, with little responsiveness to chemotherapy. Early diagnosis has been associated with better outcomes, but only a minority of pancreatic cancer cases are diagnosed at a stage when the tumour is surgically operable. Current guidance for pancreatic cancer surveillance is restricted to high-risk individuals (HRIs) who have germline mutations that predispose to a lifetime increased risk of pancreatic cancer or a strong family history of pancreatic cancer.

Dinesh C Sharma (2024-04-13). World Report] Modi's health agenda under scrutiny. Initiatives taken since 2014 to reduce out-of-pocket health expenditure and improve universal health coverage in the country have underdelivered. Dinesh C Sharma reports.

Shailendra Prasad, Esther Johnston, Bassim Birkland, Ramakrishna Prasad, Annika Carlson, Klaus von Pressentin (2024-04-13). Correspondence] Primary health care has not been prioritised enough. In his Offline,1 Richard Horton comments that promoting primary health care is "desperately misguided". Horton refers to shifts in epidemiologic curves, emphasising the need for cancer care and the success of antiretroviral treatments for HIV as reasons for this.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). More than 90 articles from 25 countries featured in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health journal's first year. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health, an open-access companion journal to the widely read and cited Mayo Clinic Proceedings, is marking its first anniversary, having published more than 90 articles on the digital transformation of healthcare internationally. Authors published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health's first year represent 25 countries on five continents, and the content has had more than 125,000 downloads. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health focuses on the translation, adaptation and implementation of digital…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is a living donor chain? There are more than 90,000 people on the waiting list for a kidney transplant in the U.S. Unfortunately, the demand for kidneys exceeds the supply. However, so-called living donor chains are giving hope to those in need of vital organs. Dr. Shennen Mao, a Mayo Clinic transplant surgeon, explains how donor chains work. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 07) is in the downloads at the end of…

Ann Meharg (2024-04-13). It wasn't here.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-13). Alertan sobre crímenes y robo por fuerzas israelíes en Palestina. Sobre la muerte en Ramallah, el Ministerio de Salud precisó que el joven llegó muerto al Complejo Médico Palestino.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-04-13). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Organizaciones de DD.HH. han realizado varios llamados a un alto al fuego inmediato ante la grave situación que se vive en los territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-13). Inundaciones dejan al menos 13 muertos en Kenia. Las autoridades kenyanas han reportado inundaciones en solo nueve de los 47 condados que conforman el país.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-13). Firman acta que confirma Copa Mundial de Fútbol 2030. Uruguay, Argentina y Paraguay acogerán los primeros partidos y, posteriormente, el ciclo se completará los países de España, Portugal y Marruecos donde se celebrarán la mayoría de los partidos del evento mundial.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-13). Ataque en Al-Mughayir provoca muerte de un joven palestino. Muhammad Mustafa pidió a los representantes que proporcionen todo el apoyo y la asistencia necesarios a la población de la aldea de Al-Mughair.

teleSUR, dcd, YSM (2024-04-13). Gobierno de España busca extinguir Fundación Francisco Franco. La Ley de Memoria Democrática establece "que no caben fundaciones que vanaglorian a aquellas personas, colectivos o asociaciones que hicieron apología del franquismo".

teleSUR, SH (2024-04-13). Gobierno ecuatoriano emite reglamento para aplicar la eutanasia. La Corte Constitucional de Ecuador dio un plazo de seis meses a la Defensoría del Pueblo para presentar un proyecto de ley que regule la eutanasia.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-04-13). México denuncia ante ONU violaciones a embajada en Ecuador. México solicitó que "la información sea circulada entre todos los miembros de la ONU y sea incorporada en la agenda de la Asamblea General.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-13). Ministerio Público de Venezuela colabora en investigación con Chile. El fiscal venezolano explicó que la solicitud de cooperación interinstitucional por parte de Chile fue recibida en la víspera.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-13). Bolivia mantiene la proyección de crecimiento de 3,71 % para 2024. El funcionario aseguró que el Gobierno nacional prevé el dato objetivo del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE).

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-13). ALBA-TCP exige respeto a estatus de asilado de Jorge Glas. El ALBA-TCP pidió al Gobierno ecuatoriano que se "emita el salvoconducto que legalmente le corresponde al exvicepresidente Glas".

teleSUR, dcdc, SH (2024-04-13). Alertan que 55 millones de africanos podrían sufrir de hambre. Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leona y Mali serán los países más afectados de África, debido a factores como los conflictos, la inflación creciente o las barreras comerciales.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-13). Elevan a 27 los muertos del personal de Media Luna Roja Palestina. La PRCS informó que el paramédico Muhammad Abdel-Latif Abu Saeed fue herido el pasado 24 de marzo, cuando realizaban la evacuación del hospital Al-Amal.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-13). Constituido oficialmente el Consejo Presidencial de Transición en Haití. El mandato del consejo presidencial de transición finaliza, a más tardar, el 7 de febrero de 2026, según lo establecido en el decreto, el cual también especifica que sus miembros deben nombrar "rápidamente" un primer ministro y un gobierno "inclusivo".

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-13). Petro anuncia presentará una nueva reforma tributaria al Congreso. Petro realizó su anuncio durante su participación en el Congreso Naturgas en Cartagena de Indias.

teleSUR, ahf, SH (2024-04-13). Presidentes de Palestina y Turquía dialogan sobre situación en Gaza. En medio de la conversación telefónicá, el líder palestino resaltó la necesidad de una urgente "entrada de ayuda humanitaria y médica" a Palestina.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-13). Reportan 11 heridos tras ataque ucraniano en región de Donetsk. En el incendio en Nizhni Nóvgorod, los empleados del Ministerio de Emergencias ruso rescataron a una niña de 11 años.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-13). Indepaz denuncia asesinato de líder social en Solano, Colombia. Se trata de José Mesías Dorado Quintero, líder político y asociado de la Junta de Acción Comunal de Lusitania, en jurisdicción del municipio de Solano, Caquetá.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-04-13). OMS: miles de niños y mujeres pueden morir pronto de hambre en Sudán. En general, cinco millones de personas están "al borde de la hambruna" en las zonas afectadas por el conflicto.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-13). Gobierno de Venezuela ratifica rechazo a cualquier forma de injerencismo en asuntos internos. La reunión entre delegaciones de Venezuela y Estados Unidos se realizó el pasado 9 de abril en Ciudad de México.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-04-13). Meningococcal disease on the rise in the US. Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, responsible for causing meningococcal meningitis. Courtesy: CDC A rise in invasive serogroup Y meningococcal disease has prompted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to issue a health advisory for healthcare providers. "Meningococcal disease is a bacterial infection caused by Neisseria meningitidis. About 1 in 10 people are natural carriers of the bacteria, and it can spread to others by sharing respiratory secretions," says Dr. Matthew Binnicker, director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic. Serogroups B, C…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-13). Sindicato de periodistas condena ataque al equipo de canal Al Mayadeen. El Sindicato Internacional de Periodistas convocó a poner en práctica el principio de no impunidad para Israel.

teleSUR, MS (2024-04-13). Israel asesina a 17 palestinos tras atacar nuevamente a Gaza. El ataque del ejército sionista comenzó a primera hora de la mañana en Deir al-Balah, en el centro de Gaza.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-04-13). Niegan recurso de habeas corpus a exvicepresidente Jorge Glas. Ante la sentencia, Glas permanecerá detenido en la cárcel de máxima seguridad, conocida como La Roca, al norte de la sureña ciudad ecuatoriana de Guayaquil.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-13). Al menos cuatro muertos por accidente de autobús en Ecuador. El incidente ocurrió a las 08H23 (hora local) en el trayecto de la vía Loja-Cuenca.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-13). Realizan foro sobre hechos de abril de 2002 en Venezuela. El primer vicepresidente del PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, destacó la importancia del encuentro para el despertar de la nueva generación.

newarab (2024-04-13). Al-Shifa Hospital witnesses reveal bloodshed of Israeli raid. Witnesses of According to testimonies collected by Mondoweiss, civilians working for the Gaza government had been at the hospital collecting salaries at the time of the Israeli assault. | This included civil defence crews, police officers, internal secu…

newarab (2024-04-13). Netanyahu 'thwarts Gaza ceasefire' amid fears for hostages. Negotiations for a ceasefire in On Thursday,

newarab (2024-04-13). US official admits parts of Gaza 'already suffering famine'. A senior US humanitarian official stated that US Agency for International Development (USAID) chief Samantha Power's admission came on Wednesd…

newarab (2024-04-13). 13,000 Palestinians missing in six-month Israel Gaza assault.

newarab (2024-04-13). Jordan's Muhannad Hadi named as UN coordinator for Palestine. The Hadi will succeed Jamie McGoldrick, who temporarily held the position from December, after replacing Lynn Hastings, who left her post after Israeli authorities While the reasons b…

newarab (2024-04-13). Israel on alert after Iranian threat as Gaza war grinds on. Days after Israel strengthened its air defences and paused leave for combat units, the United States also warned of the risk of an attack by Iran or its allied groups at…

newarab (2024-04-13). France, Germany sued over Israel arms exports amid Gaza war. Five Palestinians living in the The complaint seeks to "revoke the export licences issued by the German government for arms deliveries to Israel", the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) said in a statement. | A spokeswoman for the administra…

newarab (2024-04-13). Surge in British public support for ending Israel arms sales. A growing number of British people want the The YouGov poll is the

newarab (2024-04-13). Contract shows Google Cloud deal with Israeli military. A document A draft contract dated 27 March shows the military having its own "landing zone" in Google Cloud. This zone is a secure entry point to Google-provided computing, allowing the military to store and process data and access

newarab (2024-04-13). Two Palestinians killed by Israeli forces, West Bank raids. Israeli forces have killed two Palestinians early Friday near Tubas in the The deceased Palestinians have since been identified as Mohammed Rasoul and Mohammad Issam al-Shahmawi. | Rasoul was reported to be targeted by Israeli gunfire during an ambush in his vehicle, while al-Shahmawi was shot during a military raid in the al-Far'a refugee camp, located in south of Tubas. | Rasoul led the Tubas Battalion, which consists of a group of young men who h…

newarab (2024-04-13). Dozens killed in Gaza as Hamas vows to 'break' Israel. Israeli forces fought Palestinian militants in the north and centre of the Gaza Strip on Friday as Most Israeli troops have been

newarab (2024-04-13). Israel preparing for 'direct attack' by Iran: reports.

newarab (2024-04-13). Samsung Next leaves Israel as economy suffers from Gaza war. The firm, which is the innovation branch of Korean company Samsung, announced to staff it was closing its operations in An email to office employees…

newarab (2024-04-13). Gaza war: Israeli strikes kill, injure dozens in Gaza City. At least 10 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes that targeted areas in and around Additionally, two Palestinians were also killed in an Israeli bombing targeting north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza…

newarab (2024-04-13). US-Iraq defence ties part of talks next week, official says. The security and defence relationship between the The official, who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity, said the emphasis of Al-Sudani's visit would be economic ties, even as Washington and…

newarab (2024-04-13). Al-Hilal crush Al-Ittihad 4—1 to lift Saudi Super Cup. Jorge Jesus's side, top of the Al-Hilal took an early lead after five minutes through Malcom following a one-two with Saleh Al-S…

newarab (2024-04-13). The New Arab Weekly: Hezbollah threats and Haniyeh targeted.

newarab (2024-04-13). Anousheh Ansari: Building a better world, from here to space. Anousheh Ansari was born a curious child, always asking 'why?' But the question more suited to the history-making entrepreneur and CEO is perhaps 'why not?' | In 2006, Anousheh became the first Iranian to travel to space, a goal she'd set her sights on from a very young age. | | But there were more than a few barriers to getting there — firstly, the fact that Iran didn't have a space progr…

newarab (2024-04-13). Scotland fights to reunite Gaza families divided by war. Emma Roddick issued a letter to UK minister Tom Pursglov, in which she emphasised the addition of the

newarab (2024-04-13). Jordanian journalist detained for covering pro-Gaza protests. A Mohsen, a 25-year-old photographer for the independent

newarab (2024-04-13). Pakistan: 11 killed suspected Balochistan separatist raid. Gunmen killed 11 people in Police said six gunmen stopped a bus near the city of

newarab (2024-04-13). Muslim leaders 'out of words' over US Gaza outreach.

newarab (2024-04-13). Germany bars entry to 'Gaza hero' Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah. Renowned Palestinian-British doctor The New Arab correspondent Rabeea Eid, who is covering the conference, spoke to Abu Sittah who confirmed "they didn't let him in and he cannot now make a statement until the evening". | Abu Sittah, who was recently appointed rector of Glasgow University, is currently being held at a Berlin airpo…

newarab (2024-04-13). Sudanese women: The backbone of society in the face of war. "I know a 30-something woman from Al Geneina [in West Darfur] whose kids were shot dead in front of her eyes while they were on their way to the border with Chad trying to escape from the country," begins Dallia Abdelmoneim, a political commentator from Khartoum. | Dallia, who currently works at the Sudanese think-tank Fikra for Studies and Development, tells The New Arab that the young woman, a lawyer and activist, now helps refugees in Chad offering them legal assistance and ensuring they have access to food and healthcare. | "Millions of women in Sudan have been bearing the brunt of violence and displacemen…

newarab (2024-04-13). 20 years on, Abu Ghraib detainees get their day in US court. Twenty years ago this month, photos of abused prisoners and smiling US soldiers guarding them at Iraq's Now, three survivors of Abu Ghraib will finally get their day in US court against the military contractor they hold responsible for their mistreatment. | The trial is scheduled to begin Monday in

newarab (2024-04-13). Settlers storm West Bank villages, attack Palestinians. Groups of Palestinians in the

newarab (2024-04-13). Argentine court blames Iran and Hezbollah for 1994 attack.

newarab (2024-04-13). New Irish taoiseach and Spanish PM discuss Palestinian state. The comments, following talks in Dublin, came hours after

newarab (2024-04-13). Apple says Palestine flag Jerusalem 'bug' was unintentional. The

newarab (2024-04-13). Jordan should stop crackdown on pro-Gaza protesters: Amnesty. Amnesty International has denounced The rights group

newarab (2024-04-13). Australia: Six killed in Sydney shopping centre knife attack. Six people were Multiple people were stabbed by the unidentified assailant, who was shot dead by a policewoman at the scene. | The incident occurred at the sprawling Westfield Bondi Junction mall complex, which was packed with Saturday afternoon shoppers. | "I'm…

newarab (2024-04-13). MENA Sports Wrap: Moroccan player whipped by angry Saudi fan.

newarab (2024-04-13). US pleads for world to care more about Sudan year into war.

Larry Johnson (2024-04-13). Western Countries Panic as Iran Weighs Its Options. Notwithstanding all of Israel's tough talk and Biden's repeated vow to defend Israel, Israel's military campaign against Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran is turning into a real debacle. And things don't look much better for the United States. The world is now in bona fide tenterhooks mode — i.e., nervously waiting for Iran's promised military retaliation for Israel's illegal bombing of Iran's Consulate in Damascus a week ago. The 1961 The premises of a diplomatic m…

Staff (2024-04-12). Parliament facing action from tens of thousands of people over Israel's genocide. One hundred thousand people are expected to march on parliament for Palestine on Saturday 13 April — in a call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to UK arms sales to Israel. Marching on parliament for Palestine On 13 April tens of thousands of people are expected to demonstrate in London calling on the …

Pressenza New York (2024-04-12). High-level online conference of the Schiller Institute Saturday, April 13, 2024. Online Conference: April 13, 11 a.m. — 4: 30 p.m. (EDT) | : | In October 1962, U.S. President John F. Kennedy recognized the urgent need for a diplomatic agreement with the Soviet Union so directly and immediately — a failure in those famous thirteen days would have meant the abrupt end of civilization — that 7 months later he delivered the fol…

2024-04-13 18:46:30 | 18:46 EST | by | 194 | 0 | 6 | 192 | 0 

2024-04-11: News Headlines

Dave DeCamp (2024-04-11). Biden Walks Back Call for Israel to Declare a Ceasefire in Gaza. President Biden on Wednesday walked back a call for Israel to declare a six-to-eight-week ceasefire in Gaza, saying the truce must be tied to a hostage deal and that it was "up to Hamas." The comments came a day after an interview aired in which Biden appeared to say Israel should unilaterally declare a temporary …

Qassam Muaddi, Mondoweiss. (2024-04-11). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 186: Hamas Calls For Permanent Ceasefire. The Gaza-based Palestinian health ministry announced that 153 Palestinians were killed and 60 wounded by Israeli forces' ongoing strikes on the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours. | Meanwhile, local media sources reported that Israeli forces continued to conduct airstrikes on different parts of Khan Younis, after having withdrawn from the city. In the town of al-Qarara, north of the city, an Israeli airstrike reportedly wounded several Palestinians. In Rafah, medical sources reported recovering two Palestinians killed in the al-Tanour neighborhood by an Israeli airstrike.

Marcy Winograd, CODEPINK. (2024-04-11). Protests At German Diplomatic Missions: Stop Arming Genocide. On the first day of ICJ proceedings, April 8, 2024, in Nicaragua v. Germany, pickets and letter deliveries took place in DC, NYC, LA, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Houston, Miami and Seattle. Demonstrators echoed Nicaragua's requests of the World Court to order Germany and the United States to stop supplying weapons to Israel. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the US supplies 69% of Israel's arsenal; Germany supplies 30% of the weaponry. | Benjamin Alvarez Gruber, US correspondent for Deutsche Welle (DW), state-owned German state-television, covered the story at the DC German em…

WSWS (2024-04-11). German imperialism must answer for complicity in Gaza genocide. On 8 and 9 April, the International Court of Justice in The Hague heard a complaint by Nicaragua accusing the German government of violating the UN Genocide Convention and other international agreements.

Mel Gurtov (2024-04-11). Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza. Among the many brutalities in war prohibited under international humanitarian law are starvation of civilian populations and deliberate attacks on aid workers. Here are some new findings worth considering as we ponder the continued decline of human security in the Gaza fighting. Starvation By now we are all familiar with the appalling food situation in

Ramzy Baroud (2024-04-11). Killing Humanitarian Workers as a Strategy: Israel's Endgame in Gaza. Israel described its clearly deliberate killing of seven humanitarian aid workers on April 1 as a "grave mistake", a "tragic event" that "happens in war". Israel is, obviously, lying. This entire so-called war — actually genocide — in Gaza, has been based on a series of lies, some of which Israel continues to peddle. For

Ceasefire Postcards (2024-04-11). Sunday 4/14: Ceasefire Postcards to Congress Pop-Up. Heyma Yemeni Coffee at 1122 University Ave in Berkeley…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Hamas Rejects US Truce Plan in Gaza, Will Present Its Own Plan – Reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Palestinian movement Hamas has largely rejected a plan for a temporary ceasefire in the Gaza Strip proposed by the United States and will propose its own plan this week for a permanent end to the conflict in the region, The Wall Street Journal has reported, citing mediators.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-04-11). Germany, Gaza and the World Court: Broadening the Scope of Genocide. Can it get any busier? The World Court, otherwise known as the International Court of Justice, has been swamped by applications on the subject of alleged genocide. The site of interest remains the Gaza Strip, the subject of unremitting slaughter since the October 7, 2023 cross-border attacks by Hamas against Israel. The retaliation by Israel

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2024-04-11). Tribunal Holds Defense Contractors Accountable For Murder of Iraqi Civilians. Kathy Kelly is a peace activist from Chicago who was in Iraq in March 2003 when the Bush administration illegally invaded Iraq. She directly observed the shock-and-awe bombing campaign, which deployed overwhelming destructive air power in an attempt to paralyze the will of the Iraqi people to fight. More than 20 years later Kelly is …

Sahar Qeshta (2024-04-11). Ramadan amid the rubble. The area around al-Shifa, Gaza's largest hospital, following an Israeli massacre. (Omar Ishaq DPA via ZUMA Press) Ramadan in Gaza is unlike any we have previously seen. We don't have the traditional suhoor to brace us for the day ahead. There are no feasts here. No invitations extended for people to come and visit. We …

Visualizing Palestine (2024-04-11). US Public Housing — Not Weapons for Israel.

Eric Walberg (2024-04-11). 2024: Historic al-Quds Day. It took a genocide for Torontonians to commit themselves to the goal of defeating Israel. It turns out Iranian President Akhmedinejad was right after all. 'Israel' must be wiped off the map. It is an ugly cancer that could kill its Earthly host. But it will disappear only by the will of the people, Palestinian, …

Uraz Aydin (2024-04-11). Political Earthquake: A Double Victory for the Peoples of Turkey. Turkey's municipal elections of 31 March 2024, contrary to all predictions, represented a genuine political earthquake where the bloc linked to the country's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, received its first defeat since 2002. Erdogan's victory in the 2023 elections, despite all the hopes of the opposition, had been a source of demoralization and loss of interest in politics. | – | / |

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). 'We lived to tell a story': Couple trapped in tunnel for 24 hours after Taiwan earthquake. Ms Namrata Kohli and her husband were walking along a trail at Taroko National Park in Hualien when they felt the ground shake.

Marc Steiner, The Real News Network. (2024-04-11). Illegal Real Estate Sales Of Palestinian Land Happening In The United States. Six months into the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza, there is little use denying that what is taking place before our eyes is an intended land grab. Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich have called for Gaza to be "resettled" and for the Palestinian population to be expelled. And in the US, the likes of Ben Gvir and Smotrich have their allies and accomplices who hope to profit from the theft of Palestinian land. Across the US, real estate events advertising the sale of land parcels in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem have begun to appear.

Paul Martial (2024-04-11). France was the "main accelerator of the genocidal process" in Rwanda. In 1994, France, under president François Mitterrand, was at the heart of the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda. Thirty years later, it is our duty to know and recount the course and responsibilities of this historic event. | – | / |

WSWS (2024-04-11). UN Rapporteur: Australian government is "aiding and abetting" genocide in Gaza. Labor's attempts to dupe the population by denying its active complicity in the Gaza genocide are running up against reality.

Cynthia Papermaster (2024-04-11). Monday 4/15: No Taxes for War and Genocide! Nationwide Economic Blockade. Gather at UN Plaza, Market St. and Hyde St.; Parade to the IRS, 450 Golden Gate Ave.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Multiple students at Pomona College in Southern California arrested for protesting against Gaza genocide. In a vicious attack against democratic rights and freedom of speech, nineteen students were arrested Friday at Pomona College in Southern California. The students were arrested at the college president's office after holding a sit-in opposing the university's previous crack downs on pro-Palestinian protests.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Six months of protest: Australian workers and young people denounce Israel's genocide and Labor government. "It's setting a terrifying precedent for what the future could look like if we don't resist, so that's why I am here."

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Why Iranian Missiles Can Hit Targets in Israel Despite GPS Jamming. No missiles built in Iran over the past 12 years use international positioning systems, including Global Positioning System (GPS), the Fars agency has reported, citing a source in the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Iran's Missiles Built in Past 12 Years Not Relying on GPS, Other Int'l Systems – Reports. TEHRAN, (Sputnik) – All missiles built in Iran in the past 12 years do not use any international positioning systems, including the Global Positioning System (GPS), Iranian news agency Fars has reported, citing a source in the aerospace forces of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), who commented on reports of GPS jamming in Israel.

TASS (2024-04-11). UNICEF vehicle waiting to enter Gaza comes under fire — statement. The incident has been raised with the relevant Israeli authorities…

Roseline Vacchetta (2024-04-11). Earth Day in Palestine. On 30 March 1976, striking Palestinians from the Galilee and the Negev demonstrated against the theft of their land. The Israeli army fired, killing six demonstrators and wounding hundreds more. Since then, every 30 March, Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem, Israel, the refugee camps and the diaspora have mobilized against this colonial state that steals their land, destroys their infrastructure, their communities, their culture and their history.
Everywhere, a movement of (…) | – |

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Russians Recommended to Refrain From Travels to the Middle East Amid Tensions. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian Foreign Ministry strongly recommends that Russian citizens refrain from traveling to the Middle East region, especially Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, except in cases of extreme necessity, ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Sputnik.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-04-11). Death by Algorithm: Israel's AI War in Gaza. Within the first weeks of the war, the IDF placed extensive, even exclusive reliance on Lavender, with as many as 37,000 Palestinians being identified as potential Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants for possible airstrikes. This reliance signaled a shift from the previous "human target" doctrine used by the IDF regarding senior military operatives. In such cases, killing the individual in their private residence would only happen exceptionally, and only to the most senior identified individuals, all to keep in awkward step with principles of proportionality in international law. The commencement of "Op…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Moscow Says in Contact With Tehran on Iran's Possible Response to Israeli Strike. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia is in constant contact with Iran in light of Tehran's possible response to the Israeli strike against the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Thursday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Punishing Israel for Consulate Attack Avoidable Had UNSC Condemned It – Iran Mission to UN. UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – Iran would no longer have an imperative to punish Israel over the attack on its consulate in Damascus if the UN Security Council had condemned it, the Iranian mission to the UN said on Thursday. (2024-04-11). Muslims in US observe Eid-ul-Fitr with religious fervour, zeal. People offer special prayers seeking Pakistan's prosperity, freedom of Palestinians from Israeli oppression…

| Name (2024-04-11). CPJ calls on Jordan to free photojournalist Ahmad Mohsen.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Biden declares "ironclad" commitment to Israel as death toll mounts in Gaza. The declaration came only hours after Israeli missiles killed three sons and several grandchildren of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh.

| Namemohamed Mandour (2024-04-11). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Iran's Top 8 Missiles That Could Strike Israel. Over the course of the past two or three decades, Iran has effectively cemented its reputation as a nation with a powerful arsenal of advanced missiles.

Dan La Botz (2024-04-11). Israeli Attack on World Central Kitchen: Biden Takes Harder Line, U.S. Support for Israel's War Continues, So Do Protests. "The Israeli attack on WCK has inflamed the opposition to Biden on the left, which in the primaries voted "uncommitted" rather than vote for the president." | – | / |

MEE staff (2024-04-11). Indonesia 'willing to normalise ties with Israel' in bid to join OECD: Report. Indonesia 'willing to normalise ties with Israel' in bid to join OECD: Report | Jakarta requires unanimous approval from 38 member states, including Israel, to gain membership to trade organisation | | Pro-Palestinian demonstrators take part on a rally in front of the US embassy in Jakarta on 17 De…

Patrick Lawrence, Cara Marianna, Scheer Post. (2024-04-11). 'Automated Murder': Israel's 'Artificial Intelligence' In Gaza. Along with the +972 report on the use of AI came others in a week notable for its stomach-churning news of Israeli depravity. In its April 3 editions The Guardian revealed that the IDF intentionally deploys snipers and quadcopters—remotely controlled sniper drones—to target children. The evidence of this comes from U.S. and Canadian doctors who, while serving in Gaza, treat many children with wounds consistent with and easily identified as caused by snipers' bullets. These are larger than the ammunition generally used in combat because they are intended to kill rather than wound.

Phil Pasquini (2024-04-11). Consulate Rally Demands an End to German Weapons for Israel. Members of Code Pink held a rally at the German Consulate in San Francisco calling upon Germany to desist in arming the Israeli military and to reopen humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Sameena Rahman (2024-04-11). Walid Daqqa, the longest-held Palestinian political prisoner, was killed by Israeli occupation. Walid Daqqa, the longest-held Palestinian political prisoner and a revolutionary leader, passed away on April 7 at the age of 62, serving 38 years in Israeli prison.

Consortium News. (2024-04-11). Aid Flotilla Heading To Gaza To Break Siege. Hundreds of human rights activists with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, including CODEPINK's Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin, are due to set sail on multiple vessels in mid-April to carry 5,500 tons of aid for Gaza. | Their mission, aside from delivering the much-needed humanitarian aid, is to challenge Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza amid dire conditions, including widespread hunger and lack of medical attention intentionally caused by Israeli policies. Time is running out for many in Gaza as Israel threatens an all-out attack on Rafah and experts warn hunger and disease could soon surpass casualties from bombin…

Fayha Shalash (2024-04-11). Israel shuts down a town in the occupied West Bank, cancelling Eid for Palestinians. Israel shuts down a town in the occupied West Bank, cancelling Eid for Palestinians | Israeli officials have imposed a total curfew in Jayyus, claiming a Palestinian responsible for a shooting attack fled there | | Israeli soldiers stationed in the occupied West Bank town of Qalandiya i…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). IDF Eliminates Hamas Official Responsible for Funding Military Activities in Rafah. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Israeli military has eliminated a Hamas military official, who was responsible for funding the movement's military activity in Rafah, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Thursday.

| Namearlene Getz (2024-04-11). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

Hamilton Nolan, In These Times. (2024-04-11). Can Grocery Workers Take Back Their Union? On a gray October evening, half a dozen insurgents huddle around a table in an upscale diner across the street from Sea-Tac airport, considering their battle plans. | "I don't want to get shot in New Jersey or New York, and those guys will fucking murder us," says the consigliere. | "Yeah," the boss muses. "They will hella murder us." | "I'm more afraid of some people who have threatened to shoot us out here than those people out there," says one of the generals. | "The chances of us getting shot," concludes the ringleader, "are fairly high."/…

Kevin Edmonds, Black Agenda Report. (2024-04-11). CARICOM, Regional Arm Of The Core Group, Sells Out Haiti Again. One can be forgiven for being confused about the situation unfolding in Haiti, with all of the moving parts inside the country and, outside, the CARICOM-led construction of a Transitional Presidential Council and a looming "Kenyan-led" (and U.S. run) military intervention. This is not an accident; it is a carefully crafted distraction. A great deal of effort has been spent to make it appear that the process underway in Haiti is a result of "Haitian-led" initiatives, spearheaded by regional allies in CARICOM, out of genuine concern for Haiti and its peoples.

A15 Action. (2024-04-11). April 15: Coordinated Economic Blockade To Free Palestine. The proposal states that in each city, we will identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact, as did the port shutdowns in recent months in Oakland, California and Melbourne, Australia, as just a few examples. | There is a sense in the streets in this recent and unprecedented movement for Palestine that escalation has become necessary: there is a need to shift from symbolic actions to those that cause pain to the economy.

WSWS (2024-04-11). York University threatens to hire scabs to break six-week strike by 3,700 academic workers. Management's provocative actions flow from its understanding that no threat to its position is posed by CUPE, whose aim is to starve the overwhelmingly low-paid and precariously employed strikers out on the picket line until they can convince them to accept a rotten sellout.

Arun Kundnani (2024-04-11). The "War on Terror" Is the Ghost Haunting This Year's Election. No one ever announced that the "war on terror" was over. But the rushed withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan in 2021 was the closest the U.S. came to an official end point. There was no release of prisoners of war; instead "enemy combatants" continued to be caged at the military prison in Guantánamo Bay. Nor was the geographical spread of the U.S.'s counterterrorism operations much reduced… |

Brett Wilkins (2024-04-11). Salvadoran Court Slammed for Upholding Charges Against Environmental Activists. Human rights defenders on Wednesday condemned a Salvadoran court's decision to uphold what critics say are politically motivated murder and illicit association charges against five environmental activists. Miguel Ángel Gámez, Alejandro Laínez García, Pedro Antonio Rivas Laínez, Teodoro Antonio Pacheco, and Saúl Agustín Rivas Ortega were arrested in January 2023 and accused of murdering María Inés… |

Amy Goodman (2024-04-11). Doctors and Organizers Fight to Preserve Abortion Access as AZ Upholds 1864 Ban. In Arizona, Republican lawmakers have blocked efforts by Democrats to repeal an 1864 law — first written before women had the right to vote and recently revived by the state's Supreme Court — that bans nearly all abortions under threat of criminal penalties including jail time. To respond, we host a trio of reproductive justice advocates in Arizona. Dr. DeShawn Taylor, an OB-GYN physician… |

Chris Walker (2024-04-11). Over 50 Organizations Endorse TERM Act to Limit Supreme Court Justice Tenures. Dozens of organizations have come together in support of legislation that would place limits on how long a Supreme Court justice can serve, restricting their tenure to 18 years. The legislation would also guarantee a sitting president two appointments to the Court for every four-year term they serve, giving them the chance to nominate a justice to the bench in the first and third year of said term… |

Zoe Johnson (2024-04-11). Germany confiscates funds of Jewish people (once again). Berliner Sparkasse, a state-owned bank in Germany, has frozen the account of Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Near East. Berliner Sparkasse Bank also demands that the anti-Zionist organization disclose a list of its members. According to Jewish Voice's social media platforms, Berliner Sparkasse froze the account on . . . |

Michael Otto (2024-04-11). EcuadorPalestine solidarity; neoliberal president assaults Mexican Embassy. Quito, Ecuador April 8, 2024 — Most of the world commemorated Al Quds Day on Friday, April 5. On Saturday I traveled to Quito to join the annual commemoration. This year it was a march of solidarity with Palestine that started in Arbolito Park and ended with a protest at . . . |

Phyllis Bennis, Jackson Lears, Jeffrey Sachs (2024-04-11). Roundtable on Current U.S. Foreign Policy: Militarism Unhinged. U.S. policymakers are still mired in imperial delusions, fueling fights to maintain and extend their hegemony in Ukraine, Palestine and even in the South China Sea, and refusing to recognize the emerging reality of a multipolar world which is expressed in so many ways economically in the rise of the BRICS countries but also simply in the refusal of other nations to go along with what the imperial hegemon expects them to do.

James Bovard (2024-04-11). Defining "Journalist" and Saving Freedom of the Press. "What is a journalist?" is a contemporary equivalent of the ancient question, "What is truth?" The U.S. government's prosecution of Julian Assange hinges on the assertion that he is not a journalist and should be punished like a spy for a hostile country. The controversy over Assange is part of broader clashes over the meaning

Charles Thomson (2024-04-11). Leave Kate, Murdoch and Black Gull Alone. On March 21, 2024, CounterPunch published my article criticizing the media for an intrusive and abusive attitude to the Princess of Wales, whom they would not leave in peace to recuperate from an abdominal operation, but whom they insisted on questioning, harassing and speculating about, regarding her prolonged public absence, despite the fact that this

Randall W. Parkinson (2024-04-11). Coastal Wetlands Can't Keep Pace with Sea-level Rise. Wetlands at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Maryland shows signs of 'pitting,' where areas of cordgrass have converted to open water. Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program via Wikimedia, CC BY-NC Wetlands have flourished along the world's coastlines for thousands of years, playing valuable roles in the lives of people and wildlife. They protect the land from

Dean Baker (2024-04-11). March Inflation: Cause for Worry? The inflation hawks took March's CPI as cause for celebration, inflation may not be dead yet. There is no doubt that it was a disappointing report for those hoping we could put the pandemic inflation behind us, but there still is not much basis for thinking the Fed needs to get out the nukes and start shooting big-time.

Rebecca Gordon (2024-04-11). Republicans Have Plans for Working People. Recently, you may have noticed that the hot weather is getting ever hotter. Every year the United States swelters under warmer temperatures and longer periods of sustained heat. In fact, each of the last nine months — May 2023 through February 2024 — set a world record for heat. As I'm writing this, March still has a

Sam Pizzigati (2024-04-11). To Trim Our Richest Down to Democratic Size, We Need to Think Big.

John Perry (2024-04-11). On the Quito Embassy Raid. When armed Ecuadorian police gathered outside the Mexican embassy in Quito last Friday evening, a casual observer might have thought they were there to protect it. Instead, they launched an attack: brandishing assault rifles, police climbed the walls, entered the building by force and kidnapped Ecuador's former vice-president, Jorge Glas, who had that day been (2024-04-11). India election: Congress's Gandhis, trailing Modi, battle for political survival. Virtually all opinion polls suggest Modi's Hindu nationalist party will return to power for a rare third term… (2024-04-11). Philadelphia shooting: Several injured after gunmen open fire amid Eid celebrations. Philadelphia mayor expresses solidarity with Muslim community as police arrest 5 people, recover multiple weapons from incident site… (2024-04-11). Ghost hunting gone wrong: French tourist found dead in abandoned church. Police search for clues in connection to French tourist's murder…

ICRC (2024-04-11). Empress Shà¥ken Fund announces 103rd funding distribution to support projects in 17 countries.

ajay tallam (2024-04-11). Friday 4/12: HUM Spring: A Weekend of Song, Connection, & Regeneration. tbd watsonville…

Center for Biological Diversity (2024-04-11). California Senate Declares 'Year of the California Grizzly Bear'. 2024 Marks Centennial of Last Sighting of State's Official Animal…

Wood Street Commons Community, PPC CA, more (2024-04-11). Wednesday 4/10: Month of Action for Housing is a Human Right – Press Conference Kick Off. Intersection of 26th Street & Willow Street | Oakland, CA…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2024-04-11). Reclaiming our "Stolen Legacy" this 24th Annual Folsom Juneteenth Celebration. In 2000, Joe Louis Moore led the way to establish public Folsom Juneteenth events that were chosen by the National Park Service to be included in their National Underground Railroad Project, one of only two projects in California to be selected for that honor. It is past time to reclaim our "Stolen Legacy" and restore our authentic Golden Legacy. An ongoing David vs. Goliath battle…

Angela (2024-04-11). Saturday 4/13: Virtual Teach-In about Palestine. Zoom | http: //…

Regeneration-Pájaro Valley Climate Action (2024-04-11). Wednesday 5/8: Pajaro PhotoVoice Exhibition. 112 East Beach Street, Watsonville…

People's Park Council (2024-04-11). Friday 4/12: March for People's Park. Starts at Willard Park, ends at Sproul Plaza.

Oceana (2024-04-11). Gray Whale Severely Entangled in Gillnet Fishing Gear off California. Oceana Urges State Legislature to Pass Assembly Bill 2220 to Address These Entanglements…

ECOS (2024-04-11). Sunday 4/21: Sacramento Earth Day Festival 2024. Southside Park | 700 T Street | Sacramento, CA | Peaceful, Family-Friendly Event…

Angela (2024-04-11). Thursday 4/11: Webinar: International Law and the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza. Zoom |…

SFReproJustice (2024-04-11). Supreme Court Seems Skeptical of Limiting Access to Abortion Pill, Can We Celebrate Yet? On March 24, the San Francisco Chapter of the National Mobilization for Reproductive Justice held a rally to say: US Supreme Court–Hands Off the Abortion Pill!

California Writers Club, Berkeley (2024-04-11). Sunday 4/21: Poets on Earth: An Earth Day Write-In and Open Mic. California Writers Circle (formerly Fire Circle) | 3540 Sanborn Drive | Oakland, CA 94602…

Lynda Carson (2024-04-11). Nonprofits in LIHTC program are restricted in raising rents above 10% on the poor. Some of the homelessness and the unhoused in Oakland is a direct result of the affordable housing developers demanding "minimum-income-requirements," of the poor to move into their projects.

MFOLMDA (2024-04-11). Wednesday 4/10: SF Rally Against Gun Violence: CA Voters Passed Gun Safety Law SB2 & It Must Stay! San Francisco City Hall | 1 Carlton B Goodlett Pl | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Senior, Disability Action (2024-04-11). Tuesday 4/16: Keep Masks In Healthcare with Senior and Disability Action. 101 Grove St, San Francisco, CA 94102 (outdoors)…

California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day (2024-04-11). Sunday 4/28: On Workers Memorial Day in CA No More Worker Deaths & Injuries-Rally at Ca-OSHA. California State Building Oakland | 1515 Clay St. | Oakland…

Revolution Books (2024-04-11). Thursday 4/18: ACTUALLY? REVOLUTION IS POSSIBLE! And If This Revolution Isn't Made Soon,Humanity Is Fxxd! Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Phyllis Bennis, Jacksocn Lears, Jeffrey Sachs (2024-04-11). Roundtable on Current U.S. Foreign Policy: Militarism Unhinged. I invited three insightful analysts of present-day U.S. foreign policy to share their thoughts in a roundtable discussion. Here are excerpts from Phyllis Bennis, Jackson Lears and Jeffrey Sachs. | — Norman Solomon…

Fresh Meat Productions (2024-04-11). Thursday 5/9: Fresh Conversations with Cecilia Chung and Nicky Calma. Z Below | 470 Florida St | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Wood Street Community (2024-04-11). Wood Street Community Launches Month of Actions Year After Evictions. Members of the Wood Street community are hosting a press conference on Wednesday, April 10, marking one year since residents were displaced from their homes by the City of Oakland. Residents will share reflections from the past year and invite folks to join in on the next five weeks of action in solidarity to speak out against criminalizing homelessness and poverty and declaring once again that Housing is Human Right.

Brava Theater Center (2024-04-11). Thursday 5/16: Chicanisima! Opera tribute celebrating the life of Olga Talamante. Brava Theater Center | 2781 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Coalition on Honelessness (2024-04-11). Monday 4/22: Sweep The Court. Gathering at San Francisco Federal Building | 90 7th St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | Marching to the State Building at 350 McAllister St, San Francisco, CA 94102 and then to City Hall.

Kepler Books (2024-04-11). Wednesday 5/29: "Undue Burden": Book talk on Abortion in Post-Roe America w/ author Shefali Luthra. Kepler Books | 1010 El Camino Real #100 | Menlo Park, CA 94025 | Or join online via Zoom…

marketing (2024-04-11). If You Squat In A Vacant Property, Does The Law Give You The House For Free? Well, Sort Of #Squat #Vacant #Property, #Does #Give #House #Free? #Well, #Sort #Building #Houses #Mortgage #Rent #property. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Nothing excites law students like the idea of a free house. Or alternatively, enrages them. It depends on their politics. As a result, academics condemned to teaching …

marketing (2024-04-11). How Much Sport Will You Be Able To Watch For Free Under Proposed New Australian Broadcast Rules? #Much #Sport #Able #Watch #Free #Under #Proposed #Australian #Broadcast #Rules? #Premier #League #Serie #A #La #Liga #Champions #League #Ronaldo #Messi. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Watching sport on television and other screens is integral to the cultural lives of many Australians .This is why, in 1995, the anti-siphoning scheme was introduced to …

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-04-11). Cuba bets on homeopathy in health care. Havana, Apr 11 (Prensa Latina) Cuba is betting on the application of homeopathy, which due to its potential and impact on health and life quality is a valid therapeutic care system in Cuba, local media reported.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-04-11). Hospital-acquired infections kill thousands in Africa every year. Abuja, Apr 11 (Prensa Latina) Infections contracted in healthcare facilities, such as sepsis and pneumonia, cause thousands of preventable deaths in sub-Saharan Africa every year, a new study revealed.

Nava J. Thakuria (2024-04-11). Projecting Begusarai and Guwahati as Highly Polluted Regions. Rapid urbanization in the last few decades has made Guwahati, the prime city of Assam, a polluted city, but can it feature on top of a list comprising the regions containing highly polluted air across the Asian region? The issue came for discussions as an air quality monitoring body (Switzerland-based IQAir) recently revealed that the virtual capital of northeast India emerged as the second highest polluted city in the continent. Many jumped into the revelation of the World Air Quality Report 2023 and started making voluminous reports in various media outlets terming the prehistoric city as an unhealthy place for…

Partido Humanista de Chile (2024-04-11). The homeless, a "pressure cooker" that no one is putting out. The organization of the homeless in Chile is in the form of various neighborhood associations, commissions, and collectives | These committees must obtain legal status in the different municipalities of the country, according to the current legislation. They are the basic and well-established organization of the homeless, and their action is aimed at putting pressure on the institutions and authorities in power to find a quick solution to the conflict of not having a home and living in precarious and sub-human conditions. | For years, the form of pressure used by the organized homeless to speed up the waiting tim…

noreply (2024-04-11). Anatol Lieven Continues To Parade…

TASS (2024-04-11). Drone falls on hospital under construction in Lipetsk Region, no casualties — governor. Igor Artamonov added that the falling drone started a fire with the total area of four square meters, which has already been put out…

TASS (2024-04-11). State commission clears Angara-A5 for launch from Vostochny. The launch from Pad 1A is scheduled for Thursday noon Moscow time (9: 00 a.m. GMT) on April 11, the state-run Roscosmos space corporation said…

TASS (2024-04-11). Water recedes from 630 houses in Orenburg Region — authorities. A total of 12,187 houses and 14,263 household plots in 26 municipalities remain inundated, the region's government said…

TASS (2024-04-11). Over 3,600 courtyards, 2,000 households flooded in Russia's Orenburg. According to the city Mayor Sergey Salmin, the flooded area is not expanding even though the water level is rising…

TASS (2024-04-11). Dollar grows to 93.56 rubles, euro — to 100.58 rubles on Moscow Exchange. In turn, the yuan rate grew to 12.89 rubles…

TASS (2024-04-11). US, Japan poised to cooperate with China whenever possible — statement. Besides, US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida urged to maintain peace and security in the Taiwan Strait…

TASS (2024-04-11). UK to participate in joint exercises with Japan, US from 2025. The Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom Grant Shapps said that the defense relationships of the countries were not limited by distance and they stood ready to respond to any threat…

TASS (2024-04-11). EU leaders hypocritical about conflict in Ukraine — top Hungarian diplomat. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations, Peter Szijjarto said his country does not supply weapons to Ukraine and does not support the European Union's failed policy of sanctions…

TASS (2024-04-11). US should refrain from statements fraught with escalation — Russian ambassador. Vladimir Zelensky's regime is in agony, Anatoly Antonov said…

TASS (2024-04-11). Militants cornered in Nalchik open fire when told to surrender — authorities. According to the press service of the National Antiterrorism Committee, FSB officers were informed about the whereabouts of individuals suspected of terrorist activities…

TASS (2024-04-11). Russian rescuers deliver 35 tons of aid for residents of flood-hit south Urals. An Il-76 plane of the Russian emergencies ministry landed in Orsk, delivering food, personal care items, medicines, blankets, rubber boots and bottled water…

TASS (2024-04-11). In response to Borrel, Russian diplomat says EU sanctions are true irony. Maria Zakharova replied to EU foreign policy chief's earlier remarks by saying that the true irony was as well misappropriation of Russian assets…

TASS (2024-04-11). Counter-terrorism operation regime declared in Russia's Kabardino-Balkaria. –ê—Å—Å–ærding to the national anti-terrorism committee, on the territory "during the period of the CTO, a number of special measures and temporary restrictions will be in effect"

TASS (2024-04-11). Russian, Belarusian presidents to hold talks in Moscow. Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko will jointly participate in commemorative events marking the Cosmonautics Day…

TASS (2024-04-11). Ukraine reports damage to energy facilities following explosions. Explosions were reported in the cities of Odessa, Rovno and Kharkov, as well as in the Ivano-Frankovsk, Kiev and Lvov regions and the Kiev-controlled part of the Zaporozhye Region…

TASS (2024-04-11). US, UK deliver strikes on Yemen's Hudaydah airport — Al Masirah. No deaths or casualties have so far been reported…

TASS (2024-04-11). AUKUS countries mull possibility of joint defense projects with Japan — statement. Joe Biden and Fumio Kishida said in a joint statement that Australia, the US and Japan plan to cooperate in creating a networked air defense architecture…

TASS (2024-04-11). Russian military victories show that US lost its 'war to last Ukrainian' — ambassador. "It is not surprising that in a series of hearings at the Capitol Hill, demands are increasingly being made to explain to ordinary citizens how spending 80 thousand US dollars per second" helps taxpayers, Anatoly Antonov said…

TASS (2024-04-11). US reaffirms commitment to defending Japan, including with nuclear weapons. Joe Biden reiterated the unwavering commitment of the United States to the defense of Japan under Article V of the Treaty, using its full range of capabilities…

TASS (2024-04-11). One person killed, one injured in knife attack in France's Bordeaux — TV. According to the report of BFMTV, the attacker sought to hide from the scene, but was discovered by the police and shot…

TASS (2024-04-11). Press officer killed in Ukraine's attack on journalists near Kremennaya. Yevgeny Polovodov was assisting journalists working on the frontline, the Vesti Lugansk telegram channel reported…

tvbrics (2024-04-11). South Africa's Minister of Water and Sanitation calls on private companies to co-operate on infrastructure projects. His department has taken measures to simplify bureaucratic procedures…

tvbrics (2024-04-11). Exhibition of Islamic miniature and calligraphy is held in Russian region. The works of three artists were exhibited in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Russian Air Defenses Down 12 Ukrainian Drones Over Six Regions. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian air defense systems destroyed 12 Ukrainian drones overnight over the Kursk, Tambov, Belgorod, Bryansk, Lipetsk regions and Mordovia, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Zelensky's New Counteroffensive Will Spell Disaster for Ukraine – Senior Russian MoD Source. A high-ranking source in the Russian Ministry of Defense has stated that the new counteroffensive will end in complete disaster for Ukraine with the ultimate defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Danger of Ukrainian Attacks on Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant Persists – Representative. The risk of drone attacks on the power plant and the surrounding area by Ukrainian forces persists, Evgeniya Yashina, director of communications at the nuclear station, told Sputnik.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Watch Russian Drone Smash US Bradley IFV Operated by Ukrainians. Russian troops used cheap and deadly loitering munitions – aka kamikaze drones – to get rid of another Bradley infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) in the vicinity of the recently liberated town of Avdeyevka.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Alleged CIA Officer Claims Agency Working in Ukraine Under Guise of US State Dept. – Video. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Self-professed CIA contracting officer Gavin O'Blennis claims that the US intelligence agency is operating in Ukraine under the guise of the State Department, according to undercover footage of a conversation with the officer recorded by Sound Investigations.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Ukraine Openly Discusses Using Terrorist Methods Against Russia – Kremlin. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Ukrainian authorities are talking about plans to use terrorist methods against Russian infrastructure, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

| Name (2024-04-11). At least 4 Ukrainian journalists injured in consecutive attacks on Ukraine.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Russia Hopes IAEA Will Fairly Assess Ukraine's Attacks on Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant – Envoy. UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – Russia wishes for a fair assessment from the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding Ukrain's provocative attacks on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant during the next UN Security Council meeting on April 15, the Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia said on Thursday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Watch Russian Howitzer Prevail in Artillery Duel with Ukrainians. Artillery plays a pivotal role in modern warfare, and Russia's special military operation is no exception. The country has overwhelmingly outgunned Ukrainian troops by unleashing a fiery rain on them around the clock.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Does American Library Association Back Books on Ukrainian Nazi Collaborators? Over the past years, the Kiev regime has repeatedly declared Nazi collaborators in the Second World War to be "heroes of Ukraine," naming streets after them and opening monuments to the war criminals.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Washington threatens China over aid to Russia in Ukraine war. US threats against China underscore that the NATO war with Russia in Ukraine is part of a global war waged by the NATO imperialist powers to assert their world hegemony.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Ukraine Relies on US-Made 155mm Artillery Shells as EU Production Lags – Pentagon. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The Ukrainian military is currently mainly dependent on US-made 155-millimeter artillery shells as European production has "not been up and running yet," US European Command chief Gen. Christopher Cavoli said on Thursday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Watch Russian Kamikaze Drone Wipe Ukrainian Troops off the Face of Earth. Loitering munitions, also known as kamikaze drones, are cheap, smart projectiles that have revolutionized modern warfare.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Amid cover-up of whistleblower John Barnett's "suicide," new Boeing whistleblower exposes safety violations in manufacture of 787 Dreamliner. The FAA has confirmed that it is investigating reports by a new Boeing whistleblower of unsafe practices in the manufacture of the 787 Dreamliner.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Missouri death row inmate executed despite widespread calls to spare his life. Brian Dorsey's impending execution provoked widespread calls for clemency, including from members of his family, 72 prison employees, five jurors from his trial, three Republican state representatives, and the judge who originally upheld Dorsey's death sentence on appeal.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Study finds nearly 70 percent of Chicago's children under 6 are exposed to lead contaminated drinking water. Recent study finds that close to 70 percent of children under six in Chicago are exposed to lead in their tap water. Studies conducted on blood lead levels and children have demonstrated there is no level of lead, a known neurotoxin, that can be deemed safe.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Australian state Labor government slashes school budgets. This New South Wales announcement highlights the role of federal, state and territory Labor governments in deepening the decades-long cuts to public schools.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Argentine pseudo-lefts denounce Milei as a "traitor to the Fatherland" The chauvinism of the pseudo-left again serves to disarm the working class politically, facilitating the efforts of the fascist Milei to succeed where the earlier dictatorships failed.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Arizona Supreme Court revives primitive 1864 law to criminalize abortion. The highest state court ruled that a criminal law dating from 1864 can be used to imprison doctors who perform abortions.

WSWS (2024-04-11). German government slashes support for children to fund its war drive. More than one in five children in Germany are poor. Despite this, the government is sacrificing measures planned to tackle child poverty to fund its growing arms budget.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Anti-Zionist artists withdraw work from San Francisco's Contemporary Jewish Museum exhibition. The anti-Zionist artists call themselves the California Jewish Artists for Palestine.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Delhi Chief Minister jailed on politically manipulated charges as India's election campaign kicks into high gear. The Modi government is notorious for its use of manipulated and trumped-up charges against political opponents. But with the approach of the 2024 election, it has become even more brazen in using all means at its disposal to attack its bourgeois rivals, suppress social opposition, and stoke communal reaction.

WSWS (2024-04-11). Ann Arbor, Michigan schools post $25 million deficit, plan to cut teachers and staff. Schools across the US are facing a looming "fiscal cliff" as the Biden administration ends emergency COVID funding.

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Boykot Market'e bàºyàºk ilgi. ƒ∞srail'in Gazze'ye yà∂nelik soykƒ±rƒ±mƒ± nedeniyle tàºm dàºnyada ba≈ülayan ƒ∞srail ve destekàßilerinin àºràºnlerini boykot seferberliƒüi, kalƒ±cƒ± hale dà∂nàº≈üàºyor. Uzun zamandƒ±r yàºzde yàºz yerli àºràºnlerin satƒ±≈üƒ±nƒ±n yapƒ±ldƒ±ƒüƒ± bir market arayan yazar ve 3 àßocuk annesi Tuƒüàße ≈ûifa Zor…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Bakan Gàºler'den terà∂rle màºcadele mesajƒ±. MillàÆ Savunma Bakanƒ± Ya≈üar Gàºler, beraberinde Genelkurmay Ba≈ükanƒ± Orgeneral Metin Gàºrak, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanƒ± Oramiral Ercàºment Tatlƒ±oƒülu, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanƒ± Orgeneral Selàßuk Bayraktaroƒülu ve Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanƒ± Orgeneral Ziya Cemal Kadƒ±oƒülu ile gittiƒüi ≈ûanlƒ±urfa'da bayramla≈üma sonrasƒ± toplantƒ± geràßekle≈ütirdi. 20'nci Zƒ&plu…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Antalya DOB 25 yƒ±ldƒ±r kapalƒ± gi≈üe. Bugàºne kadar 90 eser ve 366 konserle yakla≈üƒ±k 700 bin sanatseverin kar≈üƒ±sƒ±na à߃±kan Antalya DOB, Sanat sezonunda biràßok temsili kapalƒ± gi≈üe oynadƒ±. Ayrƒ±ca festivallerde, yurt iàßinde ve yurt dƒ±≈üƒ±ndaki temsillerde de Tàºrk kàºltàºràºndeki eserlere yer vererek sanata katkƒ±da bulunuyor. Ha≈üim ƒ∞≈ücan Kàºltàºr Merkezi'nde temsillerini sàºrdàºre…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Birliƒüe ihtiyaàß var. MHP lideri Devlet Bahàßeli, 27 Nisan'da aday olmayacaƒüƒ±nƒ± aà߃±klayan ƒ∞Yƒ∞ Parti Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± Ak≈üener'e "Partinin ba≈üƒ±nda devam et" àßaƒürƒ±sƒ±nda bulundu. Bahàßeli, bayram namazƒ±nƒ±n ardƒ±ndan MHP'nin kurucu Genel Ba≈ükanƒ± Alparslan Tàºrke≈ü'in Be≈ütepe'deki anƒ±t mezarƒ±nƒ± ziyaret etti. Yeni yà&ordm…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). ƒ∞srail tetikte! CENTCOM Komutanƒ± Tel Aviv'e gidiyor: Gàºndem 'ƒ∞ran'ƒ±n olasƒ± misillemesi'. ABD'den yayƒ±n yapan Axios internet sitesinin 2 ƒ∞srailli yetkiliye dayandƒ±rdƒ±ƒüƒ± haberine gà∂re, Kurilla, ƒ∞ran ile vekillerinin, ƒ∞srail'e yà∂nelik olasƒ± saldƒ±rƒ±sƒ±na kar≈üƒ± yàºràºtàºlecek savunma planlarƒ±nƒ± gà∂ràº≈ümek àºzere yapacaƒüƒ± ziyaret kapsamƒ±nda, ƒ∞srail Savunma Bakanƒ± Yoav Gallant ve ƒ∞sra…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Organize suàß ≈üebekesi àßà∂kertildi: àñrgàºt eleba≈üƒ±nƒ±n da aralarƒ±nda bulunduƒüu 13 ki≈üi paketlendi. ƒ∞àßi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Ali Yerlikaya, sosyal medya hesabƒ±ndan yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± aà߃±klamada, "Kocaeli merkezli 3 ilde eleba≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± Làºbnan ve Venezuela uyruklu olan Danƒ± Talal Awad Abushanap'ƒ±n yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± 'Uluslararasƒ± Uyu≈üturucu Madde' organize suàß à∂rgàºtàºne yà∂nelik dàºzenlenen 'Narkoàßelik-11' operasyonlarƒ&p…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). ABD Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Blinken'dan "ƒ∞ran tehdidine kar≈üƒ±" ƒ∞srail'e tam destek. ABD Dƒ±≈üi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Antony Blinken, ƒ∞srail Savunma Bakanƒ± Yoav Gallant'a, ƒ∞ran ile onun bà∂lgedeki vekillerinin tehditlerine kar≈üƒ± yanlarƒ±nda olduklarƒ± mesajƒ±nƒ± verdi. | Blinken, telefonda gà∂ràº≈üt຃üຠGallant ile Gazze krizi ve gàºndemdeki diƒüer konularƒ± deƒüerlendirdi. Antony Blinken, Gallant'a "ƒ∞ran ile onun bà∂lgedeki vekil à∂rgàºtler…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Sàºre sona erdi: YSK'da kritik toplantƒ±. 31 Mart yerel seàßimlerinin sonuàßlarƒ±na ili≈ükin itiraz sàºreci 8 Nisan'dan bu yana devam ediyor. ƒ∞l seàßim kuruluna ve il birle≈ütirme tutanaklarƒ±yla ilgili YSK'ya ba≈üvuru sàºreci sona erdi.ƒ∞l ve ilàße seàßim kurullarƒ±na itirazlarƒ± karara baƒülayan Yàºksek Seàßim Kurulu, bugàºn saat 14'te bir toplantƒ± daha yapacak.ƒ∞yi Parti'nin Ordu Bàºyàºk≈üehir Belediye Ba≈ükanlƒ±&fnof…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Bayram sabahƒ±nda dualar Filistin'e. Türkiye'nin dà∂rt bir yanƒ±nda dàºn bayram co≈ükusu vardƒ±. ƒ∞stanbullular, Ramazan Bayramƒ± namazƒ± iàßin kentteki tarihi ve bàºyàºk camilere akƒ±n etti. Vatanda≈ülar, sabah saatlerinde Ayasofya-i Kebir Camii ile Eyàºp Sultan, Sàºleymaniye, Sultanahmet, Bàºyàºk àáamlƒ±ca ve Taksim olmak àºzere kentteki camileri doldurdu. Sabahƒ±n erken saatlerinden itibaren camiye gelenler Kurban Bayramƒ±'nƒ± burada kar≈&u…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Eyàºpsultan'da feci kaza: Virajƒ± alamayan motosiklet bariyere àßarptƒ±. Kaza, saat 03.30 sƒ±ralarƒ±nda Eyàºpsultan Adnan Menderes Kà∂pràºlຠKav≈üak'ta meydana geldi. Edinilen bilgiye gà∂re, O-3 Karayolu Okmeydanƒ± ayrƒ±mƒ±ndan Adnan Menderes Kà∂pràºlຠKav≈üaƒüƒ±'na giren 34 HJC 291 plakalƒ± motosikletin sàºràºcàºsàº, virajƒ± alamayƒ±nca bariyerlere àßarptƒ±. | àáarpmanƒ±n etkisiyle motosiklet metrelerce sàºràºklenirken motosikletin sà&ordm…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Biri 16 diƒüeri 13 ya≈üƒ±nda: Resmi plakalƒ± araàß àßalƒ±p il deƒüi≈ütirdiler. ƒ∞ddiaya gà∂re, Balƒ±kesir'in Sƒ±ndƒ±rgƒ± ilàßesinden resmi plakalƒ± kamyoneti àßalan àñ.S.D. (16) ve H.C.S. (13), yakla≈üƒ±k 180 kilometre yol yaptƒ±ktan sonra ƒ∞zmir'e geldi. àáalƒ±ntƒ± kamyonetin ƒ∞zmir'de olduƒüu bilgisini alan polis, aracƒ± bulmak iàßin takip àßalƒ±≈ümasƒ± ba≈ülattƒ±. ≈ûehir kameralarƒ±nda yap&fnof…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). ƒ∞srail'e tedbirler devam edecek. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Tayyip Erdoƒüan, ƒ∞srail ile ticarete getirilen kƒ±sƒ±tlamayla ilgili "Bu uƒüurda bedel à∂desek dahi Allah à∂màºr verdikàße mazlumlara kol kanat germekten geri durmayacaƒüƒ±z" dedi. Erdoƒüan, Ramazan Bayramƒ± dolayƒ±sƒ±yla AK Parti il te≈ükilatlarƒ±na video mesaj gà∂nderdi. Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Erdoƒüan mesajƒ±nda, 31 Mart seàßimleri sonrasƒ±nda ya&…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Bayram o bayram ola. Beyzanur Yƒ±lmaz / Eƒüitimci, ƒ∞lahiyatà߃± Yazar | Bayram geldi bir kez daha…Ramazan ayƒ±nƒ±n sonuna gelmenin hàºznຠancak bir o kadar ruhlarƒ±n ve bedenlerin Allah'a teslim olarak rafineri olmasƒ± ile ya≈üanan bir huzurla kar≈üƒ±lanan o kutlu bayram…Her yƒ±l bu duyguyu tadƒ±yoruz, bayramƒ±n heyecanƒ± bir ba≈üka oluyor. Telefon mesaileri sabahtan ak≈üama kadar devam ediyor. Mesajlarƒ±n…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). 15,3 milyon emekliye toplam ne kadar ikramiye à∂dendiƒüi belli oldu. Emeklilerin refahƒ±nƒ± artƒ±rmak iàßin 2018'de uygulanmaya ba≈ülayan bayram ikramiyesiyle emeklilere ve hak sahiplerine Ramazan ve Kurban Bayramlarƒ±nda à∂deme yapƒ±lƒ±yor.ƒ∞kramiye 2018'de her bayramda 1000 lira olarak verilmeye ba≈ülanƒ±rken, 2021'de 1100 liraya, 2023'te 2 bin liraya, bu yƒ±l iàßin ise yàºzde 50 artƒ±≈üla 3 bin liraya yàºkseltildi.SGK, bu Ramazan Bayramƒ±'nda 15,3 milyon emekli ve hak sahibine toplam 41,3 m…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Ticaret Bakanƒ± Bolat BAE ve KKTC'li iki bakanla telefonda gà∂ràº≈ütàº. Bolat, sosyal medya hesabƒ±ndan yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± payla≈üƒ±mda, BAE'li mevkida≈üƒ± Zeyoudi ile geràßekle≈ütirdikleri telefon gà∂ràº≈ümesinde Ramazan Bayramƒ± tebriklerini kar≈üƒ±lƒ±klƒ± olarak ilettiklerini belirtti. | Gà∂ràº≈ümede, iki àºlke arasƒ±ndaki ekonomik ve ticari ili≈ükileri deƒüerlendirdiklerini ifade eden Bolat, ≈üunlarƒ± kaydetti: "àúl…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Alman basƒ±nƒ± duyurdu: Togg sonbaharda Almanya'da satƒ±≈üa à߃±kƒ±yor.

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Bà∂lgede tansiyon yàºksek: Lufthansa 'Tahran'a uàßu≈ülarƒ±nƒ± durdurdu. Lufthansa ≈üirketi, dàºn, bugàºnkຠTahran uàßu≈ülarƒ±nƒ± gàºvenlik sebebiyle durdurduƒüunu aà߃±klamƒ±≈ütƒ±.Lufthansa basƒ±n ofisinden yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamada, bà∂lgedeki mevcut durum sebebiyle Tahran'a yapƒ±lacak uàßu≈ülarƒ±n, 13 Nisan Cumartesi de dahil olmak kaydƒ±yla askƒ±ya alƒ±ndƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± ifade etti.Aàß…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Lastik botta à∂làºm yolculuƒüu: Yunanistan'a kaàßarken Ayvalƒ±k aà߃±klarƒ±nda yakalandƒ±lar. Balƒ±kesir'in Ayvalƒ±k ilàßesinde, yasa dƒ±≈üƒ± yollarla Yunanistan'ƒ±n Midilli Adasƒ±'na gitmek isteyen 6'sƒ± àßocuk 16 dàºzensiz gà∂àßmen yakalandƒ±. | Sahil Gàºvenlik Komutanlƒ±ƒüƒ±, Ayvalƒ±k aà߃±klarƒ±nda dàºzensiz gà∂àßmenlerin olduƒüu lastik botun bulunduƒüu bilgisini aldƒ±. Bunun àºzerine bà∂lgeye TCSG-28 Sahil Gàºvenlik Botu gà&pa…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). MEB: Yapay zeka uygulamalarƒ± eƒüitici eƒüitimi kursu ba≈ülatƒ±yor. Milli Eƒüitim Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±ndan (MEB) yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamaya gà∂re, YEƒûƒ∞TEK bàºnyesinde bulunan uzman ekip tarafƒ±ndan dàºzenlenecek kurs, yapay zeka araàßlarƒ±, blok tabanlƒ± yapay zeka uygulamalarƒ±, makine à∂ƒürenmesi ve derin à∂ƒürenme ba≈ülƒ±klarƒ±nda 120 katƒ±lƒ±mcƒ±yla uygulamalƒ± geràßekle≈ütirilecek.Kurs iàßi…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Organize suàß ≈üebekesi àßà∂kertildi: àñrgàºt eleba≈üƒ±nƒ±n da aralarƒ±nda bulunduƒüu 13 ki≈üi paketlendi. ƒ∞àßi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Ali Yerlikaya; Kocaeli merkezli 3 ilde eleba≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± Làºbnan ve Venezuela uyruklu olan Danƒ± Talal Awad Abushanap'ƒ±n yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± 'Uluslararasƒ± Uyu≈üturucu Madde' organize suàß à∂rgàºtàºne yà∂nelik dàºzenlenen 'Narkoàßelik-11' operasyonlarƒ±nda toplamda; 608 kilo kokain ve 827 kilo 500 gram uyu≈üturucu madde àßoƒüalt&fnof…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Cinayete te≈üebbàºs hƒ±rsƒ±zlƒ±k. Kocaeli'nin Darƒ±ca ilàßesinde, Farabi Eƒüitim ve Ara≈ütƒ±rma Hastanesi'nin trafo binasƒ±na girerek yakla≈üƒ±k 150 bin TL deƒüerindeki kablolarƒ± àßalan hƒ±rsƒ±zlar, hastanenin elektriƒüinin kesilmesine neden oldu. Tedavi gà∂ren 52 hasta, ambulanslarla àßevredeki hastanelere nakledildi. Olay, geàßtiƒüimiz pazartesi sabah saatlerinde meydana geldi. Hastanenin arka kƒ±smƒ±nda bulunan trafo binasƒ±nƒ&plu…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Organize suàß ≈üebekesi àßà∂kertildi: àñrgàºt eleba≈üƒ±nƒ±n da aralarƒ±nda bulunduƒüu 13 ki≈üi paketlendi. Kocaeli merkezli 3 ilde eleba≈üƒ±lƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± Làºbnan ve Venezuela uyruklu olan Danƒ± Talal Awad Abushanap'ƒ±n yaptƒ±ƒüƒ± 'Uluslararasƒ± Uyu≈üturucu Madde' organize suàß à∂rgàºtàºne yà∂nelik dàºzenlenen 'Narkoàßelik-11' operasyonlarƒ±nda toplamda; 608 kilo kokain ve 827 kilo 500 gram uyu≈üturucu madde àßoƒüaltƒ±mƒ±nda kullanƒ±lan ara kimyasal madde ele…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Organ baƒüƒ±≈üƒ± iàßin 1.5 milyon ki≈üi sà∂z verdi. Canlƒ±dan canlƒ±ya organ naklinde dàºnyada birinci olan Türkiye'de, à∂làºmàºnden sonra organlarƒ±nƒ± baƒüƒ±≈ülamak isteyenlerin sayƒ±sƒ± da artƒ±yor. Saƒülƒ±k Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± verilerine gà∂re, organ baƒüƒ±≈üƒ± kartƒ± alarak à∂làºmàºnden sonra organlarƒ±nƒ±n baƒüƒ±≈ülanmasƒ±na on…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Bayramƒ±n acƒ± bilanàßosu: 5 gàºnde toplam 3 bin 71 trafik kazasƒ± meydana geldi. Bayram tatilinin ilk 5 gàºnàºnde toplam 3 bin 71 trafik kazasƒ± meydana geldi. 38 ki≈üinin hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybettiƒüi kazada 5 bin 26 vatanda≈üƒ±n ise yaralandƒ±.Sàºràºcຠve yolculara uyarƒ±: Kahreden bilanàßonun ardƒ±ndan sàºràºcຠve yolcular iàßin gàºnlerdir tekrarlanan "Làºtfen a≈üƒ±rƒ± hƒ±z yapmayalƒ±m. Araàßlarƒ±mƒ±zda da otobàºslerde d…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). ƒ∞nsanƒ±n ve insanlƒ±ƒüa ait kàºltàºrel deƒüerlerin tahribatƒ±: Gazze'de kàºltàºrel soykƒ±rƒ±m. Dr. Murat àñzyƒ±ldƒ±rƒ±m / Mersin àúniversitesi, ƒ∞nsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakàºltesi, Arkeoloji Bà∂làºmຠàñƒüretim Gà∂revlisi | Aylardƒ±r Gazze, tarifi imkânsƒ±z dramlarƒ±n gà∂zler à∂nàºnde ya≈üandƒ±ƒüƒ±, binlerce insanƒ±n ≈üehit olduƒüu, yaralandƒ±ƒüƒ± bir yer haline geldi. Gazze'de soykƒ±rƒ±m, insanlƒ±ƒ&uum…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Polonya'da sƒ±nƒ±rƒ± geàßmeye àßalƒ±≈üan 220 dàºzensiz gà∂àßmeni engelledi. Polonya Sƒ±nƒ±r Muhafƒ±zlarƒ± ve Polonya ordusu birlikleri, Belarus'tan dàºn àºlkeye girmeye àßalƒ±≈üan 220'den fazla ki≈üiden olu≈üan dàºzensiz gà∂àßmen gurubunu engellediklerini duyurdu. Aà߃±klamada "Bugàºn saat 10.00'da kanuna aykƒ±rƒ± olarak Przeglad sƒ±nƒ±r nehri àºzerinden devlet sƒ±nƒ±rƒ±nƒ± zorla geàßme giri≈üiminde bulunuldu. 220'den fazla ya…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). 4 gàºnàºn acƒ± bilanàßosu. Ramazan Bayramƒ± tatilinin ilk 4 gàºnàºnde 2 bin 453 trafik kazasƒ± trafik kazasƒ± geràßekle≈üti, 26 ki≈üi hayatƒ±nƒ± kaybetti, 3 bin 870 ki≈üinin yaralandƒ±. ƒ∞àßi≈üleri Bakanƒ± Ali Yerlikaya, Bayram tatilinin 4. gàºnàºnde 615 trafik kazasƒ±nƒ±n meydana geldiƒüini aà߃±kladƒ±. Yerlikaya, 431 bin 871 aracƒ±n denetlendiƒüini, denetimlerde 24 bin 432 araca h&fnof…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). àáocuklar ve polisler beraber sà∂yledi. Muƒüla'nƒ±n Fethiye ilàßesinde Likya àáocuk Korosu, polis ekipleriyle Tàºrk Polis Te≈ükilatƒ±'nƒ±n 179. yƒ±lƒ±na à∂zel klip hazƒ±rladƒ±. àñƒürencilerin olu≈üturduƒüu koro ile Fethiye Emniyet Màºdàºrl຃üàº'nde gà∂rev yapan polisler, "7 Bà∂lge 7 Tàºrkàº" projesini geràßekle≈ütirdi. Fethiye'nin tarihi ve turistik mekanlarƒ±nda yapƒ±lan àßekimlerde polis eki…

yenisafak (2024-04-11). Bedava doƒüalgaz uygulamasƒ± ne zaman bitecek? Doƒüalgaz Tàºketimine ƒ∞li≈ükin Sistem Kullanƒ±m Bedelleri Hakkƒ±nda Cumhurba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± Kararnamesi geàßen yƒ±l 1 Mayƒ±s'ta Resmi Gazete'de yayƒ±nlanmƒ±≈ütƒ±. | Bu kararname ile konut, ibadethane ve cemevi abonelerinin 24 Nisan 2023 tarihinden 31 Mayƒ±s 2023 tarihine kadar olan ilk fatura tahakkuklarƒ± kapsamƒ±ndaki sistem kullanƒ±m bedellerinin tamamƒ± ile 1 Mayƒ&plu… (2024-04-11). Water quality of Seine River draws concern before Paris Olympics. A nonprofit focused on waterway conservation has voiced concern about contamination in Paris's Seine River ahead of open-water swimming events to be held at the Olympic and Paralympic Games starting in July.

Gabisile (2024-04-11). Mashatile, CoGTA and businesses to convene dialogue to strengthen local government. Mashatile, CoGTA and businesses to convene dialogue to strengthen local government | Deputy President Paul Mashatile, in partnership with the National Business Initiative (NBI), will hold a dialogue to enhance service delivery through strengthening local government in cooperation with the Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA). | The discussion will revolve around co-creating a functional and efficient society, and how the public and private sectors can collaborate to strengthen local government. | Deputy President Mashatile, CoGTA Minister Thembi Nkadimeng, and Deputy Minister Parks T…

| Namearlene Getz (2024-04-11). Kyrgyzstan releases 4 Temirov Live journalists; CPJ calls for dropping of charges against all 11. Arlene Getz/CPJ Editorial Director

David Sirota (2024-04-11). SIROTA'S SIGNALS: Ted Cruz Is A Corruption Cartoon. Whose anti-inflation policy appears to actually be fueling inflation? What did JPMorgan just admit about health care? How could Ted Cruz possibly become even more corrupt than he already was? Why is Larry Hogan feeling so much heat? Where will you find the most regressive tax system in the country? Which corporate group is winning even more cases at the Supreme Court? The answers to these questions and much more can be found below in today's edition of Sirota's Signals, a weekly dose of must-read stories, missed nuggets, and fun-but-worthwhile distractions from Lever founder David Sirota, exclusively for paid su…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Switzerland's Largest Party Calls for Return to Neutrality in All Conflicts – Statement. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Swiss People's Party (UDC), which holds the majority in parliament, has said on Thursday that the country should return to holding neutrality in all conflicts.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Asian shares fall on US rate scare, yen plumbs 34-yr low. (2024-04-11). Sino-French satellite set for June launch date. A cutting-edge astronomical spacecraft jointly developed by China and France is scheduled to be deployed in orbit in June, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Innovation Academy for Microsatellites in Shanghai, which built the satellite.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). IAEA Chef Calls for Refraining From Violating Principles on Preventing Nuclear Accident at ZNPP. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi said on Thursday that he will discuss the situation around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP) with the UN Security Council next week. (2024-04-11). Xi Jinping meets Ma Ying-jeou in Beijing. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, meets with Ma Ying-jeou in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2024.

| Name (2024-04-11). Guatemalan journalist Jorge Tizol detained while covering police raid.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). US Convincing World It 'Has to be Marginalized' With Actions on Global Stage. Last month, a group of 27 bipartisan US lawmakers requested that US President Joe Biden block a top Iranian government official from entering the US for the UN General Assembly meetings in September.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Finland Mulls NATO Troop Presence – Chief of Defense. MOSCOW (Sputnik) Finland is considering whether there should be troops from other NATO countries present in the country, having joined the alliance last year, the new Finnish Chief of Defense Forces said Thursday.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). G20 Unemployment Rates in Numbers. Unemployment stats among G20 members reveal that the countries with the most robust labor markets have changed quite a bit over the years. (2024-04-11). Bus falls into ravine in Pakistan's Balochistan; 17 pilgrims dead, 38 injured, driver allegedly drunk. PTC News Desk: Tragedy struck near the border of Pakistan's Sindh and Balochistan provinces as a bus carrying pilgrims to the remote Muslim Sufi shrine Shah Noorani in Khuzdar district plunged into a deep ravine. The incident, which occurred in the town of Hub, resulted in the loss of 17 lives and left 38 others injured.Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi extended condolences to the victims' families, attributing the accident to the driver's apparent loss of control at a bend in the road. The passengers, all hailing from Thatta town in Sindh province, were en route to the shrine when the tragic event unfolded approxi…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Germany's Lufthansa Suspends Flights to Tehran Until Thursday – Spokesperson. MOSCOW, (Sputnik) – German flag air carrier Lufthansa has suspended flights to and from Tehran until Thursday, a spokesperson for the company has said, citing security threats as the reason. (2024-04-11). Insights | Science and technology cooperation with China improves Brazil's Development: Brazilian university rector.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Radiation Leak Detected at Metallurgical Plant in Eastern France – Reports. PARIS (Sputnik) – A radiation leak occurred at a metallurgical plant in the city of Colmar in eastern France, the Franceinfo broadcaster reported on Thursday.

Mireille Court (2024-04-11). Kurds under attack on all fronts. In the northern Kurdistan region of Iraq, known as Bashur to the Kurds, close to the border with Turkey, war has been raging for several years now, and has intensified in recent months. | – | / |

The Independent (2024-04-11). Nadduli asks Minister Kaboyo to address unfulfil pledges in Luwero. Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Alhaji Abdul Nadduli the Senior Presidential Advisor has asked the State Minister for Luwero Triangle to fulfil the pledges of Luwero district if the National Resistance Movement government is to regain its lost support. As Muslims worldwide celebrated Eid Ul Fitr to mark the end of the Ramadhan period, in …

| Entertainment Desk | (2011-04-24). Syra Yousuf, Sharmila Faruqui weave messages of solidarity with Palestine in their mehendi designs. In an expressive display of solidarity with Palestine, Pakistani actor Syra Yousuf has taken to social media to showcase her unique mehendi design, sending a powerful message of support. On her Instagram Story, Yousuf revealed a minimalistic design adorning her hands, featuring delicate vines wrapping around her fingers and the word "Falasteen" – the Arabic name for Palestine – elegantly inscribed in cursive on her palm. | Adding a deeper layer of meaning to her artistic statement, the actor chose to overlay the image with a poignant reminder, an English translation of a verse from the Quran: "And do not lose…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Work underway to redevelop Asia's largest slum in India, but some residents express concern. Mumbai's Dharavi slum is home to 1 million residents and spans about 600 football fields. Its long-awaited redevelopment has led to anxiety, but some residents also welcome the changes. (2024-04-11). NSW counter-terrorism police raid artist over support for Palestine. (2024-04-11). U.S. inflation rises, casting doubts on rate cuts by Fed. The U.S. consumer price index (CPI), a measure of goods and services prices across the economy, rose 3.5 percent in March from a year earlier, the Labor Department said Wednesday.

| news.desk | (2011-04-24). Memon vows to take decisive action against drug dealers. Sindh Minister for Information, Mass Transit, and Narcotics, Sharjeel Inam Memon, on Thursday, vowed to take decisive action to combat the scourge of drugs and protect the younger generation from its harmful grip. | Speaking at a high-level gathering today at Shahbaz Hall, Hyderabad, Memon expressed deep concern over the escalating presence of narcotics, especially within educational institutions. | He stressed the urgency of curbing this trend and directed Secretary Excise and IG Hyderabad, Tariq Dharejo, to launch coordinated operations against drug peddlers. He also urged them to keep the Sindh Information… (2024-04-11). Zionist on remand for placing bomb on Palestine activist's ute. (2024-04-11). China not to blame for prices. China should not be blamed for offering cost-effective new energy technologies and products to the world amid rising accusations of so-called overcapacity concerns, industry experts said on Wednesday. (2024-04-11). 1,500-year-old noble tomb found in E China. A noble tomb dating back to the Six Dynasties period (222-589) has been found in Zhenjiang, East China's Jiangsu Province, according to the city's cultural relics and archaeology institute.

Anand Naidoo (2024-04-11). The Heat: U.S.-Japan Relations. (2024-04-11). China criticizes Fitch's sovereign rating downgrade. Rating agency Fitch's sovereign credit rating methodology and indicator system have failed to effectively take into account the positive role of China's fiscal policies.

Iain Bruce (2024-04-11). Ecuador's Indigenous movement calls for an international movement against extractive industries.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Former West Java governor Ridwan Kamil could win major parties' backing to run for Jakarta governor. Golkar and Gerindra could support Mr Ridwan, a rising star in Indonesian politics. Golkar will also support President Joko Widodo's son-in-law to run for North Sumatra governor in the November local elections.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Russia's Lavrov Calls for BRICS Counterterror Cooperation After Concert Hall Attack. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov urged the nine-nation BRICS group of developing economies on Thursday to enhance cooperation in the fight against terrorism following a deadly attack on a concert hall near Moscow last month. (2024-04-11). Campaign launched for Colombian unionist seeking political asylum.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). CNA Explains: South Korea's opposition won a landslide election vote. Now what? President Yoon Suk-yeol will slip into "lame duck" status for the remainder of his term, observers say.

nosihle (2024-04-11). Praise for measures to prevent Gauteng minibus shutdown. Praise for measures to prevent Gauteng minibus shutdown | Gauteng MEC for Transport and Logistics Kedibone Diale-Tlabela has commended the Gauteng Taxi Industry (GTI) for their proactive measures that prevented a planned shutdown of minibus taxi services operated by the Witwatersrand African Taxi Association. | The Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport received intelligence from law enforcement agencies warning of the intended shutdown scheduled for Wednesday, which posed a threat to the daily commute of residents, particularly in Dube, Nancefield, Jabulani and Zola. | The Department said the situation arose…

NEOB (2024-04-11). Growth of artisanal and small-scale miners key to transformation. Growth of artisanal and small-scale miners key to transformation | Mineral Resources and Energy Deputy Minister, Dr Nobuhle Nkabane, has assured artisanal and small scale miners that government will continue to provide support and assistance to facilitate their growth in the mining sector. | The Deputy Minister was delivering a keynote address at the inaugural Artisanal Small-Scale Miners and Emerging Miners Symposium hosted by Mintek in Randburg on Thursday. | "As part of government's efforts to grow a globally competitive and transformed mining sector, the department…introduced the artisanal and small-scale m… (2024-04-11). Hardeep Nijjar killing: 'We have stood up for Canadians,' Justin Trudeau affirms defense of Canadians. Hardeep Nijjar killing: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who testified at a public inquiry looking into foreign interference in Canada's electoral process said that his government was firm on the issue of protecting Canadians, including addressing the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was shot dead in Surrey last June.During a hearing of the Foreign Interference Commission which is headed by Quebec judge Marie-Josee Hogue, Trudeau accused the previous Conservative government in the country of being "cosy" with the current Indian government. | Asked about foreign interference during the 2019 elections an…

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). 'Incompetent' Western Leaders Better 'Think Twice' Before Provoking China. Tensions between the US and China have grown as the US has been more aggressive asserting itself in the South China Sea, started military alliances with Australia and Japan and placed US troops on small Taiwanese islands within eyesight of the Chinese mainland.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Russia Worried US Decision to Put Mid-Range Missile System in Asia-Pacific Final. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia is worried that the US decision to deploy intermediate-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific region is irreversible, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Thursday. (2024-04-11). EU wind turbine subsidy probe unfair, regressive. A probe launched by the European Union into subsidies received by Chinese suppliers of wind turbines to the continent, will harm the legitimate rights of domestic businesses to engage in fair competition and undermines the stability of global industrial and supply chains.

| Name (2024-04-11). CPJ welcomes South Africa's abolition of criminal defamation, calls for further legal reforms. (2024-04-11). Basic insurance fund operations stable, but challenges remain. China's basic medical insurance fund had garnered 3.4 trillion yuan ($470 billion) in revenue by the end of last year, and authorities said that the fund is operating in the black, but barely.

Collective (2024-04-11). Free Boris Kagarlitsky and all other Russian anti-war political prisoners! Also published at – | / | (2024-04-11). China's CPI up 0.1% in March. China's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, rose 0.1 percent year-on-year in March, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Thursday.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Foreign investors snap up Japanese stocks for bargains.

Collective (2024-04-11). Freedom for the Zaragoza 6! (2024-04-11). PM Modi urges urgent addressal of India-China border situation. PTC News Desk: Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the urgency of addressing the India-China border situation to rectify the existing "abnormality" in bilateral interactions, stressing the significance of the relationship between the two nations. In an interview with Newsweek magazine based in the United States, PM Modi underscored the importance of stable India-China relations not only for the two countries but for the entire world.Expressing his belief in the need for prompt action to resolve the prolonged border situation, PM Modi conveyed his hopes for restoring peace through positive engagement between… (2024-04-11). PKK'lƒ± Kopal Türkiye'de. Gàºvenlik gàºàßleri, terà∂rle màºcadeleyi yurtiàßi ve yurt dƒ±≈üƒ±nda kararlƒ±lƒ±kla sàºrdàºrmeye devam ediyor. PKK yanda≈ülarƒ±nƒ±n gàºnlerdir Fransa'nƒ±n ba≈ükenti Paris'te Türkiye'ye teslim edilmemesi iàßin àßok sayƒ±da olay à߃±karttƒ±klarƒ± PKK'lƒ± terà∂risletlerden Firaz Korkmaz'ƒ±n ardƒ±ndan Kopal da Türkiye'ye getirildi.5 AYR…

Noel Wauchope (2024-04-11). Nuclear lobby manipulates ABC's 7.30.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Norway, US to Build Satellite Station at Norwegian Airbase Andoya. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Washington and Oslo will work together to establish the first temporary satellite station outside the United States at Norway's Andoya airbase in the north of the country, the Norwegian government said.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). Forum in Moldova Without PMR, Russian Participation a Mistake -Transnistria President. TIRASPOL (Sputnik) – The president of unrecognized Transnistria, or the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), Vadim Krasnoselsky, called the forum on Transnistrian settlement scheduled in Moldova for April 11, to which representatives of the PMR and Russia had not been invited, a mistake. (2024-04-11). Open letter to Senator Penny Wong: After 52 years of loyalty I will never vote Labor again. (2024-04-11). Orders surge at China's small commodity hub as Paris Olympics approaches. Orders are surging and factories are rushing to produce goods in Yiwu city, China's small-commodity hub, as the 2024 Paris Olympics is around the corner.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Rome win gives Medvedev confidence for claycourt swing. (2024-04-11). US defence official spills the beans: The real target of AUKUS is China.

Paul Martial (2024-04-11). Desire for change in Senegal. The victory of Bassirou Diomaye Faye, the fruit of popular mobilization, has created a new political situation enabling the radical left to push for a real break with the past. | – | / |

Gabisile (2024-04-11). IEC publishes final candidate lists for upcoming elections. IEC publishes final candidate lists for upcoming elections | The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has released the final lists of political parties and independent candidates that will appear on the various ballot papers in the upcoming National and Provincial Elections. | The IEC published the lists on its website on Wednesday, and has made them available at all of its offices. | According to the election management body, a new and historic feature in National and Provincial Elections (NPE) 2024 is that independent candidates will contest for seats in the National Assembly and provincial legislatures. (2024-04-11). China firmly opposes latest groundless accusations in Philippine media reports. A spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in the Philippines refuted the claims on Wednesday, saying that it was just malicious speculation and groundless accusations against China with the purpose of inciting Sinophobic sentiments in the Philippines.

The Independent (2024-04-11). Deputy IGG: Contractor to return funds incase of failure to meet deadline. Mbarara, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Mbarara City authorities and the Deputy Inspector of Government, Dr. Patricia Achan Okiria, have expressed concerns that the funds allocated for the construction of three roads in Mbarara City might be returned to the treasury if the contractor fails to meet the deadline once again. The joint contract awarded in …

Coral Wynter (2024-04-11). You'll never look at a loaf of bread the same way again. Coral Wynter reviews Ultra-Processed People, by Chris van Tulleken, which looks at the industrialised chemicals and processed components that make up the ultra-processed food we buy in supermarkets. (2024-04-11). Community action behind Blue Mountains Council passing two pro-Palestine motions. (2024-04-11). Government rules ease lending for vehicle purchases. In an effort to boost consumption, China's central bank and the nation's top financial regulatory body have unveiled a new set of rules to make it easier for consumers to take out loans in the purchase of personal vehicles. (2024-04-11). China urges U.S. to correct wrongful actions against Chinese companies. China has urged the United States to immediately correct its wrongful actions and stop the unreasonable suppression of its companies after the U.S. recently added six Chinese companies to its export control "entity list". (2024-04-11). Ticaret Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±: Türkiye'nin kàºresel mal ihracatƒ±ndan aldƒ±ƒüƒ± pay tarihin en yàºksek seviyesine ula≈ütƒ±. Bakanlƒ±ktan yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamada, "Ticaret Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± olarak yaptƒ±ƒüƒ±mƒ±z àßalƒ±≈ümalar neticesinde, DTàñ'nàºn aà߃±klamasƒ±na gà∂re àºlkemizin ihracatƒ±nƒ±n pozitif olarak ayrƒ±≈ütƒ±ƒüƒ±nƒ± gà∂rmekteyiz. Bu kapsamda, Dàºnya Ticaret àñrgàºtຠ(DTàñ) tarafƒ±ndan aàß&…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Robert Downey Jr would 'happily' play Iron Man again. Despite his comments, MCU boss Kevin Feige insisted there are no plans to "magically undo" the character's death in December last year. (2024-04-11). Platform 9 æ appears in Beijing subway. Platform 9 æ, a beloved scene from the iconic Harry Potter series, magically materialized at a station in the Beijing subway on Tuesday, enchanting fans who flocked to capture the moment with their phones. (2024-04-11). Beautiful sunrise scenery of mist-shrouded cole flowers. Aerial view of beautiful sunrise scenery of mist-shrouded sea of cole flowers in Xinghua, east China's Jiangsu Province, April 9, 2024. (2024-04-11). Green Left Show #35: Oppose US plans to draw Australia into war with China. (2024-04-11). U.S. advisory regarding China travel 'makes no sense'. The U.S. Department of State's rating of advisory for travels to China "makes no sense", Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Wednesday, urging the U.S. to revise the advisory.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). 'Allah' socks and shoes: Malaysia needs to put foot down on stamping out violent religious conservatism, say analysts. UMNO youth chief Muhamad Akmal Saleh has spearheaded calls for a boycott of KK Super Mart as an opportunity to gain political mileage, analysts say.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). US Sees Getting People to Mars As Horizon Goal, 'Then Beyond' – NASA. COLORADO SPRINGS (Sputnik) – Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate Associate Administrator Cathy Koerner said on Thursday that sending people to the "Moon, Mars, and beyond" is the roadmap for NASA to venture beyond Earth. (2024-04-11). Preparation for 4th China Int'l Consumer Products Expo in full swing. Aerial view of the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center, the main venue for the 4th China International Consumer Products Expo in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province, April 10, 2024. (2024-04-11). Changsha captures hearts of HK tourists. Changsha, the capital city of Central China's Hunan Province, has captured hearts of Hong Kong residents, following the introduction of direct trains, making travel to the mainland city more convenient.

| Name (2024-04-11). Russia issues arrest warrant for exiled journalist Mikhail Zygar.

| Name (2024-04-11). Lesotho courts dismiss lawsuits seeking closure of 2 newspapers, defamation cases ongoing. (2024-04-11). Nation's 40th Antarctic expedition completed. China's 40th Antarctic expedition concluded on Wednesday with the Xuelong polar icebreaker returning to Qingdao, Shandong province.

Antoine Larrache, Lauriane Misandro, Rafael Bernabe (2024-04-11). Left advance faces lawfare challenge. "What we are experiencing in Puerto Rico is a modality that we know internationally as lawfare, the misuse of the judicial system as a political weapon, in the electoral process." | – | / |

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Analysis:Weak yen may actually deter Bank of Japan from hiking rates soon.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). European Parliament Backs Bill Against Illegal Migration. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The European Parliament on Wednesday approved by a majority of the votes a controversial bill called the "Pact on Migration and Asylum." (2024-04-11). More scrutiny of GM products pledged. China has warned that scrutiny of genetically modified food production will be increased in the coming months, pledging zero tolerance toward illegal trials that can potentially introduce human-engineered genes into the wild and disrupt ecological balances.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Leverkusen brace for biggest day with first Bundesliga title within reach. (2024-04-11). To invest in China is to invest future: FM spokesperson.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Patek Philippe unveils denim-strapped Nautilus, chain-style Golden Ellipse and more. At Watches & Wonders 2024, independent watchmaker Patek Philippe revealed updates to perennial favourites.

NEOB (2024-04-11). Dodgy COVID-19 border fence companies lose appeal application. Dodgy COVID-19 border fence companies lose appeal application | The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has welcomed the dismissal of an application for special leave to appeal related to the construction of the border fence between South Africa and Zimbabwe at a cost of R40 million. | The application, brought by Caledon River Properties and Profteam CC, was aimed at overturning a High Court decision to strip them of profits earned from the construction of the fence. | The judgement was handed down by the Supreme Court of Appeal. | "The SIU welcomes the Supreme Court of Appeal's order, which enforces the implementat… (2024-04-11). Jewish Council of Australia: 'Stop silencing Palestinian voices'.

NEO (2024-04-11). Massification of skills development and job creation programmes to combat unemployment. Massification of skills development and job creation programmes to combat unemployment | By Minister Thulas Nxesi | I believe that we can all agree that, at the end of the day, a decisive reduction in the unacceptably high level of unemployment is dependent on higher economic growth resulting in more jobs. This process is led by business investing in the private sector with resultant economic development and rising employment. | Nonetheless, as the President has argued, government as the largest employer in the country and a large-scale procurer of goods and services, has a major role to play both to create an en…

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). 'Lame duck' South Korean president reels from election debacle. (2024-04-11). Xinjiang holds exchange event with foreign diplomats. Authorities from Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held an event in Beijing on Wednesday to introduce the economic and social development and human rights protection in the region, with more than 70 foreign diplomats.

Fred Fuentes (2024-04-11). Megan Krakouer, Nasser Mashni and Clifton D'Rozario to address Ecosocialism 2024. First Nations leader Megan Krakouer and Indian communist Clifton D'Rozario have been confirmed to speak at the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War being held in Boorloo/Perth over June 28—30. Fred Fuentes reports. (2024-04-11). Guangdong to recruit HK, Macao graduates. Public service organizations in cities across Guangdong province plan to recruit 4,722 young graduates from the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions this year — accounting for more than 35 percent of their total recruitment. (2024-04-11). 'Taiwan Relations Act' illegal and invalid, says mainland spokeswoman. The so-called "Taiwan Relations Act" by the United States is completely wrong, illegal and invalid, a Chinese mainland spokeswoman on Wednesday.

| Entertainment Desk | (2011-04-24). From monochromes to classic colour combos, Pakistani celebs serve desi glam on Eidul Fitr 2024. Eid ul-Fitr 2024 was celebrated with traditional fervour and joy, marked by the gathering of families, sharing of sweets, and, of course, the exchange of Eidi. But what truly caught the eye this year were the stunning fashion statements made by Pakistani celebrities, whose Eid looks became the talk of the town and lit up social media with their elegance and style. | Renowned for their impeccable taste and fashion sensibilities, stars from Sajal Ali to Sadaf Kanwal dazzled fans with their choice of traditional attire, each bringing their unique flair to the festive season. Here's a closer look at some of the mo… (2024-04-11). 50 mln ton increase in food targeted by 2030. The central government has issued a guideline that aims to increase China's annual food production capacity by more than 50 million metric tons by 2030, with a focus on corn and soybean, the National Development and Reform Commission. (2024-04-11). NetEase Inc renews game partnership with Blizzard. Chinese internet company NetEase Inc has renewed its partnership with United States-based online game company Blizzard Entertainment to bring the latter's popular game services back to China this summer.

| Name (2024-04-11). Togolese authorities release journalist Apollinaire Mewenemesse with conditions.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). S.Korean Opposition Wins Landslide Victory in Parliamentary Election. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – South Korea's opposition Democratic Party and its satellite Democratic United Party have won a landslide victory in the parliamentary elections, winning 175 of the 300 seats in the National Assembly, the South Korean National Election Commission said on Thursday after processing 100% of the ballots. (2024-04-11). Bus falls into ravine in Pakistan's Balochistan; 17 pilgrims dead, 38 injured. PTC News Desk: Tragedy struck near the border of Pakistan's Sindh and Balochistan provinces as a bus carrying pilgrims to the remote Muslim Sufi shrine Shah Noorani in Khuzdar district plunged into a deep ravine. The incident, which occurred in the town of Hub, resulted in the loss of 17 lives and left 38 others injured.Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi extended condolences to the victims' families, attributing the accident to the driver's apparent loss of control at a bend in the road. The passengers, all hailing from Thatta town in Sindh province, were en route to the shrine when the tragic event unfolded approxi… (2024-04-11). Greens MP: Meta's removal of Green Left's Facebook page 'a disgrace'.

The Independent (2024-04-11). Airtel remits Shs 34.8 billion rural communication levy. The funds will be usd to facilitate access to communication services in underserved areas Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Telecom firm, Airtel Uganda, has handed over Shs 34.8 billion to the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) in fulfillment of the Communications Act, aimed at bolstering the nation's communication infrastructure. This contribution comes on the heels of …

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Uniqlo operator Fast Retailing says Q2 profit rose 7.2%.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Drained Zampa looking to rest up for World Cup after IPL withdrawal.

channelnewsasia (2024-04-11). Meta to blur Instagram messages containing nudity in latest move for teen safety.

sputnikglobe (2024-04-11). YARS: Unstoppable Russian Missile That Can Create Nuclear Apocalypse. One of the most destructive weapons in Russia's arsenal that is capable of reducing entire cities to smoldering craters has been involved in a military exercise conducted recently in the depths of Siberia.

NEOB (2024-04-11). Well wishes for Muslim communities. Well wishes for Muslim communities | President Cyril Ramaphosa has sent his well wishes for a blessed Eid ul Fitr to Muslim communities around South Africa. | Eid ul Fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadaan observed by Muslim people around the world. | "The holy month of Ramadan encompasses spirituality, personal introspection and good deeds that contribute to the wellbeing of Muslims and people other faiths alike. At a time when there is so much wrong with the world, at a time when human suffering, hardship and injustice is laid bare, the spirit of Ramadan inspires us all. | "May today be a joyous celebr…

Michelle Pini (2024-04-11). Uniting Australia with Vikki Campion's fast-asleep, anti-woke Anzac bikkie tins.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-04-11). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Organizaciones de DD.HH. han realizado varios llamados a un alto al fuego inmediato ante la grave situación que se vive en los territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-04-11). Ataque israelí asesina a tres hijos del líder político de Hamás. Ismail Haniye afirmó que "esta sangre solo nos hará más firmes en nuestros principios y adhesión a nuestra tierra".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-11). Fuerzas policiales reprimen movilización en Argentina. Mientras las columnas avanzaban con cientos de manifestantes que cortaron la avenida 9 de Julio, ellos reclamaron alimentos ante la crisis económica y social que vive el país.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-04-11). Canadá se prepara para fuerte temporada de incendios forestales. El ministro de Recursos Naturales, Jonathan Wilkinson, señaló: que "siempre se han producido incendios forestales en todo Canadá", que "lo nuevo es su frecuencia e intensidad".

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-11). Presidente Gustavo Petro concluye visita a Venezuela. El mandatario colombiano destacó que su visita a Venezuela tuvo como propósito profundizar en la agenda común.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-11). Venezuela denuncia compra de patrullero por parte de Guyana. La vicepresidenta aseveró que Venezuela continuará vigilante de estas acciones realizadas por Guyana.

teleSUR, ahf, JGN (2024-04-11). Pueblo de Jordania se manifiesta en apoyo a Gaza. El pueblo jordano ha llenado las arterias principales portando banderas palestinas y carteles con mensajes que reclaman un cese al fuego en territorio gazatí.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-11). Rusia abre causa penal por terrorismo contra EE.UU. La causa de la demanda se debe a que altos funcionarios de EE.UU. y países de la OTAN pueden estar involucrados en financiamiento de actividades terroristas.

teleSUR, MER (2024-04-11). Lanzan la Gran Misión Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología en Venezuela. El jefe de Estado indicó que esta gran misión contará con cinco vértices, dando resultados de un nivel de conocimiento y de producción científica del mayor nivel.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-04-11). Argentinos marcharán en defensa del presupuesto universitario. La movilización también se hará en rechazo a la situación de las universidades nacionales que es crítica.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-04-11). Exvicepresidente Jorge Glas comienza huelga de hambre en cárcel de Ecuador. El exvicemandatario ecuatoriano describió los atropellos y la violencia que sufrió durante su secuestro en la Embajada mexicana y su traslado a un centro penitenciario.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-11). México ratifica denuncia contra Ecuador en Corte de La Haya. La decisión mexicana se da un día después de que la canciller Alicia Bárcena solicitara a la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños sumarse a la demanda contra Ecuador.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-04-11). Fiscal general de Venezuela detalla el desmantelamiento de trama de corrupción. Indicó que en la primera fase de PDVSA-Crypto que arrancó en marzo, resultaron detenidas 54 personas, mientras que en la segunda han sido encarceladas tres.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-04-11). Presidente de Ecuador viaja a EE.UU. en medio de crisis de la embajada. Aunque no hay detalles del viaje, por su carácter privado, Noboa viajó acompañado del coronel Edwin Godoy Pasquel, jefe de Seguridad de Casa Presidencial.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-04-11). Juez argentino congela bienes de expresidente Alberto Fernández. Las indagaciones judiciales se refieren a una presunta corrupción en torno a la contratación de seguros del Estado durante su Gobierno.

teleSUR, idg, JDO (2024-04-11). Presidente de Mozambique se reúne con familiares de víctimas de naufragio. Hasta el momento se contabilizan 29 supervivientes, tres desaparecidos y un centenar de muertos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-11). Ataque con arma blanca deja un muerto y un herido en Burdeos, Francia. Aunque el agresor huyó de la escena del crimen, fue neutralizado por las fuerzas del orden.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-11). Confirman sedes de las finales de la Copa Sudamericana 2024 y 2025. La capital paraguaya Asunción y Santa Cruz de la Sierra, en Bolivia, son las ciudades seleccionadas para la celebración del evento deportivo en cada año respectivamente.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-04-11). Fiscalía de Perú incauta Rolex al gobernador regional de Ayacucho. La Fiscalía de Perú anunció el 19 de marzo el inicio de investigaciones preliminares contra Dina Boluarte por presunto enriquecimiento ilícito y falta de declaración de propiedad de relojes de lujo Rolex.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-04-11). Gobierno de Guatemala decreta estado de calamidad tras incendios. Durante 30 días, el decreto regirá a nivel nacional.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-04-11). Confirman tercer caso de gusano barrenador en humanos en Costa Rica. Se trata un hombre de la localidad de San Vito de Coto Brus, cerca de la frontera con Panamá.

teleSUR, dcdc, JGN (2024-04-11). Aumentan las muertes por hepatitis por falta de tratamiento. De acuerdo con el Informe Mundial sobre la Hepatitis 2024 de la OMS, la enfermedad es la segunda causa infecciosa de muerte en el mundo, con 1.3 millones de fallecimientos al año.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-04-11). Suspenden comparecencia de ministros por caso de Embajada de México. El presidente de la Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales declaró en reserva la sesión, lo cual fue rechazado por los legisladores de la opositora Revolución Ciudadana.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-04-11). Detienen a policía por asesinato de normalista de Ayotzinapa. David "N" es imputado por el delito de homicidio calificado con ventaja en grado de tentativa en contra del estudiante de la Escuela Normal Rural Raúl Isidro Burgos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-11). EE.UU. considera retirar proceso legal contra Julian Assange. "Estamos considerándolo", declaró el presidente a medios de prensa en la Casa Blanca, tras ser interrogado al respecto.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-04-11). Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile convoca a paro nacional. Se sumarán las educadoras de la primera infancia contra la aprobación de la Ley Universal de Sala de Cuna.

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-11). Rwanda: A look back at the 1994 genocide.

Capire, Helena Zelic, Tica Moreno (2024-04-11). The Voices of Palestinian Women.

The Committee for the Respect of Freedoms, Human Rights in Tunisia (2024-04-11). Tunisian authorities strive to legalize racism with European blessing.

CADTM International, PSOL, PT (2024-04-11). Ist International Antifascist Conference.

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-11). Theoretical lies of the World Bank. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Aamanur Rahman, Abdul Khaliq, Amali Wedagedara, David Calleb Otieno, Eric Toussaint, Solange Koné (2024-04-11). New International Debt Crisis.

Michael Roberts (2024-04-11). Profits: margins and rates. US corporate profit margins are at record highs, despite slowing price inflation and rising wage increases. Looking at the whole US economy, non-financial sector profit margins are at their highest level in the 21st century (over 16%) and not far short of the record levels of the 'golden age' of capitalist growth in the mid-1960s.
| And just looking at the net profit margins (that's after deducting all unit costs of production) for the top 500 companies in the US, it's the same story.
| Source: (…) | – | /…

Shawn Fain (2024-04-11). Shawn Fain: Workers Deserve More Time for Themselves.

Farooq Sulehria (2024-04-11). Economy and history.

Eric Toussaint (2024-04-11). The South Korean miracle is exposed.

newarab (2024-04-11). Israeli leaders could oppose phased Gaza ceasefire agreement. High-level The

newarab (2024-04-11). Israel kills 14 Palestinians in Gaza Eid Al-Fitr airstrikes. Israel bombed apartment buildings in The air strikes targeted both Jabalia and Nuseirat, killing 14 members of the Abu Youssef family, according to Gaza authorities. | Gaza's government media office described the attack in Nuseirat as a "massacre" and said the Israeli army was continuing its war of "genocide and ethni…

newarab (2024-04-11). Israel is carrying out an AI-assisted genocide in Gaza. Throughout history, marking people for death with a number or tattoo has become a trait of oppressive regimes. It is a process of And now it's happening to Palestinians. | Palestinians in Gaza are given an

newarab (2024-04-11). Israeli MK says secret plans underway for Gaza resettlement. Israeli Knesset member Limor Son Har-Melech has said that there are "secret" Israeli plans to settle in Har-Melech, a

newarab (2024-04-11). Palestinians try to find joy in Eid amid Israeli bombings. Palestinians in Many gathered in the rubble of destroyed mosques across Gaza, to perform special Eid prayers in congregation. | Local Palestinian media reported that volunteers and activists also launched a campaign to distribute toys to wounded ch…

newarab (2024-04-11). Diaa al-Kahlout recalls 33 harrowing days in Israeli custody. Diaa Al-Kahlout, the veteran Gaza bureau chief for the Qatari London-based newspaper On December 7, Diaa Al-Kahlout was

newarab (2024-04-11). Iran says could close Hormuz Strait, amid Israel 'threat'.

newarab (2024-04-11). Europe Jewish leader hits out at Ben-Gvir over antisemitism. A senior European Jewish leader has accused extremist Israeli National Security Minister Ariel Muzicant, president of…

newarab (2024-04-11). Canadian embassy in Damascus damaged by Israeli strike.

newarab (2024-04-11). Israel strike kills three of Hamas leader Haniyeh's sons. The bombing, which targeted a civilian vehicle in north Gaza's Al-Shati refugee camp, also killed several of his grandchildren, the Al-Jazeera news network reported. | There were at least five people killed, Al-Jazeera j…

newarab (2024-04-11). US envoy asked Middle East foreign ministers to mediate with Iran. The U.S. Middle East envoy called the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Iraq to ask them to deliver a message to Iran urging it to lower tensions with Israel following an White House Middle East czar Brett McGurk asked the officials to contact the Iranian foreign minister to convey a message that Iran should de-escalate with Israel, which they did, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymit…

newarab (2024-04-11). Iran seeking free trade agreement with Lebanon. The Director General of the West Asia Office of the Iranian Trade Development Organisation, Abdul Amir Rabihawi, said that work is underway to expand the existing bilateral trade agreement into a free-trade agreement. | Lebanon and Iran signed a framework bilat…

newarab (2024-04-11). Egyptian media syndicate condemns journalist's disappearance.

newarab (2024-04-11). US-sanctioned Lebanese man moving money to Hamas killed.

newarab (2024-04-11). Thousands of Palestinians mark Eid al-Fitr at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

newarab (2024-04-11). Syria regime appoints Suheil Hassan as special forces head.

newarab (2024-04-11). German police arrest Iraqi couple suspected of enslaving Yazidi girls. German police have arrested an Iraqi couple alleged to be Twana H. S. and Asia R. A., whose surnames were not released under German privacy law, were arrested on Tuesday for their treatment of the girls between 2015 and 2017 in Iraq and Syria. | Prosecutors said the girls were physically abused, repeatedly raped and banned from practicing their religion. The c…

newarab (2024-04-11). Can Gaza trigger a 'Palestinian Spring' in the Arab world.

newarab (2024-04-11). Activists target UK Ministry of Defence over Gaza support.

newarab (2024-04-11). Ireland poised to recognise independent Palestinian state.

newarab (2024-04-11). Released Bahraini political prisoners chant for Palestine. Around 600 political prisoners in The released prisoners left the jail "with their heads held high and chanting for Palestine", Bahraini human rights defender and activist Maryam Al-Khawaja said, while videos showed them clapping, chanting and celebrating. | Some waved Palestinian flags, while others praised the Prophet Muhammad. | The release comes…

newarab (2024-04-11). Will Iraq's Muqtada al-Sadr end his political quarantine. In the intricate landscape of Recently, signs have emerged indicating al-Sadr's return to the political forefront after a period of strategic Muqtada al-Sadr has a…

newarab (2024-04-11). A Turkey of an Election for Erdogan>. The recent local elections in Turkey did not go to plan for President Erdogan. | The voters sent a clear message to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) party and the strongman president, when they voted in unprecedented numbers for the opposition Republican People's Party (CHP). | The CHP took control of Turkey's biggest cities and also managed to make significant headway into provinces that had been traditional AKP territory. | Additionally, the AKP also lost out to the New Welfare Party (YRP), and Islamist party, who collected former AKP voters, who were angered by Erdogan's Gaza policy. | The rec…

newarab (2024-04-11). Biden: Netanyahu's approach to war in Gaza is a 'mistake'.

newarab (2024-04-11). US to make additional funding in response to Sudan conflict. The U.S. will make a push of more than a hundred million in additional funding to respond to the Special Envoy Tom Perriello told Reuters he hopes that partners around the world will put greater priority on the Sudanese civil war and that more countries will step up at a donor conference in Paris on April 15. | The da…

Larry Johnson (2024-04-11). More on Terrorist Financing and CIA Ties. Colombian "Bricks" of US Dollars used for Gold Purchase in Panama | You will hear a common theme from U.S. Government officials involved in counter terrorism about "following the money." The sad truth, however, is most have no clue about how to do that. When I, along with five other partners, formed BERG Associates LLC in 1998, we carved out a niche as a unique group of specialists in money laundering investigations. The star of our team, John Moynihan, is a forensic accountant who did four years with DEA running its undercover money laundering operations in New York City. I learned a lot from John. He is a ce…

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